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Full text of "A synopsis of the peerage of England; exhibiting, under alphabetical arrangement, the date of creation, descent and present state of every title of peerage which has existed in this country since the conquest.."

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i^  S^OO. 




0  A 





^i^e  S>ate  of  ^reatiottt 






-      NICHOLAS    HARRIS  ^ICOLAS,    Esq. 





For  C.  Md  J.  RtvingtoD,  St.  Paul's  Charchyard  and  Waterloo  Plac*; 
T.  Egerton,  Whitehall;  J.  CathelJ,  Middle  Row,  liotborn;  J.  aad 
W.  T.  Clarke,  Portugal  Street,  Lincoln's  Tnn  ;  Longman  and  Co.  Pater- 
noster Row;  T.  Cadell,  Strand;  J.  Richardson,  Royal  Exchange; 
J.  Booth,  Duke  Street,  Portland  Chapel ;  J.  Booker.  New  Bond  Street; 
Kingsbury  and  Co.  Leadenhail  Street;  Baldwin  and  Co.,  S.  Bagster,  and 
HamUton  and  Co., Paternoster  Row;  J.  Hatchard  and  Son,  Piecadilly ; 
J.  Harding,  St.  Jameses  Street;  Rodwell  and  Martin,  New  Bond  Street; 
O.  B.  Whittaker.  Ave-Maria  Lane;  B.  Lloyd  and  Sooj  Harley  Street; 
and  R.  SaoBdcrs,  Fleet  Street. 



Titlei  of  Peeimge,  in  strictly  alphabetical  order,  tontx"  ) 

nuAl,M.  toZ. ^ 

References  to  Proofs  of  Barons'  Sittings  in  Parliament    •      715 
Bsrons'  Letter  to  the  Pope,  anno  39  Edward  I.  with 

Observations  thereon 

Index  to  Proofs  of  Barons' Sittings 810 

Siicoeuion  of  Bishops  and  Archhuhopt 618 

Alphabetical  List  of  Knights  of  the  Gwter 914 

Alphsbetical  List  of  Knighu  <^  the  Bath  from  the  Re-  ] 

vival  of  that  Order  in  1 735  '        * 

MimO  JUL  8    1913 






I.       1796.      George  Macartney,    1st  Earl  Macartney  in 
Ireland ;  Created  Baron  Macartney  of  Park- 
burst,  CO.  Surrey,  and  of  Auchinleck  in  the 
I  Stewartry  of  Kirkcndbrigbt,  8  June,  1796, 

'  K.B. ;  ob.  1806,  fl.  P.  when  all  bis  titles  be- 




I  I.       1679.  l.Cbar]esGerard,l8t  Baron  Gerard  of  Brandon; 

I  Created  Viscount  Brandon,  co.  Suffolk,  and 

I  £»rl  of  Macclesfield,  co.  Cheshire,  S3  July, 

I  .  1679;  ob.  1694.  ^ 

I  II.     1694.  9.  Charles  Gerard,  s.  andb.  ob.  1701,  s.  p. 

III.  1701.  3.  Fitton  Gerard,  brother  and  heir  $    ob.  1702, 

s.  p.  when  bis  honors  became 

IV.  1731.  I-  Thomas  Parker,  1st  Baron  Parker  of  Maccles. 
I  field  ;  Created  Viscount  Parker  of  Ewelnie, 
'  CO.  Oxford,  and  Earl  of  Macclesfield,  co. 
I  Cheshire,  with  remainder,  failing  bis  issue 
I  male,  of  the  dignities  of  Baroness  and  Vis- 
countess Parker  and  Countess  of  Maccles- 
field to  his  daughter  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Wil- 
liam  Heathcote,  Esq.  and  of  the  Barony  and 
Visconntcy  of  Parker  and  Earldom  of  Mac 
clesfield  to  her  issue  male,  5.  Nov.  1721 ;  Lord 
Chancellor  I7I8;  ob.  1738. 

V.  1732.  S.  George  Parker,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1764. 

VI.  1764.  3. Thomas  Parker,  s.  andb.  ob.  1:00* 
VOL.  II.  A         - 



L      IfiSS.  1.1 

Utma^  Kaft.  Mi  wi^mm  if  Sr  Miyfe 
Fmc^  BHt.  Ckoiiid  T- 1 II ill  III  •!  IfaU. 
■I— t,  «L  Km»  •  J^f»  ICZS;  CraMcd 
CHMtts  «r  WiBclKlmS J^  IfiS;  ok 

t       163SLSLSwnaBB  R^aiBM-iLaidKBarior 
WmAdHB^  Tiie  Wbkxsuba. 


L     H.JI.      WahcricllHKs  kli  S»  Km^*s  iecs  w 
1187;  akLatell91»a^tfwhnep«laiij 




f.    Watl.l,Wiili—iM«let;cMicit0EtiwwlmtliWil- 

K— tl«  Conqiyeiof  ;  ohw  •••• 
II.  Hca.I.S.Robcrtifalet,s.andli.GmtClwaiWfl«inor 

Eoglndi  didslieritcd  and  baniihed. 

L     RIL      WiMiam  llalet,  Lotd  of  Dmefdl,  to.  Somenet^ 
1168;  IrianMCMMrvas 

IL   Jdba.      WilHaM  Malet,  Lord  of  Cowy  Malct,  ccSomeir- 
•et;  ha  was  one  oltlie  celebrated  95  Barons  aj 
polstcd  to  enforee  tbe  observance  of  Magm 
Cbabta;  ob  ante  1924,  a.  p.  m.  leavins  t«' 
dao^ters  and  cobeirs,  nm.  Mabell,  wife 
Httgli  da  Vivonia,  and  Helewise^  wife,  6rst  * 
Sir  Hugb  Pointz,  and  secondly,  of  Robert  i| 



MARainsATB>  I  aaniurjTt  1715— JForfMtet  1738. 

Vide  Whabton. 


I.  1788. — I.    1800.   1.  Janaet    Harrii  i    Created   Baron 

Malmeibaiy  of  Malmeibury,  co, 
Wilts,  19  Sept.  1788;  Created 
Viscount  FiU-Harris  of  Hurn 
Court,  CO.  Southamptottt  and  Earl 
of  Malmesbury,  S9  Dec,  1800, 
K.B.S  ob.  1820. 

II.  ••••-^11.  1880.  8.  James  Edward  Harris,  s.  and  h. 

Present  Earl  and  Baron  Malmes* 
bory,  and  Viscount  Fits-Harris 


VucouirrcY,  27  December,  170e. 

Vide  Cholmondblby. 


BABON9.        BARL8. 

!•  1788.— L  1734.  l.Tbomas  Wentwortb  (ton  and  heir 
of  Tliomas  Watson,  who  assumed 
the  name  of  Wentwortb,  2d  son  of 
Edward  2d  Baron  Rockingham)  ; 
Created  Baron  of  Mai  ton,  co.York, 
28  May,  1728;  Created  Viscount 
Higham  of  Higharo  Ferrers,  Baron 
of  Waitb,  CO.  York,  and  of  Harrow- 
den,  CO.  Northampton,  and  Earl 
of  Malton,  co.  York,  19  Nov. 
1734;  succeeded  to  the  Barony  of 
Rockingfoam  26  Feb.  1746;  and 
was  created  Marquess  of  Rockinji:- 
bam  19  April,  1746,  K.B.;  ob. 

II —II.  1750.  2.  Charles  Watson-Wentworth,  Mar- 
quess of  Rockingham;  Created 
Baron  and  Earl  of  Malton  in  Ire- 
land vita  patris,   17    Sept.  1750, 


K.  q.;  ob.  1782,  8.  p.  when  all  hii 
honors  became 



I.  1330.  I.John  Maltraven;  Summ.  to  Pari.  5  June, 
4  Edward  III.  1330,  and  18  Nov.  25  Edw.III. 
1351.  Dagdale  states,  that  John  Maltravers, 
the  father  of  this  Baron,  and  this  John  were  both  Sum* 
moned  to  Parliament  1  Edw.  III.  but  on  examining  the 
Summonses  in  that  year  it  appears,  that  they  were 
merely  summoned  to  be  at  Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  '*  cum 
equis  et  armis."  The  Index  to  bis  List  of  Summonses 
asserts  that  this- Baron  was  likewise  summoned  35  Edw. 
HI.  but  that  Writ  was  eTidently  not  a  Summons  to  Parlia- 
ment ;  ob.  1364,  leaving  his  grand-daughter  (daughter  of 
John  Maltravers,  his  eldest  son,  ob.  v.  p.)  Eleanor,  wife  of 
John  Fitz-Alan,  2d  son  of  Richard  XII.-9th  Earl  of  Arun- 
del, his  next  heir,  and  which  John  Fitz-Alan  is  often  styled 
Baron  Maltravers  jure  uxoris,  but  be  was  never  Summoned 
to  Parliament  by  that  title*.  John  Fitz-Alan  bis  grand- 
son, succeeded  as  XV.- 12th  Karl  of  Arundel ;  in  whose  de- 
scendants this  Barony  remained  vested,  and  Thomas,  son 
and  heir  apparent  of  William  XVIIl.-l5th  Earl  of  Arun*- 
del,  and  Henry,  eldest  son  of  William  XX.- 17th  Earl  of 
Arundel,  were  Summoned  to  Parliament  vita  patris  as 
Barons  Maltravers.  Mary  Fitz-Alan,  the  dau.  and  eventu- 
ally sole  heir  of  the  last-mentioned  Henry  Baron  Mal- 
travers (who  succeeded  as  XXI •-18th  Earl  of  Arundel), 
carried  this  Barony  to  her  husband  Thomas  Howard  IX.- 
4th  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  with  the  Earldom  of  Arundel 
it  descended  to  their  son  Philip  Howard,  who  was  attainted 
32  Eliz.  when  it  became  JFQrfeiteD;  it  was,  however, 
restored  to  his  son  Thomas  XXIll.-SOth  Earl  of  Arundel, 
and  by  Act  of  Parliament  3  Car.  I.  this  Barony,  together 
with  the  Baronies  of  Fitz-Alan,  Clun,  and  Oswaldestre, 
was  annexed  to  the  title,  dignity,  and  honor  of  Earl  of 
Arundel,  and  settled  upon  the  said  Thomas  Howard,  then 
Earl  of  Arundel  and  Surrey,  and  bis  heirs  male,  with 
remainder  to  the  heirs  of  his  body;  remainder  to  bis 

*  It  appears  however  that  this  John  was  Summoned  to  Par- 
nent  (probably  in  consequenee  of  his  marriage)  in  the  Ist,  9d> 
3d  of  Richard  11.  as  <<  Johanni  de  ArundeL"   Vide  p.  29. 


uncle  Lord  William  Howard  and  the  hein  male  of  hit 
body*  with  remainder  to  the  hein  of  hit  body;  remainder 
to  the  aforesaid  Thomas  Earl  of  Arundel  and  Surrey*  and 
^  hU  heirs  for  ever ;  in  consequence  of  which,  the  Barony 
of  Malt  ravers*  with  those  above-mentioned,  is  now  vested 
in  bis  Grace*  Bernard  Edward  present  Duke  of  Norfolk* 
the  heir  male  of  the  said  Thorn u  Earl  of  Arundel  and 
Surrey.  Vide  Arundel  and  Norfolk. 



I.    Steph.  I.  Walcheline  Maminot ;  living  1145. 
n.    H.  II.  S.  Walcheline  Maminot*  s.  and  h.  oh.  ante  1 199, 
8.  p. 


1.  1626.  I.Henry  Montaffu,  1st  Baron  Montagu  of  Kim« 
bolton*  and  Ist  Viscount  Mandeville ;  Cre- 
ated Earl  of  Manchester  5  Feb.  1626 1  Lord 
Treasurer;  ob.  1643. 

lU  1643.  2.  Edward  Montagu*  8.  and  h.  K.B.  and  K.6. 
ob.  1671. 

HI.   1671.  3.  Robert  Montagu,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1683. 

DUKB8.    ' 

IV.  1682.— L  ,1719.  4.Charle8  Moqtagu  s.  and  h.  Created 
Duke  of  Manchester  13  April,  17191 
ob.  1722. 

V — 11. 1723.  5.WiIliam  MonUgu*  8.  and    h.    ob. 

1739*  s.  p. 

VI — UI.1789.:6.Rofaert  Montagu,  brother  and  heir  i 

ob.  1762. 

Vff .— IV.1762.  7.George  Montagu*  s.andh.  ob.  1788. 

VIII...  ..w-^V.  1788.  8.Wil!iam  Montagu*  s.  and  h.  Present 
Duke  and  Earl  of  Manchester*  Vis- 
count Mandeville  and  Baron  Mon« 
tagu  of  Kimbolton.    ^ 



I.  Will.1.  1.  Geoffrey  de  Mandevill;  obtained  divers  Loid^ 
ships  from  William  the  Conqueror. 

II.,  H.L    2.Wimam  de  Mandeville,  8.  and  h. 

IH.' Steph.  3.  Geoffrey  de  Mandeville,  s.  and  h.  Created 
Earl  of  Essex  by  King  Stephen.  VideE^SEX. 





I.      John.  1.  WilliMn  de  ManderiUe,  of  the  same  family  a* 

the  above. 
II.HeD.lII.3.RobertdeMande¥iIle,8.andh.;  livini^  ]S65» 

but  of  whom  Dugdale  gives  no  farther  aeoouut. 

].  H. III.  I.Geoffrey  de  ManderiUe;  presumed  to  hare 
been  brother  of  Robert,  the  last  Baron :  oh. 

If.    £dw.I.  %  John  de  MandeYiUe,  s.  and  h.  ob S.P.K. 

Agnesy  his  daughter,  being  his  heir. 



I.  1630.  1.  Henry  Montagu,  brother  of  Edward  1st  Baroii 
Montagu  of  Boughton  ;  Created  Baron  Mon- 
tagu of  Kimbolton,  co.  Huntingdon,  and  Vise. 
Mandeville,  Dec.  19,  1630;  Created  Earl  of 
Manchester  Feb.  5, 1636.  Vide  Manchester. 



I.      1309*      Baldwin  de  Maners;  Summ.  to  Pari.  36  Oct. 
3  Edw.  II.  1309,  but  never  afterwards;  and 
on  his  death  the  dignity  became 

Dugdale  gives  no  aceountof  this  Baron  in  his  Baronage. 

BAROK.  OP  F08T0N. 

I.  1807«  I.Thomas  Manners  Sutton,  6th  son  of  George 
Manners  Tassumed  the  name  of)  Sutton,  3d 
son  of  John  3d  Duke  of  Rutland ;  Created 
Baron  Manners  of  Foston,  co.  Lincoln,  April 
SO.  1807 ;  Lord  Chancellor  of  Ireland.  Pre- 
sent Baron  Manners  of  Foston.    =p 



I.  1679.  John  Manners,  s.  and  h.  apparent  of  John  IX^ 
8th  Earl  of  Rutland ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  vita  pa- 
iris,  as  "Johanni  Manners  de  Haddon,"  89 
April  and  7  Oct.  31  Car.  II.   1679,  and  1 


March,  n  Car.  IL  1600,  thoocb  ba  raecccdcd 
bit  father  at  X.-9th  Bad  of  Ratland  on  the 
89th  September,  1679  s  Created  MarqueM  of 
Granby  and  Dnke  of  Rutland,  S9  March, 
1703;  in  which di|enity  this  BaionyU  merged) 
ob.  171 1.    Vide  Rutland, 


BAKON  BY  warr. 

I.  1947.  Walter  de  Manny }  Samm.  to  Pari,  from  18 
Not.  81  Edw.  III.  IS47»  to  8  Jan.  44  Edw. 
Edw.  III.  1371.  K.  6.i  ob.  1378*  ■.?.!!• 
Anne,  his  only  child,  married  John  Hattingi, 
Xn.-8d  Earl  of  Pembroke  $  and  on  the  death 
of  their  only  Ittae,  John  XIll.<8d  Earl  of 
Pembroke,  iu  1399»  s*P*  tbia  Barony  became 

I.  1680.  William  Cavendish,  s.  and  h.  of  Charles  Ca> 
vendish  (yoangcr  brother  of  William  I.-lst 
Earl  of  Devonshire),  by  Catherine,  dau.  and 
eventnally  sole  heir  of  Cuthbert,  8d  Baron 
Ogle;   Created  Baron  Ogle,  of  Botbal,  co. 

and  Viscount  Mansfield,  co.  Netting* 

bam,  3d  Nov.  1680;  Created  Earl  of  New- 
castle  7  March,  1651.         Vide  Newcastlb. 
€)ctinct  1691. 

BABOW.        BABL8. 

I.  1756.— 1. 1776. 1.  William  Murray,  4th  son  of  David,  5th 
1. 1798.  Viscoant  Stormont  in  Scotland  ;  Cre- 
ated Lord  Mansfield,  Baron  Mansfield, 
CO.  Notts,  8  Nov.  1756,  to  him  and  his 
heirs  male ;  Created  Earl  of  Mansfield, 
CO.  Notts,  31  Oct.  1776,  with  remainder 
of  the  dignity  of  Countess  Mansfield 
to  Louisa  Viscountess  Stormont,  wife 
of  his  nephew  David  Viscount  Stor- 
munt,  and  after  her  decease  the  Earl- 
dom to  the  heirs  male  of  her  body  by 
her  husband,  David  Viscount  Stormont ; 
Created  Earl  of  Mansfield,  co.  Middle- 
sea,  with  remainder,  failing  his  issue 
male,  to  his   nephew  the  said  David 


Viieount  Storm^t*  Aup.  I,  1793*; 
Lord  Chief  Juttioef  ob.  1793, 8.  p.  when 
the  Barony  became  iStttintt  s  but  the 
dignity  of  Counters  of  Mantfield,  with 
the  precedence  of  31  Oet.  I776«  de» 
cocMTBss.  Tolvedcm 

I.  1793.  8.  Louisa,  dau,  of  Charles  9th  Lord  Cathcart 

in  Scotland^  and  wife  of  David,  7th  Viseount 
Stormonty  nephew  of  the  last  Earl  (her  Lady* 
ahipftfterwarda  married  the  Hon.  Fulke  Gre- 
▼ille)  s  Piresent.  Coantcss  of  MansBeld,  eo. 
Nottingham,  and  the  dignity  of,  Earl  of  Mans- 
field in  Middleiex,  with  the  precedence  of 
SARLi.  Aug.  1, 1793i  devolved  on  her  first  husband, 

II.  1793.  3.  David  Murray,  7th  Viseount  Stormont   In 

Scotland,  K.T.|  ob.  1796, 

III.  1796.  4.  William  Murray,  s.  and  h.    Present  Earl  of 

Mansfield  in  Middlesex,  and  heir-apparent 
to  the  Earldom  of  Mansfield,  co.  Notts ;  also 
Viscount  Stormont  in  Scotland.    =p 



I.  171  !•  1.  Sir  Thomas  Mansell,  4th  Bart.  Created  Ba- 

ron Mansell  of  Margam,  oo.  Glamorgan,  31 
Dec.  1711;  ob.1783. 

II.  1733.  8.  Thomas  Mansell,  grandson  and  heir,  being 

s.  and  h.  of  Robert  Mansell  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Baron ;  ob.  1743,  8.  p. 
HI.  1743.  3.  Christopher  Mansell,  uncle  and  heir,  being  8d 
son  of  Thomas,  Ist  Baron ;  ob.  1 744,  &  p. 

IV.  1744.  4. Bussy  Mansell,  brother  and  heir;  ob.  17&e, 

8.  p.  M.  when  the  title  became 




I.     1806.    1.  Charles    Meadows    (assumed  the   name   of) 
Pierrepont,  VII.- 1st  Barop  Pierrepont  and 

*  The  probable  cause  of  these  limitations  was  the  doctrine  which 
was  held  at  the  time  of  his  first  creation  of  Earl  of  Mansfield,  that 
a  Scot's  Peer  was  disqualified  from  taking  an  English  Peerue 
even  in 'remainder.  After  the  contrary  was  established  to  be  the 
Jaw,  his  Lordship  had,  by  the  new  creation^  the  Earldom  en- 
vied on  his  nephew. 


Viscount  Newark,  ton  of  PhiUp  Meadows,  by 
Frances,  sister  and  heir  of  Evelyn  Pierre- 
pont,  last  Duke  of  Kingston ;  Created  Earl 
Manvers  April  9, 1806  ;  ob.  1816. 
II.  1816.  9.  Charles  Herbert  Pierrepont,  s.  and  b.  Present 
Earl  Manvers,  Viscount  Newark,  and  Baron 
Pierrepont  of  Holme  Pierrepont.    ^ 



I.  1398.  1.  Roger  Mortiners  Created  Earl  of  March  in 
13SB  ;  executed  aad  attainted  in  1330,  when 
the  dignity  became 

U,  1352.  3.  Roger  Mortimer,  grandson  of  the  last  Eari, 
▼is.  s.  and  h.  of  Edmund  Mortimer,  bis  eldest 
son,  who  survived  him,  but  was  not  restored 
to  tbe  Earldom  j  obtained  the  reversal  of  bis 
graudfather*8  AtUinderin  1352;  K.G.;  ob. 

III.  1360.  3.  Edmund  Mortimer,  s.  and  h.    He  married 

Philippa,  dau.  and  heir  of  Lionel  Plantage- 
net,  XJuke  of  Clarence,  3d  son  of  Edward  III. 
through  which  alliance  this  family  afterwards 
became  heirs  to  the  throne;  ob.  1381. 

IV.  1381.  4«  Roger  Mortimer,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1398. 

V.  ]398.  5.  Edmund  Mortimer,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1424,  8.  p. 

when  the  Earldom  became  Cptintt,  Ann» 
his  sister  and  ultimately  sole  heir,  mar- 
ried Richard  Plantagenet,  Earl  of  Cambridge, 
brother  of  the  Duke  of  York,  and  conveyed 
the  right  to  the  Crown  to  the  House  of 
York.  Richard  Plantagenet,  Duke  of  York, 
s.  and  h.  of  the  said  ^rl  of  Cambridge  and 
Ann  Mortimer,  is  by  some  writers  styled 
Earl  of  March;  and  which  title  was  also 
borne,  vita  patris,  by  his  son  and  heir,  Ed- 
ward, afterwards  King  Edward  IV.  though 
no  patent  of  creation  to  the  dignity  ever 
appears  to  have  passed  the  Great  Seal. 

VI.  1479.  1.  Edward  Plantagenet,  Prince  of  Wales,  s.  and 

h.  apparent  of  Edward  IV.  Created  Earl  of 
Salisbury  15  Feb.  I477i  and  Earl  of  March 



and  Pembrok«  8  July*  1479  s  ascended  the 
Throne  April  9»  1483,  as  Edward  V.  wbea 
all  bis  titles  became  merg^  in  the  Crown. 

VII.  1619.  1.  Esme  Stuart,  Lord  of  Aubi^ny  in  France,  Sd 
son  of  Esrae  Duke  of  Lenox  in  Scotland; 
Created  Baron  Stuart  of  Leighton,  of  Leigh 
ton  Broms  wold,  co.  Hunts,  and  Earl  of  March, 
7  June,  1619  J  ob.  1684. 

VIII.1624.  S.  James  Stuart,  8.  and  h.  Created  Duke  of  Rich* 
mond  Aog»  1641,  with  a  special  remainder  i 
K.  G. ;  Ob.  1655. 

rx.    1655.  S.  Esme  Stuart,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1660,  &  p. 

X.  1660.  4.  Charles  Stuart,  Earl  of  Litchfield,  cousin  and 
heir,  being  s.  and  h.  of  George  Stuart,  8d  son 
of  James  VIII.-8d  Earl,  and  1st  Duke  of 
Richmond)  Duke  of  Richmond,  IL9*;  ob* 
1678,  8.  P.  when  all  his  honors  became 

XL    1675.  1  Charles  Lenox,  natural  son  of  Charles  U. 
Created  Baron  of  Setrington ,  co.  York,  Earl  of 
March  and  Duke  of  Richmond,  Aug.  9, 1675. 
Vide  Richmond. 



L  16S6.  I.James  Ley,  1st  Baron  Ley;  Created  Earl  of 
Marlborough,  CO.  Wilts,  1  Feb.  1686;  Lord 
High  Treasurers  oh.  1688. 

II.     1688.  8L  Henry  Ley,  s.  and  h.  oh.  ante  1640. 

I  If.    16. . .  3.  James  Ley,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1665,  s.  p. 

IV.  1665.  4.  William  Ley,  uncle  and  heir,  being  next  bro- 
ther of  Henry  3d  Earl;  ob.  1679,  >•  P*  when 
all  his  honors  became 


IV.  1689.— 1. 1708.  I.John  Churchill,  Ist  Baron  Churchill, 
and  let  Baron  Churchill  in  Scotland  i 
Created  Earl  of  Marlborough,  co. 
Wilu,  April  9,  1689;  Created  Mar- 
quess of  Blandford  and  Duke  of  Marl- 
borough 14  Dec  1708)  all  his  ho- 
nors were  by  Act  of  Parliament  Dec. 
81  >  1706,  settled  on  his  daughtera 
and  their  heirs  male ;  K..  G.  j  ob, 
1788,  8.  p.  M. 


C6iiirrast»  DocBBfls. 

L-^1.  17S3.  8.  Henrietta,  eldest  dau.  and  coheir  of  tbo 
Utt  Duke»  and  wife  of  Francis  Eari  of 
Godolphini  succeeded  by  virtue  of  the 
above- mentioned  Act  of  Parliament  as 
Baroness  Churcbill«  Countess  and  Ducb* 
esss  of  Maiiborougby  and  Marchioness 
of  Blandford,  and  as  Baroness  Church* 

BABU.    miKBt.     bill  in  Scotland ;  ob.  1733,  s. p.m. 

V.  — U.  1738.  8.  Charles  Spencer,  5th  Earl  of  Sunderland, 

nephew  and  heir  of  the  DueheM,  and 
p>andsonof  John,  1st  Doke,  being  9d 
son  of  Cbarlee  third  Earl  of  Saodarlaod, 
by  Ann,  Sd  dau.  and  coheir  of  John,  1st 
Duke;  succeeded,  agreeable  to  the  said 
Act  of  Parliament,  as  Duke  and  Earl  of 
Jilariborougb,  Marquess  of  Blandford, 
Baron  Churchill,  and  also  as  Baron 
Cburchill  in  Scotland  i  succeeded  hia 
brother  Robert  3d  Earl  of  Sunderbind, 
NoY.  S7. 17391  K.G.  j  oh.  1758. 

VI.  ^lU.  1758.  4.  George  Spencer,  s.  and  h.  K.G.  oh.  1817. 
VlL— IV.  1817.  5.  George  Spencer  Tassumed  the  name  of) 

Churchill,  s.  ana  h.  Present  Duke  and 
Earl  of  Marlborough,  Marquess  of  Bland* 
ford.  Earl  of  Sunderland,  Buron  Spencer 
of  Wormleighton,  and  Baron  Churchill  | 
also  Baron  Churchill  in  Scotland.  ^ 



I.  Will. I.  I.Robert  Mannion  obtained  the  Lordship  of 

Tamworth  from  William  the  Conqueror. 

II.  H.  I.  S.  Robert  Marmion,  s.  and  h.  living  1 143. 
in.  H.  II.  3.  Robert  Marmion,  s.  and  b.  ob.  circa  1217. 

IV.  H.  III.  4.  Robert  Marmion,  s.  and  h.  oh.  1841. 

V.  H.  111.  5.  Philip  Marmion,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1893,  s.  P.  M. 

leaving  his  daughters  bis  heirs,  ria.  Joan,  the 
wife  of  William  le  Mostynj  Maaera,  who  mar- 
ried Ralf  de  Cromwell ;  Maud,  wife  of  Ralph  de  Bo rde- 
laye ;  and  by  his  second  wife  a  daughter,  Joane,  who  mar- 
tied,  first.  Sir  Thomas  Ludlow,  whose  son,  Thomas  de 
Ludlow,  left  issue  a  daughter  and  heir,  Margaret,  who 
manying  Sir  John  Dymoke,  Knt.  brought  the  manor  of 

416  MARMIQN. 

Sorivekby,  co.  Lincola^  to  Uiat  familyi  which  manor  bein^ 
held  by  Grand  Se^Jeanty  to  perform  the  offleo  of  ChaiiH> 
pion  at  the  King's  Coroniitiony  the  descendants  of  the 
said  Sir  John  Dymoke  have  frequently  exercised  that  ho- 
norable office  as  Lords  of  the  said  manor.  In  July  1814 
Lewis  Dymoke,  Esq.  the  descendant  of  Sir  John  Dymoke 
above  mentioned,  presented  a  jietition  to  his  late  Ma* 
jesty,  praying  him  to  be  pleased  to  declare  the  petitioner 
entitled  to  the  Barony  of  Marmion  of  Scsivelsby,  in  vifw 
tue  of  the  seisare  of  the  manor  of  Scrivelsby ;  which  Pe- 
tition was  referred  to  the  Attorney  General,  who  having 
reported  thereon,  the  same  was  referred  to  the  House  of 
Lords,  where  evidence  was  received  at  the  bar,  and  the 
Claimant's  Connsei  summed  up,  when  the  Attorney-Ge- 
neral was  heard  in  reply,  and  tendered  some  documents 
on  the  part  of  the  Crown ;  but  the  claimant  died  before 
the  Judgment  of  the  House  was  given. 

With  respect  to  this  claim,  it  is  to  be  observed,  that 
though  the  manor  of  Scrivelsby  was  held  by  the  service  of 
performing  the  office  of  King's  Champion  by  Robert  de 
Marmyon,  in  the  reign  of  William  the  Conqueror,  he  was 

•  not  by  seizure  thereof  a  Baron,  but. by  seizure  of  the 
Castle  and  Barony  of  Tam worth,  which  he  held  of  the 
King  in  capite  by  Knigbt's  service ;  so  that,  if  at  this 

-  period  Baronies  by  Tenure  were  admitted,  the  possessor 
of  the  Manor  and  Lordship  of  .Tamworth,  (which  in  the 

•  division  of  his  property  fell  to  the  share  of  Joane,  his 
eldest  daughter,  wife  of  William  Mosteyn,  and  on  her 
death,  s.  p.  to  Alexander  Freville,  husband  of  Joan,  dau. 
and  heir  of  Ralf  Cromwell,  by  Margaret  or  Mazera,  the 
next  sister  of  the  said  Joan  de  Mosteyn),  would  possess 
the  claim  to  the  Barony  possessed  by  Robert  de  Mar- 
myon above  mentioned,  he  having  derived  his  dignity 
from  that  Barony,  instead  of  from  the  seizure  of  the  ma- 
nor of  Scrivelsby.  Moreover,  if  Philip  Marmion,  the  hist 
Baron,  had  died  seized  of  a  Barony  in  fee,  Lewis  Dymoke 

.  the  claimant  was  not  even  a  coheir  of  the  said  Philip, 
though  he  was  the  descendant  of  one  of  his  daughters 
and  coheirs. 




Jm     J'ubn.    1.  Robert  Marmion,  younger  hair-brotber  of  Ro- 

MARMICm.  417 


belt  Mftrmion,  4th  Lord  of  Tamworth  i  Lord 
of  Witrifigton,  co.  Lincoln;  ob 

21.    H.  in.  9.  WiUiam  MarmioDy  s.  and  b.  ob 

BY  -warr. 

L  1313.  3.  Jobn  Marmlon,  ■•  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
S6July,7Edw.  II.  1313,  to  14  Mareb,  15 
Edw.  If.  1339.  He  was  also  tDmmoned  tbe 
8tb  June,  99  Edw.  I.  1994,  and  9€  Jan.  95 
Edw.  I.  1997;  but  it  it  doubtful  if  eltbcr  of 
tbese  Writs  can  bo  considered  at  a  regular 
Summons  to  Pari.  I  ride  *«CLYvmDoii"  and 
"FiTZ  JoHNj*'  ob.  1399. 

II.  1399.  4.  Jobn  Marmion,  s.  and  h.  Somm.  to  Pirl.  fiom 
3  Dec.  90  Edw.  H.  1396,  to  1  AprU,  9  Edw* 
111.1335$  ob.  1335. 

HL  1335.  5.  Robert  Marmion,  s.  and  h. ;  be  was  nerer  sum* 
rooned;  obi  •. ..,  s.  P.  learinf:  bis  two  si»> 
tert,  y\t.  Joane»  tba  wife  of  Sir  John  Ber- 
naek,  and  AYiee,  the  9d  wife  of  John  n.^th 
Lord  Grey  of  Rotberfieid,  bis  heirs,  bfttween 
whom  this  Barony  fell  into  Abeyancb.  John, 
tbe  eldest  son  of  the  said  Jobn  Lord  Grey 
by  Avice  Marmion,  assumed  the  naoM  of 
Marmion,  and  died  s  P.  in  1385,  leavinf  his 
tiieee,  Elisabeth,  the  sole  dau.  and  heir  of 
Robert,  his  brother,  the  9d  son  of  Avice 
Marmion  and  Lord  Grey,  his  heir ;  sbe  mar* 
ried  Henry  UI.-l  1  tb  Baron  Fitz-Hog b,  K.  G. 
and  ibe>representatives  of  the  Bsrony  of  Fita- 
Ho^  are  consequently  coheirs  of  this  Barony* 


.  MOON  BY  WRIT.  ®'  .     .        ^         r «   .    _^ 

I.  1984.  WiUiam  Marmion,  younger  brother  of  Robert 
Marmion,  4th  Lord  of  Tamworth,  and  also 
brother  of  Robert  1st  Lord  of  Witringtonj 
Somm.  to  Pari.  94  Dec  49  Henry  III.  1964, 
but  neyer  afterwards,  and  as  it  does  not  ap- 
pear that  he. left  issue,  the  Barony  on  his 
'    :    death  probably  became 

VOL.  It. 




I.  1533.    1.  Henry  Marn^;   Created  Baron  M|u>ney  o^ 

Jjsyr  Mamey,  co.  Eiiex,  9  AprU,  1593 ;  K.G.  i 
ob.  1524. 

II.  J  584.    8.  John  Marine/,  s.  and  b,  ob.  1525, 8.  p.  M.  when 

the  title  became 



BAftOMS  BY  TEtruUb 

L    Hen.|.  1. Gilbert  Marefcball,  Marahall  to  the  King; 

II.  Stepb.  8.  John  MaretcbaU,  Manhal  to  the  King  i  pb.  •  • 

III.  Ric.I.  8.  John  Mateacbally  a*  and  h«  Marshall  to  the 

King  I  ob.  1199.  «.?•  leaving  his  brother 
WiUiam  £arl  of  Pembroke  bis  heir. 


BAROKt  BY  TEVUIfRB.  ^'  """" 

I.  John.    I.John  Mnrsbalt  nepbew  to  William  Earl  of 

Bembroke  i  Created  Marshal  of  Ireland  1807i 
ob.  1884. 

II.  1834.  8.  Johik  Marshal,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1848. 

III.  1848.  3.  William  Marshal,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1884. 

IV.  1864.  4.  John  Marshal,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1883. 
.  BY  wnrr. 

I.  1309.  1.  William  Marshal,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  9  Jan.  8  Edw.  H.  I309>  to  96  Not.  7 
Edw.  IL  1313  i  ob.  circa  1314. 

II.  1314.  8.  John  Marshal,  s.  and  b.  he  was  never  Summ« 

to  Pari.;  ob.  circa  1318,  leaving  Hawvse,  wifik 
of  Robert  Lord  Morley,  his  sister  and  heir,  in 
whose  descendants,  the  Barons  Morley,  this 
Barony  became  vested,  and  it  is  now  in  Abey* 
ANCB  among  the  representatives  of  the  Ba- 
imiy  of  Morley. 

Vide  MoBLEY. 


VmcountcY|  88  June,  1801. 

Vide  RoMtiEYr 



I.  .WilU.  I.Martin  de  Toora>  a  Norman  i  a^utred  tbe 

LonUhip  of  Kemyi,  ca  Pembroke. 
If.  HenJ.  8.  Robert  Martin,  8.  and  b.  ob 

III.  H.  II.  3.  William  Martin,  f.  and  b.  ob.  1S09' 

IV.  Jobn.  4.  William  Martin,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1SI5. 

V.  5;N!cbola8  Martin,  s.  and  b.  beeama  Lord  of 

Barnstaple  Jure  uxorit;  ob.  1S88. 


I.  1S95:  6LWilltam  Martin,  prandion  and  beir,  beinr 
1.  and  b.  of  Nicholas  Martin  (ob.  v.  p.)  elden 
ton  of  tbe  last  Baron  i  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
83  June,  83  Edw.  1. 1895,  to  10  Oet,  19  Edw. 
n.  1385;  ob.  1385. 

TI*  1385.  7*  William  Martin,  •.and  b.i  be  Wat  never  Smnov 
to  ParL;  ob.  1386,  •.?.  leaving  Eleaaor,  bit 
•ittefj  wife  of  William  de  Coiumben,  and 
Jamet  son  of  Nicholas  de  Audley  bj  Joana 
Martin,  bis  otber  sister,  bis  next  beirs,  among 
wbote  detcendants  and  repretentativet  tbit 
Barony  lain  Abbvancb. 



L  1881.  l.WUliam  WeUetley  (attumed  tbe  name  oQ 
Pole,  8d  ton  of  Garret  1st  Earl  of  Morning- 
ton  in  Ireland,  and  brother  of  tbe  Marqaese 
Wellesley,  K.  6.  and  of  tbe  Duke  of  Wel- 
linfl^on,  K.  G. ;  Created  Baron  Maryborougb 
of  Maryboroagb,  in  Queen's  Conntv,  15  Aug. 
1881.    Pfeteat  Baron  Maryborongb.  c^ 



I.  nil..  1.  Sir  Samuel  Masham,  4tbBart.|  Created  Ba- 

ron Masbam  of  Otes,  co.  Essex,  31  Dec.  1711; 
ob.  1758. 

II.  1758.    8.  Samuel  Masbam,  s.  and  b.  ob,  1776,  t.  P. 

wbeh  tbe  title  became 



I.    Win.  I.  I.  William  Mauduit,  Chamberlain  to  Henry  I. 
U.  Hen.  L  8.  Robert  Maudait,  s.  and  b.  Chamberlain  to  the 

King ;  ob.  circa  1 135,  a.  p.  m. 
HI.  H.  n.  8.  William  Mauduit,  brother  of  Hubert  the  last 

Baron;   Chamberlain  to  the  Kiiig;    Uvinf 

1197.    His  BQCcessor  was 

IV.  John.  4.  Robert  Mauduit;  ob.  1291. 

V.  H.  HI.  5.  William  Mauduit,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1356. 

VL  H.HI.  6.  William  Mauduit,  s.  and  h.  became  Earl  of 
Warwick  jure  matris.  Vide  Warwick. 

I.  John.  Thomat  Mauduit,  presumed  of  the  same  fa- 
mily, lirins  1341;  of  whom  nothing  more  is 

1.  John.  Robert  Mauduit,  also  of  this  family.  Governor 
of  Dadington  Castle  121€. 



I.  1348.  John  Mauduit,  a  branch  of  the  same  family  ; 
Summ.  to  Pari.  18  Sefrt.  l6Edw.  ill.  1348» 
bttt  never  afterwards ;  ob.  1347>  leaving  John 
his  6.  and  h.  but  neither  this  John  nor  any  of 
his  posterity  were  ever  Somm.  to  Pari,  or 
ranlwd  among  the  Barons  of  the  Realm,  and 
the  Barony  on  the  death  of  the  said  Baron 
became     ^tincc 



I.  Ric.  I.  1.  Peter  de  Mauley ;  obtained  the  Barony  of 
Mulgrave  in  right  of  his  wife,  Isabel,  dau.  of 
Robert  de  Turnham  ;  ob.  1821.  • 

n.  H.  HI.  2.  Peter  de  Mauley,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1242. 

HI.  H.  HI.  3.  Peter  de  Mauley,  s.  and  h.  living  1258;  ob.  •• 


I.  1295.  4.  Peter  de  Mauley,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  as 
«<Petro  de  Malo-lacu,"  from  83  June,  23 
Edw.  I.  1295,  tu  12  Dec.  3  Edw.  II.  1309}  ob. 


.  II.  1310.  &  Beter  de  MwUy,  ••  tod  h.  Sumok  to  P^rK 
M  '«Petro  Malo-Uco/'  from  19  Dee.5  Edw, 
IL  I311«  to  S3  Jan.  9  £dw.  HI.  1386,  aad 
XroQ  24  Aof.  9  Edw.  III.  1336,  to  15  Mareb, 
S8  Edw.  II.  13&4,  at  «  Fttro  de  Malo-laoA  k 
quint  s"  ob.  1355. 

HI.  1355^  ^Peter  de  Mauley,  i.  and  h.  Somn.  to  ParL 

'    from  90  Sept.  89  Edw.  III.  1355,  to  7  Jan.  6 

.    Rie.  IL  1383,  as  «'Petro  de  Malo-laea  le 

sisme,"  though  in  the  last  few  Writs  withoat 

the  addition  of  *<  le  sisme^  t  ob.  1383. 

jy^  1383«  7-  Peter  de  Mauley,  grandson  and  heir,  being  s. 
apd  h.  of  Peter  de  Mauley  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Baron  i  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
18  Aug.  83  Ric  IL  1399,  to  13  Aug.  3  Hen. 

Y.  1415,  as    «<Petro  de  Malo-lacu}'*    ob. 

1415,  s.  P.  leaving  his  sisters,  vis.  Constance, 
set.  30,  who  married,  first,  William  Fairfsz» 
and  Sdl}',  Sir  John  Bigot  i  and  Eliiabetb,  set. 

;  ^  ..   .'   •    "     v8$,  the  wife  of  George  Salvaine,  his  heirs, 

I  .  a^npngst  whose  descendants  and  representa- 

tives this  Barony  is  in  Abbyancb. 



*!•       1638.  l.SirWimamMaynard,  1st  Bart,  and  1st  Ba- 
rbn   Mavnard  in  Ireland;   Created   Baron 
Msynard  of  Estaines  ad  Turrim,  oo.  Essex, 
14  March,' 1628;  ob.  1639. 
IT.     16^.  %  William  Maynard,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1698. 

•  1(1^   1698.  B.  Banaslre  Maynard,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1718. 

•  IV.    171^4  4^  Henry  Maynard,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1743,  8.  p. 

V.      1 748.  5.  Grey  Maynard,  brother  and  heir ;  ob.  1745,  S.P. 


YI.  -1745.  I  6.  Charles  Maynard,  brother  and  heir; 

'  1.  1766;— 1.1766.  (  Created  Baron  Maynard  of  Much 
Easton,  co.  Essex,  and  Yiscount 
Maynard  of  Easton  Lodge,  co.  Es* 
sex,  with  remainder,  failing  hia  issue 
male,  to  his  kinsman  Sir  William 
Maynard,  Bart.  18th  Oct.  1766  ;  ob. 
1775,  when  the  Irish  Barony,  and  the 
Barony  of  Maynard  of  Estaines  ad 

4n  M/^YNARD^affEINILL. 

BARON.         VlfC.  ^  ^ 

Turrim,  became  4B^nCt;  but  the 
Viscountcy  and  Barony  of  Maynard 
of  Much  Etfgton  devolved,  agpreeable 
to  the  above  limitatiOny  on 

II .—11.  1775.    S.  Sir  Charles  Maynard,  5th  Bart.  s. 

and  h.  of  Sir  William  Maynard  (to 
whom  the  Viscountcy  and  Barony 
was  in  remainder,  as  is  mentioned 
above),  descended  from  Charles 
Maynard,  a  younger  brother  of  Wil- 
liam 1st  Baron ;  ob.  1B94,  a.  p. 

Ill .^111.1824.    3.  Henry  Maynard,  nephew  and  herr, 

being  s.  and  h.  of  William  Maynard, 
next  brother  cif  the  last  Viscount. 
Present  Viscount  and  Baron  Maynard 
of  Much  Easton,  and  a  Baronet.  ^ 



I.  1295.  I.  Nicholas  de  Meinill ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  83 
June,  23  Edw.  I.  1295,  to  6  Feb.  27  Edw.  I. 
1299>  He  was  also  summoned  8  June,  22 Edw. 
I.  1294 ;  but,  for  the  reasons  assigned  under 
<•  Clyvedon,"  it  is  very  doubtful  if  that  Writ 
can  be  considered  as  a  regular  Summons  to 
Parliament}  ob.  1299,  s.p.l.  when  the  Ba- 
rony became 


f.     1313.    I.Nicholas  de  Meinill,  natural  son  of  the  last 
Baron ;  Summ.  to  Pari  from  22  May,  G  Edw. 
U.  1313,  to  14  March,  15  Edw.  II.  1322  '^  ob. 
1322,  s.  p.  when  this  Barony  also  became 

I.  133$.  I.  Nicholas  de  Meinill,  called  by  Dugdale,  •<  Chief 
of  the  family,  but  how  related  to  the  laat- 
mcntioned  Nicholas  I  find  not."  Summ.  to 
Pari,  from  22  Jan.  9  Edw.  III.  1336,  to  25 
Feb.  16  Edw.  III.  1342;  ob.  1342,  8.  P.  m. 
leaving  Elizabeth,  his  dau,  his  sole  heir ;  she 
married,  Ist,  John  IL-2d  Baron  Darcy,  and 
2dly,  Peter  UI.-6th  Baron  Mauley.  This  Ba- 
rony continued  vested  in  the  Barons  Darcy 
until  the  death  of  Philip  VI.- 11th  Baron 
Darcy,  in  1418,  when,  with  the  Barony  of 



Thrcf,  il  fell  into  Abbyancb  between  hie 
daufbten  tnd  cobein.  Vide  Darct. 

Altboagh  tbe  ikbcfinee  of  tbe  Baroniei  of  Meinill  and 
Darcy  bat  neirer  been  tennimited,  yet  Conyert  Dam,  8d 
Baton  Darey  nnder  tbe  fiatent  of  10  Ao^.  1641^aod  Baron 
Conyen  in  rigbt  of  bia  grandmotbery  probably  under  tbe 
presomption  tbat  tbe  aaid  patent  not  only  reatoied  tbe  an* 
dent  Barony  of  Darcyy  but  also  tbat  of  Meinill,  was  ityled, 
in  the  Writt  of  Sammona  tn  Parliament  of  7  Oct.  SI  Car. 
DL  16i9»  and  1  Mareb,  31  Car.  IL  1680,  *«  Conyert  Dareie 
de  Dareie  ft  MemiU,  CblV  He  waa  created  Earl  of 
UcAdemeaa  in  1689,  wbieb  title,  at  well  as  tbe  Barony  of 
Darey  created  by  tbe  Patent  of  1641,  became  Cpttitct  in 
1778;  but  It  it  maniletttbat  tbe  aisumption  of  tbe  title 
of  tbe  Barony  of  Meinill  waa  witboat  any  legal  foandation. 

L     I61S. 


l.Penitton  Lamb,  itt  Viscount  Melbourne  in 
Ireland ;  Created  Baron  Melbourne  of  Mel- 
bourne, CO.  Derby,  11  Aug.  1815.  Pretent 
Baron  Melbourne;  also Viteount Melbourne 
in  Ireland.    ^ 



I.     1761*    1.  George  Dodington;  Created  Baron  Meloombe 
of  Melcombe.  Regit,  co.  Dorset,  April  li6l| 
ob.  176^9  8.  p.  when  tbe  title  beeame 


h    1815. 


1.  George  Gordon,  5tb  Earl  of  Aboyne  in  Scot- 

'     land;  Created  Baron  Meldrum  of  Morven, 

CO.  Aberdeen,  11  Aug.  1815.    Present  Baron 

Meldrum  and  Earl  of  Aboyne  in  Scotland,  nr 

494  IWUHIMM-ifjBiailP, 


Vmcoumtcy.  34  F«bniaft»  1813, 

Vide  Mum. 

I.    180S.    l.Henrjp  DundiS}  Created  BaroK  Danira,  eo, 
Perth*  and  Viseoant  MeWiUe  of  MelvUk» 
CO.  Edinburgh*  Dec.  84»  1803$  ob«  1811. 
IL     1811.  3.  Robert  Saudders  Dundas,  s.  And  h.    Present 
ViacottDt  Melville  and  Baron  Danira>  &.T.  «= 



I.  1793.  l.Welbore  Ellis }  Created  Baron  Mendip  of 
Mendip,  co.  Somerset*  13  Aof.  1194^  with 
remainder*  failing j his  heirs  male,  to  Henry 
Welbore  Afi^ar*  3d  Baron. and  Viscount  Clif- 
den  in  Ireland*  son  and  heir  of  James  Ist 
Baron  and  Viseonnt  Clifden  in  Ireland*  eldest 
son  of  Henry  Af^*  Esq.  by  Ann  Ellis,  sister 
of  the  said  Baron  Mendip*  and  to  his  heirs 
male ;  failing  which*  to  John  Ellis  Agar  and 
Charles  Bagnal  Agar,  brothers  of  the  said 
Henry  Viscount  Clifden,  and  tp  their  issue 
male  respectively;  in  default  of  whleh*  to 
Welbore  Ellis  Agar,  Esq.  and  Dr.  Charlei 
Agar,  Arebbishop  of  Casbel  (afterwards  cre- 
ated Baron  and  Viscount  Somerton  and  Earl 
of  Normanton  in  Ireland)  the  3d  and  3d  sons 
of  the  above-mentioned  Heniy  Agar  ^  and 
Ann  Ellis,  the  sister  of  Lord  Mendip,  and  to 
the  heirs  male  of  their  bodies*;  oh.  1803* 
8.  p.  when  the  Barony  devolved*  agreeable  to 
the  above  limitation,  on 

*  It  IS  worthy  of  remark,  that  the  only  male  descendants  of 
Henry  Agar  and  Ann  Ellis,  not  mcloded  in  the  limitation  of  the 
Barony  m  Mendip,  was  the  Rev.  Heniy  Agar*  their  yonngast 
SOD*  whose  descendants  are  still  living. 

mSLBY«-4ilD]>LBSBX.  4tS 


n.  1809.  9.  Hcnrf  Wet^ne  Agar  (iitaiMd  the  naoM  oQ 
fiUit^Sd  Baron  eimI  Viscount  ClifdeiT'in  Ire- 
land.. Present  Baron  Mendlp;  alto  Viscount 
and  Baron  Qifden  in  Ireland.  ^ 



I.  Steph.  1.  Rauulph  Merley,  s.  and  h.  of  William  de  Mer- 

ley;  Lord  of  Wyttoiu 

II.  II.II.  2.  Roger  de  Merley,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1 188. 
in.  Rid.  3.  Roger  de  Merley,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1339. 

XV.  H.11I.  4.  Roger  de  Merley»  ••  and  b.  ob.  1866,  8.P.  m.  bis 
tbree  daogbters  being  his  coheirs^  of  wbom 
Mary  married  William  de  Greysiock, 


ViscouNTCYi  20  November,  1805. 

Vide  Nbuom. 

BAacnr  by  tbvurb. 

I.  Ben.  I.  William  de  Bfescbines,  brother  of  Ralph  Earl 
Y>f  Chester  ;  Lord  of  several  Manors  in  Cum- 
berland i  ob.  a.  r.  If.  Cecily,  his  dan.  and 
heir,  married  Robert  de  Romely,  Lord  o' 


KABL8. ' 

I.  J692.1.  Lionel  Cranfield,  Ist  Baron  Cranfield;  Cre- 

ated Earl  of  Middlesex  16  Sept.  16S2s  Lord 
Treasurer;  ob.  1645. 

II.  1645.  8.  James  Cranfield,  s.  and  b.  ob.  I6SI9  s.  P.  M. 

III.  1651.  3.  Lionel  Cranfleld,  brother  and  heir;  ob.  1674> 

8.  P.  when  the  title  became 

IV.  1675.  I.  Charles  Saekville,  son  and  heir  apparent  of 

Richard  IX.-Stb  Earl  of  Doiset,  by  Frances, 


sister  and  at  lenirtb  sole  heir  of  Lionel'tii^liftst 
Earl ;  Created  Baron  of  Cranfield  and  Earl 
of  Middlesex  Apr.  4, 1675;  succeeded  as  X^6th 
Earl  of  Dorset,  Auc^.  87,  1677,  in  which  title 
this  Earldom  has  since  been  merited.  Lionel 
Cranfield  Sackville,  his  s.  and  h.  Earl  of  Dor- 
set, was  Created  Duke  of  Dorset.  VideDORSST, 



I.  171I.  1.  Sir  Thomas  WillooKbby,  9A  Bart,  descended 

from  Thomas  Willoughby,  a  younger  bnn 
ther  of  William  Vlil.-7th  Baron  WiUougbby 
of  Eresby ;  Created  Baron  Middleton  of  Mid- 
dleton,  CO.  Warwick,  SI  December,  1711} 
ob.  17S9. 

II.  1789.  S.  Francis  WUlonsbby,  t.  and  h.  ob.  1758. 

III.  1758.  3.  FrancU  Willoushby,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1774,  a.  r. 

IV.  1774.  4. Thomas  Willottghby^  brother  and  heir;  oh. 

1781,  8.  p. 

V.  1761.  5. Henry  Willoogbby, cousin  and  heir;  beings. 

and  h.  of  Thomas  Willoogbby,  next  brother 
of  Francis  8d  Baron  ;  ob.  1800. 
VL   1800*  6.  Henry  Willoughby»  s.  and  h.    Pr^ntBar^pi 
Middleton.  := 



I.  1448.  I.  John  Cornwall,  Baron  Fanboiie,  husband  of 
Elizabeth  Plantagenet,  sister  of  King  Heniy 
f  V. ;  Created  Baron  of  Milbroke,  co.  Bedford* 
30  Jan*  1448,  K.G.;  ob.  1448,. 8. p.  L,  when 
all  his  honors  became 


Earldom,  Nov.  9, 1706— Mei|;ed  in  the  Crown  June  ri,I7S7. 

Vide  Cambridge. 

MiLTON-'MnmnR.  m 


VfScoOMTCY,  6  September,  1T4$. 

Vide  FiTz- William, 



L  176S^— I.  1793.  l.Joteph  Btmer,  Itt  B«ron  Milton  In 
Ireland;  Cremted  Baron  Milton  of 
Milton  Abbey,  eo.  Donet»  10  May, 
IT^  I  Created  Viscount  Milton  of  Mil- 
ton Abbey  aforesaid,  and  Earl  of  Dor- 
ebester,  in  tbe  said  eoonty^  18  May, 
1799 1  ob.  1798. 

IL  ••  r««~U.  1798. 8;Georiee  Damer,  a.  and  h.  Earl  of  Dor- 
chester s  ob.  1808y  B.  P.  when  all  bis 
.  honors  4ioeanie 


John  MInshuR  is  said  by  many  writers  to  have  been 
created  Baron  MinsbuU  of  Minsbull,  co.  Cheshire,  in 
H42,  and  it  is  stated  that  the  title  became  extinct  on  his 
death.  Dngdale,  however,  takes  no  notice  of  such  a  Peter. 
The  probability  is,  that  the  patent  was  never  re^larly 
executed;  for  Banks,  in  his  Dormant  and  Extinct  Peerage, 
asserts  that  the  said  John  MinsbuU  left  Issue  male,  whose 
descendants  in  the  male  line  are  still  existing,  and  who, 
it  nfhy  be  presumed,  would  assert  their  claim  to  the  dig- 
nity if  a  talld  one  could  be  preferred. 



I.  \%%\*  ,1.  Henry  Conyngbam»  1st  MarqaessConyngham 
in  Inefand ;  Created  Baron  Minster  of  Min- 
ster. Abbey,  eo.Kent,  July  14,  18S1|  Lord 
Steward.  Present  fiaren  Minster )  also  Mar- 
quess ConynghaaSf  &c.  in  Ireknd )  K.  P.  ^ 



BARONS.        EAEU. 

1.  1797-— I.  1813.  l.Slr Gilbert  Eliot,  4tb  Bart,;  Creftted 
Baron  Minto,  co.  Roxbui^by  Oct.  ^, 
1797;  Created  Viscount  Melfcond  of 
Melj^nnd,  co.  Forfar,  and  Earl  of 
Minto,  CO.  Roaburgb,  S4  Feb.  1813  » 

II .^IL 1814. 8.  Gilbert  EKot,  (aisumed  tbe  names  oO 

Murray  Knynynnioond,  son  and  beir. 
Present  Earl  and  Baron  Minto  and 
Viscount  Melgund.    ^ 



I.  H.II1.  I.Nicholas  de  Moels,  Lofd  of  Ciddeboiy;  co. 

Somerset;  livinfp  1963. 

II.  Edw.I.  8.  Roger  de  Moels,  s*  and  b.  ob.  1S94, 


.    I.      IS99.  3.  John  de  Moels,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Ptel.  from 
6  Feb.  97  £dw.  U  1999,  to  16  June,  4  Edw. 
IL  131 1.    He  was  also  summoned  96  Jan.  95 
Edw.  I.  1997 1  but,  for  tbe  reasons  assigned 
under  "  Fitz-Jobn,"  it  is  doubtful  if  that 
Writ  was  a  regular  Summons  to  ParUameot; 
ob.  1311. 
IL     1311.  4.  Nicholas  de  Moels,  s.  andh.  Summ.  to  ParU 
from  19  Oct.  5  Edw.  11.  1311,  to  6  Oct.  9 
Edw.  II.  1315;  ob.  1316,  8.  P. 
Ill,    1316.  5. John  de  Moels,  brother  and  heir;  he  was 
never  Summ.  to    Pari.;   oh.  1337,  8. P.M. 
leaving  Isabel,  wife  of  William  Lord  Bo- 
treaux,   and  Muriel,  wife  of   Sir  Thomas 
Courtenay,  his  daughters  and  coheirs,  among 
whose  descendants  and  representatives  this 
Barony  is  in  Abbtancb. 
The  heiress  of  the  above  William  Lord  Botreaox  car* 
ried  the  Barony  of  Botreaux  with  the  moiety  of  that  of 
Moels  to  Robert  9d  Lord  Hongerford,  whose  mother  Ka* 
therine  Lady  Hungerford,  dau.  and  eventaally  sole  heir  of 
Sir  Thomas  Peverel  by  Margaret,  dan.  and  coheir  of  Sir 
Thomas  Courtenay  and  Muriel  de  Moels  his  wife  above 
mentioned,  was  also  the  coheir  of  the  other  moiety  of  the 
Barony  of  Moels ;    which  representation>  vii .  of  one 

MOELS— MOHtJN.  499 

moiety,  and  of  half  the  other  mofetyyit  now  vetted  in  the 
present MarqaefBofHaitiogi,  Baron  Uttngerford^Molines* 
and  Botreaux,  the  heir-general  of  the  body  of  the  said 
Robert  Baron  Hongerford  and  of  Margaret,  daughter  and 
heiress  of  Lord  Botreaux,  his  wife.  Vide  Huwobrfocd 
and  Hastings.  Muriel,  the  other  daughter  and  eoheir 
of  Sir  Thomas  Courtcnay  and  of  Muriel  his  wife,  daugh- 
ter and  coheir  of  John  last  Baron  Moels,  married  John 
Dinham  (ancestor  of  Lord  Dinhan),  among  whose  de- 
scendants the  representation  of  the  other  part  of  tha 
moiety  of  the  Barony  of  Moels  is  now  vested. 



1.  Will.1. 1.  William  de  Mohnn  s  obtained  56  Lordshipa 
from  William  the  Conqueror;  Ijord  of 

IL     Hen.l.  8.  William  de  Mohan,  s.  and  h.  ob^  •  • .  • 

III.  Sieph.  S.William  de  Mohuo,  s.  and  h.  said  to  have  been 

created   Earl  of    Dorset    by  the    Empress 
Maud  in  1140 1  ob.  ante  1165. 

IV.  H.  IL  4.  WilUam  de  Mohun,s.and  h.  living  11961  ob, 

ante  1S03. 

V.  John.  5.  Reginald  de  Mohnn,  t.  and  h.  ob.  1S13. 
VL  H.IIL  6.  Reginald  de  Mohun,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1956. 
VII.  H.IU. 7.  John  de  Mohan.s.  and  h.  ob.  1S78. 


I.  1 199.  8.  John  de  Mohun^  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 

6  Feb.  37  Edw.  L  1899,  to  83  Oct.  4  Edw.IlL 
1330 ;  ob.  1330. 

II.  1330.  9.  John  de  Mohun,  grandson  and  heir,  being  son 

and  beir  of  John  de  Mohun  (ob,  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Baron  ;  Suroro.  to  Pari,  from 
85  Feb.  16  Edward  IIL  1348,  to  4  Oct.  47 
Edward  IIL  1373;  after  the  88  Edw.  IIL 
with  the  addition  of  '*  de  Dunsterre ;"  ob. 
....  s.  p.  M.  leaving  his  three  daughters,  via. 
Elizabeth,  wife  of  Edward  Piantagenet,  Duke 
of  York ;  Elizabeth,  married  to  William  de 
Montac^ite;  and  Maude,  married  to  John 
Lord  Strange  of  Knocking,  his  next  heirs  i 
among  whose  descendants  and  representa- 
tives this  Barony  is  in  Absyancs. 
VOL.  IL  C 

410  MOHUN— M0LINE9. 



I.  1688*  l.Sir  John  Mohun»  8d  Bart,  (lioeally  descended 

from  Repnald  de  Mobon,  younger  son  of 
John  I.-8tb  Baron,  and  uncle  to  John  ll.-9th 
Baron);  Created  Baron  Mobun  of  Okehamp- 
ton,  CO.  Derouy  15  April,  1^28 ;  ob.  1644. 

II.  1«44.  3.  John  Mohun^  s.  and  b.  ob.  16.. ,  8.  P. 

HI.  16..*  S.  Warwick  Mofami,  brother  and  heir ;  ob.  1665. 

IV.  1665.  4.Charlee  Mohaa»  s.  and  b.  ob.  ante  1688. 

V.  16. ..  6.  Charles  Mobun,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1712,  8.  r.  when 

the  title  became 



I.  1347*  1.  John  de  MoKnes ;  Summ.toParLISFebmarv, 
SI  Edw.  III.  1347 ;  but  never  afterwards  ;  he 
died  between  1355  and  1367»  leaving  William 
bis  ton  and  heir,  who  dying  in  1380,  was 
tnoceeded  by  his  son  Richard ;  which  Richanl 
died  in  1384,  leaving  William  de  MolinifS  bia 
•on  and  heir,  who  dying  a.  p.  m.  1498,  Alia- 
nore  his  only  daughter  was  his  heir.  None 
of  the  male  deteendants  of  John  the  lac 
Baron  were  ever  summoned  to  Parliametity 
and  tbe  Barony  on  bis  death  became 

IL  1445.  Robert  Hungerford  *,  son  and  beir  apparent 
of  Robert  Sd  Baron  Hungerford,  having  married  tb^ 
above-mentioned  Alianore,  dau.  and  sole  beir  of  William 
de  Molines,  was  Summ.  to  Pari,  as  **  Roberto  Hungerford, 
Militi,  Domino  de  Moleyns,"  from  13  January,  83  Hen. 

*  Although  the  title  of  Lord  Molines  was  attributed  to  each  of 
the  desoenduits  of  John  the  1st  Baron,  Robert  de  Hungerford  is 
here  called  the  second  Barou,  because  it  has  been  decided  that  a 
single  Summons  to  Parliament,  without  a  proof  of  sitting,  does 
not  constitute  a  Barony  in  fee ;  and  moreover  in  this  mstance  it 
is  somewhat  doubtfiil  if  the  Writ  to  John  Molines  m  SI  Edw.  UI. 
was  a  regular  Summons  to  Parliament. 


VI.  1445,  to  80  Jan.  3 1  Hen.  VI.  1453 1  tuecMded  as  third 
BaroD  Hun|:erford  in  1459;  Attaimtbo  1461,  when  all 
bii  honors  became  IForfvitrd*  Thomai  Hunferford  hit 
son  and  heir  was  attainted  in  1463,  and  dyinf  S.p.H. 
Mary  his  daughter  was  his  heir  i  she  married  Edwaid 
Hastings,  afterwards  second  Lord  Hutinp  of  Asbbj  de 
la  Zoocbe  j  and  in  1485  the  atuinder  of  the  said  ThooMH 
Hungerford  and  of  Robert  Hongerford  hb  father  was  re- 
verse George  Hastings,  son  and  heir  of  the  said  Ed« 
ward  Lord  Hastings,  succeeded  his  father  in  this  Barony, 
and  in  those  of  Hastings,  Hungerford,  and  Botreaua  in 
1507>  and  was  Created  Earl  of  Huntingdon  in  15S9,  when 
the  Baronies  of  Molinbs,  Hungerford,  Hastings,  and  Bo- 
treaux,  Ixcame  rested  in  the  Earls  of  Huntingdon,  and 
•o  continued  until  the  death  of  Francis  XXIIv-lOth  Earl 
in  1789,  when  tbey  derolred  on  his  sister  and  heir  Elisa- 
beth, and  are  now  vetted  in  her  ton  Prandf,  the  present 
Marquess  of  Hastings,  Baron  Hastings,  MolineSy  Bo- 
treauz,  aad  Hungerford,  ftc 

Vide  HuNOBiiFORD  and  Hastinoi. 


Barony,  7  July,  1660--<^nct  1688. 

Vide  AUEMAtLB. 



I.    WilKI.  1.  WUliam Fits-Baderon ;  held  SSlordsbipt  temp. 

Will.  L  r-        r 

IL  Hen.  I.  S.  Witbenock,  sumamed  de   Monmouth,   son 

and  heir. 

III.  H.  II.  3.  Baderon  de  Monmouth,  e.  and  h.  living  1 168  s 

ob.  ante  11 76. 

IV.  Ric.  1.  4.  Gilbert  de  Monmouth,  t.  and  h.  ob 

V.  John.  5.  John  de  Monmouth,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1948. 

VI.  H.I1L  6.  John  de  Monmouth,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1S57,  B.P.M. 

Albreda  de  Botereus  and  Joan  de  Nevill, 
being  his  daughters  and  coheirs  according  to 
Dugdale ;  but  other  authorities  state,  that 
he  died  s.  p.  and  that  tbe  said  Albreda  and 
Juan  were  sisters  to  Cecily  de  Waleran,  the 
mother  of  this  Baron. 




I.  16S6*  1.  Robert  Carey,  1st  Baron  Carev  of  Leppin^oni 
Created  Earl  of  Monmouth  5  Feb.  1626; 
ob.  1639. 

IL  1639*  9«  Henry  Carey,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1661,  s.  r.  m.  when 
the  title  became 



I.  1663.  James  Fitx-Royi  natural  son  of  Charles  II. 
Created  Baron  of  Tyudale,  co.  Northumber- 
land, Viscount  Doncaster  and  Duke  of  Mon- 
mouth 14  Feb.  1663,  K.  G.;  attainted  and 
beheaded  1685,  when  all  his  honors  became 
III.  1689.  !•  Charles  Mordaunt,  2d  Viscount  Mordaunt  of 
Avalon,  being  son  and  heir  of  John  Ist  Vis- 
count Mordaunt,  by  Elizabeth,  sole  dau.  and 
heir  of  Robert  Carey,  next  brother  of  Henry 
Carey  2d  Earl  of  Monmouth  i  was  Created 
Earl  of  Monmouth  9  April,  1689 ;  succeeded 
as  3d  Earl  of  Peterborough  in  1697,  to  which 
title  this  Earldom  was  united  until  1814, 
when  by  the  death  of  Charles  Henry  5th  Earl 
of  Peterborough  and  3d  Earl  of  Monmouth, 
8.  P.  b^tb  these  dignities  became 

4S]rtmct.  Vide  Petsrborough. 



I.  1728.  1.  Sir  John  Monson,  5th  Bart.  Created  Baron 

Monson  of  Burton,  co.  Lincoln,  28  May, 
1728,  K.B.;ob.  1748. 

II.  1748.  2.  John  Monson,  s.  and  ii.ob.  1774. 

III.  1774.  3.JuhnMonson,  8.  aadh.ob.  1806. 

IV.  1806.  4.  John  George  Monson,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1809. 

V.  1809.  5.  Frederick  John  Monson,  a.  and  h.    Present 

Baron  Monson  (a  minor). 



I.      H.  11.      Richard  de  Montacnte}    liring   1160;    ob. 

ante  1165 ;  bis  tucceMor  was 
II Prue  de  Montacute  ;  liying  1 167;  ob 

to  whom  sacceeded 

III.  Ric.  I.     WiUiain  de  Montacutei  ob.  l^ir*  t.P.leaTinf 

IV.  H.II1.     WiHIam  de  Montacnte,  ion  of  Dm  de  M onU- 

cote,  his  next  heir ;  ob.  1346|  leaving  hit  two 
daughters  his  heirs. 

I.     H.IIL  I.  Villiam  de  Montacate,  son  of  William  dt 
Montacute }  ob 


I.  1300.  2.  Simon  de  Montacute,  s.  and  h.  Sanrn.  to 

Pari,  from  86  September^  38  Edw.  I.  1300, 
to  6  October,  9  Edw.  II.  1815  ;  he  was  also 
Summoned  8  June,  S3  Edw.  1. 1894;  but  it  it 
very  doubtful  if  that  Writ  was  a  regular 
Summons  to  Parliament,  vide  *'  Clyyedon  ;*' 
ob.  circa  1316. 

II.  1317.  3.  William  de  Montacnte,  s.  and  h.  Somm.  to 

Pari,  from  90  Nov.  11  Edw.  II.  1317,  to  85 
Aug.  18  Edward  II.  13ia$  ob.  1319. 

III.  1319-  4.  William  de  Montacute,  s.  and  b.  8umm.  to 

Pari,  from  5  June,  5  Edward  III*  1331,  to  89 
Nov.  10  Edward  III.  1336 ;  Created  Eari  of 
Salisbuiy  16  March,  1837.  This  Barony  continued 
merged  in  that  Earldom  until  the  attainder  of  John 
Vl.-ad  Eari  in  140Q,  when,  with  his  other  honors,  viz. 
the  Earldom  of  Salisbury,  the  Barony  of  Montagu, 
created  by  the  Writ  of  31  Edward  111.  (vide  p.  436), 
and  the  Barony  of  Monthermer,  it  became  IFttf  dteb ;  Tho- 
mas de  Muntacute  his  son  and  heir  wa^  Pari,  in 
1409  u  Earl  of  Salisbury,  and  was  folly  restored  in  blood 
and  honon  9  Henry  V.  1481 }  he  died  8.  p.  m.  in  1488, 
when  this  Barony,  with  those  Just  mentioned,  devolved 
on  Alice  his  sole  daughter  and  heir,  who  married  Richard 
Nevill}  her  husband  was  created  Earl  of  Salisbury  in 
1448,  and  was  attainted  in  1459  i  but  it  appears  that 
he  was  restored  in  the  following  year,  before  the  end  of 
which  he  died,  when  all  his  honors  devolved  on  his  son 
Richard  Earl  61  Warwick,  and  who,  Jure  matris,  possessed 


both  the  Baronies  of  Montagu  and  that  of  Monthermer  i 
but  on  bis  attainder  in  147l»  these  Barpnies,  with  bis 
other  dignities  became 


He  left  two  daughters  his  coheirs,  viz.  Ann,  who  mar- 
ried, first,  Edward  Prince  of  Wales,  and  secondly,  King 
Richard  III,  but  died  s.  p.  s.;  and  Isabel,  who  married 
George  Plaotagenet,  Dul^e  of  Clarence,  who  was  drowned 
and  attainted  in  1477»  bv  whom  she  left  issue  Edward, 
who  was  beheaded  and  attainted  in  1499  (ob.  s.  p.) 
and  Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  Richard  Pole,  K.  G.  which  Mar- 
garet was  Created  Countess  of  Salisbury,  but  was  at- 
tainted in  i539»  and  beheaded  in  1541 ;  her  eldest  son 


1.  1533.  Henry  Pole,  was  Summ.  to  Pari.  5  January, 
S4  Henry  VHI.  1533,  and  18  June,  S8  Hen. 
Vlll.  1536,  as  **  Henrico  Pole  de  Montagu  $" 
attainted  and  beheaded  in  1539«  wbcn  this 
Barony  also  became 

He  died  8.  p.  M  leaving  Katharine,  wife  of  Francis 
XIX«-8d  Earl  of  Huntingdon  (now  represented  by  her 
heir-general  the  Marquess  of  Hastings),  and  Winifred, 
who  married,  first.  Sir  Thomas  Hastings,  and  secondly. 
Sir  Thomas  Barrington,  his  daughters  and  coheirs,  who 
were  fully  restored  in  blood  and  honors  I  Ph.  and  Mary, 
and  amongst  whose  descendants  and  representatives  the 
Barony  of  Montagu,  created  by  the  Writ  of  84  Henry 
VUi.  to  their  father,  is  in  Abbyancb. 


BABON.         MABQ0BS8. 

h  1461.— I.  147a  John  Nevill,  3d  son  of  Richard  Nevill, 
Earl  of  Salisbuiy,  and  Aliee  Monta- 
eute  above  mentioned,  and  brother  of 
Richard  Earl  of  Warwick ;  Summ.  to  Pari. 
as  *<  Johanni  Nevyll,  Domino  de  Montagn, 
CblV  23  May,  I  Edw.  IV.  1461,  and  as 
•*  Johanni  Nevyll  de  Montagu,"  S8  Dee. 
I  Edw.  IV.  1468,  and  88  Feb.  8  Edward  IV. 
1463,  having  on  the  30th  July,  38  Hen.  VI. 
1460,  been  Summoned  as  *'  <*  Johanni  Nevill, 
Domino  Nevill,   Chl'r/'   Created  Earl  of 


Nortlraniberland  87  May,  1467 ;  wMeh  title 
be  lesisned  in  1471,  and  was  created  Mar- 
qneti  Montagu  9b  March,  1470 1  ob.  1471» 
and  being  atuintcd,  all  hit  honon  became 


I.  1554.  1.  Antbony  Brown,  gnndson  and  heir  of  An- 
thony Brown  and  Lucy  bis  wife,  widow  of 
Sir  Wiiliem.  rits-William,  and  dau.  and 
eventually  coheir  of  John  Nevill,  last  Mar- 
quess; Created  Viscount  Montague  8  Sept. 
1554,  K.G.;  ob.  1598. 

If.  1598.  8.  Antbony  Brown,  grandson  and  heir,  beinff 
son  and  heir  of  Antbony  Brown  (ob.  v.  p.) 
eldest  son  of  the  last  Viscount ;  ob.  1689. 

III.  1689.  3.  Francis  Brown,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1688. 

IV.  1688.  4.  Francis  Brown,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1708,  8.  P. 

V.  1708.  5.  Henry  Brown,  brother  and  beir ;  ob.  1717. 

VI.  1717.  6.  Anthony  Brown,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1767, 

VII.  1767.  7.AnthooyJoseph.Brown,s.andb.ob.  1787. 
VIil.1787.  8. George  Samuel  Brown,  son  and  heirs   ob. 

1793,  ».  p. 
IX.  I79S.  9.  Mark  Anthony  Browne,  cousin  and  heir  male, 
being  son  and  heir  of  Marli,  eldest  surviving 
son  of  Stanislaus,  son  and  heir  of  Sunislaus, 
eldest  son  of  John  Browne,  second  aon  of 
Antbony  1st  Viscount;  ob.  1797,  s.p.  when 
this  dignity  became 

*  A  daim  to  thb  dignity  hss  been  several  times  asserted  by  a 
Mr.  John  Browne,  of  Storington,  as  the  descendant  of  George 
the  8d  son  of  John  Browne,  8d  son  of  Antbony  the  1st  Viscoont 
Montagu,  and  he  has  brought  actions  of  eiectment  for  the  re- 
covery of  the  laads  as  heir  male  of  the  said  ViBCOunt,  against  the 
Crown  (who  came  into  possession  under  the  reversion  of  the  ori- 
ginal grant  to  Anthony  1st  Viscount,  his  heirs  male  being  consi- 
dexed  to  have  failed)  ;  but  Mr.  Browne  has  never  proceeded  to 
triaL  His  claim  to  thb  Viscountcy  has  been  lately  urged  by  a 
petttton  to  the  Crown,  and  bv  it  referred  to  the  Attorney-General, 
from  whqm  h»  pretensions  wul  no  doubt  receive  the  consideration 
they  deserve* 


OF  — ^ 

I.  i:)4S.  Edward  de  Montagu,  younger  brother  of 
William  IV.-lst  Earl  of  Salisbury,  and  III.- 
4tb  Baron  Montagu  (vide  p.  430) ;  Summ.  to 
Parliament  from  S5  February  86  Edward  III. 
1342,  to  90  Nov.  34  Edward  III.  1360 1  ob. 
136U  8.  p.  M.  Kaving  Joan,  the  wife  of  Wil- 
liam de  Ufford»  afterwards  Earl  of  Suffolk, 
his  dan,  and. heirs  on  whose  death,  8.  p.  this 
Barony  became 



OP— i- 

I.  1357.  1. Jobnde  Montagu,  9d  son  of  William  IV.-lst 

Earl  of  Salisbury,  and  Illv-4th  Baron  Mon- 
tagti  (vide  p.  433) ;  he  married  Margaret, 
grand*dau.  and  heir  of  Ralph  Baron  Mon« 
tbermer  $  Summ.  to  Pari  from  15  Feb. SI  Ed- 
ward ill.  1S57,  to  6  Dec.  18  Rich.  II.  1389, 
'    as  <<  John  de  Montacute;  ob.  1390. 

II.  1390.  8.  Jnhn  de  Montagu,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  ParU 

froni  83  Nov.  16  Rich.  II.  1393,  to  30  Nov. 
80  Rich.  IL  1398  as  «<  John  de  Montacute  ;^' 
succeeded  his  uncle  in  the  Barony  of  Montagu 
created  by  the  Writ  of  86  Sept.  88  Edw.  I. 
1300,  (vide  p.  433),  and  as  Vl^d  Earl  of 
Salisbury  In  1397*  Vide  Salisbury. 

This  Barony,  together  with  that  of  Montagu  or  Monta- 
cute, created  by  the  Writ  of  88  Edward  I.  just  mentioned, 
and  the  Barony  of  Monthermer,  continued  merged  in 
the  Earldom  of  Salisbury  until  the  attainder  of  John 
VI.-3d  Earl  in  1400,  when,  with  his  other  honors,  it  be- 
came J^orfeiteb.  Thomas  de  Montacute  his  son  and  heir 
was  fully  restored  in  blood  and  honors  in  1481,  and  dying 
sj>.M.  in  1438,  this  Barony,  with  those  above  mentioned, 
devolved  on  Alice  his  daughter  and  sole  heir,  wife  of 
Richard  NeviU,  Earl  of  Salisbury,  who  was  attainted  in 
1459,  but  restored  in  the  following  year,  before  the  end 
of  which  be  died,  when  all  his  dignities  devolved  on  his 


•on  Richard  NevilU  Earl  of  Salitbory  and  Warwick  $  bat 
on  bis  attainder  in  1471  tbia  Barony,  with  all  his  other 
bonorsy  became 


Vide  MONTAOU,  p.  433. 



I.  1681.    I.Edward  Monta^»  presomed.  to   have  been 

descended  from  Simon  de  Montagu,  a  younger 
ion  of  John  L-ist  Baron  Montagu  de  Mon- 
tagu, under  the  Writ  of  31  Edward  III.  1357. 
vide  last  page  ;  Created  Baron  Montagu  of 
Boughton,  CO.  Northampton,  29  June,  1621 ; 
Ob.  1644. 

II.  1644.  S.  Edward  Montagu,  i.  and  h.  oh.  1683. 


III.  1683«— I.  1689«— ^.  1705. 3.  Ralph  Montagu,  s.  and  h. 

Created  Viscount  Monther^ 
mer  of  Montbermer,  co. 
Esses,  and  Earl  of  Mon- 
Ugu,  9  April,  1689  i  Cre- 
ated Marquess  of  Montber- 
mer and  Duke  of  Montagu 
12  April.  17P5$  ob.  1709. 

IV.  ••  ••— III — >II.  1709. John  Montagu,  s.  and  h.  ob. 

]749»  8.  p.  M.  when  all  his 
titles  became 

V.  1762.  I.John  Montagu,  son  and  heir   apparent   of 

George  4th  Earl  of  Cardigan,  (afterwards 
Duke  of  Montagu,  vide  infra,)  by  Mary,  dau. 
and  coheir  of  John  last  Duke  of  Montagu, 
and  Baron  Montagu  of  Bougbton;  Created 
Baron  Montagu  of  Bougbton,  co.  Northamp- 
ton, 8th  May,  1762;  ob.  vita  patris,  1772, 
8.  p.  when  this  Barony  again  became 


VI.  1786.— HI.  1766.  I.George  Brudenell  (assumed    the 

name  of)  Montagu  4th  Earl  of 



Cardic^n,  baring  married  Mary,  dau.  and  co' 
heir  of  John  last  Duke  of  Montagu,  was 
created  Marquess  of  Monthermer  and  Duke 
of  Montagu  5  Nov.  1766;  Created  Baron 
Montagu  of  fiougbton,  co.  Northampton »  8 
August,  1786,  with  remainder,  failing  bis 
issue  male,  to  his  grandson  Henry  James 
Montagu  Scott,  8d  ton  of  Henry,  3d  Duke  of 
Buccleugb,  by  Elizabeth  Montagu  bis  sole 
dau.  and  beirest.  K.  G.  ob.  1790,  8. p.m. 
when  the  Marquisate  of  Monthermer  and 
Dukedom  of  Montagu  became  C^tintt ;  the 
Earldom  of  Cardigan  Revolved  on  his  next 
heir  male,  and  this  Barony  descended,  agree- 
able to  the  above  limitation,  on  his  grandson 
Vll.  1790.  S,  Henry  James  Montagu  Scott,  above  men* 
tioned,  uncle  of  Walter  Francis,  present 
Duke  of  Buccleugb.  Present  Baron  Mon- 
tagu of  Bougbton.    n= 


I.  1620.  1.  Henry  Montagu,  brother  of  Edward  1st  Baron 
Montagu  of  Bougbton ;  Created  Baron  Mon- 
tagu of  Kirobolton,  co.  Huntingdon,  and 
Viscount  MandeviUe  19  Dec.  16S0;  Created 
Earl  of  Manchester  5  Feb.  1694. 

Vide  Manchester. 


OP  IT.  IIE0T8. 

Barony,  IS  July*  1660. 

Vide  Sandwich. 



I.      H.  n.  I.Robert  de  Montalt,  Lord  of   Montalt,  co. 

Flint;  living  1160. 
H.    H.  H.  S.  Robert  de  Montalt,  son  and  b^ir. 
III.  H.I1I.  3.  Roger  de  Montalt,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1360. 

lfONTALT--4tfONT£AGLE.  439 


W.  H.Ili*  4b  John  d«  Montalt,  t.  and  b.  ob i.  p. 

V.  5.  Robert  de  MonUlt,  brother  and  heir;  ob 


L      IS95«  S.Rof^erde  Kfontalty  s.  and  h.  Samm.  to  Pari. 
S3  June,  23  Edward  I.  1295 ;  ob.  1297,  i.P. 
when  the  Barony  became 

II.  1299*  Robert  de  Montalt*  brother  and  heir  ;  Sumna. 
to  Pari,  from  6  Feb.  37  Edw.  I.  1299,  to  13 
June,  13  Edward  HI.  1329;  ob.  1329,  LP. 
when  this  Barony  «Uo  became 




L     Steph.  1.  Roper  de  Montbegon  s  held  several  Lordships 

in  Lincoln  temp.  Steph. 
If.    H.  II.  2.  Adam  de  Montbegon,  s.  and  h.  ob 

III.  Ric. I.  3. Robert  de  Montbef^on,  s. and  b.  ob. . . . . 

IV.  John.  4.  Roger  de  Montbeg^on,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1226  *,  B.  P. 

V.  5.  Heniy  de  Montbefron,  cousin  and  heir ;    of 

whom  nothings  farther  is  known. 



I.  1514.  1.  Edward  Stanley,  8d  son  of  Thomas  1st  Earl  of 

Derby;  proclaimed  Lord  of  Monteagle  1514». 
and  Summ.  to  Pari.  23  Nor.  6  Henry  VIII. 
1514,  and  12  Nov.  7  Henry  Vlll.  1515,  as 
<*  Edwardo  Stanley  de  Mount-Egell,  CliFr,'' 
K,G.;  ob.  1523. 

II.  1523.  2.  Thomas  Stanley,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

Xrom  3  Nov.  21  Henry  VIII.  1529,  to  23 
Jan.  1  Elis.  1559;  ob.  1560. 

III.  1560.  3.  William  Stanley,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari 

from  11  Jan.  5  Eliz.  1563,  to  6  Jan.  23  Elia. 
1581;  ob.  1581,  8.P.  M.  Elizabeth  bis   sole 

i  ' —  ■■ 

*  There  is.  much  discr^pBacy  in  Dogdale's  account  of  these 
Barons.   Vide  tome  I.  ft  61 8. 



dau.  and  heir,  married  Edward  XI.-1 1th  Bft- 
Ton  Morley. 

IV.  1605.  4.  William  Parker,  son  and  faeir  apparent  of  the 

said  Edward  Baron  Morley  by  Elisabeth  his 
wife,  dau.  and  sole  heir  of  the  last  Baron  ; 
Summ.  to  Pari,  as  "Willielmo  Parker  de 
Montegle,  ChVr"  vita  patris,  from  5  Nor.  S 
Jac.l605,  to  b  April,  IS  Jac  1614;  sacceeded 
to  tbe  Barony  of  Morley  in  1618,  and  was 
Summ.  to  Pari.  18Jac.  1630,  at  *<  WUlielmo 
Parker  de  Morley  and  Montegle,  Chl'r }"  ob. 

V.  163S.  5.  Henry  Parker,  t.  and  h.    Summ.  to  Pari,  as 

Baron  Morley  and  Monteagle;  ob.  1655. 

VI.  1655.  6.  Thomas  Parker*  t.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari,  as 

Baron  Morley  andMonteagle ;  ob.  circa  1686, 
s.  P.  when  tbe  Baronies  of  Parker  and  Mont- 
eagle,  with  that  of  Marshal*  fell  into  Abby- 
ANCE  between  the  issue  of  his  aunts*  vis. 
Catherine,  wife  of  John  V.-Sd  Earl  Rivers, 
and  Elizabeth,  who  married  Edward  Cran- 
field,  Esq.  among^  whose  descendants  and  re* 
presenutives  they  are  now  in  Abeyance. 



I.  1806.    1.  John  Denis  Browne,  1st  Marquess  of  Stig^oln 

Ireland ;  Created  Baron  Monteagle  of  West- 
port,  CO.  Mayo*  SO  Feb.  1806,  K.  G.}  ob. 

II.  1 809.  8*  Howe  Peter  Browne,  s.  and  h.    Present  Baron 

Monteagle  of  Westport;  also  Marquess  of 
Slifo,  &c.  in  Ireland*  K.  P.    ^ 



1.    Will.I.  1.  William  de  Montfiehet ;  living:  1 135. 

It.   H.  II.   S.  Gilbert  de  Motficbet,  s.  and  h.  living  1 168. 

III.  Ric.  I.  3.  Richard  de  Montifichet*  s.  and  b.  ob.  1 193. 

IV.  John*   4.  Richard  de  Montficbet,  s.  and  h. ;  he  was  one 

of  tbe  celebrated  S5  Barons  appointed  to  en- 


force  the  observance  of  Magna  Charta  ; 
living  IHiS ;  ob. . . . .,  8.  P.  leaving^  bis  three 
sisters  his  heirs,  vis,  Margery,  wife  of  Hugh 
cle  Bulebec ;  Aveline,  married  to  William 
Earl  of  Albemarle ;  and  Philippa,  married  to 
Hugh  de  Plaitz. 



I.  Will. I.  I.Hugh  de  Montfort;  obtained  1)4  Lordships 

from  William  the  Conqueror. 

II.  Will.ll.  3.  Hugh  de  Montfort,  s.  and  h.  ob ,8.  p.  m. 

Hugh  and  Robert,  his  sons,  died  s.  p. 

III.  Hen.  I.  3.  Hugh  de  Montfort,  grandson  and  heir,  being 

son  and  heir  of  Gilbert  de  Gant,  by 

daughter  and  heir  of  Hugh  the  last  Baron ; 
assumed  the  name  of  Montfort ;  liv.  1 124. 

IV.  Steph.  4.  Robert  de  Montfort,  s.  and  h.  living  1163; 

ob ,  s.  p. 

V.  H.II.  5.Thur8tan  de  Montfort,  brother  and  heir;  ob. 

ante.  1190.. 

VI.  Ric.  I.  6.  Henry  de  Montfort,  s.  and  h.  ob ;  to 

whom  succeeded 

VII.  John.  7. Thurstau  de  Montfort  i  ob.  1216.  8.  Peter  de  Montfort,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1264. 
IX.    H.I1I.  9«  Peter  de  Montfort,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1287. 


)•  1296.  10.  John  de  Montfort,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 
23  June,  1  October,  and  2  Nov.  23  Edward  I. 
1295;  ob.  1296. 

II.  1296.  11.  John  de  Montfort,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

26  July,  7  Edw.  U.  1313  ;  ob.  circa  1314,s.p. 

III.  1314.  12.  Peter  de  Montfort,  brother  and  heir;  Summ. 

to  Pari,  from  22  Jan.  9  Edward  111.  1336,  io 
10  March,  23  Edward  III.  1349;  ob.  1367, 
s.  p.  his  sisters  being  his  heirs;  viz.  Eiiaabeth, 
wife  of  Sir  Baldwin  de  Freville,  Knt.  and 
Maud,  wife  of  ....  Sudley ;  between  whose 
descendants  and  representatives  the  Barony 
created  by  the  Wri^of  23  Edward  I.  to  their 
father  is  in  Abeyancjs. 

VOL.  Up  B 





I.  1741.     1.  Henry  Bromley ;  Created  Lord  Montfort,  Ba- 

ron of  Horseheatby  co.  Cambridge,  9  May, 
1741 1  ob.  1755. 

II.  1755.    S.  Thomas  Bromley,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1799. 

JiL  1799*    3.  Henry  Bromley,  s.  and  b.     Present  Baron 
Montfort  of  Horsebeath.    = 



I.  13412.  John  de  Montfroroery  ;  Sumro.  to  Pari.  95 
Feb.  16  Edw.  111.  1349,  but  never  afterwards, 
nor  any  of  bis  descendants;  Admiral  of  the 
King's  Fleet ;  ob when  the  Barony  be- 
came       4ittinct. 



1.  1605«  I.Philip  Herbert,  9d  son  of  Henry  XXI.-9d 
Earl  of  Pembroke  ;  Created  Baron  Herbert 
of  Shurland  in  the  Isle  of  Shepey,  co.  Kent, 
and  Earl  of  Montgomery  in  Wales,  4  May, 
1605 ;  succeeded  his  brother  William  XXIIL- 
4th  Earl  of  Pembroke  in  1630,  K.  G.  Vide 
Pembrokb,  in  which  dignity  this  Earldom  ia 


ViscouNTCY,  S4  March,  1687— ^ptfnct  1748. 

Vide  Powi9. 



1.  1 309*  1.  Rslph  de'Monthermer  $  he  married  JoanePlan- 
tagenet,  dau.  of  King  Edward  I.  and  widow 
of  Gilbert  Earl  of  Clare,  Gloucester,  and  Hcrt- 


ford,  and  whiUt  she  cootinaed  his  wife  be  had  the  titles 
of  EkrI  of  Gloucester  and  Hertford  attributed  to  bim,  and 
was  Summ.  to  Pari.  a4  <*  Comiti  Gbucestr*  et  Hertf.'*  from 
6  Feb.  37  Bdw.  I.  Ii99,  to  3  Nor.  34  Edw.  1.  1306,  Jure 
uxoris,  but  she  dyings  in  1307»  be  never  afterwards  used 
these  titles,  but  was  Samin.  to  Pari,  as  **  Radulpbo  de 
Monthermer"  only,  from  4tb  March,  8  Edw.  11.  1309* 
to  30  Oct.  18  Edw.  11.  13S4.  Thomas  de  Montbermer, 
bis  son  and  heir,  died  vita  patris,  leavini;  Margaret,  bis 
sole  dau.  and  heir,  who  married  Sir  John  de  Monta- 
cute,  2d  son  of  William  JV.-lst  E«rl  of  Salisbury  {  which 
Sir  John  was  Summ.  to  Pari,  as  *'  John  de  Montacute," 
31  Edw.  111.  though  probably  in  consequence  of  bis  mar* 
riage  (vide  p.  436).  John  de  Montagu,  bis  son  and 
heir,  was  also  Summ.  to  Pari,  and  succeeded  as  Vi.-3d 
Earl  of  Salisbury,  and  to  the  Barony  of  Montaeute,  cr^ 
ated  by  the  Writ  of  38  Edw.  I.  1300,  in  1397.  He  was  at- 
tainted and  beheaded  in  1400,  when  this  lUrony,  with  his 
other  honors,  became  JForfeitrb.  Thomas  de  Montaeute, 
bis  son  and  heir,  V 11. -4th  Earl  of  Salisbury,  was  restored 
to  bis  father's  dignities  in  1431,  on  whose  death,  s.  p.  M.  in 
1438,  the  two  Baronies  of  ftlontagu,  and  that  of  Montber- 
mer, devolved  on  Alice,  bis  dau.  and  heir ;  she  married 
I^icbard  Nevill,  who  was  creat#d  Earl  of  Salisbury,  and 
though  Attainted  in  1459,  appears  to  have  been  restored 
in  the  following  year,  when  be  died,  and  when  bis  honors 
fell  to  his  son  and  heir,  Richard  Nevill,  the  celebrated 
Earl  of  Warwick  and  Salisbury,  and  who,  jure  matris, 
succeeded  to  both  the  Baronies  of  Montagu,  as  well  as 
to  that  of  Montbermer,  but  on  his  death  and  Attainder,  in 
1471,  all  his  honors  berame 


Vide  Montagu,  pp.  433,  434,  and  p.  436, 


baron  by  writ. 

I.       1337.      Edward  de  Montherroer ;  supposed  by  Banks 

to  have  been  the  son  of  the  said  Ralph  by 

Joaiie   Plantagenet;    Summ.    to   Pari.  33d 

April,   1 1   Edw.  III.  13379  but  never  after, 



and  of  whom  nothing  farther  is  known  ;  on 
bit  death,  this  Barooy  became 



ViscouNTCY,  9th  April,  1689. 

MARguiSATE,  12th  April,  1705. 

Both  4E^tmct  1749. 

t         Vide  Montagu  of  Houghton. 

Marquisatg,  5th  November,  1766— (^E^tillCt  1790. 

Vide  Montagu  of  Houghton. 

I.       1465.  1. Walter  Blount;   Created  Baron  Montjoy  of 
Thurveston,  co.  Derby,  30  June,  1465;  Lord 
Treasurer  ;  K.  G. ;  ob.  1474. 
IF.     1474.  3.  Edward  Blount,,  grandson  and  heir,    bein^ 
s.  and  h.  of  William  Blount  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Baron  ;  ob.  1475,  s.  p. 

III.  1475.  S.John  Blount,  uncle  and  heir,  bein^  3d  son  off 

Walter  Ist  Baron;  ob.  1485. 

IV.  1485.  4.  William  Blount,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1535. 

V.  1535.  5.  Charles  Blount,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1545. 
vr.    1545.  6.  James  Blount,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1593. 

VII.  1593.  7.  William  Blount,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1594,  s.  p. 
Vlil.  1594.  8.  Charles  Blount,  brother  and  heir;  Created 

Earl  of  Devonshire  31  July,  1603,  K.  G. ;  ob. 

1606,  s.  p.  L.  when  all  his  honors  became 

IX.  1637.  1.  Montjojr-Bloont  (natural  son  of  the  last  Ba- 
ron), 1st  Baron  Montjoy  of  Montjoy  Fort,  in 
Ireland ;  Created  Baron  Montjoy  of  Thurves- 
ton CO.  Derby, 1627 ;  Created  Earl  of 

Newport  3  Au;.  1638.  Vide  Newport. 

4E^ttnct  1681. 




I,  17  U.     l.Tbomu  Windsor,  Ist  Viscount  Windsor  in 

Ireland,  younger  son  of  Tbomas  Ist  Earl  of 
Plymouth;  descended  from  Andrews  Windsor, 
Ist  Baron  Windsor,  by  Elisabetb,  sister  and 
coheir  of  Edward  II. -3d  Baron  Montjoy  ; 
Created  Baron  Montjoy  of  the  Isle  of  Wight 
1  Jan.  1711;  ob.  1738. 

II.  1738.  3.  Herbert  Windsor,  s.  and  b.  Viscount  Windsor 

in  Ireland ;  ob.  1758,  &  P.  H.  when  all  his 
honors  became 

VitcouNTCY,  SO  February,  1796* 

Vide  BuTB. 



I.  1801.     I.Charles  Moore,  1st  Marquess  of  Drogheda  in 

Ireland;  Created  Baron  Moore  of  Moore 
Place,  CO.  Kent,  17  Jan.  1801,  K.  P.;  ob. 

II.  1823.     8.  Charles  Moore,  s.   and  b.      Present    Baron 

Moore ;  also  Marquess  of  Drogbftda^  du:.  in 



I.  1533.  1.  John  Mordaunt ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  4  Mav, 

31  Henry  VIII.  to  5  Nov.  5  and  6  Philip  and 
'     Mary,  1558;  ob.  1563. 

II.  1563.  3*  John  Mordaunt,  s.  and  b.  Suoam.  to  Pari,  from 

1 1  Jan.  5  Eliz.  1563,  to  8  May,  14  £Hb.  1573; 
ob.  1573. 

III.  1573.  3.  Lewis  Mordaunt,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  8  Feb.  18  Elis  1576,  to  <M  Oct.  39  EUb. 
1597;  ob.  1601. 

IV.  1601,  4.  Henry  Mordaunt,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 




from  27  Oct.  43  Eliz.  1601,  to  5  Nov.  3  Jaq.I. 
1605;  ob.  1608. 

V.  1608.  5.  John  Mordaunt,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 

aO  Jan.  18  Jaq.  I.  1620,  to  17  May,  23  Jaq.  1. 
1625;  Created  Earl  of  Peterborough  in  1628. 
He  married  Elizabeth,  dau.  and  sole  heir  of 
William  Howard,  son  and  heir  apparent  of 
Charles  Howard,  Earl  of  Nottingham,  who 
in  right  of  her  mother  Ann,  dau.  and  heir  of 
John  2d  Baron  St.  John  of  Bletsho,  was 
sole  heir  of  the  Barony  uf  Beauchamp  of 
Bletsho;  ob.  1642. 

VI.  1642.  6.  Henry  Mordaunt,  s.  and  h.  Earl  of  Peterbo- 

rough, K.G.;  ob.  1697,  s.p.  h. 


I.  1697.  7. Mary  Mordaunt,  dan.  and  sole  heir;  she 
married,  1st,  Henry  Dake  of  Norfolk,  from 
whom  she  was  divorced ;  and  2dly,  Sir 
John  Germain,  Bart. ;  ob.  1705,  8.  P. 


Vn.  1705.  8.  Charles  Mordaunt,  IIL-Sd  Earl  of  Peterbo- 
rough, and  ni.-lst  Earl  of  Monmouth,  cou- 
sin and  heir,  being  s.  and  b.  of  John  Vis- 
count Mordaunt  of  Avalon,  next  brother  of 
Henry  2d  Earl    of  Peterborough,  and  6th 
Baron  Mordaunt. 
This  Barony  became  merged  in  the  Earldoms  of  Peter- 
borough and  Monmouth,  until  the  death  of  Charles  Henry 
V.-5th  Earl  of  Peterborough,  and  V.-3d  Earl  of  Mon- 
mouth, s.  p.  ]Q  1814,  when  it  devolved  on 


n.  1814.  9.  Mary  Anastatia  Grace  MiNrdannt,  dau.  of 
Charles  IV.  Earl  of  Peterborough,  aod  7th 
Baron  Mordaunt  of  Turvey,  and  half-sister 
and  sole  heir  of  Charles  last  Earl  and  last 
Baron  ;  ob.  1819,  8.  p.  when  the  Barony  de- 
volved on 


X.  1819.  JO.  Alexander  Gordon,  4th  Duke  of  Gordon  in 
Scotland,  and  1st  Earl  of  Norwich  in  Eng- 
land, cousin  and  heir,  be  being  heir  general 
of  Ch)irles  3d  Earl  of  Peterborough,  anil 
VII.-8th  Baron  Mord&unt,  viz.  s.  and  b.  of 
Cosmo  3d  Duke  of  Gordon,  eldest  sou   of 


Alexander  9d  Duke  of  Gordon,  by  Henrietta, 
dau.  nf  the  said  Charles  Sd  Earl  of  Peter^ 
Peterboroofsh  nnd  Barcm  Mordaunt.  Present 
Baron  Mordaunt  of  Torvey,  Bantn  Beau- 
champ  of  Bletsho,  Baron  Gordon,  and  Earl 
of  Norwich;  also  Duke  of  Gordon,  &c.  in 
Scotland:  K.T.    ^ 



I.  —I.  1659.  1.  John  Mordaunt,  Sd  son  of  John  1st  Earl  of 
Peterborough,  and  V.-&tb  Baron  Mordaunt 
of  Turvey;  Created  Baron  Mordaunt  of 
Ryegate,  co.  Surrey,  and  Viscount  Mor- 
daunt of  Avalon,  co.  Somerset,  10  July, 
1659 {  ob.  1675. 
II — 11.1675.  3.  Charles  Mordaunt,  s.  and  h.  Created  Earl 
of  Monmouth  April  9,  1689$  succeeded  as 
Ill.-3d  Earl  of  Peterborough  in  1697,  and 
.     as  Vll.-8ih  Baron  Mordaunt  of  Tonrey  in 
1705.    The  Barony  of  Mordaunt  of  Ryegate,  and  this 
Viscountcy  continued  merged  in  the  superior  titles  of 
Peterborough  and  Monmouth,  until  the  death  of  Charles 
Henry  5ih   Earl  of   Peterborough,  V.-3d  Earl  of  Mon- 
mouth, IX.- 10th  Baron  Mordaunt  of  Turvey,  and  IVMth 
Viscount  Mordaunt  of  Avalon,  and  Baron  Mordaunt  of 
RyegatCy  when  all  his  honors  became 



I.  1890.  1.  William  de  Morley ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  frem  29 

Dec.  98  Edw.  1.  1S99,  to  3  Nor.  34  Edw.  I. 
1306;  ob 

II.  1317.  S.  Robert  de  Morley,  s.and  h.  Sumro.  to  Pari. 

from  20  Nov.  11  Edw.  II.  1317,  to  15  Feb.  31 
Edw.  III.  1357.  He  married  Hawyse,  dau. 
and  heir  of  John  Baron  Marshal ;  ob.  1360. 

III.  1360.  S.William  de  Morley,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  4  Dec.  38  Edw.  III.  1364,  to  3  Dec.  2 
Rtc.II.  I378i  ob.  1380. 

440  MORLEY. 


IV.  138U.  4.Tboni«t  de  Morley,  t.  and  b«  Samm.  to  Pari. 

from  16  July,  5  Ric.  II.  ISSly  to  3  Sept.  4 
H«nry  V.  1417  ;  ob.  1417. 

V.  1417*  5.  Tbomat  de  Morley,  grandson  and  beir,  boin;: 

B.  and  b.  of  Robert  de  Morley  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  ibe  last  Baron ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
15  July,  5  Henry  VI.  1497,  to  5  July,  13 
Henry  VI.  1435  • ;  ob.  1435. 

VI.  1435.  6.  Robert  de  Morley,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

3d  Dee.  90  Henry  VL  1441 ;  ob.  1442,  s.p.  m. 

VII.  1469.      WUliam  Lovel,  Sd  son  of  William  Baron  Lo. 

vel  of  Ticbmersfa,  baving  married  Alianore, 
dau.  and  sole  beir  of  the  last  Barun,  was 
Summ,  to  Pari,  jure  uzoris,  from  10  Aug:. 
9  Kdw.  IV.  14S9,  to  15  Oct.  10  Edw.  IV. 
14 17.  as  «« WiUielmo  Lovel  de  Morley,  Cbl'rs" 
ob.  1476. 

VIII.  1476.  7.  Henry  Lovel,  s.  and  b. ;  he  was  never  Summ. 

to  Pari.;  ob.  1489*  S.P. 

IX.  I5S3.  S.Henry  Parker,  s.  and  b.  of  Sir  William  Par- 

ker, by  Alice  Lovel,  sister  and  sole  bf  ir  uf 
Henry  the  last  Baron ;  Summ*  to  Pari,  as 
**  Henrico  Parker  de  Morley,  Chrr."  from  15 
April,  14  Henry  VIJL  .1533,  to  S8  Oct.  8  and 
3  Philip  and  Mary,  1555;  ob.  1555. 

X.  1555.ia  Henry  Parker,  g^randson  and  heir, being  s.  and 

b  of  Sir  Henry  Parker,  K.B.  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Baron ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 

*  A  John  de  Morley  is  stated  In  the  List  of  Sumiponses  to 
have  been  Summ.  to  Purl.  94  May,  1 1  Hen.  VI.  I43S,  but  as  the 
name  of  Thomas  de  Morley  regularly  occurs  in  the  5th  and  7th 
Heniy  VI.  and  again  the  13th  Henry  VI.  it  is  presumed  to  have 
been  ap  error;  in  the  year  preceding,  viz.  10  Henry  VI.  the 
Christian  name  does  not  appear  in  the  List  of  Summonses,  as  it 

stands  ** de  Morley,  Chrr."     Thomas  was  lUron  Morley 

from  the  death  of  his  gnmd&ther  in  1417,  to  his  own  death,  Dec. 
IS,  1435,  as  is  stated  alwve.  Moreover,  in  the  List  of  Barons 
present  in  Parliament  in  the  1 1  th  of  Uennr  VI.  the  very  year  in 
which  ha  is  styled  in  the  Writ  John  de  Morley,  he  is  properly 
called  «<Thouue  de  Morley,  Chivaler."  Vide  Rot.  Pari.  voU  iv. 
p.  42«. 

MORLEY.  449 


90  Jan.  4  and  5  Philip  Mid  Mary,  ISSB^  to  8 
May,  UElis.  1572 ;  oh.  .... 

XI.  1581.1  I.Edward  Parker,  t.  and  b.  Summ.  toParl.  from 

S6  Jan.  S3  Eliz.  1581,  to  5  April  1$  Jaq.  I. 
1614.  He  married  Elisabeth,  sole  dau.  and 
heir  of  William  Baron  Monteaglei  ob.  1618. 

XII.  l618.18.Williani  Parlcer»  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  vita 

patris  in  right  of  his  mother,  as  Baron  Mont- 
eagle;  and  summoned  as  <*W!ilielmo  Par- 
ker de  Morley  and  Monteagle,"  from  30  Jan. 
18  Jaq.  1.  163J,  to  4  Nov.  19  Jaq.  f.  16S1  ; 
ob.  1622. 

XIII.  1622.1  S.Heiiry  Parker,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  as 

* '  Henrico  Parker  de  Morley  and  Monteagle," 
from  12  Feb.  21  Jaq.  I.  1624,  to  3  Nov.  15 
Car.  I.  1639;  ob.  1655. 

XIV.  1655.14.Tboma8  Parker,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  as 

^Thums  Parker  de  Morley  and  Monteagle," 
from  8  May,  13  Car.  11.  1661,  to  19  May,  I 
Jaq.  IL  1685  ;  ob.  circa  1686,  8.  p.  when  the 
Baronies  of  Morley  and  Monteagle,  together 
with  that  of  Marshal,  fell  Into  Abeyance  be- 
tween the  Issue  of  his  aun|s,  viz.  of  Cathe- 
rine, wife  of  John  Savage,  V.-8d  Earl  Rivers, 
and  of  Elizabeth,  who  married  Edward  Cran- 
field,  Esq.  and  among  whose  descendants  and 
representatives  they  are  still  in  Abeyance. 



1 .  1815.  1 .  John  Parker  (descended  from  a  distinct  family 
from  that  of  the  above  Barons),  2d  Baron 
Boringdon;  Created  Viscount  Boringtion  of 
North  Molton,  eo.  Devon,  and  Earl  of  Mor- 
ley, in  the  said  County,  29  Nov.  1815.  Pre- 
sent Earl  of  Morley  and  Viscount  and  Baron 
Boringdon.    =f= 

450  , 


I.  Will.!.  1.  Ralph  de  Mortimer;  came  into  EngUnd  with 

William  the  Conqueror,  aad   obtained  ibe 
Castle  of  Wigmore  ;  ob 

II.  H.  I.   S.  Hugh  de  Mortimer,  8.  and  h.  ob.  I J 85. 

III.  U.H.  3.  Roger  de  Mortimer,  s.  and  h.  ob.  lS15. 

IV.  John.  4. Hugh  de  Mortimer^  8.  and  b.  ob,  1297,  S.  P. 

V.  H.III.  5.  Ralph  de  Mortimer,  half-brother  and  heir ;  ob. 


VI.  H.  UK  6.  Roger  de  Mortimer,  t.and  h.  ob.  1288. 


}.  1895.  7*  Edmund  Mortimer,  8.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 
from  83  June,  83  Edw.  1.  1895,  to  8  June,  30 
Edw.  1. 1308.  He  was  also. summoned  8  June, 
88  Edw.'l.  1894;  but,  for  the  reasons  as- 
signed under  "  Clyvedon,'*  it  is  doubtful  if 
that  Writ  can  be  deemed  a  regular  Summons 
to  Parliament;  ob.  1303. 

II,  1899.  8.  Roger  Mortimer,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  6  Feb.  87  Edw.  I.  1899*  to  3  Dec.  80 
.£dw.  IL  1386 ;  after  the  1st  Edw.  II.  with  the 
addition  of  "de  Wigroore;"  Created  Earl  of 
March  in  1388;  executed  and  attainted  1330, 
when  all  his  honors  became 

I.  1331.  1.  Edmund  Mortimer,  s.and  b.  In  consequence 
of  his  father's  Attainder,  he  did  not  succeed 
to  bis  honors,  but  was  Summ.  to  Pari.  80 
Nov.  5  Edw.  III.  1331,  as  «* Edmund  de  Mor^ 
tuomari ;"  ob.  Dee.  1331. 

IV.  1331.  8.7  Roger  Mortimer,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

III.  1353.  9.  $  from  80  Nov.  88  Edw.  lU   1348,  to  15  March, 

88  Edw.  111.  1354,  as  **Rogero  de  Mortut>- 
mari,"  excepting  in  the  84ib,  S5tb,  and  87tb 
Edw.  IIL  and  then  with  the  addition  of  **  de 
Wigmore,"  the  Attainder  of  his  grandfather 
being  reversed,  in  the  Parliament  of  37 
Edw.  III.  he  was  summoned  to  the  next  Par- 
liament, vi2.  80  Sept.  89  Edw.  III.  1355,  as 
Earl  of  March,  K.  G.  Vide  Mabch. 


Ann  Moitimery  the  titter  and  eventoally  tolt  belr  of 
Edmund  6tb  Earl  of  March;  and  Vl.-lSth  Btroo  Morti- 
mer, married  Richard  Plantafenet,  Eari  of  Cambridft, 
and  conTcyed  the  right  to  the  Throne  to  the  House  of 
York:  their  son,  Richard  Plaotaf^enet,  Dulie  of  York* 
iuberited  the  Baronies  of  Mortimer  created  hj  the  Writs 
of  23  Edw.  I.  and  5  Edw.  III.  Jure  matris,  and  on  tho 
accession  of  the  son  and  heir  of  the  said  Dttke  to  the 
Throne,  by  the  title  of  King  Edward  IV.  these  Baronies, 
with  all  his  other  dignities^  became  merged  in  the  Crown. 



I.  H.  II.  1.  Robert  de  Mortiaier,  of  the  tame  family  at 

the  preoediugy  by  marrying  Margery,  dau. 
and  heir  of  Hugh  de  Say,  ac(|oired  Richard's 
Castle  temp.  Henry  II. ;  oh.  circa  IS  19. 

II.  H.III.  3.  Hugh  de  Mortimer,  t,  and  h.  ob.  )S75. 

III.  Edw  J.  3.  Robert  de  Mortimer,  t.  and  h.    He  married 

Joyce,  dau,  and  heir  of  William  le  Zoucbe, 
Sd  son  of  Roger  JI.-Sd  Baron  Zoucbe  of 
Asbby;  ob.  1887. 


IV.  1399.   4.  Hugh  de  Mortimer,  s.  and  h.  Somm.  to  Pari. 

6  Feb.  and  10  April,  37  Edw.  I.  1399.    He 
was  also  summoned  36  Jan.  and  9  Sept.  35 
^  Edw.  I.  1397 1  hat  it  is  doubtful  if  the  two 

latter  Writs  were  regular  Summonses  to  Pari, 
vide  <<  FiTs^JoHN ;"  ob.  1304,  8.  P.  M.  Joan 
and  Margaret  being  his  daughters  and  heirs  { 
^  of  whom  the  former  married  to  her  second 
husband  Richard  Talbot,  whose  posterity 
enjoyed  the  Lordship.  (Vide  Talbot  of 
Rig  BARD*!  Castle.)  This  Barony  is  probably 
in  Abbyancb  aaaong  the  descendants  and 
representatives  of  the  daughters  and  coheirs 
of  the  last  Baron. 




I.      John.      Robert  de  Mortimer,  Lord  of  Attilbergh,  co. 
Norfolki  temp.  John)  from  whom  descended 

I.  EdwJ.  1.  William  de  Mortimer,  who  was  livinff  at  Attil- 

berg  iS83;  Summoned  8  June,  92  Edw.  I. 
1?94,  and  S6  Jan.  S5  Edw.  1.  1297 1  but  it 
is  doubtful  if  either  of  these  Writs  can  be 
considered  as  a  ref^ular  Summons  tu  Parlia- 
ment ;  vide  ««  Clyvbdon  "  and  "  Fitz-Jomn  ;" 
ob.  1397. 

II.  1343*  8.  Constantine  de  Mortimer,  s.  and  h.    Sumni. 

to  Pari.  25  Feb.  16  Edw.  III.  1348)  but 
never  after*  nor  any  of  his  descendants.  Un- 
less the  Writs  of  28  and  85  Edw.  I.  be 
considered  au  regular  Writs  of  Summons  to 
Parliament,  this  Barmy,  on  the  death  of 
Coustantine,  the  last  Baron,  became 


or  CHIRKB. 

1.  1307.  Roger  Mortimer,  8d  son  of  Roger  V.-5th  Ba- 
ron ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  86  Aug.  1  Edw.  II. 
13U7»  to  15  May,  14  Edw.  II.  1381,  as  **  Ro- 
ger de  Mortuo-mari  de  Cbircbe;"  od.  1336, 
leaving  John  his  son  and  heir,  whose  poste- 
rity continued  in  the  male  line  for  several 
generations,  but  neither  he  nor  any  of  his 
descendants  were  ever  Summoned  to  Parlia- 
ment ;  the  Barony  is,  however,  probably  in 
Abbyancb  among  the  descendants  and  repre- 
sentatives of  the  said  John  de  Mortimer. 


OF  ——- 

J.      1896.      Simon  Mortimer,  probably  of  the  same  family, 
though  Dugdale  gives  no  account  of  him; 


„.  to  Pari*  86  Auff.  S4  E4w.  I.  IS96»  but 
neyer  after,  and  of  whom  nothing  farther  it 

known ;  ob when  the  Barony  became 




I.  J  7 1 1 .  Robert  Ilarley ;  Created  Baron  Harley  of  Wig- 
more,  eo.  Hereford,  Rari  of  Oxford,  and  Earl 
Mortimer*  with  a  special  remainder,  94  May, 
1711*  VideOxFoSD* 



L   Uen.II.  1.  Simon  de  Monrill,  Loid  of  Burgh,  co.  Cum* 

berland.  Jure  uxoris  s  ob 

II.    Rid.  S.  Rofrer  de  Morvill,  s.  and  h.  ob 

UI.  John.  3.  Hugh  de  Morvill,  s.  and  h.  ob.  lS04,s.p.ii. 

hit  two  daughters  being  his  heirs. 

I.  H«  II.  Riehard  de  Morvill,  younger  ton  of  Simon  1st 
Baron;  ob.  ....,  s.p.m.  Helen,  hit  dan. 
being  his  heir. 


h      1319.      Nicholas  de  Morville,  j^bably  descended  from 

the  same  family;  Somm.  to  Pari.  6  Nov.  13 

Edw.II.  1319,  and  5  Aug.  14  Edward  II.  1320,  but  never 

after,  and  of  whom  nothing  more  is  known.    Dugdale 

pvet  no  account  of  this  Baron. 



I.  H.ll.     1.  Ernulf  de  Morewic,  held  one  knight's  fee  co. 

Northumberland  ]  165. 

II.  H.III.  d.  Ilugh  de  Morewic,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1 190. 

III.  Rie.  I.  3.  Hugh  de  Morewic,  s.and  b.  ob 

IV.  H.III.  4.  Morewic,  s.  and  h.  ob.  IS61,  8.P.M. 

leaving  his  three  daughters  his  heirs;  viz. 
Sybil,  wife,  1st,  of  Roger  de  Lumley,  and  3d, 
VOL,  II.  s 



of  Rof^r  de  St.  Martin ;  Theopbaniay  of 
John  de  Balmer ;  and  Beatris>  of  John  de 



I.  1781.»I.  1789.  l.Georfi^e  Rd|^nibe,  3d  Baron  1^' 
combe;  Created  Viscount  Mount 
Edgcumb  and  Valletort,  co.  Devon, 
&  Marcb,  1?81 ;  Created  Earl  of 
Mount  Edfi^cunibe  aforesaid  31  Aug: 
1789;  ob.  1795. 

II — >n.  1795.  3.  Richard  Edg^eumbe,  s.  and  b.  Present 

Earl  of  Mount  Edgcumbe,  Viscount 
Mount  Edgcumbe  and  Valletort^  and 
Baron  Edgcombe.    =F 



I.  1761.  I.Mary,  only  dan.  of  Edward  Wortley  Moilta^ 
(grandfton  of  Edward  1st  Earl  of  Sandwich), 
and  wife  of  John  3d  Earl  of  Bute  in  Scotland, 
K.  G. ;  Created  Baroness  Mount  Stuart  of 
Wortley,  co.  York,  3d  April,  1761,  with  limi- 
tation of  the  Barony  to  her  issue  male  by 
BARONS.  her  said  husband ;  ob.  1794. 

I.  1794.  9.  John  Stuart,  4th  Earl  of  Bute  in  Scotland,  s. 
and  h. ;  succeeded  his  mother  in  this  Ba- 
rony 13  Nov.  1794  ;  Craated  Marquess  of 
Bute,  &c.  in  England.  Vide  BuTB. 



I.  WilLl.  I.Nigel  de  Albini,  obtained  divers  Lordshipi 

fh>m  William  the  Conqueror ;  living  1 118 ; 
ob.  •  •  •  • 

II.  Scepb.  9'  Roger  de  Mowbray,  which  name  he  assumed, 

s.  and  h.  living  1145;  ob 

III.  H.  III.  3.  Nigel  de  Mowbray,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1191. 

MOWBRAY.  455 

bIbons  by  tenure. 

IV.  Mm.  4.  WilliMi  de  Wmbny,  s.bii4  b.|  Im  wm  om  of 
the  celebrated  86  Barons  appoiuted  to  en* 
furoe  the  obienruioe  of  Magma  Charta«| 
ob.  133S. 

y.  H.  111.  5.  Nifel  de  Mowbray,  a.  and  b.  ob.  1898»  8.P. 

VJ.  H.lll.  6.Rofer  de  Mowbray^  brother  and  heir;  ob. 

BV  WBrr. 

J*  1895.  7«  Roger  de  Mowbray^  t.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  83  June,  83  Edw.  1.  1895,  to  86  Aug. 
84  Edw.  I.  1896.  He  was  also  summoned  8 
June,  83  £dw.  1. 1894,  and  36  Aug.  35  Edw.  I. 
1897 ;  but  it  is  doubttul  if  either  of  those 
Writs  was  a  regular  Summons  to  ParL  vide 
*<Ci.YVBpoN"  and  *<  Fitz  John  $'*  ob.  1898. 

11*  1898.  8»  John  de  Mowbray,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  86  Aug.  1  Edw.  II.  1307,  to  &  Aug.  14 
Edw.  IL  1380;  ob.  1381. 

HI,  1381.  9>  Jobn  de  Mowbray,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  10  Dee.  1  Edw.  III.  1387»  to  SO  Nor. 
34  Edw.  III.  1360;  ob.  1361. 

IV.  1361.  10.  John  de  Mowbray,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  14  Aug.  36  Edw.  III.  1368,  to  20  Jan. 
39  Edw.  111.  1366,  as  «<  Jobanni  de  Mowbray 
deAxilholm;"  he  married  EUiabeth,  dau. 
and  beir  of  John  Baron  Segrave,  by  Marga- 
ret, dau.  and  beir  of  Thomas  Plantagenet» 
Earl  of  Norfolk,  son  of  King  Edward  1. ;  ob. 

V.  1368.  11.  John  de  Mowbray,  s.  and  h.t  Created  Earl  of 

Nottingham  1377 ;  ob.  1379>  s.p. 

VI.  1379-  13. Thomas  de  Mowbray,  brother  and  heir;  Cre* 

ated  Earl  of  Nottingham  1383,  and  Duke  of 
Norfolk  1400;  Eari  Marshal;  K.G. 

Vide  NoBFOLK. 

On  the  death  of  Ann  Mowbray,  dau.  and  sole  heir  of 

■  .1  ■   1 1. 1   I  .1  ■  ■    I  ii 

*  Roger  db  Mowbray,  a  yonoger  brother  of  this  Baron, 
ooght,  perhaps,  to  be  ranlced  smung  the  Barons  of  that  period,  as 
he  is  genenlly  considered  to  have  been  another  of  the  cele* 
brsted  85  Barons  appointed  to  enforce  the  observance  of  Mao* 
MA  Charta,  though  some  writers  call  him  Roger  de  Montbezon. 
This  Roger  de  Mowbray  died  s.  p. 


Jotm  IV.-4th  Diike  of  Norfolk,  and  X*l6th  fiaron 
Mo«vbray,  ivithout  istoe,  this  Baronjr  fell  into  Abbyamcb 
between  the  deieendants  of  Mai^aret  and  Isabel,  the 
daughters  of  Thomas  Vl.-I2th  Baron  Mowbrajr,  And 
I.- 1st  Doke  of  Norfolk ;  which  Mar^ret  married  Sit  Ro- 
bert Howard,  ancestor  of  the  Dukes  of  Norfolk,  and 
Isabel  was  the  wife  of  James  Baron  Berkeley,  ancestor 
of  the  Earls  of  Berkeley.  The  Abeyance  was  not  deter- 
mined until  the  13tb  April,  1639,  when  Henry  Howard, 
son  and  heir  apparent  of  Thomas  Earl  of  Arundel,  Nor- 
folk, and  Surrey,  was  Summ.  to  Pari,  as  Baron  Mow- 
bray |  his  eldest  son  Was  restored  to  the  Dukedom 
of  Norfolk,  in  which  dimity  this  Barony  continued 
merged  until  the  death  of  Edward  XIV.- 11th  Duke,  ia 
1777»  when,  together  with  several  other  Baronies,  it  again 
fell  into  Abbyancb  between  the  two  daughters  and  co^ 
beirs  of  Philip  Howard,  younger  brother  of  the  said 
Duke;  and  between  the  Lords  Petre  and  Stourton,  as  the 
descendants  and  representatives  of  the  said  coheirs,  tint 
Barony,  with  those  of  Howard,  Fornlval,  &c.  is  now  in 
Abeyance.  Vide  Fuenival  and  Nobfolk, 


I.  1638.  1.  Edmund  Sheffield,  dd  Baron  Sheffield;  Cre- 

ated  Rati  of  Mulgrave  7  Feb.  16S6,  K.G.| 
ob.  1646. 

II.  1646.  S.  Edmund  Sheffield,  grandson  and  heir,  being 

ion  and  heir  of  Sir  John  Sheffield  (ub.  v.  p.) 
eldest  son  of  the  last  Earl ;  ob.  1658. 

JIL  1658.  3.  John  Sheffield,  s,  and  h.  Created  Marqaess  of 
Normanby,  co.  Lincoln,  10  May,  1694 ;  Cre- 
ated Duke  of  Normanby  9  March,  1703  ; 
Created  Duke  of  Buckingham  83d  of  the 
same  month,  K.G. }  ob.  173 1. 

IV.    1721.  4.  Edmund  Sheffield,  s.  and  h.  Duke  of  Nor- 
manby  and  Buckingham  ;    ob.  1735,  s.  P. 
when  all  his  titles  became 


I.  1790.  Constantine  John  Phipps,  8d  Baron  Mulgrave 
in  Ireland}  Created  Baron  Mulgrave  of  Mul- 


f(f»ve,  eo.  York*  16  June,  1790;  ob.  1799$ 
s.  p.  M.  when  the  BuflUb  Barony  beeAme 


Jl.  i798«^V«  1818.  K  Henry  Pbipps,  3d  Baron  Mul^raveiR 
Ireland,  brother  and  heir  of  the  iaat 
Baron ;  Created  Baron  Mulgrave  of 
Mulprave,  co*  York,  13  Au|p.  1798 ; 
Created  Viscount  Normanbj  of  Nor* 
manby,  co.  York,  and  Earl  of  MuU 
|:rave  in  the  said  countv*  7  Sept, 
1818.  Present  Earl  and  Barun  Mul- 
fcrave  and  Viscount  Norroanby ;  also 
Baron  Mulgraye  in  Ireland,  G.  C.  B. 



I.  H.  I.      Thomas  de  Molton,  Lord  of  Multon,  co.  lin- 

coln  {  to  whom  succeeded 

II.  H.II.      Lambert  de  Molton;  living  1166  ;  his  suc- 

cessor was 
IIL  John.  I.Thomas  de  Multon»  who  married,  secondly^ 

Ada,  dan.  and  coheir  of  Hu^  de  Morville ; 

ob.  1S40. 
iV.  H.IIL  3.Thomaf  de  Multon,  eldest  son  by  the  8d  wife  i 

he  nfarried  Maud,  dau.  and  heir  of  Hubert 

de  Vaux  of  Gillesland)  ob.  1870. 

V.  H.  III.  3.  Thomas  de  Multoo,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1893. 

VI.  Edw.  1. 4.Thomas  de  Multon,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1895. 


I.  1307.  S.Thomas  de  Multon,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  86  Aufrust,  1  Edw.  II.  1307,  to  86  Nov. 
7  Edw.  II.  1313,  as  <*Thoma  de  Multon  de 
Gillesland;"  ob.  1313,  S.P.M.  Margaret,  his 
dau.  and  heir,  married  Ralph  l.-lst  Baron 
Dacre,  and  carried  the  Barony  of  Multon  of 
Gillesland  to  that  family,  and  which  Barony 
is  now  vested  in  Thomas,  the  present  Barori 
Dacre.  Vide  Dacrb. 




I.  H.I  II.  1.  Lambert  de  Multon,  s.  and  b.  ofTbomatllf.- 

]8t  Baron  ;  he  married  Annabel,  dau.  and 
coheir  of  Richard  de  Lucie  of  Espreradnt,  and 
acquired  that  Lordship;  ob.  1847. 

II.  H. III.  8. Thomas  de  Multon,  Son  and  heir;  ob.1394. 


I.  1S99.  3.  Thomas  de  Multon,  a.  and  h.  Sumra.  to  Pari. 

from  6  Feb.  27  Edward  I.  1999.  to  15  May, 
14  Edward  IL  1330}  after  the  1st  Edward  II. 
with  the  addition  of  *'  de  E^remund ;"  he 
was  also  Summoned  96  Jan.  25  Edw.  I. 
1297;  but  it  is  doubtful  if  that  Writ  waa 
a  rc|^lar  Summooa  to  Parliament;  vide 
•«  FiTz-JoHN ;"  ob.  1322. 

II.  1322.  4.  John  de  Multon,  s  and  h.  Siimm.  to  Pari,  from 

27  Jan.  6  Edw.  III.  1332,  to  24  July,  8  Edw. 
III.  1334,  as  "Juhanni  de  Multon;"  ob. 
1334,  8.  p.  ieavinic  his  three  iisters  Ua 
heirs,  viz.  Joan,  wife  of  Robert  Baron  Fits- 
Walter;  Elisabeth,  wife  of  Walter  de  Ber« 
micham ;  and  Mar|(aret.  wife  of  Thomas  de 
Lucie,  who  shared  bis  inheritance  i  and 
amonj?  whose  deacendants  and  reprtienta* 
tives  this  Barony  is  now  Iti  Abeyance. 



I.  Will.l.    Hubert  de  Munchen^i ;  livingr  1 140. 

I I.  H.  I.      Wartue  de  Muncheiisi,  son  and  heir ;  ob.  . .  . « 
ill.    H.  II.    Hubert  deMunchensi,  s.  and  h.  living  1186 1 

the  next  mentioned  is 

IV.  Ric.  I.     William  de  Munehensi ;  ob.  circa  1204. 

V.  John.      William  de  Munehensi,  8.  and  heir;  ob.  drea 

1213,  8.  p. 

VI.  H.  III.    Warine  de  Munehensi,  uncle  and  heir ;  ob. 

BY  WRIT.  1255. 

I.  1264*  William  de  Munehensi,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to 
Pari.  24  Dec.  49  Hen.  III.  1264;  ob.  1289. 
s. P.M.    Dyonisia,  his  sole  dau,  and  heir. 

married   Hug:h  de  Vere»   yonnger  son    of 

Robert  fiarl  of  Oxford. 
WillUm  de  Muncbensi,  a  younger  brother  of  Cbe  last 
mentioned  Wartne,  married  Beatrix,  dao.  and  coheir  of 
William  de  Beaucbamp,  Baron  of  Bedford,  and  died 
1386,  learing  WiHiam  bit  ion  and  heir,  who  died  1309, 
leaving  male  itiue ;  but  none  of  tbU  branch  were  ever 
Summoned  to  Parliament. 

MUNCy.  ^ 


I*  1999*  Walter  de  Muncy  $  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  6 
Feb.  87  £dw.  1.  1399,  to  9S  Feb.  35  Edward  I. 

Dugdale  gives  no  account  of  this  Baron  ;  nor  is 
there  any  notice  of  him  or  bis  posterity  by  any  other  ge- 
nealogical writer. 


Barony,  8  August,  1786. 

Vide  Strange. 



I.  WilLL  l.Hasooit  Musard;   held  numerous  Lordships 

at  the  General  Survey. 

II.  Hen.1. 2.  Richard  Musard,  s.  and  b.  ob 

III.  H.  II.  3.  Hascoit  Musard,  s.  and  h.  certified  for  scYcral 

Knight's  fees  1165  ;  ob.  ante  1 187. 

IV.  Ric.  1. 4.  Ralph  Musard ;  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  1330. 

V.  H.I  II.  5.  Robert  Musard,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1240,  s.  P. 

VI.  H.III.  6.  Ralph  Musard,  brother  and  heir ;  ob.  1265. 

VII.  H.III.  7.Ra]pfa  Musard,  s.  and  fa.  ob.  1273. 
VIlLEdwJ.  S.John  Musard,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1S89,  s.  p. 

iX.  £dw.1. 9. Nicholas  Musard,  uttcie  and  heir;  ob.  I8OO9 
8.  P.  leaving  his  sisters  his  next  heirs. 

400  MUSCHJkftfP^NVLSOIf: 



J.  Hen.  1. 1.  Robert  de  MuBchampj  obtuned  divers  Lord- 
ships from  Henry  I. 

.II.  H.  II.  2.  Tbomas  de  MuscbRmpy  s.  and  b.  living:  1 172. 

JU.  Ric.  I.  3.  Robert  de  Muscbamp,  s.  and  b.  ob 

IV.  H.III.  4.  Robert  de  Muschamp,  s.and  b.  ob.  12499  8.P.M. 
leaving  his  daughters  his  heirs. 



I.  J  350.  Thomas  Musicrave ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  95 
Nov.  24  Edw.  HI.  1350,  to  4  Oct.  47  Edw.III. 
1 3739  but  never  afterwards,  nor  any  of  his 
descendants,  who  continued  in  the  male 
line  when  Dugdale  wrote,  and  it  is  presumed 
are  still  extant. 

Vide  Lansladron. 


BARON.  Vise. 

1.  1798.  I.  1801.  1.  Sir  Horatio  Nelson,  K,  B.  Created 
BARON8.  Baron  Nelson  of   the    Nile  and  of 

'•  **^"*-  Burnham  Thorpe,  co.  Norfolk,  Nov. 

6,  1798  i  Created  Viscount  Nelson  of 
the  Nile  and  Burnham  Thorpe  afore- 
said, 22  May,  1801;  Created  Baron 
Nelson  of  the  Nile  and  of  Hilbo- 
rough,  CO.  Norfolk,  4  August,  1801  ; 
with   remainder,    failing  his    issue 

NELSm^-^lfiVIIX.  461 

niftle»  to  bit  father  the  ReT.  Edmund 
Neliony  Clerk,  Rector  of  Burnbain 
Tborpe,  and  bis  ittue  male  ;*  failing 
wbieb,  to  tbe  issue  male  seyerally 
and  soccesaivelj  of  Susannah,  wife  of 
Thomas  Bolton,  Esq.  and  of  Cathe- 
rine, wife  of  George  Matcbam,  Esq. 
sisters  of  tbe  Yiseount,  Duke  of 
BroDt^  in  Sidlvi  slaia  1809 1  ob. 
9.  P.  when  tbe  Barony  of  NeUon  of 
Burnbam  Thorpe  and  tbeViscountcy 
became  4S);tinct ;  but  tbe  Barony  of 
Nelson  of  Hilborough  devolved* 
BARON*      BARL.  agreeable  to  the  above  limitation,  on 

11.1805.-1.  1805.  3. William  NelsoQ,  brother  and  heir; 
Crested  Viscount  Merton  and  Tra- 
falgar of  Merton,  co.  Surrey,  and 
Earl  Nelson  of  Merton  and  Trafal- 
gar, with  remainder,  failing  his  issue 
male,  to  the  issue  male  of  bis  ststeia 
above  mentioned,  Nov.  SO,  1805. 
Present  Earl  and  Baron  Nelson  and 
Viscount  Merton  and  Trafalgar ;  also 
Puke  of  Bront^  In  Sicily. 



William  deNereford;  Summoned  8  June,  88  Edw.  T. 
1894,  and  26  January,  85  Edward  1.  1S97  >  but  it  is 
doubtful  if  either  of  these  Writs  can  be  considered  as  a 
regular  Summons  to  Parliament;  vide"  Clyvedon"  and 
*'  FiTz.  John."  He  was  never  afterwards  summoned ;  and 
though  he  left  male  issue,  they  were  never  summoned  to 
Parliament^  or  considered  as  Barons  of  tbe  Realm. 



I.    H.  If.    I.Geoffrey  de  Nevlll  (son  and  heir  of  Geoffrey, 
eldest  «on  of  Gilbert  de  Nevill,  supposed  to 

ASi  N6V1LL. 


bav«  been  Admlrml    of  William  the  Con- 
.  queror'i  fleet),  having  married  Emma^  dau. 

and  heir  of  Bertram  de  Bulmer,  acquired  her 

lands;  ob.  1194. 
II.    John.  8.  Henry  de  Nevill,  s.  and  b.  ub.  1337t  8«  P*  leaT- 

inf  Isabely  bit  sister  and  heir,  who  married 

Robert  Fits-Maldred,  Lord  of  Raby,  and  left 

•HI.  H.lll.  3.  Geoffrey,  who  assumed  the  name  of  NeTilI, 

Lord  of  Raby ;  ob 

IV.  HJIf.  4.  Robert  de  Nevilles,  and  h.ob.  1389. 


I.  I29S.  5.  Ralph  de  Nevill,  f^randson  and  heir*  beini^son 
and  heir  of  Robert  de  Nevill'(ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Baron ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
S3  June,  33  Edward  I.  1295,  to  18  February, 
S  Edw.  HI.  1331 1  he  was  also  Summoned  8 
June,  33  Edw.  I.  1394  i  but  for  the  reasons 
assigned  under  <*  Clyvbdon,"  it  is  very 
doubtful  if  that  Writ  was  a  regular  Summons 
to  Parliament;  ob.  1331. 

IL  133 1  •  6.  Ralph  de  Nevill,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
20  Not.  5  Edw.  UL  1331,  to  80  January,  39 
Edward  lU.  1366;  ob.  1367. 

IIL  1367.  7.  John  de  Nevill,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
34  Feb.  43  Edward  in.  1368,  to  38  July,  IS 
Rich.  n.  1388|  as  '*  Johanni  de  Nevill  de 
Raby,"  K.  G.  His  second  wife  was  Elizar- 
betb,  dau.  and  heir  of  William  IV.-4th  Baron 
Latimer,  by  whom  he  bad  one  son  John 
Nevill,  who  succeeded  as  Baron  Latimer, 
Jure  matris,  and  a  daughter  Elizabeth,  who 
married  Sir  Thomas  Willough by,  Knt. ;  ob. 

IV.    1388.  8.  Ralph  de  Nevill,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  6  Dec.  13  Rich.  if.  1389>  to  30  Nov, 

30  Rich.  n.  1396,  as  '*  Ranulpho  de  Nevyll 

deRaby;"   Created  Earl  of  Westmoreland 

39  Sept.  1397.  Vide  Wbstmorbland. 

This  Banniy  continued  merged  in  the   Earldom  of 

Westmoreland  until  1570,  when,  with  his  other  honors, 

by  the  attainder  of  Charles  VI.-6th  and  last  Earl  of  West* 

moreland,  and  IX.-13ih  Baron  Nevill  of  Raby,  it  became 




].    Hen.  1.     Robert  de  Nevtil  ;  whether  related  or  not  to 
the  above  family  is  uoknoirn  j  Uving  1 101  • 

I.    Hen.  I.     Ralph  de  Nevill;  living  temp.  Henry  I, 
I.    Hen.  I.      Gilbert  de  Nevill  of  Lincolnshire ;  liv.  1 159. 

I.  H.n.  I.Atande  Nevill,  brother  of  the  last  Gilbert, 

Chief  Justice  of  the  Forests  j  ob.  1 190. 

II.  John.  2.  Geoffrey  de  Nevill,  a.  and  b.  living  1391. 
IK.  H.  11.  S.John  de  Nevill,  son  and  b.  living  1865. 

I.  H.1I.  William  de  Nevill,  Sheriff  of  Norfolk  1155} 
living  1234;  he  married  Isabel,  dau.  and  co- 
heir of  Walter  de  Walerand  ;  ob.  8.  P.  M. 
Joane,  one  of  his  daughters  and  cobeira,  mar- 
ried Jordan  St.  Martin. 

I.  H.  11.   1.  Ralph  de  Nevill ;  living  1 175. 

II.  lUcI.  S.  Hugh  de  Nevill,  s.  and  b.  ob.  circa  1 199* 

III.  John.  3.  Henry  de  Nevill,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1318. 

IV.  H.llI.4.Hugh  de  Nevill,  s.  andb.}  ob.  8.P.  to  whom 


V.  U.III.  5.  Johan  de  Nevill,  brother  and  heir,  who  was  a 

Justice  Itinerant,  and  from  whom  the  cele- 
brated MS.  in  the  Eichequer,  **  Testa  de 
Nevill,"  takes  its  name. 

I.  Ric.  I.  Hughde  Nevill.  Sheriff  of  Oxford,  Essex,  and 
Hertford  1198}  living  ]316{  but  of  whom 
Du^dnle  says,  **  I  have  seen  no  more" 
than  that  he  gave  the  manor  of  Lokeswold  to 
the  Knights  Templars,  and  died  1232. 



I.  H.lll.  1.  Hugh  de  Nevill ;  founded  Stoke  Coumy  Priory, 

in  Devonshire  ;  living  1229. 

II.  H.III.  2.  John  de  Nevill,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1244. 

464  NEVILL. 


Ill*  H.II1.  3.  Hugh  de  Nevill,  t.  and  h.  IWins  1365 ;  from 
whom  descended,  as  Dugdale  supposes, 


I.  1311.  1.  Hugh  de  NeTill,  who  it  is  presumed  was  the 

Hugh  de  Nevill  who  was  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  19  December,  5  Edw.  II.  131 1»  to  1 
April,  9  Edw.  III.  1335,  though  Dugdale 
takes  no  notice  in  his  Baronage  of  »ny 
**  Hugh  de  Nevill,"  baying  been  summoned 
in  those  years,  but  merely  states,.  th«t  Hugh 
de  Nevill  was  the  father  of 

II.  1336.  S.John  de  Nevill;   Summ.  to  Pari,  from   23 

Jan.  9  Edward  III,  1336,  to  10  March,  33 
Edw.  HI.  1349,  as<*Johanni  de  Nevill  de 
Essex)"  ob.  1353,  -s.  p.  when  if  the  Barony 
was  created  by  the  Writ  of  33  Jan.9  Eldw.  HI. 
it  became  4S);tinCt;  but  if  the  conjecture  is 
correct,  that  Hugh  the  father  of  this  John 
was  Summoned  to  Parliament,  and  that  the 
Writ  of  33  Jan.  9  Edward  III.  was  issued  to 
his  son  on  his  death  circa  9  Edward  II|.  it 
became  vested  in  the  heirs  of  the  body  of  the 
said  Hugh  de  Nevill. 


OF  ^^ 


h      134^.      Robert  de  Nevill;    Summ.  to  Pari.  35  Feb. 
16  Edward  III.  1343,  but  never  afterwards, 
and  of  whom  nothing  farther  is  known ;  ob. 
•  •••,  when  this  Barony  became 



Vide  FuRNivAL. 


Vide  Fauconbero. 


Vide  Latimer. 



OF  Heirriioii. 




Vide  Abbrqaybmny. 


ViSGOUNTCY,  17  May,  1784. 

Vide  Abbrgaybmny. 


I.  J  627.  1»  Robert  Pierrppont ;  Created  Baron  Pierrepont 
of  Holme  Pierrepont^  co.  Nottingbam  and 
Viscount  Newark  in  tbe  tame  county,  89 
June,  1687  i  Created  Earl  of  Kinpiton  S6 
July,  1688.  Vide  Kingston. 

€ptinct  1773. 

VII.  17S6.  1.  Cbarles  Meadowa  (assumed  tbe  name  ol) 
Fierrepont ;  being  son  of  Pbilip  Meadows  by 
Frances,  sister  and  beir  of  Evelyn,  last  Duke 
of  Kingston,  and  VI.-6tb  and  last  Baron 
Pierrepont  of  Holme  Pierrepont,  and  Vis* 
count  Newark,  K.  G.  Created  Baron  Pierre- 
pont of  Holme  Pierrepont,  co.  Notts,  and 
viscount  Newark,  83  July,  1796;  Created 
Earl  Manven  9  April,  1806;  ob.  1816. 

VIIL 1816.  8.  Cbarles  Herbert  Pierrepont,  s.  and  b.  Earl 
Manvers.  Present  Visoount  Newark,  Baron 
Pierrepont  of  Holme  Pierrepont  and  Earl 
ManYcrs.    »F 


1.  1716.  I.George  Cbolmondeley,  1st  Baron  of  New- 
borottgb  in  Ireland ;  Created  Baron  of  New- 
burgb  in  tbe  Isle  of  Anglesey,  8  July,  1716  ; 
sueceeded  as  Il.-8d  Earl,  and  Illw-8d  Baron 
Cbolmondeley  in  1785.  Vide  Cholmokpeley. 
YOL.  II.  F 


George  Horatio  Cbolmondeley,  son  and  heir  apparent 
of  George  James,  present  Marquegs  of  Cholmondeley, 
K.  G.  and  Ill.-Sd  Baron  Newburgh ;  wa*  Suroro.  to  Pari, 
in  bis  lather's  Barony  of  Nowburgh,  84  Dec.  1821. 

Baront.  10  September,  1674— <CpttttCt  1774. 



I,  1623.      Lodovick   Stuart,     Ist    Earl  of    Richmond; 

Created  Earl  of  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  and 
Duke  of  Richmond  17  May,  1623,  K.  G.;  ob. 
16S4,  B.  P.  when  this  title  became 


II.  1628.— I.  1643.— I.  1664.  I.William  Cayendish  (nephew 

of  William  1st  Earl  of  De- 
▼onshire)^  1st  Baron  Ogle 
of  BolsoTer,  and  Ist  Visc»' 
Mansfield  ;  Created  Baron 
Cavendish  of  Bolsover,  co. 
Notts,  and  Earl  of  Newcas- 
tle-upon-Tyne 7  Mar.  1628; 
Created  Marquess  of  New* 
castle  *,  CO.  Northumber- 
land, 27  October,  1643 ; 
Created  Earl  of  Ogle  and 
Duke  of  Newcastle,  both 
CO.  Northumberland,  16 
March,  1664 ;  succeeded  to 
the  ancient  Barony  of  Ogle 
on  the  death  of  his  mother 
in  1629,  K.G.;  ob.  1676. 

*  BeatsoD  says  he -was  at  the  same  time  created  Baron  of 
Botha]  and  Hepple  j  whilst  Heylin  asserts  he  was  created  Baron 
of  Bertram  and  Marquess  of  Newcastle }  Dugdale  merely  states 
that  he  was  then  created  Marquess  of  Newcastle. 

NEWCASTLE.  '  467 

BAROMS.      MARQ.       DURB8.  « 

III ^11 ^11. 1676. 9.Heiinr  Cavendish  s.  Rnd  b« 

K.  G.  ;    ob.  1691,  ik  P.  m. 
when  all  hit  honors,  except- 
ing tlie  ancient  Barony  of 
Ogle,  became 
111.1694.1.  John   Holies,   4tb    Earl    of 
Clare,  baviug  married  Mar- 
garet, dau»  and  coheir  of 
Henry  the  last  Dake,  was 
Created  Marquess  of  Clare 
Hiid  Duke  uf  Newcastle    14 
May,  1694,  K. G.J  ob.1711, 
8.  P.  M.  when  bis  honors  be- 

IV.  1715.)  I.Thomas  Pelbam    (assumed 
Newcastle-under-Lymr.  (       the  name  oQ    Holies,  3d 
DUKES,     f      Baron  Pelham  of  Huugh- 
1.  1756.  J      ton,  sou  and  heir  of  Tho- 
mas Ist  Baron  Pelham  by 
Grace  Holies,  sister  of  the 
last  Duke;    Created  Viscount  Pelham  and 
Earl  of  Clare  36  Oct.  1 7 14 ;  Created  Marquess 
of  Clare  and  Duke  of  Newcastle,  co.  Northum- 
berland, with  remainder,  failing  his   issue 
male,  to  his  brother  Henry,  8  August,  1715. 
His  said  brother  having  died  s.  p.  M.  be  was 
Created  dukb  of  NEWCASTLS-UNDER-LYMB,with 
remainder,  failing  his  issue  male,  to  Henry 
Earl  of  Lincoln  and  his  issue  male  by  Cathe- 
rine his  wife,  niece  of  his  Grace,  13  Nov. 
1756;  Created  Baron  Pelham  of  Stanmere, 
with    a   special    remainder,  4  May,   1763, 
K.G.;  ob.  1768,  8.  P.  when  the  Dukedom  of 
•    NeWca8TLE-i;pon-Tynr,  and  all  bis  honors , 
excepting   tbe   Dukedom    of    Newcastle - 
i;nder-Lyme,    and  Barony   of   Pelham    of 
Stanmere,  b«'came 


11.     1768.  3.  Henry  Fiennes  (assumed   tbe  name  of   Pel- 
ham) Clinton,  XIX.-9th  Earl  of  Lincoln,  hus- 



band  of  Catlieriney  Ut  dau.  and  coheir  of 
Henry  Pelham^  only  brother  of  Thomas  la&t 
Duke ;  succeeded  to  the  Dukedom  of  New- 
CA8TLB-UNO£R-LYME,ag^reeable  to  the  limita- 
tion before  recited^  17  Nov.  1768»  K.  G.;  ob. 

III.    1794.  3. Thomas  Pelham  Clinton,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1795. 

iV.  1795.  4.  Henry  Pelham  Clinton,  s.  and  b.  Present 
Duke  of  Newcastle-under-Lyme,  and  £arl  of 
Lincoln,  K.  G.    =qP 



I.  Will.  I.  Bernard  Newmarch ;  settled  at  Brecknock 
temp.  Will.  I. 

I.  Hen.  I.  Adam  de  Newmarch,  ^ve  three  oxfranp  of 
land  in  Halton  to  the  Canons  of  Nostell, 
CO.  York* 

I.  H.  11.  William  de  Newmarch  ;  living^  1205,  but  be- 
coming a  leper,  nutbinif  farther  is  known  of 
him.  ' 

1*     H.  H.  1 .  Henry  de  Newmarch ;  livini^  II 66  ;  ob. . . .8.P. 

Jl.  John.  S.  James  de  Newmarch,  brother  and  heir;  ob. 
circa  1932,  s.  P.  M.  leaving  two  daughters  his 
heirs,  viz.  Isabel,  wife  of  Ralph  Russel,  and 
Hawyse,  who  first  married  John  de  Botreaux, 
and  2dly,  Nicholas  Ue  Moels. 


h  1964*  Adam  de  Newmarch,  son  of  Robert  de  New- 
march;  Summ.  to  Pari.  84  Dec.  49  Hen. HI. 
1364;  ob.  •...,  leaviuir  Roger  his  son  and 
heir)  but  neiiber  this  Roger  nor  any  of  his 
descendants  were  ever  Summoived  to  Parlia- 



I.       1628.  I.Montjoy   Blount,    IX.-lst  Baron    Montjoy ; 

NEWFOBT— t90EL.  469 


CrvaCe4  B«rl  of  Newport  in  th«  Ulo  of  WiglA 

3Aug^.  1698;  >h.  1665. 
II.     1665.  9.  Goorge  Blminty  ■•  and  h.  ob,  1676,  8.  P. 
ill.   1676.  3.  Charles  Blount,  brother  and  hvir;  ob.  1676, 8.P. 
IV.    1676.  4.  Henry  Blount,  brother  and  heir}    ob.  1681, 

8.  p.  when  hU  titles  beeame 



ViscoUNTCY,  30  September,  1815. 

Vide  Bradporo. 


I.  1642.— 1.  Richard  Newport ;  Created  Baron  Newport  of 

Hifch  Ercall,  co.  Salop  14  October,  1643;  ob. 

II.  1650.— I.  1675.  8.  Francis  Newport,  s.  and  h.  Created 

Viscount  Newport  of  Bradford,  co. 
Salop,  11  March,  1675,  and  Earl  of 
Bradford  II  May,  1694. 

4E^tinct  1768.         Vide  Bradford. 


I.  1814.  1 .  John  Hope.  Jialf-brother  of  James  3d  Earl  of 
Hopetoun  in  Scotland,  and  Ut  Baron  Hope- 
toun  in  the  Peeraf^e  of  Great  Britain ;  Cre- 
ated Banin  Niddry  of  Niddry,  co.  Linlitb- 
frow,  3  May,  1814;  succeeded  as  8d  Baron 
Hopetoun,  and  as  Earl  of  Hopetoun  in 
Scotland  in  1816.  Present  Baron  Hopetoun 
and  Baron  Niddry ;  also  Earl  of  Hopetoun, 
&c.  Scotland,  G.  C.  B.    ^ 



L  1617.  I.  Sir  Edward  Noel,  1st  Bart.  Created  Baron 
Noel  of  Ridlington,  co.  Rutland,  83  Mareh, 
1617  f  succeeded  his  father-in-law  as  II.-8d 
Viscount  Campden  and  Baron  Hicks  in  1 629i 
ob.  1643. 


470  NOBI^VOftFOLX. 


if.    1643.  9.  Bft{4ist  Noel,  •.and b.  SU  Viicount  Canpden ; 
ob.  1689. 

III.  168S.  3 /)  Edward  Noel,  son  and  heir  apparent  of  Bap* 
NoBL  or  f  fist  Sd  Viscount  Campden ;  Created  Baron 

TrrcHPiELP^  Noel  of  Titcbfield,  co.  Soutbamptony  with 
I.  1681.  J  remaindar,  faiiinfp  bis  istue  male,  to  tbe 
issue  male  of  bis  falber,  3  Feb.  1681 ;  sue* 
ceeded  bis  fatber  as  4ib  Viseount  Campden* 
4tb  Baron  Hicks,  and  3d  Baron  Noel  of  Rid- 
lington,  1683;  Created  Earl  of  Gainsbo- 
rough, witb  tbe  same  remainder,  1  Dec 
1683.  Vide  Gainsborough. 

Both  these  Baronies,  on  the  death  of  Henry  VI.-6th 
Earl  of  Gainsborough,  VI.-6tb  Baron  Noel  of  TitcbiielJ, 
VIII.-8tb  Baron  Noel  of  Ridlington,and  IX.-9th  Viscount 
Campden  in  17989  s.  p.  became 


Barony,  3  August,  \6^0^C]^tintt  1774. 

Vide  Cleveland. 



I.  Will.  I.     Ralph  Waher  or  Guader;    Created  Earl  of 

Norfolk  and  Suffolk  by  William  tbe  Con- 
queror ;  Iforfeltetl  bis  Earldoms  for  treason. 

II.  Stepb.  I.  Hugh  Bigod,  Steward  to  K.  Henry  I.  Created 

Earl  of  Norfolk  by  King  Stephen,  and  like- 
wise by  King  Henry  II. ;  ob.  1177. 
HI.  1177.  8.  Roger  Bigud,  s.  and  b.  Created  to,  or  rather 
perhaps  confirmed  in,  this  Earldom  by  Rich. 
I*  SI  Nor.  1189;  Steward  of  England.  He 
was  one  of  tbe  35  celebrated  Barons  appoint- 
pointed  to  enforce  tbe  observance  of  Magna 
Charta;  ob.  13S0. 

IV.  1330.  3.  Hugh  Bigod,  s.  and  b.;  he  was  also  one  of  the 

35  celebrated  Barons  appointed  to  enforce 
tbe  observance  of  Magna  Cbarta  ;  oU  1335. 

V.  1335.  4.  Roger  Bigod,  s.  and  h.  Marshal  of  England  in 

rijibt  of  bis  mother  Maud,  the  sister  and  co- 
heir of  Anselra  Eafl  of  Pembroke  and' Earl 
Marshal ;  ob.  1:270,  9.  p. 




VI.  1370.  5.  R(>ser  Bifcod,  nephew  and  heir,  beiiifC  son  and 

heir  of  Hu^h  Big^od,  Justice  of  Etiglaud, 
brother  to  the  last  Eiirl;  Etrl  Marshal. 
Having  no  issue  he  surrendered  this  Earldom 
and  the  Marshal's  Rod  into  tlie  King's  hand^^ 
which  were  re-granted  (o  him  and  to  the  heirs 
of  his  body  I3(»9 ;  ob.  1307,  8.P.  leaving  John 
his  brother  his  next  heir;  but  in  consequence 
of  the  said  surrender,  his  dignities  became 

VII.  1313.  1.  Thomas  Plantagenet,  surnamed  «  De  Brotber> 

ton,"  fifth  son  of  King  Edward  I.  Created 
Earl  of  Norfolk  16  December  1313,  and  Earl 
Marshal  10  Feb.   1335;     ob.  1338,  8.  p.m. 
when  the  title  became 
DucHRss.  <?;;cincc. 

I.  1 397*  Margnret  Plantagenef ,  eldest  dau.  and  event u* 
ally  sole  heir  of  the  last  Earl,  styled  Countess 
of  Norfolk  in  the  Rolls  of  Parliament-  21 
Ric.  H.  Created  Duchess  of  Norfolk  for  life 
S9  Sept.  1397 ;  she  married,  first,  John  Baron 
S<*grHve,  and  secondly,  Sir  Walter  Manny, 
K.  G.  ;  ob.  Id99i  s.  P.  M.  when  the  title 
again  became 
DUKES,  €ptintt. 

I.  1 397.  1.  Thomas  VI.- 1 3th  Baron  Mowbray,  brother  and 

heir  of  John  V.  24  Baron  Mowbray,  and 
Earl  of  Notiingliam,  and  3d  sun  of  John 
IV.- 10th  Baron  Mowbray  by  Elisabeth,  dau. 
and  heir  of  John  Baron  Segrave,  by  Margaret 
Plantagenet,  the  last  Dachess  of  Norfolk ; 
Created  Earl  of  Nottingham  1383;  consti- 
tuted Earl  Marshal  of  England  for  life  1383, 
with  remainder  to  him  and  his  heirs  male 
1396;  Created  Duke  of  Norfolk  39  Sept. 
1397>  K.  G.;  banished  in  the  same  year;  ob. 

II.  1434.  3.  John  Mowbray,  3d  son,  and  heir  to  his  brother 

Tbooias,  who  never  used  this  title,  but  sim- 
ply that  of  Earl  Marshal,  and  was  beheaded 
(ob.  s.  p.)  1405 ;  when  his  brother  John  suc- 
ceeded him,  and  styled  himself  Earl  of  Not- 
tingham and  Earl  Marshal  until  1434,  when 

472  NORFOLK. 


he  was  restored  *  to  the  dignity  of  Duke  of 
Norfolk.  K.G.;  ob.  1432. 

III.  1432.  3.  John  Mowbray,  s.  and  b.  confirmed  Duke  of 

Norfolk  1444;  Earl  of  Nottingham  and  Earl 
Mar(ibal,  K.G.;  ob.  1461. 

IV.  1461.  4.  John  Mowbray^  s.  and  b.  Earl  of  Nottingham; 

Created,  vita  patris,  Eari  of  Warren  and 
Surrey  29  March,  1451  ;  Earl  Marshal,  K.G.; 
ob.  1475,  s.  p.  M.  Ann,  his  only  dau.  and  heir, 
was  contracted  to  Richard,  ^d  son  of  King 
Edward  IV.  bat  died  before  consummation. 
As  this  Duke  died  without  male  issue,  his 
honors,  with  the  exception  of  the  Baronies 
of  Mowbray  and  Segrave,  became  4S):tinft. 

V.  1477.       Richard  Plantagenet,  Duke  of  York,  3d  son  of 

King  Edward  IV.  being  betrothed  to  Ann, 
dau.  and  heir  of  John  the  last  Duke,  was 
Created  Earl  of  Nottingham  12  June,  1476, 
and  Earl  Warren  and  Duke  of  Norfolk  7 
February,  1477 ;  murdered  in  the  Tower 
with  his  brother  King  Edward  V.  1483,  then 
being  only  nine  years  of  age,  when  all  bis 
honors  became  4S):tttlCt. 

VI.  1483.  1.  John  Howard,  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Robert  Howard, 

by  Margaret,  dau.  ofTbomas  Mowbray,  I.  1st 
Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  cousin  and  ultimately 
coheir  of  John  Mowbray  lV.-4th  and  last 
Duke  of  Norfolk  ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  as  Baron 
Howard  15  Oct.  10  Edward  IV.  1470;  Cre- 
ated Earl  Marshal  and  Duke  of  Norfolk, 
28  June,  1483,  K.G. ;  slain  at  Bos  worth- 
field  1483,  and,  lieing  attainted,  all  his  ho- 
nors were  JFOtfettetl. 

VII.  1514.  2.  Thomas  Howard, s.  and  h.  Created,  vita  patris, 

Eari  of  Surrey  28  June,  1483;  attainted  1485, 
when  that  Earldom  became  JForfeiteb ;  Re- 
stored to  the  Earldom  of  Surrey  1489;  Cre- 
ated Duke  of  Norfolk  I  Feb.  1514 ;  LortI 
Treasurer  and  Earl  Marshal,  K.G. ;  ob.  1524. 

*  Though  his  elder  brother  never  assumed  the  title  of  Duke 
of  Norfolk,  and  this  Duke  wm  restored  to  the  dignity,  it  does  not 
appear  that  the  Act  of  Banishment  of  their  fiither  rendered  them 
incapable  by  law  of  succeeding  to  his  honors,  as  he  was  not 
thereby  attainted,  or  his  blood  in  any  way  corrupted. 

NORFOLK.  473 


VIIJ.  1534.  3;  Thomas  Howard,  c.  and  b.  attainted  154e» 
when  his  honors  became  fnxfzxttt^  \  Re- 
stored 1353,  K.  G. ;  ob.  1554. 

JX.  1554.  4.  Thomas  Howard,  grandsou  and  heir,  beinp 
son  and  heir  of  Henry  Howard  (eldest  son  of 
the  last  Duke),  who  was  attainted  and 
beheaded,  vita  patris,  in  1547*  Restored  ia 
blood  and  honors  in  1553;  succeeded  to  his 
pandfather*s  dimities  1554;  be  married 
Mary,  daughter  and  ultimately  sole  heir  of 
Henry  Fitz-Alan,  XXI.-18th  Earl  of  Arundel, 
K.  G. ;  attainted  and  beheaded  1573|  when 
all  his  dignities  became 

EARLS.  IForfeitet). 

V  Hi.  1644.  5.  Thomas  Howard,  son  and  heir  of  Philip 
Howard,  XXH..19th  Earl  of  Arundel  by 
descent  and  tenure  (eldest  son  of  Thomas 
the  last  Duka  of  Norfolk) ;  which  Philip 
was  attainted  in  1590 ;  Restored  in  blood 
and  to  such  honors  as  Philip  Earl  of  Arun- 
del his  father  enjoyed ;  likewise  as  Earl  of 
Surrey,  '*  and  to  such  dig^nities  of  Baronies 
as  Thomas  late  Puke  of  Norfolk  bis  grand- 
father  lost  by  attainder"  in  1603.  By  Act  of 
Pari.  3  Car.i.  1627»  the  Earldom  of  Arun- 
del  and  the  titles  and  dignities  of  the  Baro- 
nies of  Fit  z- Alan,  Clun  and  Oswaldestre, 
and  Maltravers  were  annexed  to  the  title, 
honor  and  dignity  of  Earl  of  Arundel,  and, 
iog«ther  with  the  Earldom  of  Arundel,  were 
settled  upon  this  Earl  and  upon  the  heirs 
male  of  his  body ;  in  default  of  which,  upon 
the  heirs  of  his  body ;  with  remainder  to  his 
uncle  Lord  William  Howard*  and  the  heirs 

*  It  is  a  most  lilngular  fitct,  aod  which  should  have  been 
stated  in  p.  S8,  thataccosdUng  to  the  limitation  of  the  Earldom 
of  Arundel  and  the  Baronies  of  Fitz-AIan,  Clun  and  Oswaldestre, 
and  Maltravers,  by  the  Act  of  8  Car.  I.  the  Earls  of  Suffolk  who 
descend  from  Lord  Thomas  Howard  (afterwards  Lord  Howard 
of  Walden  and  Earl  of  Suffolk,)  are  postponed  in  the  succession 
to  these  dignities  to  the  Earls  of  Carlisle,  notwithstanding  that 
their  ancestor,  the  above>mentioaed  Lord  William  Howard  was 
a  younger  brother  of  Lord  Thomas  Howard  the  first  Earl  of 
Suffolk  of  this  family.    Vide  the  Pedigree  in  p»  475.    It  is  thus 

474  NORFOLK. 


male  ofbis  body ;  failing  which  to  the  heirs  of 
his  body;  remainder  to  the  baid  Thomas  Earl 
of  Arundel  and  Surrey  and  his  heirs  for  ever  ; 
Created  Earl  of  No&folk  b'tb  June,  1644, 
K.G.;  Earl  Marshal}  oh.  1646. 

IX.  1646.  6.  Henry  Frederick  Howard,  s.  and  h.  Suram.  to 

Pari.  (v.  p.)  as  Baron  Mowbray;  ob.  1653. 


X.  1652.— X.    1660.  7*  Thomas  Howard,  s.  and  b.  Earl  of 

Arundel,  Surrey,  and  Norfolk  ;  Re- 
stored to  the  Dukedom  of  Norfolk 
with  the  original  precedence  ofbis  ancestor,  John  Howard 
Vl.-lst  Duke,  by  Act  of  Pari.  ^9  Dec.  1660,  and  con- 
firmed by  another  Art  ?0  Dec.  1661,  with  limitation*  to 
him  and  the  heirs  male  of  bis  body  ;  failing^  which,  fo 
Henry  Frederick  Earl  of  Arundel,  Surrey,  and  Norfolk, 
his  father,  and  his  issue  male;  in  default  of  which,  to 
Thomas  Earl  of  Arundel,  Surrey,  and  Norfolk  his  grand- 
father, and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body;  failing  which,  to 
Philip  Earl  of  Arundel  and  Surrey,  father  of  the  said  Tho- 
mas Earl  of  Arundel,  Surrey,  and  Norfolk  last  mentioned, 
and  the  heirs  male  ofbis  body ;  failin;:;  which,  to  the  heirs 
male  of  the  body  of  Thomas  Earl  of  Suflfolk,  half-brother 
of  Philip  Earl  of  Arundel  and  Surrey  last  mentioned  ;  in 
default  of  which,  to  the  heirs  male  of  the  body  of  Lord 
William  Howard  of  Nawortb,  brother  of  the  said  Tho- 
mas Earl  of  Suffolk ;  failing  which,  to  Charles  Earl  of 
Nottingham,  lineally   descended   from  Thomas  Vli.-Sd 

manifest  that  the  Suffolk  line  can  never  inherit  the  Earldom  and 
Baronies  in  question  but  under  the  last  clause  in  the  limitation, 
viz.  as  heirs  of  the  grantee.  The  cause  of  this  strange  omission 
probaMy  was,  that  Thomas  Howard,  Ist  Earl  of  Suffolk,  died 
several  years  before  the  Act  of  lamitatlou  passed,  whilst  Lord 
William  his  brother  survived  until  1640;  but  it  is  nevertheless 
extraordinary,  that  Theophilus  9d  Earl  of  Suffolk,  son  and  heir  of 
Thomas  the  1st  Earl,  should  have  been  so  entirely  passed  over  in 
the  succesion. 

To  avoid  the  possibility  of  error  in  stating  the  limitations  of 
tliese  dignities  and  of  the  Dukedom  of  Norfolk  under  the  Acts  of 
Restoration  in  1650  and  1661,  the  official  documents  have  in 
both  instances  been  consulted. 

*  In  order  more  distinctly  to  shew  the  limitation  of  the  Duker 
dom  of  Norfolk  as  settled  by  the  Restoration  of  that  dignity  in 
1660,  the  following  dight  Pedigree  is  inserted. 



Duke  of  Nuxfulk,  and  tbe  heirs  male  of  hit'  body  ;    ob. 
1677,  s.  p. 

John  Howard  Vl.-Ut  Dukfi=T= 
of  Norfolk. 


Howard  Vll.-Sd  DukeJ=j=: 

'Thomas  Howard  VIII.-8. 

Earl  of 



id^    WiUiam  Howard,  Created  Lord=?= 
— I  Howard  of  Effingham.  | 

^T^rhom^  Hoi 
I  IX.-4thDuke 

(4.)  PhJUp=p 
Earl  of 

Charles  How-=r 
ard,  2d  Lord 
Howard  of 
Created  Earl 
of  Nottingham. 

Sir  William  Howaid,^ 
2d  son.  Y 

A  9U0  the  present  Lord  Howard  of 
Effingham,  and  who  is  conseouently 
not  wiihin  the  limitation  of  the  Act 
of  Restoration, 



(7.)  Charles  Hovrard,  succeeded  his  Imlf- 
brother  Charles,  as  XII.-3d  Earl  of 
Nottingham  in  1624 ;  ob.  1681,  s.  P. 

(5.)  Thomas  Howard, 
VL-lst  Earl  of  Suf- 
folk, Sd  son.  ^ 

A  fvo  the  present  Earl 
of  Suffolk. 

(6.)  LordWUliam 
Howard  of  Na« 
worth,tfdson.  =F 

Aqvo  the  present 
Earl  of  Carlisle. 

(8.)  Thomas  Howard,  Earl  of  Arundel,  Surrey,  and  NorfblL' 


(2.)  Henry  Frederick,  Earl  of  Arundel,  Surrey,  and  Norfolk. 

(1.)  Thomas  How- 
ard, Earl  of  Arun- 
del, Surrey,  and 
Norfolk;  Restor- 
ed TO  THE   DUKE- 
DOM OF  Norfolk 
IN  1660  X.-7th 
Duke  of  Norfolk; 
ob.  1677>  s.  p. 


Henry  How- 
ard, succeed- 
ed his  brother 
Duke  of  Nor- 

A  quo  Edward 
XIV  .-nth 
Duke,  who  d. 
s.p.  in  1777. 

Charles  How- 

A  quo  Charles 
Duke,  who 
died  s.  p.  in 


A  quo 





14  th 

476  NORFOLK. 


XI.  ...•— XI.  1677*  8.  Henry  Howard,  brother  and  heir; 
Created  Baron  Howard  of  Castle 
Rising  S7  March,  1669 f  and  Earl 
of  Norwich  19  Oct.  1673 ;  Created 
Earl  Marshal  of  England,  with  re- 
mainder to  bis  issQe  male ;  failing 
which,  to  the  issue  male  of  Tho- 
mas Earl  of  Arundel,  Surrey,  and 
Norfolk,  bis  grandfather;  failing 
which,  to  the  beirs  maleofTbomas 
Howard,  late  Earl  of  Suffolk ;  in 
default  of  which,  to  the  heirs  male 
of  Lord  William  Howard  of  Na- 
worth,  youngest  son  of  Thomas 
IX.-4th  Duke  of  Norfolk ;  failing 
which,  to  Charles  Howard,  XII.-3d 
Earl  of  Nottingham,  and  bis  issue 
male*,  K.  G. ;  oh.  1684. 

XII —XII.  1684.  9.  Henry  Howard,  son  and  heir.  Earl 

Marshal,  &c.  K.G. ;  ob.  1701,  s.  p. 

XIII — XIIf.l701.iaTbomas  Howard,  nephew  and  beir, 

being  son  and  heir  of  Thomas, 
next  brother  of  the  last  Duke,  ob. 
1732,  s.  p. 

XIV — XIV.]733.11.£dward  Howard,  brother  and  heir; 

succeeded  >  a^Duke  of  Norfolk, 
Earl  of  ArundisL  Surrey,  Norfolk 
and  Norwich,  ani^  Earl  Marshal, 
Baron  Moubray,  wward,  &c. ;  ob. 
1777,  s.  p.  when  tike  Baronies  of 
Howard,  MoubrayA&c.  with  all 
the  other  Baronies  inV^t  ^^^^  ^"^o 
Abeyance  between  m^  daughters 
and  coheirs  of  Lord  PhivjP  Howard, 
his  brother,  viz.  Winifre*^^®  eldest 
dau.  and  coheir,  who  mJt"***  ^'^ 
Ham  Baron  Stourton;  k>^^  ^no> 
the  youngest  dau.  and  coK*"»  ^^^ 
married  Robert  Baron  PetV^  >  ^"^ 
the  Barony  of  Howard  oV  Castle 
Rising  and  Earldom  of  fflorwlch 
became  4i^tintt;  but  all  !»*»*  other 
dignities  descended  to  bis  r.V^^  ^^^ 

*  See  the  Pedigree  in  the  preceding  pugc. 

NORFOLK— NORRiak  477 


XV.*...-«-XV,  1777. 12* Charles  Uowurd,  «on  and  be ir  of 
Charles^ eldest  son  of  Cliarltis  Howard 
of  Greystock,  next  brother  of  Henry 
XI.-8th  Duke  of  Norfolk;  succeeded 
as  Duke  of  Norfolk,  Earl  of  Arun- 
del, Surrey,  and  Norfolk,  Baron 
Fitz- Alan,CIuQ  andOswaldestre,  and 
Maltravers;  hereditary  Earl  Mar- 
shal of  England;  ob.  1786. 

XVI.  —XVI.  1786.  la.Charles Howard, 8.andh.ob.l8I5,8.p. 

XVll,— XVII.IB15.  M.Beniard  Edward  Howard,  cousin  and 
heir,  being  s.  and  h.  of  Henry,  2d, 
but  eldest  surviving  son  of  Bernard, 
8.  and  h.  of  Bernard  Howard,  8th 
son  of  Henry  Frederick  Earl  of  Arun- 
del, Surrey,  and  Norfolk*.  Present 
Duke  of  Norfolk,  Earl  of  Arundel, 
Surrey,  and  Norfolk,  Baron  Fit2- 
Alan,  Clun  and  Oswaldestre,  and 
Maltravers,  Earl  Marshal,  and  Here- 
ditary Earl  Marshal  of  England.  :^ 



1.  l€94 — I.  1703.  l.Jphn  Sheffield,  3d  Earl  of  Mulgrave  ; 
Created  Marquess  of  Nurmauby,  co. 
Lincoln,  10  May,  1694;  Created  Duke 
of'Normanby  9  March,  1703,  and 
Duke  of  Buckingham  on  the  S3d  of 
the  same  month,  K-G. ;  ob.  1721. 

II. , . . ,'— II.  mL  %  Edmund  Sheffield,  s.  and  h.  Duke  of 
Buckingham,  &c,}    ob.   J 735,    s.  p. 
when  ail  his  honors  became 
ViscouNTCY,  7  September,  181^. 




I.  1572.  1.  Henry  Norris.;  SMmoif  tp,  Pa,rl,  from  8  Mav, 
14  Eliz.  1572,  to,  24  Octt  3d  Eliz.  1597,  as 
"Henrico  Norris  du  Rycote,  Cbl'r ;"  he  raar- 
uied  Margery,  dauu  and  coheir  of  John  Lord 

^  Vid^the  pedigree,  p.  476. 
VOL.  II.  G 



WilliamB  of  Tbamey  and  one  of  the  cobeira 
to  tbe  said  Barony;  ob.  1600. 

II.  1600.  2.  Francis  Norrifi,  g^randson  and  heir,  being  s. 

and  h.  of  William  Nnrris  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  tbe  last  Baron ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
17  Oct  43  Eliz.  1601,  to  5  April,  12  Jaq.  I. 
1614;  Created  Viscount  Thame  and  Earl  of 
Berkshire  Jan.  38,  1620 ;  ob.  1620,  s.  p.  m. 
Elizabeth,  bis  sole  dau.  and  heir,  married 
Edward  Wray,  esq.;  their  only  child,  Bridget 
Wray,  became  tbe  second  wife  of  Montagu  - 
Bertie,  2d  Earl  of  Lindsey,  and 

III.  1679*  3.  James  Bertie,  s.  and  b.  of  the  said  Bridget  by 

Montagu  Earl  of  Lindsey,  succeeded  jure 
matris  to  this  Barony;  Summ.  to  Pari,  as 
Baron  Norris  of  Rycote,  17  Oct.  31  Car.  II. 
^  1679,  and  again  1  March,  32  Car.  II.  1680; 

Created  Earl  of  Abingdon  30  Nov.  1682. 
Vide  Abingdon,  in  which  Earldom  this  Ba- 
rony is  merged. 



I.  1554.  1.  Edward  North  ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  as  **  Edwardo 
North  de  Kirtling,  Chev."  from  17  Feb. 
1  Pbilip  and  Mary,  1554,  to  5  Nov.  5  and  6 
Philip  and  Mary,  1558 ;  ob.  1564. 

U.  1564.  2.  Roger  North,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
30  Sept.  8  Eliz.  1566,  to  34  Oct.  39  Eliz. 
1597;  ob.  1600. 

III.  1600.  3.  Dudley  North,  grandson  and  heir,  being  s 

and  b.  of  John  North  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest  son  of 
tbe  last  Baron ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  5  Nov. 
3  JaqJ.  1605,  to  8  May,  3  Car.  II.  1661 ;  ob. 

IV.  1666.  4.  Dudley  North,  s.  and  h.;  he  was  never  Summ. 

to  Parliament ;  K.  B. ;  ob.  1 677. 

V.  1677.  5.  Charles  North,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  as 

Baron  Grey  of  Rollestone,  17  Oct.  31  Car.  IL 
1673;  ob.  1690. 

VI.  1G90.  6.  William  North,  s.  and  h.  Baron  Grey  of  RoUes- 

lon ;  ob.  1734,  s.  P.  when  the  Barony  of  Grey 
nf  Rolleston  became  Cj^tinct;  but  that  of 
North  devolved  on 



VII.  1734.  7.  Francis  North,  IIL-Sd  Baron  Guildford,  being 

8.  and  b.  of  Francis  Il.-3d  Baron  Guildford, 
eldest  son  of  Francis  North  I.-lst  Baron 
Guildford,  9d  son  of  Dudley  IV.-4th  Baron 
North;  Created  Earl  of  Guildford  April  8, 
175S;  ob.  1790. 

VIII.  1790.  8.  Frederick  North,  a.  and  h.  Earl  of  Guildford, 

K.G.I  ob.  179S. 

IX.  1799.  9.  George  Augustus  North,  s.  and  h.  Earl  of 

Guildford  t  ob.  1808,  a.  P.  M.  leaving  three 
daughters  and  coheirs,  via.  Maria,  who  mar- 
ried John,  present  Marquess  of  Bute  j  Susan ; 
and  Georgiana ;  between  whom  this  Barony 
is  BOW  in  Abbyancb. 


ViscouMTCY,  9  November,  1706 — Merged  in  the  Crown  1787. 

Vide  Cambhiogb. 



I.  WilLL  I.Waltheof  Earl  of  Huntingdon,  Northampton, 
and  Northumberiand,  teing  s.  and  h.  of 
Siward,  Earl  of  those  counties  before  the 
Conquest;  beheaded  1073;  ob.  8.P.M. 

H I.Simon  de  St.  Lia,  husband  of  Maud,  eldest 

dau.  of  the  last  Earl;  obtained  this  Earldom 
from  William  the  Conqueror ;  living  1 100. 

lU.    H.  L  3.  Simon  de  St.  Liz,  s.  and  h.  Earl  of  Hunting- 
don ;  ob.  1153. 
'IV,    11 53.  3.  Simon  de  St. Liz,  s.  and  b.  Earl  of  Huntingdon ; 
ob.  1184,  8.  p.  when  the  Earldom  became 

V.  1337.  1.  William  de  Bohun,  3d  son  of  Humphrey  Earl 

of  Hereford  and  Essex,  by  Elizabeth  Planta- 
genet,  dau.  of  King  Edward  I. ;  Created  Earl 
of  Northampton  March  17,  1337,  K.G.;  ob. 

VI.  1360.  2.  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  g.  and  b. ,    succeeded 

his  uncle  as  Earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  and 
.  as  Constable  of  England,  in  1361 ;  ob.  1372, 
s.  p.  M.    Eleanor,  his  eldest  daughter  and  co- 
heir, married  Thomas  Planiagenet,  Duice  of 

^80  NORTHA^rWON. 

Olottcesler  *  ;  and  Mary,  bis  tecond  dau.  was 
the  wife  of  Hkncy  PlaiiURenet,  afterwards 
Kiiig  Henry  IV.  as  tbis  £arl  died  witbuut 
issue  male,  his  tmnors  became 
MAftQUMS.  4ijXintt, 

I.  1 547. 1  William  Parr,  Ist  Baron  Parr  of  Kendal,  and 
1. 1559.  S  XVIL-Ut  Earl  of  Esses,  brother  of  Queen 
Kaiherine,  6th  and  last  wife  of  King  Henry 
VHI.;  Created  Mafquess  of  Noribaroptoii 
16*  Feb.  1547;  Lonl  Great  Chamberlain, 
K>G.;  Attainthd  1554,  when  his  honors  be- 
came  JForf^itttK ;  rektored  in  blood,  but  not 
in  honors,  the  same  year;  again  Created 
Marquess  of  Northampton  13  Jan.  1559;  ob. 
1571,  s.  p.  when  this  dignity  became 

VII.  1604.      Henry  Howard,  2d  son  of  Henry  Earl  of  Sur- 

rey, and  vottnger  brother  of  Thomas  IX.- 
4tfa  Duke  of  Norfolk,  K.  G.  His  father  hav- 
ing been  Attainted,  he  was  restored  in  blood 
1559;  Created  Baron  Howard  of  MarnhilU 
and  Earl  of  Northaropron  13  March,  V(5D4, 
K:G.;  ob.  1614,  s.  P.  when  hi*  honors  became 

VIII.  1618.  1.  William   Compton,  II.-2d  Baron  Compton  ; 

Created  Earl  of  Northampton  2d  Aug.  1618, 
K.G.i  ob.  1630. 

IX.  1630.  2.  Spenser  Compton,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1642. 

X.  1642.  3.  3aines  Compton,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1681. 

XI.  1681.  4.  George  Compton,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1727. 

XII.  1727.  5.  James  Compton,  s.  and  h.  He  married  Elisa- 

beth Baroness  de  Ferrers  of  Chartley ;  ob. 
1754,  s.  P.M.  when  the  Barony  of  Compton 
devolved  on  his  only  child,  Charlotte  Baron- 

•  Humphrey  StafFord,  Earl  of  Stafford,  s.  and  h.  of  Edmund 
Earl  of  Stafford,  by  Ann  Plantagenet,  dau.  and  heir  of  Thomas 
Duke  of  Gloucester,  by  Eleaaor  eldest  dau.  and  coheir  of  Hum- 
phrey de  Bohun,  Earl  of  Hereford,  Essex,  and  Northampton, 
styled  himself,  amongst  other  titles,  in  an  Indenture  dated  Lon- 
don, 13  Feb.  1444,  «*Earl  of  Northampton,"  probably  in  conse- 
quence of  the  above-mentioned  descent,  but  it  does  not  appear 
that  he  was  ever  formally  created  to  that  dignity. 



eu  de  Femrt  of  Chartl^yy  {Jure  roatris,  but 
tbis  Earldom  devolved  on  bis  brother  and  beir 

XIII.I754.  6.  George  Compton,  ob.  1758, 8.  p. 

X1V.1758.  7*CbarIet  Conpton,  nephew  and  heir,  beinp: 
t.  and  b.  of  Cbarlet  Compton,  younger  bro- 
ther of  George,  last  Earl  i  ob.  1763,  8.  P.  M. 

XV.   1763.  8.  Spenoer  Coropton,  brother  and  heir}  ob.l796. 


XVI.I7d6.— II.181S.  9.  Charles  Compton,  s.  and  h.  Cre- 
ated Baron  Wilmington  of  Wil- 
mingtony  cok  Snssez,  Earl  Comp- 
ton of  Compton,  co.  Warwick, 
and  Marquess  of  the  County  of 
Northampton,  7  Sept.  1812.  Prt^- 
sent  Marquess  and  Earl  of  North- 
ampton, Earl  Compton,  and  Baron 
Wilmington.     ^ 



I.     1764. 

11.    1772. 

I.Robert  Henley,  Ist  Baron  Henley;  Created 
Viscount  Henley  and  Earl  of  Nortbington, 
CO.  Hants,  May  19,  1764,  Lord  Chancellor; 
ob.  1772. 

2.  Robert  Henley,  s.  and  h. ;  Lord  Lieut,  of 
Ireland,  K.  T.;.  ob.  1786,  s.p.  when  all  his 
titles  became    4E);tinct. 


I.   1066. 

II.  1068. 

III.  1068. 

IV.  1069. 


Morcar  (younger  son  of  Algar  Earl  of  Ches- 
ter), Earl  of  Northumberland  before  tlie 
Conquest ;  deprived  of  the  Earldom  for  re- 
bellion, when  King  William  conferred  it  on 

Copsi,  who  was  slain  a  few  weeks  after  he  ob- 
tained that  honor,  and 

Robert  Comyn  was  constituted  Earl  of  Norih- 
.   umberland  1068;  slain  1069* 

Cospatrick,  descended  through  his  mother 
from  Uctbred,  Earl  of  this  Province  before 
the  Conquest,  obtained  tbis  Earldom  from 
King  William  I.  but  was  deprived  of  it  for 
rebellion  anno  1070;  whereupon 



V.  IU70,      Waltbeof,  son  uf  Earl  Siwardi  was  appointed 

Earl  of  Northumberland ;  be  married  Judith, 
niece  of  William  the  Conqueror ;  beheaded 

VI.  1076.      Walcber,  Bishop  of  Durham ;  appointed  Earl 

of  Northumberland  IO76;  murdered  in  1080, 

VII.  1080.      Alberic,  a  Norman,  was  constituted  Earl  of 

this  Cottnty,  but  pfuring  unfit  for  the  di^nity^ 
he  returned  info  Normandy  about  1085,  when 
Geoffrey  Bishop^  of  Constance  bad  the  gro- 
vernment  uf  thii  Earldom,  and  who  styled 
himself,  in  the  year  1088,  "  Eo  tempore 
Nortbymbrorum  Consulatum  regebat^"  but 
the  next  Earl  was 

VIII.  1090.      Robert  de  Mowbray,  nephew  to  the  said  Geof- 

fery ;  deprived  of  the  Earldom  for  treason 
circa  1095,  and  died  1106,  8V, 

IX.  1148.  1.  Henry  Prince  of  Scotland,  s.  and  b.  apparent 

of  David  King  of  Scotland  (who,  according^ 
to  some  writers,  after  the  forfeiture  of  Robert 
the  last  Earl,  also  bore  the  title  of  Earl  of 
Huntingdon),  is  generally  considered  to  have 
been  Earl  of  Northumberland ;  ob.  vita  pa- 
tris,  1152. 

X.  1152.  3.  Malcolm,  s.  and  b.   who  afterwards  became 

King  of  Scotland  -,  according  to  Dugdale,  be 
surrendered  the  counties  of  Northumberland, 
.Cumberland,  and  Westmoreland,  to  Hen.  II. 
in  1154,  in  lieu  whereof  be  obtained  that  of 

XI.  119s.      Hugh  de  Pudsey,  Bishop  of  Durham,  called 

by  some  writers  nephew  of  King  Stephen, 
obtained  the  Earldom  of  Northumberland 
from  Richard  I.  circa  1192>  but  voluntarily 
resigned  it  shortly  afterwards ;  ob.  1 195. 

XII.  1377.  I.Henry  Percys  !V.-I3th  Baron  Percy  5  Created 

Earl  of  Northumberland  16  July,  1377,  Earl 
Marvhal;    appointed   Lord  High   Constable 
f(»r  lie    1399;  sl»iu    1408;  and   being  At- 
tainted, bis  honors  became 
III.  1414.  Z  iferiry  Percy,  grandson  and  heir,  being  s.  and 



fi.  of  Sir  Heniy  Pmrcy,  K.Q.  the  renowned 
**IloTftPUii,"  (ob.  V.  |>.)  eldest  son  of  the  last 
Earl }  restored  to  the  Eartdom  Nov.  1 1, 1414, 
ftnd  obtained  a  formal  Charter  of  Creation  to 
that  dignity  in  14S4;  Lord  High  Constable; 
slain  1455. 
X1V.146S.  3.  Henry  Percy,  s.  and  b.;  having  married  Elea- 
nor>  dan.  and  sole  heir  of  Roliert  Baron  Poyn- 
ln^>  he  was  Summ.  to  Pari,  tita  patris,  fts 
BttfOn  Poyniags }  slain  1461;  and  being  At- 
tainted, his  honors  became 

XV.  1464.  l.Jobn  Nevill,    Baron    Montaga,    brother    of 

Richard  E^ri  of  Warwick  and  Salisbury; 
Created  Earl  of  Northumberland  May  S7t 
1464,  which  he  resigned  in  1470,  and  was 
Created  Marquess  of  Montagu. 

XVI.  1470.  4.  Henry  Percy,  s.   and   b.  of  Henry  XIV.-3d 

Eari;  restored  in  blood  and  honors  cirea 
1470,  although  the  reversal  of  his  father's 
Attainder  does  not  appear  on  the  Rolls  of 
Pariiament  until  13  and  13  Edward  IV.  K.  6.; 
ob.  1489. 

XVU.  Y48d.  &.Henry  Algernon  Percy,   s.  and  h.  K.6.  ob. 

XVlIl.l597.6.Hsnry  Algernon   Percy,  s.  and  h.  K.G.  ob. 
1537t  s.  p.  and  bis  brother,  Sir  Thomas  Percy, 
having  been  Attainted,  his  honors  became 


I.  1551.  Uobn  Dudley,  Eari  of  Warwick;  Created  Duke 
of  Nonhnmberiand  1 1  Oct.  1551 ;  Eari  Mar- 
shal, K.G.I  beheaded  and  attainted  1553, 
when  his  dignities  became 
XIX.  1557.7.  Thomas  Percy,  b.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas  Percy 
(who  was  Attainted),  next  brother  of  Henry 
Algernon  Percy,  XVUL-fith  and  last  Eari; 
Created  Baron  Percy  of  Co<;kermouth  and 
Petworth,  Baron  Poynings,  Lucy,  Bryan,  and 
Fita-Payne,  With  remainder,  failing  his  issue 
male,  to  his  brother  Henry  and  his  issue  male, 
April 30, 1557;  Created,  May  1, 1557,  Eari  of 
Northuinberiatid,  wHh  the  tftme  remainder. 



K.  G. ;  beheaded  1573  (ob.  S.P.  M.)  and  having 
been  attainted  in  157 If  bis  honors  would 
have  become  forfeited  but  for  the  limitation 
before-mentionedy  in  virtue  of  which  his 
titles  devolved  on 

XX.  1573.  8. Henry  Percy, his  brother  and  heir  male;  he 
married  Katherine,  eldest  dau.  and  coheir  of 
John  Nevill  Baron  Latimer  j  ob.  1585. 

XXf.1585.  9.  Heniy  Percy,  s.  and  h.  K.G. ;  ob.  1633. 

XXiI.1638.10.Algernon  Percy,  s.  andh.;  Summ.  to  Pari, 
vita  patris,  as  Baron  Percy ;  K.  G. ;  ob.  1668. 

XXIII.1668.11.Josceline  Percy,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1670,  8.P.M. 
when  the  Earldom  of  Northumberland,  toge- 
ther with  the  Baronies  of  Percy  of  Petworth 
and  Cockermouth,  Poynings,  Lucy,  Bryan, 
and  Fitz-Payne,  conferred  by  the  Patent  of 
Queen  Mary,  became 



XXIV.  1^4.--1I.  1683.  1.  George  Fitz-Roy,  natural  son  of 

King  Charles  11.  Created  Baron 
of  Pontefract,  eo.  York,  Vis- 
count Falmouth,  co.  Com  wall* 
and  Earl  of  Northumberland, 
l8t  Oct.  1674;  Created  Duke  of 
Northumberland  6  April,  1683, 
K.  6. ;  ob.  1716,  s.  P.  when  all 
his  honors  became 

XXV.  1749*  I.Algernon  Seymour,  son  and  heir  of  Elizabeth 

Percy,  dau.  and  sole  heir  of  Joceline  Perey, 
XXin.-l  1th  Earl,  by  Charles  Seymour,  Duke 
of  Somerset.  On  the  death  of  his  mother  in 
1733  he  was  Summ.  to  Parliament  as  Baron 
Percy ;  succeeded  his  father  as  Duke  of  Somer- 
set 3  Dec.  1748;  Created  Baron  Warkworth  of 
Warkworth  Castle,  co.  Northumberland,  and 
Earl  of  Northumberland  3  October,  1749, 
with  remainder,  failing  his  issue  male,  to  bis 
son-in-law.  Sir  Hugh  Smithson,  Bart,  and  to 
the  heirs  male  of  his  body  by  Lady  Elizabethi 
his  wife ;  in  default  of  which  the  dignities  off 
Baroness  Warkworth  and  Countess  of  Northi* 
umberland  to  the  said  Lady  Elizabeth,  and  cfH 
Baron  Warkworth  and  Earl  of  Nortbumbe^r- 


■AILS.  ,     ^ 

land  to  bar  heirs  mala  ;  Created  Baron 
Cuckelrmoutb  and  foirl  of  G^remont,  with  a 
special  remainder*  3  October,  1749 1  ob. 
1750,  8.  P.  M. 


XXVI.  17&0.— III.  1766.  9.  Sir  Hugh  Sinitbson,  4th  Bart, 
assumed  the  name  of  Perey, 
husband  of  Lady  Elisabtfth, 
only  surviving  child  of  Al|per- 
non  Duke  of  Somerset,  the  last 
Earl  I  succeeded  agreeable  to 
tbo  before-mentioned  remain- 
der as  Baron  Warkworth  and 
Earl  of  Northamberland}  Cre- 
ated Earl  Percy  and  Duke 
of  Northumberland  18  Oct. 
1766,  with  remainder  to  his 
issue  male  by  Elitabetb  his 
wife  J  Created  Baron  Lou- 
r  raine  of  Alnwick,  with  a  spe- 

cial remaiuderi  S8  January, 
1  1784,  K.G.;  ob.  1786. 

XXVII —IV.  1786.  3.  Hugh  Percy,  s.  and  b.  K.  G. 

j  Summ.  to  Pari,  on  the  death 

of  his  mother  in  1777»  as  Ba- 
>  ron  Percy;  ob.  1817* 

XXVlil — V.  1817.  4.  Hugh  Percy,  s.  and  h.  Sum- 

moned  to  Parliament,  vita 
patris,  in  tbe-Barony  of  Percy. 
Present  Duke  and  Earl  of 
Northumberland)  Earl  i'ercy.  Baron  Percy, 
Baron  Warkworth,  and  a  Baronet ;  also 
eldest  coheir  of  the  Barony  of  Latimer,  cre- 
ated by  Writ  10  Hen.  VL;  coheir  of  one 
moiety  of  the  Baronies  of  Scales  and  Plaita, 
and  a  representative  of  one  of  the  coheirs  of 
the  Barony  of  Badlesmere.  K.  G.    =b 




I.  1797.  1.  Sir  John  Rushout,  5th  Bart. ;  Created  Baron 

North  wick  of  North  wick  Park,  oo.  Worcea- 
ter,  20  Oct.  1797;  ob.  1800. 

II.  1800.  3.  John  Rushout,  s.  and  h.  Present  Baron  North- 




I.  1313.  l.Jobn  de  Northwode;  Summoned  8  June,  29 

Edw.  I.  1294 ;  but  it  is  yeiy  doubtful  if  that 
Writ  was  a  ref^lar  Summons  to  Parliament » 
▼ide  *'  Cltvbdon  ;"  Summoned  to  Pari,  from 
8  Jan.  6  Edw.  II.  1813,  to  20  March,  IS 
Edw.  II.  1319 ;  ob.  cirea  1319. 

II.  1319*  3.  Roger  de  Northwode,   grandson    and    heir, 

being  son  and  heir  of  John  de  Northwode 
(ob.  Y.  p.]  eldest  son  of  the  last'  Baron  ; 
Summ.  to  Pari.  3  April,  34  Edw.  III.  1360; 
ob.  1361. 

III.  1361.  S.John  de  Northwode,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Ptel. 

from  1  June,  37  Edward  III.  1363,  to  20 
Jan.  49Edif.III.  1376;  ob.  1379,  leaving 
issue  Roger,  his  son  and  heir,  then  24  years 
of  ag^,  but  who  was  ncYer  Summoned  to 
Parliament,  and  appears  to  have  died  s.  p. 
William,  the  brother  of  this  Roger,  died  7 
Hen.  IV.  leaYing  John  bis  son  and  heir,  then 
ten  years  of  age ;  which  John  died  8.  p.  4  Hen. 
V.  1416,  being  then  Just  of  age,  leaving  Elisa- 
beth, wife  of  Peter  Cat,  and  Eleanor  the  wife 
of  Jubn  Adam,  bis  sisters  and  coheirs.  Of  the 
issue  of  the  said  Elisabeth  nothing  is  known ; 
but  Eleanor  left  a  son  and  heir  Thomas 
Adam,  whose  posterity  in  the  male  line  have 
been  traced  for  five  descents,  when  Richard 
Adam,  the  representatiYc  of  the  family,  was 
living,  and  who,  though  twice  married,  bad  no 
issue ;  Roger  bis  brother  then  had  five  cbil- 
dreii,  viz.  Richard,  John,  and  William ; 
Bridget,  wife  of  Adam  Shepherd,  Margery 

NORWICH.  487 

wife  of  Wlliam  Hawe,  and  Aane ;  and  in  the 
representatives  of  the  said  Ro^er  Adam  this 
Barony  is  probably  vested. 

•AaoM  lY  waiT, 

I.  1343.  John  de  Norwich  (s.  and  h.  of  Walter  de  Nor- 
wich, who  being  a  Judg^e,  was  Sumn.  to 
Parliament  8  £dw.  II.  and  whom  Duf^e^ 
Yol.  I.  p,  90»  erroneously  considers  a  Baron 
of  Parliament)  ;  Samm.  to  Pari.  S5  February, 
16  Edw.  III.  1349,  and  3  April,  84  Bdw.  111. 
1360;  oh.  1363,  leaving  John  de  Norwich, 
bis  grandson,  vis.  s.  and  h.  of  Walter  de 
Norwich  (oh.  y.  p.)  bis  eldest  son,  his  next 
heir,  who  was  never  Summoned  to  Pariia- 
ment,  and  died  1374,  8.  p.  leaving  Katherine 
de  Brews,  dau.  and  heir  of  Thomas  de  Nor- 
wich bis  uncle,  his  heir;  on  whose  death,  8. 
p.  this  Barony  became 



I.  1626.      Edward  Denney,  1st  Baron  Denney;  Created 

Earl  uf  Norwich   S4  Oct.  1686;   oh.  1630, 
8,  p.  M.  when  the  Eardom  became 

II.  1645.  I.  George  Goring,  1st  Baron  Goring,  s.  and  h.  of 

George  Goring  by  Ann,  sister  and  ultimately 
eobeir  of  Edward  the  last  Earl;  Created 
Eari  of  Norwich  8  Nov.  164&;  ob.  1663. 

HI.    1663.  3.  Charles  Goring,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1673,  8.  p.  when 
his  honors  became 

IV.  1673.  I.  Henry  Howard,  ist  Baron  Howard  of  Castle 
Rising,  2d  son  of  Henry  Frederick  Eari  of 
Arundel,  Surrey,  and  Norfolk;  Created  Earl 
of  Norwich  19  October,  1672 ;  succeeded  bis 
brother  Thomas  as  X.-8tb  of  Norfolk;  and 
also  as  Earl  of  Arundel,  Surrey,  and  Norfolk, 
&c.;  Eari  Marshal,  K.  G.  ;  ob.  1684. 



V.  1684.  S.Henry  Howard,  t.  and  h.  Duke  of  Norfolk, 

&c.  K.G.;  ob.  1701,  8.  P. 

VI.  1701.  3.  Thomas  Howard,  nephew  and  heir,  beinpr  son 

and  heir  of  Thomas  Howard,  next  brother  of 
the  last  Earl  S  Duke  of  Norfolk,  &c. ;  ob. 
1732,8.  p. 
ril.  1733.  4.JBdward  Howard,  brother  and  heir,  Duke  of 
Norfolk,  &c. ;  ob.  ]777>  8.  p.  when  the  Ba- 
rony of  Howard  of  Castle  Rising  and  Earldom 
of  Norwich  became 

Vlil.  1784.  ].  Alexander  Gordon,  4th  Duke  of  Gordon  in 
Scotland  ;  Created  Ear|  of  Norwich  and 
Raron  Gordon  of  Uuntly,  co.  Gloucester,  1 2 
July,  1784.  Present  Baii  of  Norwich,  Baron 
Gwrdon  of  Huntly,  Baron  Mordaunt  of  Tur- 
vey,  and  Baron  Beaucbamp  ot  Bletsoe  ;  also 
Duke  of  Gordon,  &c.  in  Scotland,  K.  T.    =p 


Until  the  reig^n  of  King  Richard  II.  no  Charter  or 
Patent  of  Creation  to  the  Earldom  of  this  County  »  on 
record.  William  Peverel,  a  natural  son  of  William  the 
Conqueror,  obtained  the  Lordship  of  Nottingham,  which 
passed  by  an  heir  female  to  the  Ferrers,  RarU  of  Derby, 
who  are  sometimes,  though  erroneously,  8t)led  Earls  of 
NottinghJim.  John,  afterwards  King  of  Englaifd,  received 
a  grant  of  the  County  and  Caatie  uf  Nottingham,  with 
the  whole  honor  of  Peverel ;  but  the  first  person  who  was 
regularly  created  Earl  of  this  County  wa^ 


I.  1377.  JohnV.-llthBaron  Mowbray,  s.  and  h.  of  John 
Baron  Moubray,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  and  heir  of 
John  Baron  Segrave  by  Margaret  Plantagenet,. 
Duch^s  uf  Norfolk,  dai|.  and  sole  heir  of 
Thomas  de  Brutherton,  Earl  of  Norfolk,  and 
Earl  Marshal,  younger  son  of  King  Ed«ard  I. 
Created  Earl  of  Nottingham,  16  July,  1377  ; 

NOrriNGHAM.  H0 


•b.  1383,  Infra  mU  «id  i.  p.  ulien  the  Earl- 
dom  became 

II.  1383.  ].  Thomas  Baron  Mowbray,  brother  and  beir; 
Created  Earl  of  Nottiii|fbam  In  1S83,  and 
Dake  of  Norfolk  89  Sept.  1397  ;  Earl  Mar- 
shal, K.  6. ;  ob.  1413.  This  Earldom  conti' 
nue^  merj^ed  in  the  Dukedom  of  Norfolk 
until  the  death  of  John  Movibray,  IV.<4th 
Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  V.-6th  Earl  of  Notting- 
ham in  i475,  when  it  became 

4iptintt,  Vide  NoBFOLK. 

Yf.  1476.  Richard  Plantagenet,  Duke  of  York,  Sd  son 
of  King  Edward  IA^  being  betrothed  to  Ann, 
dau.  and  sole  heir  of  John  Mowbray  IV.-4tb 
Duke  of  Norfolk  and  last  Earl  of  Notting- 
bam,  was  Created  Earl  of  Nottingham  13 
June,  1476,  and  Earl  Warren  and  Duke  of 
Norfolk  7  February,  1477  ;  murdered  1483^ 
St.  9,  when  bis  honors  became 

VII.  1483.  William  Baron  Berkeley,  s.  and  b.  of  Jame* 
Baron  Berkeley  by  Isabel,  dau.  and  at  length 
coheir  of  Thomas  Mowbray,  II. -1st  Earl  of 
Nottingham,  and  I.- 1st  Duke  of  Norfolk; 
Created  Earl  of  Nottingham  88  June,  1483 ; 
Created  Marquess  Ekrkeley  1488;  Earl  Mar- 
shal ;  ob.  1491,  8.  P.  when  this  Eardom  again 

IX.  1525.      Henry  Fitz-Roy,  natural  son  of  King  Henry 

VIH.  Created  Earl  of  Nottingham  and  Duke 
of  Richmond  18  June,  1585,  K.G.  Lieut,  of 
Ireland  ;    ob.  1536,   infra  «t.  s.  p.  when  all 
his  honors  became 

X.  1597.  1.  Charles  Howard,  8d  Baron  Howard  of  Effing- 

ham, descended  from  Sir  Robert  Howard  and 
Margaret  bis  wi''e,  dau.  and  ultimately  co- 
heir of  Thomas  Mowbray,  Il.-lst  Earl  of 
Nottingham,  and  I.-lst  Duke  of  Norfolk; 
VOL.  II.  H 

490  NO'rnN6HAM--NUNEHAM. 


Created  Earl  of  Nottingrham    82  October* 
1597  ;  Lord  High  Admiral,  K.  G.j  ob.  1624. 

XI.  1684.  8.  Cbarles  Howard,  8d  son  and  heir  male  ;  ob. 

1648,  8.  p. 

XII.  1643.  3. Cbarles  Howard,  balf-brother  and  heir;  ob. 

1681,  s« p.  when  the  Earldom  of  Nottingham 
again  became 

XIII.  1681.  l.Heneage  Finch,  I.-l8t  Baron  Finch  of  Daven- 

try;  Created  Earl  of  Nottingham  13  May, 
1681;  Lord  Chancellor;  ob.  1688. 
X1V«  1683.  2.  Daniel  Finch,  s.  and  h.  succeeded  his  cousin 
John  V.-5th  Earl  of  Winchilsea  in  1789,  to 
which  dignity  this  Earldom  has  since  been 
united.  Vide  Winchilsba. 



L  Will. I.  1.  Roger  de  Novant;  obtained  the  inheritance 
of  Juheli  de  Totneis  from  King  William  the 

II.  Will.II.3.Hugh  de  Novant,  s.  and  h.  living  1104. 

III.  H.  II.   3.  Roger  de  Nuvant,  s.  and  h.  living  1 167. 

IV.  H.  II.  4.  Henry  de  Novant,  s.  and  h.  of  whom  nothing 

farther  is  known,  excepting  that  in  the  9th 
of  John  be  granted  part  of  his  lands  to  Roger 
de  Valletort. 


ViscouNTCY,  1  December,  1749- 

Vide  Harcouet. 




I.  1461.  1.  Robert  Ogle  ;  Samni.  to  Pari,  from  96  July, 

1  Edward  IV.  1461,  to  7  Sept.  9  Edward  IV. 
1469^  at  **  Roberto  Ogle,  Domino  Ogle» 
Cbl'r ;"  ob.  1469. 

II.  1469.  S.Oweii  Ogle,  t.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  15 

Nov.  S3  Edw.  IV.  1488,  to  15  Sept.  1  Henry 
VII.  1485  s  ob.  ... 

III.  1509.  3.  Ralph  Ogle,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pteri.  17  Oct. 

1  Hen.  VIII.  1509»  anjUfiHN(nv3  Hen.  VIII. 
1511 1  ob.1519. 

IV.  1513.  4.  Robert  Ogle»  a.  aoA.  Samm.  to  Pari.  83  Noy. 

6  Hen.  VUI.  m4,  and  3  Nov.  81  Hen. VIII. 
1589;  ob.  1539] 

V.  1539.  5.  Robert  Ogle,  s.And  b.;  he  was  never  Summ. 

to  Pari. ;  ob.  ^44. 

VI.  1544.  6.  Robert  Ogle,  t/  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 

14  Aug.  8  Ph.  #nd  Maty,  1553,  to  5  Nov.  5  and 
6  Ph.  and  Maiv,  1558 ;  ob.  1568. 
YII.  1568.  7.  CutbbertOgle,b^f.brotherandbeir;  Summ. 
to  Pari,  from  11  Jan.  5  Elis.  156S,  to  17  Oct. 
43  Eliz.  I60h  ob.  1597,  s.  P.  M.  when  the 
Barony  fell  into  Abeyance  between  his  two 
daughters  and  coheirs,  until  the  death,  s.  p.  in 
1637*  of  Joane,  one  of  the  said  coheirs,  wile 
of  Edward  Talbot,  7th  Earl  of  Shrewsbury, 
on  which  event 


.  I.  1687.  8.  Catherine,  widow  of  Sir  Charles  Cavendish, 
and  dau.  and  eventually  sole  heir  of  Cuthbert 
the  last  Baron,  succeeded  to  the  dignity,  and 
by  Letters  Patent,  dated  4  Dec.  1688,  was 
declared  Baroness  Ogle,  with  a  ratification  of 
the  honors  to  her  and  her  heirs  for  ever ;  ob. 


BARONS.        BAELS. 

VIII.  1639— I.  1664. )  9.  Williani  CaYendUb,  son  and  heir  of 
OGLE  OF  BOTHAL.    >     Catherine  Bafoness Ogle;  Created 

I.  1680.  )     Baron  Ogle  of  Bothal,  co , 

and  Viftcount  Mansfield,  co.  Not- 
tinghaniy  3  Nov.  1630)  Earl  of 
Newcastle  7  March,  1651  s  Mar- 
quess of  Newcastle  87  Oct.  1643, 
and  Earl  of  Ogle  and  Duke  of 
Newcastle,  hotb  co.  Northumber- 
land, 16  March,  1664;  succeeded 
his  mother  in  the  Barony  of  Ogl«, 
created  by  the  Writ  of  1  Edw.  IV. 
1461,  in  16S9$  K.G.;  ob.  1676. 

IX.  1676.-11.1676. )  ]O.Uenry  Cavendish,  s.  and  h.  Duke 
OGLE  OF  BOTHAL.    (      of  Newcatle,  &c.  and  Earl  of  Ofple, 

II.  Baron  Ogle,  and  Baron  Ogle  of 
Bothal,  K.O. ;  ob.  1691,  s.p.m.  when  all  bis 
honors,  excepting  the  ancient   Barony  of 

•  "CTgte,  became  4E;i:mtt;  whiih  dignity  fell 
into  AfiEY^CB  between  his  three  daughters 
and  coheits^  of  whom  Elizabeth  married, 
first,  Christopher  Dake  of  Albemarle,  and 
secondly,  Ralph  Duke  of  Montagu,  but  died 
s.  P. ;  France^  was  the  wife  of  John,  son  and 
heir  apparent  of  the  Earl  of  Breadalban^,  acd 
likewise  died  a.  p*  t  Margaret,  married  John 
Holies,  Earl  of  Clare  (afterwards  created 
Duke  of  Neffcastle) ;  Catherine,  married 
Thomas  Earl  of  vThanet  i  and  Arabella  was 
the  wife  of  Charles  Earl  of  Sunderland ; 
andapiongst  the  descendants  and represeuta- 

x-'^ves  of  the  said  Margaret,  Catherine,  and 
y     Arabella,  this  Barony  is  now  ia  Abeyance. 



I*  1409.  John  Oldcastle,  having  married  Joane,  grand- 
danghter  and  heir  of  John  Il.-3d  Baron  Cob- 
ham,  he  was  Somm.  to  Pai'l.  from  96  Oet. 
1 1  Hen.  IV.  1409,  to  38  March,  I  Hen.  V. 
1413,  as  *<Johanni01dca8teH,Cbl'r;"  though 
be  is  generally  considered  to  have  been  Ba- 
ron Cobham  jure  uxoris,  and  in  the  proceed- 
jugs  in  Parliament  against  him,  anno  1417, 

ONSL0W--ORF0RD.  493 

h«  is  expressly  called  ''Domlnuin  Joh*eni 
Oldcastell,Militein»Doaiinuiii  de  Cobban  *;" 
ob.  drea  141 7»  8.  p.  when  the  Barony  erected 
by  the  Writ  of  U  Hen.  IV.  if  a  separate 
dignity  from  that  of  CoUhaniy  became 



I.  1716.  1.  Sir  Richard  Onslow,  Sd  Bart.  Created  Baron 

Onslow  of  Onslow,  co.  Salop,  and  of  West 
Clandon,  eo.  Sorrey,  S5  June,  1716,  with  re- 
mainder, failini;  his  issue  male,  to  his  uncle 
Denzill  Onslow  and  his  issue  male ;  failtnic 
which,  to  the  inue  male  of  his  father  Sir 
Arthur  Onslow,  1st  Bart;  ob.  1717* 

II.  1717.  S.Thomas  Onslow,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1740. 

III.  1740.  3.  Richard  Onslow,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1776,  S.  P. 


IV.  1776.— I.  1801.  4.  George  Onslow,  Ist  Baron  Cranley, 

cousin  and  heir,  being  son  and  heir 
of  Arthur,  eldest  son  of  Foot  0ns- 
low,  next  brother  of  Richard  ist 
Baron  Onslow  (Dtsnxill  Onslow,  un- 
cle to  the  said  Richard  Baron  Ons- 
low,  having  died  8.  p.) ;  Created 
Viscount  Cranley  of  Cranley,  co. 
Surrey,  and  Ean  of  Onslow,  co. 
Salop,  19  June,  1801 ;  ob.  1814. 

V.  •« . .  —  II.  1814.  5.  Thomas  Onslow,  s.  and  h.    Present 

Earl  Onslow  and  Baron  Onslow  and 
Viscount  and  Baron  Cranley.    =f= 



I;  1697.  I.  Edward  Russell,  nephew  of  William  Vll.-5th 
Earl  and  IV.  Duke  of  Bedford  ;  Created  Ba- 
ron of  Shingay,  cq.  Cambridge,  Viscount  Bar- 
fleur  in  the  Duchy  of  Normandy,  and  Earl  of 
Orford,  co. Suffolk,  with  remainder  to  his  issue 
male;  failing  which,  the  dignity  of  Baron  of 
Shingay  to  the  issue  male  of  Letitia  his  eldest 

•  Rot.  Pari.  vol.  iv.  p.  109*. 



•i«ter,  7  May,  1697 ,  ob.  1727,  s.  p.  whtn  all 
bis  bonofs  (bis  said  sister  Letitia  having  died 
•  •.  P.  M.)  became 


il.  174$.  l.Sir  Robert  Walpole,  K.  G.  Created  Baron  of 
Houghton  and  Viscount  Walpole,  co.  Nor- 
folk, and  Earl  of  Orford,  co.  Suffolk,  6  Feb. 
I743i  ob.  1745. 

III.  1745.  S.  Robert  Wa1pol«,  s.  and  b.  Created  Baron  Wal- 

pole of  Walpole,  CO.  Norfolk,  with  a  special 
remainder  1  June,  17^3;  be  married  Mar- 
garet Rolle,  who  in  1760  succeeded  to  the 
Barony  of  Clinton :  K.  B. ;  ob.  1751. 

IV.  1751.3.  George* Walpole,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1791 ,  s.  p. 

V.  1791.  4.  Horatio  Walpole,  uncle  and  beir,  being  next 

brother  of  Robert  lII.-Sd  Earl ;  ob.  1797, 
8.  P.  when  the  Barony  of  Houghton,  Vis- 
countcy  of  Walpole,  and  Earldom  of  Orford 


VI.  1806.  1.  Horatio  Walpole,  2d  Baron  Walpole  of  Wool- 

terton,  cousin  and  heir;  succeeded  as  4th 
Baron  Walpole  of  Walpole  in  1797 ;  Created 
Earl  of  Orford  10  April,  1806  $  ob.  1809. 

VII.  1809.  3.  Horatio  Walpole,  t.and  h.  ob.  1823. 

VI K.I 833.  3.  Horatio  Walpole,  s.  and  h.  Present  Earl  of 
Orford,  Baron  Walpole  of  Walpole,  and  Ba- 
ron Walpole  cf  Wooltertou.    =f= 



I.  1831.  John  Foster  ;  Created  Baron  Oriel  of  Fer-  , 
rard,  co.  Louth,  17  July,  1831.  His  Lord- 
ship married  Margareta  Amelia,  who  was 
Created  Baroness  Oriel  and  Viscountess 
Ferrard,  both  in  the  Peerage  of  Ireland.  Pre- 
sent Baron  Oiiel.    =7= 


SARON  BY  WitlT. 

1495.      Thomas  Butler,  8ih  Earl  of  Carrick  and  7tfa 


Emrl  of  Ormond  in  Ireland  j  Summooed  to 
Pari,  from  U  Oetobar,  1493,  11  Henry  VII. 
to  88  Nov.  6  Hen.  VIII.  1514,  at  *'  ThooM 
OriBoiid  de  Rocbford,  Cbov.;"  ob.  151 5^ 
s.  p.  M.  leavifif^  two  daughban  and  cobein» 
vis.  Anne,  wife  of  Sir  John  St.  Le^r,  and 
Margaret,  wife  of  Sir  WiiUan  BoSgyn,  be- 
tween  whose  desceodantt  and  representa- 
tives this  Barony  is  now  in  Abeyance. 



I.  1681.  I.  JamesBntleri  Ist  Duke  of  Ormond  in   Ire- 

land, and  Ist  Earl  of  Brecknoeic,  &c.  in  Eng- 
land; Created  Duke  of  Ormond  9  Nov. 
1683.  K.G.J  0b.  1688. 

II.  1688.  8.  James  Butler,  i^randson  and  beir,  being  t.  and 

b.  of  Thomas  Butler,  Ist  Baron  Butler  of 
More  Park  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest  son  of  the  last 
Duke,  K.G.;  atUinted  in  1715,  when  all  his 
honors  became 




I.  1681.  1.  James  Butler,  Idcb  Earl  of  Ormond  in  Ire« 
land  i  Created  Baron  Ormond  of  Llanthony, 
eo.  Monmouth,  17  July,  1881.  PiesenC 
Baron  Ormond  of  Llanthony ;  also  Earl  of 
Ormond,  &c.  in  Ireland,  K.  P.    ^ 



1.      I30D.      John  de  Onreby;    Snmm.  to  Pari,  from    4 
March,  8  Edw.  II.  1309,  to  16  June,  4  Edw.II. 
191 1 1  ob.  iai7, 8. P.  when  the  Barony  became 


Barony,  15  Aucust,  I67S. 

Vide  Latimer  and  Leeds. 




I.  1682.  l.Jobn  Bennet;    Created  Baron  OssaUton  of 

OssuUtoiiy  CO.  Middlesex,  $4  Not.  1688 ;  ob. 

II.  1688.  2.  Charles  Bennet,  s.  and  h.  Created  Earl  of 

Tankerville,  190ct.  1714. 

Vide  Tankbrville. 


Baronies,  1627. 

Vide  Clun  and  Norfolk. 



I.  1155.  1.  Aubrey  deVere;  Created  Earl  of  Oxford  by 
the  Empress  Maud,  and  confirmed  by  Hen. 
II.  in  1 155  i  Great  Chamberlain  of  England ; 
ob.  1194. 

IL  1194.  2.  Aubrey  de  Vere,  s.  and  b.  Lord  Great  Cham- 
berlain; ob.  1214,  s.  P. 

HI.  1214.  3.  Robert  de  Vere,  brother  and  heir;  he  was  one 
of  the  celebrated  25  Barons  appointed  to  en- 
force the  observance  of  Magna  Charta  ; 
Lord  Great  Chamberlain  s  ob.  1221. 

IV.  1221.  4.  Hugh  de  Vere,  s.  and  h.  Lord  Great  Cham- 

berlain; ob.  1263. 

V.  1263.  5.  Robert  de  Vere^  s.  and  h.  Lord  Great  Cham- 

berlain; ob.  1296. 

VL  1296.  6.  Robert  de  Vere,  s.  and  h.  Lord  Great  Cham- 
berlain; ob.  1331,  8.  p. 

VII.  1331.  7«  John  de  Vere,  nephew  and  heir,  beings  son 
and  heir  of  Alphonsus  de  Vejre,  next  brother 
of  the  last  Earl ;  L.  G.  Chftmb. ;  he  married 
Maud,  daughter  and  coheir  of  Giles  Baron 
Badlesmere;  ob.  1360. 

VUI.  1360.  S.Thomas  de  Vere,  s.  and  h.  Lord  Great  Cham- 
berlain; ob.  1371. 

IX.  1371.  9*  Robert  deVere,  s.  and  b.  Created  Marquess 
of  Dublin  1386,  and  Summ.  to  Pari,  by  that 
title  8  Aug.  in  that  year;  Created  Duke  of 

OXPOAD«  497 


IreUnii  18  IfaKh,  1387;  L.  G.  Chamber- 
Uin,  K.  Gb{  ob.  I38S» «.  P. ;  but  bavinic  been 
banished  Md  MUtntcd  in  1388,  all  his  ho- 
nors were  then 

X.  13S8.  lOAubrey  de  Vert,  miele  and  heir;  obtained  a 

grant  of  the  Earldom  to  him  and  bis  heirs 
male  1399,  and  in  1397  the  Attainder  of  his 
nepheiTy  Robert  the  last  Earl,  was  repealed 
and  annuUedi  Lord  Great  Cbamberlaan,  but 
abortly  after  bk  restoration  he  was  deprived 
of  that  office ;  ob.  1400. 

XI.  1400. 1  LRicbard  de  Veie,  e.  and  b.  K. G.;  eb.  1417. 

XII.  l4l7«l«JohndeVere,  s.  and  h.    He  married  ElUa- 

betbi  dao.  and  faeir  of  Sir  John  Howard,  and 
sole  heir  of  the  Barony  of  Plaits ;  Attainted 
and  beheaded  146 1^  when  all  his  honors 


XIII.  1464.13  John  de  Vere,  s.  and  h.;  restored  in  blood 

and  honors  1464 ;  Attainted  in  1474,  when 
bis  dignities  became  jFtrfeJteb ;  restored  to 
all  his  honors  and  possessions  in  1485 ;  ob- 
tained a  confirmation  of  the  office  of  Lord 
Great  Chamberlain ;  L.H.  Admiral;  K.  G., 
ob.  1513,  8.  p. 

XIV.  IS13.14Jobn  de  Vere,  nephew  and  heir,  being  s.  and 

h.  of  Sir  George  Vere,  nest  brother  of  the 
last  Earlt  L.  G.  Chamberlain ;  ob.  1586,  s.p. 

XV.  15S6.15John  de  Vere,  cousin  and  heir,  being  s.  and  b. 

of  John,  eldest  son  oF  Robert  de  Vere,  neat 
brother  of  John  IStbEarl;  L.G.  Chamber- 
lain; K.G.;  ob.  1539. 

XVI.  1539. 16 John  de  Vere,  s.  and  b.j  L.  G.  Chamberlain  ; 

ob.  1562. 

XVII.1563.17.£dward  de  Vere,  s.  and  b.;  L.  G.  Chamber- 
lain ;  ob.  1604. 

XVlIl.l604.18.Henry  de  Vere,  s.  and  h.|  L.  G.  Chambefw 
lain ;  ob.  1625,  s.  p. 

XIX.  l635.19*Robert  de  Vere,  cousin  and  heir,  being  8. 
and  b.  of  Hugh,  eldest  son  of  Aubrey  de  Vere, 
brother  of  John  I6th  Earl ;  ob.  1632. 



XX.  l639.90Aubrey  d«  VeM,  •.  and  h.  K.G.;  ob.  1702, 

8.  p.  M.  when  this  Earldom  became 

XXI.  1711.  I.Robert  Harley;   Created  Baron  Harley  of 

Wipmore,  co.  Hereford,  Earl  of  Oxford  and 
.  Earl  Mortimer^  34  May»  171 1>  with  remain- 
der, failings  his  issue  male»  to  the  issue  male 
of  Sir  Robert  Harley,  K.  B.  his  grandfather ; 
Lord  High  Treasurer,  K.G.;  ob.  1734. 

XXII.  17S4.  3.Edward  Harley,  s.  and  h.|  the  foundbr  of 

the  celebrated  11  ABLBiAN  Library  I  ob.1741, 

8.  P.M. 

XXI1I.1741.  SEdward  Harley,  1st  cousin  and  heir  male, 
being  eldest  son.of  Edward  Harley,  next  bro- 
ther of  Robert  XXI.-lst  Earl;  sneeeeded 
agreeable  to  the  limitation  recited  above; 
ob.  1755. 

XXIV.  1755.  4.Edward  Harley,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1790,  s.  p. 

XXV.  1790.  5.£dward  Harley,  nephew  and  heir,  being  8. 

and  b.  of  the  Hon.  John  Harley,  Bishop  of 
Hereford,  next  brother  of  the  last  EarU 
Present  Earl  of  Oxford  and  Earl  Mortimer, 
and  Baron  Harley.    ^ 


or  DUDLEY. 

I.  Will.  L  1.  Ralph  Paganell;  held  divers  lordships  at  the 

General  Survey ;  living  1089. 

II.  Will.  II.  3.  Folk  Paganell,  s.  and  h.  ob 

III.  Steph.  3.  Ralph  Paganell,  s.  and  h.;  Lord  of  Dudley, 

CO.  Stafford ;  living  1 140. 



IV.  H.  IL  4.Genrase  Paganell,  s.  and  h.  living  1189;  ob. 
•  •  ••  8J>.ii.  leaving  Hawyse  bis  dau.  and  beir, 
who  carried  the  Lordship  of  Dudley  to  her 
first  busbandy  John  de  Someiy. 



I.  H.  II.  1.  William  Paganelly  brother  of  Gervase  above- 

mentioned;  he  married  Julian,  dau.  and 
heir  of  Robert  de  Bahuntnne,  with  whom  be 
acquired  the  Lordship  of  Babuntune,  co. 
Devon;  ob.  ante  1180. 

II.  H.  II.  9.  Folk  Paganell,  s.  and  b.  ob.  circa  1S08. 

III.  John.   3.  William  Paganelly  s.  and  b.  ob.  circa  1217. 

IV.  H.  III.  4.  William  Painell,  s.  and  b.  ob 

V.  H.  III.  5.  William  Painell,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1394»  8.  p.  leav- 

ing  Auda,  the  wife  of  John  de  Balun,  his 
sister  and  heir. 


OF  l>RAX. 


I.  John.  Hugh  Painelly  younger  son  of  William  1st 
Lord  of  Bahuntune,  Lord  of  Drax,  which  he 
obtsined  from  King  John;  ob.  1244.  Of  this 
line  no  further  mention  is  made  until  28 
Edward  I.  when 


I.  1299*  John  Paynell  of  Drax  was  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  29  Dec.  28  Edw.  I.  1299»  to  25  Aug.  12 
Edw.  II.  1318 ;  he  is  considered  to  have  died 
ante  1326.  No  account  is  given  of  his  issue,  nor  does 
Dugdale  in  his  Baronage  take  any  notice  of  him.  From 
the  statement  in  Banks's  Extinct  Peerage,  vol.  i.  p.  391» 
it  would  appear  there  were  two  John  Paynells  Sum- 
moned to  Pari,  within  the  above  period,  but  in  all  pro- 
bability It  was  the  same  person ;  fur  though,  in  the  Index 
to  the  Lists  of  Summons,  one  John  Paynell  is  described  < 
"  de  Drax,"  in  the  Writs  themselves  these  words  never 

600  PAYNELL-^AQ£r. 



I.  Ricb.I.  l.Adam  Painelly  another  son  of  William    1st 

Lord  of  BahoDtune  {  living  1315. 

II.  H.  III.  2.  Ralph  Painell,  a.  ai^d  h.  who  in   1235  had 

livery  of  the  lands  of  hit  uncle,  Robert  Bar- 
dolpb,  but  of  whom  notbin^p  farther  if  r«« 



L  H.III.  1.  Fulk  Paynetlj  presumed  to  have  been  % 
younger  son  of  Fulke  $d  Lord  of  Bahuntuoe ;. 
ob.  ante  1360. 

II,  H.lll.  S.  William  Paynell,  s.andb.;  living  1360;  ob. 

ante  1373. 

III.  £dw.I.  3.  John  Paynell,  next  heir  to  William  the  last 
Baron;  ob.  1384. 

Edw.T.  4.  John  Payncll,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1391,  s.  p. 

Edw.l.  5.  Philip  Pavnell,  brother  and  heir;  ob.  1334, 
leaving  «fohn  his  son  and  heir;  but  aa  he  waa 
not  summoned  to  Parliament^  this  family 
can  no  longer  be  considered  as  Barons  of 
the  Realm. 




I.  1803.  William  Paynell;  presumed  to  have  been  of  the 
same  family ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  1 3  Nov.  S3 
Edw.  I.  1303,  to  6  Oct.  9  Edw.  11.  1315  3  ob. 
I317>  8.  p.  when  the  Barony  became 



L  1550.  I. Sir  William  Paget,  K.G.t  Summ.  to  Pari, 
f^om  33  Jan.  5  Edw.  VI.  1553,  to  30  Jan.  4 
and  5  Pbilip  and  Mary,  1558,  as  •<  Will.  Pa. 
get  de  Beaudesert/*  co.  Staflford,  though  it 

PAGET.  501 


it  stated  ikMt  be  wms  llrtt  Sufan.  to  Pari,  3 
Dec.  4  Edward  VI.  KSO,  and  that  he  wat 
ereatied  to  that  difnitjr  d  Jan.  1551 ;  ob.  1 563. 

11.  1563.  ^.  Henry  Pe^et,  a,  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari.  SO 
Sept.  9  Eiis.  i566|  ob.  .1&68,  t.  p.  m.  Eliia- 
betb,  bie  dau,  and  beir^  died,  accordinfc  to 
Coifins,  June  99»  Ibll,  aged  about  three 
years,  though  Dugdalc  states  that  she  mar- 
ried Sir  Henry  Lee. 

HI.  1568.  3.  Thomas  Paget,  brother  of  Henry  the  last  Ba- 
ron; Surom.  to  Pari,  from  4  April,  13  Elis. 
1571  *>  to  6  Jan.  S3  Elis.  1581 ;  Attainted 
1581,  when  bis  honors  became 

W'  1603.  4.  Williai*  Paget,  s.  and  b. ;  restored  to  his 
father's  boiwrs  1st  James  I.  and  Surom.  to 
Pari,  from  5  Nov.  3  Jaq.  I.  1605,  to  7  March, 
3Car.I.  16fl8;  ob.  1639. 

V.  1629.  5.  William  Paget,  s.  and  h.;    Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  13  April,  15  Car.  I.  1639,  to  8  May,  13 
Car.  II.  1661;  ob.  1678. 

VI.  1678.  6.  William  Paget,  s.   and  b.;  SjiNnm.  to  Pari. 

Irom  6March,  31  Car.  II.  1679;  Qt>.  1713. 

VII.  1713.  7.  Henry  Paget,  s.  and  b.  1st  Baron  Burton ; 

Created  Earl  of  Uabridge,  eo.Mid^escx,  19 
Oct.  1714;  ob.  1743. 

*  It  must  be  observed,  that  although  this  Barony  has  been 
considered  a  Barony  in  fee,  as  origiuating  in  a  Writ  of  Sum- 
mons, vetthat,  on  the  death  of  Henry  second  Lord,  bis  bro- 
ther Thomas  third  Lord,  was  apparently  summoned  to  Par- 
liament during  the  life-time  of  Elizabeth  the  dau.  and  heir  of 
Henry  2d  Lord ;  for,  even  admitting  that  Dngdale  is  erroaaous 
in  saviog  that  she  married  Sir  Henry  hee,  it  appears  she  sur- 
vived her  &ther  about  three  years,  and  that  her  uncle  was 
summoned  to  Parliament  threa  months  before  the  period  when 
Collins  (vol.  vii.  p.  12)  says  she  died,  viz.  June  99,  1571, 
though  m  that  Writer's  "  Baronies  hy  Writ,"  p.  116,  he  savs 
that  Thomas  sd  Barpn  did  not  succeed  to  the  title  until  tne 
death  of  the  said  Elizabeth,  the  date  of  which  is  not  there 
gived.  In  Dugdale's  List  of  Summonses,  the  first  mentioB 
U  this  Barooy  is  28  Jaa.  5  Edw.  VI.  anno  1553,  when  <<  WUliam 
Psgfit  de  Beaodesert"  is  atated  to  faaive  been  snmmoned  to  the 
Psrliasient  begm  at  Westminster  on  that  day. 

VOL.  II.  1 

508  PAG£r~PARKER. 


VIII.  1743.  8.  Henry  Paget,  grandson  and  heir,  being  s.  and 

h.  of  Thomas  Catesby  Paget  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Baron ;  Baron  Burton,  and 
Earl  of  Uxbridge;  ob.  I769>  8.  P.  when  the 
Barony  of  Burton  and  Earldom  of  Uxbridge 
became  4tj:tintt ;  but  the  Barony  of  Paget 
derolved  on  his  cousin  and  heir, 

IX.  1769*  9.  Henry  Bayley,  who  assumed  the  name   of 

Paget,  being  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Nicholas  Bay- 
ley,  Bart,  by  Caroline,  dau.  and  beir  of  Tho- 
mas Paget,  eldest  son  of  Henry,  next  brother 
of  William  6tb  Baron  Paget ;  Created  Earl 
of  Uxbridge  May  19.  1784  j  ob.  1813. 
X  1813.  lO.Henry  William  Paget,  s.  and  b.  Earl  of  Ux- 
bridge; Created  Marquess  of  Anglesey  4 
July,  1815.  Present  Baron  Paget,  Earl  of 
Uxbridge,  Marquess  of  Anglesey,  and  a  Ba- 
ronet of  Ireland,  K.  G.,  G.  C.  B.    y 



1.     Will.  I.    William  Pantulf ;  founded  the  Abbey  of  St. 

Peter  of  Norum ;  living  1 109. 
n.     H.  I.      Robert  Pantulf,  34  son  of  the  last  Baron,  sue 

ceeded  to  his  father's  Barony  in  England; 

to  whom  succeeded 

III.  Steph.    Hugh  Pantulf;  whose  successor  was 

IV.  H.  II.      Ivo  Pantulf;  who  was  succeeded  by 

V.  John.      William  Pantulf,  s.  and  h.  of  whom  nothing^ 

farther  is  recorded. 

I.    H.III.  1.  Hugh  Pantulf,  brother  of  Ivo ;  living  1194. 

H.  H.III.  3.WiUiam  Pantulf,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1333.  Maud, 
his  dau.  and  beir,  married  Ralph  Boteler,  of 
Oversley,  to  whom  she  carried  the.  manor 
of  Werome. 



I.  1716.— I.  1721.  I.Thomas  Parker;  Created  Baron  Parker 
of  Macclesfield,  CO.  Chester,  10  March, 
1716;    Created   Viscount    Parker  of- 

..    .  .    / 


Kwelme,  eo.  Oxford,  tnil  £arl  of  Mtcelctlled;  with  re- 
mainder, failings  his  istoe  matey  of  the  dimity  of  Baronetf 
Parker  of  Macclesfieidy  and  Viscountess  Parlccr  of  Ewelme 
aforesaid,  and  Countess  of  Macelesfiekl»  to  Elisabetby  bis 
dau..  wife  of  William  HeAhcote,  Esq.  and  to  the  heirs 
male  of  her  body,  5  Nov.  I73K  Vide  Macclbsfield. 



I.  15^.  William  Parr;  Created  Baron  Parr  of  Kendal 
1538,  and  Summ.. to  Pari,  from  98  April,  31 
Henry  VIII.  1539,  to  4  June,  35  Heury  VIII. 
1543.  His  sister  Katberioe  having  married 
King  Henry  VIIL  12  July,  1543,  he  was 
Created  Earl  of  Essea  S3  Dee.  in  that  year. 
Attainted  1553,  when  all  bis  dignities  became 



I.  1543.  William  Parr,  uncle  to  William  Baron  Parr  of 
Kendal  above-mentioned,  and  to  Queen  Ka- 
tberinei  Created  Baron-  Parr  of  Horton,  co. 
Northampton,  S3  Dec.  1543 ;  ob.  1 546, 8.  p.  M. 
when  the  title  became 


-  BAR014  BY  WRIT. 

I.  1349.  John  de  Patesholl ;  Somm.  to  Pari,  85  Feb. 
16  Edw.  III.  1349,  but  never  afterwards;  ob. 
1349,  leaving  William  his  son  and  heir,  who 
was  never  Somm.  to  Pari,  and  died  in  1366, 
s.  p.  when  his  four  sisters  became  his  heirs, 
viz.  Sybill,  wife  of  Roger  de  Beanchamp; 
Alice,  of  Thomas  Wake;  Mabell,  of  Walter 
de  Fauconberg;  and  Katherine,  of  Sir  Ro- 
bert de  Tudenham,  Knt.  The  Barony,  how- 
ever,  on  the  death  of  John  Baron  PatesbuU 
-  in  consequence  of  only  one  Writ  having  been 
issued,  and  there  being  no  proof  of  sitting, 
became  Cptintt, 



I.  H.  U.  1.  Hamon  Pecbe,  Lord  of  Brunne,  ee.  Csm- 
bridge,  in  right  of  bis  wife,  Alice,  mster  and 
coheir  of  Fain  Pererell ;  living  1)90;  ob. 
ante  1195. 

If.  Rich.I.  3.  Gilbert  Pecbe,  s.  and  b.;  Uving  1313;  ob. 
ante  1317. 

III.  H.  III.  3.  Hamon  Peehe,  •.  and  h.  ob.  1341. 

IV.  H.  111.  4.  Gilbert  Peebe,  >.  and  b.  ob.  1391 ;  bis  succes- 
BY  WRIT.         sor  was 

I.  1399.  5.  Gilbert  Peebe ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  39  Dec. 
38  Edw.  I.  1399,  to  3  Not.  34  Edw.  I.  1306, 
and  agaifi  14  March,  15  Edw.  II.  1333;  ob. 
eirea  1333,  leaving  two  sons,  John  and  Ed- 
round,  who  were  never  Somm.  to  Pari,  but 
of  whom,  or  of  their  descendants,  Dugdale 
gives  no  account. 


»A«ONS  BY  TevUBB. 

I.   U.  ill.   1.  Ricbard  Pecbe,  whose  genealogy,  as  stated  by 
Dogdale,i«Terf  confused,  was  Lord  of  Worm- 
leigbton,co.  Warwkk,  jure  matris,  Petronill, 
day.  and  heir  of  Ricbard  Walbbe;  ob. .« .  • 
BY  waiT. 

I.  1331.  3.  John  Pecbe,  s.  and  b.*;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
15  May,  14  Edw.  II.  1331,  to  83  Jan.  9  Edw. 
111.  1336  i  ob.  circa  1339»  leaving  John  Peche, 
his  grandson,  his  heir,  wbo  died  in  1376, 
leaving  John  Pecbe,  his  son  and  heir,  i»ho 
died  1335,  s.  P.  M.  leaving  Joan  and  Margaret 

*  If  Dugdale  is  correct  in  saying  tbis  Baron  was  the  son  of 
Riehard  a£>ve  mentioned,  he  must  have  died  very  aged,  for  he 
states  that  he  oontiaued  loyal  to  Henry  Hi.  and  in  the  49th  of  that 
reign  had  the  Kiag*s  sfecial  letters  of  protection,  and  died  about 
the  11th  or  13th  £dw.  HI.  so  that  allowing  him  to  have  been 
only  91  in  the  4dth  Henry  III.  1244  he  must  have  been  above 
95  years  of  age  at  his  demise. 


■  his  daughters  and  coheirs;  hut  neither  of 
these  Johns  were  sumoioned  to  Parliament. 
Joan,  the  eldest  dau.and  coheir  of  John  Peche 
last  mentioned  died  s«  P.  leaving  Margaret, 
the  wife  of  Sir  William  Montfort»  her  sister, 
her  heir,  in  whose  descendants  and  repre- 
sentatives the  Barony  of  Peche  is  vested. 


-llARON   BY  WRIT.  OF  — 

I.  1331.  Robert  Peche;  Summ.  to  Pari.  15  May,  14 
Edw.  II.  1331,  but  never  after,  and  of  whom 
Dugdale  gives  no  account  in  his  Baronage ; 
nor  does  he  appear  to  be  mentioned  by  any 
other  writer ;  un  his  death  the  Barony  becaipe 



I.  1706.  1.  Sir  Thomas  Pelham,  5th  Bart.;  Created  Ba- 

ron  Pelham  of  Laughton,  oo.  Sussex,  '89 
Dec.  1706;  oh.  1718. 


II.  1718.  — J.  1714, 3.Thomas  Pfelham  (assumed  the 
OF  STANMERB.  name  of)  Holies,  s.  and  h. ;  Cre- 
J.  1678.  1.  ated,  86  Oct.  1714,  Viscount  Pel- 
ham of  Houghton,  CO,  Nottingham,  and  Earl 
of  Clare;  with  remainder,  failing  his  issue 
male,  to  Henry,  his  brother,  and  his  issue 
male;  subsequently  Created  Marquess  of 
Clare,  and  Duke  of  Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 
and  in  1756  Duke  of  Newcastle-under  Lyne, 
with  a  special  remainder;  Created  Baron 
Pelham  of  Stanmere,  co.  Sussex,  with  re- 
mainder, failing  his  issue  male,  to  his  kins- 
man Thomas  Pelham,  of  Stanmere,  co.  Sus- 
sex, Esq.  4  May,  r768,  K.G. ;  ob.  1768,  8.  p. 
when  the  Barony  of  Pelham  of  Laughton, 
the  Viscountcy  of  Pelham,  the  Earidom  and 
Marquisate  of  Clare,  and  Dukedom  of  New- 
castle-upon-Tyne, became  ^^nct ;  but  the 
Baiony  of  Pelham  of  Stanmere,  derolved, 
agreeable  to  the  above  limitation,  on 

I  S 

tm  P£U1AM-»P£MBR0KE. 


il.  I7ff.  S.Thomaf  PeHiaiiii,  of  Stanawra,  Esq.  before 
mentioneil.;  he  was  t.  and  h.  of  TbomaSf 
«l(ieM  suffviiriiifaon  of  Henry  Pelham.young^er 
brotbcr  of  Tbomat  1st  Baron  Pelbaro  of 
LacH^tAR;  he  aW  tuecceiled  his  cousin 
Thomas  3d  Baron  Pelban  of  Laughton,  and 
1st  Baron  Pelbam  of  SUftmere  (Duke  of 
Newcastle,  &c.)  in  the  Baronetcy;  Created 
Earl  of  Cbicester  33  June,  1801. 

Vide  Chichester. 



1.  1138.  1.  Gilbert  de  Clare  ;  Created  Earl  of  Pembroke 
1138t  ob.  1149. 

If.  1149*  3.]Uehard  de  Clare,  sumnmed  Strongbow,  s. 
and  h.;  J  usCioe  of  Ireland;  ob.  117$,  s.p.m. 

Iff.  1189.  1.  William  Marshal,  having  married  Isabel  de 
Clare,  dav.  and  heir  of  Richard  the  last  Earl, 
acquired  the  Earldom  of  Pembroke  in  1189 ; 
Marshal  of  England ;  ob.  1319. 

IV.  1319.  3.  WiHiam  Marshal,  s.  and  h. ;  was  one  of  the 
celebrated  85  Barons  appointed  to  enforce 
the  observance  of  Magna  Charta,  beinfc 
then  styled  <*  Comes  MarescbalJun.;**  Earl 
Marshal;  ob.  1331,  8.  p. 

T.  1331.  3. Richard  Marshal,  brother  and  heir;  Earl 
Marshal;  ob.  1334,  8. p. 

VI.  1334.  4.  Gilbert  Marsiial,  brother  and  heir;  Earl  Mar- 
shal; ob.  1341,8.  p. 

Vri.  1341.  5.  Walter  Marshal,  brother  and  heir ;  Earl  Mar- 
shal ;  ob.  34  Nov.  1 345,  s.  P. 

Viri.1345.  6.  Anselm  Marshal,  brother  and  heir;  Earl  Mar- 
sl)j|ti ;  ob.  5  T>ec,  1345,  s.  p;  when  his  honors 


liX.  H.UI.  1.  William  de  Valenee,  son  of  Hugh  le  Brun, 
Earl  of  March,  by  Isabel,  widow  of  King 
John,  and  mother  of  Kiag  Henry  III.  said 
to  have  been  Cre^^ted  Earl  of  Pembroke  in 
1347 ;  but  DugdaU,  speaking  of  the  battle 
of  Lewes  annp  1364,  says  thia  William  was 
"then  called  Easl  of  Ptonbroke,  and  not  be- 
fore,  for  aught  1  have  seen ;"  ob.  1396. 



X.     1896.  %  Aylaer  de  Va!ence,  ••  md  h.  t  ob.  1393,  s.  f* 
when  the  title  beeame 

Xf.  1339.  I.LaarencelV.-IItfa  Baron  Hattinf^t,  Lord  of 
Abergavenny,  ^andton  of  John  Baron  Hast- 
ings, Lord  of  Abergatennyr  hy  Isabel,  dan.  of 
William  and  sister  and  heir  of  Aymer  de  Va- 
lence, the  last  Earl ;  Created  Earl  of  Pem- 
broke 13  Oet.  1339;  ob.  1348. 

XII.  1348.  3.  John  Haatingt,  s.  and  h.;  he  married  Anne, 
sole  dan.  and  heir  of  Walter  Baron  Manny, 
ob.  1375« 

Xni.1375.  3.  John  Hastings,  s.  and  b.  K.G.;  ob.  1380,  8.  P. 
when  the  Earldom  again  became 

XtV.  1414.  I.  Hum|>farey  Plantagenet,  yonngest  son  of  King 
Henry  IV. ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  as  Duke  of 
Gloucester  and  Earl  of  Pembroke  96  Sept. 
1414,  K.G.;  ob.  1446,  8.  P.  when  hi8  ho- 
nors became 

XV.  1446.  t.  Williem  de  la  Pole,  VI..4th  Earl  and  L.4th 
Marquess  of  SoflFolk,  obtained  a  reversionary 
grant  of  the  Earldom  of  Pembroke  31  Feb. 
1443,  provided  that  Humphrey,  at  that  time 
Earl  of  Pembroke  and  Duke  of  Gloucester, 
died  without  issue;  Created  Marquess  of 
Suffolk  1444}  sueceeded  to  the  Earldom  of 
Pembroke  1446,  and  was  Created  Duke  of 
Suffolk  S  <lune,  1448,  K.G.;  eb.  1450;  and 
being  attainted,  alt  his  dignities  became 

X,V1;  14&f.  I.Jasper  Tudor^surnamed  of  Hncfield,  3d  son 
of  Sir  Owen  Tudor,  by  Katherine,  widow  of 
King'Henry  T.  and  mother  of  King  Henry  VI. . 
Presumed  to  have  been  created  Earl  of  Pem- 
broke ctrea  Not.  1453,  though  Dugdal<3l 
states,  **  there  is  no  notice  taken  of  it  in  xhM 
Roll  of  that  time,  nor  in  any  other  memor^ 
of  him  that  I  have  seen."  By  his  attaind«^r, 
in  1461 ,  whatever  honors  he  possessed  becaino 



XVII.  1468.  i.William  Herbert,  1st  Baron  Herbert  of  Chep- 
stow ;  Created  Earl  of  Pembroke  87  Mav, 
1468,  K.G.;  beheaded  1469. 

XVin.l469.S.Wmiain  Herbert,  s.  and  b.;  he  Burrendcred 
this  Earldom  at  the  request  of  King^  Edward 
JV.  and  was  created  Earl  of  Huntingdon  4 
July,  1472;  ob S.  p.  M. 

XIX.  1469-    Edward  Plantagenet,  Prince  of  Wales,  son 

and  heir  apparent  of  King  Edward  IV.  s 
Created  Earl  of  March  and  Pembroke  8  July, 
1479 ;  succeeded  his  father  as  Edward  V. 
when  this  title  became  merged  in  the  Crown. 


I.  1533.  Ann  Boleyn,  dau.  of  Thomas  Boleyn,  Earl  of 
Wiltshire  ;  Created  Marchioness  of  Pem- 
broke 1  Sept.  1532;  became  Queen  of  Eng- 
land as  2d  wife  to  King  Henry  VHI.  in  Ja- 
nuary, 1533 ;  beheaded  1536;  Elisabeth,  her 
only  child,  succeeded  to  the  Throne,  hut  the 
honor  probably  became  merged  in  the  Royal 
dignity  on  the  Marchioness'  marriage. 

XX.  1551.  I.William  Herbert,  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Richard 

Herbert,  natural  son  of  William  Herbert, 
XVll.-lst  Earl ;  Created  Baron  Herbert  of 
Caerdiff  10  Oct.  1551,  and  Earl  of  Pembroke 
11  October,  1551  ^  be  married  Ann,  sister 
and  coheir  of  Tbomas  Parr,  Marquess  of 
Northampton,  and  sister  of  Queeu  Katherine 
Parr;  K.B.;  ob.1569. 

XXJ.  1569.  2.  Henry  Herbert,  s.  and  h.  K.G.;  ob.  1601. 

XXll.l60h  S.William  Herbert, s.and  h.  K.6. ;  ob.  1630,S.P. 

XXnM630.4.Ph')lip  Herbert^  1st  Earl  of  Montgomery,  and 
1st  Baron  Herbert  of  Shurland;  brother  and 
heir,  K.G.;  ob.  1650. 

XXIV.  l650.5.Philip  Herbert,  s.  and  h.  Earl  of  Montgo- 

mery ;  ob,  1669. 

XXV.  I669.6.William  Herbert,  s.  and  h.  Earl  of  Montgo- 

.  meryi  ob.  1674,8.  p. 
XXyl.1674. 7  JPhilip  Herbert,  half-brother  and  heir.  Earl  of 

Montgomery ;  ob.  1683,  s.  P.  M. 
XXVn.l683.8.Thumas  Herbert,  brother  and  heir.  Earl  of 

Montgomery,  L.  U.  Admiral*  Lord  Lieut*  of 

Ireland,  K.  G.  i  ob.  1733. 



XXVU1.1733.9*Menry  Herbert,  i^  and  b.  Earl  of  Montgo- 
mery;  ob.  1751. 

XXIXlTSl.lO.Henry  Herbert,  s.  and  b.  Earl  of  Montgo- 
mery; ub.  1794. 

XXXJ794. 1  I.George  Aogastu«  Herbert,  t.  and  b.  8tb  Earl 
of  Montgomery,  K.  G.  Present  Earl  of 
Pembroke  and  Montgomery,  Baron  Her- 
bert of  Caerdiff  and  Baron  Herbert  of  Sbor- 
land.    Sj= 



I.  1885.  1.  Perey  Clinton  Sydney  Smythe,  8tb  Viseoant 
Strangford  in  Ireland  i  Created  Baron  Peni- 
burtt  of  Penahartt,  00.  Kent,  January  1885. 
Present  Baron  Penaburat;  alio  Viscount 
Strangford  in  Ireland;  G.CB.    ^ 



t    Will.  I.  1.  William  de  Pereyi*,   mimamed  Algernon;  « 
obtained  divers  lands  from  William  tbe  Con- 
ctuefor;  ob.  elfca  1096. 

n.  Ken.  I.  9.  Abmde  Percy,  a.  and  h. Jiving  1116;  ob 

ULSteirh.  3.Wtltia«i  d«  Percy,  i.  and  b.  living  1168; 
•b.  ....  a.  P.  M. 

IV.  H.  II.  4,  Joscelaiue  de  Louvaine,  younger  son  of  God- 

frey Duke  of  Brabant,  assumed  tbe  name  of 
Percy  on  bis  marriage  witb  Agnes  de  Percy, 
daughter  and  eventually  solo  heir  of  William 
the  last  Baron ;  ob Agnea  his  wife  sur- 
vived him  many  years. 

V.  John.  5.  Richard  de  Peroy,  youngest  son  of  the  said 

Josceline  and  Agnes  de  P6rcy ;  usurped  tbe 
inheritance  of  his  nephew  William  de  Percy, 
and  was  chief  of  the  family  during  his  life ; 
he  was-  one  of  the  celebrated  S5  Barons 
appointed    to   enforce    the    observance    of 

*  The  earTy  part  of  this  account  of  tbe  Barony  of  Percy  Is 
taken  from  Collins' Peerage,  vol.  ii.  p.  980,  who  appears  to  have 
investigated  the  subject  in  the  most  laborious  manner.  His 
itsteneot  differs  very  materially  from  that  given  by  Dugdalf . 

510  PERCY. 


Magna  Chart  a  ;  ob.  circa  1S44  ;  his  issu? 
failed  in  bis  frranclson. 

VI.  H.  III.  6.  William  de  Percy,  s.  and  b.  of  Henry  de 
Percy  (ob.  vita  matfis],  eldest  son  of  tbe 
said  Josceline  and  Agnes ;  succeeded  to  bis 
inberitance  on  tbe  deatb  of  his  uncle  Richard  • 
ob.  1345. 

Vir.  1S45.  7.  Henry  de  Percy,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1272. 

VIII.  1272. 8.  William  de  Percy,  s.  and  b.  ob.  infant. 

IX.  £dw.I.9-  John  de  Percy,  brother  and  heir ;  ob.  infans. 


I.  1299.  10.  Henry  de  Percy,  brother  and  heir ;  Summ.  to 
Pari,  from  6  February,  27  Edward  1. 1299,  to 
29  July,  8  EdvF.  II.  1314;  ob.  1315. 

li.  1315.  11.  Henry  de  Percy,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
14  March,  15£dw.  II.  1322,  to  20  July,  26 
Edw.  III.  1352;  ob.  1352. 

III.  1352.  12.  Henry  de  Percy,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  15  July.  27  Edw.  1353,  to  20  January, 
39  Edw.  III.  1366;  ob.  1368. 

IV.  1368.  13.  Henry  dePercy,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 

24  Feb.  42^  Edw.  111.  1368,  to  20  January,  49 
Edward  III.  1376,  as  «  Henrico  de  Percy  de 
Piere,"  and  1  Dec.  50  Edward  III.  1376,  as 
**  Henrico  de  Percy,  Mareschallo  Anf^iae ;" 
Created  Earl  of  Northumberland  16  Jufy, 
1 377.  Vide  Northumberland. 

The  descent  of  the  Barony  of  Percy  has  been  the  subject 
of  considerable  controversy ;  but  tbe  following  statement 

•  it  is  presumed  contains  the  facts  of  the  case : 

In  1408  the  Barony  became  Iforfeite^  by  the  attainder 
of  Henry  Percy  last  mentioned,  the  Xll.-lst  Earl  of 
Northumberland,  but  was  restored  in  1414  to  his  grand- 
son Henry  XIII.-2d  Earl.  It  was  however  again  IFor- 
feiteb  by  the  attainder  of  Henry  XIV..3d  Earl,  ii\146l, 

-  but  was' restored  to  his  son  Henry  XVI.-4tb  Earl,  circa 
1470,  and  continued  merged  in  that  Earldom  unti\  the 
death  of  Henry  Algernon  XVIII.-6th  Earl  in  1537,  S.  P. 
when,  in  consequence  of  tbe  attainder  of  Sir  Thilmas 
Percy  his  brother  and  heir,  it  became  4iptintt,  Oii|  tbe 
30th  April,  1557,  Thomas  Percy  (son  and  heir  of  the  laid 
Sir  Thomas,  and  nephew  of  Henry  Algernon,  the  last 
Earl  of  N  ortbumberland  and  Baron  Percy)  was  Creafled, 
by  Patent,    Baron  Percy  of  Cockermouth  and  F'^t- 

PERCY.  511 

Worth,  Baron  Poynings,  Lucy,  Bryan,  and  Fiti-Payne, 
witb  remsi\nder,  failing  his  issue  nuiU,  to  his  brother  Henry 
and  his  issue  male,  and  was  afterwards  created  Earl  of 
Northumberland  with  the  same  limitation.  This  creation 
to  the  said  Baronies  roust  be  considered  as  a  creation 
de  Novo,  and  these  honors  would  have  become  forfeited 
in  consequence  of  the  attainder  of  the  said  Thomas 
XIX-7th  Early  had  it  not  been  for  the  limitation  recited 
above,  in  rirtue  of  which  Henry  his  brother  succeeded  to 
them  and  to  the  Earldom  of  Northumberland ;  in  which 
dignity  the  Baronies  of  Percy,  Poynings,  Lucy,  Bryan 
and  Fitz-Payne,  became  merf^ed.  Henry  bis  son,  XXI.-9th 
Earl  of  Northumberland,  obtained  a  confirmation  by 
Patent  4  Car.  I.  anno  16^,  *'  to  him  and  the  heirs  male 
rfhis  body  of  the  title  and  dignity  of  Baron  Percy  in  such 
'  manner  as  any  of  his  ancestors  bad  enjoyed  the  same  ;" 
hut  which  Patent  would  decidedly  be  deemed  illegal  at 
the  present  day,  an  Act  of  Parliament  alone  having  the 
power  to  give  a  precedency  beyond  the  date  of  the  Patent 
of  Cieation :  on  the  demise  of  Josoeline  Percy  XXIIL- 
11  th  Earl,  s.p.  M.  in  1670,  all  the  honors  conferred  by 
the  Patent  of  30  April,  1557,  and  by  that  of  16^8,  as 
well  as  the  Earldom  of  Northumberland  became  ^SptittCt. 
The  Barony  of  Percy  however  was,  notwithstanding,  evi- 
dently considered  to  have  been  a  Barony  in  fee,  and  as 
such  to  have  descended  to  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Charles 
Duke  of  Somerset,  daughter  and  sole  heir  of  the  said 
Earl  Josceline ;  for  on  her  Grace's  death,  S3  Nov.  17S8, 
her  son  and  heir  Algernon  Seymour,  was  not  only  Sum- 
moned to  Parliament  as  Baron  Percy,  but  was  placed  in 
the  House  of  Peers  in  the  precedency  of  the  ancient  Ba- 
rony created  by  the  Writ  of  Summons  of  27  Edward  I. 
He  «ucceeded  as  Duke  of  Somerset  in  1748,  and  was 
subsequently  created  Earl  of  Northumberland,  &c. ;  he 
died  in  1750,  and  was  unquestionably  succeeded  in  the 
Airony  of  Percy,  created  by  the  Writ  of  Summons  of 
1732,  by  his  only  child  Elizabeth,  on  whose  husband,  Sir 
Hugh  Smitbson,  Bart,  the  Earldom  of  Northumberland 
was  limited,  and  who  was  created  Duke  of  that  county 
in  1766.  Her  Grace  died  5  Dec.  1776,  when  the  Barony 
devolved  on  her  eldest  son  Hugh  Percy,  and  who  was  ac- 
cordingly Summoned  to  Parliament  as  Baron  Percy  iu 
1777  ;  be  succeeded  bis  father  in  the  Dukedum,  &c.  in 
1786  J  and  the .  Barony  of  Percy  created  by  the  Writ  of 
1722,  together  with  his  other  honors,  is  now  vested  in  hi& 

611  PERCY. 

geandfOD  Hufli,  the  present  Duke  of  Nortbamberjand, 
and  who  was  tuniinoned  to  Parliament  at  Baron  Percy, 
and  placed  in  the  precedency  of  the  ancient  Barony  13 
March,  1813.  From  the  preceding  statement  the  follow- 
ing conlusloos  may  be  drawn  *. 

1st.  That,  according  to  the  fair  deduction  from  modern 
decisions,  tbe  ancient  Barony  of  Percy,  created  by  the 
Writ  of  Summons  of  6  Feb.  27  Edward  I.  1399,  became 
^ptinct  on  tbe  death  of  Henry  Algernon^  XVlII.-6tk 
£arl^  in  1537. 

Sd.  That  the  Barony  of  Percy  of  Cockermouth  and 
Petworth,  with  tbe  Baronies  of  Poynings,  Lucy,  Bryan, 
and  Fit;E-Payne^  created  by  the  Patent  of  30  April,  1557, 
became  42rtinct  on  tbe  death,  8.  p.  m.  of  Josceline 
XXllI..  11th  Earl,  in  1670. 

3d.  That  Algernon  Seymour,  afterwards  Duke  of 
Somerset,  and  XXV.-lst  Earl  of  Northumberland,  was 
erroneously  placed  in  tbe  precedency  of  tlie  ancient 
Barony  on  being  Summoned  to  Parliament  in  1723. 

4th.  That  Hugh  Percy,  grandson  of  the  said  Doke  and 
Baron  Percy  jure  matris,  and  Hugh  tbe  present  t)uke  of 
Northumberland,  were  likewise  erroneously  placed  in  the 
precedency  of  the  original  Barony. 

5th.  That  the  only  Barony  of  Percy,  now  vested  in 
his  Grace  Hugh,  present  Duke  of  Northumberland,  is  tbe 
Barony  in  fee  created  by  the  Writ  of  Summons  to  his 
great-grandfaitber  Algernon  Seymour,  in  1733. 


1.  1766.  l.HughSmltbson,  husband  of  Elizabeth  Ba- 
rooess  Percy,  dau.  and  sole  heir  of  Al^enBon 
Duke  of  Somerset,  and  XXV.-lst  Earl  of 
Northumberland,  assumed  tbe  name  of 
Percy,  XXVI.-3d  Ewl  of  Northumberland  ; 
Created  Earl  Percy,  and  Duke  of  Nortk«in- 
berland  18  Oet.  1766. 




I.  1643.  1.  Hennr  Percy,  younger  son  of  Heory  XXI.-9th 
Earl  of  Northumberland }  Created  Banm 
Percy  of  Alawtck,  co.  Nortbuesberlaiid,  38 
June,  1643 ;  ob.  1653,  s.  P.  m.  when  the  title 
becamt      Cptinct, 



Ralph  Perrot,  Summooed  86  Jan.  36  Edward  I.  1397  } 
but  it  is  very  dottbtful  if  that  Writ  can  be  considered  as  a 
re^lar  Summont  to  Parliament }  vide  **  Fitz-John.*' 
He  was  never  afterwards  summoned  j  and  Dugdale  gives 
no  account  of  bim  in  hit  Baronage. 



!•  1797.  I.James  Drommond,  representative  of  the  Earl- 
dom of  Perth  in  Scotland,  which  dignity 
his  ancestor  had  forfeited  in  1715;  Created 
Lord  Perth,  Baron  Prummond  of  Stub-ball, 
CO.  Perth,  S6  October,  1797 ;  ob.  1800,  S.P.M. 
when  the  title  became 



I.  1638.  1.  John  Mordaunt,  5th  Baron  Mordaunt  of  Tur- 
vey ;  Created  Earl  of  Peterborough  9  March, 
1628;  ob.  1643. 

a.  1643.  3.  Henry  Mordaunt,  s.  and  h.  K.G.;  ob.  1697, 
8.  P.M.  when  the  Barony  of  Mordaunt  de- 
volved on  Mary  bis  dau.  and  sole  heiress  ; 
but  he  was  succeeded  in  this  Earldom  by 

HI.  1697.  3.  Charles  Mordaunt,  Ill.-lst  Earl  of  Monmouth 
and  3d  Viscount  Mordaunt  of  Avalon,  bis 
nephew  and  heir  male,  being  son  and  heir  of 
John  Ist  Viscount  Mordaunt  of  Avalon,  8d 
son  of  John  Ut  Earl  of  Peterborough;  suc- 
ceeded his  cousin  Mary  Baroness  Mordaunt 
in  that  Barony  and  in  the  Barony  of  Beau- 
champ  of  Bletsho  in  1705,  K.  G.;  ob.  1735. 

IV.  1735.  4.  Charles  Mordaunt,  grandson  and  heir,  being 

8.  and  b.  of  John  Mordaunt  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Earl ;  Earl  of  Monmoutb ;  ob. 

V.  1779.  5.  Charles  Henry  Mordaunt,  8.  and  h.  Earl  of 

Monmouth,  ob.  1814,  S.  p.  when  the  Earl- 
dums  of  Peterborough  and  Munmouih,  the 

VOL.  II.  K 

514        "'         PETfiRSFl£LD*P£TRE. 

Viscountcy  of  Mord^unt  of  Avalon,  and  the 
Barony  of  Mordaunt  of  Ryej^ate  became 


Baroky,  19  August*  1673— 4^ttnct  1734. 

Vide  Portsmouth. 


Barony,  S5  June^  1674— <^tinct  1683. 

Vide  Guildford. 
Viscountcy,  9  Februaiyf  1742. 

Vide  Harrington. 



I.  1603.  1.  John  Fetre ;  Created  Baron  Petre  of  Wriltle, 

CO.  Essex,  81  July,  1603 ;  ob.  1613. 

II.  1613.  2.  William  Petre,  s.and  h.  ob.  1637. 
m.   1637.  3.  Robert  Petre,  s.  andh.  ob.  1638. 

IV.  1638.  4.  William  Petre,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1683,  8.  p.  m. 

V.  1683.  5.  John  Petre,  brother  and  heir ;  ob.  1684,  s.  p. 

VI.  1684.  6. Thomas  Petre,  brother  and  heir ;  ob.  1707. 

VII.  1707.  7.  Robert  Petre,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1713. 
VIII.1713.  8.  Robert  James  Petre,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1742. 

IX.  1742.  9.  Robert  Edward  Petre>  s.  and  h. ;  be  married 

Ann,  dau.  and  coheir  of  Lord  Philip  Howard, 
brother  of  Edward  XlV.-Uth  Duke  of  Nor- 
folk j  ob.  1801. 

X.  1801.  10.  Robert  Edward  Petre,  8.  and  h.  ob.  1809. 

XI.  1809*  11.  William  Francis  Henry  Petre,  s.  and  h.    Pre- 

sent Baron  Petre ;  also  in  right  of  Ann  bis 
grandmother,  youngest  of  the  two  daughters 
and  coheirs  of  Lord  Philip  Howard,  brother  of 
Edward  XIV.-llth  Duke  of  Norfolk,  coheir 
of  the  Baronies  of  Howard,  Mowbray,  Braose 
of  Gower,  Segrave,  Dacre  of  Gillesland, 
Grey  stock,  Ferrers  of  Wemme,  Talbot, 
Strange  of  Blackmere,  Furnival,  Giffard  of 
Brimmesfield,  and  Vernon,  and  probably 
also  of  the  Barony  of  Arundel  under  the  Writ 
of  1  Rich,  n.*    =p 


♦  Vide  p.  29. 



ViscoinrrcTt  14  Maj,  17dO«-^ptinct  1743. 

Vide  Wilmington. 



I.    WUL  I.    Raoulph  FeTerell ;  held  direra  LordshifM  at 
the  Genenl  Surrey ;   he  married  Maud,  dan. 
of  Infelric,  and  the  concubine  of  William  1. 1 
the  iMue  both  by  the  laid  R^lph  and  by  the 
King  assumed  the  name  of  Peverell,  of  whom 
IL    Hen.  I.    William  PevefeU>  obtained  numerous  Lord- 
ships from  William  the  Conqueror,  amongst 
others  the  Castle  of  Nottingham ;    living 
III.  Hen.  IL  William  Peverelly  a.  and  h.  having  poisoned 
I  Ralph  EarlofChester,  fled  from  Justice.  Mar- 

I  garet,  his  dan*  and  heir,  carried  his  posses- 

sions to  the  family  of  Ferrers. 


OF  — 


I.    Will.  I.     Hamon.Peverel,  eldest  son  of  Ranulpb  Peve- 
rell 1st  Baron,  of  whom  little  is  known. 



I,  Will  I.  1.  William  Peverel  of  Dover  (another  son  of  Ra- 
nulph  ahove  mentioned),  so  called  from  being 
Castellan  of  that  place  j  ob 

IL  Hen.  I.  2.  William  Peverell,  s.  and  h.  called  <<of  Essex/' 
who,  with  Maud  his  sister,  having  enfeoffed 
the  posterity  of  Hugh  Peverel  of  Sandford 
with  divers  Lordships,  the  Barony  of  the 
said  William  and  Maud  fell  to  the  King. 





I.  Hen, I.  l.Pain  Peverel,  3d  son  of  the  said  Ranulpb; 

obtained  the  Barony  of  Brunne,  co.  Cam- 
bridgOy  from  King  Hen.  I.;  ob.  circa  I  US. 

II.  Hen.  I.  S.  William  Peverel,  6.and  b.  ob 8.  p.  leav- 

ing his  four  sisters  his  beirs^  wbo  shared  his 



I.  Iii99.  John  Pevre ;  Summoned  8  Jone,  82  Edw.  I. 
J294;  but  it  is  very  doubtful  if  that  Writ 
was  a  regular  Summons  to  Parliament  i  vide 
"  Clyvedon  ;"  Summ.  to  Pari.  6  Feb.  97 
Edward  1. 1899>  but  never  afterwards.  Dog- 
dale  gires  no  account  of  this  Baron  in  his 
Baronage ;  nor  is  any  thing  recorded  of  hit 
posterity  by  any  other  writer.  The  Barony 
on  his  death  from  tbe  Writ  of  87  Edward  I. 
being  the  only  regular  Summons  to  Parlia- 
ment ever  directed  to  him,  and  there  being 
no  proof  recorded  of  his  having  sat  under  it, 
probably  became 



Simon  de  Pierrepont  was  summoned  8th  June,  92  Edw. 
I.  1894  ;  but  it  is  very  doubtful  if  that  Writ  can  be 
deemed  a  regular  Summons  to  Parliaments  vide**  Clyve- 



J.  1687.  1.  Robert  Pierrepont  j  presumed  to  have  been  of 
tbe  same  family  as  the  above  Simon  de 
Pierrepont;  Created  Baron  Pierrepont  of 
Holme  Pierrepont,  co.  Nottingham,  and 
Viscount  Newark,  89  June,  1687;  Created 
Earl  of  Kingston  5^5  July,  1688. 

Cptinct  1773.         Vide  Kingston. 

Barony,  83  July,  1796. 

Vide  Newark. 





1.  1714..  Genraie  Pierrepont,  Ut  Baron  Pierrepont  in 
Ireland,  grandson  of  Robert  lit  Earl  of  King- 
•ton ;  Created  Baron  Pierrepont  of  Hanilape, 
co.Bucki,  19  Oct.  1714;  ob.  1715,  S.P.  when 
his  titles  became 




I.     Hen.I.  1 .  Gilo  de  Pincheney. 

ir.  Steph.  S.  Ralph  de  Pincheney,  s.  and  h.  living  1140. 

III.  H.  II.  3.  Gilbert  de  Pincheney,  s.  and  h.  liring  1 165. 

IV.  RicT.  4.  Henry  de  Pincheney,  s.  and  h.  living  1206. 
y«    John.  S.Robert  de   Pincheney,  s.  and  h.  oh.    circa 


VI.  H.III.  6.  Henry  de  Pincheney,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1254. 

VII.  H.1II.  7.  Henry  de  Pincheney,  s.  and  h.  living  1258. 
VItI.Edw.1.8.  Robert  de  Pincheney,  s.  and  h.  ob.  circa  129". 


I.  1299.  9.  Henry  de  Pinkney,  brother  and  heir  ;  Summ. 
to  Pari.  6  Feb.  27  Ed w.  1. 1 299,  and  29  Dec.  28 
Edward  I.  1299  ;  he  was  likewise  Summoned 
26  January,  25  Edward  I.  1297:  but  it  is 
doubtful  if  that  Writ  can  be  deemed  a  regular 
Summons  to  Parliament ;  vide  <*  FiTz- 
John.**  He  was  present  at  the  Parliament 
held  at  Lincoln  29  Edward  I.  when  he  was 
styled  **  Henricus  de  Pynkeney,  Dominus  de 
Wedone;*'  in  1301  he  surrendered  bis  lands 
to  the  Kin^c;  ob.  s.  p.  when  the.  Barony  be- 
came      42j:tititU 



1.      1299.      Ralph  Pipard;  Summ.  to  Pari,   from  6  Feb. 

27  Edward  I.  1299,  to  24  July,  30  Edward  I. 

1302 ;  he  was  likewise  summoned  26  Jan.  25 

Edw.  I.  1297  7  but  it  is  very  doubtful  if  that 


518  PITT— PUilTZ. 

Writ  can  be  deemed  a  reiruhir  Sanmont  to 
Parliament ;  vide  ^  Fitz-Jobn  s"  ob.  1309« 
leavinf^  John  hit  ion  and  heir ;  but  neither 
be  nor  any  of  his  detcendanti  were  ever 
summoned  to  Parliament,  and  of  whom 
Dagdale  gives  no  aceoant. 


ViscouNTCYi  4  August,  1756. 

Vide  Chatham. 



Giles  de  Plaitz ;  Summoned  8  June,  S3  Edw. 
I.  1294}  and  26  Jan.  25  Edward  1. 1297  >  but 
it  is  doubtful  if  either  of  these  Writs  can  be 
ponsidered  as  a  regular  Summons  to  Pari. 
vide  '*  Cltvedon"  and  "Fitz-Jobn  -,**  ob.1303. 
f.      1317.      Richard  de  Plaitz,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  20  Nov.  1 1   Edward  II.  1317»  to  14 
March,  15  Edward  II.  1322 ,  ob. . . . .  leaving 
John  bis  sou  and  heir ;    he  died  in  13599 
leaving  Sir  John  de  Plaits  his  son  and  heir, 
neither  of  whom  were  ever  summoned  to  Parliament. 
Margaret,  daughter  and  heir  of  the  last  mentioned  Sir 
John  de  Plaits,  was  the  first  wife  of  Sir  John  Howard 
(grandfather,  by  his  second  wife,  of  John  Howard  Duke 
of  Norfolk),  by  whom  he  had  Sir  John  Howard,  whose 
daughter    and   heir,    Elizabeth,    married   John   Vere, 
Xll.-12th  Earl  of  Oxford;  in  which  title  this  Barony  con- 
tinued merged  until  the  death  of  John  XlV.-14th  Earl,  in 
1526,  when  it  fell  into  Abeyance  between  his  three 
sisters  and   coheirs,  viz.  Dorothy^* who    married   John 
Nevill  Lord  Latimer ;    Elizabeth,  wife  of  Sir  Anthony 
Wingfield ;  and  Ursula,  who  married,  first,  George  Wind- 
sor, and  secondly.  Sir  Edmund  Knightly,  but  died  s.  p. 
and  who  were  also  coheirs  of  one  moiety  of  the  Barony  of 
Scales,  and  the  representatives  of  one  of  the  coheirs  of 
the  Barony  of  Badlesmere.    The  Barony  of  Plaitz  is  now 
in  Abeyance  between  Francis  Dillon,  Baron  of  the  Holy 
Roman  Empire,  as  representative  of  the  said  Elizabeth 


WiAsfiildy  and  tb«  dMoeodattU  and  fttpraMDtatWei  of  the 
aboYe-meationed  Dorothy  Lady  Lalimer  i  of  wbieb  repre- 
aentativM  his  Grace  the  pretent  Duke  of  Nortbumberland 
i»  the  eldest,  and  who  is  coasequeotly  one  of  the  coheirs  of 
the  moiety  of  this  Barony  possessed  by  Lady  Latimer. 



I.  H.  IIL  1.  John  de  Plessetis,  husband  of  Margeiy,  sister 

and  sole  heir  of  Thomas  Earl  of  Warwick  s 
styled  Earl  of  Warwick  by  the  Kinr  1S47 ; 
Ob.  1263. 

II.  H.III.  S.  Hugh  de  Plessetis,  s.  and  h.  but  by  a  former 

wife;  ob.  1291. 


I.  1999»  3.  Hugh  de  Ptesietis,  s.  and  h.  Summoned  96 
January,  25  Edw.I.  18()7 ;  but  it  is  doubtAil 
if  that  Writ  can  be  deemed  a  regular  Sum- 
mons to  Parliament ;  vide  <<  Fitz- John  ;" 
Summ.  to  Pari.  6  Feb.  27  Edward  1. 1299, 
but  never  after,  nor  any  of  his  descendants, 
and  of  whom  Dugdale  gives  no  account 


Barony,  31  October,  1765. 

^  Vide  Radnor. 

baron  by  writ. 

I.  1295.  Alan  de  Plukenet ;  Summ.  to  ParL  from  23 
June,  23  Edw.  I.  1295,  to  29  Dec.  5  Edw.  11. 
1311 ;  ob.  circa  1312,  8.  p.  when  the  Barony 


I.      1675.      Charles  Fitz-Charles,  natural  son    of   King 
Charles  IL  Created  Baron  of   Dartmouth, 
Viscount  Totness,  and  Earl  of  Plymouth,  all 

S«0  PLyMOirrH-4.POiNT2. 


CO.  Devon;  89  July»  1675$  «)».  1680,  t.  p. 
wben  all  bU  titles  became 

II.  1682.  I.Tbomas  Hickman  Windsor,  Vll-7tb  Baron 

Windsor;  Created  Earl  of  Plymouth  6  Dec. 
1688 ;  ob.  1687. 

III.  1687.  S.Otber  Windsor,  grandson  and  heir»  being;  son 

and  beir  of  Otber  Windsor  (ob.  v.  p.]  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Earl  i  ob.  1727. 

IV.  1727.  3.  Otber  Windsor,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1732. 

V.  1732.  4.  Other  Lewis  Windsor,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1771. 

VI.  1771.  5.  Other  Hickman  Windsor,  s.  and  b.;  ob.  1799. 

VII.  1799.  6.  Other  Archer  Windsor,  s.  and  b.    Present  Earl 

of  Ply  month  and  13th  Baron  Windsor.    = 



I.  1295.  1.  Hugfh  Pointz ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  23  June, 

23  Edward  1. 1295,  to  26  August,  1  Edw.  II. 
1307 ;  ob.  1307. 

II.  1307.  S.Nicholas  Pointz,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  4  March,  2  Edw.  II.  1309»  to  16  June, 
4  Edw.  II.  1311;  ob.  1312. 

III.  1312.  3.  Hugh    Pointz,    s.  and  h.    Summ.    to  Pari. 

from  20  November,  11  Edw.  II.  1317,  to  24 
Feb.  17  Edw.  III.  1343;  though  Dugdale  in 
his  account  of  this  £imily,  vol.  I.  p.  2,  states, 
that  this  Hugh  was  only  summoned  to  the 
7th  Edw.  III.  1333,  and  that  be  died  the  13th 
of  October  in  that  year,  leaving  Nicholas  his 
son  and  heir,  who.  did  homage  for  his  father's 
lands  14  Edw.  III.  but  who  was  never  sum- 
moned to  Parliament,  and  left  issue  two 
daughters  his  coheirs,  viz.  Amicia,  wife  of 
John  Barry,  and  Margaret,  of  John  de  New- 
burgb,  between  whose  descendants  and  re- 
presentatives this  Barony  is  in  Abeyance. 




I.    WiU.l.  1.  Ralph  de  Pomerai ;  held  divert  Lordihipi  at 

the  Surrey  ;  to  whom  succeeded 
U.    Hen.I.  2.  WiUiam  de  Pomerai ;  living  1103. 

III.  H.  II.  3.  Henry  de  Pomerai,  a.  and  h.  living  1304  {  oh. 

ante  1S09. 

IV.  John.  4.  Henry  de  Pomerai,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1S83. 

V.  H.lll.  b.  Henry  de  Pomerai,  b.  and  h.  ob.  1337. 

VI.  H.lll.  6.  Henry  de  Pomerai,!.  and  h.ob.  1881. 

Vil.  £d«.1. 7.  Henry  de  Pomerai,  b.  and  b.  ob.  1305 ;  but  bb 
none  of  his  descendants  were  ever  summoned 
to  Parliament,  they  ceased  to  be  ranked 
among  the  Barons  of  the  Realm  until  17B3, 
when  Arthur  Pomeroy,  the  heir  male  of  thia 
Henry  de  Pomerai,  was  created  Baron  Har« 
.  berton  in  Ireland;  whose  sou,  Henry  Pome- 
roy, present  Viscount  and  Baron  Harberton 
in  Ireland,  is  the  male  representative  of  this 
ancient  family. 

Barony^  1  October^  1674— O^tinct  17i6« 


I.  1721.  I.Thomas  Fermor,  Sd  Baron  Lempster;  Cre- 

ated Earl  of    Pomfret,  co.  York,  87  Dec. 
1781,K.B.)  ob.  1753. 

II.  1753.  3.  George  Fermor,  s.  and  h,  ob.  1785. 

III.  1785.  3.  George  Fermor,  s.  and  h.    Present  Earl  of 

Pomfret,  Baron  Lempster,  and  a  Baronet,  ^s^ 



I.  1749.  l.Brabazon  Ponsonby,  Ist  Earl  of  Besborough, 
and  3d  Viscount  Duncannon  in  Ireland} 
Created  Baron  Ponsonby  of  Sysonby,  co. 
Leicester,  ISJune,  1749 1  ob- 1758. 



II.    175tf.  3.  William  Ponsonby,  a.  and  b.  Earl  of  Besbo- 

rougby  &c.  in  Ireland ;  ob.  1793. 
^  III.  1793«  3.  Frederick  Ponsonby,  s.  and  h.  Present  Baron 
Ponaonby  of  Syionby ;  also  Earl  of  Besbo- 
rougb>  &c.  in  Ireland.    Sy= 




I.  1B06.  I.William  Ponsonby  (s.  and  h.  of  Jobn  Pon- 

sonby,  next  brother- of  William  Sd  Baron 
Ponsonby  of  Svsonby,  and  Earl  of  Besbo- 
rou^h  in  Ireland) ;  Created  Baron  Ponsonby 
of  Itnokilly,  co.  Cork>  13  March>  1806  j  ob. 

II.  1806.    U  John  Ponsonby,  s.  and  b.     Present  Baron 

Ponsonby  of  Imokilly.    = 



I.  1780.  Henry  Herbert,  eldest  son  of  William  Her- 
bert, 4th  son  of  Thomas  XXVII.-8th  Earl  of 
Pembroke ;  Created  Baron  Porchester  of 
High  Clere,  co.  Hants,  17  Oct  1780;  Cre- 
ated Earl  of  Carnarvon  3  July,  1793. 

Vide  Carnarvon. 



I.  Will  J.  1.  Hugh  de  Port ;   held  55  Lordships   at  the 

General  Survey,  among  which  was  the  Barony 
of  Basing ;  ob.  . .  •  • 

II.  Will.ll.  2.  Henry  de  Port,  s.  and  h.  ob 

.  111.  H.  n.   3.  John  dc  Port,  s.  and  h.  living  1167 ;  ob 

IV.  Rid.  4.  Adam  de  Port,  s.  aod  h.  living  1213;  he  mar- 
ried Mabell,  d'au.  of  Reginald  de  Aurevalle 
by  Muriell,  dau.  and  heir  of  Roger  de  St. 
John  i  in  consequence  of  which  the  posterity 
-  of  this  Adam  assumed  the  name  of  St.  John. 
Vide  St.  John. 




Hen.  II.  Adam  de  Port;  held  91  Knig^bt's  fee8>  c6. 
Hereford,  anno  J 165 ;  Uving  U74.  In  1 194 
William  de  Bravie,  paid  zxii/.  %\\\t.  Tor  these 
Knight's  fees  which  belonged  to  this  Adam  ; 
although  it  does  not  appear  by  what  title  he 
possessed  theii\. 



I.  1633.  I.Richard  WestoD»  Ist  Baron  Weston,  K.  G. 

Created  Earl  of  Portland  17  February,  1633 ; 
L.H.  Treasurer}  oh.  1634. 

II.  1634i  S.  Jerome  Weston,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1663. 

III.  1662.  3.  Charles  Weston,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1665,  s.  p. 

IV.  1665.  4.  Thomas  Weston,  uncle  and  heir,  being  3d  son 

of  Richard  1st  Eari;   oh.  circa  1688,  8.  !>• 
when  his  titles  became 

V.  1689.  I.William  Bentinck;  Created  Baron  of  Ciren- 

cester, CO.  Gloucester,  Viscount  Woodstock, 
CO.  Oxford,  and  Eari  of  Portland,  co.  Dorset^ 
9  April,  1689>  K.G.  $  ob.  1709. 


VI.  1709 — I.   17 16.  S.  Henry  Bentinck,  s.  and  h.  Created 

Marquess  of  Titchfield,  co.  South- 
ampton, and  Duke  of  Portland, 
6  July,  1716;  ob.l736. 

VII.  17S6.-^II.  1736.  3.  William  Bentinck,  s.  and  h.  K.  G.; 

ob.  1763. 

VI  [I.1763.-^III.1763.4r William  Henry  Cavendish  Ben- 
tinck,  son  and  heir  K.  G.j  ob* 

IX.  1 809.^IV.]  809.  5.  William  Henry  Cavendish,  assumed 
thenameof  Scott-Bentinck,  s.  and 
h.  Present  Duke  and  Earl  of 
Portland,  Marquess  of  Tichfield, 


Vitcount  Woodstock  and  .  Baron 
Cirence&ter.    nr 




I.  1673.  Louisa  Ren^e  de  Puencovet  de  Queroualle, 
mistress  to  Charles  II.  and  by  his  Majesty 
motlier  of  Charles  Luno:(,  Dake  of  Rich- 
mond ;  Created  Baroness  Petersfield>  co. 
Sputhamptoni  Countess  of  Fareham,  co. 
Hants,  and  Duchess  of  Portsmouth  for  life, 
19  Aus^ust,  1673  s  ob.  1734|  when  her  titles 
became  . 
XARLS.  ^T^tintU 

I;  1743.  i.  John  Wallop,  1st  Viscount  Lymington;'and 
I  St  Baron  Wallop;  Created  Earl .  of  Ports- 
mouth 11  April,  1743 ;  ob.  1763. 

II.  1763.  S.  John  Wallop,  grandson  and  heir,  being  son 

and  heir  of  John  Wallop  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest  son 
of  the  last  Earl ;  ob.  1797. 

III.  1797.  S.John  Charles  Wallop,  s.  and  b.    Present  Earl 

of  Portsmouth,  Viscount   Lymington    and 
Baron  Wallop. 



I.  1627*  I.John  Poulett  i    Created    Barpn    Poulett   of 

Hinton  St.  George,  co.  SomMrset,  .S3  June, 
1627;  ob.  1649. 

II.  1649.  S.John  Poulett,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1665. 
Itl.   1665.  3.  John  Poulett,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1680. 


IV.  1680.^1.    1706.  4.  John  Poulett,  s.  and   h.  Created 

Viscount  Hinton  of  Hinton  St. 
George,  co.  Somerset,  and  Earl 
Poulett,  29  Dec.  1706,  K.  G. ; 
ob.  1743. 

V.  1743.— n.    1743.  5.  John  Poulett,  s.and  h.  ob.  I764,8.p. 

VI.  1764— III.  1764.  6.  Vere  Poulett,  brother  and  heir; 

ob.  1788. 

VII.  1788.— IV.  1788.  7.  John  Poulett,  s.  and  h.  K.T.ob. 


BAROlf.       •  BAIL. 

VIIL1819.^V.  1819.  8.JohnPoiiktt,  i.  and  b.  PrMent 
Earl  and  Baron  Poulett  and  Vit- 
count  Hinton.    ^ 



1.  1639.  1.  Sir  William  Herbert,  K.  B.  son  and  beir  of 
Sir  Edward  Herbert,  9d  sou  of  William 
XX.-]  St  Earl  of  Pembrolcei  Created  Baron 
Powis  of  Powis  Castle,  co.  Montgomery,  9 
April,  1699;  ob.  1655. 

IL  1655.  S.  Sir  Percy  Herbert,  s.  and  b. ;  be  wai  created 
a  Baronet  ritl  patris$  ob.  1666. 


111.1666^1.  1674.— I.  1687. 3.  William  Herbert,  s.  and  b. 

Created  Earl  of  Powis,  eo. 
Montgomery  4  April,  1674; 
Coated   Viseount    Mont- 

F»mery  and  Marquess  of 
owis  24  March,  1687  «s 
outlawed  1689}  ob.  1696. 
lV.l696^n.  1696^11. 1696.  4.  William  Herbert,  s.  and  b. 

Confirmed  in  his  father's 

bonprsin  17i29|  ob.  1745. 

V.]745.—UI.1745^UM745. 5.  William  Herbert,  s.  and  h. 

ob.  1748,  t.  P.  when  all  bis 
titles  became 

VI.  1748.— IV.  1748. 1.  Henry  Arthur  Herbert,  VIL-lst  Ba- 
ron Herbert  of  Cberbury,  having 
married  Barbara,  dan.  and  beir  of 
Edward  Herbert,  next  brother  of 
William  the  last  Earl  and  Marquess^ 
and  being  likewise  descended  from 
the  common  ancestor  of  the  pre- 
ceding Earls,  was  created  Baron 
Powis  of  Powis  Castle,  Viscount 

t>  *  ^!  *»**  Created  Msrqnesi  of  Montgomery  and  Dttke  of 
Powii  by  Junei  II.  after  his  abdication ;    but  these  Utles  were 
sever  allowed  in  England. 
VOL.  II.  L 


BARONS.        EARLS. 

Lodlow,  CO.  Salops  and  Earl  of 
Fowls  aforesaid,  27  May,  1748; 
Created  9aron  Herbert  of  Cber- 
bury  and  Ludlow,  with  a  special 
remainder,  7  Oct.  1749}  ob.  1772. 
VII — V.  1773.  2.  George  Edward  Henry  Arthur  Her- 
bert, 8.  and  h.  ob.  1801,  s.  P.  when 
all  his  titles  became 

VIII.....— Vr.l8d4.  I.Edward  Clive,  1st.  Baron  Clive  in 
England,  and  2d  Baron  Clive  in 
Ireland,  having  married  Henrietta 
Antonia  Herbert,  daughter  of  Henry  Arthur 
IV.- 1st  Earl,  and  sister  and  heiress  of  George 
Edward,  the  last  Earl,  was  created  Baron 
Powis  of  Powis  Castle,  co.  Montgomery, 
Baron  Herbert  of  Cherbury,  co.  Salop,  Vis- 
count Clive  of  Ludlow  and  Earl  of  Powis 
in  the  said  county  of  Montgomery,  14  May, 
1804.  Present  Earl  and  Baron  Powis,  Vis- 
count Clive,  Baron  Clive,  and  Baron  Herbert 
of  Cherbury,  also  Baron  Clive  in  Ireland.  =t= 



I.  1337.  I.Thomas  de  Poynings  (s.  and  h.  of  Michael  de 

Poynings  who  was  Summoned  8  June,  22 
Edward  I.  1394;  but  it  is  very  doubtful  if 
that  Writ  can  be  deei9e4  a  regulac  Summoi^ 
to  Parliament ;  yide  *<  Clyvedon'')  ;  Summ. 
to  Pari.  23  April,  1 1  Edward  III .  1337 ;  oh. 

II.  1329.  2.  Michael  de  Poynings,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Parh 

from  25  Feb.  16  Edw.  III.  1342,  to  24  Feb* 
42  Edward  III.  1368  3  ob.  1369. 

III.  1369.  3.  Thomas  de  Poynings,  s.  and  h. ;  he  was  never 

Summ.  to  Pari. ;  ob.  1375,  s.  p. 

IV.  1375.  4. Richard  de    Poynings,   brother    and    heir; 

Summ.  to  Pari,  from  7  January,  6  Rich.  IL 
1383,  to  3  Sept.  9  Rich.  II.  1385  ;  he  married 
Isabel,  dau.  and  heir  of  Robert  Grey,  who- 
asBumed  the  nam6  of  Fitz-Paynej  ob.  1387. 

POYNINGd.  $t7 


V.  1387.  S.Robert  de  Poynings^  i.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  35  Au^st«  5  Hen.  IV.  1404,  to  13  Jan. 
83  Hen.  VI.  1445  ;  ob.  1446»  s.  p.  M.  leaTing 
Eleanor,  dao.  and  beir  of  Rtehard  de  Poyn- 
iogs  (ob.  V,  p.)  biB  eldeft  son,  his  frand- 
daugbter  and  heir ;  which  Eleanor  was  then 
the  wife  of 

VI,  1446.      Henry  Percy,  son  and  beir  apparent  of  Heniy 

XlII.-2d  Earl  of  Northumberland ;  he  was 
Summ.  to  Par),  jure  uzoris,  as  '*  Henrico  de 
Percy,  Cbl'r,  Domino  de  Poynings,"  from 
14  Dec.  S5  Hen.  VI.  1446,  to  S6  May,  33 
Hen.  VI.  1455,  when  be  succeeded  his  father 
as  XIV.-3d  Earl  of  Northumberland. 

From  this  period  the  Barony  of  Poynings  beeame 
inerged  In  the  dignity  of  Earl  of  Northumberland,  and 
together  with  that  title  has  been  frequently  forfeited  and 
restored.  As  a  full  account  of  this  Barony  will  be  found 
under  that  of  Percy  in  p.  510,  it  is  only  neeessanr  in  this 
place  to  give  the  following  brief  summary  of  its  descent : 
It  was  Jforfeltrtr,  as  well  as  the  JBarldom  of  Northum- 
berland and  Barony  of  Percy,  In  1408,  but  was  R£8tored 
in  1414;  was  again  Iforfdtetl  in  1461,  and  restored  in 
«  1417 ;  but  on  the  death  of  Henry  Algernon,  XVIIl.-6th 
Earl  of  Northumberland,  a.  p.  in  1 537,  it  became  Cptintt 
in  consequence  of  the  attainder  of  his  brother  Sir  Thomai 
Percy.  On  the  30th  of  April,  1557*  Thomas  Percy  (son  « 
and  heir  of  the  said  Sir  Thomas  Percy,  and  nephew  of  the 
lastEarl,  and  last  Baron  Percy,  and  Poynings,)  was  Created 
by  Patent  Baron  Percy  of  Cockermoutb  and  Petworth, 
Baron  Poynings,  Lucy,  Bryan,  and  Fitz-Payne,  with  re- 
mainder, failing  his  issue  male,  to  bis  brother  Henry  and 
hts  issue  male ;  and  shortly  afterwards  he  was  created 
Earl  of  Northumberland,  with  the  same  remainder.  This 
Henry  Percy  succeeded  to  these  honors,  and  they  re- 
mained vested  in  his  descendants  until  the  demise  of 
Josceline  XXII.-lltfa  Earl  of  Northumberland,  s.  p.  m.  in 
1670,  when  all  the  honors  conferred  by  the  Patent  of  30 
April,  1557  (of  course  including  the  Barony  of  Poynincs 
created  by  that  iastroment),  became 





1.  1 368.  Lucas  de  Poynings^  younger  brother  of  Michael 
1 1. -2a  Baron  Poyniuss.  having  married  Isa- 
belj  widow  of  Henry  de  Burf^hersb,  and  sister 
and  ultimately  sole  heir  of  Edraond  Baron 
St.  John  of  Basing,  was  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  94  Feb.  43  Ednard  llf.  1368,  to  SO 
Jan.  49  Edw.  III.  1376,  as  "  Lucie  de  Poyn- 
ings  ;"  ob.  circa  138&,  leaving  Thomas  his 
son  and  heir,  who  was  styled  Lord  St.  John, 
but  he  was  never  summoned  to  Parliament. 
Hugh  de  PoynlngSy  his  son»  died  r.  p.  leaving 
three  daughters  his  coheirs,  vis.  Constance, 
wife  of  John  Paulet,  ancestor  of  the  Mar- 
quess of  Winchester;  Alice,  wife  of  John 
Orrell,  and  Joane,  who  married  Thomas 
Bonville ;  among  whose  descendants  and 
representatives  this  Barony,  (as  well  as  that 
of  St.  John  of  Basing,  unless,  which  is  highly 
probable,  though  no  evidence  of  the  fact 
exists,  that  the  above-mentioned  Lucas  de 
Poynings  was  summoned  in  bis  wife's  Barony 
of  St.  John  of  Basing,)  is  in  Abeyance. 



I.  1545.  Thomas  Poynings  (natural  son  of  Sir  Edward 
Poynings,  K.  G.  s.  and  h.  of  Robert  Poyn- 
ins*f  younger  son  of  Robert  5th  Baron 
Poynings) ;  Created  Baron  Poynings  30  Jan. 
1545 ;  ob.  1545,  s.  P.  when  the  title  became 



L  1816.  Algernon  Percy,  only  brother  of  Hugh,  pre- 
sent Duke  of  Northumberland ;  Created  Ba- 
ron Prudboe  of  Prodboe  Castle,  co.  North-^ 
umberland,  S7  Nov.  1816.  Present  Baron 



ViscouNTCY,  MJuly,  1743— €;:tf net  1764. 

Vide  Bath. 



1619.  John  Viliiera,  son  and  heir  of  Sir  George  Vil- 
lierB  by  Mary  Dacheas  of  Buckingfham,  and 
eldest  brother  of  George  Duke  of  Bucking- 
ham I  Created  Baron  Villien  of  Stoke,  co. 
Bocks,  and  Viscount  of  Porbeck,  co.  Dorset* 
19  June,  1619;  ob.  1657»  s.  p.  when  bis 
titles  became 


*  In  1G78  Robert  Villieis,  son  of  Robert  Wrif^t»  ivho  took 
his  wife's  same  of  Danvers,  claimed  the  titles  of  fiaron  Villiers, 
Viscount  Purbeck,  &c.  and  of  Earl  of  Buckingham  as  heir-male 
of  John  Viscount  Purbeck ;  but  the  House  of  Peers  decided 
i^inst  him,  on  the  ground  that  his  father  was  Uledtimate. 
These  titles  were  afterwards  claimed  by  the  Rev.  George  Villiers, 
son  of  Edward,  a  younger  son  of  the  said  Robert  Wright,  alias 
Danvers ;  but  no  proceedlogs  were  adopted,  and  on  the  death  of 
George  his  son  in  1774,  s.  p.  the  male  liae  became  extinct.  The 
Earldom  of  Buckingham  was  claimed  in  consequence  of  a  special 
remainder  of  that  dignity  when  conferred  on  George  Villiers,  to 
his  brothers  John  and  Christopher  and  their  heirs  male.  It  was 
on  the  occasion  of  the  claim  of  the  above-mentioned  Robert 
Villiers  that  the  House  of  Peers,  18  June,  1678,  came  to  the 
celebrated  resolution,  **  that  no  fine  now  levied,  nor  at  any  time 
hereaifter  to  be  levied  to  the  King,  can  bar  such  title  of  honor, 
or  the  right  of  any  person  claiming  such  title  under  him  that 
levied,  or  shall  levy  such  fine ;  thus  confirming  a  similar  decision 
in  the  case  of  the  claim  to  the  Barony  of  Grey  de  Ruthyn,  1  Feb. 
1 646.-T-Collins*8  Precedents,  p.  256  and  306. 




ViscouNTCY,  5  June,  1674-^ptinct  1776. 

Vide  LiCHFiEDD. 



I.  1640.  I.Thomas  Wentworthyl at  Viscount  Wentworth; 

Created  Baron  Raby  of  Raby  Castle,  co. 
Durham,  with  remainder,  failing^  his  issue 
male,  to  bis  younger  brothers  and  their  issue 
male,  12  Jan.  1640;  Created  Earl  of  Straf- 
ford, K.G.;  beheaded  and  attainted  1641, 
when  all  his  titles  became 

II.  1665.  S.  William  Wentworth,  s.  and  h.   Restored  to 

all  his  father's  honors  1  Dec.  1665,  K.G.; 
ob.  1695,  S.P.  when  all  his  dignities,  except- 
ing the  Barony  of  Raby  and  the  Baronetey, 
became  4iptintti  which  dignities  deirolred, 
agreeably  to  the  limiution,  on 

III.  1695.  3.  Thomas   Wentworth,    his    cousin   and    heir 

male,  being  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  eldest 
son  of  Sir  William,  son  and  heir  of  Sir  Wil- 
liam Wentworth,  next  brother  of  Thomas 
1st  Baron  Raby  $  Created  Viscount  Went- 
worth and  Earl  of  Strafford  4  Sept.  1711. 

€jXintt  1799.  Vide  Strafford. 



I*  1619.  !•  Jobn  Robartci,  Sd  fiaion  Robartet ;  Created 
Viscoant  Bodniin»  eo.  Cornwall,  and  Earl  of 
Radnor  in  Wales,  S3  July,  1679 »  ob.  1685. 

IL  1685.  3.  Charles  Bodrille  Robartes,  i^randson  and  beir, 
being  s.  and  b.  of  Robert  Robartes  (ob,  ▼.  p.) 
eldest  son  of  the  last  Earl  i  ob.  17SS,  s.  P. 

III.  1783.  3.  Henrv  Robartes,  nepbew  and  beir,  being  son 

and  heir  of  Rnssel  Robartes,  neat  brother  of 
the  last  Earl  |  ob.  1741,  s.  P. 

IV.  1741.  4.  John  Robartes,  eousin  and  beir,  being  son  and 

heir  of  Francis  Robartes,  yoonger  son  of 
John  ist  Earl;  ob.  1764,  s.  p.  when  all  his 
titles  became 

V.  1765.  1. William  BouTerie,  8d  Viscount  Folkestone; 

Created  Baron  Pleydell-Bouyerie  of  Coles- 
hill,  CO.  Berks,  and  Earl  of  the  County  of 
Radnor  in  the  Principality  of  Wales,  with 
remainder  of  the  Earldom,  failing  bis  issue 
male,  to  the  heirs  male  of  (his  father)  Jacob 
Bouverie,  Viscount  Folkestone,  deceased,  31 
•  Oct.  1765J  ob.  1776. 
Vf.  1776.  S.  Jacob  Pleydell  Bourerie,  s.  and  h.  Present 
Earl  of  Radnor,  Viscount  Folkestone,  Baron 
Longford,  Baron  Pleydell  Bouv^e,  and  a 
Baronet.    =7= 


ViscouNTCY,  7  March,  1688^fQrfTfteb  1716. 

Vide  Dbrwjeintwatbb. 



I^      1747.  1.  Sir  Heniy  Liddell,  4th  Bart.  Created  Lord 

Ravensworth,  Baron   of   Ravensworth^  co. 

Durham,  39  June,  1747;  ob.  1749»  >.F. 

when  the  Barony  became 
II.     1831.  1.  SirThoroas  Henry  Liddell,  6th  Bart.  s.  and  h. 

9f  Sir  Henry  George  Liddell,  5th  Bart,  eldest 




I.  1783.^ 

•on  of  Thomas  liddell  (who  died  vita  fratris), 
next  brother  of  the  last  Baron ;  (Created 
Ba'ibn  Ravehsworth  of  RavensvfrorCb  Castla, 
CO*  DurbaiDy  17  July,  18S1.  Present  Baron 
Ravenswortb,  and  a  Baronet.    =1= 



-I.  1816.  1.  Hon.  Francis  Rawdon,  assumed  the 
name  of  Hastings,  s.  and  heir  appa- 
rent of  John  1st  Earl  of  Moira  in 
Ireland ;  Created  Baron  Rawdon  of  Rawdon* 
CO.  York,  5  March,  1783  s  sncceeded  his  fa- 
ther as  Earl  of  Moira,  &c.  in  Ireland  90 
June,  1793;  and  his  mother  in  the  ancient 
Baronies  of  Hastlnga»  Hungerford,  Botreaux, 
and  Molines,  13  April,  1808$  Created  Vis- 
count Loudon,  Earl  of  Rawdon,  and  Marquis 
of  Hastings,  7  Dec.  1816.  Present  Baron 
and  Earl  Rawdon,  Marquess  of  Hastings, 
Baron  Hastings,  Botreaux,  Molines,  and 
Hungerford ;  also  sole  heir  of  one  moiety  of 
the  Barony  of  Montagu,  vide  p.  434;  and 
sole  heir  of  one  moiety,  and  coheir  of  the 
other  moiety  of  the  Barony  of  Moels ;  K.  G., 
G.C.B.    ^ 

I.       1831.  1 


Charlotte  Mary  Gertrude,  wife  of  Joseph  Hol- 
den  Strutt,  Esq.  and  daughter  of  James  1st 
Duke  of  Leinster  in  Ireland }  Created  Ba- 
roness Rayleigh  of  Terling  Place,  co.  Essex, 
to  hold  to  her  and  the  heirs  male  of  her 
body  by  the  said  Joseph  Holden  Strutt, 
18  July,  1821 .  Present  Baroness  Rayleigh.  sp 



I.  I73I.  I.Robert  Raymond;  Created  Lord  Raymond, 
Baron  of  Abbot's  Langley,  CQ.  Hertford,  15 
Jan.  1731;  ob.  1733* 



II.    1?3S.  1.  Robert  Raymond,  ••  and  b. ;  ob.  17&3f  a.  P. 
wbcn  tbe  Title  beeane 



L  190S«  1.  Sir  John  Freeman  Mitfordf  Knt. ;  Created  Ba- 
ron R«de»dale  of  Redesdale,  co.  Nortbum- 
berUndy  15  Feb.  1802;  Lord  Cbaneellor  of 
Ireland.    Present  Baron  Redesdale.    =P 




ViscouNTCYi  89  December,  n06-^€ptintt  1766. 

Vide  GoDOLPHiN. 



I.  WillJ*  1.  Ribald,  brother  of  Alan  2d  Earl  of  Brittany 
and  Richmond,  from  whom  he  received  the 
Lordship  of  Middleham,  co.  York. 

n.    H.  U.  2.  Ralph  Fitz-Ribald,  s.  and  h.;  livini^  1 168. 

IIL   John.  3.  Robert  FitaRalph,  8.  and  h.;  living  1206. 

IV.  John.  4.  Ralph  Fita-Robert,  8.  and  b.  $  ob.  1251. 

V.  U.lll.  5.  Ralph  FiuRalph,  s.  and  h.;  ob.  1270,  a.  p.  m. 

leaving  Mary,  bis  eldest  dau.  tbe  wife  of 
Robert  de  Nevill ;  Joan,  his  2d  dau.  the  wife 
of  Robert  de  Tatsball,  and  Anastatta,  his 
youngest  dau.  wbo  was  then  within  age,  his 
coheirs.  The  said  Joan  de  Tatsall  died  s,  p. 



L  1797*  I.Thomas  Listen  Created  Baron  Ribblesdale  of 
Gisburue  Park,  in  tbe  West  Riding  of  the 
County  of  York,  26  Oct.  1797.  Present  Baron 
Ribblesdale.    sjs 




I.  1547.  1.  Richard  Rich ;  Cratted  Baron  Rich  of  Leese, 
CO.  Essex,  16  Feb.  1547 i  Lord  Chancellor; 
ob.  1568. 

IL     1568.  2.  Robert  Rich,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1581. 

III.  1581.  3.  Robert  Rich,  s.  and  h.j  Created  Earl  of  War- 

wick 6  Aug.  1618. 

a^tintt  1759* 

Vide  Warwick. 



I.  Willi.    1.  Alan  Fer^unt,  Earl  of  Brittany,  said  to  have 

been  Created  Earl  of  Richmond  by  William 
the  Conqueror  for  hit  services  at  the  battle 
of  Hastings ;  ob.  1089,  s.  p. 

II.  1089.  8.  AUn  Niger,  brother  of  the  last  Earl;  fiarl  of 

Brittany ;  ob.  1093,  8.  P. 
HI.    1093.  3.  Stephen,  stated  to  have  been  the  brother,  but 
he  was  more  probably  the  son  of  the  last 
Earl;  ob.  1137. 

IV.  1137.  4.  Alan,  2d  son  of  the  last  Earl;  Earl  of  Brit- 

tany s  ob.  1 165. 

V.  1165.  5.  Conan  le  Petit,  9.  and  h.  Dake  of  Brittany ; 

ob.  1 171,  8.  p.  M.  Constance,  his  sole  dau.  and 
heir,  married  Geoffrey  Plantagenety  4th  son 
of  King  Henry  II.  by  whom  she  had  issue 
Arthur  and  Eleanor,  both  of  whom  died  s.  p. 
She  married,  secondly,  Ralph  de  Blondville, 
Earl  of  Chester,  but  from  whom  she  was  soon 
afterwards  divorced,  when  she  married  Guy 
Viscount  of  Thouara.  Each  of  her  said  hus- 
bands have  by  most  writers  been  styled  Earls 
of  Brittany  and  Richmond  jure  uxoria,  but 
it  is  very  questionable  how  far  they  were  en- 

*  A  very  valuable  account  of  the  Earis  of  Richmond  will  be 
found  In  the  third  General  Report  of  the  Lords'  Committee  on 
the  dignity  of  a  Peer  of  the  Kealm,  p.  96  et  seq.  from  which  the 
statements  of  Dugdale,  &c.  have  been  corrected.  There  is, 
however,  still  some  obscurity  on  the  subject,  which  it  would  be 
hopeless  to  attempt  to  remove. 


KARLS*  ^ 

titled  to  tbe  latter  disoity.  By  ber  lut  hus- 
band Constance  of  Brittany  bad  two  daugh- 
ters, of  whom  Alice,  the  eldest,  married 

VI.  1S30.      Peter  deDreax,  who  ID  ISl 9  had  livery  of  all 

tbe  lands  of  the  Honor  of  Richmond  ;  and, 
in  a  patent  dated  14  Henry  III.  1380,  is 
styled  Duke  of  Brittany  and  Earl  of  Rich- 
mond; ob.  circa  1S50*. 

VII.  1S68.  6*  John  de  Dreox,  s.  and  h.    On  the  6th  July, 

1268,  he  obuined  a  grant  of  tbe  titles  of 
Duke  of  Brittany  and  Earl  of  Richmond  i 
ob.  1386. 

VIII.  1386.  7.  John  de  Dreuz,  s.  and  h.  Duke  of  Brittany. 

He  married  Beatrix  Plantagenet,  dau.  of 
King  Henry  III.  and  was  summoned  to  be  at 
Worcester  with  horse  and  arms,  as  '*  Joh'i 
de  Britannia  Com.  Richem."  13  Dec.  5  Edw. 
1.1976;  ob.  1306. 

IX.  J  306.  8*  John  de  Dreux,  youngest  son  of  the  last  Eari. 

He  was  3umm.  to  Far),  as  "  Johanni  Britan- 
nia Juniori,"  in  the  33d  Edw.  I.;  Created 
Earl  of  Richmond  15  Oct.  34  Edw.  I.  1306  s 
and  Summ.  to  Pari,  as  *<  Jobanni  de  Britan- 
nia Comiti  Richmond,"  3d  Nor.  following, 
and  in  the  8th  Edw.  HI.  1334 ;  ob.  circa 
1334, 8.  p. 

X.  1334.  9*  John  de  Dreux,  nephew  and  heir  of  the  last 

Eari,  being  s.  and  h.  of  Arthur,  his  eldest 
brother,  Duke  of  Brittany ;  Summ.  to  Pari. 
as  "Jobanni  puci  Britannis  and  Comiti 
RichmundV  1  April,  9  Edw.  III.  1335,  and 
33  Jan.  9  Edw.  Hi.  1336;  ob.  1341,  s.  p. 
when  the  Earldom  reverted  to  the  Crown. 
Xf.  1343.  John  Plantagenet,  surnamed  of  Gaunt,  4th 
son  of  King  Edw.  HI. ;  Created  Eari  of  Rich- 
mond SO  Sept.  1343,  but  he  resigned  that 
title  in  46  Edw.  HI.  1373,  i»hen  it  was  con- 
ferred upon 

*  Peter  of  Savor,  uocle  of  Queen  Eleanor,  is  often  iDcladed  in 
the  list  of  tbe  EarU  of  Richmond,  but  it  is  evident  that  he  only 
obtuned  a  grant  of  the  Honor  of  Richmond,  and  never  used  the 
title  of  Earl.    Third  General  Report^  p.  99. 



XII.  I37S.  lOJobn  de  Dreux,  Bar!  of  Montfort  and  Duke  of 
Brittany,  half-brotber  of  Jobn  X.-9th  Earl  ; 
Ci'eated  Earl  of  Richmond  SO  June,  46  Edw. 
HI.  1372;  ob.  circa  1375. 

X111.1375.  ll.John  de  Dreuz,  s.  and  b.  tumamed  the  Va- 
liant. In  the  7th  Rich.  II.  Nov.  1383%  the 
Earldom  was  acytidged  to  be  JForfritelly  for 
his  adherence  to  tbe^  of  France.  He  if 
said  to  have  been  afterwards  restored  to  it» 
with  the  proviso,  that  if  be  died  witboat 
issue  the  Earldom  and  Honor  should  revert 
to  the  Kinift ;  in  the  ]4tb  lUch.  II.  it  was 
however  a|:ain  adjudged  to  have  been 

In  the  1st  Henry  IV.  1399,  Ralph  Nevill,  Itt 
/  Earl  of  Westmoreland,  obtained  a  grnkt  of 
*'  Castrum,  Comitatum,  Honorem^  et  Domi- 
nium de  Richmond,  h'end'  p'  tennino  vite 
sue,  una  cum  omnimodis  castris,  honoribusy 
terris,  &c.  ac  eciam  cum  feodis  militumy  &c« 
ac  aliis  possesiionibus  et  p'tinenciis  quibus* 
cunq'  ad  d'c'u'  Castru'  Com'  Honorem  et  DomI  - 
nium  qualtt'  cu'q'  et  ubicumq'  spectantibns 
sive  p'tinentibus,  adeo  libere  et  Integra  sicut 
Joh*es  Dux  Britann'  sea  diquis  antecessor' 
suor*  ea  melius  et  lib'lns  h'uit  et  tenulL* 
Notwithstanding  this  grant,  Ralph  Nevill  ne- 
ver assumed  the  title  of  Earl  of  Richmond  J» 
and  in  the  Sd  Henry  V.  about  eleven  yean 
before  the  death  of  the  said  Earl  of  West- 
XIV.  1414.  Jubn  Plantagenet,  Duke  of  Bedford,  was 
Created  Earl  of  Richmond,  with  a  reversioa 
of  the  Castle,  Earldom,  Honor,  and  Lordship 
of  Richmond,  after  the  death  of  tbe  said 
Ralph  Earl  of  Westmoreland,  to  hold  to  bim 
the  said  Duke,  and  tbe  heirs  male  of  bis 

•  Rot.  Pari.  14  Rich.  II.  n.  14.  ▼.  iii.  p.  979. 

t  Third  Peerage  Report,  p.  103.  t  Ibid.  p.  109-3. 



body,  by  patent*  dated  6  May,  1414;  and 
which  was afterwtrdt  enrolled  In  Parliament; 
K.  G.;  ob.  1436»  I.P.  when  this  Earldom* 
with  his  other  honors,  became  ^ptintt, 

XV.  1452.  1.  Edmund  Tudor,  sumamed  of  Hadham,  son  of 

Sir  Owen  Tudor,  by  Katherine  of  France, 
widow  off  Kiti|f  Henry  V.  and  mother  of  Kinfr 
Henry  VI. ;  Created  Earl  of  Richmond  S3d 
Nor.  1452,  with  precedence  of  all  other 
Earls;  ob.1456. 

XVI.  1456.  2.  Henry  Tudor,  s.  and  h.;  succeeded  to  the 

Throne  as  K.  Hen.  VII.  S8  Aug.  1485,  when 
this  Esridom  became  merged  in  the  Crown* 

XVII.  1535.  1.  Henry  Fits-Roy,  natural  son  of  Kin|f  Henry 

VIII.;   Created  Earl    of   Nottini^ham    and 
Poke  of  Richmond  and  Somerset,  18  June, 
1595,  K.G.  Admiral  of  England;  ob.  1536, 
8.  P.  when  all  his  honors  became 


XV1II.I6I3.— 1. 1633.  l.Lodovick  Stuart,  3d  Duke  of  Le- 
noa  in  Scotland ;  Created  Baron 
of  Setrington,  co.  York,  and  Earl 
of  Richmond,  6  Oct.  1613;  Created 
Earl  of  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  and 
Duke  of  Richmond,  17  May,  1633, 

*  In  the  third  Report  of  the  Lords'  Committee  just  cited,  it 
Is  said  that  by  this  Patent  <*the  Duke  of  Bedford  was  created 
Earl  of  Richmond  immediately,  though  he  had  the  territorial 
property  only  in  rerersMn."  P.  108.  It  is  erident  from  the 
same  Report  that  the  patent  to  Ralph  Earl  of  Westmoreland  is 
considered  to  have  created  him  Earl  of  Richmond,  afiwt  denied  by 
the  indefiitigable  Vincent;  though  the  Editor  will  not  presume 
to  give  an  opinion  on  the  subject,  he  may  be  excused  for  alluding 
to  the  sioffnlarity  of  the  circumstance  of  creating  the  Duke  S 
Bedford,  Esrl  of  Richmond,  if  that  title  was  then  possessed  by  the 
Earl  of  Westmoreland;  and  which  strongly  Justifies  the  inference, 
either  that,  if  Ralph  Nevill  was  then  Earl  of  Richmond,  the  dig- 
nity, at  well  as  possessions  included  in  the  grant  to  the  Duke  of 
Bedford,  were  only  intended  to  be  in  reversion;  or  that  Vincent  is 
correct  in  supposing  that  the  patent  to  the  said  Earl  of  West- 
moreland merely  gave  him  the  Honor  and  not  the  Earldom  of 

VOL,  II.  M 


K.G.;  ob.  16S4,  8.  P.  when  all  his 
jDUKBS.  titles  became  ^E^tinct. 

II.  1641.  I.  James  Stuart,  3d  Earl  of  March  in  England, 

and  3d  Duke  of  Lenox  in  Scotland,  s.  and  h. 
of  Esme  Stuart,  1st  Earl  of  March,  and  next 
brother  of  the  last  Duke  ;  Created  Duke  of 
Richmond,  with  remainder,  failing  his  issue 
male,  to  the  issue  male  of  his  younger  bro- 
thers, 8  Aug.  1641 ;  K.G. ;  ob.  1655. 

III.  1655.  %  Esme  Stuart,  s.  and  h.  Duke  of  Lenox  in 

Scotland ;  ob.  1660,  S.  p. 

IV.  1660.  3.  Charles  Stuart,  Earl  of  Litchfield,  cousin  and 

heir,  being  s.  and  h.  of  George,  next  brother 
of  James  Il.-lst  Duke;  Duke  of  Lenox  in 
Scotland ;  K.  G. ;  ob.  1672,  s.  p.  when  all  his 
dignities  became 

V.  1675.  1.  Charles  Lennox,  natural  son  of  King  Charles 

II.;   Created  Baron  of  Setrington,  Earl  of 

March,  and  Duke  of  Richmond,  all  co.  York, 
'  9  Aug.  1675 ;  also,  9  Sept.  following.  Baron 

Methoen  of  Torbolton,  Earl  of  Damley,  and 

Duke  of  Lennox  in  Scotland^  K.G. ;   ob. 

VL    1733«  €•  Charles  Lennox,  s.  and  h.  Duke  of  Lennox 

in  Scotland,  K.G.;  ob.  1750. 
VI f.  1750.  3.  Charles  Lennox,  s.  and  h.  Duke  of  Lennox  in 

Scotland,  K.G.;  ob.  1806,  s.P. 

VIII.  1806.  4.  Charles  Lennox,  nephew  and  heir,  being  a. 

and  h.  of  George  Henry  Lennox,  youngest 
son  of  Charles  VI.-3d  Duke ;  Duke  of  Len- 
nox in  Scotland,  K.G. ;  ob.  1819. 

IX.  1819.  $.  Charles  Lennox,  s.  and   h.;   Present  Duke« 

of  Richmond,  Earl  of  March  and  Baron  Se- 
trington ;  also  Duke  of  Lennox,  &c.  in  Scot- 
land, and  Duke  of  Aubigny  in  France.    ^ 



I.  H.  I.  Geoffrey  Ridell,  Justice  of  England  temp. 
Henry  I.  wrecked  with  Prince  William  anno 
1119;  ob.  s.  P.  M.  Maud,  his  dau.  and  heir, 
married  Richard  Basset,  afterwards  Justice 
of  England;  and  his  son. 



II.  H.IIl.      Geoffrey  Basset,  assumed  the  name  of  Ridcll ; 

Hying  1177. 

III.  H.n.      Hugh  Ridelly  3d  son;  living  1184;  to  whom 


IV.  John.      Ralph  Ridell}  living  1204.    In  the  15th  John, 

mention  is  made  of  a  Geoffrey  Ridell,  and 
after  him  of  Hugh  Ridell,  who  is  said  to 
have  died  s.  P. 



I.  Will  I.  1.  Eudo  de  Rie,  obtained  several  Lordships  from 
William  the  Conqueror;  ob.  1190,  8.  p.  M. 
Margaret,  his  dau.  and  heir,  married  William 
de  MaiideviJ,  father  of  Geoffrey  Earl  of  Essex. 

I.  Steph.    I.Henry  de  Rie,  living  1146;  who  was  suc- 

ceeded by 

II.  Heii.ll.  2.  Hubert  de  Rie;  ob.  IHS,  8.P. M. 

i.  H.lif.  John  de  Rye,  presumed  to  have  been  of  the 
same  family,  he  joined  the  rebellions  Barons 
temp.  Henry  III.  and  was  living  1S68. 

John  de  Rye;  Summoned  8  June,  82  Edw.  II.  1294; 
but  it  is  very  doubtful  if  that  Writ  can  be  deemed  a  regu* 
lar  Summons  to  Parliament ;  vide  «  Clyvbdon.*'  Dug- 
dale  gives  no  account  of  this  personage,  and  nothing 
farther  is  recorded  of  him. 



I.  1299.  1.  John  de  Ripariis*;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  6  Feb. 

27  Edw  r.  1299,  to  26  Aug.  1  Edw.  II.  1307; 
ob.  1311. 

II.  1313.  2.  John  de  Ripariis,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from   8  Jan.   6  Edw.  II.  1313,  to   16  Oct. 
9  Edw.  II.  1315;  living  1339,  but  neither  he 

*  He  stgoed  the  celebrated  letter  €o  the  Pope,  99  Edw.  I.  as 
'<  Johannes  de  Ripariis,  Dominus  de  Angre." 
M  Q   . 


nor  any  of  bis  poetertty  (of  whom  nuibiiip 
farther  is  known)  were  ever  ag^ain  sumnioued 
to  Parliament. 

Dogdale  gives  no  account  of  this  Baron  in  his  Baron- 
age ;  and  the  preceding  account  has  been  talcen  from  the 
List  of  Summonses  to  Parliament,  and  from  Banks'  Stem- 
mata  Anglicana,  p.  334.  Ue  was  probably  related  to  the 
family  of  the  Earls  of  Devon  of  that  name. 


Barony,  86  May»  1708*-4Eptintt  1778. 

Vide  DovEft. 



I.  iS99.  William  deRithre;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  99 
Dec.  se  Edw.  I.  IS99»  to  96  Aug.  1  Edw.  II. 
1307  {  to  whom  succeeded  John  de  Rythre, 
bis  s.  and  b.  who  was  Governor  of  Skypton 
Castle;  but  neither  he  oor  any  of  bis  de- 
scendants were  ever  Summ.  to  Pari,  and  of 
whom  Dttgdale  gives  no  farther  account* 


Vide  RiPARlis. 



I.  J448.— 1.  1466.  I.Richard  Widvile  (father-in-law  of 
Edward  IV.);  Created  Baron  Rivers 
S9  Msy,  1448 ;  Created  Earl  Riven 
24  May,  1466 ;  Lord  High  Consu- 
ble,  K.G.t  beheaded  1469. 

If.  1469.— II.  1469.  S.  Anthony  Widvile,  s.  and  h. ;  Baron 
Scales  jure  uxoris ;  K.  G.  i  beheaded 
1483;  ob.  8.  p. 

III.  1483.— III.  1483.  3. Richard  Widvile,  brother  and  heir; 
ob.  1491,  S.P.  when  his  honors  be- 

IV.  I6d6.  I.  Thomas  D'Arcy,  3d  Baron  D'Arcy 
of  Chiche*  and  1st  Viscount  Col- 
chester; Created  Earl  Rivers,  with 

RIVERS.  541 


reiDiunder,.  failing  bis  issue  male,  to  bit  son- 
in-law»  Sir  Tbomai  Savage,  and  bis  beirt 
male,  4  Nov.  1626;  ob.  1639.  s.  p.  m. 

V.  1639.  2.  Jobn  Savage,  3d  Viscount  Savage,  grandson 

and  beir,  being  s.  and  b.  of  Sir  Thomas  Sa- 
vage above  mentioned,  by  Elisabeth  his  wife, 
eldest  dan*  and  coheir  of  the  last  Earl ;  suc- 
ceeded his  maternal  grandfather  in  the  Vis- 
countcy  of  Colchester  and  Earldom  of  Rivers, 
agreeable  to  the  above  limitation ;  ob.  1654. 
He  married  Katberine  Parker,  dau.  of  Wil- 
liam Xll^lStb  Baron  Morley,  Baron  Mount- 
eagle,  and  Baron  Marshal. 

VI.  1654.  3.  Thomas  Savage,  s.  and  b.;  in  1686  he  be- 

came, in  right  •  of  his  mother,  beir  of  one 
moiety  of  the  Baronies  of  Morley,  Mount- 
eagle^  and  Marshal ;  ob.  1694. 

VI r.  1694.  4.  Richard  Savage,  2d  son  and  beir  male;  ob. 
1712,  S.P.M. 

VI II.  17 1 2.  5.  John  Savage,  cousin  and  beir,  being  s.  and  b. 
of  Richard  Savage,  next  brother  of  Thomas 
VI.-3d  Earl;  ob.  1728,  8.P.  when  bis  titles 
became      4t%tintt. 


1.  1641.  1.  Elisabeth,  dau.  and  coheir  of  Thomas  Lord 
D'Arcy,  IV.^lst  Earl  Rivers,  widow  of  Tho- 
mas I  St  Viscount  Savage,  and  mother  of 
Thomas  Savnge,  2d  Viscount  Savage,  and 
V.-2d  Earl  Rivera;  Created  Countess  Rivers 
for  life,  2l8t  April,  1641;  ob«  1650,  when 
the  title  became  4EpttltCC. 



I.  1776.  1.  Geoi^ge  Pitt  (descended  from  John  Pitt,  Esq. 
OF  SUDBLEY    and  Jane  his  wife,  dau.  bf  John  V.-2d  Earl 

I.  1802.  Rivers,  and  widow  of  George  Lord  Chandos] ; 
Created  Baron  Rivers  of  Strathfield  Say,  co. 
Southampton,  20  May,  1776;  Created  Ba- 
ron Rivers  of  Sudeley  Castle,  co.  Gloucester, 
1  April,  1802,  with  remainder,  failing  the 
heirs  male  ef  his  body,  to  his  brother.  Sir 
William  Augustus  Pitt,  K.  B.  and  the  befrs 



male  of  liU  bodyi  in  default  of  wliichy  to 
WilUam  Horace  fieckford,-  Esq.  son  of  Peter 
Beckford,  of  Stapleton,  oa  Donet»  Esq.  by 
Louisa,  his  late  wife^  dau.  of  the  said  George 
Lord  Riven ;  ob.  1803. 
IL  1803.  S.  George  Pitt,  s.  and  h.  Present  Baron  Rirera 
of  Strathfieldsayy  and  Baron  Rivers  of  Sude- 
ley  Castle. 



K  1625.  I.  Sir  Richard  Robartes,  1st  Bart. ;  Created  Ba- 
ron Robartes  of  Truro^  co.Comwally  16  Jan. 
1625;  ob.  1634. 

IL  1634.  2.  John  Robartes,  s.  and  h.;  Created  Viscount 
Bodmin,  co.  Cornwall,  and  Earl  of  Radnor 
in  Wales,  23  July,  1679.  Vide  Radmor. 

eptinct  1764. 

Vide  BouRCBiBK. 



I.  1299*  Thomas  de  la  Roche ;  Sumn.  to  Pari,  from 
29  Dec  28  Edw.  L  1299,  to  3  Nov.  34  Edw.  L 
1306.  Dugdale,  in  his  Baronage,  gives  no 
account  of  this  Baron  $  but  in  his  **  Index  Baronum  Sum- 
monitionibus,"  he  says  he  was  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  28  to 
35  Edw.  I.  and  8  Edw.  II.  The  name,  however,  does  not 
appear  in  the  Summonses  of  the  8th  Edw.  II. 

Banks,  in  his  Stemmata  Anglicana,  p.  236,  gives  a  pe- 
digree of  this  family  from  Dugdale's  Warwickshire,  from 
which  it  appears  that  this  Baron  left  male  issue,  which 
continued  for  four  generations  (none  of  whom,  however, 
were  ever  Summ.  to  ParL)  when  the  representation  vested 
in  two  coheirs,  viz.  Elena,  who  married,  Ist.  Edmund  5th 
Baron  Ferrers  of  Chartley;  and,  2dly,  Philip  Chetwynd; 
and  Elisabeth,  the  wife  of  George  Longville,  and  among 
whose  descendants  and  representatives  this  Barony  is  pro- 
bably now  in  Abeyance. 



h      1611.  I.  Sir  Robert  Carr^  K.  B. ;  Created  Viscount 


Rochester  85  March,  1611;  Crtated  Baron 
Brancepeth,  co.  Durham,  and  Earl  of  Sooier- 
•et,  3  Nov.  1613;  Lord  Chamberlain;  K.G.; 
oh.  1645,  g.  p.  M.  when  bis  honors  became 
U  1658.  I.Henry  WUmot»  lit  Baton  Wilmot  in  En^ 
landy  and  Sd  Viscount  Wilmot  in  Ireland; 
ated  Earl  of  Rochester  13  Dee.  I65S )  ob.1659. 

II.  1659.  S.John  Wilmot,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1680. 

III.  1680.  3.  Charles  Wilmot,  s.  and  h«i   oh.  1681,  s.P. 

when  his  honors  became 

IV.  1683.  1.  Lawrence  Hyde,  Itt  Viicoont  Hyde  of  Kenil- 

worth  (2d  son  of  Edward  Ist  Earl  of  Clareu* 
don);  Created  Earl  of  Rochester  S9  Nor. 
1688;  Lord  Lieut,  of  Ireland ;  ob.  1711. 

V.  171 1.  8.  Henry  Hyde,  s.  and  b.;  sucoeeced  hit  cousin 

as  4th  Earl  of  Clarendon  in  1783 ;  ob.  1753, 
s.  p.  M.  when  the  Earldoms  of  Clarendon  and 
Rochester,  and  all  his  other  bonon,  became 



I.  1585.    I.Thomas  Boleyn  (father-in  law  of  King  Hen- 

ry VIII.);  Created  Viscount  Rochford  18 
June,  1585;  Created,  8  Dec.  1589,  Earl  of 
Wiltshire,  with  remainder  to  his  heirs  male, 
and  Earl  of  Ormond  in  Ireland,  with  limita- 
tion to  bis  heirs  general;  K.G.;  ob.  1538; 
and  his  only  son,  George  Boleyn,  who  was 
Summ.  to  Pari,  as  **  Georgio  Bulien  de  Roch- 
ford," 5  Jan.  1533  (but  never  afterwards), 
having  been  ahainted  and  beheaded  vita 
patris,  his  honors,  with  the  exception  of  the 
flarldom  of  Ormond  in  Ireland,  became 

II.  1681.  I.Henry  Carey,  4tb  Baron    Hunsdon,    great 

grandson  of  Sir  William  Carey,  by  Mary  Bo- 
leyn, his  wife,  dau.  and  (on  the  death  of 
ijueen  Elisabeth,  niece  of  the  said  Maiy) 
sole  heir  of  the  last  Viscount,  created  Vis- 
count Rochford  6  July,  1681 ;  Created  Earl 
of  Dover  8  March,  1687^  Vide  Dover. 
€ptintt  1677. 



1.  1 695.  1.  WilHftm  Henry  Nassau  de  Zuleistein,  natarat 
grandson  of  the  Prince  of  Orange ;  Created 
Baron  of  Enfield,  co.  Middlesex,  Viscount 
Tunbrid^,  co.  Kent,  and  Earl  of  Rochford, 
CO.  Essex,  10  May,  1695;  ob.  1708. 

n.     1708.  8.  Wiliiam  Henry  Nassau,  s.  and  b.  ob.  17 10,  s.  p. 

HI.    1710.  3.  Frederick  Nassau,  brother  and  heir;  ob.l738. 

IV.  1738.  4.  William  Henry  Nassau,  s.  and  h.  K.G.;  ob. 

1781,  s.p. 

V.  1781.  S.Wiiliam  Henry  Nassau,  nephew  and  heir,  be- 

ing s.  and  b.  of  Richard  Savage  Nassau,  next 
brother  of  the  last  Earl.  Present  Earl  of 
Rochford,  Viscount  Tunbridge,  and  Baron  of 



I.  1645.  1 .  Sir  Lewis  Watson,  1st  Bart.;  Created  Baron 

Rockingham  of  Rockingham,  co.  Northamp- 
ton, 29  Jan. 1645;  ob.  1668. 

II.  16&8.  8.  Edward  Watson,  s.  and  h.  1691. 


III.  1691.^1.    1714.  3.Lewi8  Watson,  8.  and  b.;  Created 

Baron  of  Throwley  and  Viscount 
Sondes  of  Lee's  Court,  both  co. 
Kent  (which  titles  were  borne  by 
his  father-in-law  Sir  George  Sondes), 
and  Earl  of  Rockingham,  co.  North- 
ampton, 19  Oct.  1714;  ob.  1784. 

IV.  1714.-11.  1784.  4.Le wis  Watson,  grandson  and  heir, 

being  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  Watson, 
(ob.  V.  p.)  eldest  son  of  the  last  Earl ; 
ob.  1745,  s.  p. 

V.  1784.—- IIf.1645.  S.Tbomas  Watson,  brother  and  heir  ; 

ob.  1746,  8.  P.  when  the  Barony  of 
Throwley,  Viscountcy  of  Sondes, 
and  Earldom  of  Rockingham,  be- 
came Cptinttt  but  the  Barony  of 
.  Rockingham  devolved  on  his  cousin 
and  heir  male, 

VI.  1746.— I.    1746.  6.Thoma8  Wentworth,  first  Earl  of 


BARONS.         MARO. 

Malton»  being  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas 
Wauun,  who  assumed  the  name  of 
Weotwortb,  8d  son  of  Edward  U.- 
Sd  Baron;  Created  Marquess  of 
Rockingham  19  Aprils  1746,  K.  B. ; 
oh.  1750. 
VII.  1750.— U.  1750.  T.Charles  Watson  Wentwortb,  s.  and 
h. ;  Created  Baron  and  Earl  of  Mal- 
ton  in  Ireland,  vita  patris,  17  Sept. 
1750,  K.G.;  ob.  1783,  s.  P.  when 
all  his  dii^nities  became 


Earldom,  September  1815. 

Vide  Cholmonoblby. 



I.  I78«.  1.  Sir  George  Brydges  Rodney,  1st  Bart.;  Cre- 

ated  Baron   Rodney  of  Rodney  Stoke,  co. 
„  Somerset,  ID  June,  1783,  K.  Bi;  ob.  1792. 

II.  1792.  9.  George  Rodney,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1802. 

HI.   1802.  3.  George  Rodney,  s.  and  h.     Present  Baron 
Rodney,  and  a  Baronet.    = 



I.  1748.  1.  Henry  Rolle:  Created  Baron  Rolle  of  Steven- 
stone,  CO.  Devon,  8  Jan.  1748;  ob.  1750, 
8.  p.  when  the  title  became 

n.  1796.  1.  John  Rolle,  s.  and  b.  of  Dennis  Rolle,  next 
brother  of  the  last  Baron;  Created  Baron 
Rolle  of  Stevenstone,  co.  Devon,  20  June, 
1796.    Present  Baron  Rolle.    = 




I.  H.I.    I.Roger,  son  of  Ceroid  de  Romare. 

II.  H.  II.  3.  William  de  Romare,  s.  and  h.;  Governor  of 

Newmarcb  1U8;  livings  1153. 
11  r.  H.  n.  S.Williarti  de  Romare,  grandson  and  beir,  being 
s.  and  b.  of  William  de  Romare  (ob.  v.  p.) 
eldest  son  of  tbe  last  Baron ;  living  1 18S.  His 
mother  was  Hawyse,  dau.  of  Stephen  Earl 
of  Albemarle.  Nothing  farther  is  recorded 
of  this  family. 



I.  1694*  1.  Henry  Sydney,  1st  Viscount  Sydney  of  tbe 
Isle  of  Shepey,  and  youngest  son  of  Robert 
Xlll.-2'd  Earl  of  Leicester;  Created  Earl  of 
Romney,  go.  Kent,  85  April,  1694;  ob.  1704» 
8.  p.  when  all  his  honors  became 


I.  1716.  1.  Sir  Robert  Marsbam,  4th  Bart.;  Created  Ba- 

ron  of  Romney,  co.  Kent,  S5  June,  1716 ;  ob. 

II.  17S4.  8.  Robert  Marsbam,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1793. 


III.  1793.— II.  1801.3.Cbarle8  Marsbam,  s.  and  b.;  Ore- 

a  ted  Viscount  Marsbam  oif  tbe 
Mote,  and  Earl  of  Romney,  SS 
June,  IdOl;  ob.  1811. 
(V.  1811. —III.  1811.  4.Cbarles  Marsbam,  s.  and  b.  Pre- 
sent  Earl  and  Baron  Romney  and 
Viscount  Marsbam,  and  a  Ba- 
ronet.  =j» 



I.  Hen.  I.  1.  Peter  de  Roos,  Lord  of  Roos  in  Holder ness 

temp.  Henry  C. 

II.  H.  II.   S.  Robert  de  Roos,  s.  and  h.  living  1 156. 

ROOS.  547 


iil.  H.  lU  3.  £verard  de  Roos,  t.  and  h.  He  married  Rote, 
dau.  and  heir  of  William  Trutbuti  and  died 
ante  1186. 

IV.  Rid.  4.  Robert  de  Roos,  s.  and  b.    He  was  One  of  the 

celebrated  85  Barons  appointed  to  enforce 
the  observance  of  Magna  Charta  ;  and  mar- 
ried Isabel,  dau.  of  William  the  Lion,  King 
of  Scotland;  ob.  1337. 

V.  1237.  5.  William  de  Roos,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1858. 


1*  1264.  6.  Robert  de  Roos,  s.  and  h.  j  ^umm.  to  Pari  34 
Dec.  49  Henry  HI.  1S64.  He  married  Isabel, 
dao.  and  heir  of  William  de  Albini,  Lord  of 
BelToir Castles  ob.  1385. 

n.  1295.  7.  William  de  Roos,  s.  and  h.;  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  23  June,  23  Ednr.  I.  1S95*,  to  6  Oct. 
9  Edw.  If.  1315.  In  19  Edw.  I.  he  was  one 
of  the  competitors  for  the  Grown  of  Scotland, 
in  right  of  Isabel,  his  great-grandmother, 
above-mentioned;  ob.  1316. 

III.  1316.  8.  William  de  Roos,  •.and  h.;  Surom.  to  Pari. 

from  SO  Nor.  10  Edw.  II.  1317>  to  13  Sept. 
16  Edw.  III.  1343;  ob.  1343. 

IV.  1S43.  9.  William  de  Roos,  s.  and  h. ;  Summ.  to  Pari. 

35  Nov.  34  Edw.  ill.  1350,  and  80  Nov.  35 
Edw.  III.  1351 ;  ob.  1353»  S.p. 

V.  1353.  lO.Tboroas  de  Roos,  brother  and  heir;  Summ.  to 

Pari,  from  24  Aug.  36  Edw.  HI.  1362,  to  3 
March,  7  Rich.  II.  1384}  ob.  1384. 

VI.  1384. 11. John  de  Roos,  s.   and  b.;  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  8  Aug.  10  Rich.  II.  1386,  to  13  Nov.  17 
Rich.ll.  1393;  ob.  1393,  B.p. 
VH.  1393. 12. William  de  Roos,  brother  and  heir;  Sorom. 
to  Pari,  from  20  Nov.  18  Rieh.  II.  1394,  to 
34  Dec.  1  Henry  V.  1413  ;  Lord  Treasurer ; 
ob.  1414. 

*  He  was  summoned  8  June,  d9  Edw.  I.  1S94,  as  <' Willielmo 
«  Ros  de  Ingmanthorpe;"  but  it  it  very  doubtful  if  that  Writ  can 
Mconiidered  as  a  regular  Summons  to  Parliament ;  vide  "Clyvb- 
i>on/'  In  the  fbUowinff  year  he  was  described  <<  de  Helmeslev," 
**^  in  1299  as  «de  Hemelak,"  which  last  addition  was  fre- 
quently made  to  the  names  of  these  Barons  in  the  Writs  of  Sum- 
mons to  Pariiament. 

548  ROOS. 


Vni.]4]4.  ]3.Jobn  de  Roos,  ».  and  b.;  ob.  1491, infra  eta- 
tern,  8.  p. 

JX.  1421.  M.Tbomas  de  Roos,  brother  and  heir ;  Summ.  to 
Pari.  IS  July  and  3  Aug.  7  Henry  VI.  1489  ; 
ob.  1431. 

X.  1431.  IS.Tbomas  de  Roos,  s.  and  b.;  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  8  Jan.  87  Henry  VI.  I449i  to  30  July, 
38  Henry  VI.  1460.    Attainted  4  Nov.  1461, 
when  bit  honors  became 

XI.  1485.  le.Edmund  de  Rooi,  f.    and  b.  obUined   the 

reversal  of  bis  fatbei^s  Attainder  in  1485,  but 
was  never  summoned  to  Parliament;  ob. 
1508,  8.  P.  when  tbe  Barony  fell  inio  Abby- 
ANCB  between  bis  sisters  and  coheirs,  -vie. 
Eleanor,  who  married  Sir  Robert  Manners, 
Knt.;  Isabel,  who  married  Thomas  Grey, 
and  died  s.p.;  and  Margaret,  who  is  sup- 
posed to  have  died  unmarried. 

XII.  15.. .  IT.George  Manners,  s.  and  b.  of  Sir  RobeK  Man- 

rers,  by  Eleanor  de  Roos,  lister  and  coheir 
of  Edmund  the  last  Baron.  He  is  styled  on  his 
monument  <*  Lord  Roos,"  and  suceeeded  to 
tbe  Barony,  jure  matris,  on  tbe  death  of  Isa- 
bel and  Marg^aret  8.  P.  tbe  other  coheirs, 
thoufi^h  he  was  never  summoned  to  Pari.  He 
married  Ann,  dau.  and  sole  heir  of  Sir  Thomas 
St.  Leirer,  Knt.  by  Ann  Plantagenet,  sister  of 
King  Edward  IV.  j  ob.  1518. 
XIII.151S.  18.Thoroas  Manners,  s.  and  h.;  Summ.  to  Pari. 
as  <*Tbomae  Manners  de  Rosse,  Chev'r.  12 
Nov.  7  Henry  VIII.  1515,  and  15th  April,  14 
Henry  Vlll.  1523;  Created  Earl  of  Rutland 
18  June,  1525,  K.  G. ;  ob.  1543. 

XIV.  1 543.  l9.Henry  Manners,  s.andb.;  Earl  of  Rutland, 

K.G.;  ob.  1563. 

XV.  1563. 20.Edward  Manners,  8.andb.;  Earl  of  Rutland, 

K.G.;  ob.  1587,  s.p.m. 


I.  1587.  Sl.EliEabetbManners,  dau.  and  sole  heiress  of 
William  Cecil,  son  and  heir  apparent  of 
Thomas  1st  Earl  of  Exeter;  ob.  1591. 

ROOS.'  549 


XVI.  l591.83.Williani  Cecil,  s.  and  h.;  oonfirnied  in  the 
Baruny  of  Roos  92  Jiuty,  1616}  ob.  vita  pa« 
trig  1618,  8.  p. 

XVrr.  16l8.S3.Francis  Manners,  VII.-6th  Earl  of  Rotland, 
BARON  BY  cousin  and  b.  being  brother  and  heir  of  Roger 
PATRNT.  VI.  5th  Carl  of  Rutland,  eldest  son  of  John  V.- 
I.  1616.  4th  Earl  of  Ratland,  and  next  brother  of  Ed- 
ward lV.-3d  Earl  of  Rutland,  and  XVI.-90th 
Baron  Roos.  In  1616  be  claimed  the  Barony  as 
heir  male  of  Henry  XI V«- 1 9th  Baron,  against 
William  Cecili  his  hetr general^  to  whom  it  was 
allowed;  buty  by  patent  dated  82d  July, 
1616,  he  obtained  a  grant  of  the  dignity  of 
Baron  Roos  of  Hamlake  to  him  and  his  issue 
male,  and  succeeded  to  the  ancient  Barony 
on  the  death  of  his  cousin^  the  said  William 
Cecil,  in  1618;  K.G. ;  ob.  1638,  &  p.m.  when 
the  Barony  created  by  the  patent  of  83  July, 
1616,  became  €|;tillCC,  but  the  original  Ba- 
rony derolyed  on 


U.  1632.    24.  Catherine  Villiers,  his  sole  dau.  and  heir ; 
widow  of  George  Villiers,  IV.- 1st  Duke  of 
BARON  BY  WRIT.  Buckingham  }  ob.  1666. 
XVlII.1666.25.George  Viiliers,  s.  and  h.  Duke  of  Bucking- 
ham, K.G.J  ob.  16879  8.  P.  when  the  Barony 
of  Roos  fell   into  Abbyancb   between  the 
heirs  general  of  the  sisters  and  heirs  of  George 
Manners,  VIII.-7th  Earl  of  Rutland,  brother 
and  heir  male  of  Francis  Manners,  Vll^th 
Earl  of  Rutland,  and  XVIII.-23d  Baron  Roos, 
and  continued  in  abeyance  until  1803^  wheu 


UM806. 26.  Charlotte  Fitsgerald  (assumed  the  name  of) 
De  Roos;  wife  of  Lord  Heniy  Fitx-Gerald, 
(4th  son  of  James  1st  Duke  of  JLeinster).  Pe- 
titioned the  King  to  terminate  the  Abey 
ance  of  the  Barony  in   her  favour,  she  being  one  of 
the  coheirs  of  the  said  dignity,  viz.  dau.  and  sole  heir 
of  the  Hon.  Robert  Boyle  Walsingbam,  by  Charlotte,' 
youngest  dau«  and  coheir  of  Sir  Charles  Hanbury  Williarosy 
K.B.  by  Frances,  dau..  and  at  length  only  surviving  child 
of  Thomas  Earl  of  Coningsby,  by  his  second  wife  Frances, 
VOL.  II.  N 

950  ROQS. 

iliiv.  and  •ventuaHy  tole  heir,  of  Richard  Earl  of  Raifelaf  b« 
by  BUsabetb,  dan.  and  ultimately  sole  heir,  of  Francis  4th 
Baron  Wiilougbby  of  Parhain»  #.  ai)d  b.  of  Wiliam  3d  Baron 
WiUougbby  of  Parham  by  Frances  Manners  his  wife« 
youngest  sister  and  coheir  of  George  Manners*  VI|K-7th 
£srl  of  Rutland,  brother  and  heir  male  pf  Francis  Man- 
ners, VII.-6th  Earl  of  Rutland,  and  XVIIL.S3d  Baron 
de  Rj>os,  whose  heirs*geiieral  failed  on  tbe  death  of  George 
Duka  of  Buckingham,  and  XIX-lK^th  Baron  de  Roos  in 
1687*  His  Majesty  was  pleaded  to  refer  her  Ladyship'a 
petition  to  the  Attorney  GeivBral^  on  wboie  report  it  was 
nferred  to  the  House  of  Iiords,  who,  7th  May,  1800,  re- 
ported that  the  Barony  was  then  in  Abeyance  between  Sir 
Henry  Hunloke,  Bart,  (beir^general  of  Bridget  Manners, 
eldest  sister  and  coheir  of  George  VIII .-7th  Earl  of  Rut- 
land aboTe  mentioned)  i  George  Earl  of  Essex  (as  son  and 
heir  of  Frances,  eldest  daughter  aud  coheir  of  Sir  Charles 
Hanbury  Williams,  K.B.  before  mentioned),  and  the 
Petitioner  $  and  on  the  9th  May,  180^i  the  King  was 
pleased  to  terminate  the  said  Abeyance  in  her  Ladyship's 
favour*.    Present  Baroness  de  Roos.    =?= 


pp  WBRKE* 

I.  1S95.  Robert  de  Roos  ;  obtained  the  Lordship  of 
Werke  from  his  father  Robert  IV.-4th  Baron 
Roos  of  Hamlake ;  Summoned  8  June  33 
Cdw.  I.  1394  ;  but  it  is  veiy  doubtful  if 
that  Writ  can  be  deemed  a  regular  Sum- 

*  It  u  worthy  of  remark,  that  her  Ladyship  was  only  youngest 
coheir  of  one  moiety  of  the  Barony  of  Itoos ;  the  entire 

sentation  of  tbe  eldest  coheir  bemg  vested  in  Sir  Henry  ] 
loke,  Bart. ;  and  the  Editor  Is  not  aware  of  any  similar  instance, 
(excepting  in  the  case  of  the  Barony  of  ISouche  of  Harymprorth, 
but  which  is  not  precisely  m  pomt,  because,  thooeh  Sir  Cecil 
Bishopp  was  only  the  eldest  coheir  of  one  moiety  of  uwt  Barony, 
DO  descendants  could  be  traced  of  the  coBsir  of  the  other  moftety 
after  the  time  of  the  Commonwealth,)  of  the  gmce  of  the  Crown 

aving  been  exercised  in  lavor  of  s  coheir  who  did  not  wholly 

eresent  one  moiety  of  the  dignity. 

lU)bS-4i0t(ClELYN.  551 

moot  to  Pftrittnent ;  ride  **  Clyvbdoii  ;" 
Stimni.  to  Pari  $4  Jane,  1  Oetober,  and  9 
Nor.  33  Edward  I.  1295,  as  <«  Roberto  de 
RooB  de  Werke,"  but  never  afterwards; 
having  been  found  guilty  of  treason,  his  lands 
and  honours  became 



BABOir  BT  mruiui. 

1.  JBdw.  L  Williitm  de  Roos,  t.  and  h,  of  tlobe#t  de  Root 
of  We^ke,  by  Margaret,  shtfcr  and  eobeir  of 
Peter  de  Bros,  who  obtained  from  his  mother 
the  Castltf  of  Kendall;  ob.  1339*  leaving 
issue  '^otoas,  who  was  never  Summ.  to  Pari, 
and  cannot  therefore  be  considered  among 
the  Barons  of  the  Realm.  John,  s.  and  h.  of 
this  Thomas,  died  8.  P«  In  1358,  leaving  Eli* 
zabeth  his  dau*  and  heir,  who  married  Sir 
William  Parri  Knt.  ancestor  of  the  Parrs 
of  KendHll. 


OP— - 
feARON  BV  WRfT. 

I.  1333.  John  de  Rods, next  bvoitherof  William  II[.-8th 
Baron  Roos  of  Hamlakei  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  27  Jan.  8  Edward  III.  1332,  to  15  June, 
12  Edward  III.  1338 ;  Admiral  of  the  Fleet  j 
ob.  1338,  3*  P.  when  this  Barony  became 


Peter  de  Roaoelyn  was  Summoiied  8  Jane,  22  Edw.  f. 
1294 ;  but  it  is  veiy  doubtful  if  that  Writ  ean  be  consi- 
dered as  a  regular  Summons  to  Parliament ;  vide  **  Clyvb- 
Doir."  Dugdale  gives  no  account  of  him  in  his  Baronage, 
nor  was  he  ever  snmmoned  to  Parliament. 


552  ROSS— I10TH4ESAY. 



I,  1815.  George  Boyle,  4th  Earl  of  Glasg^ow  in  Scot- 
land; Created  Baron  Ross  of  Hawkstead, 
CO.  Renfrew,  18  July,  1815.  Present  Baron 
Ross;  also  Earl  of  Glasgow,  &c.  in  Scot- 
land.   ^ 



I.  1 801.  I.Alexander Wedderburn,  1st  Baron  Loughbo- 
rough of  Loughborough^  co.  Leicester,  and  tst 
Baron  Loughborough  of  Loughborough,  co. 
Surreys  Created  Earl  of  Rosslyn,  co.  Mid- 
Lothian,  21  April,  1801,  with  remainder,  fail- 
ing the  heirs  male  of  bis  body,  to  the  heirs 
male  of  the  bo<ly  of  Janet  Erskine,  his  sister, 
widow  of  Sir  Henry  Eiskine,  of  Alva,  Bart. ; 
Lord  H.  Chancellor;  ob.  1805,  S.  p.  when  the 
Barony  of  Loughborough,  co.  Leicester,  be- 
came iipCintti  but  his  other  bonors  devolved, 
agreeable  to  the  above  limitation,  on 

IL  1805.  2.  Sir  James  St.  Clair  Erskhie,  Bart,  his  nephew 
and  heir,  being  8.  and  h.  of  Sir  Henry 
Erskine  by  Janet,  sister  of  the  last  Earl. 
Present  Ear)  of  Rosslyn,  and  Baron  Loughbo- 
rough of  Loughborough^  co.  Surrey,  G.  C.  B. 


The  heir  apj^rent  to  the  throne  of  Scotland  has  always 
been  created  %uke  of  Rothesay,  Earl  of  Carrick,  and 
Baron  of  Renfrew,  and  the  descent  of  which  will  be 
found  under  the  '*  Princes  of  Wales  ;"  since  the  union 
with  Scotland,  when  these  titles  became  dignities  in  the 
Peerage  of  the  United  Kingdom, 




I.    1796^ 


.Sir  Jehn  Rmif»  ^h  Bart.$  Created . Baron 
Rous  of  Delinii)|Cton»  co.  Snffolk,  14  Jane» 
1796$  Created  ViecountDunivieh  and  Earl 
of  Stradbroke,  co.  Suflblk,  18  July,  18SI. 
Pretent  Baron  Rous,  Viscount  Dunwieby  and 
BarlolStiiadbroke.    s= 

I.    tS3». 


ViflcouNTCT,  8  April,  1754. 

Vide  Hardwickb. 


1.  William  Ranelli  Created  Baron  Rntaell  of 
Choneyiy  eo.  Buckingham,  9  Mareb,  1589  i 
Created  Earl  of  Bedford  19  Jan.  1559,  K.O.{ 
Lord  Higb  Admiral.  Vide  Bedfoid. 

'  BAaONft. 

I.    1603. 



I.  William  Rnuell,  younger  ion  of  Francis 
IV^Sd  Earl  of  Bedford)  Created  Baron 
Rnisell  of  Tbomhaugb,  co.  Northampton, 
21  July,  1603 ;  ob. 1613. 
n.  1613.  S*  Francis  Russell,  s.  and  b.  succeeded  his  cousin 
Edward  V.-3d  Earl  of  Bedford  in  that  Earl^ 
dom,  and  ai  Baron  Rniaall  of  Cbeyneys,  3 
Mayil6S7.  ^    Vide  Bedford. 



Barony,  7  May,  1697— €)^nce  1797. 

Vide  SnitfOAY. 





I.  1390.  I.Edward  Plantagenet,  son  and  heir  apparent 
of  Edmund  of  Langlcy,  Dake  of  York,  5th 
son  of  Edward  III.  Created  Earl  of  Rutland 
95  Feb.  1390,  but  with  Limitation  of  the  titie 
during  his  father's  life  only,  "  Habend,  &c. 
durante  vita  dicti  doeis  patris  sui ;"  Created 
Duke  of  Albemarle  29  Sept.  1397 1  succeeded 
his  father  as  Duke  of  York  in  1402,  when 
the  Earldom  of  Rutlandy  agreeable  to  the 
limitation  recited  above,  became 

*  This  Earldom  is  by  most  writers  attributed  to  Edmund 
Plantagenet,  younger  son  of  Richard  Puke  of  York»  who  was 
murdered  at  Wakefield,  aged  about  19  years,  and  some  authori- 
ties also  attribute  it  to  the  said  Richard  Duke  of  York  his  father> 
as  nephew  and  heir  of  Edward  Duke  of  Albemarle,  the  first  Earl ; 
but  as  the  said  Duke  of.  Albemarle  was  only  so  created  untS 
his  Other's  decease,  it  of  course  became  Extinct  on  that 
event  in  1403.  Brooke  states,  and  in  which  he  is  not  con- 
tradicted by  Vincent,  that  Richard  Duke  of  York  above  men- 
tioned, was  restored  to  be  Duke  of  York,  Earl  of  Cambridse 
and  Rutland,  and  Lord  of  Tyndall,  in  the  4th  Hen.  VI.  No 
Act  of  Restoration  in  that  year,  however,  is  to  be  found  in  the 
Rolls  of  Parliament;  but  though  he  might  have  been  restored  to 
the  Dukedom  of  York  and  Eandom  of  Cambridge,  the  former  of 
'which  titles  had  been  borne  by  his  grandfather  and  uncle,  and 
the  latter  by  his  father,  it  does  not  appear  how  he  could  have 
been  restored  to  the  Earldom  of  Rutland,  as  that  title  was  first 
conferred  on  his  uncle,  and  became  extinct  agreeable  to  the  pe- 
culiar limitation  cited  in  the  text.  The  same  writer  calls  Ed- 
mund Plantagenet  (who  was  assassiAated  by  Lord  Clifford  afier 
the  battle  of  Wakefield)  third  son  of  the  said  Richard  Duke  of 
York,  the  next  Earl  of  Rutland,  but  he  gives  no  account  of  the 
manner  in  which  he  became  possessed  of  that  title :  the  fitct  ap- 
pears to  be,  that  the  younger  branches  of  the  House  of  York 
assumed  the  title  of  this  Eafjdoin;.  but  excepting  to  Edward, 
aflerwaxds  Duke  of  York,  the  1st  Earl,  there  was  no  regular 
creation  to  that  dignity  until  it  was  conferred  upon  Thomas 
Manners,  Lord  Roos,  by  Henry  VUL 

RUTLAND.  555 


II.  1525.  I.  Thomas  Manners,  XIV.-l 8th  Baron  Roos  of 
Hainlake,  s.  and  h.  uf  Georg^e  Baron  Roos  by 
Ann,  sole  dau.  and  heir  of  Sir  Thomas  St. 
Leger,  Knt.  by  Ann  Plantagenet,  sister  of 
King  Edward  IV.  Created  Earl  of  Rutland  18 
June,  1525,  K.G.;  ob.  1*543. 

III.  1543.  2.  Henry  Manners,  s.  and  h.  Baron  Roos,  K.  G. ; 

ob.  1563. 

IV.  J  563.  3.  Edward  Manners,  s.aDd  b.  Baron  Roos,  K.G.; 

ob.  1587)  8.  p.  M.  when  the  Barony  of  Roos  de- 
volved on  Elisabeth  his  dau.  and  heir* 
V     1 587.  4.  John  Manners,  brother  and  heir  male  $  ob.1588. 

VI.  1588.  5.  Roger  Manners,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1613,  8.  p. 

VII.  1612.  6.  Francis  Manners,  brother  and  heir  {  succeeded 

to  the  Barunyof  Roos  in  1618,  K.G.;  ob. 
1632,  8.  P.  M.  when  the  Barony  of  Roos  de- 
volved gn  Katberine  Duchess  of  Bucking- 
ham, his  sole  dau.  and  heir« 

VIII.  1632.  7. George  Manners,    brother    and   heirs    ob. 


IX.  1641*  8.  John  Manners,  cousin  and  heir  male,  being  son 

and  beir  uf  George  Manners,  eldest  son  of 
Sir  John  Manners,  2d  son  of  Thomas  ll.-lst 
Earl ;  ob.  1679. 


X.  1679.— I.    1703.  9.  John  Manners,  s.and  h.  1st  Baron 

Manners  of  Haddon ;  Created 
Marquess  of  Granby,  go.  Notting- 
ham, and  Duke  of  Rutland,  29 
March,  1703;  ob.  1711. 

XI.  1711.— II.  1711. 10.John  Manners,   s.- and  h.  K.  G.; 

ob.  1721. 

XIJ.1721.-.III.172I.  11. John  Manners,  s.  and  b.  K.  G. ; 
ob.  1779. 

JStni.1779.— IV.  1779.12.Cbarles  Manners,  grandson  and 
beir  I  being  s.  and  b.  of  John 
Manners  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest  son  of 
the  last  Duke ;  Lord  Lieut,  of  Ire- 
land, K.G.}  ob.  1787. 

XIV.1787.--V.  1787. 13.  John  Henry  Manners,  s.  and  h. 
Present  Duke  and  Earl  of  Rutland, 
Marquess  of  Granby,  and  Baron 
M^nfiers  of  Haddon,  K.  G..   =p 

RYE.    VideRlE. 




I.  178d.  1.  Geotge  Stckville  (assamed  tbe  name  of)  Ger- 

main, younger  son  of  Lionel  Ist  Doke  of 
Doriets  Created  Baron  of  Bokbrooky  co. 
Snsseity  and  Viscoant  Saektille  of  Drayton, 
eo.  Northampton,  II  Vth.  t78S  ;  ob.  1785. 

II.  1785.  S.  Charles  SackvUle  Germain,  s. and  b.  sueoeeded 

bh  eoDshi  George  4tb  Duke  Of  Dorset  in  that 
Diikedomp  and  in  bis  other  honours,  14  Fe- 
bruary, 1815.  Present  Viseount  Saekvllle, 
Baron  Bolebrook,  Doke  and  Earl  of  Dorset, 
end  Earl  of  Middlesex,  Vtseount  Germaia, 
Baron  Boekbnrst*  and  Baron  Cranfield* 



1.      1681. 

Francis  Bacon,  tbe  1st  and  celebrated  Baron 
Verulam;  Created  VisMunt  Sc  Albans,  oo. 
Herts,  87  Jan.  1681;  Lord  Chancellor ;  ob. 
1686,  8.  p.  when  bis  honors  became 

Richard  de  Burgh,  1st  Viscount  Tunbridge 
in  England,  and  Earl  of  Clanrickard  in  Ire- 
land ;  Created  Earl  of  St.  Albans  83  August, 
1688  i  ob.l636. 
1636.  3.  Ulick  de  Burgh,  s.  and  b«  Created  Marquess 
of  Claariokaid  in  Ireland ;  ob.  1659,  8.  p.  m . 
wbea  his  English  honors  and  Irish  Marquis- 
ate  became 

III.  1660.  1.  Henry  Jermyn,  ist  Baron  Jermyn  of  St.  Ed- 
mundsbttiy;   Created  Earl  of  St.  Albans  87 


I.      1688.  1. 


ST.  ALBAN&*^T.  AMAND.  557 

April,  1660 ,  ob.  1683,  t.  P.  when  tbii  Eati- 
dom  agnail)  became 
DUKB8.  4iptintt. 

1.  1684.  1.  Charles  Beauelerk,  1st  Earl  of  Burford,  natu- 
ral sou  of  Kuif^. Charles  If.;  Created  Duke 
of  St.  Albans  lOJanuary,  1684;  he  married 
Diana,  daui^hter  and  eventually  sole  heir  of 
Aubrey  de  Vere,  XX.-SOtfa  and  last  Enrl  of 
Oxford,  K.G.i  ob.  17S6. 

il.   1726.  3.  Charles  Beauelerk,  s.  and  b.  K.G. ;  ob.  1751. 

J 1 1. 1751.  3.  George  Beauelerk,  s,  and  b.  ob.  1786,  s.  p. 

IV.  1786.  4.  George  Beauelerk,  ooutin  and  heir;  being  son 

and  heir  of  Charles,  eldest  son  of  William 
Beauelerk,  Sd  sou  of  Charles  Ist  Duke  ;  ob. 
1787,8.  p. 

V.  1787.  5.  Aubrey  Beauelerk,  9d  Baron  Vere   of  Han- 

worth,  cousin  and  heir,  being  son  and  heir 
of  Vere  Beauelerk,  1st  Baron  Vere  of  Han- 
worth,  3d  son  of  Charles  Ist  Duke ;  ob.  1802. 

VI.  1802.  6.  Aubrey  Beauelerk,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1815. 

VII.  1815.  7.  Aubrey  Beauelerk,  s.and  h,  ob.  1816  infans. 
VIII. 18i6.  8.  William  Beauelerk,  uncle  and  heir,  being  2d 

.  son  of  Aubrey  5tb  Duke*  Present  Duke  of 
8t.  Albans,  Earl  of  Burford,  Baron  of  Hed- 
dington,  and  Baron  Vere  of  Hanwortb.    =j= 




I.  1299.  l.Almaric  de  St.  Amand;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 

29  Dec.  28  Edward  I.  1299,  to  16  June,  4 
Edward  II.  1311;  ob.  1312,  8.  P.  when  the 
Barony  became 

II.  1313.  1.  John  de  St.  Amand,  brother  and  beir  of  the 

last  Baron ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  22  March, 
6  Edward  II.  1313,  to  10  Oct.  19  Edward  II. 
1325  ;  ob.  1326. 

III.  1326.  2.  Almaric  de  St.  Amand,  9.  and  b.;   Summ.  to 

Pari,  from  8  Jan.  44  Edward  III.  1371,  to  22 
August,  5  Rich.  II.  1381 ;  ob.  1381. 

IV.  1381.  3.  Almaric  de  St.  Amand,  s.  and  h. Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  9  August,  6  Rich.  II.  1382,  to  2  Dec. 

358  I^T.AMAHI^. 


3  M<^.IV.  1401  ;  Ob.  140^,  8. P.M.  leaving: 
Ida  bis  daq.  by  bis  second  wife,  and  Gerard 
Bray  broke  his  g^fandson  (viz.  son  and  lieir  of 
Oeifard  Briybrw»ke  by  Alianore  liis  dau.  by 
first  wife)  bis  heirs  ;  betireen  whom  the 
l^renyfell  info  Abbyancb.  The  said  Ida 
married  SirTbomflB  West,  bat  died  s.p.  ante 
1496^  when  the  three  daughters  and  coheirs 
of  the  above- mentioned  G^Mrd  Braybrooke 
(grandson  of  the  last  Baron)  became  heirs  to 
the  Barony*  It  continued  tn  Abeyance  until 
14499  when 

IV.  1449.      Williank  Beanchamp  (grandson  of  John  Baron 

Besuchamp  of  Powyk),  having  married  Eli- 
sabeth (who  married eecon<yy  Roger  Tuchet) 
eldest  dan.  and  coheir  of  the  said  Gerard 
Braybrooke^  grandson .  and  ultimately  sole 
heir  of  the  last  Baron»  was  Summ.  to  Pari. 
}ure  axorisi  as  **  Willielmo  de  Beauchan^, 
Dortiino  de  St.  Amand/'  from  S  Jan.  97 
Henry  \L  1449,  to  86  May,  38  Henfry  Vf. 
1465 ;  oh.  1457. 

V.  1457.  4.  Richard  Beauehattp,  a.  and  h.  attainted    I 

RicK  III.  when  bis  honors  became  JForfeitet^, 
but  he  was  fully  vettored  1  Hen.  VIL  Summ. 
to  ParL  as  **  Richardo  Beanchamp  de  S. 
Amando/'  16  Janaaiy,  IS  Henry  VII.  1497; 
ob.  1508,  i.P.  L.  when  the  Barony  is  presumed 
to  have  become  vested  in  the  descendants  and 
representatives  of  Isabella,  sister  of  Almaric 
II.-8d  Baron  (Maud  and  Alianore,  the  other 
daughters  and  coheirs  of  the  above  mentioned 
Gerard  de  Braybrooke  havingdied  S.P.)  which 
Isabella  married,  first,  Richard  Handlo,  and 
ietondly,  Robert  de  Ildesle*. 

*  Although  no  other  issue  is  assigned  to  William,  IV.  Lord  St. 
Amand  in  either  of  the  numerous  pedigrees  which  the  Editor  has 
oonculted,  th^  his  son  Richard,  the  last  Baron,  it  is  to  be  re- 
marlced,  that  in  the  will  of  the  said  Richard  Lord  St.  Amand  he 
he<]aeathes  a  cup  to  kis  niece  Leversetfe.  This  ezpressiou  was  pro- 
bably used  to  descrilie  his  wife's  niece  /  bat  it  most  be  observed, 
that  if  he  had  a  sister  of  the  whole  blood  who  left  issue,  the  Barony 
«  hu  demise,  s.  r.  l.  became  vested  in  her  or  her  descendants. 

$T.  ANDREWS-ST.  JOHN.  ^9 


DuKBDOM,  19  May,  1709. 

Vide  Clarence. 

Vi8C0UMTCY»  14  M«y»  1730* 




I.  1815,.  1,  John  Cragfgs  Eliot,  2d  Baron  $liot ;    Created 

Earl  of  St.Gerinain'8y  co.  Cornwall,  30  Sept. 
1815,  with  remainder,  failing  the  heirs  male 
of  hi8  body,  to  his  brother  Williams  ob. 
18S3,  8.P. 

II.  1893.  2.  William  Eliot,  brother  and  heir.  Present  Earl 

of  St.  Germainsi  and  Barop  Eliot.    =p 



I.  1861.  1.  Alleyne  Fita-Herbert,  Ist  Baron  Fits-Helens 
in  Ireland ;  Created  Baron  St.  Helens  in  the 
Isle  of  Wight,  00.  Southampton,  15  July, 
1801.    Present  Baron  St  Helens,  G.  C  & 



I.  John.  J.William  de  St.  John,  s.  and  h«  of  Adam  de 
Port  of  Basing  (vide  Port)  by  Mabell,  dau, 
of  Reginald  de  AureYalle  by  Muriell,  dau, 
and  heir  of  Roger  de  St.  John  and  Cecily  his 
wife,  dau.  and  heir  of  Robert  de  Haya  i  liYing 

If.    H.  III.  2.  Robert  de  St.  Johp,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1 260. 

III.  H.lll.  3.  John  de  St.  John,  s.Bnd  b.  ob.  1301. 

5(M>  ST.  JOHN. 


I.  1S99.  4.  John  de  St.  John,  f.  and  b.  Sumni.  to  Pari,  as 
**  Jo.  de  Sancto  Jobanne,  Juniori,"  S9  Dec. 
38  Edward  I.  1299  ;  m  '*  Johanni  de  Sancto 
Jobanne/'  from  18  Not.  31  EdW.  I.  1303,  to 
5  Aug.  14  Edw.II.  1320,  and  as  "  Jubanni  de 
Sancto  Jobanne  de  Basyng,"  from  14  Mar. 
15  Edward  IL  1333,  to  10  Oct.  19  Edward  II. 
1335  *;  ob.  1339,  leaving  Hugb  de  St.  John 
bis  son  and  heir,  who  died  in  1337,  and  as 
Edmond  de  St.  John,  his  only  son,  died  infra 
setatero,  31  £dw.  HI.  Margaret  and  Isabel, 
the  sisters  of  the  said  Edmund  became  his 
beirs.  Margaret  married  John  de  St.  Phillibert, 
but  died  8.  p.  8. 35  Edward  III.  and  Isabel  be- 
came the  wife,  first,  of  Henry  de  Burghersb, 
by  whom  she  had  no  issue,  and  secondly,  of 
Lucas  Poynings,  who  was  Sumro.  to  Pari, 
from  43  to  49  Edw.  III.  probably  in  right  of 
his  wife,  though  be  is  only  described  in  the 
Writs  as  **  Luce  de  Poynings  ;"  Thomas 
de  Poynings  their  son  and  heir,  was  styled 
Lord  St.  John,  and  succeeded  to  bis  father's 
Barony,  though  he  was  never  summoned  to 
Parliament,  and  died  in  1438,  leaving  bis 
grand-daughters  (the  daughters  and  heirs  of 
Hugh  de  Poynings  his  only  son,  wh»  died 
riik  patris)  bis  heirs,  viz.  Constance,  wife 
of  John  Paulet,  Alice,  wife  of  John  Orrell,  and 
Joancy  the  wife  of  Thomas  Bonvill ;  among 
whose  descendants  and  representatives  the 
Baronies  of  St.  John  of  Basing,  and  Poyn- 
ings, (if  Lucas  de  Poynings  their  great 
grandfather  be  not  considered  to  have  been 

John  de  St.  John  was  also  summoned  3  Dec.  1326 ;  but  as 
no  local  addition  la  affixed  to  his  name,  it  ia  difficult  to  determine 
whether  it  was  this  Baron  St.  John,  or  Baron  St.  John  of  Lageham, 
though  it  18  most  probable  it  was  the  former.  Dugdale  cites  an 
Escheat  S  Edw.  III.  to  prove  that  this  Baron  died  14  May,  1319; 
but  as  he  was  regularly  summoned  until  October  1395,  ifr  is  pn* 
sumed  he  died  circa  3  Edw.  III.  viz.  1329. 

ST«J0UN.  561 

ftammoned  in  bi«  wile's  Barony,  bat  of  which 
feARON.  there  is  no  evidence),  are  in  Absy&mce. 

1.  1539  \  If  Willi  am  Panlet,  great  grandsofi  and  heir  of 
John  Paulet  by  Constance  de  Poynin^  above 
mentioned,  and  in  her  right  coheir  of  the 
Baronies  of  St.  John  of  Basing  and  Poynings, 
Created  Baron  St.  John  of  Basing,  with  re- 
mainder to  the  heirs  male  of  his  bodyy  9  March, 
1539  ;  Created  Earl  of  WilUhire  19  January, 
1.550,  and  Marqaess  of  Winchester  18  Octo< 
ber,  1551,  K.  G.  Vide  Winchester* 



I.  1559.  I.  Oliver  St.  John  (presumed  to  have  been  de- 

scended from  the  family  of  St.  John  of  Stan- 
tone),  Baron  Beauchamp  of  Bletshoe  by  de- 
scent; Created  Baron  St.  John  of  Bletshoe,  co. 
Bedford,  13  Jan.  1559;  ob.  1583. 

II.  1582.  S.John  St.  John,  s.  and   h.  ob.  1596,  8.  p.m. 

Ann,  his  sole  dau.  and  heir,  married  William 
Lord  Howard  (son  and   heir  apparent    of 
,  Charles  Earl  of  Nottingham),  in  whose  de- 

scendants  the   Barony  of   Beauchamp    of 
Bletshoe  became  vested. 
IlL   1596.  S.Oliver  St.  John,  brother  and  heir  male;  ob. 

IV.  I6t8.  4.  Oliver  St.  John,  s.  and  h.  Created  Earl  of 

Bolingbroke  38  Dec.  1634;  ob.  1646. 

V.  1646.  5.  Oliver  St.  John,  grandson  and  heir,  being  son 

and  heir  of  Sir  Paulet  St.  John,  K.  B.  (ob. 
V.  p.)  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  last  Baron ; 
Earl  of  Bolingbroke;  ob.  1688,  8. p. 

VI.  1688.  6.  Paulet  St.  John,  brother  and  heir,  Earl  of 

Bolingbroke ;  ob.  1711*  s.  p.  when  that  Earl- 
dom became  4E)Cttnct ;  but  this  Barony  dc 
volved  on 

VII.  nil.  T.SirPauletSt.Andrew  St. John, 4th  Bart. eou* 

sin  and  heir  male,  being  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  An- 
VOL.  II.  o 

563  Sr.MHV. 

drew  Sd'  Bart,  eldef  t  ton  of  Sir  St.  Andrew 
St.  Johoy  3d  Baru  son  and  btir  of  Sir  Olivor 
St,  Johny  Itt  Bart,  only  son  of  Rowland  St* 
John^  youn^r  son  of  Oliver,  3d  Baron ,  ob. 
BAR0N8.  1714,  infans. 

VIII.  1714.  8.  William  St.  John,  uncle  and  heir,  being  next 

brother  of  Sir  Andrew  St.  John>  father  of  the 
last  Baron ;  ob.  1720, 8.  P. 

IX.  1730.  9.  Rowland  St.  John,    brother  and  heir ;    ob. 

1733,  8.  p. 

X.  1733. 10.John  St.  John,  brother  and  heirs  ob.  1757. 

XI.  1757. 1 1. John  St.  John,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1767. 

XII.  1767. 13.Henry  Beauchanp  St.  John,  s.  and  h.  ob.lSOS, 

8.  P.M. 

XIII.  1805.  ISJSt.  Andrew  St.  John,  brother  and  heir;   ob. 


XIV.  1817. 14.St.  Andrew  St.  John,  s.  and  h.   Present  Baton 

St  John  of  BleUfaoe  and  a  Baronet. 



I.  —I.   1716.  I.SirHeniy  St.  John,  4th  Bart,  descended 

from  Sir  Oliver  St.  John,  ancestor  ef  the 
Barons  St.  John  of  Bletshoe ;  Created 
Baron  St.  John  of  Battersea,  eo.  Surrey^ 
and  Viscount  St.  John  3d  July,  1 7 16,  with 
remainder  to  his  issue  male  by  An^ica 
his  second  wife  ;  ob.  1743. 

II.  —II.  1743.  3.  John  St.  John,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1749. 
III.— III.  1749.  3.  Frederiek  St.  John,  s.  and  h.  succeeded 

his  half  uncle  Henry  Viscount  Bolin^ 
broke,  who  was  attainted  in  1714,  but 
restored  in  blood  in  1735,  as  3d  Viscount 
Bolin^broke  and  3d  Baron  St.  John  of 
Lydiard  Tregoye  in  1751  ;  ob.  1787. 

IV.^1V.1787.  4.  George  Richard  St.  John,  s.  and  h.  ob. 
Nov.  1834. 

V.  —V.  1834.  5.  Henry  St.  John,  s.  and  h.  Present  Vis- 
count  Bolingbroke  andViscoontSt.  John, 

St.  JOtl)^.  Ji6S 

B«h>n  SC«  J6hn  0f  Lydiard  Tregome,  Barvn 
St.  John  of  Batten^ty  aad  a  Baronet.    ^ 



I.  1999.  l.JobndeSt.  John}  Samm.  to  Pari,  from  91 
Sept.  97  Edward  I.  1999>  to  6*  Oct.  9  Edw.  II. 
1315;  after  the  6  Ed«ir.  II.  oecasionally  with 
the  addition  or  <<  de  Lai^ehani ;"  be  was  also 
Summoned  98  Jan.  95  Edward  I.  1997  ;  but 
it  is  doubtful  if  that  Writ  can  be  deemed  a 
regular  Summons  to  Parliament ;  **  vide 
«  FiTz-JoHH;"  ob.  1316. 

!!•  1316.  9.  John  de  St.  John,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  90  Nov.  II  EdW.  II.  1317,  to  18  SepC 
16  Edward  II.  1899,  as  »  Johanni  de  S.  Jo- 
hanne  de  La^dbam}"  ob.  1399. 

HI.  1392.  3.  John  de  St.  John,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  1st  Aofp.  1  Edward  III.  1397,  to  18  Feb. 
5  Edward  III.  1831,  as  «  Johanni  de  S.  Jo- 
hanna}" ob.  1349>  leaving  Roger  bis  son 
and  heir,  wbo  died  in  1353,  s.  p.  when  Petelr 
de  St.  John  bis  khtsmtm  was  found  to  be  bis 
heir;  but  none  of  this  family  were  ever 
summoned  to  Parliament  after  1331.  The 
Barony  is  now  vested  in  the  heirs-general  of 
John  the  first  Baron. 



Barony,  7  July,  1719. 

Vide  Bolingbroke. 



I.  Hen.  1.    Thomas  de  St.  John,  Lord  of  Stsnton,  co. 

Oxford  J  living  1119;  his  successor  was 

II.  Stepb.     John  de  St.  John  i  living  1139. 

Ul  Hen.  II.  Thomas  de  St.  John,  Lord  of  Stanton  afore- 
said 1 166 ;  be  was  succeeded  by 

564  ST.  JOHN--ST.  MAUR. 


IV.  John.      Roger  de  St.  John;    tirlEg  1175;   ob.  ante 

1215;  his  heir  was 

V.  Hen. III.  John  de  St.  John;    living  12S9;    to  whom 



I.  1264.  Roger  de  St.  John  ;  Somm.  to  Par!.  34  Dec. 
49  Henry  III.  1364  ;  slain  at  Evesham  1265; 
he  left  issue,  John  bis  son  and  heir ;  but 
neither  this  John  nor  any  of  bis  descendants 
were  ever  summoned  to  ParliRraent ;  and  on 
the  death  of  the  said  Roger  the  Barony  be- 
came       4E):tinct. 

ST.  LIZ. 


1.  1664.  1.  Basil  Fielding,  3d  Earl  of  Denbigh  ;  Created 
Baron  de  St.  Lia  3  Feb.  1664  (he  being  de- 
scended from  Agnes,  dau.  and  beir  of  John 
de  Lia,  the  beir  male  of  Simon  de  St.  Lie* 
brother  of  Simon  Ill.-2d  Earl  of  Nortbamp- 
ton)i  with  remainder,  failing  his  issue  male, 
to  the  heirs  male  of  his  father ;  ob.  1675,8.p. 

H.  1675.  3.  William  Fielding,  Earl  of  Denbigh,  nephew 
and  heir,  being  son  and  heir  of  George  Earl 
of  Desmond  iu  Ireland,  next  brother  of  the 
last  Baron.  Vide  Denbigh. 



I.  1314.  I.Nicholas  de  St.  Maur ;    Summ^  to  Pari.  39 

July,  8  Edw.  II.  1314,  and  6  Oct.  9  Edw.  11. 
1315;  ob.  1316. 

II.  1316.  3*  Thomas  de  St.  Maxir,  s.  and  h. ;  he  was  never 

summoned  to  Part;  ob 8. p. 

HI.  1351.  3.  Nicholas  do  St.  Maur,  brother  and  beir;  Su mm. 
to  Pari,  from  15  Nov.  35  Edw.  HI.  1351,  to 
30  Nov.  34  Edw.  IIL  1360;  he  married  Mu- 
riel, grand-daughter  and  heir  of  Richard 
Baron  Lovel  of  Kari ;  ob.  1361. 

iV.  1361.  4.  Nicholas  de  St.  Maur,  s.  and  h.  ob.  Infra  seta- 
tern,  8.  p. 

V.  1380.  5.  Richard  de  St.  Maur,  brother  and  heir; 
Summ.  to  Pari  from  36  August,  4  Rich.  11. 



198a,  to  S  October  9  H^nry  IV.  1400,  as 
^  Riebardo  Seymouri"  ob.  1401. 
VI.  1401.  6.  Ricbard  de  St.  Maur,  s.  aivd  b.  Samm.  to  Pari. 
from  91  June,  3  Hen.  IV.  1409,  to  96  Au^uK, 
8  Hen.  IV.  1408,  as  **  Riebardo  Seymour ;" 
ob.  1409,  8. P.M.  Alice,  hU  tote  daogbter 
and  beir,  married  Willfam  IV.-5tb  Baron 
Zoocbe  of  Haryngwortb,  in  wbose  descend- 
ants, tbe  Barons  Zoache,  it  continued  until 
tbtf  dettiiie  of  Edward  XI,- 19th  Baron  Zoucbo 
in  1695,  8.  p.  H.  irben,  together  with  tbe 
Baronies  of  Zouche  of  Haryngworth  and 
Lovel  of  Karv,  it  f«H  into  Abeyance  between 
bis  two  daughters  and  coheirs,  Yia.  Elisabeth, 
wife  of  Sir  William  Tate,  Knt.  and  Mary, 
wife  of  Thomas  Leighton,  Esq.  Tbe  Barony  of 
Zouche  has  been  lately  roTived  in  the  person  of 
Sir  Cecil  Bishopp,  Bart,  one  of  tbe  coheirs  of 
that  Barony,  but  the  Baronies  of  St.  Maur 
and  of  Lovel  of  Kaiy  are  still  in  AfiSYANCB 
between  tbe  heirs-general  of  Edward  XI.- 
19tb  Baron  Zouche,  and  XIII.- 13th  Baron  of 
St.  Mmir. 



I.  1317*  William  de  St.  Maur ;  presumed  to  have  been 
of  tbe  same  family ;  mit  of  whom  Dogdale  in 
bis  Baronage  gives  no  account ;  Summ.  to 
Pari,  from  90  Nov.  IJ  Edward  II.  1317,  to 
14  March,  15  Edw.  II.  1399. 



1.  1999.  Hughde  St.  PbiKbert ;  Samm.  to  Pari.  6  Feb. 
97  Edw.  I.  1999*  but  never  afterwards.  Dug- 
dale  in  his  Baronage  takes  no  notice  of  this 
Hugh  having  been  Summ.  to  Pari. ;  but  be 
appears  to  be  tbe  same  Hugh  de  St.Philibert 
who  was  in  the  Scottish  wars  96  Edw.  I.  and 
wbose  son  and  beir  John  had  livery  of  bis 
lands  7  Edward  II.  and  died  7  Edward  III. 
leaving  bis  son  and  beir, 



II.  1348.  John  de  St.  Pbiitberl,  who  vai  Siimm.  to  Pari. 
80  Nov.  i^  Edward  III.  1348,  1  Jan.  and  10 
March,  23  Edw.  III.  1349 ;  ob.  1 359,  s. P.  when 
the  Barony  created  by  the  Writ  of  23  Edw  .III. 
unless  issued  to  this  Baron  in  consequence 
of  having  succeeded  Hugh  de  St.  Pbilibert 
before  mentioned  in  the  Barony  created  by 
the  Writ  of  27  Edw.  I.  became  <SptinCt;  in 
which  case  it  would  be  vested  in  the  descend- 
ants and  representatives  of  the  said  Hugh  de 
St.  Pbilibert. 


Herbert  de  St.  Quintin  was  Summoned  8  June*  29 
Edw.  1. 1294,  but  never  afterwards  ;  and  for  the  reasons 
expressed  under  **  Clyvedon/*  it  is  presumed  that  that 
Writ  cannot  be  considered  as  a  regular  Summons  to  Par- 
liament ;  and  consequently  that  there  never  was  such  a 
Barony,  although  the  Earls  of  Pembroke,  whose  ancestor 
married  the  heir-general  of  this  Herbert  de  St.  Quintin, 
styled  themselves  Barons  of  St.  Quintin, 



I.  1801.— I.  1797.  I.Sir  John  Jervls,  K.  B.  Created  Baron 
Jervis  of  Meaford,  co.  StafTord,  and 
Earl  of  St.  Vincent,  27  May,  J797 ; 
Created  Viscount  St.  Vincent  of  Mea- 
ford,  CO.  Stafford,  21  April,  1801,  with  re- 
mainder, failing  his  issue  male,  to  his  ne- 
phew William  Henry  Ricketts,  Esq.  Captain 
in  his  Majesty's  Navy,  son  of  Mary  Ricketts 
his  sister,  by  William  Henry  Ricketts  of  the 
Island  of  Jamaica,  and  the  heirs  male  of  bis 
body ;  failing  which,  to  Edward  Jervis  Rick- 
etts, Esq.  Barrister-at-law,  son  of  the  said 
Mary  and  William  Henry  Ricketts,  and  the 
heirs  male  of  his  body ;  failing  which  the  dig- 
nity of  Viscountess  St.  Vincent  of  Meaford 
aforesaid  to  Mary,  Countess  of  Northesk 
(sister  of  the  aforesaid  William  and  Edward 
Ricketts)  and  of  Viscount  St.  Vincent  to  her 
heirs  male,  G.  C.E  ;  ob.  1823,  s.  p.  when  the 
Barony  of  Jervis  and  Earldom  of  St.  Vincent 



became  €l^nttt  bot  the  Viicountcy  de- 
volved, agreeably  to  the  above  limitation,  on 
II.  1 823.  3.  William  Jervis  RicketU  (awumed  the  name  of) 
Jervit,  ai  nephew  and  heir,  he  being  son  and 
heir  male  (William  Henry,  his  elder  brother, 
having  died  a.  p.m.)  of  William  Henry  Riek- 
etts,  £sc|i  by  Mary,  the  sister  of  the  last 
Viseount.    Present  Viseo«nt  St.  Vincent.  =j= 



I.  Will.  I.  Ranolph  de  St.  Walerie,  held  divert  Lordshipa 
at  the  General  Survey  eo.  Lincoln. 

I.  Steph.  I.Reginald  de  St.  Walerie,  Lord  of  Haseldene, 
CO.  Gloocester;  living  1164. 

I.  H.  II.    8.  Bernard  de  St.  Walerie,  s.  and  h.;  oh.  1190. 

Hl.Rich.  1, 3.  Thomas  de  St.  Walerie,  s.  and  h.;  ob.  IS19, 
8. P.M.  Annora,  bis  sole  dau.  and  heir,  mar- 
ried, Ist,  Robert  dcDreuz,  and,  8dly»  Henry, 
Lord  of  Suilly. 

Richard  de  St.  Walerico,  probably  the  nephew  of  the 
last  Baron,  was  summoned  8  June,  S2  Edw.  I.  1294,  but 
it  is  very  doubtful  if  that  Writ  can  be  considered  a  regu- 
lar Summons  to  Pari.  Vide  <*  Clyvrdon.*'  He  waa 
never  afterwards  Summoned  to  Parliament. 



I.  Steph.    I.  Patrick  D'Evereux  ;  Created  Earl  of  Salisbury 

by  the  Empress  Maud ;  oh.  1167. 

II.  1 167.    2*  William  D'Evereux,  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  1 196,  S.P.M. 

Ela,  his  dau.  and  heir,  married 
ill.  Ric  I.  William  de  Loii|?espee,  natural  son  of  Hen.  II. 
who  became  Earl  of  Salisbury  jure  uxoris; 
ob.  1226.  William  de  Longespee,  bis  son  and 
heir,  claimed  the  Earldom,  but  Dugdale  ex- 
pressly says  he  was  never  allowed  it.  He 
died  in  1250,  leaving  a  son  William,  who 
died  in  1256,  s.  p.  M.  and  whose  dau.  and  co- 
heir, Margaret,  commonly  called  Countess  of 
Salisbury,  married  Henry  de  Lacy,  Earl  of 

568  3AUSBURV. 


IV.  1337.  l.WimftmdeMontacute,  llf.-4th  Baron  Mon- 

t acute  ;  Created  Earl  of  Salisbury  16  March, 
1337;  ob.  1343. 

V.  1343.  3.  William  de  Montscute,  8.  and  h.  K.G.;  ob. 

1397,  8.  p.  8. 

VI.  1397.  S.John  de  Montacnte,  Baron  Montacute  and 

Monthermer,  nephew  and  heir,  being  ••  and 
b.  of  John  Baron  Montacute,  second  son  of 
William  IV.-lst  Earl;  Marshal  of  England; 
beheaded  and  attainted  anno  140O9  when  his 
honors  became 


VII.  1409.  4.  Thomas  deMontacute>  s.  and  h. ;  he  appearr' 

to  have  been  restored  to  the  Earldom  as  early 
as  nth  of  Henry  IV.  for  on  the  36th  Octo- 
ber in  that  year  (1409)  he  was  Summ.  to 
Pari,  as  «  Thomse  Comiti  Sarum*' ;  K.  G.  ;  ob. 
14S8,  S.P.M.  Alice,  his  sole  dan.  and  heir, 
having  married 

VIII.  1443. 1 .  Richard  Nevill,  3d  son  of  Ralph  I.-lst  Earl 

of  Westmoreland,  he  was  created  Earl  of 
Salisbury  4th  May,  1443  ^  Attainted  in  1459, 
when  his  honors  became  iForfeitet,  but  be 
appears  to  have  been  restored  in  1460 )  Lord 
High  Chamberlain  ;  K.G.;  beheaded  1460. 

IX.  1460.  %  Richard  Nevill,  Earl  of  Warwick,  s.  and  h. 

'  K.  G. ;  slain  1471^  8.P.  M.  and  being  Attainted, 
his  honors  became 

X.  1472.  1.  George  Plantagenet,  Duke  of  Clarence,  bro- 

ther of  Edward  IV.  having  married  Isabel, 
eldest  dau.  and  coheir  of  the  last  Earl,  was 
created  Earl  of  Warwick  and  Salisbury  25 
March,  1472;  executed  and  attainted  1477» 
when  all  bis  honors  became 

XI.  1477.  I.Edward  Plantagenet,  son  and  heir  apparent 

of  Richard  Duke  of  York  (afterwards  King 
Richard  HI.)  by  Ann  Nevill,  youngest  dau. 
of  Richard  IX.-2d  Earl  of  Salisbury,  and 
Earl  of  Warwick ;  Created  Earl  of  Salisbury 
1477.;  Created  Prince  of  Wales  and  Earl  of 


of  CbMter  1483 ;  ob.  1484«  t.  P.  when  all  hit 
dignities  became 


1.  1513.  Margaret  Plantagenet,  dau.  and  eventually 
sole  heir,  of  George  Duke  of  Garence,  the 
X«-lit  Earl  of  Salisbury  J  Created  Countess 
of  Salisbury  14  Oct.  1513 ;  she  married  Sir 
Richard  Foley  K.  G.  by  whom  she  bad  seve- 
ral children.  Attainted  153D,  and  beheaded 
in  1541,  wben  tbs  title  again  became 


XII.  1605. 1.  Robert  Cecily  1st  discount  Cranborne;  Cre- 

ated Earl  of  Salisboiy  4  May,  1605,  K.  G. ; 
Lord  High  Treasurers  ob.  1618. 

XIII.  161 S.  S.  William  Cecil,  s.  and  b.  K.  G.  ob.  1668. 
XiV,  1668.  3.  James  Cecil,  grandson  and  heir,  being  b.  and  h. 

of  Charles  Cecil  (obu  v.  p.)  eldest  son  of  the 
last  Earl;  K.G.;  ob.  1683. 

XV.  1683.  4.  James  Cecil,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1694. 

XVI.  1694.  S.James  Cecil,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1798. 
XV1I.17S8.  6.  James  Cecil,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1780. 


XVIII.1780^— I.  178d.  7.  James  Cecil,  s.  and  h.;  Created 
Marquess  of  Salisbury  Ang.  10, 
1789,  K.G.;  ob.  1833. 

XIX.  1833.— II.  1883.  8.  James  Brownlow  William  Cecil, 
s.  and  h.  Present  Marquess  and 
Earl  of  Salisbury,  Viscount  Cran- 
bourne,  and  Baron  Cecil  of  £s- 
fiingdon.    ^ 



I*  1796.  1.  James  Stopford,  8d  Earl  of  Courtown  in  Ire- 
land) Created  Baron  Saltersford  of  Salters- 
ford,  CO.  Palatine  of  Chester,  7  June,  1796, 
K.P.I  ob.  1810. 

H.  1810.  S.  James  George  Stopford,  s.  and  h.  Present 
Baron  Saltersford ;  also  Earl  of  Courtown,  &c. 
In  Ireland;  K.p.    ^ 

570  SAMP80N--SANDYS. 



I.  1399.  William  Sampson ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  S9 
Dec.  38  Edw.  I.  1399»  to  3  Nov.  34  Edw.  I. 
1306.  Dugdale  gives  no  account  of  this  Ba- 
ron in  his  Baronage. 


ViscoUNTCYy  19  July,  1809. 

Vide  Harrowby. 



I.  1660*  1.  Sir  Edward  Montagu,  K.  G.  (s.  and  fa.  of  Sir 

Sydney  Montagu,  younger  hrotber  of  Henry 
Ist  Earl  of  Manchester ;)  Created  Baron  Mon- 
tagu of  St.  Neot'Sy  Viscount  Hinchinbroke, 
both  CO.  Huntingdon,  and  Earl  of  Sandwich, 
CO.  Kent,  13  July,  1660;  slain  1673. 

II.  1673.  8i  Edward  Montagu,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1689. 
tir.    1689.  3;  Edward  Montagu,  s.  and  h  oh.  1739. 

IV.  1739.  4.  John  Montagu,  grandson  and  heir,  being  s. 
and  b.  of  Edward  Richard  Montagu  (ob.Y.p.) 
eldest  son  of  the  last  Earl ;  ob.  1793. 

v.      1793.  5.  John  Montagu,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1814. 

VI.  1814.  6.  George  John  Montagu,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1818. 

VII.  1818.  T.^'obn  William  Montagu,  s.  and  h.    Present 

Earl  of  Sandwich,  Viscount  Hinchinbroke, 
and  Baron  Montagu  of  St.  Neot's.  His  Lord- 
ship is  likewise  one  of  the  coheirs  of  the  Ba- 
ronies of  St.  John  of  Basing  and  of  Poynings 
created  by  the  Writ  of  43  Edw.  HI.  * 



I.  1743.  I.Samuel  Sandys |. Created  Lord  Sandys,  Baron 
of  Ombersley,  co.  Worcester,  30  Dec.  1743; 
ob.  1770. 

*  Vide  p.  528. 

SANDVa  571 


]|.  1770.  8.  Edwin  Sandys,  s.  and  li.  i  ob.  I797»  b,  p.  svben 
the  title  became 


J.  1808.  1-  Mary  Hill»  dau.  and  heir  of  the  Hon.  Mar- 
tin Sandys,  nest  brother  of  the  last  Bafon, 
and  widow  of  Arthur  Hill,  8d  Marquess  of 
Downshire  in  Ireland,  and  8d  Earl  of  Hillsboroug^b  in 
England;  Created  Baroness  Sandys  of  Ombersley,  co. 
Worcester,  June  15, 1808,  with  remainder  to  her  second 
son,  Arthur  Moyes  William  Hill,  and  bis  younger  bro- 
thers, and  their  heirs  male  spccessively  i  failing  which,  to 
her  eldest  son  Arthur,  present  Marquess  of  Downshire^ 
&c.  and  his  heirs  male.  Present  Baroness  Sandys  of  Om- 
bersley.    =^ 



I  1589.  1.  William  Sandys;  Surom.  to  Pari,  from  3  Nov. 
81  Henry  Vlll.  1589,  to  16  Jan.  33  Hen.  Vlll. 
1548  ;  Dugdale  states  that  he  was  **  ad- 
vanced to  the  degree  of  a  Baron  of  the  Realm 
by  the  title  of  Lord  Sands,  87  April,  1583," 
though  there  is  no  patent  on  record }  K.  G. ; 
ob.  1548. 

11;  1548.  8.  Thomas  Sandys,  s.  and  h. ;  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  14  June,  35  Henry  VIII.  1543,  to  5 
Nov.  5  and  6  Philip  and  Mary,  1558 ;  ob.  .• 

III.  15.. .  3.  William  Sandys,  grandson  and  b.  being  s.  and 

h.  of  Henry  Sandys  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest  son  of  the 
last  Baron;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  8  May,  14 
Eliz.  1578,  to  14  Nov.  19Jaq.l.  1681;  ob. 

IV.  1683.  4.  William  Sandys,  s.  and  h.;   he  was  never 

Summ.  to  Pari. ;  ob.  I689>  s.  p.  when  the 
Barony  devolved  on 

V.  1639.  5.  Henry  Sandys^  his  half  nephew  and  heir,  be- 

ing son  and  heir  of  Sir  Edwin  Sandys  by 
Elisabeth  Sandys,  only  daughter  of  William 
3d  Baron,  and  half  sister  of  William  the  last 
Baron  ;  he  was  never  $urom.  to  Pari. ;  ob. 



VI.  1644.  6.WilHani  Sandys,  b.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari.  8 

May,  13  Car.  II.  1661  ;  ob.  1668,  8.  P. 

VII.  1668.  7*  Henry  Sandys,  brotbe/  and  heir;  Summ.  to 

Pari.  6  March,  31  Car.  11.  1679,  and  SI 
March,  38  Car.  (I.  1680;  ob. .. ..  s.p. 

VIII.  167  •  8.  Edwin  Sandys,  brother  and  heir ;  he  was  never 

summoned  to  Parliament;  ob.  circa  1700, 
8.  p.  leaving  his  six  sisters  his  beirs,  viz. 
Hester,  wife  of  Humphrey  Nov,  whose  heir 
general  is  Davies  Giddy  Gilbert,  Esq.  M.  P. 
and  who  is  consequently  eldest  coheir  of  this 
Barony;  Alathea,  wife  of  Francis  Goston, 
Esq. ;  Mary,  wife  of  Dr.  Henry  Savage ;  Jane, 
wife  of  John  Harris,  Esq. ;  Margaret,  wife 
of  Sir  John  Mill,  Bart. ;  and  Margery,  who 
married  Sir  Edmund  Fortescue ;  amongst 
whose  descendants  and  representatives  the 
Barony  is  now  in  Abeyance. 



I.  Will.  I.  I.  Edward  de  Saresburie,  son  of  Walter  de  Eu- 

ris,  or  D'Evereux,  Earl  of  Rosmar  in  Nor- 
mandy, held  divers  Lordships  at  the  Survey; 
living  1119. 

II.  Stepb.  %  Walter  de  Saresburie,  s.  and  h.  ob.  ..  .^ 

III.  Steph.  3.  Patric  de  Saresburie,  or  D'Evereux,  s.  and  h. : 

Created  Earl  of  Salisbuiy. 

Vide  Salisbury. 



I.      1714.      James  Saunderson,   Viscount    Castleton    in 
Ireland ;  Created  Baron  Saunderson  of  Sax- 
by,  CO.  Lincoln, 1714;  Created  Vis- 
count Castleton  in  1716.      Vide  Castleton, 
<tptintt  1723. 



Ralpb  Saonzarer  was  sommoned  8  Jane»  dS  Edw.  I. 
1394;  but,  for  the  reasons  assif^oed  under  "  Clyv£don/' 
it  is  very  doubtful  if  that  Writ  can  be  considered  as  a  re* 
golar  Summons  to  Parliament.  Neither  this  Ralph,  nor 
any  of  his  descendanU  were  ever  summoned  to  Parlia- 



I.  1636.  l.Sir  Thomas  Savage,  8d  Bart.;  Created  Vis- 
count Savage  of  Rocksavage,  co.  Chester,  € 
Nov.  1636  ;  ob.  1635. 

If.  1635.  S.John  Savage,  s.  and  h.;  succeeded  bis  mater- 
nal grandfather  as  Viscount  Colchester  and 
Earl  Rivers  in  1639.  Vide  Rivers. 

€ptintt  1738. 


ViscouNTCY,  17  July,  1831. 




I.  1638.    I.John  Savile;  Created  Baron  Savile  of  Ponte- 

fract,  CO.  York;  21  July,  1638;  ob.  1630. 

II.  1630.    2.  Thomas  Savile,  s.  and  h.j  Created  Viscount 

Savile  in  Ireland  25  May,  1644;  Created 
Earl  of  Sussex.  Vide  Sussex. 



Barony,  13  January,  1668.    Vide  HalIfax. 
4J;tmct  1700. 

VOL.  If. 



I.  Will.  I.  l.Pibot  de  Say,   livtnir  ^083;    the  next  who 

occurs  is 
JI.  Will.II.  S.  Ingelram  de  Say,  living  1138;  be  was  suc- 
ceeded by 

III.  Stepb.  3. William  de  Say;  he  married  Beatrix,  sister 

and  beir  of  Geoffrey  de  Mandeville,  Earl,  of 
Essex  i  ob 

IV.  Rtcb.I.  4.  Geoffrey  de  Say,  £d  son  and  heir  male  (Wil- 

liam the  eldest  having  died  v.  p.  s.  p.m.)  ;  ob. 

V.  Juhn.  5.  Geoffrey  de  Say,  s.  and  h.    He  was  one  of 

the  celebrated  25  Barons  appointed  to  en- 
force the  observance  of  Magna  Charta  ;  ob. 

VI.  H.III.  6,  William  de  Say,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1272. 

VII.  Edw.l.  7.  William  de  3ay,  s.  and  h.    Summoned  8th 

June,  28  Edw.  I.  1294;  but  it  is  very  doubt- 
ful if  that  Writ  can  be  considered  as  a  regu- 
lar Summons  to  Parliament ;  vide  "  Clyve- 
DONi"  ob.  1295. 


I..  13 13.  8. Geoffrey  de  Say,  s.  and  b.;  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  26  July,  7  Edw.  II.  1313,  to  14  May, 
14Edw.Il.  1321;  ob.  1322. 

II.  1322.    9.  Geoffrey  de  Say,  s.  and  h, ;  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  25  Feb.  16  Edw.  III.  1342,  to  15  July, 
27  Edw.  III.  1353 ;  ob.  1359. 

III.  1359. 10.  William  de  Say,  s.  and  b.;  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  14  Aug.  36  Edw.  III.  1362,  to  4  Oct. 
47  Edw.  III.  1373 :  ob.  circa  .... 

IV.  1375.  1 1.  John  de  Say,  s.  and  b.;  ob.  infra  ntatem  1 382, 

8. P.  leaving  Elisabeth  his  sister  and  heir; 
she  married,  1st,  John  de  Falvealey,  who  was 
Summ.  to  Pari,  from  20  Aug.  1383,  to  8 
Sept.  1392,  and  died  8. p.m.  in  that  year; 
and,  2dly,  Sir  William  Heron,  who  was 
Summ.  to  Pari,  from  13  Nov.  1393,  to  25 
Aug.  1404,  when  he  died  8.  p.  Although  it  is 
evident  both  her  husbands  were  summoned 
jure  uxoris,  yet  as  they  were  never  styled 
Barons  Say  in  the  Writs  of  Summons,  tbey 
are  not  placed  under  this  title.  Elizitbeth  Lady 

SAY-^AY  AND  SBLE.  575 

Say  died  in  1399  8.p.  leaving^  the  descendants  of  ber  aunts, 
viz.  Idonea,*  who  married  Sir  John  Clinton,  and  whoge 
heir-general,  the  present  Lord  Clinton  is  the  eldest  coheir 
of  this  Barony,  and  Joan»  the  wife  of  Sir  William  Fienety 
sisters  of  William  III.- 10th  Baron  her  heirs,  among:  whose 
descendants  and  representatives  this  Barony  is  inABBYAMCE. 



J.  1447.  I.James  Fienes,  Sd  son  of  Sir  William  Fienes, 
BY  PATBNT.  son  and  heir  of  Sir  William  Fienes,  by 
I.  1447. .  JoAU  de  Say  above-mentioned,  youngest  sister, 
of  William  XlL-lOth  Baron  Say;  Summ.  to 
Pari,  as  "  Jacobo  de  Fynes,  Militi,  Domino  de 
Say  and  Sele,"  from  3  March,  S7  Henry  VI. 
1447,  to  23  Sept.  S8  Henry  VI.  1449;  Created 
Lord  Baron  Say  and  Sele  6  March,  1447» 
by  Patent,  with  remainder  to  the  heirs  male 
of  bis  body ;  Lord  High  Treas. ;  ob.  1450. 

II.  1450.  S.  William  Fienes,  s.  and  h.;  Summ.  to  Pari,  as 

<'WiilielmoFenys,  Militi,  Domino  Say,"  or 
as  "  Willielmo  Fenvs  de  Say,"  from  13  April, 
29  Henry  VI.  1451*,  to  7  Sept.  9  Edw.  IV. 
1469;  slain  1471. 

III.  1471.  3.  Henry  Fienes,  s.  and  h.;  he  was  never  Summ. 

to  Pari.;  ob.  1476. 

IV.  1476.  4.  Richard  Fienes,  son  and  heirj  he  was  never 

Summ.  to  Pari. ;  ob.  infra  statem,  14. . 

V.  14. . .  5.  Edward  Fienes,  s.and  h. ;  he  was  never  Summ. 

to  Pari,  or  used  the  title;  ob.  1529. 

VI.  1 529.  6.  Richard  Fienes,  s.  and  h. ;  he  was  never  Summ. 

to  Pari.;  ob.  1573. 

VII.  1573.  7.  Richard  Fienes,  s.  and  h.;  he  obtained  a  con- 

firmation of  the  title  of  Baron  Say  and  Sele 

*  On  the  creation  of  Sir  James  Fienes,  to  the  title  of  Lord 
Say  and  Sele  in  1447,  John  Lord  Clinton,  the  representative  of 
Idoneade  Say,  the  other  sister  and  coheir  of  William  III.- 10th 
Baron  Say,  relinquished  all  claim  to  the  Baroinr  and  Arms  of 
Say.  How  far  this  resignation  affects  the  right  of  his  representi^ 
tives  to  the  moiety  of  this  Barony  has  not  l^en  determined ;  but 
the  decisions  relative  to  the  surrender  of  dignities  cited  in  p.  d29» 
render  it  almost  certain,  that  the  act  of  the  said  Lord  Clinton 
does  not  affect  the  interest  of  his  representative  in  this  dignity. 

576  SAY  AND  SELE. 


AND  PATBNT.  to  hiiD  And  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  9  Aa^. 
1603;  ob.  1613. 


Vin.  1613.— I.  1624.  8.  William  Fienes,  s.  and  h. ;  Created 
Viscount  Say  and  Sele  7  July«1624; 
ob.  1663. 

IX.  1662.— II.  1662.  9.  James  Fienes,  s.  and  h.;  ob.  I674> 

s.  p.  M.  when  the  Barony  created 
by  the  Writ  of  Summons  of  3d 
March,  1447,  fell  into  Abeyance 
between  his  two  daughters  and 
coheirs,  viz.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Sir 
JohnTwisleton;  and  Frances,  wife 
of  Andrew  Ellis,  Esq.  (vide  infra)  ; 
bXittheViseountcy,  and  the  Barony 
created  by  Patent  6  March,  1447> 
BARONS  BY  and  confirmed  by  the  patent  of  9 

PATENT.  Aog^.  1603*,  devolved  on 

X.  1674.— III.1674.  lO.WiHiam  Fienes,   as  nephew  and 

heir  male,  being  s.  and  h.  of  Na- 
thaniel Fienes  (ob.  vita  fratrls), 
next  brother  of  the  last  Viscount ; 
ob.  1696. 

Xf.  1696.— IV.  1696. 11. Nathaniel  Fienes,  s.  and  h.  ob. 
1710,  8.  p. 

XII.  1710.— V.  1710. 12.Lauresce  Fienes,  cousin  and  heir, 
being  s.  and  h.  of  John  Fienes,  3d 
son  of  William  1st  Viscount;  ob. 
1742,  9.  P. 

XIII.I749.— VI.1742.13.Richard  Fienes,  cousin  and  heir 
male,  being  s.  and  b.  of  Richard, 
eldest  son  of  Richard  Fienes,  4th 
son  of  William  Isi  Viscount ;  ob. 
178 If  S.  P.  when  the  Viscountcy 
and  the  Barony  being  both  limited 
to  heirs  male  became 

*  The  precedency  of  this  Barony  was  manifestly  6th  March, 
1447,  as  James  Pienes,  1st  Baron  Say  and  Sele,  is  stated  by 
Dngdale,  vol.  ii.  p.  345,  to  have  been  summoned  to  Pnrl.  on  the 
Sd  of  March,  1447  ;  and  three  days  afterwards  «  he  was  advanced 
to  the  degree  and  dignity  of  a  Baron  of  this  Realm,  bv  the  same 
itie  of  Lord  Say  and  Sele,  oM  to  the  heirs  male  of  kis  body" 
ollins,  however,  does  not  mention  such  a  remunder. 

SAY  AND  8ELE.  577 

MARCH,  27  HEN.  VI.  l447|  VAi  IM  1781  CLAIICID  BY 

X.  1761.  lO.TbomasTwtBleltonrMhtir  general  of  Jtmes 

lX.-9th  BaroR  Say  and  Sele,  the  Sd  ^scount; 
bcini;  9»  and  b.  of  John  TwtBleion,  eldett  ion 
of  Fienee  Twisleton,  s.  and  h.  of  Geo.  Twisle* 
ton,  by  Cecil  bis  wife,  dau.  and  beir  of  Sir  Jobn 
TwisletoD,  of  Barley,  co.  York,  by  Elizabeth 
Fienet,  bit  wife,  eldest  dan.  and  cobeir,  and 
the  only  daughter  whose  inat  then  survived 
(the  issoe  of  Frances,  the  other  dau.  and  co- 
beir, having  failed  in  1715)  of  Jataies  Pienes, 
lX.-9th  Baron  Say  and  Sele,  and  Sd  Vis- 
count,  which  claim  being  allowed  by  the 
Hoose  of  Peers,  be  was  Snmm.  to  Pari.  89 
June,  1761,  as  Baron  Say  and  Selei  ob. 

XI.  1788.  11. Gregory  William  Twisleton,  s.  and  b.  Present 

Baron  Say  and  Sele,  and  youngest  cobeir  of 
one  moiety  of  the  Barony  of  Say  created  by 
the  Writ  of  7  Edward  11.    SF 


or  RICHARD'8  CAffTLB. 

I.  H.  If.  Hugh  de  Say,  son  of  Hugh  Fitz-Osbom,  pre- 
sumed to- have  assumed  the  name  of  Say 
from  Eustatia  de  Say,  bis  mother  ;  Lord  of 
Richard's  Castle,  co.  Hereford,  as  beir  to  bis 
brother,  Osbert  Fitz-Hugh,  temp.  Henry  If. 
ob.  circa  1195,  s. p.m.  His  dau.  and  sole 
heir,  married  Hugh  de  Ferrers. 


'Baion  by  tbkorb.  of  clun. 

K  Steph.  Helyas  de  Say,  or  the  same  family  as  the 
above  Baron ;  Lord  of  Clun,  co.  Salop ;  ob. 
8.  p.  M«  Isabel,  his  sole  dau.  and  heir,  mar- 
ried, first,  William  Boterell,  and,  Sdly,  Wil- 
liam Fitz-Alan,  to  whom  she  conveyed  the 
Lordship  of  Clun. 



I.  Steph.  1.  Hugh  de  Sealet,  Lord  of  Berkhampsted. 

II.  H.  II.  3.  Heniy  de  ScBles,  s.  and  h.  living  1 167. 

III.  Ric.  I.  3.  Huf^h  de  Scales,  b.  and  b.  ob 

IV.  John.  4.  Henry  de  Scales,  s.  and  b.  ob.  circa  1220,  8.  P. 

V.  H.  III.  5.  Geoffrey  de  Scales,  brother  and  heir  i  ob.  1866, 

of  whom  Dugdale  says,  **l  baye  seen  no 
than  than  that  Alianore,  hit  widow^  had  the 
wardship  of  bis  heir." 

L  H.  II.  1  •  Stephen  de  Scales,  nephew  of  Hogh  1st  Baron  ; 
living;  1 165 1  to  whom  succeeded 

II.  Ric.  I.  8.  William  de  Scales,  ob.  circa  1807. 

III.  John.  3.  Riehaljd  de  Scales,  s.  and  h. }  ob.  1230, 8.  P.  M. 

leari^  Lucia  bis  daughter  and  heir. 

I.  H.  III.  John  de  Scales,  of  the  same  family  as  the 
preceding  Barons.  Sheriff  of  Cambridgeshire 
and  Huntingdonshire  in  1848  and  1859. 

I.  H.  III.  1.  Robert  de  Scales,  the  principal  remaining 

branch ;  ob.  1866. 


L  1899.  8.  Robert  de  Scales,  s.  and  b.:  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  6  Feb.  87  Edw.  I.  1899>  to  88  Jan.  33 
Kdw.1. 1305;  oh.  1305. 

II.  1305.  3.  Robert  de  Scales,  s.  and  h.;  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  3  NoY.  34  £dw.  I.  1306,  to  14  March, 
15  Edw.  n.  1388;  ob.l388. 

III.  1388.  4.  Robert  de  Scales,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  85  Feb.  I6£dw.  ill.  1348,  to  6  April, 
43  Edw.  III.  1369 ;  ob.  1369. 

IV.  1369.  5.  Roger  de  Scales,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 

88  Dee.  49  Edw.  ill.  1375,  to  3  Sept.  9  Rich. 
11.1385;  ob.l386. 

V.  1386.  6.  Robert  de  Scales,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  30  Nov.  80  Richard  U.  1386,  to  3  Oct, 

8  Henry  IV.  1400;  ob.  1408. 
VL    1408.  7.  Robert  de  Scales,  s.  and  h.  be  was  never  Summ. 

to  Pari.;  ob.  1418,  S.P. 
VIL  1418.  8. lliomas  de  Scales,  brother  and  heir;  Summ. 

to  Pari,  from  13  Jan.  83  Hen.  VI.  1445,  to  9 


Oet.  3d  Henry  VI.  1459 ;  ob.  1460,  fl.  p.  m. 
Elizabeth^  his  sole  dau.  and  heir,  married 
first,  Henry  Bourchier,  2d  son  of  Henry  Earl 
of  Essex,  who  died  s.  p.  an|l  secondly, 


\1II.  1463.  Anthony  Widyile,  son  and  heir  apparent  of 
Richard  1st  Earl  Rivers;  hewasSumro.  to 
Pari  Jure  uxoris,  as  **  Domino  Scales/'  S3 
Dec  2  Edw.  IV.  1462,  23  Feb.  2  Edw.  IV. 
1463,  and  28  Feb.  5  Edw.  IV.  1466,  K.  G. ; 
succeeded  his  father  as  2d  Earl  Rivers  in  1469 ; 
beheaded  1483 ;  ob.  8.  p.  Elisabeth  Lady 
Scales,  his  wife,  having  died  before  him,  the 
descendants  of  Marfcaret,  wife  of  Sir  Robert 
Howard  (ancestor,  by  his  tecond  wife,  of  the 
Dttkes  of  Norfolk) ;  and  of  Elisabeth,  who 
married  Sir  Roiifer  de  Felbrig^,  the  sisters  of 
Roger  IV«-5th  Baron  Scales  became  her  heirs* 
and  among  their  descendants  and  repre- 
sentatives the  Barony  has  since  been  in  Abby- 




I.  1690.  I.Richard  Lumley,  1st  Viscount  Lumleyj  Cre- 

ated Earl  of  Scarborough  15  April,  1690 1 
ob.  1721. 

II.  1721.  2.  Richard  Lumley,  s.  and  h.  K.  G. ;  ob. ]740,s.p, 
III'  1740.  3.  Thomas    Lumley    (assumed    the    naftie    of) 

Saunderson,  brother  and  heir,  K.  B. ;  ob, 

IV.  1752.  4.  Richard  Lumley  Saunderson,  s.  and  h.   ob* 


V.  1782.  5.  George  Augusta  Lumley  Saunderson,  s.  and 

h.ob.  1807,  s.  p. 

VI.  1807.  6.  Richard  Lumley  Saunderson,  brother  and  heir. 

Present  Earl  of  Scarborough,  Viscount  and 
Baron  Lumley,  also  Viscount  Lumley  in 
Ireland.    = 




I.  1645.  I.Francis  Leke,  1st  Baron  Deincourt  of  Sutton; 

Created  Earl  of  Scarsdale  1 1  Nov.  1645  ;  ob. 

II.  1655.  2.  Nicholas  Leke,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1680. 

III.  1680.  3. Robert  Leke,  s. and  h.  ob.  1707* s.  p. 

IV.  1707.  4.NicbolasLeke9  nepbew  and  heir,  being  son 

and  heir  of  Richard  Leke,  next  brother  of 
the  last  Earl;    ob.  1736,  s.  p.  when  all  his 
honors  became 
BARONS.  4Eptinct. 

h  1761.  l.Sir  Nathaniel  Curson,  5th  Bart;  Created 
Baron  Scarsdale,  co.  Derby,  9  April,  1761  ; 
ob.  1804. 

II.  1804i  3.  Nathaniel  Cttfxon,  s.  and  b.  Present  Baron 
Scarsdale  and  a  Baronet.    ^ 



I.  1689.  I.Frederick    de  Schomberg ;     Created    Baron 

Teyes  and  Earl  of  Brentford,  co.  Middlesex, 
Marquess  of  Harwich,  co.  Essex,  and  Duke 
ofSchomberg,  10  April,  ]689t  with  remain- 
der to  bis  second  son  Charles  de  Schomberi^, 
and  \iia  issue  male  ;  failing  which,  to  Mem- 
*  hardt  de  Scbomberg  his  eldest  soii,  and  bis 

issue  male,  K.  G. ;  ob.  1 690. 

II.  1690.  2.  Charles  de  Scbomberg,  2d  son  and  heir  to  the 

above  titles  agreeable  to  the  said  limitation ; 
ob.  1693,  s.  p. 

III.  1693.  3.  MeJnbardt  Scbomberg,  1st  Duke  of  Leinster 

in  Ireland,  brother  and  heir,  being  son  and 
heir  of  Frederick  1st  Duke.  K.G.s  ob.  1719, 
S.P.M.  when  all  bis  titles  became 




1.  Hen.  II.  1.  Lambert  de  Seoteni ;  held  ten  Knigbt's  feet 
1168  ;  «b.  circa  1195,  8. p.m.  leaving  Berta 
and  Aumirais  his  tistere  and  bein. 

H.  John.  8.  William  de  Seotenl»  ton  of  Berta,  dan.  of  the 
last  Baron  ;  ^ve  LX  marks  for  that  portion 
of  the  lands  of  the  said  Lambert,  which  be- 
longed to  him  Jure  matrisj  living  1812 1  ob. 
s.  p.  M.  leaving  his  three  daughters  his  heirs. 

I.    John.  !•  Thomas  de  ScotoDi,  descended  from  Aumirais, 

the  other  sister  of  Lambert  the  first  Baron ; 

held  divers  Knight's  fees  with  the  above 

WUliam  in  1218  ;  ob.  1846. 
li.    H.IU.  8.  Peter  de  Seoteni,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1877,  and  of 

whom  nothing  farther  is  known. 


ar  BOLTOM. 

I.  H.  IL  1.  Robert  le  Scrope  i    certified  three  Knight's 

fees,  CO.  Gloucester,  1 165. 

II.  Jahn.  8.  tieniy  le  Scrope,  s.and  h.  living  1817. 

iU.  H.  HL  3.  William  le  Scrope,  son  and  heir ;  living  1395. 
Henry  le  Scrope,  bis  sen  and  heir,  was  ap- 
pointed Justice  of  the  Common  Pleas  17 
Nov.  3  Edw.  II.  1309,  and  was  Summ.  to 
Pari,  ex  officio,  from  %  to  19  Edw.  II. ;  he  died 
circa  1 336,  leaving  William  le  Scrope  his  son 
and  heir,  who  was  never  summoned  to  Pari, 
and  died  s.  p.  1345,  when  be  was  succeeded  in 
BT  WRIT.        bis  lands  hy  his  brother  and  heir 

1.  1371*  L  Richard  le  Scrope  ;  who  was  Summ.  to  Pari. 
from  8  Jan.  44  Edw.  III.  1371,  to  14  August, 
3  Hen.  IV.  1408;  ob.  1403. 

JL  1403.  8.  Roge.*  le  Scrope,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari.  80 
Oct.  and  83  Nov.  5  Hen.  IV.  1403  $  be  mar- 
Tied  Margaret,  dau.  and  coheir  of  Robert 
Baron  Tiptoft ,  ob.  1404. 

rj8«  SCROPE. 


III.  1404.  3.  Richard  le  Scrope,  6.  and  h.;   be  if  as  never 

Somm.  to  Pari. ;  ob.  1420. 

IV.  1420.  4.  Henry  le  Scropey  s.  and  h.  Samm.  to  Pari,  frolii 

3  Dec.  18  Hen.  Vf.  1441,  to  S6  May,  33  Hen. 
Vf.  1455,  as  <*  Henrico  le  Sc^ope  de  Bolton, 
Chevr;"  ob.  1459. 

V.  1459.  5.  John  le  Scrope,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 

30  Jaly,  38  Hen.  VI.  1460,  to  16  Jan.  12 
Hen.  Vn.  1497,  K.  G.  though  according  tu 
Dagdalebe  died  ISJnly,  1494. 

VI.  1494.  S.Henry  le  Serope,  s.  and  h.;    he  was   never 

Summ.  to  Pari.;  ob.  1506. 

VII.  1506.  7.  Henry  le  Scrope,  s.  and  h.  Samm.  to  Pari. 

from  23  Nov.  6  Hen.  VIII  1514  •,  to  9  Aug. 
SI  Hen.  Vlll.  1529  {  ob.  circa  1532. 
V11I.1532.  8.  John  le  Serope,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 
5  Jan.  25  Hen.  VIII.  1533,  to  5  JRn.  6  Edw. 
VI.  1553;  ob.  circa  1554. 

IX.  1554.  9*  Henry  le  Scrope,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  21  Oct.  2  and  3  Ph.  and  M.  1555,  to  4 
Feb.  31  Eli».  1589;  ob.  1592. 

X.  1592. 10.  Thomas  le  Scrope,   s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  19  Feb.  35  Eliz.  1593,  to  6  Oct.  8  Jac.1. 
1610,  K.  G. ;  ob.  circa  1612. 

XI.  1612. 1  l.Emauuel  le  Scrope,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  5  April,  12  Jac.  I.  1614,  to  17  May, 
I  Car.  I.  1625 ;  Created  Earl  of  Sunderland 
19  June,  1627  ;  ob.  1627,  s.  p.  l.  when  the 
Barony  devolved  on  the  issue  and  representa- 
tives of  Mary,  only  dau.  of  Henry  IX  Baron ; 
she  married  William  Bowes,  Esq.  and  it  con- 
tinued vested  in  her  descendants  until  1815, 
when  the  issue  of  all  the  other  coheirs  hav- 
ing failed,  the  Barony  devolved  on  Charles 
Jones,  Esq.  he  being  heir- general  of  the  body 
of  Henry  IX.  Baron,  though  he  has  never 
urged  bis  claim  to  the  dignity.     Mr.  Jones 

*  In  Dugdale's  Lists  of  Summons  he  is  described  as  Richard 
le  Scrope  in  the  6th  and  7th  Hen.  VIII. ;  but  probably  this  is  an 
error  in  transcribifig  the  List  from  the  Rolls  of  those  years. 

SCROPE.  &83 


18  likewise  eldest  coheir  of  the  Barony  of 
Tiptoft,  created  by  the  Writ  of  10  March, 
1  £dw.  il,  1308;  and  coheir  of  one  moiety 
of  the  Barony  of  Badlesmere. 



I.  1343.  1»  Henry  le  Serope,  first  cousin  of  Richard  1.-]  st 

Baron  Scrope  of  Bolton  ;  Summ.  to  Pari 
from  25  Feb.  16  Edw.  HI.  1342,  to  7  Sept.  15 
Rich.  IL  1391>  as  <<  Henrico  le  Srrope  s'*  ob. 

II.  1391.  2.  Stephen  le  Serope,  s.  and  h.Samm.  to  Pari. 

from  S3  Noy.  16  Rich.  II.  1392,  to  1  Jan. 
7  Hen.  IV.  1406;  ob.  1406. 
HI.  1406.  3.  Henry  le  Scrope,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  26  kug.  8  Henry  IV.  1408,  to  26  Sept. 
2Hen.V.  1414,  as  <' Henrico  le  Scrope  de 
Masham ;"  beheaded  and  attainted  (ob.  s.  p.) 
141 6,  when  his  honors  became 

iV.  1421.  4.  John  le  Scrope,  brother  and  heir.  He  appears 
to  have  obtained  a  restoration  to  his  bro- 
ther's honors  and  inheritance  in  1421 ;  Sum- 
moned to  Pari,  from  7  January,  4  Henry  VI. 
1426,  to  26  May,  33  Hen.  VI.  1455,  as  "  Jo- 
hanni  le  Scrope  de  Masham ;"  ob.  1455. 

V.  1455.  5.  Thomas  le  Scrope,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  9  Oct.  38  Hen.  VI.  14S9,  to  19  August, 
12  Edw.  IV.  1472,  as  «'  Thomae  le  Scrope  de 
,  Masham;"  ob.  1475. 

VI,  1475.  6.  Thomas  le  Scrope,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  15  Not.  22  Edw.  IV.  1482,  to  12  Aug. 
7  Hen.  VII.  1492,  as  "  Thomas  le  Scrope  de 
Masham  i"  ob.  14$4,  leaving  Alice  his  dau. 
and  heir,  then  13  years  of  age;  she  became 
the  second  wife  of  Henry  C4ord  Scrope  of 
Bolton ;  but  died  s.  p.  s.  1 501,  when  this  Ba- 
rony devolved  on  her  uncle  and  heir, 
VJI.  1501.  7.  Henry  le  Scrope,  next  brother  of  the  last 
Baron.;  Summ  to  rarli%ment  as  *^  Henrico 

584  SCROP£--SfiGRAVE. 


Scroope  de  Scroope  et  Upfiall,  Cbl'r  ;**  58  Not. 
3  Hen.  VIII.  1511;  ob. circa  1513,  s.p. 

VIII.  15  IS.  8.  Ralph  de  Scrope,  brother  and  heir;   he  was 

never  Summ.  to  Pari,  tfaoug^h  he  is  errone- 
ously said  by  Dugdale  in  his  Baronage  to 
have  been  so  sommoned  6  Hen.  VIII. ;  ob. 
1515,  8.  p. 

IX.  1515.  9. Geoffrey  le  Scrope,  brother  and  heir;  he  was 

never  Summ.  to  Parliament;  ob.  15I7»  s.f. 
leaving  his  three  sisters^  viz.  Alice*  wife  of 
Thomas  Strangways;  Mary,  wife  of  Sir 
Cristopher  Danby,  Knt.;  and  Elisabeth,  wire 
of  Sir  Ralph  Fitz-Randolph,  Knt.  or  their 
issue  bis  next  heirs  ;  among  whose  descend- 
ants and  representatives  this  Barony  is  ia 



1.  1797*  I.Francis  Humberstone  Mackenzie  (descended 
from  Kenneth  3d  £ari  of  Seaforth  in  Scot- 
land, whose  title  was  forfeited  in  1715); 
Created  Lord  of  Seaforth,  Baron  Mackenzie 
of  Kintail,  co.  Ross,  S6  Oct.  1797  ;  ob.  1814, 
s.  P.  M.  when  the  title  became 


ViscoUNTCY^  8  July,  1883. 

Vide  Van£. 



I.    H.  II.    I.Gilbert  de  Segra^'e,  Lord  of  Segrave,  eo.  Lei- 
cester, tenp.  Hen.  1!.;  living  1198. 
If.   John.   S.  Stephen  de  Segrave,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1341. 
III.  H.ill.  3.  Gilbert  de  Segrave,  s.  and  h.  ob. circa  1254. 


I.  1364.  4  Nicholas  de  Segrave,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 
24  Dec.  49  Henry  III.  1264,  and  24  June,  23 
Edw.I.  1295 ;  ob.I'^95. 

SEGRAV£-^S£LSEY.  585 


II.  1395.  S.John  de  Segravey  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  36  Augutt.  84  Edw.  I.  1896,  to  6  May, 
18  Edw.  II.  1385;  ob.  1385. 

III.  1385.  6.  John  de  SegraTe,  grandson  and  beir,  being  son 

and  heir  of  Stephen  de  Segrare  (ob.  v.  p.) 
eldest  son  of  the  last  Baron  $  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  89  Nov.  10  Edward  HI.  1336»  to  15  Nov. 
85  Edw.  III.  1351 ;  be  married  Margaret  PlanUgenet,  dau. 
and  eventually  sole  heir  of  Thomas  de  Brotberton,  Earl 
of  Norfolk,  younger  son  of  King  Edward  I.;  ob.  1353, 
8. P.M.  Elizabeth,  bis  sole  daughter  and  heir  married 
John  IV«*10  Baron  Mowbray,  whose  son  Thomas  was 
created  Duke  of  Norfolk,  in  which  title  this  Barony, 
together  with  that  of  Mowbray,  continued  merged  until 
the  death  of  John  IV.-4cb  Duke  of  Norfolk,  when  they 
dev&lved  on  bis  daughter  and  beir,  Ann,  on  whose  death, 
s.  P*  the  descendants  of  Margaret  and  Isabel,  sisters  of 
John  II.-8d  Duke  of  Norfolk,  became  her  heirs,  between 
wbtfse  representatives  (vie.  the  present  Earl  of  Berkeley, 
ai  heir  of  the  said  Isabel,  and  the  Barons  Petre  and 
Stoarton  as  belrs-general  of  the  said  Mai^aret)  this  Ba- 
rony is  now  in  Abeyance.  Vide  Mowbray. 


OP  — 

baron  by  writ. 

I.      1895.     Nicholas  de  Segrave,  8d  ion  of  Nicholas  I.*4th 

Baron  Segrave;    Summoned  to  Parliament 

as  *'  Nicholao  de  Segrave,  Juniorl,'*  from  84 

June,  83  Edw.  I.  1895,  to  26  Jan.  85  Edw. 

I.  1897,  and  as  "  Nicholao  de  Segrave"  from  thence  to 

85  May,  14  Edward  I.  1381 ;  ob.  1388,  s.  p.  M.    Maiid,  bis 

only  daughter  and  beir  married  Edmund  de  Bobun ;  in 

whose  descendants  apd  representatives  this  Barony  is  now 



I.  1790.  1.  Sir  James  Peacbey,  4tb  Bart ;  Created  Baron 

Selsey  of  Selsey,  co.  Sussex,  13  August,  1790 ; 
ob.  1808. 

II.  1808.  8.  Henry  John  Peacbey,  s.  and  b.    Present  Baron 

Selsey,  and  a  Baronet.    = 
VOL.  II  a 



Baroi^y,  6  October.  I6lS--€ptfnct  1684. 

remainder  to  the  bpSt^.^^^^^^ 
Ann  bi8  second  wife;  r3«B»  fi„twife». 

Seymour  his  son  by  Catbenn^,^^,  .„  ,u-  p^. 
,«•  whereby,"  as  the  King  declKf •^^"^tich 
tent>  the  name  of  that  family  '^Lij^^e  Queen 
bis  most  beloved  mother  Jane^^L^jo^^^  ^ot 
of  England,  drew  her  beginning.  V^^^loor 
be  clouded  by  any  higher  title  A^.^  yf\f\^ 
of  dignity;*'  Created  Duke  of  Somerjffr.  o.; 
the  same  remainder  the  next  day ;  m^lQied 
Lord  Protector ;  beheaded  and 
1553.  when  all  his  honors  became 

IForfeiteti*  _    ^ 

It.  1660.  S.  William  Seymour,  1st  Marquess  of  Her1B| 
and  beir  agreeable  to  the  aboye  limitation^ 
the  Barony  of  Seymour  and  Dukedom  Jk 
Somerset,  was  restored  to  those  titles  by  Act 
of  Parliament  in  1660;  and  this  Barony  bal 
since  been  merged  in  the  Dukedom  of  So-^ 
merset.  Vide  Somerset. 


or  SUDLBY. 

)•  1547.  Thomas  Seymour,  younger  brother  of  the  Pro- 
tector ;  Created  Baron  Seymour  of  Sudley. 
CO.  Gloucester,    16  Feb.   1547;   Lord  High 

^  Vide  a  Note  on  the  effect  of  this  singular  limitation  under 
Urtforo,  p.  321. 


Admiral ;  BL  G.;    attainted   and    bebeadad 
1549  (ob.8.p.)  when  bis  honon  became 



L  1641.  1.  Francis  Seymour,  next  brother  of  William  I. 
Marqaets  of  Hertford,  and  VIL-Sd  Duke  of 
Somerset ;  Created  Baron  Seymour  of  Trou- 
bridge,  co.  Wilts,  19  Feb.  1641  ;  ob.  1664. 

If.    1664.  3.  Charles  Seymour,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1665. 

IIL  1665.  3.  Francis  Seymour,  s.  and  b.  succeeded  bis  kins-> 
roan,  John  Seymour,  as  XIV.-5tb  Earl  of 
Hertford  and  X.-5th  Duke  of  Somerset  iti 
1675.  This  Barony  continued  merged  in  the 
Dukedom  of  Somerset  until  the  death  of 
Algernon  Seymour,  Xll.-7th  Duke  of  Somer- 
set^ and  5th  Baron  Seymour  of  Troubridge, 
6.  P.  in  1750,  when  it  became 


1.  1672.  1. Anthony  Ashley  Cooper,  Ist  Baron  Ashley; 
Created  Baron  Cooper  of  Pawlett,  co.  Somer- 
set, and  Earl  of  Shaftesbury,  S3  April,  1673; 
Lord  Chancellor;  ob.  1683. 

c    H.     1683.  2.  Anthony  Ashley  Cooper,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1699. 

c    III.   1699.  3.  Anthony  Ashley  Cooper,  s.  and  h  ob.  1713. 

is%.IV.    1713.  4.  Anthony  Ashley  Cooper,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1771. 

i-lV.     1771*  5.  Anthony  Ashley  Cooper,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1811, 

,    1  S.P.M. 

VI.  1811.  6.  Croplity  Ashley  Cooper,  brother  and  heir.   Pre- 

I  sent  Earl  of  Shaftesbury,  Baron  Ashley,  Baron 

t  Cooper,  and  a  Baronet.    =?= 


'    '  OF  BUTTERWIKB. 

1   URON8. 

1^.  1547.  1.  Edmund  Sheffield;  Created  Baron  Sheffield  of 
Butterwike,  ca  Lincoln,  16  Feb.  1547  i  ob. 




II.  1548.  3.  John  Sheffield,  «.  and  1i.  ob.  1569. 

III.  1569.  3.  Edmund  Sheffield^  s.  and  h.  Created  Earl   of 

Mulgrave  7  Feb.  I6S6,  K.  G. 

Vide  Mulgrave. 
<C^inct  1735. 


BARONS.  .     ^   ..    . 

I.  1802.  1.  John  Baker  Holroyd,   Ist  Baron  Sheffield  in 

Ireland ;  Created  Baron  Sheffield  of  Sheffield, 
CO.  York,  29  July,  1802;  Created  Earlof  Shef- 
field in  Ireland  1816;  oh.  1821. 

II.  1821.  2.  George  Augugtus  Frederick  Charles  Holroyd» 

8,  and  h.  Present  Baron  Sheffield  ;  also  Earl 
of  Sheffield,  &c.  in  Ireland, 



I.  1680.  Elizahetb  Bayning,  sister  and  at  length  co- 
heir of  Paul  Viscount  Bayniiig,  and  widow  Af 
Francis  Lennard,  XII  I.- 13th  'Baron  Dacre^ 
Created  Countess  of  Sbepey  for  life,  6  Sept. 
1680;  oh.  1690,  when  the  title  became 



I.  1718.  Bennet  Sherard,  1st  Baron  Harhorough  in 
England,  and  3d  Baron  Sherard  in  Ireland  ; 
Created  Viscount  Sherard  of  Stapleford,  co. 
Leicester,  31st  Oct.  1718,  with  remainder  to 
his  issue  male  ;  Created  Earl  of  Harhorough, 
with  a  special  remainder,  8  May,  1719;  oh. 
1732,  s.  p.  when  this  Viscountcy  became 




J.     1784.  1.  James  Dutton  i  Created  Baron  Sherborne  of 
Sherborne,  CO.  Gloucester,  80  May>  1 784 ;  ob. 
JI.    1890.  2.  John  Putton,  s.  and  b.    Pieaent  Baron  Sher- 
borne* =T= 



1.  1697.  Edward  Russell,  nephew  of  William  Vll.-5th 
Eari,  and  IV.-5th  Duke  of  Bedford  ;  Created 
Baron  of  Sbinfi^ay  (or  Baron  Russell  of  Shin- 
g^y),  CO.  Cambridge,  Viscount  Barfleur,  and 
Earl  of  Orford,  7tb  May,  1697,  with  remain- 
der to  bis  issue  male ;  failing  which,  of  the 
dignity  of  Baron  Shingay  {or  Russell  of 
Shingay)  to  the  issue  male  of  Letitia,  his 
eldest  sister ;  ob.  1797>  s.  P.  when  all  his  ho- 
nors (his  said  sister  Letitia  having  died  8.P.  M.) 



I.  1066.   I.Roger  de    Montgomery;     Created    Earl    of 

Shrewsbury  and  Arundel,  &c.  by  William  the 
Conqueror;  ob.  1094. 

II.  1094.  8.  Hugh  de  Montgomery,  8d  son ;  succeeded  to 

the  Earldom  ;  ob.  1098,  8.  P. 
HI.   1098.  3.  Robert  de  Belesme,    brother  and   heir,  and 
eldest  son  of  Roger  1st  Earl  s  divested  of  the 
Earldom  circa  1 103. 

IV.  1442.  1.  John  Talbot,  Vl.-13th  Baron  Talbot  ;    also 

Baron  Strange  of  Blackmere  by  descent,  and 
Baron  Furnival  jure  uxoris ;  Created  Earl  of 
Shrewsbury  SO  May,  1443  ;  Created  Earl  of 
Wexford  and  Earl  of  Waterford  in  Ireland  17 
July,  1446;  Lord  Lieut,  of  Ireland  1446, 
K.G.;  ob.  1453. 

V.  I4.)3.  3.  John  Talbot,  s.  and  h.  Lord  Treasurer,  K.  G. ; 

ob.  1460. 




VI.  1460.  3.  John  Talbot,  s,  and  h.  ob.  1473. 

VII.  1473.  4.  George  Talbot,  s.andb.  K.  G.;  ob.  1541. 

VIII.  1541.  5.  Francis  Talbot,  b.  and  b.  K.  G. ;  ob.  1560. 

IX.  1560.  6.  George  Talbot,  b.  and  h.  Earl  Marshal,  K.  G.  { 

ob.  1590. 

X.  1590.  7.  Gilbert  Taltiot,  $,  and  b.  K.  G. ;    ob.  1616, 

s.  p.  M.  when  the  Baronies  of  Talbot,  Furni- 
val,  and  Strange  of  Blackmere,  fell  intoABBY- 
ANCB  between  his  three  daughters  and  co- 
heirs ;  but  the  Earldoms  of  Shrewsbury, 
Wexford,  and  Waterford  devolved  on 

'XI.  1616.  8. Edward  Talbot,  his  brother  and  heir  males 
ob.  1618,  s.  p. 

XII.  1618.  9.  George  Talbot,  cousin  and  heir  male,  being 
son  and  heir  of  John,  eldest  son  of  John,  son 
and  heir  of  John,  son  of  Sir  Gilbert  Talbot 
of  Grafton,  dd  son  of  John  V.-Sd  Earl;  ob. 
1630,  s.  p. 

XIII.I630. 10.  John  Talbot,  nephew  and  heir,  being  son  and 
heir  of  John  Talbot,  next  brother  of  the  last 
Earl ;  ob.  1653. 

XIV.1653.1  I.Francis  Talbot,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1667. 


XV.  1667.— 1. 1694.  IS.  Charles  Talbot,  s.  and  h.  Created 

Marquess  of  Alton,  co.  Stafford,  and 
Duke  of  Shrewsbury  30  April, 
1694;  Lord  High  Treasurer;  K.G.; 
ob.  17 18,  &  p.  when  the  Marquisate 
of  Alton  and  this  Dukedom  became 
4E):ttnct ;  but  the  Earldoms  of 
Shrewsbury,  and  of  Waterford  and 
Wexford  in  Ireland,  devolved  on 

XVI.  17 18.1  S.Gilbert  Talbot,  his  first  cousin  and  heir  male, 

being  son  and  heir  of  Gilbert  Talbot,  younger 
son  of  John  Xlll.-lOth  Earl ;  ob.  1743. 

XVII.1743.14.George  Talbot,  nephew  and  heir,  being  son 
and  heir  of  George,  next  brother  of  the  last 
Earl }  ob.  1787,  S.  p. 

XVIII.1787.15.Charle8  Talbot,  nephew  and  heir,  being  son 
and  heir  of  Charles,  next  brother  of  George 
last  Earl.  Present  Earl  of  Shrewsbury,  also 
Earl  of  Wexford  and  Waterford  in  Jrelwad.  = 



VISCOUNT.  ^    ^^, 

I.  1805.  1.  Henry  Addington  ;  Created  Viscount  Sid- 
mouth  of  SidmoutbfCo.  Devon.  IS  Jan.  1805. 
Present  Viscount  Sidmouth.    =F 



1.  1821.  1.  Thomas  Pal^enbuip,  1st  Earl  of  Lonipford  in 
Ireland ;  Created  Baron  Silchester,  eo. 
Southampton,  17  July,  1821.  Present  Baron 
Silchester ;  also  Earl  of  Longford,  &c.  in  Ire- 
land, K.  P.    =T= 


Barony,  15  July,  1T26— Merged  in  the  Crown  1760. 

Vide  Edinburgh. 


Barony,  3d  April,  ]624-4?^tinct  1659. 

Vide  TuMBRiDOB  and  St.  Albans. 



I.  Steph.  1.  Roger  de  Somerie;    liYing  1139.    The  next 

mentioned  is 

II.  H.  II.  2.  John  de  Someri,  who  acquired  the  Barony  of 

Dudley  by  marrying  Hawyse,  sister  and  heir 
»  of  Gervase  Paganell.  Vide  Dudley. 



I,  1697.  1.  John  Soroers,  created  Lord  Somers,  Baron  of 
Evesham,  co.  Worcester,  2  Dec.  1697  ;  Lord 
Chancellor;  oh.  1716,  s.  p.  when  the  title 

li.  1784.  1.  Sir  Charles  Cocks,  1st  Baronet,  s.  and  h.  of 
John  CockSy  eldest  surviving  son  of  Cbarks 



Cockt,  by  Mary,  elileft  sUter  and  coheir  of 
the  last  Baron  ;  Created  Lord  Somen,  Baron 
or  Evesham,  eo.  Worcester,  17  May,  1784  ; 
ob.  1806. 
1806.— 1. 1821.3.  John  SommersCocksjS. and  b.  Created 
Viscount  Elastnor,  of  Eastnor  Cas- 
tle, CO.  Hereford,  and  Earl  Sommers, 
17  July  1831.     Present  Earl  and 
Baron  Sommers,  Viscount  Eastnor, 
and  a  Baronet.    =p 



I.  1397.— 1.  1397.  I.John  de  Beaufort,  eldest  natural 
son  of  John  of  Gaunt,  Duke  of 
Lancaster  (but  legitimated  by  Act 
of  Parliament,  with  an  exceptiuu  against 
any  claim  to  the  throne) ;  Created  Eiarl  of 
Somerset  1397,  and  Marquess  of  Dorset  39 
Sept.  1397,  which  title  he  soon  afterwards  re- 
signed ;  and  the  same  day,  i.  e.  39th  Sept. 
was  Created  Marquess  of  Somerset ;  but  he 
always  was  styled  Marquess  of  Dorset  until 
1st  Hen.  IV.  when  he  was  deprived  of  that 
title,  and  was  only  considered  aa  Earl  of  So- 
merset. Restored  to  the  Marquisate  of  Dor- 
set 4  Hen.  IV.  but  he  was  never  styled  Mar- 
quess of  Somerset,  which  dignity  was  pro- 
bably considered  to  have  been  cancelled.  K.G. 
Lord  High  Admiral;  ob.  1410. 

IL     1410.  3.  Henry  de  Beaufort,  s.  and  h.  j  ob.  1418,  s.  p. 

DUKES.  • 

III.  1418  —I.  1443.  S.John  de  Beaufort,  brother  and  heir; 
Created  Earl  of  Kendal  and  Duke 
of  Somerset  1443;  K.G.;  ob.l444, 
s.  P.  M.  (Margaret,  his  only  daugh- 
,  ler  and  heir,  married  Edmund 
Earl  of  Richmond,  and  was  by 
him  mother  of  King  Henry  VII.) 
when  the  Dukedom  of  Somerset 
,  and  Earldom  of  Kendal  became 
<E^tmct,  but  the  Earldom  of  So- 
merset devolved  on 


,  BAKL8.  QVKBS. 

IV.  1444.^11.    1448.  4.  Edmund  de  Beaufort,  Marquis  of 

Dorset,  as  brother  and  beir  male; 
Created  Duke  of  Somerset  SI 
March  1448;  Regent  of  France ; 
Lord  High  Consuble;  K.G.|  ob. 

V.  1455.— III.  1455.  S.Heni7de  Beaufort,  s.  and  h.  be- 

headed 1468,  (ob.  8.  p.  L.)  and 
being  attainted,  all  his  honours 
became  IForfriteti. 
Edmund  de  Beaufort,  brother  and 
heir,  is  said  to  have  been  restored 
to  bis  brother's  honours  in  the 
49th  Renry  VI.  and  to  have  at- 
tended that  {parliament  {  but  his 
name  does  not  appear  in  the  list 
of  summonses  in  that  year,  and 
his  restoration  is  too  doubtful 
a  point  to  allow  of  his  being  con- 
sidered to  have  possessed  his  bro- 
ther's dignities;  beheaded  1471; 
ob.  s.p.  when,  If  the  said  honours 
had  been  restored  to  him,  they 
would  have  become  ^ctinct;  and 
being  attainted,  would  again  have 
been  iForfeiteb,  even  had  he  left 

IV.  1496.  1.  Edmund  Tudor,  3d  son  of  King 

Heniy  Vn. ;  Created  Duke  of  So- 
merset  1496;  ob.   1499,  infans, 
when  the  title  became 

V.  1525.  I.Henry  Fits  Rov,  natural  son  of 

King  Henry  Vm.;  Created  Earl 
of  Nottingham  and  Duke  of  Rich- 
mond and  Somerset  18  June,  1535; 
Admiral  of  England,  K.G.;  ob. 
1536,  8.  p.  when  all  his  dignities 
became  <E^tinct. 

VI.  I54L  1.  Edward  Seymour  IX.-lst  Earl  of 

Hertford,  brother4n-law  of  King 
Henry  VIII.  and  uncle  of  King 
Edward  yi.;  Created  Duke  of  So- 
merset   15th  Feb.  1547»  with  re- 


mainder  to  bit  issue  male  by  his 
second  wife  ;  failing  wbicb,  to  his 
issue  male  by  bis  first  wife ;  Lord 
Protector,  K.  G. ;  beheaded  1559  $ 
and  beiofc  attainted,  all  bis  ho- 
EARL.  nors  became  iforfeitetl. 

VI.  I613«  I.Robert  Carr,  1st  Viscount  Rocbester;  Created 

Baron  of  Brancepetb,  co.  Purbam,  and  Earl 
of  Somerset,  3d  November,  1613;  Lord 
Cbamberlain,  K.  G.;  ob.  16459  8. p.m.  when 
his  titles  became  C]ptintU 


VII.  1660.  2.  William  Seymour,  Ist  Marquess,  and  XI.-2d 

Earl  of  Hertford ;  Restored  to  the  Dukedom 
of  Somerset  and  Barony  of  Seymour,  by  the 
reversal  of  the  attainder  of  Edward  Vll.-lst. 
Duke,  the  Protector,  13  Sept.  1660,  and  con- 
firmed by  another  Act,  20  Dec.  1661 1  he 
bein^f  eldest  son  of  Edward  Seymour  (ob. 
V.  p.)  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  X.-lst  Earl  of  Hert- 
ford, eldest  son  of  the  said  Duke  by.his  teccnd 
wife,  and,  agreeable  to  the  Patent  of  crea- 
tion of  the  Barony  of  Seymour  and  Dukedom 
of  Somerset,  heir  to  those  dignities  ;  K.  G. ; 
ob.  1660. 
.  VIIL  1660.  S.William  Seymour,  grandson  and  heir )  beinfp 
s.  and  b.  of  Henry  Seymour  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Duke ;  ob.  16719  s.  p. 

IX.  1671. 4.  John  Seymour,  uncle  and  beir,  being  9d  son 

of  William  V11..2d  Duke  ;  ob.  1675,  8,  P. 

X.  1675.  5.  Francis  Seymour,  3d  Baron  Seymour  of  Trou- 

brklge,  cousin  and  heir,  being  s.  and  h.  of 
Charles,  3d  Baron,  eldest  son  of  Francis,  1st 
Baron  Seymour  of  Troubridge,  younger  bro- 
ther of  William  Vll.-Sd  Duke  of  Somerset  i 
ob.  1678,  8.  p. 

XI.  1678.  6.  Charles  Seymour,  brother  and  heir  j  he  mar- 

ried Elizabeth,  sole  daughter  and  heir  of 
Josceline,  Earl  of  Northumberland!  K.  G.; 
ob.  1748. 
Xir.  1748.  7.  Algernon  Seymour,  s.  and  b.;  Created  Earl  of 
Northumberland,  Egremont,  &c. ;  ob.  1750, 
s;p.  M.  when  the  Earldom  of  Hertford,  Vis- 
couutcy  of  Beauchamp,  and  Barony  of  Sey- 



moar,  of  Troubridge,  became  ^^ntt ;  but 
the  Barony  of  Seymour  and  Dukedom  of 
Somerset  devolved  od, 

XIIL1750.  B.Sir  Edward  Seymour,  6tb  Baronet,  be  bein|; 
beir  male  of  Sir  Edward  Seymour,  son  and 
heir,  by  bis  Jkst  wife  fall  the  male  descend- 
ants of  the  ieamd  wife  having  failed),  of  Ed- 
ward VL-lst  Duke  the  Protector  i  ob.  1757. 

XIV.1757.  9.  Edward  Seymour,  s.  and  b.  i  ob.  1793,  8.  p. 

XV.  1793. 10.  Webb  Seymour,  brother  and  beir  i  ob.  1793. 

XVI.  1793.  II. Edward  Adolpbos  Seymour,  s.  and  b. ;  presedC 

Duke  of  Somerset,  Barou  Seymour,  and  a 
Baronet    ^ 



Bakony,  8th  April  1676-^)Cttnct  1709. 

Vide  FivERttiAM. 



ViscouNTCY,  8  April  1676— ^tinct  1709. 

Vide  Fbvbrsham. 

ViscouNTCY,  19ih  Oct.  1714— ^tinct  1746. 


J.  1760.  1.  Lewis  Monson,  assumed  the  name  of  Watson, 
2d  son  of  John,  Ist  Baron  Monson,  by  Mar- 
garet, dau.  of  Lewis,  Earl  of  Rockingham, 
and  IlL-lst  Viscount  Sondes,  and  aunt  of 
Thomas,  3d  Earl  of  Rockingham,  and  lust 
Viscount  Sondes,  of  Lees  Court,  co.  Kent  | 
Created  Baron  Sondes,  of  Lees  Court,  co, 
Kent,  SOtb  May  1760 1  ob.  1795. 

n.     1795.  S.  Lewis  Thomas  Watson,  s.  and  b.;  ob.  1806. 

III.  1806.  3-  Lewis  Richard  Watson,  s.  and  h.  $  present 
Baron  Sondes,  of  Lees  Court. 



I.  1537^  1*  William  Fitzwilliam  (descended  from  the  com- 
mon ancestor  of  the  present  Earl  Fitz-Wil- 
liam) ;  Created  Earl  of  Southampton   18tb 


Oct  1537 1  Adniral  of  England,  K.6.;  ott. 
]543»  8.  P.  when  the  title  became 
EAELs.  ^jtinct 

II.  1547.  1.  Thomas  Wriotliealey«  Itt  Baron  Wrtotbetley  f 

created  fiart  of  Southampton  16th  Vebfuhry, 
1547  s  I'ord  Chancelior,  K.G. ;  ob.  1550. 

III.  155a  S.HeBry.Wnotbe6ley«B.andh.;  ob.  1581. 

IV.  158 1.  3.  Henry  Wriotb«iley,  t.  find,  b.  attainted  in  1598, 

when  all  his  honors  became  f  ocfeiiel  i  re- 
stored i»  1603  ;  Created,  by  a  new  ffAteiit, 
dated  21st  July,  1603»  Earl  of  Southampton!^ 
wHh  the  same  riffbu  and  privileges  as  he  for- 
merly enjoyed ,  K.Ci.;  ob.  1634. 

V.  1634.  4.  Thomas  Wriothesley,  s.  and  b.  K.G.;    ob 

1667»  s.  p.  M.  when  all  his  titles  became 


I.  1670.  1.  Barbara  Vniiers,  dau.  and  heir  of  Wriliam  Vis- 
count Grandison,  and  mistress  of  King  Charles 
IL  i  Created  Baroness  Nonsuch,  co.  Surrey, 
Countess  of  Southampton,  and  Duchess  of 
Cleveland*  with  remainder  to  Charles  and 
George  Fitz-Roy,  her  natural  sons  by  the 
King,  3d  August,  1670;  ob.  1709* 


VI.  1709.— i.    1674.  I.Charles  Fitz-Roy,  natural  son  of 

.  King  Charles  11. ;  Created  Baron  of 
Newbury,  co.  Berks,  fiari  ol  Chi-> 
Chester,  co.  Sussex,  and  Duke  of 
Southampton,  .10  Sept.  1674 ;   suc- 
ceeded   his  mother  in  the  Duke- 
dom of  Cleveland  and  Earldom  of 
Southampton  1709;  K.G. ;  ob.  1730. 
VI!.  1730.— IL  1730.  3.  William  Fitzroy,  s.  and  h.  Duke  of 
Cleveland,  and  Duke  and  Earl  of 
Southampton  {  ob.  1 774,  a.  p.  -when 
all  his  honours  became 
BAEONS.  Cptintt. 

1.      1780.  I.  Charles  Fitzroy,  neat  brother  of  Augustus,  3d 
Duke  of  Grafton,  and  grandson  of  Henry 
*  Fitz-Roy,  1st  Duke  of  Grafton,  natural  bro- 
ther of  Charles,  Ist  Duke  of  Southampton ; 

SOanfikUPTON^^^PfiNCEIL  b91 


CraaCea  Baton  of  8o«itlMuoptPV,'G0b  HaoU, 

17  Oct,  1780;  ob.  1797. 
II.    1797.  JLOeorpre  Ferdinand  Fita-Roy»  s.  and  b.;  ob. 

Ul  1810.  3.Cbarlei  Fits-Roy,  i.  and  b.|  prcient  Baron 



Barony»  5  June,  1674— ^fjtinct  1770. 
—  Vida  LnrbanELO. 

«  Vide  Dbspemcer. 


OlF  WOftMLEIGirrOlt. 

BARONS.  ^      ,  , 

I.     1603.  I.  Robert  Spcneer  (eaid  by  Mne  antboHcies  to 
bave  been  descended  from  a  yoonger  braoeb 
of  tbe  ancient  Barons  BetpRHcer) ;   Created 
Baron  Spencer  of  Wonnleigbton»  co.Warwick» 
8lJulyl603r  ob.  16S7. 
IT.    1657.  S.  William  Spencer^  •.  aiid  b«  §  ob.  1636. 
HI.  1636.  3.  Henry  Spencer,  t.  and  b.  i   Created  Earl  of 
•  Sunderland,  8  June,  1643. 

Vide  Sunderland  and  Marlborough. 


of  althorp. 

barons.  thcounts.  barl8. 

1.  1761.— I.  176*.—*.  1765.  I.John  Spencer,  eldest  son  of 
John  Spencer,  3d  son  of 
Charles,  3d  Earl  of  Sunder- 
land, and  5tb  Baron  Spen* 
cerof  Wormleipbton;  Cre- 
ated BaroD  Spencer,  Of  Al« 
thorp,  co.Nortbampton,  and 
VisoduBt  Spencer  of  Althorp 
aforesaid,  3  April  1761; 
Creaied  Viscount  Althorp^ 
oo.  Northampton,  and  Earl 
Speneeffj  1  Nov.  176Bj  ob* 
VOL.  II.  * 



II.  1783.— 11. 1783.— II  1783  S*  George  John  Spencer,  8.  aud 

h.  ;  present  fiaron»  Vis- 
count and  Earl  Spencer,  and 
Viscount  Altborp,  K.G.  =p 



L      Will. 1. 1. Robert  de  Stafford;  held  numerous  Lordships 

at  the  General  Survey. 
H.     Hen.l.  ^.Nicholas  de  Stafford,  s.  and  b.  ob 

III.  H.  II.  S.Robert  de  Stafford,  s.  and  h.  ob.  circa  1  US. 

IV.  H.  II.  4. Robert  de  Stafford,  s.  and  b.  ob.  s.  p.  leaving 

Milisent  bis  sister  and  beir,  wbo  married 
Hervey  Bagot ;  tbeir  son 

V.  H.III.  5.  Hervey,  assumed  the  name  of  Stafford ;  ob.  1237. 

VI.  H.III.  6.  Hervey  de  Stafford,  s.  and  b. ;  ob.  1S41,  s.  p. 
Vn.H.Ill.  7.  Robert  de  Stafford,  brother  and  heir;  ob.l283. 
VIIi.Edw.1.8.  Nicholas  de  Stafford,  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  1S87. 


I.  1899.  9.  Edmund  de  Sufford,   s.  and  b.  Summ.   to 

to  Pari,  from  6  Feb.  27  Edw.  I.  1299,  to  26 
Aug.  1  Edw.  IK  1307,  as  **  Edmundo  Baroni 
Stafford ;"  ob.  1308. 


II.  1308—1.      1351.  lO.Ralph  de  Stafford,  s.  and  h.  Summ. 

to  Pari,  from  14  Jan.  10  Edw.  III. 
1337*  to  25  Nov.  24  Edvr.  III. 
1350 ;  Created  Earl  of  Stafford 
5  March,  1351.  He  married 
Margaret,  dau.  and  heir  of  Hugh 
de  Audley  il.  Baron  Audley,  by 
Writ  *,  and  (jure  uxoris)  Earl  of 
Gloucester,  by  Elizabeth  de  Clare, 
,  grand-daughter  of  King  Edw.  I. ; 
K.G.;  ob.  1372. 
HI.  1372.— II.  1373. 11. Hugh  de  Stafford,  s.  and  h.  K.  G.; 
ob, 1386. 

IV.  1386.-^111.   1386.  12.  Thomas  de  Staff<ird,  s.  and  h.;  ob. 

1392,  s.  p. 

V.  1392.-IV.    1392. 13.  William  de  Stafford,  brother  and 

heir;  ob.  1395,  s.p» 

VI.  1385.— V.     1335. 14.  Edmund  de  Stafford,  brother  and 

♦  Vide  p.  36. 


BA10N8  BY  WHIT.    SARL8. 

beiri  K,  (%  He  married  Ann 
Plantagenet,  dau.  and  heir  of 
Thomas  of  Woodstock,  Duke  of 
Gloucester,  younger  son  of  King 
Edw.  III.;  andwasfilain  1403. 

VIl.]403^VI.  1403. 15.  Humphrey  de  Stafford,  son  and 
heir ;  Created  Duke  of  Bucking- 
ham 14  Sept.  1444,  K.G.;  8lainl460. 

VII1.1460.— Vn.  1460 16.Henryde  Stafford,  grandson  and 
heir;  being  s.  and  b.  of  Hum- 
phrey (oh.  V.  p.]  eldest  son  of  the 
last  Earl;  Duke  of  Buckingham  $ 
Lord  High  ConsUble,  K.G.  he- 
headed  1483. 

1X1483.— Vni.— 1483.17.  Edward  de  Stafford,  s.  and  h. 
Duke  of  Buckingham,  Lord  High 
Constable,  K.  G.,  beheaded  1581 ; 
and,  being  attainted,  all  hit  ho- 

BARONs.  noars  became  jflnvftittb. 

I.  1547.  L  Henry  Stafford,  s.  and  h.  of  Edward,  the  last 
Baron  and  Earl  of  Stafford,  and  Duke  of 
Buckingham  in  1 547 ;  it  waa  enacted  by  Act  of 
Parliament  I  Edw.Vf.  "  that  the  said  Henry 
•Lord  Stafford,  and  the  heirs  male  of  his  body 
coming^^nay  be  taken,  and  reputed  as  Lord 
Stafford,  with  a  seat  and  voice  In  Parliament  aa 
a  Baron;  and  further  that  the  said  Henry*  be 
restored  in  blood  as  son  and  heir  of  Edward  late 
Duke  of  Buckinf(ham,"  &e.  Summoned  to 
Parliament  from  S4  Nov.  2  Edw  VJ.  1548,  to 
5th  Not.  5  and  VI.  Ph.  and  Mary,  1558.  He 
married  Ursula,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Pole, 
K.  G.  by  Margaret  Plantagenet,  Countess  of 
Salisbury,  dau.  and  heir  of  George,  Duke  of 
Clarence,  brother  of  King  Edward  IV.  and 
King  Richard  III.  ;  ob.  1568. 

*  Dugdale  states  that  he  was  restored  in  blood  in  1532 ;  but  on 
«  reference  to  the  authorised  CoUeetion  of  the  Statutes  it  appears, 
tlttt,  in  14  and  15  Hen.  VIII.  the  Act  in  question  was  passed, 
and  which  merely  enabled  the  said  Henry  and  Ursula  his  wife,  and 
the  heirs  of  their  bodies,  to  hold  and  enjoy  certain  estates  granted 
them  by  Letters  Patent  dated  SO  Dec.  14  Hen.VIILl  5S2. 



If.     1569. 3.£()wanl  SCaflbrd,  son  and  beir • ;  ob.  1603. 

III.  160S.  3.  Edward  Stafford,  t.  and  b. ;  ob.  1635. 

IV.  1771.  4.  Henry  Statfbrdy  grandson  and  beir,  bein^  •• 

and  b»  of  Edward  Stafford  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  tbe  last  Baron ;  ob.  1637,  infra  setatem, 
8.  F.  wbeu  tbe  barony  being  llarited  to  Ih6 
beirs  male  of  Henry  Baron  Stafford,  in  1547i 
devolved  on 

V.  1637.  5.  Roger  Staffbrd,  s.  and  b.  of  Rfebani,  younger 

son  of  tbe  said  Henry^  and  wbo  accordingly 
claimed  it,  but  was  unjustly  denied  tbe  dig- 
nity on  tbe  grouTid  of  bis  poverty.  He  after- 
wards forandly  surrendered  tbe  Barony  into 
tbe  King^s  bands,  and  dying  unmarried  circa 
1640,  tbe  male  tine  of  tbe  nid  llenry  Bkroa 

*  The  printed  ease  of  the  Stafford  Barony,  in  contradic- 
tion to  Dugdale's  statement^  vol.  I.  p.  171»  and  thaf  of  most 
other  writeito,  placer  otie  Baroa  too  many  iir  the'  dtsotfiit'  bf  tbo 
title ;  as  it  isserto  that  Henry>  wbo  was  T^Mored,  or  rather 
crsated  to  the  digaity^  in  1547»  was  suceeeded  ij  his  son 
H^KRT,  an  error  wbich  4s  supported  by  Dngcbde  stating,  in  hb 
lists  of  Summons^  tkad  Henry  Stafford  wasnutfrooned  to  Parlia- 
aMBtfirom  «  Edw.  Vi.  to  IS  Eliz.  On  examinstion  it  appears  that 
no  such  HeniT  evisr  suoeeeded  to  the  dignity  $  Iemt  in  Cole's  Escheats, 
in  the  Hsrl.  MS8*  the  Inquisitioft  oa  the  death  of  Edward  TI.-8 
Baron,  in  1608'^  is  abstracted^  whence  k'l^ipears,  that  the  said 
Edward  suoeeeded-Lord  Stafford,  hia  ftther,  wbo^wss  the  son  of  the 
attainted  Dalce  of  Buekbi^Bi :  and  iu'a  ndnyble  collection  of 
pedigrees  of  Peels,  oompTled  in  1587  (HaifLMSS.  806),  no 
notice  whatever  is  tdoen  of  Edward  Stbfibid,  the  Baron  then 
living,  bavins  succeeded.  his'brotherHeary.^  'nor  is  the  name  of 
Henry  to  be  mund  in  that  generation*  Moreover,  a  MS  note  of 
the  Ute  Fraaob  Townoend)  Esq.  Windsor  Herald  (the  result  of 
whose  learning  and  industry  being  liberally,  phured  at  the  disposi- 
tion of  the  Editor,  by  his  soaFranoisTownsend,  Esq.  Rouge  Dra- 
gon) has  conferred  iaopprtant  advantages  on  this  Work),.«tates, 
that  the  Writ  of  8  Eliz.  was  directed  to  JE<2iMi»r  Stafford,  and 
that  the  said  Edward  was  found  heir  to  his  mother  in  the  19 
Eliz.  No  Inquisition  on  the  death  of  Henr^  Lord  Stafford  (the 
son  of  tbe  Didce  of  Buckingham)  hss  been  found ;  but  the  pre* 
ceding  facts,  it  is  presumed,  ace  decisive  of  the  point  at  tspue. 



StaSSordy  i«  pffesumed  to  hare  terminated, 
wben  the  Barooy  created  by  the  Act  of  1547, 
became    HftincU 


I.  1640^—1.  1640.  1.  Sir  WilHam  Howard,  K.B.  (younger 
son  of  Thomas,  XXIII.-SO  Earl  of 
Arundel)  having  married  Mai^R, 
sister  and  sole  heir  of  Henry  IV.- 
4th  Baron  ;  they  were  created  Ba* 
ron  and  Baroness  Staflford^  with  ie» 
raainder  to  the  heirs  male  of  their 
bodies;  failing  which,  to  the  heirs 
of  theirbodies*,  ISSepL  1640.  The 

*  The  precedency  given  by  this  Patent  is  the  same  as  that 
wbich  was  possessed  by  Heoiy  Stafford,  IV..4th  Baron,  viz.  1 547  ; 
hot  a  new  creation  giving  precedence  beyond  the  date  of  the 
Patent,  without  an  Act  of  Parliament  is  illegal.  As  the  public 
have  heard  a  good  deal  of  the  claims  of  a  Air.  Richard  Stafford 
Cooice  to  the  ancient  Barony  of  Stafford,  a  few  words  on  his 
pretensions  may  possibly  be  expected.  That  gentleman  is  said 
to  be  the  heir-general  of  Dorothv,  daughter  of  Henry,  who  was 
created  Baron  Stafford  in  1547f  which  Dorothy  married  Sir  Wil*- 
liam  Stafford,  of  Grafton.  Admitting  this  descent,  it  is  difficult 
to  find  any  real  claim  which  it  affords  to  the  Baruny  of  Stafford. 
The  ancient  Barony  undoubtedly  became  forfeited  on  the  at- 
tainder of  Edward,  Duke  of  Buckingham,  in  r52l,  and  which 
attainder  has  never  been  reversed,  llenry  Stafford,  his  son  and 
heir,  was  created  Baron  Stafford  de  novo,  with  an  express  limita- 
tion to  **  the  heirs  male  of  his  body  coming,"  by  Act  of  Pari. 
1  Edward  VI.  1547>  and  which  dignity  became  extinct  on  the 
terroinaUon  of  the  male  descendants  of  the  said  Henry,  about  the 
year  1640 

It  is  thus  clear,  that  after  the  attainder  of  Edward,  Duke  of 
Buckingham,  in  1521,  a  Barony  of  Stafford  in  fee,  and  as  such 
descendible  to  heirs  general,  never  existed,  until  that  created  to 
Sir  William  Stafford,  and  Mary  his  wife,  in  1640;  when,  in 
default  of  issue  male,  the  Barony  was  limited  to  the  heirs  of 
THEIR  BODIES.  The  attainder  of  William  Viscount  Stafford,  pre- 
vented his  issue  firom  inheriting  his  dignities  ;  and  though  it  did 
not  affect  bis  wife's  honours  during  her  life,  it  in  effect  pro- 
duced their  extinction  on  her  demise,  as  it  prevented  her  de- 
scendants from  succeeding  to  them  until  the  reversal  of  the  sfud 


said  Sir  William  Howard  wai  crea- 
ted Vise.  Stafford,  with  remainder 
to  bis  heirs  male,  Nov.  1 1,  1640. 
Beheaded  1G7B;  and  being  at- 
tainted, all  bis  honors  became 

attainder  in  1894 1  bat  as  Mr.  Cooke  does  not  descend  from  the 
iiist  Viseouttt  and  Viscountess  Stsffbrd,  he,  of  course,  can  derive 
no  benefit  frbmthe  said  ersation ;  nor  eoold  the  attainder,  which 
fanpeded  the  descent  of  their  disaities,  in  sny  shape  afford  him 
a  prstention  to  any  part  of  &e  honors  of  the  Hoose  of 
Staffuml.  The  reremt  of  the  kuqaitoos  attsinder  of  Sir  William 
Howard,  Viscoont  Stafford,,  however,  renders  Sir  George  Jer- 
ningham  Baron  Stafford  under  the  Creation  of  1640  j  and  lie  is 
also  heir-general  of  the  body  of  Henry  Baron  StaAiMI  (sOn  of  the 
attainted  Duke  of  Buckingham),  who  wss  restorsd  in  blobd,  and 
consequently  heir  in  blocS  of  Edirard  Duke  of  Buckingham^  the 
last  person  possessed  of  the  ancient  Barony.  Notwi^taisding 
that  the  descent  of  the  different  titles  of  Stafford  are,  it  is 
hoped,  tolerably  clearly  shewn  In  the  text,  the  fbllowihg  brief 
summary  may  prove  acceptable. 

Ist  The  ancient  Barony  created  by  the  Writ  of  Summons  of 
6th  Feb.  St7  £dw.  1. 1299,  and  ihe  Earldom  created  by  the  Patent 
of  5th  March,  1351,  were  both  roftFBrrSD  by  the  attainder  of 
Edward  Duke  of  Buckingham,  IX.  Baton  and  VlII.  Eari  of  Staf- 
ford, in  1521. 

Sndly.  The  Barony  created  by  the  Act  of  Parliament  ist  Ed- 
ward Vl.  1547,  to  Henry  Stafford,  son  of  Edward  lastDidoe  of 
Buckingham,  &c.  became  extinct  on  the  death  of  his  last  male 
descendant,  about  the  year  1640. 

Sdly.  The  Barony  of  Stafford,  created  to  William  Howard  19th 
Sept.  1640,  became  forfeited  on  his  attainder  in  1678,  but  is 
now  vested  in  Sir  George  Jerningham,  as  his  heir-general,  in  con- 
sequence of  the  reversal  of  the  said  attainder  a  few  months  since. 

4thly.  The  Viscountcy  created  to  the  said  William  Staffiird 
by  Patent  1 1  Nov.  1640,  became  forfeited  by  his  attainder ; 
but  though  the  said  attainder  is  reversed*  the  Viscountcy  is  now 
extinct  from  default  of  the  heirs  male  of  the  said  Viscount. 

5thly.  The  Barony  created  to  Mary,  wife  of  thte  told  Wil- 
liam Stafford,  Viscount  and  Baron  Stafford,  by  Patent  19th  Sept. 
1640,  did  not  on  her  death  descend  to  her  issue,  in  consequence 
of  the  attainder  of  her  husband  preventing  his  children  inheritSne; 
and  the  dignity  of  Countess  of  Stsfford  became  extinct  on  m 
ume  occasion,  agreeably  to  the  limitation. 



i.  1G40.^I.  1688.  I.Mary  Howurd,  sister  and  tote  beir 
of  Henry  lV.-4th  Baron  Stafford, 
and  wife  of  Sir  William  Howard, 
K.B;  Created  Baroness  Stafford, 
as  is  before  stated  in  p.  601,  IStb 
Sept.  1640;  Created  Conntess  of 
Sufford,  for  life,  StbOct  1688| 
ob.  1693,  wben  tbe  digrnity  of 
Countess  became  Cptinttt  and 
ber  busband  baving^  been  attaint- 
ed, bis  issue  by  ber  eoold  not  sne- 
BARL8.  eeed  to  tbe  Barony. 

IX.  1688.  l.HenryStaffordHoward,  eldest  son  of  William 

Howard,  let  Viscovnt  Stafford,  and  Mary, 
Baroness  Stafford,  bis  wife,  was  Created  Earl  of 
Sufford,  with  remainder,  failing  bis  issue 
male,  to  John  and  Francis,  bis  brotben  and 
tbeir  issue  male,  5  Oct.  1688  $  ob.  17 19,  ••  p« 

X.  ni9'  3.  William  Stafford  Howard,  nepbew  and  heir, 

being  s.  and  b.  of  John,  next  brother  of  tbe 
last  Earl;  ob.  1734. 

XI.  1734   3.  William  Matbias  Stafford  Howard,  i.  andh.; 

ob.lT5l,s.F.  ,        ^^. 

XII.  1751.  4.  John  Paul  Stafford  Howard,  uncle  and  heir, 

being  ne«t  brother  of  William  X.-3d  Earl } 
ob.  1763,  s.  p.  when  tbe  Earldom  became 

BARON.  ^  ^  .  . 

U.  1834.  2.  Sir  George  Jerningbam,  7tb  Bart.  (s.  and  b. 
of  Sir  William  Jerningham,  eldest  son  of  Sir 
George  Jerningbam,  by  Mary,  dau.  and  sole 

etbly.  The  Earldom  of  Stafford,  created  to  Henry  Stafford 
Howard  by  Patent  5  Oct.  1688,  became  extinct  on  tbe  ter- 
mination  of  the  idirne  male  of  the  brothers  of  the  said  Henry ,Jn 

7thly.  Sir  George  Jeitttngham,  by  the  retersal  of  the  at- 
tainder of  William  Howard,  Ut  Viscount  Stafford,  has  suc- 
ceeded to  the  Barony  of  Stafford,  created  by  Patent  12th  Sept. 
1040,  as  heir-general  of  the  bodies  of  the  said  William  Howard, 
Viscount  Stafford,  and  of  Mary  his  wife,  Baron  and  Baroness 


beir  of  FrancU  Plowden  by  Mary  Stafford  bis  wife,  «iiUr 
and  eventually  »ole  beir  of  Jobn  Paul,  XIL^th  and  la^t 
Earl  of  Stafford,  and  heir-general  of  Sir  William  Howard. 
K.  B.  1640,  l.-Ut  Baron,  and  I.-lst  ViBcount  HowA>d,  and 
uf  Mary  Stafford  big  wife),  succeeded  to  the  Barony  of  Staf* 
ford,  created  by  the  Patent  of  12  Sept.  1640,  the  reyertal 
of  the  attainder  of  the  said  William  Howard,  Viscount  and 
Baron  Stafford  having  been  passed  by  the  Crown  in  I834» 
-as  beir-general  of  the  bodies  of  the  said  William  Howard 
and  Mary  bis  wife.  Baron  and  Baroness  Stafford.  No  act 
of  recognition  of  the  Barony  being  vested  in  bis  Lordship 
has  however  as  yet  taken  place.    ^ 



Barom  by  waiT, 

1.       1371.      Richard   de  Stafford,  s.  and  1i.  of   Richard 

Stafford  (younger  brother  of  Ralph  1st  Earl 

of  Stafford),  who  acquired  the  Lordship  of 

Clifton,    CO.   Stafford,   by  marrying  Maud. 

dau.  and  beir  of  Richard  de  Camvill ;    Summ.  to  ParU 

from  8  Jan.  44  Edward  lU.  137]»  to  20  Oct.  3  Rich.  If . 

1379;  ob.  1381,  leaving  Edmund,  afterwards  Bishop  off 

Exeter,  his  son  and  heir*  and  Thomas  his  2d  son;  which 

Thomas  left  issue  Thomas  Stafford,  who  died  s.  P.  leaving 

Katberine  bis   sister  and   heir,  who  married  Sir  John 

Arden,  Knt.     Maud  Arden,  their  only  child,  married  Sir 

Thomas  Stanley ;  but  none  of  the  descendants  of  this 

Baron  were  ever  summoned  to  Parliament.    The  Barony 

is  however  vested  in  the  descendants  and  representatives 

of  the  said  Maud,  wife  of  Sir  Thomas  Stanley. 


OF  — 

I.  J371.  Hugh  de  Stafford ;  Summ.  to  Pari.  8  January, 
44  Edward  III.  1371.  Dugdale  in  his  Baronn 
age  gives  no  account  of  a  Hugh  de  Stafford 
having  been  summoned  in  that  year.  It  is 
probable  it  was  Hugh,  the  son  and  beir  apt 
parent  of  Ralph  1st  Earl  of  Stafford,  and.wbo 
became  2d  Earl  in  August,  1372. 



or  BCTtfWVCK. 
BAMMf   SY  W*IT. 

I.  1461.  Hamfbrj  Suftird  (d^iccnded  from  Sir  John 
Staffoftdof  Hooke,  the  lineal  d^tcbndant. of 
Hervtf  fiafotaml  Milisent  Stafford  his  wife, 
the  comteon  anoesCOrs  of  the  Barons  and 
Earts  of  Stafford) ;  Sunm.  to  Park  frafm  S6 
Joly,  I  fidw.  IV.  1461,  to  S8  Feb.  9  Edw.  IV. 
1403,  ai  «•  Hunkfrido  Stafford  de  Sutbwyk 
Chev.  ;**  Created  by  Patent  Lord  Stafford  of 
Sathwyck,  S4  April,  1464;  Created  Earl  of 
Devon,  7  Hbj,  1469 ;  beheaded  1469}  ob.  8.P. 
urteff  idl  his  honors  became 





L  1786.  1.  GrauTille  Leveson  Gower,  3d  Earl  Gower  ; 
Created  Marquess  of  the  County  of  Stafford 
38  Feb.  1786 ;  K.  G. ;  ob.  1803. 

n.  1803.  3.  George  GrlinvUl<^  Leveson  Gower,  s.  imd  hv 
Present  MarquessofStaffohl^'Earl  and  Baron 
Gdwer,  Viscount  Trentbam,  and  a  Baronet, 
K.G.     ^ 



I.  1628.  1.  Heniy  Grey,  2d  Baron  Grey  of  Groby ;  Cre- 
ated Carl  of  Stamford,  co.  Lincobi,  36  Mar. 
1628?  ob.  1673. 

n.  1673.  S.Thomas  Grey,  grandson  and  heir;  being  son 
and  heir  of  Thomas  Grey  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Earl ;  ob.  1730,  s.  p. 

111.  1730.  3.  Harry  Grey,  cousin  and  heir,  being  son  and 


-    XARU. 

beir  of  John  Grey,  Sd  son  of  Henry  Ist  Earl; 
Ob.  1739. 

IV.  1739.  4.  Harry  Grey,  s.  and  b.    He  married  Mary»  ide 

dau.  and  beir  of  Geor^  Bootb,  laac  Etui  of 
Warrini^oii,  and  Baron  Delamere  s  ub«  1768, 

V.  1768.  S.George  Harry  Grey,  a.  and  b.  Created  Baron 

De  la  Mere,  and  Earl  of  Warrington  2S 
April,  1796;  ob.  1819. 

VI.  181 9.  6.  George  Harry  Grey,  s.  and  b.    Present  Earl  of 

Stamford,  Earl  of  Warrington,  Baron  Grey 
of  Groby,  and  Baron  Delamere.    =^ 



I.  1605.  l.Jobn  Stanbope  s    Created  Baron  Stanbope  of 

Harrington,  co.  Nortbampton>  4  May,  1605; 
ob.  16S0. 

II.  1630.  S.  Charles  Stanhope,  s.  and  \u  ob.  1675,  s.  p. 

when  the  title  became 



1.  1616.  I.  Philip  Stanbope  (great-grandson  of  Sir  Micbael 
Stanbope,  father  of  John  Ist  Baron  Stan- 
bope of  Harrington)  ;  Created  Baron  Stan- 
bope of  Sbelfurd,  co.  Nottingham,  7  Nov. 
1616 ;  Created  Earl  of  Chesterfield  4  August, 
16S8.  Vide  Chestbrfibld. 


BARONS.        Vise.  EARLS. 

I.  1717.— I.  1717.— I.  1718.  I.James   Stanbope  (son   and 

beir  of  Alexander  Stanbope, 
yoonger  son  of  Philip  Ist 
Baron  Stanbope  of  Sbelford, 
and  1st  Earl  of  Cheater- 
field);  Created  Baron  Stan- 


B4B0Nt.        YISC.        EARLl. 

hope  of  Elrattoni  eo.  Derby, 
and  VUcount  Stanhope  of 
Mabon  in  tbe  laland  of  Mi* 
norca,  13  July,  ]717»  ^iih 
remainder,  failini:  bis  isiue 
male,  to  bis  iiiDsman  Tbo< 
mas  Stanbope  of  Elvastoit, 
Elsq.and  bis  brothersCbarles, 
and  William  (afterwards  Earl 
of  Harrington),  descended 
from  Sir  Jobn  Stanbope, 
great-grand fatber  of  tbe 
Viscount,  and  to  tbeir  issue 
male  respectively ;  Created 
Earl  Stanbope,  witb  remain- 
der to  tbe  beirs  male  of  bis 
body,  14  April,  1718^  ob. 

II.  1731.— It.  1781.— II.17S1. «.  Pbilip  Stanhope,  s.  and  h. ob. 

III.178&-IIL1786.— III.1786.3.Charles  Stanbo]ie,  t.  and  b. 
ob.  1816. 

lV.18l6^iy.l8l6.— IV.18l6.4.Pbilip  Henry  Stanbope,  son 
and  heir.  Present  Earl, 
Viscount,  and  Baron  Stan- 
bope.   ^ 



I.  1456.  I.Thomas  Stanley;  Summ,  to  Pari,  from  80 
Jan.  34  Hen.  VI.  1456,  to  9  Dec.  1  Rich.  IH. 
1483;  Created  Earl  of  Derby  87  Oct.  1485. 
l^bis  Barony  cc»ntinued  merged  in  tbe  Earl- 
dom of  Derby  until  tbe  demise  of  Ferdinand 
XV.-5tb  Earl  of  Derby  in  1594,  8.  P.  M.  when 
it  fell  into  Abeyance  between  his  three 
daughters  and  coheirs,  among  whose  repre- 
sentatives this  Barony,  together  with  that  of 
Strange  of  Knokyn,  is  now  in  Abeyance. 

Vide  Strange  of  Knokyn. 




I.  1313.1.  Miles  de  Stapleton ;  Samm.  to  Pari.  8  Jan.  and 

23  May,  6  Edward  II.  1313,  and  26  July»  7 
Edw. II.  1313s  ob.  1314. 

II.  1342.  2.  Nicholas  de  Stapleton,  s.  and  b.  Samm.  to 

Pari.  25  Feb.  16  Edward  III.  1342;  ob.  1343, 
leaving;  Miles  bis  son  and  beir,  whose  only 
son  Thomas  died  8.  p.  leaving  Elisabeth  bis 
sister,  wife  of  Thomas  Metham,  bis  heir;  in 
whose  descendants  and  representatives  this 
Barony  is  vested. 


Vide  f  LCHBSTBR. 


BARONS.     • 

I.  I8I3.  I.RalphStawel;  Created  Baron  Stawel  of  So-, 

merton,  oo.  Somerset,  15  Jan.  1683;  ob.' 

II.  1689.  3.  John  Stawel,  t.  and  h.  ob.  1692,  s.  p.  M. 

III.  1692.  3. William  Stawel,  half-brother  and  heir;  obr 


IV.  1742.  4^  Edward  StaweU  bipot^er  and  heir;  ob.  1755, 

8.  p.  M.  when  the  title  became 
BARONESS.  .  CptintU 

I.  1760.  I.  Mary  Legfge,  dag.  and  ff^ebeir  of  Edward  the 
last  Baron,  and  iprife  of  tho  Hight  Hun.  Henry 
Bilson  Lpgge ;  Crf  ^^  ^aurpness  Suwel  of 
Somertoo,  co.  So^^melj,  «(itli  remainder  of 
the  digaity  of  B^^oii  Stawd  of  Somerton 
aforesaid  to  the  heirst  npija^  of  her  body  by 
BARON.  her  said  husband,  20  May,  11760;  ob.  1780. 

V.  1780.  2»  Henry  Stawel  Bilson  lagg^,  «•  and  h.  oU  1820, 

i.  P.  M,  when  the  title  afi^n  b^cama 




I.  1796.  l.^hn  Stewart,  8Cb  Earl  of  Galloway  in  Scot- 

land; Created  Baron  Stewart  of  OarHee,  co, 
Wigtown,  6  June,  1796,  K.  T.  s  ob.  1806. 

II.  1S06.  S.George  Stewarf,  t.   and  ||.     Present  Baron. 

Stewart  of  Gariies }  also  C^l  of  Gallowa j,  &e. 
In  Sisotlandy  K.T.    ^ 


OF  STEWART'8  court. 

I.  1814.  1.  Charles  William  (assumed  the  name  of)  Vane- 
Stewart,  Sd  son  of  Robert  1st  Marquess  ^f 
Londonderry  in  Ireland  j  Created  baron 
Stewart  of  Steii;art's  Court  and  BalUlawn, 
CO.  Donegal^  in  tlie  Peerage  of  tbe  United 
Kingdom,  1st  July,  1814  s  succeeded  his  bro* 
tber  Robert  as  3d  Marquess  of  Londondenry- 
in  treland  in  1822  ;  Cr^mted  Earl  Vane  and 
Viscount  Sea^ham,  with  a  special  remainder, 
8  July,  1823.  Present  Barron  Stewart  of 
Stewart's  Court*  Vieceunt  Seabam  and  Earl 
Vane ;  also  Marques^  of  Xto^dondecfy,  &c.  in 
Ireland,  G.C.B.    =f 


John  de  Steyngreve  was  Summoned  8  June,  SSEdw.I. 
1294 ;  but  for  the  reasons  assigned  under  "  Clyvbdon,*' 
it  is  very  doubtful  if  that  Writ  was  a  regular  Summons  to 
Parliament.  Neither  he,  nor  any  of  his  descendants,  were 
ever  8ummone4  to  Parliament. 



I.  1448.  I.John  Stoorton;   Created  Baron  Stourton  of 

Stourton,  co.  Wilts,  13  May,  1448;  ob.  1462. 

II.  1462.  8.  William  Stourton,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1478. 
VOL.  II.  8 



III.  1478.  3.  John  Stotiitoo»  s.  «nd  h.  ob.  1484,  s.  p. 

IV.  1484.  4.  William  Stourton»    brother  and  beir ;    ob. 

1589»  S.P. 

V.  1592.  5.  Edward  StoartOD»  brother  and  heir ;  ob.l53fi. 
YI.    1536.  6.  William  Stoqrton,  s.  and  U.  oh.  1548. 

VII.  1548.  7*  Cbarleg  StourtoQ,  •.  and  b. ;  eKecuted   1557> 

when  bis  honors  became 
VIU.1575.  8.  John  Stourton,  s.  and  h. ;  Restored  in  blood 

and  honors  by  Act  of  Parliament  1575;  ob. 

1588,  8.  p. 

IX.  1588.  9.  Edward  Stourton,  brother  and  heir;  ob.l639. 

X.  1638.10.  William  Stpurton,  s.  and  b.  ob.  circa  1673. 

XI.  1678.  U*  William  Stourton,  grandson  and  heir,  beini; 

s.and  h.  of  Edward  Stourton  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Baron ;  ob.  1685. 

XII.  1685.  lS.Edward  Sfourton,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1730,  S.P. 
XlII.1780.13.Thomas  Stourton,    brother  and    heir;    ob. 

1744, 8.  p. 

XIV.  1744. 14.  Charles  Stourton,  nephew  and  beir,  being  son 

and  heir  of  Charles  Stourton,  next  brother  of 
the  last  Baron ;  ob.  1753,  8.  p. 

XV.  1753. 15.  William  Stourton,  brother  and  beir.  He  mar- 

ried Winifred,  daughter  and  coheir  of  Philip 
Howard,  brother  of  Edward  XlV.-llth  Duke 
of  Norfolk;  oh.  1781. 

XVI.178I.  16. Charles  Philip  Stourton,  s.  and  h.  ob.l8lS. 

X VII;  1 8 16.1 7.William  Stourton,  s.  and  h.  Present  Baron 
Stourton  ;  also  in  rif;ht  of  Winifred  bis 
grandmother  (eldest  of  the  two  daughters 
and  coheirs  of  Philip  Howard,  brother  of 
Edward  XIV.-1 1th  Duke  of  Ni>rfolk),  coheir 
of  the  Baronies  of  Howard,  Mowbray,  Braose 
of  Gower,  Segrave,  Dacre  of  Gilleslaud, 
Greystock,  Ferrers  of  Wemme,  Talbot, 
Strange  of  Blackroere,  Furnival,  Giffard  of 
Brimmesfield,  and  Verdun,  and  probably  also 
of  the  Barony  of  Arundel  under  the  Writ  of 
1  Richard  II.  * ;  also  coheir  of  one  moiety  of 
the  Barony  of  Fitz  Payne.    =p 


*  Vide  p.  29. 





I.  1 82 1 .  1 .  William  Scott,  elder  brother  of  John  lit  Baroli 
and  1st  Earl  of  Eldon ;  Created  Baroo  Stowell 
of  Stowell  Park,  co.  Glouceiter,  17  Jaly» 
1821.    Present  Baion  Stowell.    7 



1.  1322.  1.  Darid  de  Strabolgi,  Earl  of  Atbol  in  Scotland; 
Summ.  to  Pari,  from  14  March,  15  Edw.  II. 
1322,  to  3  Dec.  39  Edw.  II.  1S26 ;  ob.  1327. 

n.  1327.  2.  David  de  Strabolgi,  8.  and  h.  Earl  of  Athol  in 
Scotland;  Summ.  to  ParL  from  25  Janaary, 
4  Edw.  III.  1330»  to  24  Jaiy»  8  Edw.  III. 
1334;  ob. 1335. 

ni.  1335.  3.  David  de  Strabolgi,  8.  and  h.  Earl  of  Athol  In 
Scotland ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  20  Jan.  9  Edw. 
III.  1366,to  6  April,  9  Edward  III.  1369;  oh. 
1375,  6. P.M.  leaving  his  daughters  Elizabeth 
and  Pbilippa  bis  heirs.  ElUabeth  marr.  first^ 
Sir  Thomas  Percy,  KnW/l^d,  secondly.  Sir 
John  Scrope,  Knt.^^  Phillippa  was  first 
the  wife  of  Sir  Bdr^y.  percy  (brother  of  the 
aforesaid  Sir  TJ^Pg  Percy),  and  secondly  or 

Sir  John  Halt] 


- ^  ^ .  and  among  the  descend, 

ants  and  redF^^^^^iveB  of  these  coheirs  tWt 
Barony  is  jJ^^^evancb. 


Jwich,  and  »»';«*/*"  present  Earl  of 
^d  a  Baronet,    -r 






I.  1640,  l.TUosiBsWeDtwortb,  l«t  Viscount  Wentwortb; 
Created  Baron  Raby  of  Raby  Castle,  with  a 
special  remainder,  and  £arl  of  Strafford,  co. 
York,  18  Jan.  1640;  Lord  Lieut,  of  Ireland, 
K,  G. ;  bebeaded  i64\,  and  being  attainted, 
all  bis  bonors  became 

IL  1665.  3.  William  Wentwortb,  s.  and  b.  Restored  to  all 
hift  father's  bonors  iik  December,  1.665,  K.  G.; 
ob.  1695,  8.  p.  when  ail  his  titles,  excepting 
the  Barony  of  Raby  and  the  Baronetcy, 

Iir.  1711.  1.  Thomas  Weiitwortb,  3d  Baron  Raby  (great- 
grandson  of  Sir  William  Wentwortb,.  next  bro- 
ther of  Thomas  1st  Earl) ;  Created  Viscount 
Wentworth  of  Wentwortb  Woodhouse,  and 
of  Stainborough,  co.  Yottc,  and  Earl  of  Straf- 
ford, with  remainder  of  these  dignities,  fail- 
ing:, bis  issue  male,  to  his  brother  Peter 
WentMfth  and  his  issue  male,  4  Sept.  1711, 
K  G  •  ni^l739. 

IV.  1739.  S.Wiinam  Wen!!tf»<>rt*>»«-  and  h.  ob.  1791,  s.  p. 

V.  1791.  3.  Frederick  Than?"  Wentwortb,    cousin  and 

heir,  being  so^****  ^^^^  °^  William,  eldest 
son  of  Peter  w**^**'^^»  "**^  brother  of 
Thomw  insist  Ef^*"*'  ^^'  ^'^^»  8.  P.  when 
all  his  dignities  becj 



I.  H.  II,  I.  Guy  le  Strange,  Lord  of  Wei 

II.  John.  S.  Ralph  lo  Strange,  s.  and  b.  on 

ing  his  three  sisters  his  heir. 

'•    Hen.  II.    Hamon  le  Strange,  Lord 

brother  of  Guy  above   mei 
whom  notbing  fartber  is  kn» 

jton  and  Alvitbele, 

j  Wtockwurdine, 
•ntioned,  but  of 


aTRANOa  6li 



I.  H.n.  1.  John  le  Strange,  Lord  of  Nesse  and  Cbeie- 

wurdine,  co.  Salop,  brother  of  Hamon  and 
Guy  before  mentioned ;  ob.  circa  1S17* 

II.  H  III.  ^  John  le  Stran{fe,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1^69. 

IIL  3.  John  le  Strange,  8.  and  h.  Lord  of  Knokyn ; 
be  married  Joan,  daughter  and  coheir  of 
Roger  de  Somery,  Baron  of  Dudley  ;  ob. 


L  1399.  4.  John  le  Strange,  8.  and  h.  Sumro.  to  Pari,  as 
"  Jobanni  Extraneo"  from  39  Dec.  38  Edw. 
I.  1399i  and  as  '*  Jobanni  Lestrange  de 
Knokirt,"  from  4  March,  3  Edward  11.  1309, 
to  13  Dec.  3  Edward  11. 1309;  oh.  1310. 

I|«  1310.  5.  John  le  Strange,  s.  and  h.  Sumro.  to  Pari. 
16  June,  4  Edw.  11.  131 1  ;  ob.  131 1. 

III.  1311.  6.  John  le  Strange,  8.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari.  8 

Jan.  13  May,  6  Edward  II.  1313^  and  36  July, 
7  Edw.  11.  1313  ;  ob.  1334,  8.P. 

IV.  1334.  7*  Roger  le  Strange,  brother  and  heir;  Summ.  to 

Par),  from  35  Feb.  16  Edw.  III.  1343,  to  10 
March,  33  Edw.  III.  1349;  ob.  1349. 

V.  1349.  8.  Roger  le  Strange,  8.  and   h.  Summ.  to   Pari. 

from  30  Sept.  39  Edward  HI.  1355,  to  9  Aug. 
6  Rich.  IL  1383;  ob.  1383. 

VI.  1383.  9*  John  le  Strange,  s.  and   h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  30  August,  7  Hicb.  11.  1383,  to  18  July, 
31  Rich.  II.  1397$  ob.  circa  1398. 

VII.  1398.  lO.Richard  le  Strange,!,  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  35  August,  5  Henry  IV.  1404,  to  3  Jan<. 

37  Hen.  VI.  1449 ;  ob.  1449. 

VI1I.1449. 1 1  John  le  Strange,  8.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 

38  Feb.  6  Edward  IV.  1466,  to  19  August,  13 
Edw.  IV.  1473.  He  married  Jaquetta,  dau. 
of  Richard  Earl  Rivers,  and  sister-in-law  of 
King  Edward  IV. ;  ob.  1477,  S.P.M.  Johanna, 
soledait.  and  heir,j»arried 

IX. .  1483.  George  Stanley,  s^  and  h.  apparent  of  Thomas 
Xl.-lst  Barl  ii  Derby,  and  was  Summ.  to 
Pari,  jure  ujboris,  as  **  Georgio  Stanley  de  la 
Strange,'*  from  15  Nov.  23  Edw.  IV.  1483^ 

S3  . 

€14  OTRAKGE. 

BARONS  BV  warn  ^^  ^^^    ^^  ^^^^  ^^^^^    ^^^^^  ^  ^  ^   ^^ 

X     1497. 12.  Thomas  Stanley,  son  and  heir;  succeeded  his 
grandfather  in   1504,    as    XIL-Sd  Earl    of 
Derby,  when  this  Barony  beeame  merged  in 
the  £arldom  of  Derby  until  the  death  of 
Ferdinando  Stanley,  XV.-5th  Earl  of  Derby 
in  1594,  8.F.M.  (during  which  period  several  of  the  eldest 
sons  of  the  said  Earls  were  Summoned  to  Parliament  vita 
patris  as  Barons  Strange),  when,  together  with  the  Ba- 
rony of  Sunley,  it  fell  into  Abeyance^between  his  three 
daughters  and  coheirs,  vU.  Ann,  who  married,  Brst,  Grey 
5th  Lord  Chandos,  and  secondly,  Mervin  Earl  of  Castle- 
haven  ;  Frances,  wife  of  John  Earl  of  Br^dgewater;  and 
EliJtabeth,  who  married  Henry  Earl  of  Huntingdon;   be- 
tween whose  descendants  and  representatives  the  Baro- 
nies of  Strange  of  Knokyn,  andSuuley,  are  in  Abxyancb. 



I.  1308.  1.  Fulk  le  Strange  (brother  and  heir  of  John  )e 

Strange,  Lord  of  Whitchurch,  and  son  of 
Robert,  next  brother  of  John  lll.-3d  Baron  le 
Strange  of  Knokyn] ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  13 
Jan.  2  Edw.  II.  1308,  to  13  Sept  18  Edw.  II. 
1334,  as  «  Fulcy  le  Strange ;"  ob.  1324. 

II.  1334.  2.  John  le  Strange,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  P^rl. 

from  6  Sept.  4  Edward  IIL  1330,  to  20  April, 
17  Edw.  111.  1343,  as  «  Johanni  le  Strange," 
and  to  10  March,  23  Edw.  HI.  1349. ««  **Jo^ 
hanni  le  Strange  de  Black^iere  ;*'  ob.  1349. 

III.  1349.  3.  Fulk  le  Strange,  s.  and  b.{  be  was  never  Summ. 

to  Pari. ;  ob.  1349,  8.  F. 

ifV.  1349.  4.  John  le  Strange,  brother  and  beir ;  Summ.  to 
Pari,  a  April,  34  Edw.  III.  13^0  •;  ob.  1361. 

V.  1361.  5.  John  le  Strange,  s.  and  h.  ob.  infra  atatem, 
1375,  8. p.  M.  leaving  Elizabeth  his  dau.  and 
heir,  then  an  infant.  She  married  Thomas 
Mowbray,  Earl  of  NottLingbam ;  but  died  8.  P. 

*  Though  Dugdale,  in  his  Baronage,  does  not  mention  any 
lloOBR  Bfcron  Strange  of  Blackmere,  it  is  to  be  observed,  that 
Writs  were  issued  to  '*  Rogero  le  Straunge  de  Blakensere*' 
from  8  January,  44  Edw.  HI.  1371f  to  4  October,  47  Edw.  UI. 


S3  Aagasf,  1383,  leaTin|(  ber  Rnnt  AnkRKf, 
Bister  of  John  herf«ther,  the  IV.  BaroD»  ber 
bedTy  who  married 

n.  1384.  Richard  Talbot,  son  and  heir  apparent  ot 
Gilbert  Baron  Talbot  i  he  was  Summoned  to 
Pari,  from  3  March,  7  Rich.  11.  1384,  to  17 
Dec.  II  Rich.  It.  1387»  as  "  Ricardo  Talbot 
de  Blackmere,^*  when  he  succeeded  his  father 
as  Baron  Talbot  $  ob.  1396. 

VII.  1396.  6.  Gilbert  Talbot,  s.  and  h.  Baron  Talbot;  ob. 

1419,  leaving  Ankaret  bis  dau.  and  sole  heir, 
who  died  an  Infant  in  1421,  when  this  Ba- 
rony, toother  with  that  of  Talbot,  devolved 
on  her  uncle  and  heir, 

VIII.  1481.7.  John  Talbut;  Created  Earl  of  Shrewsbury  30 

May,  1443,  in  which  title  this  Barony,  toge- 
ther with  the  Baronies  of  Talbot  and  Furni- 
val,  continued  merged  until  the  death  of 
Gilbert  X.-7tb  Earl  of  Shrewsbuiy,  s.p.  m.  in 
1616,  when  they  fell  into  Abeyance  between  his  three 
daughters  and  eoheirs,  vis.  Mary,  who  became  the  wife 
of  William  XXn..3d  Earl  of  Pembroke,  and  died  25  Feb 
1649-50  ;  Elizabeth,  who  married  Henry  XIX.-8th  Earl 
of  Kent,  and  died.7  Pec.  1651 ;  and  Althea,  who  married 
Thomas  Howard  XXIIL-30tb  Earl  of  Arundel,  Surrey, 
and  Norfolk.  On  the  death  of  the  said  Mary  and  Eliza- 
beth the  Abeyance  of  tbis  Barony,  and  of  the  Baronies 
of  Talbot  and  Furnival  terminateid,  and  those  dignities 
are  presumed  to  have  become  yested  in  Althea  Countess 
of  Arundel,  Surrey,  and  Norfolk  ajb^ve  mentioned,  as  she 
is  supposed  to  have  survived  her  sisters  * ;  and  ber  de- 
.  scendants  the  Earls  of  Aru&del  and  Surrey,  and  Dukes 
and  Earls  of  Norfolk  inherited  the  said  Baronies  until 
the  demise  of  Edward  Howard,  XIV.- 11th  Duke  of  Nor- 
folk, and  Baron  Talbot,  Fornival,  and  Strange  of  Black- 
mere,  in  1777*  9,v,  when  they  again  fell  into  Abeyance 
betweenthe  two  daughters  and  coheirs  of  Philip  Howard, 
brother  of  *tbe  said  Edward  Duke  of  Norfolk ;  between 
whoso  representatives,  viz.  William,  present  Baron  Stoui^ 
ton,  and  William  Francis  Henry,  present  BaroU  Petre, 
they  are  now  in  Abeyance. 

*  She  was  living  16  April,  1649.  Vide  a  letter  from  her 
hi  Harl.  MSS.  S87,  fol.  982,. dated  at  Amsterdam,  on  that  day  t 
the  date  of  her  demise  could  not  be  ascertained,  though  much 
trouble  wee  taken  on  the  subject. 

616  STRANGE. 



1.  H.  HI.  I.  Haoion  le  Strange,  presumed  to  hRye  been  a 
younger  son  of  John  II.-2d  Baron  Strange  of 
Knokyn,  Lord  of  Ellesmere  and  Stretton, 

BY  WRIT.         1267  J  Ob ,8.  p. 

I.  1395.  S.  Roger  le  Strange,  brother  and  beir;  presumed 
to  have  been  the  '*  Rogero  Extraneo"  who 
was  Summ.  to  Pari.  S4  June,  3  Sept.  and  8 
Nov.  33  Edward  I.  1395,  and  36  August.  34 
Edw.  I.  1396  ;  he  was  also  Summoned  26 
Jan.  35  Edward  1. 1397 ;  but  it  is  doubtful  if 
the  latter  Writ  was  a  regular  Summona  to 
Parliament;  vide  "  FiTz-JoHN."  Dugdale 
states  that  he  was  living  1303,  but  that 
*<  farther  he  cannot  say  of  him  }"  and  is 
silent  about  his  having  been  summoned  to 
Parliament.    He  probably  died  s.  p. 




I.  1336.  1.  Eubolo  le  Strange,  youpger  son  of  John  I.-4th 
Baron  Strange  of  Knokyn,  having  married 
Alice,  dao.  and  at  length  heir  of  Thomas  de 
Lacy,  Earl  of  Lincoln,  was  Samm.  to  Pari, 
from  3  Dee,  30  Edward  II.  1336,  to  1  April, 
9  Edward  IlL  1335  ;  ob.  1335, 8.  P.  when  the 
Barony  became 



OF  — 

I.       1638.  I.James  Stanley,  son  and  heir  apparent  of  Wil 
liam    SUniey,  XVI..6th    Earl    of    Derby 
Summ.    to   Pari,    as  "  Jacobo   Stanley    d( 

STRANGE.  617 


Strange,  CU'r,"  7  Mareb,  8  Car.  I.  16S8, 80 
Jan.  4  Car.  I.  1629»  and  in  the  next  Par- 
liamenliy  vie;  13  April  and  3  Not.  15  Car. 
I.  1639 ;  >ac«eeded  as  XVlI.-7th  Earl  of 
Derby  in  1643,  K.  G.;  beheaded  1651. 

II.  1651.  8.  Cbarles  SUnley,  a.  and  b.  XVliI.-8th  Earl  of 

Derby ;  ob.  1678. 

III.  1678.  3.  William  George  Richard  Stanley,  s.  and  b. 

XViII^9th  Earl  of  Derby;  ob.  1708,  8. p.m. 
when  the  Barony  fell  into  Abeyance  between 
Henrietta  and  Eliaabeth  h'i9  two  daughters 
and  coheirs.  Elizabeth  died  unmarried  in 
1714,  when  the  fiarony  devolved  on 


1. 1714:  4.  Henrietta,  her  sister  and  heir ;  she  was  twice 
married,  but  by  her  8d  husband  only,  John 
Lord  Asbburnham,  bad  surviving  issue ;  ob. 

IL  1718.  &.  Amie  Ashbarnham,  dau.  and  heir ;  ob.  unmar- 
tied  in  1738,  when  this  Barony  devolved  on 
her  uncle, 


IV.  1738.  6.  James  Stanley,  XX.-lOth  Earl  of  Derby,  he 

being  her  heir  ex  parte  maternai  ob.  1736, 
&  p.  when  the  Barony  devolved  on 

V.  1736.  7.  James  Murray,  8d  Duke  of  Atholl  in  Scotland, 

be  being  son  and  heir  of  John  Ist  Duke  of 
Atholl,  eldest  son  of  John  1st  Marquess  of 
Atholl  by  Amelia  Sophia,  daughter  of  James 
Stanley,  XVlI.-7th  of  Derby,  and  1st  Baron 
Strange;  claimed  and  was  allowed  the  Barony 
as  heir-general  of  the  said  Eaii  of  Derby  and 
Baron  Strange,  14  March,  1737 ;  ob.  1764, 
&p.  M. 

III.  1764. 8. Charlotte  Murray,  daughter  and  sole  heir,  wife 
of  her  cousin  John  Murray,  3d  Duke  of 
Atholl;  ob.l805. 


VI.  1805.— I.  1786.  9.  John  Murray,  s.  and  h.  succeeded 

his  father  as  4th  Duke  of  Atholl  In 
Scotland  in  1774  j    Created  Earl 


Strange  and  Baron  Murray  of  Stanley,  co. 
Glottcestefy  8  August,  1786;  succeeded  his 
mother  in  the  Barony  of  Strange  13  October, 
1805.  Present  Earl  and  Baron  Strange,  and 
Baron  Murray  of  Stanley  ;  also  Duke  of 
AtboU,  &c.  in  Scotland,  K.  T.    =p 


Dukedom,  18  October,  1766 — ^%tintt  1790. 

Vide  Cumberland. 

Dukedom,  23  April,  1799— O^tinct  1820. 

Vide  Kbmt. 



I.       1371.      John  de  Strivelyn  ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  85 
Feb.  16  £dw.  111.  1342,  to  8  Jan.  44  Edw Jll. 

1371;  ob I  but  «  farther,"  says  Du^ 

dale,  '*  I  shall  not  say  of  him,  none  of  his 
posterity  having  been  so  summoned  :**  other 
writers  state,  that  Christian  his  daughter, 
who  married  Sir  John  Middleton,  was  eventu- 
ally his  heir.  If  this  statement  be  correct, 
this  Barony  is  rested  in  her  descendants  and 



Barony,  7  June,  1619— <^tinct  1672~. 

Vide  March. 



Barony,  10  December,  l645-i€pttnct  1672. 

Vide  LiTCBFi  eld. 




I.  1796.     I.Francis  Stuart,  8tb  Earl  of  Moray,  in  Scot- 

land s  Created  Baron  Stuart  of  Castle  Stuart, 
CO.  InvemeM,  4th  June,  1796:  ob.  1810. 

II.  1810.    3.  Francis  Stuart,  s.  and  h.     Present    Baron 

Stuart  of  Castle  Stuart  s  also  Earl  of  Moray, 
&C.  in  Scotland.    ^ 



I.  Will.  I.  1.  Robert  de  Stuteville,  called  also  Fronteboef, 

a  Baron  temp.  William  I.  and  living  1 106 ; 
ob.  •  •  •  • 

II.  Stepb.  S.  Robert  de  Stuteville,  s.  and  b. ;  living  1 176. 

III.  H.  I.    3.  Robert  de  Stutevillet  s.  and  b. ;  ob 

IV.  U.  11.  4.  William  de  Stuteville,  s.  and  b.;  ob.  1203. 

V.  John.  5.  Robert  de  Stuteville,  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  1S05,  s.  p. 
VL  H.III.  6.  Nicholas  de  Stuteville,  brother  and  heir ;  ob. . 
VII.  U.lll.  7.  Nicholas  de  Stuteville,  s.  and  h.;  ob   1232, 

8. P.M.  leaving  Johanna,  wife  of  Hugh  de 
Wake,  and  Margaret,  who  married  William 
Mastoc,  and  died  s.  p.  his  daughters  and  co- 

I.  H.  111.  l.EustacedeStuteville,  half-brother  of  William 
4(h  Baron  above-mentioned;  ob.  ante  1242. 

IL  H.  III.  2.  Robert  de  Stuteville,  s.  and  h.  in  26  H.  HI. 
anno  1242,  Joan,  wife  of  Hugh  de  Wake 
mentioned  above,  obtained  livery  of  the 
lands  of  this  Robert. 

1.   H.  III.   1.  Henry  de  Stuteville,  of  the  same  family,  had 
his  lauds  seized  in  1225. 

I.  H.  HI.   1.  William  de  Stuteville,  son  of  Osmund,  brother 

of  Robert  3d  Baron ;  ob.  1259. 

II.  H.III.  2. Robert  de  Stuteville,  s.  and  h.;  living  1266, 

when  the  King  restored  to  him  his  manor  of 
Witheres6eld,  of  which  be  had  been  deprived. 




I.  H.  111.   1.  John  de  Stuteville,  possessor  of  tbe  m«iion  of 

Kirkby,  Hftkington,  &e.;  living  1264,  when 
be  bad  bis  lands  seized. 

II.  Edw.L  S.  Robert  de  StuteviUe,  s.  and  b.;  ob.   1305, 

leaving  a  son  Jobn ;  but  neither  be  nor  bis 
descendants  being  ever  summoned  to  Parlia- 
ment, tbift  family  ceased  to  be  Barons  of  tbe 
Realm.        / 


Baronv,  U  September,  1675. 

Vide  EusTON. 



I.  Will.  I.  1.  Harold,  according  to  some  antborlties  son  of 

Ralph  Earl  of  Hereford,  but,  according  to 
other  writers,  natural  son  of  ICi^g  Harold, 
held  several  X^rd^ips  at  ^be  General  Sur- 
vey, among  others  that  of  Sndleyj  bis  soil 
and  heir, 

II.  Hen.  I.  8.  Jobn,  assumed  the  name  of  Sodley. 
HI.  H.  UI,  3.  Ralph  de  SudUy,  s.  and  b. i  living  1 165. 

IV.  Ric.  I.  4.  Otwell  de  Sudley,  s.  and  b.  i  ob.  circa  1 195,  S.P. 

V.  Jobn.    5.  Ralph  de  Sudley^  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  circa  1204. 

VI.  H.  HI.  6.  Ralph  de  Sudley,  s.  and  b. ;  ob.  . . .  • 
VII.H.  III.  7.  Bartholomew  de  Sudley,  s.  and  b.$  ob.  1374* 


I*  1299*  8.  John  de  Sudley,  s.  and  fa.;  Summ.  to  Pari. 
from  29  Pec.  28  Edw.  I.  1299>  to  15  May,  14 
Edw.  11.  1321;  ob.  1336,  6.  p.  according  to 
Dugdale,  vol.  i.  p.  428  ;  but  in  bis  History  of 
Warwickshire,  be  states  that  John  (tbe  son* 
of  Bartholomew  de  Sudley)  was  his  ^andson 
and  heir.  Joaiie,  wife  of  William  de  Boteler, 
of  Wemme,  and  Margery,  wife  of  Sir  Robert 
Massey,  were  the  daughters,  and  eventually 
coheirs,  of  the  John  de  Sudley  (son  of  Bar- 
tholomew) last  mentioned ;  and  (if  this  state- 
ment be  authentic),  apiong  whose  descendants 
and  representatives  this  Baron v  is  in  Abey- 
ance. ^ 

SUFFlEU>*-4UFFOLK.  6tl 



I.  1786.  1.  SirHarbord  Harbord,  Sd  Bart,  j  Created  Baron 

Suffield  of  Suffield,  co.  Norfolk,  8th  August, 
1786;  ob.  1810. 

II.  1810.  S.  William  Asbeton  Harbord,  a.  and   h.  i  nib, 

1281,  S.P. 
IIL  18S1*  3.  Edward  Harbord,  brotber  and  heir.    Present 
Baron  Suffield,  and  a  Baronet.    =r=: 



I.      1337.  1.  Robert  de  Ufford,  Sd  Baron  de  Ufford;  Cre- 

ated  Earl  of  Suffolk  16  March,  1337,  K.  G. ; 

ob.  1369. 
IL     1369.  3.  William  de.  Ufford,  son  and  heir;   Admiral 

of  the  King's  Fleet,  K.G.j  ob.  1383,  s.  p. 

when  the  Earldom  became 

III.  1385.  l.Miebael  de  la  Pole,  1st   Baron  de  la  Pole; 

Created  Earl  of  Suffolk  6th  Aug.  1385;  Lord 
Chancellor;  outlawed  circa  1388,  when  bis 
honors  were 

lY.    1397*  S.  Michael  de  la  Pole,  s.  and  h. ;  restored  to  his 
father's  dignities  1397;  ob.  1415. 

V.  1415.  S.Michael  de  la  Pole,  s.  and  h.;  slain  1415; 

ob.  s.p.M. 


VI,  1415.— L  1444.— I.  1448.  4.  William  de  la  Pole,  uncle 

and  heir  male,  being  next 
brotber  of  Michael  IV.>2d  Earl;  Created 
Marquesft  of  Suffolk  14  Sept.  1444;  suc- 
ceeded as  Earl  of  Pembroke,  according  to  an 
express  limitation,  in  1446;  Created  Duke 
of  Suffolk  2  June,  1448;  Lord  Chancel- 
lor; Lord  High  Admiral;  K.G. ;  he  mar- 
ried Alice,  grand-dau.  of  Geoffrey  Chaucer, 
the  poet;  beheaded  1450,  and  having  been 
attainted,  his  honors  became 

TOL.  II.  T 

688  SUFFOLK. 


II.  1463.  1.  John  de  la  Pole,  s.  and  h. ;  Created  Duke 

of  Suffolk  S3  March,  1463;  be  married 
Elizabeth  Plantagenet,  sister  of  King  Ed- 
ward IV.  K.G.;  ob.  14^1. 

III.  1491.  2.  Edmund  de  la  Pule,  s.  and  h.  K.G.;  be- 

headed 1513  (ob.  S.P.M.)*  and  beiog  at- 
tainted, bis  honors  became 


IV.  1514.  I.Charles  Brandon,  V.-lst  Viscount  L'Isle; 

Created  Duke  of  Suffolk  1st  Feb.  1514, 
be  married  to  his  third  wife  Mary  Tudor, 
daughter  of  King  Henry  VII.  by  whom 
he  had  three  daughters,  K.G.;  ob.  1545; 
he  was  succeeded  in  his  honors  by 

V.  1545.  S.  Henry  Brandon,  his  s.  and  h.  by  bis  last 

wife,  Katherine^  dau.  of  William  Lord 
Wil  lough  by  of  Eresby ;  ob.  1551,  8.F. 
when  the  Dukedom  became 

VI.  1551.  1.  Henry  Grey,  VI.-3d  Marquess  of  Dorset, 

having  married  Frances,  dau.  of  Charles 
lV.-l8t  Duke,  by  Mary^  sister  of  King 
Henry  VIII.  (by  whom  he  bad  the  unfor- 
tunate Lady  Jane  Grey),  was  Created  Duke 
of  Suffolk  10  Oct.  1551,  K.G.  beheaded 
1554  ;  and  being  attainted,  all  his  honors 



VI.  1603.  1.  Thomas  Howard,  first  Baron  Howard  de  Wal- 
den  (younger  son  of  Thomas  IX.«4th  Duke  of 
Norfolk) }  Created  Earl  of  Suffolk  21  July, 
1603;  Lord  High  Treasurer;  K.  G.;  ob. 

Vil.   1626.  8.  Theophilus  Howard,  s.  and  h.  K.G.  ob.  1640. 

Vili.1640.  3.  James  Howard,  s.  and  h.;  ob.  1688,  S.P.M. 
when  the  Barony  of  Howard  de  Walden  fell 
into  Abeyance  between  his  daughters  and 

*  Richard,  his  brother,  is  said  to  have  assumed  the  title  of 
Duke  of  Suffolk.     He  was  slain  in  1 525,  and  died  8.  P. 



IX.  1688.  4. George  Howard,  brother  and  heir  male;  ob. 

1691,  a.  P.M. 

X.  1691.  5.  Henry  Howard,  brother  and  heir:  ob.  I709. 

XL  1709.  6.  Henry  Howard,  s.  and  b.;  Ut  Baron  Chester- 
ford,  and  Earl  of  Bindon,  having  been  so  cre- 
ated vit4  patris;  ob.  17 18. 

XU.  1718.  7.  Charles  William  Howard,  t.  and  h. ;  Earl  of 
Bindon  and  Baron  Cbesterford;  ob.  1733, 
s.  p.  when  these  titles  became  ^^nct ;  but 
the  Earldom  of  Suffolk  devolved  on 

XIII.  1722.  8.  Edward  Howard,  uncle  and  heir,  being  next 

brother  of  Henry  XI.-6th  Earl ;  ob.  1731, 8.  p. 

XIV.  1731.  9. Charles  Howard,  brother  and  heir;  ob.  I733. 

XV.  1733. 1  O.Henry  Howard,  t.  and  h.  oh.  1745,  s.  p. 

XVI.  1745. 11. Henry  Bowes  Howard,  V.-4th  Earl  of  Berk- 

shire, cousin  and  heir,  being  descended  from 
Thomas  Howard,  Ist  Earl  of  Berkshire,  24 
son  of  Thomas  Howard,  Vl..]st  Earl  of  Suf- 
folk; ob.  1757. 

XVII.I757. 12.Henry  Howard,  grandson  and  heir,  being  s. 
and  h.  of  William  Howard  fob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Earl;  Earl  01  Berkshire;  ob. 

XVIII.I779.13.Henry  Howard,  s.  and  h.  Earl  of  Berkshire; 
ob.  1779,  infans. 

XIX.  1779.  l4.Thoffias  Howard,  grand  uncle  and  heir,  being 

younger  son  of  Henry  Bowes,  XVI..ilth 
Earl;  Earl  of  Berkshire;  ob.  1783,  8.  p. 

XX.  1783. 15.John  Howard,  cousin  and  heir  male,  being 

lineally  descended  from  Philip  Howard, 
younger  sou  of  Thomas  Ist  Earl  of  Berkshire, 
second  son  of  Thomas  Vl.-lst  Earl  of  Suffolk; 
Earl  of  Berkshire;  ob.  1820. 

XXI.  1820.  l6.Tbomas  Howard,  s.  and  h.    Present  Earl  of 

Suffolk,  Earl  of  Berkshire,  Viscount  Andover, 
and  Baron  Howard  of  Charleton.    =t= 


ViscouNTCY,  14  October,  1714— €^ttnct  1715. 

ViscouNTCY  14  June,  1715— ^^tinct  1772. 

Vide  Halifax, 






I.  16S7*  Emanuel  Scrope,  lltb  Baron  Scrope  of  Bol- 
ton j  Created  Earl  of  Sunderland  19  June, 
16S7 ;  Ob.  1640,  s.p.  when  tbe  Earldom  be- 


IL  .1643.  l.Heniy  Spencer,  3d  Baron  Spencer  of  Worm- 
lei<chton;  Created  Earl  of  Sunderland  8  June, 
1643;  ob. 1643. 

III.  1643.  S.  Robert  Spencer,  8.  and  fa.  K.G.  ob.  1703. 

IV.  1709.  3.  Cbarles  Spencer,  s.  and  b. ;  Lord  Lieutenant 

of  Ireland,  K.G.;  ob.  17^2. 

V.  1799.  4.  Robert  Spencer,  s.  and  b.  ob.  17S9,  s.p. 

VI.  1739.  5.  Cbarles  Spencer,  brotber  and  heir;  succeeded 

as  Marquess  of  Blandford  and  Duke  of  Marl- 
borough in  1733. 

Vide  Marlborough. 



I.     1766. 

1.  John  Campbell  (commonly  called  Marquess 
of  Lorn),  son  and  heir  apparent  of  John, 
4th  Duke  of  Arj^le  in  Scotland ;  Created 
Baron  Sundridge  of  Coombank,  co.  Kent, 
with  remainder,  failing  his  issue  male,  to  bis 
brothers  Frederick  and  William,  and  tbeir 
issue  male  respectively,  22  Dec.  1766;  suc- 
ceeded as  5th  Duke  of  Argyle  iu  1770  s  ob. 
II.  1806.  2.  George  William  Campbell,  s.  and  b.  Present 
Baron  Sundridge  and  Baron  Hamilton ;  also 
Duke  of  Argyle,  &c.  in  Scotland.    := 


I.  Will.  11. 




I.William  de  Warren,  Earl  Warren  in  Nor- 
mandy ;  Created  Earl  of  Surrey  by  William 
Rufus;  he  married  Gunnora,  dau.  of  Wil- 
liam the  Conqueror ;  ob.  1089. 

$.  William  de  Warren,  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  1135. 

3.  William  de  Warren,  son  and  l^eir;  ob.  1148, 



s.p.M.  Isabel,  bis  sole  dau.  and  beir>  having^ 

IV.  1 148.      WiUiam  de  Blois,  natural  son  of  King  Ste- 

phen, he  became  Earl  of  Surrey  jure  uxoria  i 
ob.  1 160,  t.  P.  Isabel,  his  widow,  having  mar* 
ried,  secondly,  in  1163, 

V.  1 163.      Hameline  Plantagenet,  natural  son  of  Geof- 

frey Earl  of  Aujoo,  father  of  King  Henry  II. 
he  obtained  the  Earldom  of  Surrey  in  that 
year;  ob.  1202. 

VI.  1202.  4.  Vi^illiam  Plantagenet,  s.  and  h.;  ob.  1240. 
VI  f.   1240.  5.  John  Plantagenet,  s.  and  h.s  ob.  1304. 

VIII.  1304.  6.  John  Plantagenet,  grandson  and  heir,  being 

fi.  and  h.  of  John  Plantagenet  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Earl;  ob.  1347,  8.  p.  leaving 
Alice,  wife  of  Edmund  Earl  of  Arundel,  his 
sister  and  heir. 

IX.  1347.  7.  Richard  Fiti-Alan,  Xlll.-llth  Earl  of  Arun- 

del, s.  and  h.  of  Edmund  Earl  of  Arundel,  by 
Alice,  his  wife,  sister  and  heir  of  the  last  Earl, 
is  considered  to  have  succeeded  to  the  Earl- 
dom of  Surrey,  and  so  styled  himself; 
but  it  is  doubtful  if  he  was  ever  formally 
invested  with  that  Earldom;  K.G.;  ob. 

X.  1375.  8  Richard  Fitz-Alan,  s.  and  fa. ;  Earl  of  Arundel 

and  Surrey,  K.  G.  ;    beheaded   1397*    and 
being  Attainted,  bis  honors  became 


1.  1397.  Thomas  Holland^  IX.-3a  Earl  of  Kent ; 
Created  Duke  of  Surrey  29  Sept. 
1397;  Earl  Marshal;  K.  G.;  and 
being  Attainted  in  1400,  his  honors 


XI.  1400.  9.  Thomas  Fita^Alan,  son  and  heir  of  Richard 

X.-8th  Earl;  restored  as  Earl  of  Arundel 
and  Surrey,  1400;  K.  G. ;  ob.  ,1415,  s.  p. 
leaving  his  sisters  his  heirs,  of  whom  Eli- 
zabeth married  Thomas  Mowbray,  1.-  1st  Duke 
of  Norfolk 


696  SURREY. 


XII.  1451.      "^obn  Mowbray^  son  and  heir  apparent  of 

John  lll.-3d  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  ^reat- 
grandson  of  John  Ist  Duke  of  Norfolk,  by 
Elizabeth,  sister  and  heir  of  Thomas  the  last 
Earl  of  Surrey;  Created  Earl  of  Warren  and 
Surrey  99  March,  1451,  vit&  patris;  suc- 
ceeded as  IV.-4tb  Duke  of  Norfolk  in  1461 ; 
Earl  Marshal  j  K.  G. ;  ob.  1475,  s.  p.  M.  when 
the  titles  of  Norfolk,  Surrey  and  Warren, 

XIII.  1483.  I.Thomas  Howard;  Created  Earl  of  Surrey  28 

June,  1483;  Attainted  1485,  when  his  ho- 
nors became  Jl^orfeitetl,  but  was  restored  to 
the  Earldom  in  1489 ;  CreaUd  Duke  of  Nor- 
folk (his  father,  John  VI.-]  st  Duke  having 
been  Attainted)  1st  Feb.  1514,  K.G.  ob.  1584. 

XIV.  1524.  *2.  Thomas  Howard,  s.  and  b.  Duke  of  Norfolk; 

Attainted  1546,  wben  his  dignities  became 
IForfeiteb.;  restored  1553;  K.G.  ob.  1554. 

XV.  1 554.  3.  Thomas  Howard,  Duke  of  Norfolk,  grandson 

and  heir,  being  s.  and  h.  of  Henry  Howard, 
K.G.  the  Poet,  who  is  generally  styled  Earl 
of  Surrey  (eldest  son  of  the  last  Duke,)  who 
was  Attainted  and  beheaded  1547 ;  restored  in 
blood  and  honors  1553;  Attainted  and  be- 
headed 1572,  when  all  his  honors  became 

XVI.  1603.  4.  Thomas  Howard,  s.  and  b.  of  Philip  Howard, 

Earl  of  Arundel  (eldest  son  of  Thomas  the 

^  Brooke  considers  (and  in  which  he  is  not  contradicted  by 
his  severe  commentator  Vincent)  that  Richard  Plantagenet, 
Duke  of  York,  8d  son  of  King  Edward  IV.  who  was  betrothed  to 
Ann  M oubray,  the  dau.  and  heir  of  John  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and 
last  Earl  of  Surrey,  was  created  Earl  of  Surrey,  and  which  title  is 
likewise  attributed  to  him  by  most  other  writers.  Dugdale  and 
Vincent  however  cite  his  patents  of  creation  to  the  Eandoms  of 
Nottingham  an^  Warrren,  and  to  the  Dukedom  of  Norfolk,but  takes 
no  notice  of  any  patent  creating  him  Earl  of  Surrey ,  though  ftOL 
a  year  was  assigned  him  out  of  the  counties  of  Surrey  and  Sussex 
to  support  his  other  dignities.  It  is  consequently  rery  doubtful  if 
he  really  ever  possessed  that  Earldom. 



Iftst  Duke),  which  Philip  was  Attainted  in 
1590.  Restored  in  blood,  and  to  such  ho- 
nours at  his  father  enjoyed,  liiiewise  at  Earl 
of  Surrey,  in  1603;  Created  Earl  of  Norfolk 
6  June  1644,  K.G.;  ob.  1646. 

XVII.  l646.5.Henry  Frederick  Howard,  t.  and  h.  Earl  of 
Arundel,  Norfolk,  and  Surrey;  ob.  1658. 

XYIII.  1653<6.Thomas  Howard,  s.  and  b.  Earl  of  Arundel, 
NorfolI(,  and  Surrey.  Restored  to  the  Duke- 
dom of  Norfolk  8th  May,  1644 1  since  which 
period  the  Earldom  of  Surrey  has  been  merged 
in  that  dignity. 

Vide  Norfolk. 



I.  Will.I.l.Rogerde  Montgomery;  Created  Earl  of  Sus- 

sex* by  William  the  Conqueror;  ob.  1094. 

II.  1094.  2.  Hugh  de  Montgomery,  8d  son  i  ob.  1098. 

III.  1098.  3.  Robert  de  Belesme,  eldest  brother  and  heir, 

being  s.  and  h.  of  Roger,  1st  Earl ;  deprived 
of  the  Earldom  for  treason,  110?. 

IV.  Hcn.1. 1.  William  de  Albini,  s.  and  b.  of  William  de  Al- 

bini  Pinerna,  by  his  marriage  with  Adeliza 
Queen  of  England,  widow  of  King  Henry  I. 
acquired  the  castle  of  Arundel  and  the 
County  of  Sussexf,  and  was  styled  Earl  of 
Arundel;  ub.  1176. 

V.  ]  1 76,  8.  William  de  Albini,  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  1888. 

*  Vide  Dugdale,  vol.  I.  p.  96.  It  is  to  be  observed,  that  this 
faiDily  is  not  included  in  the  catalogue  of  the  Earls  of  this  County, 
either  by  Brooke  or  Vincent. 

t  Dugdale,  speaking  of  this  Earl,  vol.  I.  p.  119,  says:—''  In 
the  reign  of  Henry  he  did  not  only  obtain  the  castle  and  honor  of 
Arundel  to  himself  and  his  heirs,  but  a  confirmation  of  the  Earl- 
dom of  Sussex  (for  though  the  title  of  Earl  was  most  known  by 
Arundel  and  Chichester,  at  which  places  his  chief  residence  used 
to  be,  yet  it  was  of  the  County  of  Sussex  that  he  was  really  Earl) 
by  the  Teriium  Demrium  of  the  Pleas  of  Sussex  granted  to  him. 



Vt.    122S.  3.  Wniiam  4e  Albini,  s.  and  h. ;  ob 

VII.  13...  4.  William  de  Albini,  s.  and  b.;  ob.  1933,  s.  p. 

Vin.1233.  5.  Hugb  de  Albini,  brother  and  beir,  ob.  1343, 
8.  P.  after  which  the  Earldom  of  Sussex  termi- 
nated, probably  in  consequence  of  his  preat 
possessions  being  divided  amongst  his  four 
sisters  and  heirs. 

IX.  1539.  I.Robert  Ratdiffe  IX.-13th  Baron  and  l.^s- 

eount  FitEwalter;  Created  Earl  of  Sussex 
38th  December,  I539»  K.  G.  Lord  High 
Chamberlain ;  ob.  1543. 

X.  1543.  3.  Henry  Ratdiffe,  s.  and  h.  K.  G. ;  ob.  1556. 

XI.  1556.  3.  Thomas  Ratdiffe,  s.  and  h.  K.G.|  ob.  1583» 

8.  p. 

XII.  1583.  4.  Henry  Ratdiffe,  brother  and  heir,  K.  G. ;  ob. 


XIII.  1 593.  5.  Robert  Ratdiffe,  s.  and  h.  K.  G.  s  ob.  1 639,  &P. 

XIV.  1639.  6.  Edward  Ratdiffe,  cousin  and  heir,  being  8. 

and  h.  of  Humphrey,  3d  son  of  Roliert,  1st 
Earl,  succeeded  as  Viscount  Fitz waiter  and 
Earl  of  Sussex;  ob.  1641,  8.  P.  when  these 
titles  became 


XV.  1644. 1.  Thomas  Savile,  3d  Baron  Savile  in  England, 

and  1st  Viscount  Castlebar  in  L^eland  ;  Cre- 
ated Earl  of  Sussex  35  May,  1644 ;  ob.  1646. 

XVI.  l646.3.JamesSarile,  s.  and  h.|  ob.  167 1>  b.p.  when 

his  honors  became 

XVII.  1674. I.Thomas  Lennard  XIV.-Hth  Baron  Dacre; 

Created  Earl  of  Sussex  5th  October,  1674  ; 
ob.  1715,  8. P.M.  when  the  Earldom  again 


XVIII.  1717.  I.Talbot  Yelverton   XV.-16th  Baron   Grey  of 

Ruthyn,  and  3d  Viscount  Longueville ;  Cre- 

which  was  the  usual  way  of  investing  such  great  men  (in  ancient 
times)  with  the  possession  of  any  Earldom,  after  those  ceremonies 
of  girding  with  the  sword,  and  putting  on  the  robes,  performed, 
which  have  ever,  till  of  late,  been  thought  essential  to  their 


ated  Earl  of  Sassex  96  Sept.  Un,  with  re* 
mainder,  failing  bis  issue  male,  to  bis  bro- 
ther, Henry  Yelverton,  and  bia  issue  male. 
EARLS.  K.B.;  ob.  1731. 

XiX.  1 731. 3.  George  Augustus  Yelvertoo«  s.  and  h,$  ob. 
1758,  8.  p. 

XX.  1758. 3. Henry  Yelverton,  brother  and  heir;  ob.  1799» 
8.  p.  M.  when  the  Viscountcy  of  LonguevUle 
and  Earldom  of  Sussex  became 



I.  1801.  I.  H.  R.  H.  Augustus  Frederick^  6th  ton  of  His 
Miyesty  King  George  111.  and  brother  of  Hit 
present  Most  Gracious  Magesty  $  Created  Ba- 
ron of  Arklow  in  Ireland,  Earl  of  Inverness 
in  North  Britain,  and  Duke  of  Sussex,  7th 
November  1801.  Present  Duke  of  Sussex 
and  Earl  of  Inverness  i  also  Baron  Arklow,  in 
Ireland,  K.  G. 



1.  1333.  l.Jobn  de  Sutton,  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  36th 
Dee.  17  Edw.  II.  1323,  to  30  December, 
18Edw.lI.  1334,  as  «  Johanni  de  Sutton,'' 
and  is  presumed  to  be  the  same  person  who 
was  summoned  from  30  July,  6  Edw.  III. 
1333,  to  30  April,  17  Edw.  III.  1343,  as  '<  Jo- 
hanni  de  Sutton  de  Holdernesse.*' 

It  is  difficult  to  ascertain  who  this  John  de  Sutton  was, 
unless  he  was  the  John  de  Sutton  who  married  Margaret, 
sister  andcoheir  of  Jobn  de  Somerie,I.-8tb  Baron  of  Dudley, 
whose  son  and  heir,  Jobn  de  Sutton,  was  Summ.  to  Part 
as  John  de  Sutton  de  Dudley,  35  Feb.  16  Edw.  III.  1343, 
and  died  in  1359.  Dugdale  gives  no  account,  in  his 
Baronage,  of  any  person  called  Sutton  being  summoned 
before  1343,  but  bis  statement  relative  to  this  family  is 
very  obscure  and  unsatisfactory.    There  was  also  a 


I.  1360.  John  de  Sutton,  Summ.  to  Pari,  as  "  Johanni 
de  Sutton  de  Essex,"  3  April,  34  Edw.  HI. 
1360,  but  nothing  more  is  said  of  him. 




].  1336.  1.  Adam  de  Swillington,  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  3d 
December^  20  Edw.  II.  1386,  to  6  March,  S 
Edw.  III.  13S8,  but  neyer  afterwards,  nor  any 
of  bis  posterity,  and  of  whom  Dugdale  gives 
00  further  account. 



I.  1337.  1.  Roger  deSwynerton,  Summ.  to  Pari.  83  April, 
11  Edw.  lit.  1337f  but  never  afterwards,  nor 
any  of  his  posterity,  which  continued  in  the 
male  line  for  several  generations. 



I.  1603.  1.  Robert  Sydney  (son  of  Sir  Henry  Sydney,  K.  G. 
by  Mary,  sister  of  Robert  Dudley,  Earl  of  Lei- 
cester) ;  Created  Baron  Sydney  of  Penshurst, 
CO.  Kent,  13th  May,  1603}  Created  Viscount 
L'lsle  May  4,  1605,  and  on  8  August,  1618, 
Earl  of  Leicester,  in  which  dignity  this  Ba- 
rony, and  the  Viscountcy  of  L' Isle,  continued 
merged  until  the  death  of  Josceline  Sydney, 
XVin..l8th  Earl  of  Leicester,  in  1743,  when 
they  became 


This  Barony  was  claimed  in  May,  1788,  by  Elizabeth, 
widow  of  William  Perry,  Esq.  and  daughter,  and  even- 
tually sole  heir  of  Thomas  Sydney,  next  brother  of  Jos- 
celine, last  Earl  of  Leicester  and  Baron  Sydney,  under  the 
presumption  that  Robert  Sydney  (the  Petitioner's  grand- 
father) the  son  and  heir  apparent  of  Philip  \l  V.-3d  Earl 
of  Leicester,  having  been  summonetf  to  Parliament,  vita 
patris,  in  his  father's  Barony,  a  Barony  in  fee  was 
thereby  created ;  but  the  House  of  Lords  resolved,  17  June 
1788,  *<That  Robert  Sydney,  commonly  called  Viscount 
L'isle,  the  Petitioner's  grandfather,  under  whom  she  de- 

SYDNEY.  681 

riyes  ber  daim,  acquired  no  new  Barony  ;  but  being  tbe 
eldest  son  of  bis  fatber,  the  Earl  of  Leicester,  was  sum- 
moned into  his  father's  Barony  in  tail  male  ;  therefore  the 
Petitioner  has  no  right  in  consequence  of  her  grandfa- 
ther's summons  and  sitting." 



1.  1689.^1.  1689.  Henry  Sydney,  brother  of  Philip,  XIV.- 
8d  Earl  of  Leicester}  Created  Baron 
Sydney  of  Milton,  and  Viscount  Syd- 
ney of  Sheppey,  both  co.  Kent,  9  April, 
1689;  Created  Earl  of  Romney  14tb 
May,  1694;  oh.  1700,  s.  p.  when  all 
bis  titles  became 



I.  1783.— L  1789.  1.  Thomas  Townshend,   eldest   son   of 

Thomas  Townshend,  8d  son  of  Charles 
3d  Viscount  Townsbend,  K.  G.  by 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas,  Ist  Baron 
Pelham,'son  of  Sir  John  Pelham,  Bart. 
by  Lucy  Sydney,  his  wife,  sister  of 
Philip  XlV..3d  Earl  of  Leicester,  and 
3d  Baron  Sydney  of  Pensburst,  and 
of  Henry  Sydney,  last  Baron  Sydney 
of  Milton,  and  Viscount  Sydney  of 
Sfaeppey;  Created  Baron  Sydney  of 
Chiselburst,  co.  Kent,  6  March  1783, 
and  on  the  1 1th  June,  1789,  Viscount 
Sydney  of  St.  Leonard's,  co,  Glouces- 
ter; ob.  1800.      « 

II.  1800.— II.  1800.  3.  John  Thomas  Townsbend,  s.  and  b. 

Present  Viscount  and  Baron  Sydney. 




1.  17 14.  1.  Heiuy  O'Bryeo,  Earl  of  Tbomond  in  Ireland  ; 
Created  Viscount  Tadcatter,  co.  York,  19th 
Oct.  1714 ;  ob.  174]«  s.  p.  when  the  Viscountcy 




1.  Hen.  1.  Geoffrey  Talbot,  s.  and  b;  of  Richard  Talbot. 
He  held  divert  knigbt's  fees,  temp.  Hen.  I. 
but  Dugdale  gives  no  farther  acrouut  of  him 
than  that  ha  was  living  in  II 38 :  in  the  reign 
of  Henry  II.  tbe  above  knight's  fees  were 
possessed  by  Walter  de  Meduana, 


OF  — 

L    UeD*I.  1.  Hugh  Talbot,  presumed  to  have  been  brother 

ther  to  the  above  Geoffrey ;  ob.  . . .  • 
IL  Steph.  S.  Richard  Talbot,  s.  and  h.  living  1153. 
1II.H.  |1.   3.  Gilbert  Talbot,  s.  and  b.  living  1305. 

IV.  H.UL  4.  Richard  Talbot,  s.  and  h.;  ob 

V.  Edw.L5«  Gilbert  Talbot,  s.  and  b.    He  married  Guen- 

lian,  dau.  and  at  length  heir,  of  Rbese  ap 
Griffiths,  Prince  of  South  Wales ;  ob.  1374. 

VI.  £dw.  I.  6,  Richard  Talbot  •*  s*  and  h.  Tbough  never  sum- 

moned to  Parliament,  it  Is  evident,  from  his 
being  present  at  tbe  Parliament  held  at  Lin- 

*  This  Baron  relmquished  his  paternal  coat-armour,  of  bendy  of 
ten  Argent  and  Chiles,  and  assumed  that  of  bis  mother,  viz.  Giues, 
a  Hon  rampant  within  a  bordure  Or,  and  which  has  been  retabsd 
as  the  ensigns  of  his  illustrious  descendants. 

TALBOT.  688 


coin  89  Edw.  L  and  ligninif  the  letter  to  the 
Fope  ft!  <*  Ricardui  Talebot,  Dominus  de  Eek- 
leswell/'  that  he  ranked  among  the  Barons 
of  his  timet  j  oh.  1306. 

I.  1331.  7*  Gilbert  Talbot,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  from 

5th  June,  4  Edw.  Ili.  1831,  to  SOth  April, 
17  Edw.  III.  1343:  ob.  1346. 

II.  1831.  8.  Richard  Talbot,  a.  and  b.    Samm.  to  Pari. 

from  5  June,  4  Edw. ill.  1331,  to  88  Oct.  89 
Edw.  III.  1355;  ob.  1356. 
UI.  1856.  9.  Gilbert  Talbot,  s.  and  h.  Somm.  to  Pari,  from 
14  Auer.  36  Edw.  III.  1368,  to  8  Aug.  10  Rich. 
11.1886;  ob.  1387. 

IV.  1387.  lO.Richard  Talbot,  s.  and  b.  having  married  An- 

karet,  sister,  and  eventually  sole  heir  of 
John,  Baron  Strange  of  Blacicmere ;  he  was 
Summ.  to  Pari.  vitA  patris,  from  3  March, 
7  Rich.  II.  1384,  to  17  I>ec.  11  Rich.  II.  1387, 
as  "  Riebardo  Talbot  de  Blackmere."  Sue 
ceeded  his  father  in  the  Barony  of  Talbot  in 
1387 ;  and  it  appears  that,  on  17  Dec.  1 1  RicII. 
1387,  in  the  same  writ  in  which  he  was  sum- 
moned as  <<  Richard  Talbot  of  Blackmere,"  he 
was  likewise  summoned  as  **  Ricardo  Talbot 
de  Godricke  Castell/'  and  from  that  time  to 
13th  Nov.  17  Rich.  11.  1393,  by  the  same  de- 
signation ;  ob.  1396. 

V.  1396. 11.  Gilbert  Talbot,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  toParL  as 

<<  Gilberto  Talbot,"  from  85  Aug.  5  Hen.  IV. 

1404,to5Oct.  5Hen.V.  1417, K.G.;  ob.l419, 

leaving  Ankaret,  bis  sole  daughter  and  heir  ; 

who  dying  an  infant  in  1431,  this  Barony, 

together  with  that  of  Strange  of  Blackmere, 

devolved  on  her  uncle  and  heir, 

VL  14S1. 18.  John  Talbot,  next  brother  of  Gilbert  the  last 

Baron,  who  having  married  Maud  de  Ne- 

vill,  eldest  dao.  and  coheir  of  Thomas  V. 

Baron  Farnival,  was  Somm.  to  Pari,  from  96 

Oct.  11  Hen.  IV.  1400,  to  86  Nov.  8  Hen.  V. 

1481,  as  <<  Johanni  Talbot  de  Furnyvall."    Summoned 

as   «<  Johanni  Talbot    Militi,"  from  19  Feb.  3  Hen.  VI. 

1435,  t%  5  July,  13  Hen.  VI.    1435 ;    Created  Earl  of 

Shrewsbury  30  March  1448,  K.G.  This  Barony,  together 

VOL.  11.  U 

634  TALBOT. 

..with  those  of  Fumaval  and  Strange  of  Blackmere^  con- 

.  tinned  vested  in  the  Eads  of  Shrewsbury,  until  the  death 
of  Gilbert,  X-7th  Earl,  in  1636,  S.P.M.  when  they  fell 
into  Abeyance  between,  his  three  daughters  and  coheurs. 
On  the  demise  of  two  of  the  said  coheirs,  s.  P.  the  Abey- 
ance of  the  Baronies  of  Talbot»  FurniTal,  and  Strange  of 
Blackmerey  terminated,  and  they  are  presumed  to  have 
become  vested  in  Altbea,  widow  of  Thomas ,  Howard 
XXII  f. -80  Eari  of  Arundel,  the  third  daughter  and  coheir; 
and  her  descendants,  the  £ar|s  of  Arundel  and  Surrey,  and 
Pokes  of  Norfolk,  inherited. these  Baronies  until^  the  death 

.  of  Edward  Howard  XIV.-1 1th  Duke  of  Norfolk,  in  1777, 
8.  p.  when  they  again  fell  into  Abbyancb  between  the  two 
daughters  and  coheirs  of  Philip  Howard,  brother. of  ,the 
said  Edward  Duke  of  Norfolk,  Baron. Talbot,  Strange  of 
Blackmere,  Furnival,  &c.  between  whqse  representatives, 
viz.   William,   present  Baron   Stourton,    and  William 

.  Francis  .Henry,  present  Baron  Petre,  they  are  now  in 
Abeyance.  Vide  Strange  of  Blackmere. 


op  HEN80L. 

I.  1733.  ].  Charles  Talbot,  lineally  descended  from  Sir 

Gilbert  Talbot  of  Grafton,  3d  son  of  John, 
V-Sa  Earl  of  Shrewsbury ;  Created  Baron  Tal- 
bot of  Hensol,  co.  Glamorgan,  5  Dec.  1733. 
Lord  Chancellory  oh.  1737* 


II.  1737.— I.  1761.  3.  William  Talbot,  son  and  heir;  Created 

Earl  Talbot  10  Mar.  J  761;  Cre- 
ted  Baron  Dynevor,  with  a  spe- 
cial remainder  17  Oct.  1780;  oh. 
1782,  s. P.M.  when  the  Earldom 
of  Talbot  became  4tj:tintt;  but 
the  Barony  of  Talbot  devolved  on 

Jil.  1782.— II.  1784.  3.  John  Cbetwynd  Talbot,  nephew 
and  heir  male,  being  son  and 
heir  of  John  Talbot,  Sd  sod  of 
Charles  ist  Baron ;  Created  Vis- 
count Ingestrie,  co.  StalTord  and 
Earl  Talbot  of  Hensol,  co.  Gla- 
morgan, 3  July,  1784  ;  ob.  1793. 

IV.  1793.-111.  1793.  4.  Charles  Chetwy ad  Talbot,  s.  and 


h.  Present  Earl  and  Baron  Tal- 
bot, and  Viscount  Ini^estrie,  Lord 
Lieut,  of  Ireland  in  ]819»  fLF.ff 



Hichard  Talbot,  next  brother  of  GUbert  I.-7th  Baron 
Talbot,  having  married  Joan,  dan.  and  coheir  of  Hugh  Mor- 
timer of  Castle  Richard,  ca  Hertford,  acquired  that  ter- 
ritory about  the  end  of  the  reign  of  Edward  II.  to  whom 
succeeded  John  his  son  and  heir,  whose  daughters,  or  ac- 
cording to  Dugdale,  grand- daughters  «nd  bein  Elisabeth 
and  Pbilippa  (thfe  former  the  wife  of  Sir  Warine  Arcfa- 
dekne,  Knt.  and  the  latter  of  Sir  Matthew  Goumay,  Knt.) 
shared  the  inheritance  ;  bat  J^oae  of  this  branch  of  the 
Talbot  family  were  ever  summoned  to  Pftriiament ;  and 
as  they  did  not  acquire  this  Barony  until  the  reign  of 
Edward  IL  they  cannot  be  considered  to  have  been 
Barons  of  the  Realm,  as  feudal  honors  rarely,  if  ever  ex- 
isted after  the  SSd  of  Edw.  L 



I.  1 529.  1.  Gilbert  Talboys,  lineally  descended  from  Henry 
Tafboys  by  Elisabeth  bis  wife,  dau.  and  heir 
of  Gilbert  Burdon  by  Elisabeth  his  wife. 
Bister  and  heir  of  Gilbert  Earl  of  Angos,  son 
and  heir  of  Gilbert  Earl  of  Angos  by  Lucie  de 
Kyme  bis  wife,  sister  and  heir  of  William 
II.-8th  Baron  Kyme;  Summ.  to  Pari.  81 
Hen.  VIII.  anno  15S9,  tv  «« Gilbert  Talboys 
de  Kyme,"  and  sat  by  that  title  in  the  Par- 
liament held  88  Hen.  VJII.  anno  1536$  ob. 

BARONESS.      15..,  8. P.M. 

I.  15..  8.  Elizabeth,  bis  sole  dau.  and  heir,  is  presumed 
to  have  succeeded  to  the  Barony,  as  Mr. 
Wimbish  her  husband,  claimed  the  dignity 
jure  uxoris,  when  it  was  solemnly  decided  in 
the  presence  of  King  Henry  VIU.  "  that  no 
man,  husband  of  a  Baroness,  should  use  the 


title  of  her  dignity  antil  he  bad  a  child  by 
her,  whereby  he  should  become  tenant  by 
courteiie  of  her  Barony/'  She  married, 
secondly,  Ambrose  Dudley,  Earl  of  Warwick, 
but  died  8.  p.  when  the  title  became 


ViscooHTCY,  3  September^  1711. 

Vide  FBRRBRi. 



I.  Willi.  1.  Robert  de  Tani,  temp.  William  1.  to  whom 


II.  Hen.1. 8.  Haseuif  de  Tani;  tivins  1139i   his  soceessor 


Jll.Steph.  3.  Rainald  de  Tani  i  ob S*  P. 

IV.H.1I.  4.  Gruei  de  Tani,  brother  and  heir  i  living  1165; 

ob.  1179. 
V.  H.  II.   S.Hasculf  deTanij  presumed  to  have  been  son 

and  heir ;  living  1 190 ;  to  whom  succeeded 
TI.  Ric.  I.  6.  Gilbert  de  Tani  i  ob.  1321,  s.  P. 

I.  H.III.  1.  Peter  de  Thani;  presumed  to  have  been  of  the 

same  family ;  living  1336. 

II.  H.III.  8.Johnde  Thani,  son  and  heir;  ob.ante  1346. 
I1I.H.1II.  3.  Richard  de  Thani,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1371. 

^V.  Sdw.l.  4.  Richard  de  Thani,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1396,  leaving 
Roger  bis  sonjand  heir;  but  as  neither  he 
nor  his  posterity  were  ever  summoned  to 
Parliament,  they  can  no  longer  be  ranked 
among  the  Barons  of  the  Realm. 



1.      1695.  l.Forde  Grey,  3d  Baron  Grey  of  Werke ;  Cre- 
ated Viscount  Grey  of  Glendale,  and  Earl  of 

*  Sir  John  Grey,  ancettor  of  the  Barons  Grey  of  Powis,  was 
created  Earl  of  Taakerville  in  Normandy,  6  Hen.  VI.  which 
-lignity  his  grandson  forfeited  the  88  Hen.  VI. 

p— —        TANKERVILLE— TATSHALL.  637 


Tankenrille,  co.  Northumberland,    1 1  May, 
1695  {  oh,  170],  si  P.  M.  irben  the  Viscoantcy 
and  Earldom  became 

II.  1714.  1.  Charles  Bennet,  Sd  Baron  Ossulston,  having 

married  Mary,  sole  dao.  and  heir  of  the  last 
Earl,  was  created  Earl  of  Tankenrille  19 
October,  1714,  K.T.;  ob.  1723. 

III.  1783.  3.  Charles  Bennet,  s.  and  h.  K.  T. ;  ob.  1753. 

IV.  1753.  3.  Charles  Bennet,  s.  and  fak  ob.  1767. 

V.  1767.  4.  Charles  Bennet,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1838. 

VL     1833.  5.  Charles  Augustus  Bennet,  s.  and  h.    Present 
Earl  of  TankerviUe  and  Baron  Ossulston.  =r 



t.    Will.1.  1.  Eudo,  Lord  of  Tatshall,  temp.  Will.  I.  ob 

II.  Steph.  3.  Hugh  Fitz-Eodo,  s.  and  b.  Lord  of  Tatshall; 

living  1 139. 
ULH.  II.   3.  Robert  Fit»  Hugh,  s.  and  h.  living  1 167. 

IV.  Ric.  I.  4.  Philip  FitB-Robert,  s.  and  h.  Lord  of  Tatshall, 

ob.  circa  1199. 

V.  John.  5.  Robert  de  Tatshall,  s.  and  h.ob.  1313. 

VI.  H.1II.  6.  Robert  de  Tatshall,  s.   and  h.;    he  married 

Amabill,  eldest  dau.  and  coheir  of  William  de 
BY  WRIT.     Albini,  Earl  of  Arundel ;  ob.  1349. 

I.  1895.  7.  Robert  de  Tatshall,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  34  June,  83  Edward  I.  1^95,  to  96  Aug. 
34  Edward  I.  1396;  he  was  likewise  Sum- 
moned 36  Jan.  85  Edw.  I.  1397}  but  for  the 
reasoos  assigned  under  *'  Fitz-John,"  it  is 
doubtful  if  that  Writ  can  be  considered  as  a 
regular  Summons  to  Parliament;  ob.  1397. 

II.  1399*  8.  Robert  de  Tatifaall,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  6  February,  37  Edward  I.  1899,  to  13 
September,  30  Edward  1.  1308;  ob.  1303, 
leaving  Robert  bis  son  and  heir,  who  died  in 
1306,  8.  p.  and  in  his  minority,  when  his 
aunts,  the  sisters  of  Robert  his  father,  or 
their  issue,  became  his  heirs  ;  among  whose 
descendants  and  representatives  this  Barony, 
u  J 


if  the  above  statement  be  correct*,  is  in 


MarquesatEi  1 1  May,  1694. 

Vide  Bedford. 



I.      1749.  1.  Hester  Granville,  Viscountess  and  Baroness 

Cobbam,   wife  of   Richard  Grenville,  F«q. 

Created  Countess  Temple,  with  remainder  of 

the  dignity  of  Earl  Temple  to  her  issue  male, 

BARis.  18  Oct.  1749 ;  ob.  1752. 

I.  1753.  S.  Richard  Grenville  (assumed  the  name  of) 
Temple,  s.  and  h.  K.  G.;  ob.  1779.S.P. 

If.  1779.  3.  George  Grenville  (assumed  the  names  of) 
Nugent-Temple,  nephew  and  heir,  being  son 
and  heir  of  George  Grenville,  next  brother  of 
the  last  Earl ;  Created  Marquess  of  Bucking- 
ham 30  Nov.  1784;  ob.  1813. 

JII.  1613.  4.  Richard  Temple  Nugent  Grenville  (assumed 
OF  stowe.  the  names  of)  Brydges-Chandos,  s.  andh.; 
I.  t8SS.  Created  Duke  of  Buckingham  and  Chan- 
do.^, 'Marquess  of  Chandos  and  Earl  Temple 
of  Stowe,  with  remainder  of  the  said  Earl- 
dom, failing  the  heirs  male  under  the  former 
patent  to  Anne  Eliza,  his  Grace's  grand- 
daughter, and  the  heirs  male  of  her  body;  13 
Jan.  182<K.  Present  Earl  Temple,  and  Earl 
Temple  of  Stowe,  Viscount  and  Baron  Cob- 

*  It  is  to  be  observed,  that  neither  Dugdale,  Collms,  nor  Banks 
state  that  any  of  this  fiwnily  were  ever  summoned  to  Pari.  From 
the  Lists  of  Sammonses,  however,  a  Robert  de  Tateshall  appears 
to  have  been  summoned  the  28th,  24th,  26th,  27th,  28th, 
and  SOth  of  Edward  I.  and  the  only  ground  which  the  Editor  has 
for  asserting,  that  both  the  last  Barons  were  summoned,  is  the 
years  assigned  by  Dugdale  for  their  deaths.  Robert  the  last 
Baron  summoned,  was  bom  about  the  year  1274;  hence  it  is 
nossible  that  all  the  Writs  were  directed  to  him,  though  the 
'^ove  statement  is  the  most  probable. 

TEMPLE— TflAME.  639 

ham,  Dake  of  Bockingbam  and  Chandoa» 
Marquess  of  Buckingham  and  Marquess  of 
Cbaudos,  also  Earl  Nugent  in  Irelandy  K.G.  ^ 


Baromt^  P^ovember,  1706— Merged  in  the  Crown  1 !  June, 
17S7.  Vide  Cambridge. 


Barony»  7  July,  1660— 4B;:tinrt  1688. 

Vide  Aukmarls. 

Barony,  10  April,  1689— 4E):tJnct  1719. 



I.  161U  I.John  Roper;    Created    Baron  Teynham    of 

Teynham,  co.  Kent,  9  July,  1616 ;  oh.  1618. 

II.  1618.  %  Christopher  Roper,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1622. 

III.  16S2.  S.John  Ruper,  8.andh.  ob.  1627. 

IV.  1637.  4.  Christopher  Roper,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1673. 

V.  1673.  &.  Christopher  Roper,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1688. 

VI.  1688.  6.  John  Roper,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1689>  s.  p. 

VII.  1689.  7.  Christopher  Roper,    brother  and   heir ;    ob. 

1697,  8.  P. 
VIIL1697.  8.  Henry  Roper,  brother  and  heir ;  ob.  1723. 

IX.  1728.  9.  Philip  Roper,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1727,  8.  P. 

X.  1727. 1  O.Henry  Roper,  brother  and  heir  j  ob.  1781. 
Xi.  1781. 1  I.Henry  Roper,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1786. 

XII.  1786.12  Henry  Roper,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1800,  8.P. 

XIII.1800.13.John  Roper,  brother  and  heir  j  ob.  1824,  S.P. 

XlV,1824.14.Henry  Francis  Roper  (assumed  the  name  of) 
Curzon,  1st  cousin  and  htir,  being  son  and 
heir  of  Francis  Roper,  brother 'of  Henjy 
X.*10th  Baron.    Present  Barou  Teynham. -p 


ViscouNTCY,  28  January,  1620— €ptinct  1620. 

Vide  Berkshire. 




I.  1628.  1.  Nicholas  Tufton,  let  Baron  Tufton  ;  Created 

Earl  of  Thanet,  oo.  Kent»  5  August,  16S8; 
ob.  1632. 

II.  1632.  2.  John  Tufton,  8.and  h.  $  he  married  MMi^aretf 

dau.  and  coheir  of  Richard  Earl  of  Dorset 
by  Ann  Baroness  Clifford ;  ob.  1664. 
HI.  1664.  3.  Nicholas  Tufton»  s.  and  h.  ob.  1679»  s.  p. 

IV.  1679.  4.  John  Tufton,  brother  and  heir ;  ob.  1680,8.  p. 

V.  1680.  5. Richard Tufton,  brother  and  heir;  ob.  1684, 

s.  P.  * 

y  I.  1684.  6.  Thomas  Tufton,  brother  and  heir  i  claimed  and 
was  allowed  the  ancient  Barony  of  Clifford 
in  1691 ;  ob.  1729>  8.  p.  u.  when  the  Barony 
of  Clifford  fell  into  Abbyancb  between  his 
daughters  and  coheirs;  his  other  honors  de- 
volved on 

VII.  1729.  7.  SackvilleTufton,  nephew  and  heir  male»  being 
s.  and  h.  of  Sackyille  Tufton,  next  brother  of 
the  last  Earl ;  ob.  1753. 

VUI.1753.  8.  Sackville  Tufton,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1786. 

IX.  1786.  9. SackvilleTufton,  s.  and  h.;  ob.  1825. 

X.  1825. 10. Charles  Tufton,  brother  and  heir.    Present 

Earl  of  Thanetf   Baron  Tufton,  and  a  Ba- 


ViscouNTCY,  12  April,  1672. 

Vide  AaLiNGTON. 



I.  1801.  MurrougbO'Bryen,  1st  Marquess  of  Thomond 
in  Ireland  ;  Created  Baron  Thomond  of  Tap* 
low,  CO. Bucks,  2  Oct.  1801,  K.P. ;  ob.  1808, 
8.  p.  when  the  Barony  became 

THORPE— THURLOW.         '641 


I.  1309.  John  de  Thorpe  $  Samm.  to  Pari,  from  ]1 
June,  2  Edward  H.  1309»  to  10  Oct.  19  Edw. 
II.  13S5. 


OP  — 

I.  1381.  William  de  Thorpe ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  16 
aniy,  5  Rich.  IL  ISSl,  to  IS  Sept.  14  Rich.  11. 

It  is  singular  that  neither  Dngdale,  nor  Collins  give 
any  account  of  these  Barons,  l^atson  says  that  John 
de  Thorp  wu  Lord  of  Creke,  co.  Norfolk,  in  right 
of  his  grandmother  Margaret,  eldest  sister  and  coheir  of 
Bartholomew,  Lord  of  Creke ;  he  is  however  silent  with 
respect  to  William  de  Thorpe.  Banks,  in  his  Stemmata 
Anglicana  (though  he  has  omitted  to  notice  them  in  his 
Extinct  Baronage)  states,  John  Baron  Thorpe  died  in  17 
Edw.  II.  and  deduces  the  pedigree  to  Sir  Edmund  Thorpe, 
who  died  in  14t7>  leaving  two  daughters  his  cohein,  via. 
Isabel,  who  married  Philip  Tylney,  and  Joan,  who  mar- 
ried first  Sir  Robert  Ecningham,  and  secondly  Sir  John 
Clifton :  if  this  pedigree  be  correct,  the  Barony  created  l^ 
the  Writ  of  3  Edw.  II.  is  vested  in  the  descendants  and 
representatives  of  the  said  Joan  and  Isabel.  None  of  the 
descendants  of  John  de  Thorpe  were  however  summoned 
to  Parliament.  Nothing  appears  to  be  recorded  of  the 
descendants  of  William  Baron  Thorpe. 


Barony,  8  April«  1676— 4]^|:tinct  1709. 

Vide  Feversham. 

Barony,  19  October,  1714— ^tinct  1746. 

Vide  Rockingham. 



1.      1778.  I.Edward  Thurlow;  Created  Baron  Tburlow  of 

OF  TBURLOW.  Asbfield,  CO.  Suffolk,  3  June,  1778;   Created 

I.      1 792.        Baron  Thurlow  of  Thurlow,  co.  Suffolk,  with 

remainder,  failing  bis  male  issue,  to  his  bro* 

tbers  and  their  issue  male,  19  June,  1792; 

Lord  High  Chancellor;  oh.  1806,  s.  p.  when 



the  Barony  of  Thurlow  of  Ashfield  became 
extinct ;  but  the  Barony  of.  Tlmrlow  of 
TburloiT'devolvedy  agpweably  to  the  limiu- 
tioot  on 
II.  1806.  2.  Edward  Hovell  Thurlow,  nephew  and  heir, 
being  son  and  heir  of  Thomas  Tburiow, 
Bishop  of  Durham^  next  brother  of  the  last 
Baron.     Present  Baron  Thurlow  of  Thar- 



I.  1307.  1.  Marmaduke  de  Thwenif ;  Samm.  to  Pari.  8 

June,  32  Edward  I.  1294;  but  it  is  very 
doubtful  if  that  Writ  can  be  considered  as  a 
regular  Summons  to  Pari,  vide  **  Clyve- 
DON ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  22  Feb.  35  Edw.I. 
1307»  to  18  Sept.  16  Edw.  II.  1322  ;  ob.l323. 

II.  1323.  2.  William  de  Thweng,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

30  Dec.  18  Edw.  II.  1324,  but  never  after; 
oh.  1341 1  8.  p.  leaving  his  brother  Robert  his 
heir,  a  Priest,  who  died  1344,  S.P.  to  whom 
succeeded  Thomas  his  brother,  also  a  Priest, 
and  who  died  8.  p.  1374,  leaving  the  descend- 
ants of  his  three  sisters,  vix.  Lucia,  who 
married  Sir  Robert  Lumleyj  Margaret,  who 
married  Sir  Robert  Hilton  i  and  Katherine, 
who  married  Sir  Rauf  Daubenie,  his  heirs ; 
between  whose  descendants  and  representa- 
tives this  Barony  is  in  Abeyance. 


Baronyi  11  December,  1682. 

Vide  WBYMoimi. 



L  1808.  I.  Pain  de  Tibetot ;  Summoned  to  Park  from  tO 
March,  I  Edward  II.  1308,  to  26  Nov.  7 
Edw.  II.  1310;  ob.  1314. 

U.     1314.  2.  John  de  Tibetot,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

.      TIBETOT.  643 


from  I  April»  9  Edv.  Ul.  WB,  to  80  J«n.  39 
Edward  111.  1366 ;  he  married  Margaret,  sis- 
ter and  eobeir  of  Giles  liord  Aadlesmere  i  ob. 
III.  1367.  3.  Robert  de  Tibetot,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 
S4  Feb.  42  Edward  III.  1368,  and  8  Jan.  44 
Edward  111.  1371 ;  ob.  1372»  S.  P,  m.  leavingr 
Margaret,  Milisent,  and  EUaabetb,  his 
daughters  and  coheirs;  Margaret  married 
Roger  Sd  Lord  Scrope  of  Bolton ;  Milisent 
became  the  wife  of  Stephen  ie  Scrope  ; .  and 
Elisabeth  married  Philip  le  Despencer ;  be- 
tween whose  descendants  and  representatives 
this  Baronj  is  in  Abiyancb. 

Margaret,  the  eldest  coheir  of  this  Barony  is  now  re- 
presented by  Charles  Jones,  Esq.  the  heir-general  of  the 
body  of  the  said  Margaret,  and  of  her  husband  Roger 
Lord  Scrope.  Vide  Scropb  of  Bolton. 


I.  1436.  1.  John  de  Tlptoft,  s.  and  h.  of  Pain  de  Tibetot, 

next  brother  of  Robert  3d  Baron ;  Summ.  to 
Pari,  from  7  Jan.  4  Hen.  VI.  1486,  to  3  Dec. 
80  Hen.  VI*  1441,  probably  from  haYing  mar- 
ried Joyce,  the  daughter  and  coheir  of  ^ ward 
Baron  Cherleton.  Dugdale  says  he  bore  the 
title  of  Lord  Tiptoft  and  Powys ;  but  he  was 
never  summoned  by  any  other  designation 
than  "Johanni  Tiptoft,  Chl'ri"  ob.  1443. 

II.  1443.  8.  John  de  Tiptoft,  s.  and  h.  Created  Earl  of 

Worcester  16  July,  1449*  being  then  Just  of 
age  I  beheaded  and  attainted  1470,  when  his 
honors  became 

UI.  1471.  3.  Edward  de  Tiptoft,  s.  and  h.  Restored  in 
blood ;  Earl  of  Worcester  i  ob.  1485,  s.  p. 
infra  sstatem,  leaving  his  aunts,  sisters  of 
John  8d  Baron,  and  1st  Earl  of  Worcester, 
his  heirs,  vis.  Philippa,  wife  of  Thomas  Roos  i 
Joan,  wile  of  Sir  Edmund  Inglethurpe  i  and 


iloiee,  who  narrfed  Edmund  Dodley;  be- 
tween whole  descendants  and  representatives 
this  Barony  is  in  Abeyance. 



I.  Hen.L  1 deTindale;  held  the  Barony  of  Lange- 

ley,  CO.  Northumberland,  temp.  Henry  I.  to 
whom  succeeded 

II.  Ric.  I.  S.  Adam  de  TIndale ;   living  1 194 ;  oh.  s.  p.  m. 

leaving  PhiUppa,  who  married  Adam  de  Bol- 
teby^  and  ••  •  •  his  daughters  and  coheirs. 


Earldom,  19  March,  1667— forfeited  1695. 

Vide  Berwick. 


Maroumate,  6  July,  1716. 


Dukedom,  93  April,  1799. 




I.  Will.  I.  1.  Robert  de  Todeni ;  Lord  of  Belroir,  co.  Lin- 
coln; ob.  1088. 

IL  Will.  U.  S.William  de  Todeni,  s.  and  h.  He  assumed  the 
name  of  Albini.  Vide  Albini. 




I.  Will.1.  I.Ralph  de  Toni ;  Standard  Bearer  to  William 

the  Conqaeror,  from  whom  he  obtained  divert 
Lordships;  ob.  1109. 

II.  Hen.I.  9.  Ralph  de  Tont,  s.  and  h.  ob 

III.  Steph.^3.  Roger  de  Toni,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1 163. 

IV.  Ric.  I.'*4.  Roger  de  Toni^  s.  and  h.  living  1 199. 

V.  John.    5.  Ralph  de  Toni ;  presumed  to  have  been  son 

and  heir  of  the  last  Baron  j  ob.  1339. 

VI.  H.III.  e,  Roger  de  Toni,  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  1877. 
VlI.Edw.1. 7.  Ralph  de  Toni^  s.  and  h.  living  1294. 


I.      1399.  d.  Robert  de  Toni»  s.  and  h.   Somm.  to  Pari, 
from   10  April,  37  Edward  I.  1899,  to  16 
June,  4  Edw.  II.  1311 ;  ob.  circa  1311,  s.  p. 
when  this  Barony  became 

Dugdale  says  nothing  of  any  of  this  family  haying  ever 
been  summoned  to  Parliament,  and  states  that  this  Robert 
died  3  Edw.  II.  1310. 


Barony,  39  May,  1689— €^tinct  1716. 

Vide  ToaaxMGTOir. 


Earldom,  7  July,  1660— 4E^nct  1688. 

Vide  Albbmablb. 


in.  1689.  I.Arthur  Herbert,  descended  from  the  common 
ancestor  of  the  Earls  of  Pembroke,  Barons 
Herbert  4)f  Cbirbury,  &c. ;  Created  Baron 
of  Torbay  and  Earl  of  Torrington,  both  co. 
Devon,  with  remainder,  failing  his  issue 
male,  to  Charles  Herbert  his  brother.  May 
39,  1689;  ob.  1716.  s.  p. ;  and  his  brother 
having  died  y'lii  fratis,  8.  p.  his  honors  be- 
BARON.  Cjitinct, 

I.      171 6.      Thomas  Newport,  Sd  son  of  Francis  l.-lst  Earl 
of  Bradford  $  Created  Baron  of  Torrington,  co. 
VOL.  ri.  X 


Devon.  85  June,  1716  {  oU  1719,  s.  p.  wbeu 
the  title  again  beet  me 


I.  1721.  1.  Sir  George  Byng,   1st  Bart.;   Created  Baron 

Byng  of  Soutbill,  co.  Bedford,  and  Viscount 
Torrington,  co.  Devon.  9  Sept.  1731,  K.B.  ; 
pb,  1733. 

II.  1733.  S.  Pattee  Byng,  s.  and  h.  ob,  1747,  s.  p. 

lir.  1747.  3.  George  Byng,  brother  and  heir;  ob.  1750. 

IV.  1750.  4.  George  Byng,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1813,  s.  P.  m. 

V.  1813.  5.  John  Byng,  brother  and  heir  ;  ob.  1813. 

VI.  1813.  6.  George  Byng,  8.   and   h.     Present  Viscount 

Torrington,  Baroo  Byng,  and  a  Baronet.  =F 



I.  1636.  George  Carew,  Ist  Baron  Carew  of  Clopton  ; 
Created  Earl  of  Totness,  co.  Devon.  5  Feb. 
1636  ;  ob.  1689,  s.  P.  M.  when  his  honors 


ViscouNTCY,  29  July,  1675— 4E|:tinct  1680. 

Vide  Plymouth. 



I.  166l.«*I.    1688.  l.Six  Horatio  Townshend,  3d  Bart. ; 

Created  Baron  Townshend  of  Lynn 
Regis,  CO.  Norfolk,  30  April,  1661  ; 
Created  Viscount  Townshend  of 
Raynham,  co.  Norfolk,  11th  Dec. 
1683  ;  ob.  1687. 

II.  1687.— II.  1687.  2.  Charles  Townshend,  s.  and  h.  K.  G. ; 

Lord  Lieut,  of  Ireland  1717s  ob. 
III.1738.— 111.1738.  3.  Charles  Townshend,  s.  and  h.  ob. 


^6.— 1V.1786-— I.  1786.  4.  George  Townshend,  s.  and 
h.  Created  Marquess  Towns- 
hend of  Raynham,  co.  Nor- 


BARONS.        Vise.        UARQ. 

folk,  87  Oct.  1786;  Lord 
Lieut,  of  Ireland.  He  mar- 
ried Charlotte  Baronets  Fer- 
rers de  Chartley ;  ob.  I8O7. 
V.1807.— V.I8O7.— 11.  I8O7.  5.Geor|:e  Townsbend,  s.  and 

b.  Baron  Ferrers  de  Chartley 
jnre  matris ;    Created  Earl 
of  Leicester^  viU  patris,  18 
May,  1784;  ob.  1811. 
VI.18n— VI.18I1— III.  181 1. 6. George  Ferrers  Townshend, 

8.  and  h.  Present  Marquesa, 
Viscount,  and  Baron  Towns- 
bend  5    Earl  of  Leicester,  Baron  Ferrers  de 
Chartley,  Baron  Compton,  and  coheir  of  the 
Barony  of  Bourchier*.    =^ 



I.  Steph.  1.  Henry  de  Traci ;  held  the  Honor  of  Barnsta- 

ple, CO.  Devon,  by  pft  of  Kins  Stephen  i 
living  1 146.     . 

II.  H.  IL   S.  Oliver  de  Traci,  s.  and  h.  ob.  circa  1 184. 
IIL  Ric.  I.  3.  Oliver  de  Traci,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1210. 

IV.  John.  4.  Henry  de  Traci,  s.  and  h.  ob.  circa,  1874, 
S.P.  M.  Eve,  bis  sole  daughter,  having  mar- 
ried Guy  de  Bryan*  left  issue,  Maud,  wife  of 
Geoffry  de  Camville,  who  was  found  to  be  his 
next  heir. 

I.  H.U.  I.William  de  Traci;  held  86  Knight's  fees  in 
1165;  Steward  of  Normandy.  He  was  one 
of  the  murderers  of  the  celebrated  Thomas 
i  Becket;  living  1883,  "  but  further,*' 
«ays  Dugdale,  *<!  have  not  seen  of  him." 
Banks  states,  that  John  Viscount  Tracy  in 
Ireland  was  descended  from  this  family. 

*  Vide  Note  to  p.  869,  et  seq. 



Vi8C0UNTCY|  80  November,  1805. 

Vide  Nelson. 



I.  Sfepb.  1.  Geoffrey  de  Trailli ;  liYing  1175. 

II.  H.  II.   8.  Walter  de  Trailli,  s.  and  b.  Imog  1818,  of 

wbom  Dogdale  gives  no  further  account. 



I.  H.  II.    1.  Geoffrey  de  TregoB ;  ob.  circa  1 174. 

II.  Jobn.    8.  William  de  TregoB,  ■.  and  b.;  ob.  1808. 

III.  H.II.   3.  Robert  de  Tregoz,  t.  and  h.  living  1836 ;  to 

wbom  succeeded 

IV.  H.  III.  4.  Robert  dcTregoB,  son  of  Geoffrey  $  ob.  1865. 


I.  1899.  5.  Jobn  deTregoB,  son  and  beiri  Summoned  86 
Jan.  85  Ed «r.  1. 1897 }  but  it  is  very  doubtful  if 
that  Writ  can  be  considered  as  a  regular  Sum« 
mons  to  Pari.;  vide  *'  Fitz^ohn;"  Summ. 
to  Pari  6  Feb.  and  10  April,  87  Edward  I. 
1899;  ob.  1300.  His  grandson  Jobn,  son 
of  Roger  la  Warre  by  Clarice  de  TregoB,  his 
eldest  daughter ;  and  Sybil  his  second  dau. 
wife  of  Sir  William  de  Grandison,  Knt.  being 
bis  heirs;  among  whose  descendants  and 
representatives  this  Barony  is  in  Abeyance. 



I.  1305.  Henry  de  Tregoz,  presumed  to  have  been  of  the 
above  family;  Summ.  8  June,  88 Edw.  1. 1894; 
but  it  is  very  doubtful  if  that  Writ  can  be 
deemed  a  regular  Summons  to  Parliament ; 
vide  «  Clyvedon  ;"  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  88 
January,  38  Edward  1. 1305,  to  14  March, 
15  Edw.  11.  1388;  «  but  further,"  obscnret 
Dugdale,  I  cannot  say  of  him." 




I.  1378.  Tbooms  de  Trepoz ;  Summoned  to  PftrUaroent 
4  January,  11  Edward  11.  1318,  and  from  30 
October,  6  Edward  III.  133S,  to  I  April,  9 
Edward  111.  1335  ^  but  of  wbom  Dugdale  in 
bis  Baronage  gives  no  account. 



I.  1626.  1.  Oliver  St.  John,  Ist  Viscount  Grandison  in 
Ireland  (descended  from  John  I.-5th  Baron 
Tregoz,  and  uncle  of  Sir  John  St.  John,  Bart. 
whose  grandson,  Sir  Henry  St.  John  was 
created  Viscount  St.  John)  ;  Created  Baron 
Tregoz  of  Highworth,  co.  Wilts,  31  May, 
3636 ;  ob.  1 639,  8.  p.  when  this  Barony  became 



V4SC0UNTCY,  37  July,  1736— 4B)CtttlCt  1765. 

Vide  Cumber  LAND. 



I.  1 8 15.  1 .  Richard  le  Poer  Trench,  3d  Earl  of  Clancarty 
in  Ireland ;  Created  Baron  Trench  of  Gar- 
bally,  CO.  Gal  way,  15  July,  1815 1  Created 
Viscount  Clancarty,  of  the  County  of  Cork, 
17  Nov.  1823. 

Vide  Clancartt. 


ViscouNTCY,  8  July,  1746. 

Vide  GowBR. 



I.  1711.  1.  Thomas  Trevor  ;  Created  Baron  Treror  of 
Bromhanii  co.  Bedford,  31  Dec.  1711 ;  ob. 




If.    1730.  8.  Thomas  Trevor,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1753,  s.  p.  m. 

HI.  1753.  S.John  Trevor,  brother  and  heir;  ob.  1764, 
s.  P.  M. 

IV.  1764.  4.  Robert  Trevor  (assumed  the  name  of)  Hamp- 
den, half-brother  and  heir;  Created  Viscount 
Haippden  14  June,  1776. 

Cj:tintt  1834.  Vide  Hampden. 



I.  Hen.  I.  William  de  Trusbut ;  raised  from  a  low  condi- 
tion to  eminence  by  KingHen.I  ;  living  1 139; 
ob.  •• ..  leaving  three  sons,  Richard,  Geof- 
frey, and  Robert,  who  all  died  s,  p.  when  their 
three  sisters  became  their  heirs  ;  of  whom. 
Rose  married  Everard  de  Roos,  Hillaria  was 
the  wife  of  Robert  Budlers,  but  died  s.  P.  and 
Agatha  married  William  de  Albini. 



I.  134S.  I.William  Trussel  (whose  ancestor,  William 
Trussel,  was  summoned  8  June,  22  Edw.  f. 
1294;  but  for  the  reasons  assigned  under 
"  Clyvedon,"  it  is  doubtful  if  that  Writ  can 
be  considered  as  a  regular  Summons  to  Par- 
liament); Summ.  to  Pari.  25  Feb.  16  Edw.  HI. 
1342,  but  never  afterwards,  nor  any  of  his 
posterity;  Admiral  of  the  King's  Fleet ;  ob. 
'  •.  ••.  when  the  Barony  became 



I.  1299.  William  Tuebet;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  89 
Dec.  28  Edw.  I.  1299,  to  3  Nov.  34  Edw.  I. 
1306 ;  but  of  whom  Dugdale  gives  no  further 
account;  he  is  presumed  to  have  been  re- 
lated to  the  ancestor  of  John  Touchet,  who 
acquired  the  Baruny  of  Audley,temp.  Hen.IV. 




L  16S6.  1.  Sir  Nicholas  Tufton,  2d  Bart.  Created  Baron 
Tufton  of  Tufton,  co.  Sussex,  1  Nov.  16S6; 
Created  Earl  of  ThanetS  Aug.  1688. 

Vide  Tbanbt. 



I.  1684.  1.  Richard  Burgh»  Earl  of  Clanrickard  in  Ice- 
land ;  Created  Baron  Somerhill  and  ViscoanC 
Tunbrid^e,  co.  Kent,  3  April,  1684 ;  Created 
Earl  of  St.  Albans  23  Aug.  1628. 

Cptinct  1659.  Vide  St.  Albans. 

V18COUNTCY9  10  May,  1695. 

Vide  RocHFORo. 


barons   BY'  TENURE. 

I,  Hen.  II   I.Robert  deTurnham;   held  larg^  possessions 

in  Kent.  temp.  Hen.  H. 

II.  Ric.  L    2.  Robert  de  Turnham,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1211,  8.P.M. 

Isabel  his  daughter  being  his  heir. 

I.  Hen.  II.  I.Stephen  de  Turnham,  brother  of  the  last 
Baron;  Seneschal  uf  Ai^ou  1186;  ob.  ante 
1214 ;  and  in  1219  iieveral  persons  shared  bis 
inheritance,  but  by  what  right  is  not  re- 



1.  1299*  1*  Henry  de  Tyes  * ;  Summoned  to  Pari,  from  6 
Feb.  27  £dw.  I.  1299,  to  26  Aug.  1  Edw.  II. 
1307 ;  ob.  1308. 

*  Doedale  in  his  account  of  this  family  merely  says,  that 
Henry  (the  id  Baron)  son  of  this  Henry,  was  summoned  to  Par- 
liament from  38  Edward  I.  to  14  Edward  II. ;  but  as  a  «  Henry 
deTyes,*'  received  a  Summons  8  June,  22  Edw.  1. 1294  (thouch 
probably  not  to  Parliament) ;  and  as  from  the  1st  of  Edward  II. 



II.  1308.  2.  Henry  de  Tyes,  s.  aoid  h.  Sumro.  to  Pari,  from 
8  Jan.  6  Edward  II.  1313^  to  15  May,  14 
Edw.  II.  1321 ;  beheaded  1391 ;  ob.  s.  p.  leav- 
ing  Alice,  his  sister,  wife  of  Warine  de  L*isle, 
his  heir  ;  ib  whose  descendants  and  represen- 
tatives (if  her  father  was  summoned  to  Par- 
liament as  is  here  stated)  this  Barony  is  vested . 


I.  1 S99.  1 .  Walter  de  Tyes  *,  probably  of  the  same  family 
as  the  preceding  Barons ;  Surom.  to  Part 
from  6  Feb.  27  Edw.  I.  1299,  to  36  August,  1 
Edw.  [1. 1307 1  ob.  1334,  8.  F.  when  his  honors 


Barony,  14  February,  1663— JForfeit^  1685. 
Restored  33  March,  1743. 

Vide  PoNCASTB*. 


Barony,  7  March,  1688— Iforfeiteb  1716. 

Vide  DEawBMTWATBi. 



I.  1786.  I.George  de   la  Peer  Beresford,    3d    Earl   of 

Tyrone  in  Ireland ;  Created  Baron  Tyrone  of 
Haverford  West,  co.  Pembroke,  8  August, 
1786  ;  Created  Marquess  of  Waterford  in 
Ireland,  August,  1789 ;  t>b.  1600. 

II.  1800.  3.  Henry  rie  la  Poer  Beresford,  s.  and  b.     Present 

Baron  Tyrone  ;  also  Marquess  of  Waterford, 
&c.  in  Ireland,  K.  P.    =f= 

^ y     

vrhen  the  first  Henry  died,  no  Henry  Tyes  was  summoned  for  five 
Years,  viz.  until  the  6th  of  Edward  II.  it  is  most  probable  thst 
both  wejre  summoned  to  Parliament  as  is  stated  in  the  text^ 

*  Dugdale  says  nothing  of  this  Walter  having  been  summoned 
to  Pari.     Vide  tome  II.  p.  21 . 



Vi8couNTCY>  13  Janei  1801. 

Vide  CiuvBir. 



I.  1308.  I.Robert  de  Ufford;  Samm.  to  Pari,  from  13 

«Pan.  3  Edw.  II.  1308>  to  19  Dee.  5  Edw.  II. 
1311;  ob.  1316. 

II.  1316.  3.  Robert  de  Ufford,  s.  and  h.|  Samm.  to  Pari. 

from  S7  Jan.  6  Edw.  III.  1333,  to  14  Jan. 
10  Edw.  III.  1337 1  Created  Earl  of  Suffolk 
16  Marcby  1337*  K.G.;  ob.  1369. 

III.  134S.  3.  Robert  de  Ufford,  son  and  heir  apparent  of 

Robert  Earl  of  Suffolk,  the  last  Baroni  was 
Summ.  to  Pari,  m  <' Roberto  de  Ufford  le 

Fits,"  S5  Feb.  16  Edw.  III.   1342;  ob 

vita  patris,  s.p.  when  the  Barony  created  by 
that  Writ  (unless  it  is  considered  that  he  was 
merely  summoned  in  his  father's  Barony) 
became  4iptintt. 

IV.  1364.    4.  William  6e.  Ufford,  brother  and  heir  of  Robert 

the  last  Baron,  and  2d  son  of  Robert  Earl  of 
Suffolk;  Summ.  to  Pari.  4  Dec.  48  Edw.  III. 
1364,  and  SO  Jan.  39  Edw.  IIL  1366;  sue* 
ceeded  his  father  in  the  Earldom  of  Suffolk 
in  1369,  K.G.;  ob.  1383,  s.p.  when,  if  the 
Writ  of  4  Dec.  1364,  be  considered  as  a  dis- 
tinct Barony,  it  became  ^Eptlnct;  but  the 
Barony  created  by  the  Writ  to  his  grand- 
father, Robert  Ist  Baron,  who  was  sum- 
moned 13  Jan.  3  Edw.  II.  1308,  as  is  stated 
above,  fell  into  Abeyance  between  his  sisters 
and  heirs  j  viz.  Cecily,  wife  of  William  Lord 


Willoughby  of  Eresby ,  Katherine,  who  mar- 
ried Robert  Lord  Scales;  and  Margaret,  wife 
of  Robert  Lord  Ferrers  of  Groby»  between 
whose  descendants  and  representatives  this 
Barony  is  now  in  Abeyance. 



I.  1360.  John  de  Ufford,  son  and  heir  of  Ralph  de  Uf- 
ford  (brother  of  Robert  8d  Baron,  and  1st 
Earl  of  Suflfolk),  by  Eve,  dau.  and  heir  of 
John  de  Clavering*  his  first  wife  ;  Summ.  to 
Pari.  3  April,  34  Edw.  III.  1360;  ob.  1361, 
when  the  dismity  became 



I.  1343.  Thomas  de  Ughtred;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  30 
April,  17  Edw.  in.  1343,  to  4  Dec  38  Edw. 
III.  1364;  ob.  1365,  leaving  Thomas  his  son 
and  heir,  then  a  Knight,  and  of  full  age ; 
but  neither  he  nor  any  of  his  descendants 
were  ever  summoned  to  Parliament.  The 
Barony  is  however  vested  in  his  descendants 
and  representatives. 



I.  Will.  I.  Robert  de  Umfravill,  Lord  of  Tonres,  Kins- 
man of  William  I.  obtained  a  grant  of  the 
Lordship  of  Kiddesdale,  co.  Northumberland, 
in  1076.    The  next  mentioned  is 

n.  Hen.  I.  Gilbert  de  Umfravill;  living  in  the  reign  of 
Henry  the  First;  and  after  him 

IH.  Steph.  Robert  de  Umfravill;  living  1139;  and  in 
1161  of 

IV.  Hen.  II.   Odonell  de  Umfravill,  who  died  1189,  being 

then  Lord  of  Prudhow. 

V.  Hen.  II.    Robert  de  Umfravill,  s.  and  h.;  ob 

VI.  Rich.  I.    Richard  de  Umfravill,  s.  and  b. ;    Lord  of 

Prudhow;  ob.  12<^6. 
VIl.Hen.III.  Gilbert  de  Umfravill,  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  1244. 



I.  1S95.      Gilbert  de  UmfraTill,  8.  and  h.  Earl  of  Aofl^ 

in  Scotland ;  3unioi.  to  ParL  34  Jane,  1  Oct. 
and  2  Nov.  23  Edw.  I.  1295,  and  26  Aug.  24 
Edw.L  1296,  as  <<Gilberto  de  Umfravill,*' 
and  from  26  Jan.  25  Edw.  I.  1297,  to  19  Jan. 
1  Ed«i!.  II.  1308,  as  «Gilberto  de  Umfravill, 
ComitideAnggos;'*  ob.  1308. 

II.  1308.      Robert  de  Umfravill;  s.  and  h.$  Summ.  to 

Pari,  as  Earl  of  Angos,  from  4  March,  2 
Edw.  II.  1309,  to  30  Dec.  18  Edw.  II.  1324  ; 
ob.  1325. 

III.  1325.      Gilbert  de  Umfravill,  s.  and  h.)  Summ.  to 

Pari,  as  Earl  of  Angos,  from  27  Jan.  6  Edw. 

II.  1332,  to  26  Aug.  4  Ric.  II.  1380;  ob. 
1381,  8.  P.  8.  leaving  Eleanor,  his  niece,  wife  of  Henry 
Tatboys,  and  dau.  and  heir  of  Eliaabeth,  bis  sister,  who 
married  Gilbert  Burton,  his  heir  of  the  whole  blood;  and 
Thomas,  his  brother  of  the  half-blood,  his  next  heir  mate, 
'  but  none  of  this  family  were  ever  afterwards  summoned 

•  to  Parliament.    The  Barony  created  by  the  Writ  of  Sum- 

*  mons  of  23  Edw.  I.  is  vested  in  the  descendants  and  re- 
presentatives of  Thomas  de  Umfraville,  the  half-brother 
and  heir  male  of  Gilbert,  Earl  of  Angos,  the  last  Baron. 



1.    1794.     I.  John  FittPatrick,  2d  Earl  of  Upper  Oasory  in 
Ireland ;  Created  Baron  of  Upper  Ossoiry  of 
Amphill,  CO.  Bedford,   12  Aug.    1794  j   ob. 
1818, 8. P.M.  when  his  honors  became 


Vide  L*ORTi. 



I.  1332.^  Peter  de  Uvedale;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  27 
Jan.  6  Edw.  III.  1332,  to  22  Jan.  9  Edw.  III. 

Dugdale  ^ives  no  account  of  this  Baron  in  his  Baron- 
age ;  but  Banks,  in  his  Stemmftta  Anglicana,  p.  267, 
states  that  he  died  8.  p.  in  which  case  this  Barony  became 




I.  J714.  1.  Henry  Pftgety  7tfa  Baron  Paget,  and  Ut  Ba- 
ron Burton ;  Created  Earl  of  Uxbridge«  co. 
Middlesex,  19  Oct.  1714;  ob.  1743. 

IL  1743.  2.  Henry  Paget,  grandson  and  heir;  being  s. 
and  b.  of  Tbomas  Catesby  Paget  (ob.  ▼.  p.) 
eldest  son  of  the  last  Earl;  ob.  1769,  M.r. 
when  the  Barony  of  Burton  and  Earldom  of 
Uxbridge  became 

HI.  1784,  1.  Henry  Bayley-Paget,  9th  Baron  Paget,  cousin 
and  heir  of  the  last  Earl ;  Created  Earl  of 
Uxbridge,  co.  Middlesex,  19  May,  1784|  ob. 

IV.  1812.  2.  Henry  William  Paget,  s.  and  b.;  Created 
Marquess  of  Anglesey  4  July,  1815.  Pre- 
sent Earl  of  Uxbridge,  Marquess  of  Anglesey, 
Baron  Paget,  and  a  Baronet  of  Ireland,  K.  G. 
G.C.B.  ^ 



I.  H.  HI.  I.William  de  Valence,  son  of  Hugh  le  Bran, 
Earl  of  Marche,  in  Poictou,  by  Isabel,  widow 
of  King  John,  and  mother  of  Henry  III. ;  he 
married  Joan,  sister  and  heir  of  Williana  Ba- 
ron de  Montchensy  ;  Created  Earl  of  Pern- 
BY  WRIT.       broke;  ob.  1296. 

I.  1299*  2.  Aymer  de  Valence,  s.  and  b. ;  Somm.  to  ParL 
from  6  Feb.  27  Edw.  I.  1299,  to  3  Nov.  34 
Edward  I.  1306,  <«  Adomarus  de  Valencia" 
only,  though  he  succeeded  his  father  as  Earl 
of  Pembroke  in  1296 ;  he  is  first  styled  Earl 
of  Pembroke  in  Writs  of  Summons  on  19 
Jan.  1  Edward  II.  1308.  He  was  also  sum- 
moned 26  Jan.  25  Edw.  I.  1297 ;  but,  for  the 
reasons  assigned  under  **  FiTZ  John,*'  it  is 
doubtful  if  that  Writ  was  a  regular  Sum- 
mons to  Parliament ;  ob.  1323,  S.P.  when  all 
his  dignities  became 




J.  Hen.  lU  Ralph  de  Valletort  held  on€  kn}fht*s  fee,  eo. 
Devon  1165;  the  next  mentioned  is 

II.  Xobo.  Rog«r  de  ValleCortft  who  in  1 186  held  the  ho- 
nor of  TreoMtons  in  Cornwall;  living  1:203; 
to  whom  succeeded 

HI.  H.  III.    Reginald  de  Valletort ;  oh.  1846,  8.  p. 

IV.  H.  IlL    Ralph  de  Valletort,  brother  and  heir;  oh.  1859. 

V.  H.  III.    Reginald  de  Valletort,  s.  and  h. ;  oh.  1870,  s.p. 

VI.  Edw.  I.  Roger  de  VaHetort^  uncle  and  heir;  ob.  1890, 

8.  p.  leaving  Henrv  de  Pomerai   and  Peter 
Corbet  hii  next  hdrs. 


'/  *        Yi8co,VNTCt,  5th  Mare^  1781. 

Vide  MounV  Edgcumbb. 



I.  With  L  1.  Peter  de  Valoinei  held  several  Lordships  temp. 
William  L 

II.Hen.II.  3.  Roger  de  Valolnes,  s.  and  h.{  ob.  1184,  8. p.m. 
Gunnora,  his;dau.-«nd  sole  heir,  married 
Robert  Baron  Fits-Walter.  .      . 

I.  H.  II.    1.  Alan  de  Valoines»  of  tbe.same  family  as  the 

above  Barons ;  ob.  ante  1194,  b.p. 

II.  John.     8.  Robert  de  Valuines,  brother  and  heir;  living 

III. H. III.  S.Robert  de  Valoines,  s.  and  h.;  ob....  &p. 
leaving  his  two  daughters  his  heirs,  viz.  Ro- 
ese,  wife  of  Sir  Edward  de  Pakenharo,  and 
Cicely,  wh5  married  Robert  de  Ufford,  Earl 
e^Suffi^lk,. ,    .  ".   , 

I.      HL       Robert  de  Valoines;   ob.   1888,  seised  of  a 
.   -noiety  of  the  manor,  of  lawortb,  which  he 
lield  in  capita  by  Barony,  and  of  several 
other  manors. 

h  Ric.  I.  1.  Theobald  de  Valoines,  *<  another  branch  of 
this  stock;"  l>b.  1^09.        ^ 
VOL    li.  Y 


BARONS  BY  TSNURB.  *  ,    ^        ..   .  «.^ 

n.  John.  g.Thomaide  Vaioineg,  s.  and  b.;  living  1217; 
but  of  whom  Dugdale  gives  no  further  ac- 

I  Ric  I.  l.PWlip  de  Valoines,  "another  branch  of  this 
family/Vbrother  and  heir  of  Geoffrey  de*Va- 
loines  in  1190;  ob.  circa  1I95»  leaving  $y- 
Hlla  his  daughter  and  heir. 


EARL.  ^  .     , 

I  lt$23.  1.  Charles  William  Stewart  (assumed  the  name 
of)  Vane,  Ist  Baron  Stewart  of  Stewart's 
Court  in  England,  and  3d  Marquess  of  Lon- 
donderry in  Ireland  $  Created  Viscount  Sea- 
bam,  CO.  Durham,  and  Earl  Vane,  with  re- 
mainder tp  the  issue  male  of  his  body,  by 
Frances,  his  present  wife*,  8  July,  1823. 
Present  Earl  Vane,  Viscount  Seaham,  and 
Baron  Stewart  of  Stewart's  Court;  also 
Marquess  of  Londonderry,  &c.  in  Ireland  ; 
G.C.B.  ^ 



I.  1643.  1.  Richard  Vaughan,  2d  Earl  of  Carberry,  in  Ire- 

land s  Created  Baron  Vanghan  of  Emlyn,  co, 
Caermarthen,  25  Oct  1643  ;  ob.  1687. 

II.  1687.  8.  John  Vaughan,  s.  and  h.  Earl  of  Carbeny,  ia 

Ireland;  ob.  1713,  8.P.M.  when  the  Barony 
became    ^TptintU 



I.  Steph.  1.  Hugh  de  Vallibus,  or  Vaox»  obtained  the  Ba- 

rony of  Gillesland ;  ob.  • .  •• 

II.  Hen.n.2.Robertde  Vaux,  s.  and  h.  living  1176.    ^ 
JU.  John.    3.  Robert  de  Vaux,  s.  and  h.  living  1215;  ob.s.p. 

*  His  Lordship  married,  first,  Katherine,  dau.  of  John  Earl  of 
Dsrnley,  by  whom  he  had  Frederick  Viscount  Castlereagh,  and 
ivho  is  heir  apparent  to  the  Barony  of  Stewart  of  Stewart's  Court, 
and  to  the  Irish  Honors. 

VAUX.  659 


IV.  John.    4.  Rannlph  de  Vaozi  brother  and  heir,  ob 

V.  H.  III.  5.  Robert  de  Vanx,  «.  and  b.  living  1834. 

VI. H. III.  6. Hubert  de  Vaux,  Sf  and  b.;  ob 8. p.m. 

Maud,  his- sole  daughter  and  helr^  married 
Thomas  de  Mullon,  to  whom  the  brought  the 
Barony  of  Gilleiland. 

I.  Steph«  1.  Robert  de  Vallibus,  or  Vaox,  younger  brother 

of  Hubert,  Ist  Baron  of  Gillesland. 

II.  Hen.II«  2. William  de  Vaux,  s.  and  h« 

III.  Hen.  II.  3. Robert  de  Vaux,  s.  and  h. 

IV.  Rich.  I.  4.  Robert  de  Vaux,  s.  and  b.  i  ob.  ante  1811. 8.P. 

V.  John.    5.  Oliver  de  Vaux,  brother  and  heir,  living  1344. 

VI.  H.  IIL  6.  William  de  Vaux,  s.  and  b.  of  Robert  (who  is 

presumed  to  have  died  v.  P.)  eldest  son  of  the 
last  Baron ;  ob.  ante  1353f  ••  P. 
VII.H.III,7'John  de  Vaux,  brother  and  heir.  Steward 
of  Acquitaine  1S83 ;  ob.  1888,  8.  p.  H.  Pe* 
tronilla,  who  married  William  de  Nerford, 
and  Maud,  the  wife  of  William  de  Roos,  being 
liis  daughters  and  heirs. 



I.  1583.  1.  Nicholas  Vaux  (descended  from  a  younger 

branch  of  the  preceding  family);  Created 
Baron  Vaux  of  Harrodon,  oo.  Northampton » 
87th  April,  1583  i  ob.  1583. 

II.  1583.  8.  Thomas  Vaux,  s.  and  h.  living  1558;    ob. 

ante  15S8. 
HI.  1568.     3.  WilUam  Vaux  «.  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  15^5. 

*  It  appears,  firom  the  list  of  SummonseSf  that  this  William , 
was  summoned  to  Parliament  from  lUh  January,  5  Eliz.  1563, 
to  4th  February,  31  Eliz.  1589,  and  that  in  the  next  Parliament, 
viz.  19th  Feb.  35  Eliz.  1593,  "ThonuB  Vaux  de  Harrowden 
Cherr,"  was  summoned.  The  name  of  Vaux  does  not  occur 
again  among  the  Barons  summoned,  until  18  James  I.  viz.  3  Ja- 
nuary, 1621,  when  Edward  Vaxm  was  summoned.  Dugdale,  in 
his  account  of  this  family,  vol.  II.  p.  304,  talces  no  notice  of 
there  having  been  a  Thamuu  Vaux,  who  succeeded  to  the  title, 
and  it  is  possible  that  the  entry  in  the  list  of  summonses  was  er* 
rooeously  transcribed  from  the  Roll. 



IV.  15»5,  4.'  Wwwrd  Vv»,mn4ion  and.beir^  being  ••  aM 
\^p  of  G^rge  Vauz*  ob.  v.  p.)»  eldest  4011  ol  tb^ 
latt Baron;  ob..|jS6l,8.p.L.  wbeo  tbe Barony 


BAFON  BY  WRIT.  "'   "  . 

r*  r999.  1.  WflKattrleVaTatoor.  Summoned  td  Parlia-* 
ment  from  6tb  Feb.  97  Edw.  I.  1299>  to  7ib 
Jan.G  Bdw.*II.  18)3,  but  of  whom  notbing 
further  IB  known. 


'  '  OF  .—- 


I.  13J3,  S.  Walter  !e  VaYatour,  presumed  to  hare  been 
nearly  related  to  the  preceding  Baron.  Summ. 
to  Pari  26  July.  7  Edw.  If.  1313,  but  nerer 
aTterwardsy  **  nor  any  other  of  his  family. 
Kimber  states  that  he  died  s.  P\  and  that  Eti- 
aabeth,  his  daughter  and  heir,  married  Sir 
Robert  Stre^,  ot  Nottinghamshire  f.  On 
.  tb»d^atbof\his  Baron  the  dignity  probably 
baeaine    4Sj:tittCt 

^■^'■^^— *^^l  I  »«i    >iM      I    I    111       II   pa      I   II  ■  I      ■  I    ■  ■  I 

*  Mr.  Bsdln,  hi  1^  Stemmata  ADg1icaoa»  cites  the  fbllowbg 
monumental,  intcriplion  in  the  charcK  of  Eye  in  SoffoIK,  to. 
prove,  that  on  the  deadi  of  Edward  Baroq  Vauz  in  1661,  the 
title  devolved  on  bis  brqther  Heniy^  who,  be  Conjectures,  to  hsTe, 
been  poor,  and  therefore  that  he  did  hot  claim  the  dignity: — 
*'  Eaiit  ultimus  Baronu*  de  Harrowden>  Henricus  Vaux,  Sspt^mb. 
f^O,  AnnoD'ni  MDClxiii." 

f  Kimber  erroneously  calls  this  Baron  Ao£er^  In  the  able  cri- ' 
titfue  on  the  first  volume  of  Banks'  Dormant  and  Extmct  Baron- 
m,  in  the  Monthly  Review;  vol.  54>  p.  43,  it  is  stated  that  this 
Kurony  stilt  ^ists  hi  the  heirs  of  the  said  Sir  Robert  Strellev ;  if, 
however,  the  above  WAlter  le  Vavasour  was  not  immediately  de- 
scended from  William  le  Vavasour^  the  first  ^aion  of  that  fiiraity, 
and  summoned,  in  conseoueace  of  that  descent,  this  statement  is 
I^obably  incorrect,  as  it  has  been  held  that  a'hV^IeWrit  of  Sum- 
uoi/B  tiDaceompanied*by  a  sittbig  m.  Parliament  does  not  const! 
tute  a  Barony  m  fee. 




If        1343.     P^er  le  VeeL     Samni.  to  Pari.  95  Feb.  16 
Edw.  III.  1343,  but  never  afterwardsy  nor 
any  of  his  desceodanta. 
Dogdale  pves  no  account  of  this  Baron  in  bit  Baron- 
age i  on  hif  death  the  Barony  became  4tftintt. 



I.     WilLI.  1.  Bertram  de  Verdon,  Lord  of  Fameham  Royal 

at  the  General  Survey.    Hit  flueceitor  was 
n.  Hen.  I.  9.  Norman  de  Verdon,  living  1 140. 
ni.  H.  HI.  3.  Bertram  de  Verdon,  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  1 192. 

IV.  Rich.1. 4.  Thomas  de  Verdon,  t.  and  h.  i  ob*  1 199,  s.  p. 

V.  John.    5*  Nicholas  de  Verdon,  brother  and  h«ir ;  ob. 

lS31y  S.P.M.  leaving  Rohese  bis  daughter 
and  heir,  who  married  Theobald  le  Butiler, 
but  retained  her  own  name.  She  died  iu 
1247»  leaving 

VI.  H.  in.  ^  John  de  Verdon,  her  son  and  heir»  who  bor« 

his  mother's  name  i  ob.  1S74. 


I.      1295.  T.Theobald  de  Verdon,  s.  and  h.  Samm.  to 
Pari,  from  S4  June,  23  £dw.  1.  1895,    to 
3  Nov.  34  Edw.  I.  1306;    afler  S7  Edw.  t 
with  the  addition  of  ^'Seniori}"  ob,  1309. 
IL     1299.  8.  Theobald  de  Verdon,  s.  and  h.  Somm.  to  Pari, 
from  29  Dec.  28  Edw.  I.  1299,  to  22  Feb. 
35  Edw.  I.  1307,  as  «« Theobaldo  de  Verdon 
•Puniori."    Summ.  to  PaiJ.  as  <*  Theobaldo 
de  Verdon"  from  4  March,  2  Edw.  11.  1309, 
to  24  Oct.  8  Edw.  II.  1314.  He  married,  2dly,  Elizabeth, 
daughter,  and  eventually  coheir,  of  Gilbert  de  Clare,  Earl 
of  Gloucester,  by  Joan  Plantagenet,  daughter  of  King 
Edw.  I. ;  ob.  1316,  8.  P.  M.  leaving,  by  hit  first  wife  TMaud, 
dao.  of  Edmund  Lord  Mortimer)  Joan,  Elisabeth,  and 
Margaret ;  and  by  bis  second  wife  a  posthumous  daughter, 
Isabel,  who  married  Henry  Baron  Ferrers  of  Groby.   Joan 
de  Verdon,  hie  eldest  daughter,  became  the  wife  of  Thu« 
mas  Baron  Furnival,  and  died  in  childbed  in  1334 ;  Eliza- 
beth married  Bartholomew  Baron  Burgbersh ;  and  Man* 
garet,  his  other  daughter,  married  first  William  Le  Blunt, 
eecondly  Marcus  Husee,  and  lastly  John  CrophuU;  and 

between  the  descendants  .and  representatires  of  these  four 
'  dau^^itert  the  Barooy  of  Verdon  is  in  Abeyanc9« 

ii  .  '  -      .  •  >  .T  r-.  >     ..  • ./  •  .       . : 


OF  —TO  V  M  .. 

I.  1332.  I.John  de  Verdon.    Summ.  to  ParL  from  ^7 

S7  Jan.  6  Bdmi  III<.  1338,  to  S3  Jan.  9  £dw. 

III.  1336,  and  again  the  S5th  Feb.  16  Edw. 

r  '-,  snltl.  1342*  but  never  afterwards,  and.of  whom 

nothing  .more  is  recorded, 

Pttgdale  gives  no '  account  of  hm  in  hit  Baronage. 

Banhs,  in  his,  Scenmata  Anglicana,  p.  S7S»  coi^ectures 

thai  he  was  t^  John  de  Verdon  noticed  io  Blomiefield's 

.  Histoiy  of  NoiMfc«  vol.  I.  p.  50,  and  which  is  not  impro- 

•  bable.  f..>.      j 

•^    .  .'.  .'.    .VERB. 


I^  'Witl.I.  l.Alberio  de  Vere  held  numerous .liordships  R^ 
the  General  Survey. 

II.  Hen.  I.  S.Alberic  de  Vere,  s.  and  h.}    Created  Loi4 

•  •  •    Great   Chamberlain  of  England  .  by  King 
<      .i.         '  .'Henry  K  to  him  and  his  heirs  I  ob.  1140. 
IILSteph.  a.AlM>eriede  Vere^  s.  end  h.  s  Created  Earl  of 

Oxford  in  1155.  Vide  Oxford. 

*3AR0fl  fcY  WttlT.,  ' 

1.      19$S,  1.  Hugh  de  Verei    supposed  to  have  been  a 

younger  son  of  Robert  5tb  Earl,  and  brother 

of  Robert,  $lh  Barl  of  Oxford.    Summ.  to 

"  Pari,  from  81  Sept.  97  Edw.  I.  1899»  to  3d 

March,  11  Edw.  II.  1318^  It  appears  that  he 

*  married  Dipnysia,  dau.  and  heir  ef  William,  son  of  Warine 
de  Montchenty/ which  Dionysiadied  e»p«  1313;  Though 

'    Dugdale  gives  a  long  account  of  this  Hugls  itiS4iBgu&r 

'   that  he  does' not  notice  bis  having  beef^snoHoonedto 

Parllanetxt-;  and  this  omission  •  hm  likewise  teen^  made 

by  Some  recent  writers,-  ^who  have-  seldom  talcen  t he^t lea* 

hie  rcf  tistk  fpr  information^  'beyond^^4iliat  thewpages 

*  of  that  admirable (tfaoughoceasionally *nieoi«ect> writer 
Htforded- tbem:  This  Hogh^ *Veiie' is «pfesttmf^dtoheve 
died  8.  p.  when  the  Baroi^  became  ^jrttnct. 



J  no  OF  TILBURY. 


I:      16^5.     HorRtio  Vers,  youngMt  son  of  Geoftty.  Yere^^ 
brother  of  John  l€th  Earl  of  Oxford ;  Created 
Baton.  Vere  of  Tiljbury,  CO.  Estezy  85th  July« 
1635 ;  ob.  1 635,  8.  P.  M.  when  the  title  became 
<5rtinct,  •   • 

•      '. '  J 




1 .  1 750.  1 .  Vere  Beauclerk,  third  son  of  Charles  1st  Duke 
of  St.  Alban'Sy  by  Diana,  dauRbter,  and 
eventually  sole  heir  of  Aubrey  de  Vere»  80th 
and  last  Earl  of  Oxford ;  Created  Baron  Vere 
of  Hftnworth,  co.  Middlesex^  88th  March, 
1750;  ob.  1781. 

If.  1781.  8.  Aubrey  Beauelerk,  s.  and  h.  succeeded  as  4lh 
Duke  of  Su  Alban*t,  in  1787,  in  which  dig« 
nity  this  Barony  is  merged. 

Vide  St.  Alban*s. 



I.  1768.  ].  George  Veni^les-Vemon  $  Created  Lord  Veiw 

non,  Baron  of  Kinderton,   00.  Chester,  18 
May,  1768;  ob«  1-780. 

II.  1780.  8.  George  Venables  Vernon,  son  and  heir ;  oh. 

new.   -/.>...  . 

III.  1813.  3.  Henry  Venables*Veroon,  s.  and  h.    Present 

Baron  Vernon.    =p= 
' *-  Y 

*     "•"••   ;  VERULAM/ 
barow.  . .      ,  ^ .   . 

1..  1618,  I.Francis  Bacon,  the  celebrated  Philosopher) 
Created  Baron  Verulam  of  Verulam,  co, 
Herts,  UtBJiily  1618;  Created  Viscount  St. 
Al ban's  87  Jan.  1631.  Lord  Chancellor ;  ob. 
1686,  s:  p.  when  his  titles  became 




I.  1790.  1.  James  Bucknill  Grinston,  3d  Viseoont  Grim- 

stonin  Ireland;  Created  Baron  Yeralam  of 
Gorbambary,  ea  Herts,  d  July  1790 1  ob 


II.  1 808.— I.     1 8 15.  8.  James  Walter  Grimston,  8.  and  h. ; 

Created  Viscount  Grimston  and 
Earl  VerulamS4  Nov.  1815.  Pre- 
sent Earl  and  Baron  Verulam  and 
Viscount  Grimston  in  England; 
Viscount  Grimston  and  Baron 
Puuboyne  in  Irbland  ;  and  Ba- 
ron Forrester,  jure  mairu,  la 
Scotland.    =^ 



I.  Will. I.  I.Yto  de  Vesci  held  numerous  lordships  at  the 

General  Sunrey,  in  ripht  of  bis  wife  Alda, 
dau.  and  sole  heir  of  William  Tyson,  Lord  of 
Alnwick.  Beatrix,  bis  dau.  and  sole  heir, 
married  Eustacbius  Fiti-John ;  their  sou  and 

II.  Hen. II.  3.  William  assumed  his  motber^s  name  of  De 

Vesci  I  oh.  1184. 

III.  John.   4.  Eustace  de  Vesci,  s.  and  h.;  he  was  one  of  the 

25  celebrated  Barons  appointed  to  enforce  the 
observance  of  Magna  Charta  ;  and  married 
Margaret,  daughter  of  William,  and  sister  of 
Alexander,  Kings  of  Scotland ;  ob.  circa  1216. 

IV.  H.  III.  5.  William  de  Vesci,  s,  and  b. ;  ob.  1253. 


I.  1264.  6.  John  de  Vesci,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  24 

Dec.  49  Hen.  III.  1264 ;  ob.  1289,  s.  p. 

II.  1295.  7.  William  de  Vesci,  brother  and  heir,  summoned 

to  Parliament  24  June,  1  Oct.  and  2  Nor. 
23  Edw.  I.  1295.  He  was  one  of  the  compe- 
titors for  the  Crown  of  Scotland,  temp. 
Edw.  I. ;  ob.  1297,  s.  P.  L.  when  the  Barouy 
became    ^jctinct. 

V£SCl--VIUi£RS.  9U 



I.       I31X     William  ie  VwA,  natural  too  ol  WHliam  the 
last  BaroQ.    Suaiia.  to  Pari,  from  8  Jan.  j| 
JEUlw.  II.  1S13»  t«tS9  July,  8  Edir.  11. 1314'; 
;  ^  ob.  131 5,  8.  P.  when  this  Barony  alto  became 
The  lands  vf  which  Willian*  the  last  Baron,  died  seiied, 
devolved  on  tke  heir  of  •hi»piitatiTe  father,  Tis.  the  de- 
scendant of  Margery,  dan. -and  heir  of  Warlne  de  Vetci, 
brother  of  Eustace  U I.  Baron;  which  Margeiy  married 
Gilbert  ^eAtlHk    In  88  Hem  VI.  Henry  de  Bromflete, 
•being'  descended  from  a  coheir  of  the  said  Gilbert  de  Aton, 
was  summoned  to  Parliament  as  <*  Henry  BromBete  de 
Vesci."  Vide  Bromfletb 



I.  WilLi.  1.  Robert  de  Vesci,  brother  of  Yro  I..1  Baron, 
held  numerous  Lordships  at  the  General  Sur> 
yey,  but  of  whom,  or  his  descendants,  no 
account  Is  given.. 



I.  Hen.  11.  Juhn  le  Viconnt  (son  of  Odtoard  Baron  of 
Emesdon,  in  Northumberland),  living  1168  c 
his  sueeessor  was, 

U.  Riieb.  I.     John  le  Vicount,  living  1 190. 

lU.  Hen.  III.  John  le  Vicount,  s.  and  h.)  ob.  1S14,  8.  p.m. 
Ieav#ng>ilanier>  the  wife  of  Everard  Tyea,  or 
Teutonic,  his  daughter  and  heir :  she  mar- 
-      -riedi  secondly^  Hereward  de  Marisco. 

VltLFERSr. '  - 

VISCOUNTS.  *  • ^   «• 

I.  1616.  1.  George  Villiers,  Ist  Baron  Whaddon ;  Created 
Viscount  Villiers  Aug. ...  1^16 ;  Created  Earl 
of  Buckingham  5'Jan.  1617. 

€ptintt  1 687.       Vide  Buckinoh  am  • 





I.  J6.91.— I.  1690.  I.Edward  Villien,  son  of  Sir  Ed- 
ward, Sd  son  of  Sir  George  V^" 
Men  (whose  second  wife  was  crea- 
ted Duchess  of  Backin|»ham)  by 
his  first  wife;  Created  Barou  Vtl- 
liers  of  Hoo,  and  Viscount  Vil- 
liers  of  Dartford^  both  co.  Kent, 
SO  March,  I69I ;  Created  Earl  of 
Jersey,   13tb  Oct.  1697. 

Vide  Jersey. 



Barony,  18  April  1623. 

extinct  1659.  Vide  Anglesey. 



Barony,  19  June  1619. 

^ptinct  1657.  Vide  Purbeck. 



I.  WilL  L    Robert  de  Viponnt,  slain  in  1085.    The  next 

mentioned  is, 

II.  Hen.  f.    Robert  de  Vipount,  who  was  living  1 107  }  tnd 

after  him. 
If  L  Steph.     William  de  Vipount,  who  was  llYing  l20Si 

IV.  Heu.  IL  Robert  de  Vipount,  brother  of  the  said  Wil- 

liam, held  the  honour  of  Totnejrs  1 165  j  ob. 

V.  tien.  IIL  John  de  Vipount,  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  1343. 

VI.  Hen.  III.  Robert  de  Vipount,  s.  and  h.;  ob.  circa  1265, 

8.  p.  M.  leaving  Isabel,  wife  of  Roger  de  Clif- 
ford, and  Idonea,  who  married,  first,  Roger 
de  Leyburne,  and  2dly,  John  de  Cromwell, 
his  daughters  and  heirs. 

John.       Yvo  de  Vipount,  brother  of  Robert  iV.  Baron, 
had  his  lands  seized  1216. 




I.  Hen.  I.  Simon  de  Wahally  living  circa  tbe  reigrns  o 
Henry  I.  or  Stephen  i  to  whom  succeeded^ 

IL  Hen.  II.  Walter  de  WahuU,  living  1173.  Hit  suc- 
cessor wasy 

III.  Rich.  I.  Simon  de  WabuU  ;  ob.  1 196. 

IV.  John.      John  de  WahuUy  •...   and  heir;  ob.  131 G, 

s.  p.  leavinff  bis  sisters  bis  heirs,  but  tbe 
honour  of  Wahnll  devolved  on 

V.  H.  III.    Saiber  de  WabuU  ;  ob.  I35a 

VI.  H.  III.   Walter  de  WabuU,  s.  and  b.;  ob.  1369. 

VII.  Edw.  I.  John  de  Wabuil,  s.  and  b. )  ob.  1895. 
VIILEdw.L  Thomas  de  WabuU,  s.  and  h.  summoned  36 

Jan.  85  Edw.  I.  1397;  but  for  tbe  reasons 
assigned  under  **  Fitz-John,**  it  is  very 
doubtful  if  that  Writ  can  be  considered  as  a 
regular  summons  to  Parliament ;  ob.  1304» 
leaving  John,  bis  son  and  beirj  but  neither 
this  John,  nor  any  of  his  posterity,  were  ever 
cummpned  to  Parliament. 

In  the  reign  of  James  I.  Sir  Richard  Cbetwodc,  the  heir- 
general  of  Thomas  Baron  Wahull  last  mentioned,  pos- 
sessing the  manor  and  castle  of  Odell,  claimed  tbe  dig- 
nity of  a  Baron,  which  claim  was  referred  to  the  Duke 
of  Lenox,  the  Lord  Howard,  and  the  Earl  of  Notting- 
ham, as  exercising  tbe  office  of  Earl  Marshal,  whose 
certificate,  as  given  by  Banks,  stated  that  the  aver- 
ments in  bis  petition,  that  bis  ancestors  were  Barons  in 
their  own  right  before  the  usual  caUing  of  Barons  by 

668  WAHULl^WAKE. 

Writs*  and  were  alio  snmmoned  to  Parliament*,  were 
true  I  and  on  these,  and  other  grounds,  but  which  bad 
nothing  to  do  with  his  claim  to  the  dignity  in  question, 
reported  that  they  held  him  worthy  the  honour ; of  a  Ba- 
ron, if  his  Msgesty  thought  meet. 

Nothing  was  done  in  consequence  uf  this  certificate, 
which,  it  must  be  remembered,  by  no  means  admitted 
his  right  to  the  Barony,  but  merely  recoromende4  bim 
to  the  notice  of  the  Crown,  as|»er  person  to  receive 
the  dignity  of  the  Peerage. 


BARONt,  19th  Ndv.  1734. 

'C;:tinct,  1782.    .       Vide  Mawon, 

/.  •'      •   •  ')  WAKk  '. .   .  -1;       :••.    -J    . 

BARONS  BY   TENURE.  .•;<». 

I.     Hen.  1 .  1 .  Uu{^  Wadp  IkOt^  of  /Wllesfor^  io.  <  {»iAcolo> 
'  »  db.A......  ...-!••  f  V       .      .  ..t      .    ; 

14.  M.  II.  ft.  Baldwin  Wake,  «.««dKt  «b<  1201. 
III. John.     3.  Baldwin  Wake,  s. and  h. ;  ob.  1206. 

IV.  John.     4. Baidwia Wake, >8.attd  h» ;  4ib*  tirck'  1213. 

V.  H.  Jll.  5.HugbWakeia.aiid'1i.9  ob.i|94l..- 
Vf.H.  HI.  6.Baldwiii  Wake,. «.  and h.;  ob»1202.> 
•  »Y  wmw.  •   »  .'•     '..  .»  .    ;•"•   *  •?*   »'"   "■■ 

I.      1295.  I.  Jobn^VAktf^:8.andb;  Sumsv.  to  Pari,  from 
s  !'ft'Oar2^£dw;JiF9e5^  toSrDec.28EUw.I. 

1299'i  ob..l800,-         t^w    .. 
J'l*     1 300.  2*  John:  Wake,  s.  and  h< ;  he  was  never  summonetf 

to  Parliament';  ob.  ••  •«,  6.1*. 

III.    1317*  3.  Thomas  Wake,,  brother  and  heir,  Summoned 

to  Parliament  from  20  Nov.  14  £dw.  11. 13/7> 

.  ;  .    ,     .      to  1^0  Nov.  22  £(|w.IU*  1348,  generally  m 

«*  tl)omee  WaHe,'/  but  som^ti;?[ies  as  *  •  TboPSJ 

.Wake  .^e..LyaeU*V\  H^,'  parried .  Blanpli, 

-  •Fhnk  this'e^iJi'cssiotiit  i^diiia'be'ibferrfc*,  tlWt  i^ted 
Writtf'of  Summons  had  been  issued  to  his  sncestors  i  but,  ss  is 
Stated  in  ihe  last  page,  there  is  bat  one  instance  recorded  dt 
Writ  of  Summons  to  Parliament  hiring  be^n  diirected  to  this  &' 
mil/,  and  that  instance  is  the  doubtful  Writ  of  the  95th  £dw.  1. 

,  davi^terof  HeniyPlMitageiietyEarl'of  Lancafter;  ob. 
l^»  8.  p;'MaTinf  Marsaret  Coutktds  bf  Kent»  widow  of 
Xdouiiid  PUntafenet,  £arl  of   Kept*  younger  8911  of 
King' Edward   1.  his  sister  and  beir,    who    saceeeded 
to  the  Barony,  and  which  on  her.  death  devolved  on 
Joan  Flantagenety  her  daughter  add  heir,  which  Joan 
styled  herself  «<  Lady  of  Wake."     She  married,  first. 
Sir  Thomas  Holland, 'K.G.'  and  secondly,  Edward  the 
Black  JPrin'ce,  and  by  the  latter  was  mother  of  King 
lUchard  II.    By  her  first  husband  Sir  Thomas  Holland, 
this  Joan  (who  from  her  extraordinary  beauty  was  called 
the  fair  maid  of  Kent)'  bad  Tb6mas  Holland^  Earl  of 
Kent^  who  inherited  this  Barony,  isnd  which  hecanie 
infci^d  in  that  dignity  uhtit  'tUe 'attaifider  of  Thomas 
fidlland  Dqke  of  Surrey,  afid  IX-Sd  Carl  of  Kent  in 
140D,  when;  with'  all  hii  nthift  hoticrrs,  it  became  IFar- 
frttetl.     Dugdale  states^  {hai  Edmund,  brother  of  the 
sddXhomas  HoIland',^SQc6eeded  to  the  Earldom  of  Kent, 
In  Which  case  the'AtUiiiderprdbably  was'^versed  (though 
'  iio  taotice'of  such  a  circuttistance  M  mentlttned  by  that  au- 
thor, or.  in  the  Rolls  of  "ParHament),  when  he. likewise 
became  possessed  of  this  Barony :  he  died  in  1407,  'S.  r. 
and  if  be  be  considered  to  have  been  legally  seised  of  the 
'  Barony  of  Wake,  St  then  fell  into  Abryancb  between 
Ins  sisters  and  coheirs,  and  is  now  vested  in  their  de- 
scendants and  representatives.  Vide  Holi^mo  *• 

,'■■'  '  '      I 

'lABOm.  ' '  «M  r  ... 

I  1686.  I. Sir  Henry  Waldegt&ve,  4th  Bart.)  Created 
Baron  Waldegrave  of  Cbewton,  eo.  Somer- 
set, 30  Jan.  1686;  ob.  1689* 

SAftU.  ..>.»••«. 

11.  1689.— 1.  1739.  %  Jlames  W^ldegnvey  s.  and  h.  Cre- 
ated Viscount  Cbewton  of  Cbew- 
ton, CO.  Somerset,  and  Earl  Wal- 
'dfjgra^e^  co.'  Northampton,  13 
Sept.  1729;  K.G.J  ob.  1741. 

m^  nnA^ttl  1741.  S:  James  Waldegrave,  s.  ind  h.  K.G.j 
ob,  1763,  8. P.M. 

IV.  1763.— III.  1763.  4.  John  Waldegrave,  brother  and 
heir;  ob.  1784. 

r?!  «.* » • ■    '• -  —  <  ^ 

*  P.  827. 

vol..  11.  ^ 



V,     1784.— IV,  1784.  5.  George  Waldegraifte,  «.  and  h.  ob. 

.  VI.  1783.— V.    1789.  6.  George  Waldegrave,  s,  and  b.ob. 
1794,  8.  p. 

VII.  1794*— VL  1794,  7.  John  James  Waldegrave,- brother 
and  heir.  Present  Earl  and  Ba- 
ron Waldegrave,  Vtscount  Chew- 
ton,  and  a  Baronet.    ^ 



I.  Hen.  II.  Walter  Waleran;  held  26  Knight's  fees  in  1 1 6&; 
he  married  Isabel,  dau.  of  William,  son  aod 
heir  of  William  Liongespee,  Earl  of  Salisbury; 
ob.  ISOOy  s.  P.  M.  leaving  bis  three  daughters 
his  heirs»  viz.  Cecily,  wife  of  John  de  Mon- 
mouth I  Aubrey,  who  married  John  de  Inge- 
ham  ;  and  Isabel,  wife  of  William  de  Neviil. 

I.  H.  III.  I.  Robert  Waleran  ;  presumed  to  have  been  of 
the  same  family ;  ob.  1373, 8.  p.  leaving  Robert 
Waleran  his  nephew  and  heir,  but  who  was 
never  considered  as  a  Baron  of  the  Realm. 



I.  1331.  Richard  Waleysi  Summ.toParl.  15  May,  14 
Edw.  II.  13Si  I  but  never  afterwards.  Dug^ 
dale  gives  no  account  of  this  Baron  in  bis 
Baronage,  nor  are  there  any  particulars  re- 
corded of  him :  on  his  death  the  Barony  be- 



I.  1616.  I.William  Knollys,  1st  Baron  Knollys;  Cre^ 
ated  Viscount  Wallingford,  co.  Berks,  14 
Nov.  1616  ;  Created  Earl  of  Banboiy  18 
Aug.  1626,  K.G. 

4Epttnct  1633.  VideBANBURv* 

WALLOP— WALFOLB.         «7I 


Bason  Y9 11  June,  1790. 

Vide  Ltmincton* 



h  1723.  1.  Robert  Waipole,  son  and  beir  apparent  of  Sir 
.  Robert  Waipole,  K.  G.  (afterwards  Earl  of 
Orford) ;  Created  vit&  patria  10  June,  1733» 
Baron  Waipole  of  Waipole^  eo.  Norfolk,  witb 
remainder*  failing  bit  issoe  male,  to  bis  bro- 
tbera  Edward  and  Horatio,  and  to  tbeir  issue 
male  respeetiTely ;  in  defiuilt  of  which,  to 
tbeir  father  the  said  Sir  Robert  Waipole, 
K.G.  and  bis  issue  male;  Auling  which,  to 
the  issue  male  of  Robert  Waipole,  Esq. 
father  of  the  said  Sir  Robert,  and  grand- 
father of  this  Baron;  succeeded  bis  father  as 
Earl  of  Orford,  ViseouDt  Waipole,  and  Baron 
Houghton  in  174S,  K.B. ;  ob.  1751. 

0.  17s  1.  S.  George  Waipole,  s.  and  b.  Viscount  and  Earl 
of  Orford;  ob.  179l»a.P. 

in.  ]|91«  3.  Horatio  Waipole,  uncle  and  beir,  being  bro- 
ther of  Robert  1st  Baron,  and  younger  son  of 
Sir  Robert  Waipole,  K.  G.  Ist  Earl  of  Orford, 
&c.t  Earl  6f  Orford ;  ob.  1797,  8.  p.  when  all 
his  honors,  excepting  the  Barony  of  Waipole, 
became  4?ptinct. ;  which  Barony,  agreeable 
to  the  limitation,  devolved  on 

1V«  1797.  4.  Horatio  Waipole,  Sd  Baron  Waipole  of  Wool- 
terton  (vide  in/raJ^  cousin  and  heir,  he  being 
eldest  son  of  Horatio  1st  Baron  Waipole  of 
Wooiterton,  next  brother  of  Robert  1st  Earl 
of  Orford,  K.  G.  and  unele  of  Robert  1st 
Baron  above  mentioned;  Created  Earl  of 
Orford  10  April,  1806;  in  which  dignity  the 
Baronies  of  Waipole  of  Waipole,  and  Wai- 
pole of  Wooiterton  are  merged. 

Vide  Orford. 






I.  1743,  1.  Sir  Robert  Walpole,  K.  G.  father  of  Robert 

1st  Baroo  W«ipal«.  of  Walpole  ;  Created 
Baron  of  Houghton,  Viscount  Walpole  of 
Houghton,  both  eo.  Norfolk,  and  Earl  of 
Orbrd  6  Feb.  1742 }  ob.  1745. 

^ ,  .  Vide  Orfobd. 

1    :i     ....       .QF  W0OLTBRTOM« 
BARONS.  ^     , 

h  1756.  I.  Horatio  Walpol«»  brother  of  Robert  1st  Earl 
ofOrford««iulViMoantW-alpole,  &e.|  Cre- 
ated Baron  Walpole  of  Wookerton,  co.  Nor- 
folk, 4  June,  1756t  obw  1757. 

II.  1*757.  9*  Horatio  Walpole,  fc  -mid  hMOcceeded  to  the 

Barony  of  WalpoleofWalpolo  on  the  demise 
of  Horatio  Walpole,  3d  Baron  Walpole  of 
Walpoley  and  4th  Earl  of  Oefoid  in  1797  r 
Created  EarLof  Orford  iOApnl,  1806. 


WAl^SINGHAM.     .    - 


I.  1739.  Melesina  de  Schulemberg,  niece  of  the 
Duchess  of  Kendal  f  Created  Baroness  of 
AldborottghrCO.Suffolk,  and  Countess  oTWal-^ 
.  .^  ^  singham,  oo.  Norfolk,  for  life,  7  April,  173S; 
«he  married  Philifb  Dormer,  Earl  of  Chester- 
field,. £»G.|  ohul778,  when,  her  honors  be- 
camo t 

BARONS.  ..^     ,.   ,      4^;:ttilCC. 

i.  1780.  l.SlrWtlianfe  d6  Grey,Knt:j  'Created  Baron 
Walsiifgham  of  Waisinghkm;  ^o.  Norfolk,  17 
Ot*:'1780;  ob.1781.  • 

H:  'ITBI.  3.  Thomas  de  Grey,  8.  and  h.ob.  1818. 

III.  1818.  3.  George  de  Grey,  s.  and  h.  Present  Baron 
Walsingham.  '^ 




I.  H.  II.   l.Hervey,  son  of  Hubert  Wftlter. 

II.  lUc.  I.  S.  Theobald  Walter,  s.  and  h.  Butler  of  Ireland ) 

ob.  1809. 

III.  John.  3.  Theobald  Walter,  a.  and  b.     He  aaaomed  the 

name  of  Boteler,  and  was  progenitor  of  the 
noble  House  of  Butler,  Earls,  Marquesses, 
and  Dukes  of  Ormond. 



I.  1644.  I.  Humble  Ward ;  Created  Baron  Ward  of  Bir- 

ningbam,  co.  Warwick,  83  March,  1644  $ 
he  married  Frances  Baroness  Dudley)  ob. 

II.  1G70.  3.  Edward  Ward,  s.  and  h.  soeceeded  bis  mother 

in  the  ancicut  Barony  of  Dudl^  in  1697* 
This  Barony  became  merged  in  that  of  DudU 
lej  until  the  death  of  WilUam  XVI.-38d  Ba- 
ron Dudley,  and  5th  Baron  Ward  in  1740, 
8.  p.  when  the  Barony  of  Ward  dcTolTcd  on 
his  next  heir  male,  via. 

VI.  1740.  6.  John  Ward,  he  being  son  and  heir  of  William 
Ward,  eldest  son  of  William  Ward,  8d  son  of 
Humble  1st  Baron  Ward;  Created  Viscount 
Dudley  and  Ward  81  April,  1763 1  ob.  1774. 

VIL  1774.  7.  John  Ward,  s.  and  h.  Viscount  Dudley  and 
Ward  i  ob.  1788,  8.  P. 

Via  1788.  8. William  Ward,  half-brother  and  heir;  Vis- 
count Dudley  and  Ward;  ob.  1883. 

IX.  1883.  9.  John  William  Ward,  s.  and  h.  Present  Baron 
Ward  and  Viscount  Dudley  and  Ward. 


Vide  Db  la  Wards. 


674  WAIW.W0ilTfl-.WA«9EN. 


Barony^  2  October,  1749. 



William  de  Warren,  who  wai  created  Earl  of  Surrey 
by  William  Rufus,    is  considered  to  have  been  Earl 

.  Warren  in  Normandy  4  and  his  descendants,  who  inhe- 
rited  the  Earldom  of  Surrey,  styled  themselves  **  Earls 
Warren  «;"  but  it  does  not  ai>|iear  that  it  was  ever  eon- 

'  sideredas  a  regular  Earldom  in  this  country  antil  1451, 
whcA  .*......      .      *   «>     %^        ».     . 

XAIIU.   '    • '1 

!•  145K  1*  John  Mowbray,  'too  and  heir  apparent  of 
John  I11..3d  Dbke  of  Norlalk,  and  great 
grandson  of  John  I;  Duke  of  Norfolk  by  Eli- 

.IV  ...  sabeth,  sister  and  heir  of  Thomas  Fitz-Alan, 

XI.-9tlkJfia|4fiO&  Sttmyvandi.  Arundel  {  and 
wiu>.  liko  aU  h|a  pfedaceisort  in  the  former 
J&aridw,  styled  bimsiilf. «;  J^rl  Warren  V 
was  fretted  fygl  Warren  j^nd  Surrey  S9 
March,  I4£tl,  bnt^vrobably^from  being  a  mi- 
nor) he  was  never^  summoned  to  PiyUamei|t 
by  those  titles  j  he  «|icoeede|l  his  father  as 
IV..4th  j:)uke,  of  Norfolk  in  1461;  K.G.; 
oh.  .1475,  ^•  P^  M.  wben.thjB  Earldoms  of  War- 
ren and  Si^rrey,  became  ,,•  . .       ; 

II.  1477.  I.Richard  Plantagenet,  Duke  of  York,  Sdfon 
of  King  Edward  IV.  being  betrothed  to 
Ann  Mowhrayj  tfami  and  sole  heir  of  John 
Mowbray,  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  last  Earl 
Warren  and  Surrey,  was  created  Earl  War- 

•  Vide  SuRRBY* 


ren  and  Duke  of  Norfolk  7  Feb.  1477  i  mar- 
dered  in  the  Tower  m'l483>  when  all  hia  bo- 
iiors  became  ' 



I  .-..  r,.       OF  WIRMOAY. 
.MAOMl   BT  TBirURB.    . 

I.  H.  U.  1.  Warren,  a  younger  fon  of.  Wil- 

liam ll.-8d  Earl  Warren  and  Earl  of  Surrey^ 
%jotd  ofWirmgay,  eQ»N^9U^K.iil  right  of 
.n  ^  ,:ty  z         AlwCy  dau.  and  heir  of  William  de  Wirmgay  j 
.    ....i.    ..  l»iwJia[lii.o^»#J9te.llA4r..iA 

II.  Rlc.  I.  2.  William  de  Warren,  8.and.b^o|b.  1908,  s.p.m. 

leaving  B?a^^ix^f widow  o(  Pqd9  Bar.dul^  his 
dau.*  and^.  which  Beatrix  afterwards 
mairied  tfobert  de  Burgh ^^  '£arl  of  Kent. 

I.  1690.  U  Henry  Booth,  Sd  Baron  Deliunere;  Created 
Eari  of  Warringtoni  co.  Lancaster,  17  April, 

IL}.,<Y698.  3.  George  Booth,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1758,  8. P.M.  when 
^.     tl^^'£aj;lflajphfcao|e« ,  „,.^,i 

HI.  1796.  1.  Oeovge  Harry  G«ey>  6th  Earl  of  Stamford,  son 
and^hetr  of  Harry  4ili  Earl  ol  Stamford  by 
Marry,  striedao.  and  heir  of  George  the  last 
Earl;  Created  (Baron  Delamere  of  Dunham 
Massey,  co.  Chester*  .and  Earl  of  Warrington 
;22^April,4796;.ob.iai$|,      .. 

IV.  18ia.  2.  Gc^jrge  Harry  Gr^y^  ».  and  h.  6ih  Earl  of 
S,i,amfoid..,  Preseiit  E^l  of^^rrington.  Earl 
of  Stamiford,  Baron  Groby,  and  Ba- 
ronole  la  Mere  of  Punbam  Massey.    =f= 

..  ...  ,.    '■■  ■    .;■  '     .  -t 




I.  Willi.  1.  Henry  de  Newburgli,  younger  son  of  Roger  de 

Bellomont,  Earl  of  Mellent  in  Normandy ; 
Created  Earl  of  Warwick  by  William  the 
Conqueror;  ob.  U33« 

II.  1 133.  9.  Roger  de  Newburgb,  s.  and  b.;  ob.  1 153. 
IK.    1 153.  3.  William  de  Newburgb,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1 184, 8.P* 

IV.  1 184.  4.  Waleran  de  Newburgb,  brother  and  heir;  ob» 


V.  1205.  5.  Henry  de  Newburgb,  t.  and  b. ;  ob.  1229. 
VL   1229.  6.  Thomas  de  Newburgh,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1242,  s.  p. 

leaving  Margery  his  half-aister  his  heir,  wha 
married  first 

VIL  1242«  John  Mareschall,  of  the  family  of  the  Earls  of 
Pembroke,  who  is  styled  Earl  of  Warwick  by 
most  authorities  jure  uxorts  ;  ob.  1243,  &p. 
Margery  his  widow  having  remarried 

VI1L1246.  John  de  Plessets;  ke  atyled  himself  in  her 
right,  Earl  of  Warwick  circa  1246 1  ob.  1263, 
without  issue  by  Margery  his  second  wife^who 
soon  afterwardis  died  s.  p»  when  her  inherit- 
ance devolved  on  her  first  cousin  and  heir» 

IX.  1263.  7.  William  Maudoit,  8.  and  h.of William  Mauduit, 

Baron  of  HansJape  by  Alice,  half-sister  of 
Henry  V.-5th  Earl,  and  aunt  of  the  half- 
blood  to  the  said  Margery,  and  who  conse* 
quently  became  Earl  of  Warwick,  and  by 
that  title  was  Summoned  to  attend  the  King 
at  Worcester  in  1263  j  ob.  1267>  s.  p.  when 
bis  nephew^ 

X.  1267.  8.  William  de  Beauchamp,    Baron  of  Elmley, 

succeed  to  the  inheritance  of  this  Earldom, 
he  being  son  and  heir  of  William  de  Beau- 
champ  by  Isabel  de  Mauduit,. sister  and  heir 
of  the  last  Earl.  It  is  evident  from  the  will 
ofWilliam,  father  of  this  Earl,  that  he  as- 
sumed the  title  of  Earl  of  Warwick  during 
his  mother's  life-time,  his  right  to  do  so  being 
very  questionable;   ob.  1298* 

XI.  1298.  9.<«uy  deBeauchamp,  8.and  h.;  ob,  1315. 

WARWICK.  etr 


Xll.  1315.  lOfTkamu  do  Beauehaaip,  ••  ami  h.  K.G. ;  ob. 

XIII.1369.1  l.Tbomaui  d#9Mb^iMDp,  2d  son  and  heir  male 
(Goy  the  eldest  son  bavinp  died  vit&  patrit, 
8. P.M.);  attainted *'1d97*» -.when  bis  bonors 
were  JrorfffttH,  but  restored  In  blood  and 

,  :    .    .«.   ,  |io^ocsiiLia69s  iP>G».;.ob*J40i. 

XIV.  1401.  IS.Ricbard  de .  Beaucbamp^  s.  and  b.  Created 
Earl  of  Aumari|9,ibr  life  141^;   K.G.;  ob. 

1439.  ,.   :..      ,   ; 

^^^^.     ........ 

fV-14^.^X,  H44t^^?.«Penr/.  de  ^au9ba|np,  s.  and  b. 

^  .,  Created  Preopjer  JE^rl  of  England, 

witb  tlie  special  privilege  of  wear- 

....  Ing   a    gold     coronet>    S   April» 

,i44|i  Created  Dak^  of  Warwick  5  Aprit 
-  following;  Crowned  ^ling  of  tbe  Isle  of 
Wfgbt  1^  tbe  j^ing's  own  band  eirca  1445 ; 
K.  G.;  ob.  1445,  •.P.M.  wben'tbe  Dukedom 

CODNTESS.         «  4^)^nCt. 

1.  1445..  14.  Ann  dA  Beaucbamp»  dau.  and  sole  beir  of 
Henry  tbe  last  Earl  and  JDoke  of  Warwick, 
styled  Countess  of  Warwick ;  ob.  1449^  8.  P. 
wben  tbe  Eaiidom  also  became 

■  ..    .1   Is  i^'.Y  1..   a^  :.  l^iftinStm       ....    «■« 

XVI.  1449.  Ric^at^d  ^eyfi^l^  (son  aifd  beir  apparent  of 
Richard 'iBarf.  orSalisbury],  baying  married 
Ann  de  Be&'ucliai^prsister  of  Henry  XV.-13tb, 
Earl  and  I.  Dufcti'df  Warwick,  and  heir  tor 
ber  niece  Ann  Countess^  of  Warwick  above 
mentioned,  wae*  created  Earl  of  Warwick,  to 
•  bim-and  tb»  beirs-ef  bis  said  wife,  <*  with  all 
pre-eminences  that  ai^  of  their  ancestors 
before  tbe  ««eat4onr  of  Henry  Duke  of  War- 
yi\ck  n4e4i;'\  ^uccc^dad  as^Earl  of  Salisbury: 
.  .  IIVJ4P3,I  jt^^  SlW447J»  (9b.8.p.M.)  and 
being  attainted,  his  bonoradiafame 

XVn.l473.1.Geot^ePtantagfenet^'Dlik^ot^  Clarence,  htty^ 
ther  of  King  Edward' IV.   having  married' 

«7a  WARWICK* 


Isabel  Nevill,  eMcit  daughter  and  eobeir  of 
.  Richard  the  last  Earl,  waa  created  Earl  of 
Warwick  and  SaUsbory  85  March,  1473; 
murdered  and  attainted  In  1477^  when  bis 
dignities  became 

XVIII.14...  S.Edward  Plantagenet»  s.  and  h.  of  George 
Duke  of  Clarence,  the  last  Earl ;  bore  the 
title  of  Eari  of  Warwick,  though  it  doea  not 
appear  that  his  father's  attainder  was  re- 
Tcrsed ;  beheaded  1499,  and  bring  attainted, 
by  whatever  right  he  wm  |iosiinifil  of  this 
Earldom,  it  again  became 

XIX.  1547.  1.  John  Dadl<^,  Vll..|st  Viscount  L'isle,  being 

son  and  heir  of  Edmond  Dudley,  by  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  and  eTentuallv  coheir  of  Edward 
Grey,  III.- 1  St  Viscount  L^isle,  by  Elisabeth, 
daughter  and  ultimately  colieir  of  John  Tal- 
bot, I.- 1st  Visconat  L'isle,  younger  son  of 
John  Earl  of  Shrewsbury  by  Margaret  Beau- 
champ,  daughter  of  Richard  XlV.-18tb  Earl 
of  Warwick,  and  half-sister  of  Heniy  XV.- 
13th  Earl  and  I.  Duke  of  Warwick;  was 
created  Earl  of  Warwick  17  February,  1547  ; 
Created  Duke  of  Northumberland  11  Oct. 
1551,  K.G.;  attainted  and  beheaded  1553» 
when  all  his  honors  became 

XX.  1567.  I.Ambrose  Dudley,  s.  and  b.  being  restored  in 

blood,  was  created  Baron  L'isle  85  Dec 
1561 ;  Created  Earl  of  Warwick  96  Sept. 
1567 ;  K.G.I  ob.  1589, 8.  r.  when  his  honors 


XXL  1618.  I.Robert  Rich,  3d  Baron  Rich  of  Leeae;  Cre- 
ated Earl  of  Warwick  6  Aug.  1618;  ob. 

XXII.  l6l8.3Jlobert  Rich,  s.  and  h.ob.  1658. 

XXIlI.l658.3.Robert  Rich, s.  and  h.  ob.  1659»  8.P.M. 

XXIV.1659.4.Cbarles  Rich,  brother  and  heir;  ob.  1673,  8.P. 



XXV.  ]673.5.Robert1Ue1],  n.-Sd  Earl  of  Holland,  cousin 
and  beir  male,  being  ton  and  heir  of  Henry 
Ist  Earl  of  Holland,  8d  son  of  Robert  Ricb, 
XXI.-lst  Earl  of  Warwick  ;  ob.  1675. 

XXVLl675.6.Robert  Ricb^  t«  and  h.  Earl  of  Hollands  ob. 

XXVJL1701.7.Edward  Henry  Rieb,  t.and  b.  Earl  of  Hoi* 
land;  ob.  178 1 >  8. P. 

XXVIlI.1781.8.Edward  Ricb,  couain  and  beir  male,  being 
•on  and  beir  of  Cope  lUcb,  eldest  ton  ^ 
Cope  Ricb,  next  brotber  of  Robert  II.  Earl 
ef  Holland  and  XXV..5th  Earl  of  Warwick  ; 
Earl  of  Holland  ;  ob.  1759,  a. p.m.  wben  all 
Ilia  bonors  became 

XXIX.1 759.1. Francis  Grevilte,  I.  Earl  Brooke  (descended 
from  Walter  Beaucbamp,  Baron  of  Alcester 
and  Powyek,  brotber  of  William  Beaucbamp, 
X.<r8tb  Earl  of  Warwick) ;  Created  Earl  of 
Warwick  21  Not.  1759 ;  K.T.;  ob.  1773. 

XXX.  1773.8.George  Gr^ille^  t.  and  b.  Earl  Brooke  ;  ob. 

XXXI.181&3,Henry  Ricbard  Grerjtte,  t.  and  b.  Present 
Earl  and  Baron  Brooke^  and  Earl  of  War- 
wiek.    ^ 



I.  1386«  Robert  de  WatcTylls  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  3 
Dec.  20  Edward  II.  1326,  to  85  Jan.  4  Edw. 
III.  1330. 

Pugdale  gires  no  account  of  tbis  Baron  in  bis  Ba- 



I.  1299*   I.Adam  de  Welles}    Summ.  to   Pari,  from  6 

Feb.  27  Edw.  1. 1299,  to  16  June,  4  Edw.  II. 
1311;  ob.l311. 

II.  1311.2.  Robert  de  Welles,  son  and  beir ;   be  was  never  Pari.  I  ob.  1320,  s.  p. 


III.  13S9.  &AllamdeWellct,4frotlievMid  b»irifiQiiiai. t» 

Pari,  from  80  Joly,  6  Edward  III.  1338,  to  20 
April,  17  Bdw.  III.  t84d^rob/ 1346. 

IV.  1345.  4.  John  df  WcIlM,  t.«iidb.  SVAini.  to  Pari.  15 

Pec.  31  Edward  IVL  1357,  and  5M>  Nor.  34 
Edw.  III.  1360;  ob.  1361;'^    ' 

V.  1861.  5.  Jfiht  de  Well«tf/Swaiidiiva«iiitt.toParl.  tern 

80  Jan.  49-  Edwvrd  HI.  m%  to  86  Feb.  8 
•Hen.  V.  1481 1  e%;1491  ••• ' ' 

VI.  1481.  6.Leode  Wellel,|;randsbrf  and-beir,  bein^^  ton 

and  beir  of  Eudo'de  Wtllet  (ob.  t.  p.)  eldest 
SOD  of  tbe  latt  Bwon  ;  Sdmm.  to  Pari,  from 
« .1       .  i^^^runry  lOHeQ^VL  IdaS,  to30  Joly,  38 

Henry  VI.  1640 1  fUja  146J«,and  being  at- 
tainted, bit.  bprnni  became 
•  •->    '  .*JFovfell9ti«i   ^M 

VII.  1468.  7.  Rt^bafd  de'Welfifh,  to<l  ind  bteir  of  Leo  tbe 

last  Baron,  bavinr  Married lloan,  dau.  and 
)}eir  of  Rbh€h  Vli^tb  BivoriTWilloushby  of 
£re4bywasStanDrin;to'PiEirl.'flf(>m  86  May,  33 
Hen.  VI.  1466,  to  28  t^eb.  6  EdwJV.  1466,  as 
**  Ricbardo  Welles,  Domino  Willoaf^bbv,  Mi- 
liti  i"  obtained  a  full  Restoration  in  blood 
and  bondrs  8  EdWIird  IV.  1468 1  bebeaded  in 
1469*  Robert  de  Welles^  bis^  only  and  beir, 
was  beheaded  in  the  ^ame  year ;  and  in  tbe 
I4tb  Edward  IV.  1474,  they  were  botb  at- 
tainted,wben  their  honors  again  became  jffnv* 
feitel^.  This  Robert  dying  a.  r.  Joane  bis 
sister  became  bis  heir^  who  married  Richard 
Hastings;    and  though  it  does  not  appear     | 

*  Though  Dugdale'sstatement  relative  tl)  thb  ^ud  bar  been     | 
followed  iQ  the  text,   it  must  be  observed,  that  a  <*'/6hn  "do 
WelW  (and  apparently  the  same  per^nage)  was  regularly  sum-     I 
moned  to  Parliament  from  99  September,  1  Hen.  VI.  1488,  to  8     I 
August,  7  Hen.  VI.  1489.     Manv  instances  are '^'  be  fbundi  of 
Writs  of  Summons  lUiii^  diredtecf  to  ^rons  several  years  sf^ 
their  deaths,  pobably  from  ienoraitce  of  their  demises :  of  which 
that  of  Maurice  Lord  Be»eley  u  a  singular  example^  who 
though  dead  in  1868  was  regularly  summoned  until  1380,  vK* 
twelve  years  af^  his  decease.    Vide  p.  60. 

BAKOMt  BY  WtlT. 

either  that  tbe  Attail\der  of  Robert  ber  bro- 
tber,  or  of  Richard  her  father  tbe  VlI^Tth 
Baron,  was  ever  reverted  *y  tbe  said 
Vlli.  148^.     Ricbafd  Hastinf^  was  Summ.  to   Pari.    IS 
'  Norv.  82  Edw.  IV.  U^,  and  s(  December,  S3 
£dw.  IV.  1483,  at  <«'Ricbardu  Hastinget  de 
Weilet,  Chrr;"  ob.  1503,  s.p.8.and  Joane 
his  wife  died  in  1505, 8.  p.  wfaen',if  tbe  origioal  Barony  be 
considered  to  have  been  reVived  so  as  not  to  be  aflfected 
by  tbe  Attainders  above  mentioned,  it  fell  into  Abeyance 
between  tbe  descendants  of  tbe  four  daughters  of  Leo  VI. 
Baron  Welles,  viz.. of  AJianore,  who  married  Thomas 
Lord  Uoo  and  Hastihgs ;   Margaret,  who  was  the  wife  of 
Sir  Thomas  Dymocke  $  Cecily,  who  married*  Bir  Robert 
WUloughby ;  and  Katberine,  who  wal  tl^  ^wife  at  Sir 
Thomas  de  la  Launde ;  among  utrbose  representatives  this 
Barony  would  now  be  in  Abeyance  :  but  if  the  Writ  to 
Richard  Hastings  as  Lord  Welles  be  eoQftideted  as  a  crea- 
tion de  novo,  and  which  is  most  prpbable,  it  became 
^jptinct  on  his  demise  In  IbOSp  S.P.S. 

WELU5S  .. 

OF  •— 
VISCOCNT.  '       •  •" 

L  1487.  John- Welles,  8d  son  of  Leo  VI.-6tb  Baron 
Welles  (by  bis  second  wife)  5  Created  Vis- 
count Wellesi  by  which  title  he  was  first  sum- 
moned to  Parliament  I  Sept  1487»  though 
the  precise  date  of  bis  Patent  does  not  ap- 
pear. He  married  Cecily  Plantagenet,  dau. 
of  King  Edward  IV. ;  K.  G. ;  ob.  1498,  8.  P.  M. 
(Ann,  his  sole  daughter  and  heir,  died  an  in- 
fant sbortl|r^f)^r.  h^r  father's  death),  when 
his  title  became 

<epti9«»  ,   .   ^ 

*  In  the  Act  of  Attainder  in  question,  special  provision  is 
made^  that  Richard  Hastings  should  enjoy  certain  manors  which 
belonged  to  the  attainted  Barons,  in  consideration  that  he  had 
married  Joan,  sister  and  heir  of  the  said  Robert  de  Welles,  and 
also  of  his  loyalty  and  services.    Rot.  Pari,  anno  14  Edw.  IV. 

VOL.  II*  A  A 




I.  n91»  1*  Richard  Colley  WellMley,  2d  Earl  of  Mornings 
ton  in  Ireland}  Created  Baron  Wellesley  of 
Wellesleyy  eo.  Somerset,  SO  Oct.  1797  ;  Cre- 
ated Marquess  of  Wellesley  in  Ireland  S  De- 
cember, 1799*  Present  Baron  Wellesley  s 
•       also  Marquess  of  Wellesley,  &c.  in  Ireland, 


vise.  KARL.  HMLQ,        DtJKB. 

1.1809.— LI8I8.—I.1813.--I.I814.  l.Sir  Arthur  Wellesley, 

K.B.  brother  of  Richard 
1  St  Marquess  of  Welles- 
ley in  Ireland,  and  Ist  Baron  Wellesley  in  England; 
Created  Baron  Douro  of  Wellesley,  co.  Somerset,  and 
Viscount  Wellington  of  Talavera,  and  of  Wellington,  eo. 
Somerset,  4  Sept.  1809 ;  Created  Earl  of  Wellington,  co. 
Somerset,  S8  Feb.  1813 ;  Created  Marquess  of  Wellington 
aforesaid,  1 8  Aug.  1 8  IS;  Created  Marquess  of  Douro  afore- 
said, and  Duke  of  Wellington  3  May,  1814.  Present  Duke, 
Marquess,  Earl,  and  Viscount  Wellington,  and  Marquess 
and  Baron  of  Douro }  also  Prince  of  Waterloo  in  the  Ne- 
therlands; Duke  of  Ciudad  Rodrigo  in  Spain,  and  a 
Grandee  of  the  First  Class;  Duke  of  Vittoria,  Marquess 
of  Torres  Vedras,  and  Count  of  Vimiera  in  Portugal; 
K.  G.,  G.  C.  B.,  G.  C.  H.  and  Knight  Grand  Crosi  of  every 
illustrious  Order  in  Europe,  qp 



I.  18SI.  I.  Francis  Wemyss  CharteHs  Douglas,  6th  Earl 
of  Wemyss,  in  Scotland  ;  Created  Baron 
Wemyss  of  Wemyss,  eo.  Fife*  17  July,  I8S1. 
Present  Baron  Wemyss  ;  also  Earl  of  Wemyss, 
Ac  in  Scotland.  =?= 




1.  146K  John  Wcnlok;  Created  Baron  Wenlok  of 
Wenlok,  oo«  Salop,  ••..,  146 1|  and  was 
Sumoi.  to  Pari,  as  **Johanni  Wenlok  de 
Wenlok,  Milite,"  86  Juk,  I  Edw.  IV.  1461 ; 
K.G. ;  ob.147] ,  8.  p.  when  hit  honors  beeame 


BAR0N8  Br  WRIT. 

I.      15S9,  l.Tbomaa  Wentworth{  Somm.  to  Pari,  from  2 

Dec.  8 1  Hen.VIIE.  1529,  to  4  Nov.  S  Edward 

VI,  1548;  ob.  1551. 
H.     1551.  S.  Thomas  Wentwortb,  s.  and  h.  Samm.  to  Pari. 

from  83  Jan.  5  Edward  VI.  1558,  to  4  Feb. 

31£iiz.  1589;  oh.  1590. 
lir.  1590.  3.  Henry  Wentwortb,  s.  and  h.  Sumn.  to  Pari. 

19  Feb.  35  Elli.  1593 1  ob.  1594. 

IV.  1594.  4.  Thomas  Wentwortb,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  30  Jan.  18  Jac.  I.  1681,  tu  17  May, 
I  Car,  I.  1685  ;  Created  Earl  of  Cleveland, 
CO.  York,  5  Feb.  1636  ^  ob.  1667,  a.i».M. 
when  that  Earldom  beeame  C^tiOCtj  but 
the  Barony  of  Wentwortb  devolved  on 


I.  1667.  5.  Henrietta  Maria  Wentwortb,  his  grand- 
daughter and  heir,  being  dan.  and  sole  heir 
of  Thomas  Wentwortb  (ob.  v.  p.  in  1664)» 
who  was  Samm.  to  Parliament  in  his  fatber^t 
Barony,  eldest  son  of  the  last  Baron ;  ob, 
1686,  s.  p. 

IT.  1686.6.  Ann  Wentwortb,  aunt  and  heir,  being  only 
surviving  child  of  Thomas  IV.  Baron,  grand- 
father of  the  last  Baroness  ;  she  married 
John  Lord  Lovelaee ;  ob.  1697* 

lli.l697*7.Martba  Lovelacei^  grand-dau«[bter  and  heir, 
being  dau.  and  sole  heir  of  John  Lord  Love- 
lace (ob.  vita  matris),  eldest  son  of  the  last 
Baroness ;  she  married  Sir  Henry  Johnson, 
BARON  Knt.i  ob.  1745,  S.P. 

BY  WRIT.      Vise. 

V.  1745.— I.  1768.  8.  !^ir  Edward  Noel,  4th  Bart,  cousin 

and  heir,  being  son  and  heir  of  Sir 
a  A^ 


dobery  Koel,  ehlest  ton  of  Sir 
John  Noel^  brother  and  heif  of  Sir 
-  ^omM'Noel,  son  and  beif  of  Sir 
William  Noel  by  Margaret  Love- 
lacei  3d  daughter  of  Ann  ll.-6th 
Baroness  ;  Created  Viscount  Went- 
worth  of  Wellesborougb,  co.  Lei- 
cestor,  4Mayy  1763;  oh.  1774. 

BY  WRIT*         Vise*  *  ^ 

Vi.  1774 — II.  1774.  9. Thomas  Noel,  si  and  h.  ob.  t8r5» 

8.  p.  when  the  Viscountcy  became 

Cptintt ;  bat  the  Barony  fell  into 

Abbyancb  between  his  eldest  sister^ 

Judith,  wife  of  Sir  Ralph  M ilbank, 

.   Bart.'Mid  his  nephew  Nathaniel  Carson^  son  and  heir 

apparent  of  Nathaniel^  present  Lord  Scarsdale  by  Sophia 

.   Sasattnahj  his  second  sister.    The  Barony  of  Went  worth 

is  now  in  Abetancb  •  between  the  said  'Hon.  Nathaniel 

•   CarzoOy  and  the  Right  Hon.  Ann  Isabella,  widow  of  the 

.   late  George  Gordon  Byron  Noel  Lord  Byron,  she  being 

.   the  onlv  child  of  Judith,  late  wife  of .  Sir  Ralph  Milbank 

<   (wbo  afterwards  assunied  the  name  of)  Noel,  aboTe  men- 



I«  16^8.— 1. 1638.  1.  Sir  Thomas  Wentwortb,Sd  Bart.;  Cre- 
ate4  Baron.  Wentworth  of  Wentworlh 
Woodfiouse,  CO.  York,  33  July,  1638; 

.  ,^,  '  ,  .Created  Viscount  Wentworth  10  Dec. 
following;  Created  Earl  of  Stra£ford 
^3  Jan.  1640,  K.iG. 

forfeiteb  I64l— Restored  1665-^^Ftinct  1695. 

•  Vide  Stsuffmd. 

Viscountcy,  4  September,  17H— €)Ctinct  1799. 

Vide  Strafford. 

barons  by  writ.    ■ 

I.      1343.  I.Thomas  West ;    Surom.  to' Pari.  85  Feb.  16 
£dw.  III.  1343;  ob.  1343. 


BAioKs  nr  WIIT. 

II .  1 343,  3.  Thomas  West,  s.  and  fa. ;  he  wai  neTer  Samm. 

to  Pari.;  ob.  1386. 

III.  1409.  3. Thomas  West,  s.  and  b.  Somm.  to  VnrU  SI  . 

June/  3  Henry  IV.  1408,  and  35  Aupist,  4 
HeniylV.  1404;  be  married  Joan,  daughter 
of  Roger  Baron  la  Warr;  ob.  1405. 

IV.  1405.  4.  Thomas  West,  s.  and  b. ;    be  married  Ida» 

daughter  and  coheir  of  Almaric,  Baron  St. 
Amand,  but  was  never  Samm.  to  Pari. ;  ob. 
1415, 8.  p. 
y^  1414.  5.  Reginald  West»  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari,  as 
<«  Baron  de  la  Warr,"  in  1486,  jure  matrist 
in  which  Barony  that  of  West  became 

This  Barony,  together  with  the  ancient  Barony  of  De 
la  Warr,  is  now  vested  in  the  descendanU  and  represen- 
tatives  of  Sir  Owen  West,  half-brother  of  Thomas  West, 
IX..9th  Baron  de  la  Warr.         Vide  De  la  Warb,  p.  184. 



I.  1628.  I.Richard  Weston;  Created  Baron  Weston,  of 
Neyland,  CO.  Essex,  13  April,  1688 1  Created 
Earl  of  Portland  17  Feb.  1633. 

iij:tintt  1688.  Vide  Portland. 



I.  1397.  1.  Ralph  Nevill,  lV.-8th  Baron  Nevill  of  Raby ; 

Created  Earl  of  Westmoreland  89  September, 
1397;  K.  G.  Earl  Marshal ;  ob.  1485. 

II.  1485.  8.  Ralph  Nevill,  grandson  and  heir,  being  son 

and  heir  of  John  Nevill  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest  son 
of  the  last  Earl;  ob.  1485,  s. p.  S. 

III.  1485.  3.  Ralph  Nevill,  nephew  and  heir,  being  son  and 

^  heir  of  John  Ncyill  next  brother  of  the  last 
Earl;  ob.l583. 

IV.  1583.  4.  Ralph  Nevill^  grandson  and  beir»  being  son 



tnd  heir  of  Ralph  Nevill  (ob.  ▼.  p.)  ddest  ton 
of  the  last  Earl ;  K.  G. ;  ob,  1549* 
V^    1 549.  5.  Henry^NfmU,  s.  and  b*  K.  G. ;  ob.  1 563. 

VI.  1563.  6.  Charles  NeviU,  s.  and  b.  Attainted  in  1570, 

when.all  his  honors  became  .. 

VII.  1094.  1.  Fsancis  Fane,  son  and  heir  apparent  of  Sir 

Thomfl»  Fane  by  Mary  NeviU,  Baroness 
Dcepenoer  and-Biu^hersh,  dau.  and  sole  heir 
of  Hen^y  NeviU,  XlII,-4th  Baron  Berga- 
.  -  vcnny,  lineally  descended  frpm  Edirard  Ne<^ 
vill,  yooriger'Son  of  Ralph  1st  Earl  of  West- 
moffeland;;  .Created  Baron  Burg^berth  and 
Earl  of  Westmoreland,witb  remainder  to  his 
hein  male,  S9  D^c  1684 ;  suec^eeded  his  mo- 
ther in  the  ancient  Baronies  of  Despencer 
an4  %irghersh  in  1696:  ob.  1628. 
VIII.1688.  2.Alildmay  Fape,  s.  and  h.  ob.  1665. 

IX.  1665.  3.  Charles  Fane,  s.  and  h.  ob.  169 1»  s.  ^« 

X.  169K  4.  Vere  Fane,  brother  and  beir ;  ob.  1693. 

XI.  1693.  5.  Vere  Fane,  s.  and  b.  pb.  1699f  8.  p* 

XII.  1699*  6.  Thomas  Fane,  brother  and  heir ;  ob.  1736,  8.P. 
XIIL1736.  7*  John  Fane,  brother  and  heir ;  Created  Baron 

Catherlough  in  Ireland  4  Oct.  1733  ;  ob. 
1762,  8.  p.  when  the  Baronies  of  Despencer 
and  Burghersb  (by  Writ)  fell  into  Abeyance, 
and  his  Irish' Barony  became  Extinct ;  but 
the  Barony  of  Burgbersh  (by  Patent)  and 
the  Earldom,  of  Westmoreland,  devolved  on 
XIV.  1763.  8.  Thomas  Pane,  as  next  heir  male,  being  son 
and  beir  of  Henry,  eldest  son  of  Sir  Francis 
Fane,  K.  B.  s.  and  b.  of  Sir  Francis  Fane,  K.B« 
2d  son  of  Francis  Vll.-lst  Earl;  ob.  1771. 

.  *  In  the  reign. of.  Janes  I.  Edmond  Nevill,  the  lineal  descend- 
ant of  George  Nevill,  younger  son  o£  Ralph  Ist  Early  and  next 
li*ir  male  ofCharles  the  last  Earl,  claimed  the  Earldom  of  Wes|- 
oiofehHid.;  butat  waa  deotded.agaiatt'bim,  on  the  ground  that  the 
Attainder  had  canted  all  the  honors  poasosed  bv^tne  aaid  Cbarlei 
to  be  roaniTBO  to  the. down  aa  an  eitate  ot  inheritance;  A. 
copy  of  Edmond  Nevill'i  clain^  T.hjiph  is  a  curious  document,  may 
be  found  in  Landsdowne  MSS.  954,  p.  876. 



XV.  1771.  9.  John  Fane,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1774. 
XV1.1774.10.John  Fane,  and  h.  Present  Earl  of  Westmore- 
land' and  Baron  Burgbersb,  K«  G.    =p 



L  168S.  I.  Sir  Thomas  Thynne»  Sd  Bart.  Created  Baron 
Tbjrnne  of  Warminster,  co.  Wilts,  and  Vis- 
count Wjeymioutb,  co.  Dorset,  11  Dec.  1663, 
with  remainder,  failing  bis  isnae  msle,  to  his 
hrotbecB  and.  their  issue  male  respectively  i 
ob.  1714, 8.  P.M. 

n.  1714.  3.  Thomas  Thymine,  g^rand-nephew  and  heir  male, 
being  son  and  heir  of  Thomas,  eldest  son  of 
Henry  Thynne,  next  brother  of  Thomas  1st 
Viscount;  oh.  1751. 

III.  1751.  3.Tl»oi»as  Thynne,.  s.  ^nd  h.  Created  Marquess 

of  Bath^  19  Augiist,  1789  j  K,  G. ;  ob.  1796. 

IV.  1796.  4.  Thomas  Thynne,  m.  and  h.    Present  Marquess 

of  Bath,  Viscount  Weymouth,  Baron  Thynne, 
and  a  Baronet,  K.  G.    =p 

.  .   :■  ^ 



I.  1545.  1.  Thomas' Whartori  {  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  30 

Jan.  36  Hen.  VIU.  1545,  to  30  Sept.  8  Eliz. 
1566;  ob.  1568. 

II.  1568.  3.  Thomas  Wharton,  s.  and  h.  Samm.  to  Pari. 

3  April,  13  Eliz.  157  U  and  8  May,  14  Eli*. 
1572;  ob.  1673. 

III.  1573.  3.  Philip  Wharton,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to   Pari. 

from  6  Jan. 33  Eli*.  1581,  to  17  May,  1  Car-- 
1. 1635  ;  ob.  1635. 

IV.  1635.  4.  Philip  Wharton,  grandson  and  heir,  being  sdn 

and  heir  of  Thomas  Wharton  (ob.  v.  p.) 
eldest  son  of  the  last  Baron ;  Summ.  to 
Pari,  from  3  Nov.  15  Car.  I.  1639,  to  19  May, 
i  JacII,  lj685j  oh..  1696.       .. 


V.  1696.— I.  I70^,r^l.  1715,  5,  Thomas  Wharton,  s.,andh. 

Created  Viscount  Winchen- 
don,  $Q,  Bocks,  and  Earl  of 


Wbartooy  eo.  Westmore- 
land, S4  Dec.  1706;  Cre- 
ated Marquess  of  M times* 
bury,  CO.  Wilts,  and  Mar- 
quess of  Wharton,  co. West- 
moreland, 1  January,  1715, 
and  on  the  same  day  Baron 
of  Trim,  Eari  of  Ratbfar- 
num,  and  Marquess  of  Ca- 
therloifh  in  Ireland  ;  ob. 

BARONS.      BARLS.     MARQUB88.     DUKB« 

VI.17 15.— 11.17 15.^11. 17 15.— i.1718.6.  Pbilip  Wharton,  son 

and  heir }  Created 
Duke  of  Wharton,  co.  Westmoreland,  SO 
Jan.  1718;  Attainted  in  17S8,  when  all  bis 
honors  became 

It  does  not  appear  that  his  Attainder  has  been  re- 
versed ;  but  should  his  heirs  ever  he  rendered  capable  of 
inheriting  his  honors,  the  Barony  would  become  vested  in 
the  descendants  and  representatives  of  Lucy  and  Jane, 
his  sisters  and  coheirs  *^  but  as  he  died  8.  p.  in  1731,  all 
his  other  honors,  if  he  had  not  forfeited  them  in  1788j 
would  then  have  become  <f  jTtlnct. 


John  de  Whittinf^on  ;  Summoned  9S  January,  ?5 
Edward  I.  1297;  but  fur  the  reasons  assig^ned  under 
"  FiTz-JoHN,"  it  is  doubtful  if  that  Writ  can  be  consi- 
dered as  a  regular  Summons  to  Parliament.  Dugdale 
gives  no  account  of  such  a  Baron,  nor  does  be  appear 
ever  afterwards  to  have  been  summoned. 

*  Banks'  Stemmata  Anglicana,  states,  that  these  ladies  died  s.r. 
and  that  the  representation  of  the  Barony  is  vested  in  the  present 
Msrchionesi  or  Cholmondeley,  and  her  sister  Lady  Wiilo^ghby 
of  Eresby,  as  the  heirs  of  Elizabeth,  dan.  of  Philip  the  4th  Ba- 
ron, who  married  Robert  8d  Earl  of  Lindsey ;  in  Charles  Kemeys 
Kemeys  Tynte,  Esq.  the  representative  of  Mary,  another  dau. 
of  the  said  Bwon,  who  married  first,  Edward  Thomas,  Esq.  and 
secoodly.  Sir  Charles  Kemeys,  Bart.;  and  in  the  issue,  if  any  exists, 
of  Philadelphia  (who  married,  first.  Sir  George  Lockhart,  and 
secondly.  Captain  John  Ramsay),  another  daughter  of  the  said 
Philip  4th  Baron. 




I.  1643.  1.  Sir  William  Widdringrton,  1st  Bart.;    Created 

Baron  Widdrin'gtoiiy  of  Blankney,  co.  Lia*> 
cola,  IQJ^fijrc  16431  0^1651. 

II.  1651.  S.  William  Widdrington,  a.  and  b.  ob.  1676. 
IK.  1676.  3.  William  Widdrington,  a.  andii.  ob.  1695. 

IV.  1695.  4.Wimam  Widdriogtoji»8.aYuib.s  Attainted  in 
1 7 169  wh^  his  booors  .became 
.Jarfeiteo.       .    . 

.    ,  WIUNGTON.. 

BARONa   BY  WRIT.  .t        '      : 

J.  1329.  1.  Jobn  de  Wilington ;  Summoned  to  Parliamen!t 
from  14 'June,  3  £dw«  IIL  1329»  to  15  Nov. 
18  Edwacd  111^1330.  Dugdale  in  bis  Baron- 
age omits  to  notice,  tbat  a  Jobn  de  Wiiing- 
^  -ton  msA  eversummoned.toParliament ;  but 

it  18  pretty  .evident  it  was  tbis  Jobn  wbom 
be  states  .bad  bis  lands. seised  15  Edw.  If.  bot 
which  were  restored  to  bim'  by  Edward  III. 
and  «bo  was  father  of 

II.  1342.  S.  Ralph  de  Wilington  ;  Summ.  to  Pari.  25  Feb. 
16  Edward  UI.  1342,  but  never  afterwards'; 
ob.  1348,8.  P.  leaving  Ralph  de  Wylington  bis 
uncle  bis  beir,  when  tbis  Barony  became 

<       WILLIAMS 


L  1554.  1.  John  Williams ;  Samm.  to  Pari,  from  2  April* 
1  Philip  and  Mary,  1554,  to  5  Nov.  5  and  6 
Philip  and  Mary,  1558,  as  «  Jobanni  Wil- 
.  liamsde  Thame;"  ob.  1559»  S.p«m.  leaving 
his  two  daughters,  Isabel*  who  married  Sir 
Richard  Wenman,  and  Margery,  the  wife  of 
Henry  Lord  Norris,  his  heirs,  and  between 
whose  descendants  and  representatives  (of 
whom  the  Earl  of  Abingdon  is  the  heir-gene- 
ral of  Margeiy),  tbis  Bai^ny  is  now  in  Abey- 


OF  ERBSBY.   ' 

J,  ] 3 1 3.  1 .  Robert  Willoogbby ;  Sammoned  to  Parliament 
26  July,  and  S6Nov.  7  Edw.  II.  1313  ;  be 
married  Alice,  sister  and  cobeir  of  Walter, 
Baron  Beke;  ob.  1316. 

II.  1316.  2,  John  Willongbby,  s.  and  b. ;  Sanm.  to  ParK 

from  97  Jan.  6  £dw.  I|I.  1338,  to  10  March, 
23  Edw.  III.  1349;  ob.  1349. 

III.  1349.  3.  John  Willoughby,  s.  and  b. ;  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  35  Not.  S4  Edw.  III.  1350,  to  8  Jan. 
44  Edw.  IIL  1S71,  as  <<  JohannI  de  Wilughby 
de  Eresby  ;"  ob.  1378. 

IV.  1378.  4.  Robert  WiUougliby,  s.  and  b.;  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  80  Jan.  49  Edw.  lU.  1376,  to  80  Nov. 
18  Rich.  11. 1394|  ob.  1396. 

V.  1396.  5.  William  Willoocbby*  s.  and  h. ;   Summ.  to 

Pari,  from  30  Nov.  80  Rich.  II.  1396,  to  86 
Oct.  1 1  Hen.  IV.  1409  ;  ob.  1409. 

VI.  1409.  6.  Robert  Willougbby,  s.  and  b. ;  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  81  Sept.  18  Hen.  IV.  1411,  to  5  Sept. 
89  Hen.  VI.  1450. ;  ob.  1453,  s.  P.  M. ;  Joane 
bis  sole  daughter  and  heir  having  married 

VII.  1455.      Richard  Welles,  son  and  heir  apparent  of  Leo 

V  f •  Baron  Welles  i  be  was  Summ.  to  Parl.,fKfir 
tixorist  as  <<  Riebardo  de  Welles,  Domino  Wil- 
loughby Militi/'  from  26  May,  S3  Hen.  VI. 
1455,  to  88  February  6  Edward  IV.  1466; 
beheaded,  together  with  his  only  son,  Ro- 
bert Welles,  in  1469}  and  were  both 
Attainted  in  1478.  Joane,  bis  only  sister 
and  heir,  married  Richard  Hastings;  who 
was  Summ.  to  Pari,  in  1488,  as  Baron 
Welles ;  he  died  s.  P.  in  1 503,  and  his  said 
wife  Joane  in  1505,  likewise  without  issue; 
when  this  Barony  devolved  upon  her  next 
heir,  jure  matris,  viz. 

VIII.  1508.  7.  William  Willoughby,  he  being  son  and  heir  of 

Christopher,  brother  and  heir  of  Robert, 
eldest  son  of  Robert,  son  and  heir  of  Thomas 
Willoughby,  next  brother  of  Robert  VI. 
Baron ;  Summ.  to  Pari,  from  17  Oct.  1  Hen. 

WILLOUGHBir.  ^5, 

\"^'  *^  ^*  ^i?"''  *^  ^n-  Vlli.  1523  ; 
ob.  1525,  8.  p.  M.  ' 


J.  1525.  8.Katberine  Willouifhby,  <i«u.  an4  heir;  she 
married  fint,  Cbarles  Brandon,  Duke  of 
SuflFolk,  and  by  him  had  two  sons,  who  died 
wi  their  infancy;  her  second  basband  was 
Richard  Bertie^  Esq.;  ob.  1580. 


IX.  1580.  9.  Perejrrine  Bertie,  a.  and  h.  ;  claimed  and  was 

allowed  the  Barony,  and  was  Surom.  to  Pari, 
from  16  Jan.  83  ElU.  1581.  to  24  Oct.  39 
Elia.  1597;  ob.  1601.  ^ 

X.  1601.  10.  Hubert  Bertie,  s.  and  b.;    Summ.  to  Pari 

from  5  Not,  3  Jaq.  I.  1605,  to  17  May! 
1  Car.  I.  1625  j  Created  Earl  of  Lindsey  22 
Nov.  1626.    This  Barony  continued  merged 
in  the  Earldom  of  Lindsey  and  Dukedom 
of  Ancaster  until  the  demise  of  Robert  IV 
Duke  of  Ancaster,  Vil.  Earl  and  11.  Marquess 
of  lindsey,  and  XVI.  Baron  Willougbby  of 
tresby,  in  1779,  •.  p.  when  It  fell  into  Abey- 
ANCR  between  bis  two  sisters  and  heirs,  viz 
Priicilla  Barbara  Elisabeth  Bertie,  the  pre- 
sent   Baroness,   and   Georgiana    Charlotte 
JSertie,  since  married  to  the  present  Mar- 
quess of  Cbolmondeley.    On  the  18th  March, 
1780,  his  Majesty  was  pleased  to  terminate 
the  Abeyance  in  favour  of 
H.  1780. 11.  PrisciUa  Barbara  Elisabeth  Burreli,  wife  of 
Peter,  Ist  Baron  Gwydir,  and  eldest  sister 
and  coheir  of  Robert,  Duke  of  Ancaster,  &c 
the  last  Baron  WiIlou|:hby  of  Eresby.    Pre- 
sent  Baroness  WiUoagbby  of  Eresby,  eldest 
coheir  of  one  moiey  of  the  Barony  of  Beke 
And  Joint  Great  Chamberlain  of  England.  =f 




1.  1492.  1.  Robert  Willouffhby,  grandson  of  Sir  Thomas 
Willougbby,  2d  son  of  Robert  IV.  Baron 
Willoughby  of  Eresby ;  Summoned  to  Par- 
liament from  12  Aug.  7  Hen,  VH.  1492,  to 


BAE0N8  BY  WRjT. 

16  Htu  IS  Hen:  VII.  ]497»  ai  ''Roberto 
Willoui^hby  de  Brooke,  Chev.;"  ob.  1503. 

II.  1503.  8.  Robert  Wiilougbby,  8.  and  b. ;  Summ.  to 
Pari,  from  88  Noy.  2t  Hen.  VIIL  151 1,  to  IS 
Not.  7  Hen.  VHI.  1515 ;  ob.  1588,  s.  p.  m. 
Edward,  bis  eldest  son,  died  vhk  patrit, 
8.' p.  M.  between  wbbse  daogbters,  Elizabeth, 
'  wbo  marrii&d  'Sir  Pufke  Greville,  and  Blanch, 
who  became  the  wif^  of  Sir  Francis  Dawtrey, 
the  Barony  ftU  into  Abbyan^b.  In  16061c 
was  claimed  by,  and  allowed  io, 

HI.  1696.  3.  Richard  Verhey,  he  being:  3d  son*  and  eventa- 
ally  heir  of  Sir  Greville  Verney,  son  and  heir 
of  Sir  Richard  Verhey,  by  Marg^aret,  sister 
and  sole  heir  of  Fulke  ureville,  I.  Baron 
Brooke,  son'  and  beir  of  SirPulke  Greville, 
eldest  son  6f  Sir  Fulke  Greville,  by  Elizabeth 
Willoughby  abdve  mentioned,  dau.  and  ulti- 
mately'sole  neir  (her  sister  Blanch,  Lady 
I>awtrey^  having  died  &  p.),  of  Edward  Wil- 
loughby, ^ho  died  VitA  pairls,*  eldest  son  of 
Robert,  IL  Baron  j  allowed  the  Barony,  13 
Feb.  I696'j  ob.  1711. 

IV.  1711.4.  Gfeorge  Vcrncy,  s.  and  h.  ;  ob.  1728. 

V.  1798.  5.  Richard  Verney,  s.  and  h.;  ob.  1752,  s.  p. 

VI.  1752.  6.  John  PeytoVerheyi  nephew 'and  heir;  being 

8.  sind  h.  of  John  Verney,  next  brother  of  the 
lait  Baron;  ob.  Idl6.  ' 

VII.  1816.  7.  John  Pey^o  Verney,  s.  and  b.;  ob.  1830,  a.  p. 

Vin.  1830.  8.  Henry  Peyio  Verney,  brother  and  heir;  pre- 
sent Baron  Willoughby  de  Broke ;  and  b<>ing 
heir  ^neral  of  the  Barony  of  Latimer, 
created  by  Writ  of  Summons  of  20  Dec.  28 
Edw.1. 1299»  also  Baron  Latimer. 


•  'J   OPPkRHAM. 


I.  1547.  1.  William  Willoughby,  s.  and  h.  of  CbristQpber 
Willoughby.  next  bro.of  William  Vin.-7th  Ba- 
ron  Willovgboy  of  Eresby  j  Created  Baron  WiH 



longhby  of  PariMm,  eo,  Suffolk^   16  Feb. 

1547;  oil.  1574. 
II.    1574.  3.  Charles  Willougbby,  s.  and  h. ;  ob.  1603. 
IIL  1603.  3.  William    Willougbby,    grandson    and    heir; 

being  s.  and  h.  of  William  Willougbby  (ob. 

Y.P.),  eldest  son  of  the  last  Baron  ;  ob.  1617. 

IV.  1617.  4.  Heniy  Willottghby,  s.  and  h.;  ob.  16...,  infant. 

V.  16 — .  5.  Fjrands  WUlougbby,   brother  and  heir^   ob. 


VI.  1666.  &  William  WUloughby,  brother  and  heir;    ob. 

VU.  1673.  7.  George  Willoogbby,  s.and  b.;  ob.  1674. 
VIILl674.8.«lohn  Willoughhy,  s.  and  b.;  ob.  1678,  s.  p. 

IX.  1678.  d.  John  WiUougbby,  uncle  and  heir ;  being  next 

brother  of  George,  VIII.  Baron ;   ob.  1678, 


X.  1678. 10. Charles  Willoughby,  brother  and  heir;  ob. 

1679,  8.  P. 

XL  1679. 11.  Thomas  Willoughby,  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas  Wil- 
lougbby,  third  son  of  Charles,  II.  Baron, 
was  erroneously  allowed  the  Barony,  on  the 
presumption  that  the  issue  male  of  bis  elder 
brother,  Ambrose  Willoughby,  second  son  of 
Charles,  II.  Baron,  was  extinct;  and  was 
summoned  to  Parliament  by  Writ  directed 
••  Thoma:  Willoughby  de  Parham,  Chl'r."  19 
May,  1  Jaq.  II.  1685  ;  ob.  1692. 

XII.  1693.  12.  Hugh  Willoughby,  s.  and  h.;  ob.  1713,  a.  p. 

Xm.  17  IS.  13.  Edward  Willoughby,  nephew  and  heir ;  being 
s.  and  h.  of  Francis  Willoughby,  next  brother 
of  the  last  Baron ;  ob.  1713. 

XIV.  1713. 14. Charles  Willoughby,  brother  and  heiri  ob. 


XV.  1715. 15.  Hugh  Willoughby,  t.  and  h.;  ob.  1765,  s.  p. 

when  the  Barony  was  allowed  to 

XVI.  1765. 16.  Henry  WUIoughby,  s.  and  b.  of  Henry,  eldest 

son  of  Henry,  son  and  heir  of  Edward,  only 
son  of  Sir  Ambrose  Willoughby,  seamd  son 
of  Charles,  II.  Baron,  whose  issue  male, 
when  the  Barony  was  aVlowed  to  Thomas, 
XI.  Baron,  was  supposed,  to  be  extinct ;  ob. 
1776,  8. P.M.   . 

VOL.  II.  BB 


XVII.  1776.  n.George  Willougbby,  nephew  and  heir ;  being 

s.and  h.  of  Fortnne  Willoaghby,  next  brother 

of  the  last  Baron  ;  ob.  1779,  8.JP.  when  the 

Barony  created  by  the  Patent  of  1547  became 



ILABOM.  lAAl.  wr    «    «j  # 

I  1728.  —  I.  1730,  Sir  Spencer  Compton,  K.  B.  2d  ton  of 
James  X.-3d  Earl  of  Nortbamp* 
ton;  Created  Baron  Wilmington, 
GO.  Sossexy  Jan.  11,  1728 ;  Created 
Viscoant  Pevenaey  and  Earl  of 
Wilmington,  both  co.  Sassea,  14 
May,  1730,  K.G.5  ob.  1743,  8.P. 
when  all  his  honours  became 

Barony,  7  Sept.  1812. 



I.  1643.  1.  Henry  Wilmot,  2d  Viscount  Wilmot  m  Ire- 
land ;  Created  Baron  Wilmot  of  Adderbuiy, 
CO.  Oxford,  29  June,  1643  ;  Created  Earl  of 
Rochester,  13  Dec.  1652. 

ei:tititt  1681. 

Vide  Rochester. 


ViscouNTCY,  19  Oct.  17 14.— 4Bj:tmct  1 789. 

Vide  Carnarvon  and  Chanoos. 


I  1801.  I.Thomas  Egerton  I.-lst  Baron  Grey  de  Wilton 
of  Wilton  Castle  j  Created  26  June,  1801, 
Viscount  Grey  de  Wilton  and  Earl  of  Wilton, 
of  Wilton  Castle,  co.  Hereford,  with  remain- 
der, failing  his  issue  male,  to  his  grandson 
Thomas  Grosvenor,  9d  son  of  his  daughter 


ElMDor,  wife  of  Robert  Viicount  Belf^rtTe 
(now  Earl  GrofTenor),  and  his  heirs  male, 
niilinip  which  to  the  third,  fourth,  and  erery 
other  son  of  the  said  Eleanor,  by  her  present 
or  any  future  husband,  and  to  their  heirs 
male  respectively]  oh.  1814,  s.  p. u.  when  he 
was  sueoeeded  in  the  Earldom,  agreeable  to 
the  limitation,  by  his  grandson, 


II.  1814.  9»  Thomas  Grosvenor  (assumed  the  name  of), 
Egerton.  Present  Earl  of  Wilton,  and  Vis- 
count Grey  de  Wilton.    =^ 



I.  1^97.  1.  William  le  Scrope,  brother  of  Stephen,  3d 

Baron  Scrope  of  Masham ;  Created  Earl  of 
Wiltshire,  S9  Sept.  1397 ;  K.G. ;  beheaded  and 
attainted  1399*  when  his  honours  became 

II.  1449.  1*  James  Butler,  son  and  heir  apparent  of  James 

4th  Earl  of  Ormond  in  Ireland;  Created 
Earl  of  WilUbire,  8  July,  1449.  Succeeded 
as  5tb  Earl  of  Ormond  in  Ireland,  in  1452, 
Lord  Treasurer;  K-G.;  beheaded  1461 ;  ob. 
f.  F.  when  this  Earldom  became 

III.  1470.  1.  John  Stafford,  a  younger  son  of  Humphrey,  I. 

Duke  of  Buckingham,  and  VI.  Earl  of  Staf- 
ford; Created  Earl  of  Wiltshire,  5  Jan. 
1470  ;K.G.;  ob.  1473. 

IV.  1473.  S.  Edward  Stafford,  s.  and  b.  ob.  1499,  s.  p.  when 

the  Earldom  a^in  became 

V.  1509.  1*  Henry  Stafford  (younger  son  of  Henry,  II. 

Duke  of  Buckingham,  and  VII.  Earl  of 
Stafford,  and  cousin  of  Edward  the  last  Earl)  ^ 
Created  Earl  of  Wiltshire  1509;  K.  G.;  ob. 
1523,  8.  P.  when  the  Earldom  again  became 

VI.  1529.  1.  Thomas  Boylen,  1st  Viscount  Rocbford  (after- 

wards father-in-law  to  Ring  Henry  VIII.  and 
BB  2 


grandfather  of  Queen  Elisabetb);  Created 
Earl  of  Wiltshire,  with  remainder  to  his  heirs 
male,  and  Earl  of  Ormond  in  Ireland,  with 
remainder  to  his  heirs-general,  8  Dee.  I5S9; 
K.  G. ;  ob.  1538 ;  and  bis  only  son,  George 
Boiyen  (who  was  Summoned  to  Parliament 
as  *<Georgio  fiullen  de  Rochfbrd,"  5  Jan. 
1533),  having  been  beheaded  and  attainted 
vita  patris,  the  Earldom  of  Ormond  fell  into 
Abeyance  between  the  issue  of  his  two 
daughters  and  coheirs  *,  but  the  Earldom  of 
Wiltshire  again  becam« 
VII.  1550.  1.  William  Paulet  I.*lst  Baron  St.  John  of 
Basing ;  Created  Earl  of  Wiltshire,  19  Jan. 
1550}  Created  Marquess  of  yi^inchester 
18  Oct.  1551,  in  which  dignity  this  Earldom 
is  now  Merged. 

Vide  Winchester. 



I.  1626.  I.Edward  Cecil,  Ist  Baron  Cecil  of  Putney ^ 
Created  Viscount  Wimbledon;  co.  Surrey, 
July  S5,  1696)  ob.  1638,  8.  P.  when  bis 
titles  became 


ViscouMTCY,  23  Dec.  1706— JPorfeitrh  172P. 

Vide  Wharton. 

*  On  the  death  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  the  only  issue  of  Adb 
Boleyn,  the  eldest  coheir  became  extinct,  when  it  is  presumed 
that  the  Abeyance  of  the  Earldom  of  Ormond,  agreeably  to  the 
limitation,  terminated,  and  consequently,  that  dignity  reverted 
to  the  representative  of  the  other  coheir,  the  heir-general  of 
whom  is  tne  present  Earl  of  Berkeley ;  and  who,  under  the  said 
limitation,  must  probably,  be  considered  as  Earl  of  Ormond  in 




1.  1628.  !•  EUzabetLy  1st  Vucountess  Maidstonet  widow 
of  Sir  Moyle  Finch,  Bart« ;  Created  Countest 
of  Wincbelsea,  with  remainder  to  her  iuue 
male,  1^  July,  1628  ;  ob.  1G33. 


I.  1633.  2.  Sir  Thomas  Finch,  2d  Bart.  s.  and  h.  ob. 


II.  1639.  3.  Heneage  Finch,  s.  and  h.;    Created   Baron 

Fitz-HerbeK  26  June,  1660;  ob.  1689. 

III.  1689.  4.  Charles  Finch,  f^randson  and  heir,  being  s.  and 

fa.  of  William  Finch  (ob.  v.  p.)*  eldest  son  of 
the  last  Earl ;  ob.  1712.  s.  p. 

IV.  1712.  5.  Heneage  Finch,  uncle  and  heir,  being  2d  son 

of  Heneage,  II.  Earl ;  ob.  1726,  s  p. 

V.  1726.  6.  John  Finch,  brother  and  heir ;  ob.  1729»  s.  r. 

when  the  Barony  of  FitS'Herbert  became 
4SptinCt ;  but  his  other  honours  devolved  on 
bis  next  heir  male. 

VI.  1729.  7.  Daniel  Finch,  XlV.-2d  Earl  of  Nottingham; 

s.  and  h.of  Heneage  Xlll.-lst  Earl  of  Notting- 
ham, eldest  son  of  Heneage  Finch,  younger 
son  of  Sir  Moyle  Finch  and  Elizabeth  I. 
Countess  of  Winchelsea ;  ob.  1730. 

VII.  1730.  8.  Daniel  Finch,  s.  and  h.  Earl  of  Nottingham ; 

K.  G. ;  ob.  1769>  S.  P.  M. 

VIII.  1769.  9.  George  Finch,  nephew  and  heir,  being  s.  and 

h.  of  William  Finch,  next  brother  of  the  last 
Earl.  Present  Earl  of  Winchelsea,  and  XVI.. 
4th  Earl  of  Nottingham,  Viscount  Maid- 
stone, Baron  Finch  of  Daventry,  and  a  Ba- 
ronet; K.G.  = 



I.  1210.  I.  Saier  de  Quincy ;  Created  Earl  of  Winchester 

circa  1210.  He  was  one  of  the  celebrated 
twenty-five  Barons  who  were  appointed  to 
enforce  the  observance  of  Magna  Charta; 
ob.  1219. 

II.  1219.  2.  Roger  de  Quincy,  2d  son  succeeded  to  the 

B  b3 



Earldom  V  ob.l264»  8.  p.  m.  when  the  Earl- 
dom becflme 


III.  1332.  1.  Hugb  IT  .-3d  Baron  Despencer  ;  Created  Earl 

of  Winchester  10  May,  13S2;  beheaded 
1326,  and  having  been  attainted  the  Earl- 
dom became 

IV.  1472.  1.  Lewes  de  Bruges,  Prince  of  Steenbuse,  &c. 

in  Germany;  Created  Earl  of  Winehester 
1 3  Oct.  1 47  2.  SUARENDBKBD  the  Earldom  in 


I.  1551.  l.WUliam  Paulet,  Vn.-ltt  Eari  of  Wiltshire  i 
Created  Marquess  of  Winchester  12  Oct.  1551, 
Lord  High  Treasurer ;  K.  G. ;  ob.  1572. 

If.    1572.  2.  John  Paulet,  s.  and  h.;  ob.  1576. 

III.  1576.  3.  William  Paulet,  s.  and  h.;  oh.  4598. 

IV.  1598.  4.  William  Paulet,  s.  and  b.;  ob.  1628. 

V.  1628.  5.  John  Paulet,  s.  and  b. ;  ob.  1674, 

VI.  1674.  6.  Charles  Paulet,  s.  and  h.  |  Created  Duke  of 

Bolton  9  April,  1689 1  in  which  Dukedom 
this  Marquisate  continued  merged  until  the 
death  of  Harry  Paulet  VL  Duke  of  Bolton 
and  XL  Marquess  of  Winchester,  ftc;  s. 
p.  M.  in  1794,  when  the  latter  dignity  de. 
▼olved  on  his  next  heir  male,  via. 

Xn.  1794.  12.  George  Paulet,  eighth  but  only  sonriving  son 
of  Norton  Paulet,  s.  and  h.  of  Francis,  eldest 
son  of  Henry  Paulet,  Sd  son  of  William,  IV. 
Marquess;  ob.  1800. 

XIII.  1800. 13.  Charles  Ingoldesby  Paulet,  s.  and  b.  Present 
Baron  St.  John  of  Basing,  Earl  of  Wiltshire, 
and  Marquess  of  Winchester.    =^ 



I.  Will.  I.  I.William  Fitz-Other,  held  seTcral  Lordships 
at  the  General  Survey,  and  being  Castellan 
of  Windsore,  assumed  that  surname;  ob 



de  Windtore, 


and  h.; 


de  Windsore, 


and  h.j 



II.  Hen.1.3.  WiUiam 

lILHen.  II.  3.  William 

IV.  Jokn  4.  Walter  de  Windsore,  s.  and  b. ;  ob.  circa  1805, 
s.  p.  M.  leaving  Christian,  his  dau.  and  heir, 
who  married  Duncan  de  Lascells,  and  inhe- 
rited her  father's  lands {  but,  in  ISIS,  Wil- 
liam de  Windsore,  a  younger  brother  of 
Walter,  the  last  Baron,  obtained  livery  of 
part  of  the  said  lands,  which  dwindling  the 
Barony,  none  of  this  family  were  afterwards 
oonsidered  as  Barons  until 


I.  1381.  William  4e  Windsore,  the  lineal  descendant 
of  William  de  Windsore  above  mentioned, 
was  Summoned  to  Pari,  from  SS  Aug.  5 
Rich.  II.  1361,  to  3  March,  7  Rich.  II.  1384; 
he  married  the  celebrated  Alice  Piers ;  Lieo- 
Cenant  of  Ireland  i  ob.  1384  *,  when  the  dig- 
nity is  iiresumed  to  have  become 

*  CoQins,  vol.  IV.  p.  67,  cites  the  Inquisition  tsken  on  the 
death  of  this  Baron,  by  which  it  appears  that  his  three  sisters 
were  his  heirs ;  heoce  it  has  been  concluded  that  he  died  s.  p  ;  but 
Dugdale,  in  his  Warwickshire,  p.  431  (cited  in  Banks'  Stemmata 
AQgllcana),  states,  that  he  left  his  daughters  his  heirs,  of  whom 
Joane,  the  eldest,  married  Robert  Skeme.  The  noncupative  will 
of  Lord  Windsore  supports  the  opinion  that  he  died  without  issue; 
but  Alice  his  widow,  in  her  testament,  dated  in  1400,  speaks  of 
three  daughters,  Joane,  Jane,  and  another  Joane :  to  the  latter 
(whom  she  describes  as  her  youngest  daughter)  she  gives  her 
manor  of  Gaines  in  Upminster,  and  bequeaths  to  her  two  other 
daughters  ail  her  manors,  &c.  which  John  Windsore,  or  others 
by  his  consent,  had  usurped,  and  orders  her  executors  to  recover 
them ;  for  she  emphatically  adds,  ^'  I  say  on  the  pain  of  my  soul 
he  hath  no  right  there,  nor  never  had."  It  i^  consequently 
somewhat  doubtful  whether  this  Baron  lefb  legitimate  issue  or 
not ;  but  should  he  have  done  so^  the  Barony  of  course  became 
vested  in  his  descendants. 




I.  15S9.  I.  Andrem  Windfor,  descended  from  Sir  Miles 

WIndior,  who  !•  said  to  have  been  brother  of 
William  the  last  Baron ;  Summoned  to  Pai^ 
liament  from  3  Nov.  21  Hen.  Vlil.  1529, 
to  8  June,  88  Hen.  Vlll.  1536,  as  «<  Andre 
Windsor  de  Stan  well ;"  ob.  1543. 

II.  I54S.  8.  William  Windsor,  s.  and  b.;  Samm.  to  Pari. 

from  88  April,  81  Hen.  Vlll.  1539%  to  5 
Nov.  6  Ph.  and  M.  1558 ;  ob.  1558. 
IIL  1558.  S.  Edward  Windsor,  5tb,  but  eldest  surviving  son 
and  heir  t ;    Summ.  to  Pari,  from    1 1  Jan. 

5  Eliz.  1563,  to  8  May,  18  £112.1576;  ob.  1575. 

IV.  1575.  4.  Frederick  Windsor,  s.  and  b.;  Summ.  to  Pari. 

6  Jan.  83  Elix.  1581 ;  ob.  1585,  s.  p. 

V.  1585.  5.  Henry  Windsor,  brother  and  heir  ;  Summ.  to 

Pari,  from  1 5  Oct.  88  Elix.  1586,  to  19  March, 
iJaq.  1603;  ob.  1605. 

VI.  1605.  6.  Thomas  Windsor,  s.  and  b.;  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  30  Jan.  18Jaq.  1681,  to  13  ApriL  15 
Car.  I.  1639 ;  ob.  1648,  s.  p.  leaving  bis  two 
sisters,  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Dixie  Hickman, 
Esq.  and  Elisabeth  (the  younger),  who  mar- 
ried first,  Andrew  Windsor,  and  secondly, 
Sir  James  Ware,  his  heirs,  between  whom 
this  Barony  fell  into  Ab^yancb,  until  16  June, 
1660,  when  it  was  terminated  by  the  Crown 
in  favour  of 
Vlf.  1660.  7.  Thomas  Hickman  (assumed  the  name  of) 
Windsor,  nephew  of  the  last  Baron,  beini; 

*  So  in  the  Summonses  in  that  year,  and  in  the  two  following 
Parliaments;  but  as  it  is  evident  his  fiitber  was  then  living,  it  is 
probable  that  '^ffWidmo"  is  erroneously  substituted  for  **Andra 
de  Windsore,"  iuDogdale's  Summonses  to  the  Parliaments  of 
the  81st,  SSd,  and  d5th.  Hen.  VIII,  as  Andrew  the  first  Baron 
did  not  die  until  the  35th  year  of  that  reign. 

^f*  Thomas  his  elder  brother,  who  died  in  1553,  lefb  a  daughter, 
Ann,  but  she  is  presumed  to  have  died  before  her  grandfiither,  as 
he  does  not  mentioa  her  in  his  will. 


son  and  heir  of  the  above  mentioned  Dixie 
Hickman  and  Eliaabeth  bis  wife ;  Sum- 
moned to  Pari,  from  8  May»  IS  Car.  11. 
1661,  to  81  Marcb,  32  Car.  11. 1680 ;  Created 
Earl  of  Plymoutti,  6  Dec  1682>  in  which  title 
this  Barony  is  now  merged. 

Vide  Plymouth. 

K  Thomas  fPindior  is  induded  in  Du^ale's  List  of 
Summonses  5  Not.  5  3c  6  Ph.  ft  Maiy,  1558,  but  neither 
he  nor  Collins  give  any  account  of  such  a  Baron ;  «nd  as 
only  one  Lord  Windsor  Is  mentioned  in  the  Journals  of 
the  House  of  Lords  as  having  been  Summoned  in  that 
year,  the  insertion  of  bis  name  on  that  occasion  is  probably 
an  error  of  the  person  who  transcribed  the  List  from  the 


Earldom,  80  Feb.  1796. 

Vide  BuTB. 



h  1797.  I.Sir  John  Wodehouse,  7th  Bart.;  Created 
Baron  Wodehouse  of  Kimberley,  oo.  Norfolk , 
86  Oct.  1797.  Present  Baron  Wodehouse, 
and  a  Baronet.    =p 


Barony,  9th  April,  1689.— ^itict  1708. 

Vide  Cumbrrland. 


barons  by  tbnurb. 
I.    Hen.  I.  1.  Hamon,  son  of  Menfelin,  Lord  of  Wolverton, 

CO.  Bucks ;  ob.  circa  1 176. 
IL   H.  II.  8.  Hamon  de  Wolverton,  s.  and  b.  living  1184. 
III.  Rich.  L  3.  William  de  Wolverton,  s.  andh.s  ob.  1846, 

S.  p. 



IV.  H.  III.  4. Alan  de  Wolverton,   brother  and  heir;  ob. 

birca  1349. 

V.  H.  III.  5.  John  de  Wolrerton,  s.  and  h.  living  1249 ;  to 

whom  tocceeded, 

VI.  Edw.  I.  d.  John  de  Wolverton  ;  but  neither  he,  nor  any 

of  hit  descendants,  haTing  been  summoned 
to  Parliament,  they  ceased  to  be  ranked 
among  the  Barons  of  the  Realm. 



I.  1390.  1.  Edmund  Plantagenet,  yoongest  son  of  King 
^w.  I.  Summ.  to  Pari,  as  *<  Edmando  de 
Wodestok"  SAof.  14  Edw.  II.  1330,  about 
two  years  before  he  became  of  age  i  but  he 
was  not  included  in  the  next  list  of  Sum- 
monses, vis.  15  May,  14  Edw.  II.  1331,  and 
was  created  Earl  of  Kent  in  that  year,  when 
he  was  summoned  by  that  title,  vis.  on  the 
14  March.  15  Edw.  II.  1328. 

As  it  appears  that  the  Earl  of  Kent  sat  in  ParHameni 
as  a  Baron  under  the  Writ  of  14  Edw.  II.*  a  Barony  in 
fee  was  thereby  created,  and  which  dignity,  with  his 
other  honors,  became  Forfeited  on  his  attainder  in 
1330.  Edmund  Plantagenet,  bis  son  and  heir,  was  how- 
ever fully  restored,  but  died  in  1333,  leaving  John  his 
brother  his  heir,  who  likewise  died  s.  p.  in  1 353,  when 
Joan  his  sister  (sumamed  the  Fair  Maid  of  Kent)  became 
bis  heir,  and  who  succeeded  to  this  Barony,  and  (jure 
mairiO  to  that  of  Wake. 

From  that  period,  the  Baronies  of  Wake  and  Woodstock 
have  been  vested  in  the  same  individuals;  and  as  the 
account  of  the  descent  of  the  former  in  p.  669  necessarily 
explains  that  of  the  latter,  it  is  only  necessary  to  refer  to 
that  article. 

•  Vide  page  #70. 


V18COUNTCY4  9  April,  1089. 



Urso  d'Abitot  is  taid  to  have  been  Created  Earl  of  Wor- 
cester ID  10769  but  it  it  most  probable  that  he  was 
nothiDg  more  than  Sheriff  of  Worcestershire.  He  died 
8.  p.  M . 

I.  1 144.      Waleran  de  Bellomont,  son  of  Robert  Earl  of 

Mellent  in  Normandy^  stated,  by  many 
ivriters  ol  authority,  to  have  been  Created 
Eari  of  Worcester  in  1 144.  He  died  in  1166^ 
leaving  isaoe  male,  but  none  of  his  descend- 
aiiu  ever  bore  this  title. 

II.  1397.     Thomas  Percy,  Sd  son  of  Henry  I.  Earl  of 

Northumberland;  Created  Earl  of  Worces- 
ter 89  Sept.  1397$  K.  G.  beheaded  1409;  ob. 
8.  P.  when  the  title  became 

III .  1 490.     Richard  Beaucbamp  II.-8  Baron  Abergavenny  1 

Created  Earl  of  Worcester  in  1420;  ob.  1431, 
8.  P.  M.  when  this  Earldom  became 

IV.  1449.  I.John  Tiptoft,  II.-3.  Baron  Tiptoft;  Created 

Earl  of  Worcester  16  July  1449;  K.G. ;  be- 
headed and  attainted  1470,  when  all  his 
honors  became 


V.  14...  9.  Edward  Tiptoft,  s.  and  b.  is  considered  by 

mo6t  writers  of  authority  to  have  been  re- 
stored to  his  father's  honors,  but  no  notice 
of  the  reversal  of  the  last  Earl's  attainder  is 
to  be  founa  in  the  Rolls  of  Parliament ;  ob. 
1485,  8.  r.  when  this  Earldom  heeaoM 

VI.  1514.  1.  Charles  Somerset,  L  Baron  Herbert  of  Chep- 

stow, Ragland,anl  Gower,  and,  Jure  axoris. 



Baron  Hertieit  of  Chepttow ;  Created  Earl 
of  Worcester  S  Feb.  1514,  LordChamb.  K.G. 
ob.  1526. 

VII.  1586.  2.  Henry  Somerset,  s.  and  b.  {  ob.  1549. 

VIII.  1349.  3.  William  Somerset,  s.  and  b.  K.G.  |  ob.  1589* 

IX.  1589.  4.  Edward  Somerset,  s.  and  h.  K.G.;  ob.  16S8. 


X.  1638.— I.    164S.  5.  Henry  Somerset,  s.  and  b. ;  Crea- 

ted Marquess  of  Worcester  S  Nov. 
1643;  ob.  1646. 

XI.  1646.— II.  1646,  6.  Edward  Somerset  (be  was  intended 

to  bave  been  created  Earl  of  Gla- 
morgan and  Baron  Beaufort  of 
Caldecot  Castle,  vit&  patns,  vide 
Glamorgan) ;  ob.  1667. 
Xn.  1667.— III.  1667.  7.  Henry  Somerset,  s.  and  b. ;  Crea- 
ted Duke  of  Beaufort,  3d  Dec. 
1688.  Vide  Beaufort. 



I.  1603.  1.  Edward  Wotton;    Created  Baron  Wotton  of 

Maberly,  co.  Kent,  tbe  13tb  May,  1603  i 
ob.  16.. .. 

II.  16..  3.  Thomas  Wotton,  s.  and  b.;  ob  1630,  8. P.M. 

wben  bis  bouors  became 



I.  1650.  1.  Charles  Henry  KirkboTen  I' ,'(s.  and  b.  of  John 
Poliauder  Kirkhoven,  Lord  of  Hemfteet  in 
Holland,  by  Katherine,  eldest  dau.  and  co- 
heir of  Thomas  the  last  Baron,  and  widow  of 
Sir  Henry  Stanhope,  s.  and  b:  of  Philip,  1st 

*  Dugdale  states  that  this  Baron  was  the  husband  instesd  of 
the  son  of  Katherine,  Countess  of  Chesterfield,  but  all  other  stt- 
thorities  assert  the  latter  to  have  been  the  &ct. 


Earl  of  Chefterheld  i  whicb  Henry  dying 
T.p.  the  said  Katherine  was,  in  1660,  created 
CouDteM  of  Chesterfield  for  life)  i  Created 
Baron  Wotton  of  Wotton,  co.  Kent,  31  Aug. 
1650 ;  Created  Earl  of  BeUomont  in  Ireland 
in  1677 ;  oh.  1688,  8.  P.  when  his  dignities 




I.  1644.  1.  Thomas  Wriothesley}  Created  Baron  Wrio' 
thesley  of  Titchfield,  co.  Hants,  Jan.  I, 
1544,  K.G, ;  Created  Barl  of  Southampton 
16  Feb.  1547. 

^tptintt  1667.     Vide  Southampton. 



I.  1760.  I.John  Fitsmaurice  Petty,  1st  Earl  of  Shel- 
burne  in  Ireland ;  Created  Baron  Wycombe 
of  Chipping  Wycombe^  co.  Bucks,  17  May, 
1760;  ob.  1761. 


n.  1761.->I.  1784.  %  William  Petty,  s.  and  h.  i  Earl  of 
Sbelburne  in  Ireland  i  Created 
Viscount  Calne  and  Calston,  Earl 
of  Wyoomb,  co.  Bucks,  and 
Marquess  of  Lansdowne,  co.  So- 
merset, 6  Dec.  1784]  ILG.;  ob. 

III.  1805.— 11.   1805.  3.  John  Henry  Petty,  s.  andh.  Mar- 

quess of  Lansdowne,  Ac;  ob. 
1809,  8.  p. 

IV.  1809.— III.  1809.  4.  Henry  Fits  Maurice  Petty,  half 

brother  and  heir.  Present  Mar- 
quess of  Lansdowne,  Earl  and 
Baron  Wycombe,  and  Viscount 
Calne  and  Calston;  also  Earl 
of  Kerry  and  Sbelburn  in  Ire-' 


VOL.  II.  C  C 



ViSCOUNTf.       EARU. 

I.  1673.--*I.    1679*.  1.  Sir  Robeit  Pastoo,  lit  Bart ;  Cre« 

ated  Baron  Paaton  of  Paston,  and 
Viscount  YarmoutU^  both  co.  Nor- 
folk, 19  Attff.  1673  ;  Created  Earl 
of  Yarmouth  30  July  1679  s  ob. 

II.  1683^11.  168S.  ^.WiUiani  Paston,  i.  and  k.;    ob. 

173S9   8.  p.  M.   when  hit  honors 



I.  1740.  »  I.  1740.  1.  Amelia  Sophia  de  Walmoden,  pre- 

sumed TO  have  been  mistress  of 
King  George  U. ;  Created  Baro- 
ness and  Countess  c4  Yarmouth, 
CO.  Norfolk,  for  life,  84  March, 
1740 ,  ot>.  I6759  when  these  titles 

Earldom^  5  <hily  1793. 

Vide  Hertford. 



L  '  1794.  I.Charles  Anderson  Pelham ;  Created  Baron 
Yarborougb  of  Yarborough,  co.  Lincoln,  13 
Aug.  1794;  ob.  1834. 

II.  1834.  3.  Charles  Anderson  Pelham,  s.  and  b.    Present 

Baron  Yarburough.    =r= 



I.  Rich.  I.  OthOy  ton  of  Henry  Duke  of  Bavaria,  by 
Maody  dan.  of  Hen.  II.  is  said  to  have  been 
created  Earl  of  York  by  King  Richard  I. 
and  be  is  stated  afterwards  to  have  exchanged 
that  Earldom  for  that  of  Poictou,  He  was 
afterwards  Emperor  of  Germany. 


t.  1385.  I.  Edmund  Plantagenety  surnamed  De  Lanirley, 
Earl  of  Cambridge,  ftfth  son  of  King  Edw. 
HI.  I  Created  Duke  of  York  6th  Aug.  1385 } 
K.G.I  ob.  1403. 

H.  1406.  2.  Edward  Plantagenet,  s.  and  h.  who  was  Cre- 
ated Duke  of  Albemarle  S9  Sept  1397»  and 
was  restored  to  the  dignity  of  Duke  of  York 
in  1406,  which  he  had  been  previously  ren- 
dered incapable  of  inheriting ;  K.G.  slain  at 
Agincourt  1415  $  ob,S.P. 

HI.  1415.  3.  Richard  Plantagenet,  nephew  and  heir,  s.  and 
b.  of  Richard  Earl  of  Cambridge,  brother  to 
the  last  Duke,  by  Anne,  daughter  of  Roger 
Mortimer,  Earl  of  March,  through  which 
alliance  the  house  of  York  derived  their 
right  to  the  Crown  f  K.G.;  slain  1460. 

IV.  1460.  4.  Edward  Plantagenet,  s.  and  h.  Ascended  the 

Throne  as  King  Edw.  IV.  4  March  1461, 
when  this  Dukedom  became  merged  in  the 

V.  1474.  5.  Richard  Plantagenet,  Sdson  of  King  Edw. 

IV.;  Created  Duke  of  York  38  May  1474 1 
Created  Earl  of  Nottingham,  Duke  of  Nor- 
folk, and  Earl  Warren ;  K.  G.    Murdered  in 
the  Tower  1483,  when  bis  honors  became 

VI.  1491.  1.Hen«y  Tudor,  2d  son  of  King  Henry  VII.; 

Created  Duke  of  York  1  Nov.  1491 ;  Created 
Prince  of  Wales  (after  the  death  of  his  bro- 
ther Arthur)  Id  Feb.  1503.  Ascended  the 
Throne  as  King  Henry  VIII.  21  April  1509, 
when  this  Dukedom  again  became  merged  jn 
the  Crown. 

CC  2 

708  YORK. 


VII.  1604.  I.Charles  Stuart,  9d  son  of  Kingr  James  !.; 
Created  Duke  of  York  6  Jan.  1604.  On  the 
death  of  bis  elder  brother  Henry,  in  1613,  be 
succeeded  as  Duke  of  Cornwall,  and  on  the 
4th  Nov.  1616,  was  Created  Prince  of  Wales. 
Ascended  the  throne  as  King  Charles  I.  87 
March,  16S5,  when  this  Dukedom  a^^ain  be- 
came merged  in  the  Royal  dignity. 

Vni.1643.  I.James  Stuart,  3d  son  of  King  Charles  1.  de- 
clared Duke  of  York  at  bis  birth,  but  not  so 
Created  until  87  Jan.  1643.  Ascended  the 
Throne  as  King  James  11.  6  Feb.  1685,  when 
this  Dukedom  again  became  merged  in  the 

IX.  1716.  1.  Ernest  Augustus,  brother  of  King  George  I.; 

Created  Duke  of  York  and  Albany  in  Great 
Britain,  and  Earl  of  Ulster  in  Ireland,  S9 
June,  1716;  K.G.;  ob.  1788,  s.p«  when  his 
honors  became 


X,  1760.  I.Edward  Augustus,  brother  of  King  George 

III.  S  Created  Duke  of  York  and  Albany,  in 
Great  Britain,  and  fiarl  of  Ulster  in  Ireland, 
1  April  1760;  K.G.  s  oh.  17iS7,  s.  r.  when  bis 
dignities  became 
XL  1784.  1.  H.  R.  H.  Frederick,  next  brother  of  bis  present 
Majesty  ;  Created  Duke  of  York  and  Albany 
in  Great  BriUin,  and  Earl  of  Ulster,  in  Ire- 
land, 37  Nov.  1784.  Present  Duke  of  York 
and  Albany,  and  Earl  of  Ulster  in  Ireland, 
K.G.  G.  C  B.  Hbir  Prbsumptiyb  to  thb 




I.  Rich.  1. 1.  WiUiam  le  Zouche,  descended  from  the  Earlt 

of  Brittany ;  ob.  1 199,  s.  p. 

II.  John,   S.  Roger  le  Zouche,  brother  and  heir,  living 

12S9;  ob 

III.  H.  III.  S.Alan  le  Zoucbe»  0.  and  h. ;  ob.  1369. 

IV.  £dw.  1.  4.  Roger  le  Zouche,  s,  and  b. ;  ob.  1285. 


I*  13^9.  S.Alan  le  Zoiiche,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  6  Feb.  27  Edw.  I.  1299,  to  S6  Not.  7 
Edw.  II.  1313.  He  was  also  summoned  S6 
Jan.  25  Edw.  I.  1297,  but  it  is  doubtful  if 
that  Writ  was  a  regular  Summons  to  Parlia- 
ment. Vide  <* FiTZ- John ;"  ob.  1314,  8. p.m. 
leaving  his  three  daughters  his  heirs,  viz. 
Elene,  who  married,  first,  Nicholas  de  St. 
Maur,  and  2dly,  Alan  de  Charlton;  Maud, 
who  was  the  wife  of  Robert  de  Holland; 
and  Elizabeth,  a  nun  ;  and  between  the  de- 
scendants and  representatives  of  the  said 
Elene  and  Maud  this  Barony  is  in  Abeyance. 



1.  Edw.  I.  1 .  Eudo  le  Zoucbe,  younger  brother  of  Roger  IV. 
Baron  Zouche  of  Asbby.  He  married  Mili- 
'sent,  widow  of  John  de  Montalt,  and  sister 
and  coheir  of  George  de  Cantilupe^  Baron  of 

Bergavenny ;  ob 


710  ZOUCHB. 


I.  1308.  9.  William  le  Zoacbey  f  •  and  b.  Lord  of  Haiyni;- 

worthy  CO.  Northampton,  Summoned  to  Par- 
liament from  13  Jan.  3  Edw.  II.  1308,  to  14 
Feb.  8S  Edw.  III.  1348}  ob.1358. 

II.  1348.  3.  William  li  Zouebe,  grandson  and  heir,  being 

f .  and  h.  of  Eudo  le  Zoocbe  (ob.  v.  p.)  eldest 
son  of  the  last  Baron,  Summ.  to  ParL  from 
SO  Nov.  SSEdw.  III.  1348  (vita  avi),  to  15 
No^.  35  Cdw.  111.  1351*,  as  "WilUdmola 
Zouscbe  de  Haryn^orth  Juniori,"  and  as 
«<  Willielmo  la  Zouscbe  de  Haryngwortb," 
from  20  July,  S6  Edward  IIL  1353,  to  34 
March,  5  Rich.  II.  1383;  ob.  1383. 

III.  1388.  4.  William  le  Zouebe,  a.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  7  Jan.  6  Rich.  II.  1383,  to  30  Not.  18 
Rich.  II.  1394}  ob.  1396. 

IV.  1396.  5.  William  le  Zouebe,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  30th  Nov.  80  Rich.  II.  1396,  to  26  Sept 
3  Hen.  V.  1414}  ob.  1415. 

V.  1415.  6.  William  le  Zouebe,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari. 

from  7  Jan.  4  Hen.  Vf .  1436,  to  38  Feb.  9 
Edw.  IV.  1463.  He  married  Alice,  daughter 
and  sole  heir  of  Richard  VI.  Baron  de  St. 
Maur,  and  Baron  Lovel  of  Kary  $  ob.  1463. 

VI.  1463.  7.  William  le  Zouebe,  s.  and  h.  Summ.  to  Pari 

38  Feb.  6  Edw.  IV.  1466.  Baron  St  Maur 
jure  matris  ;  ob.  1467. 

VII.  1467.  8  John  le  Zouebe,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari.  83 

Jan.  33  Edw.  IV.  1483,  and  9  Dec.  1  Rich. 
III.  1483 :  attainted  1485,  when  bis  honors 
became  JForfdteb  ;  but  bis  attainder  being 
reversed  in  1495,  be  was  restored  to  hit 
former  honors,  and  was  again  Summ.  to 
Pari,  from  17  Oct  1  Hen.VIII.  1509,  to  18 
Not.  7  Hen.  VIII.  1515  ;   ob.  1536. 

.  *  On  the  10  Much,  93d  Edw.  III.  1349.  the  Writ  wm  ad- 
dressed to  **  Willielmo  la  Zouche  de  Haryngworth*',  wtUiovt 
the  addition  of  <*  Junior! ;"  and  as  hi*  grandfatl^r  was  then  linng, 
it  is  doubtful  to  which  of  these  Barons  it  was  directed ;  Init  is 
the  II.-S.  Baron  was  not  summoned  on  that  occasion  by  his  asnal 
designation,  it  is  most  probable  it  was  to  him  mstead  of  his 

ZOUCHE.  711 


VIU.15S6.  d.Jobn  ie  Zouche,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  3  Nov.  21  Hon.  VIII.  ]5S9»  to  4  Nov.  2 
Edw.  VI.  1548  ;  ob.  1550. 

JX.  1550. 10.Ricbard  le  Zoacbe,  •.  and  b.  Samm.  to  Park 
23  Jan.  5  Edw.  VI.  1552;  ob.  1552. 

X.  1552. 11. George  le  Zoucbe,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  5  Jan.  6  Edw.  VL  1553,  to  30  Sept.  8. 
Eli2. 1566;  ob.  1569. 

Xf«  156a  12.Edward  le  Zoucb,  s.  and  b.  Summ.  to  Pari, 
from  2  April,  IS  Elia.  ]571>  to  17  May,  1 
Car.  I.  1625  ;  ob.  1625  s.  p.  M.  wben  tbe 
Baronies  of  Zoucb  of  Haryngwortb,  and  St. 
Maur  fell  into  Abeyance  between  bis  two 
dauf  hters  and  cobeirs,  via.  Eliaabetb*  wife 
of  Sir  William  Tate,  and  Mary,  wbo  maiw 
Tied  first  Thomas  Leigbton,  Esq.  and  se- 
condly, William  Connanl,  Esq.  among  wbose 
representatives  tbey  continued  in  tbat  state, 
until  27 tb  Aug.  1815,  wben  bis  Mijesty  was 
pleased  to  terminate  tbe  Abeyance  of  tbe 
Barony  of  Zouchb  in  fovor  of 

XII.  1815.  13.SirCecil  Bisbopp,  7tb  Baronet,  tbe  eldest 
oobeir  of  one  moiety*  of  tbe  said  Barony,  be 
being  s.  and  b.  of  Sir  Cecil  Bisbopp,  by  Su- 
sannab,  daughter,  and  eventually  sole  beiv 
of  Charles  Hedges,  Esq.  by  Catherine,  el- 
dest daughter  and  coheir  of  Bartholomew 
Tate,  Esq.  son  and  heir  of  William  Tate, 
eldest  son  of  Zouche  Tate,  son  and  heir  of 
tbe  above-mentioned  Sir  William  Tate,  by 
Elizabeth  Zouche,  eldest  daughter  and  co- 
heir of  Edward,  tbe  last  Barun.  Present 
Baron  Zouche  of  Haryngworth,  and  eldest 
coheir  of  tbe  Baronies  of  St.  Maur  and 
of  Level  of  Kari,  and  coheir  of  one  moiety 
of  tbe  Barony  of  Grey  of  Codnor.    ^ 

*  No  descendants  of  the  eoheir  of  the  other  moiety  of  the 
Barony  could  be  traced  after  the  time  of  the  Commonwealth. 

Vide  note  to  p.  550. 




L      1323.  1.  Wtlliamy  son  of  Robert  Ill.-d  Baron  Mor- 
timer of  Richard's  Castle^  by  Joice,  daogb- 
ter  and  beir  of  William  le  Zoochoy  Sd  son 
of  Roger  II.-S  Baron  Zouche  of  Ashby,  as- 
sumed bis  mother's  name  of  Zouche.    Som- 
taioned  to  Parliament  from  76  Dec.  17  Edw.  II.  13S3,  to 
J4  Jan.  10  Edw.  III.  1337»  at  first  only  as  *<  Wiilielmo  la 
Zouche,*'  but  afterwards  as  « Wiilielmo  le  Zouche  de 

Mortimer,"  or  '*  de  Mortuomari ;"  oh leaving  Alan 

le  Zouche  his  son  and  heir.  But  none  of  his  descend- 
ants were  ever  summoned  to  Parliament ;  though,  among 
the  descendants  and  representatives  of  this  William  Ba- 
ron Zouche  of  Mortimer,  the  Barony  is  presumed  now  to 
be  in  Abeyance. 









ANNO  IST7.— VoL  I.  p.  2«4;— Claus.  6  Edw.  I.  m.  5.  dowo. 
Msmorandum  quod  in  Parliamento  Regit  Edwardi  apod 
WestfQ*  in  festo  Sanqti  Mich'is  anno  regni  ejutdem  Re^s 
seato  in  presenci^  Episooporum  Wynton'a  Dunelm'y  Here- 
ford', Norwich  Prions  Provincial'  Ordinifi  Fratrom  Prodi- 
catorum  in  Anglic,  Decani  Sarom,  Magistri  Thome  Bek, 
Willielmi  de  Valencia,  Ayunculi  Regis,  Comitum  Cornub', 
Glouc*,  Waren,  Warr,  &  de  Karrilt;, 
Roberti  de  Tybetot  Galfridi  de  Neobaud 

Antonij  Bek  Jobannis  de  Cobbebam 

Magistri  Roberti  de  Scarde-    Willielmi  de  Brompton 

burgh  Pbiiippi  de  Wyleby 

Radulpbi  de  Sandwico  Thome  de  Weylaud 

Jobannis  de  Lovetot  Walteri  de  Helyun 

Walteri  de  Hopton  Ricardi  de  Holebroke 

Magistri  Galfridi  de  Aspate     Bartholomei  de  Sadleye 
Walteri  de  Wynbourne  Hugonis  fiiij  Ottonis 

'Nicholai  de  Stapelton  Patrict)  de  Cadurcis 

Radtilphi  de  Hengbam  Roberti  fiiij  Walteri 

&  aliorum  oiultorum ;  venit  Alexander  Rex  Scodei  filius 
Alexandri  quondam  Regis  Scocie,  ad  predictum  Edwardum 
Regum  Angliae,  apud  Westm'  in  CamerA  ejusdem  Regis, 
&  ibidem  optulit  idem  Rex  Scocie  eidem  Regi  Aiiglie 
dcTenire  Hominem  suum  ligeum,  &  facere  ei  bomagium 
suum,  &  illud  ei  fecit  in  bee  verba,  &c. 
Anno  !1290.— Vol.  I.  p.35.— 18  Edw.  I.  Memorand*  quod 
in  erastino  Sancto  Triaitatts,  anno  regni  Regis  deeimo 
octavo  in  pleno  Parliamento  ipsius  Domini  Regis,  Rober- 
tas Bathon'  et  Weiiem'  (&c.)  Episcopi,  Edmundut  frater 
DoflBiiii  R«gi»>  WiU'ufrde  Valenc'-Conicf  Feacbrok,  Ac# 


Robertot  de  Tipetot  Roxenu  d«  Monte  alto 

Reginaldot  de  Grey  WtU'a»  de  Brewose 

Jobannet  de  Hastinfei  Theobaldui  de  Verdon 

Johannes  de  Sancto  Johanne  Wal  terosde  Hnntercomb 
Ricardni  filiut  Jobannia  Nieh'iu  de  Segrave 

WiU'itt  le  Latyner 

ft  eeteri  magnates  &  proctres  tone  in  Parliamento  exist- 
entesy  pro  se  &  communitate  totius  regni,  quantum  in 
ipsis  est,  concesseruut  Domino  Reg;i  ad  filiam  suam  pri- 
mogenitam  raaritand',  quod  ipseDomirius  Rex  percipiat  & 
habeat  tale  auxilium,&  tantum  quale  &  quantum  Dominus 
Henrietta  Rea  Pater  suus  percepit  &  habuit  de  Regno»&c* 

NcU,  Tbe  earliest  list  of  Summonses  to  Parliament 
now  extanty  except  that  of  49  Hen.  HI.  is  in  the  9Sd 
Edw.  I.  or  ri^tber,  perhaps,  the  33d,  as  it  may  be  ques- 
tioned whether  the  Summons  of  33d  of  that  King  was  to 
%ParUainenif  although  it  has  been  admitted  as  soch 
at  the  Bar  of  the  House  of  Lords  *•  It  is  consequently 
impossible  to  proTe  that  any  of  tbe  individuals  mentifraied 
in  tbe  two  foregoing  extracts  were  Barons,  by  shewing 
that  they  were  summoned  as  such  to  the  Parliamenu 
held  in  the  6th  and  18th  Edw.  I.  respectively.  Bot  it  is 
not  unreasonable  to  conclude,  that  such  of  them  as  appear 
to  have  been  summoned,  either  in  the  33d  or  33d  Edw.  I., 
or  soon  after,  and  continued  to  l>e  so  summoned  during 
their  lives,  were  Barons  of  Parliament  in  the  6th  and 
18th.  In  the  List  of  persons  present  when  the  King  of 
Scotland  performed  bis  homage  anno  6  Edw.  I.  there  is 
only  one  who  answers  this  description,  viz.  Robert  Fitz- 
Wdter,  who  was  summoned  to  Parliament  33  Edward  I. 
and  from  that  time  regularly  until  bis  death.  But  of 
those  who  were  consenting  to  the  Aid  granted  to  the  King 
anno  18  Edward  I.  all  except  Robert  Tibetot  and  William 
de  Brewose  were  summoned  to  Parliament  in  subsequent 
years  of  that  reign,  and  continued  to  be  so  summoned 
until  their  deaths,  via.  Theobald  de  Verdon  in  tbe  3Sd, 
Reginald  de  Grey,  John  de  Hastinges,  Richard  Fitz- 
John,  Roger  de  Montalt,  Walter  de  Hontercombe,  and 
Nicholas  de  Segrave  in  the  83d,  John  de  St.  John  in  tbe 
85th,  and  William  de  Latymer  not  till  the  38tb$  but  he 
appears  to  have  been  actively  employed  in  the  33d  and 

*  In  the  csK  of  the  Bsrony  of  Roos.  Vide  <<  Clyvedun,"  p.  141. 

sorts  6v  PAStiAMltirr.  717 

SStli  £dward  I.  in  the  Wars  of  Gascbtiy  5  and  in  the  26th 
and  27th  in  those  of  Scotland,  where  the  Kin|r  left  him 
in  the  latter  year  to  superintend  the  fortilyin|^  of  Castlut, 
which  may  account  for  his  not  haviof  a  Summons  to  Par- 
liament before  the  28tb  *. 

Robert  de  Tibetot,  whose  name  occurs  in  both  Lists, 
lived  till  the  26th  Edw.  I.  without  beings  suromooed  j  but 
lie  appears  also  to  have  been  much  engaged  in  the  wars 
of  France  or  Scotland.  His  son,  Payn  Tibetot,  was  sum- 
moned to  Parliament  in  1  Edw.  II.|  as  were  his  descend- 
ants down  to  the  44th  Edw.  III. 

William  deBrewoae  died  before  22  Edw.  I.  vis.  anno  19, 
leaving  a  son  and  heir  William,  who  was  summoned  anno 
S3,  and  continued  to  be  so  summoned  to  the  period  of  his 

The  List  in  6  Edw.  T.  with  the  exception  of  Tibetot 
and  Fitx- Walter,  consists  of  the  Judges  of  the  several 
Courts,  and  probably  the  Officers  of  the  Palaces.  Neu- 
baud  was  Chancellor  f,  and  Cobbeham  and  Wyleby 
Barons  of  the  Exchequer;  Hopton  one  of  the  Justices 
Itinerant;  Wey  land  Chief  Justice,  and  Lovetot,  Bromp- 
ton,  and  Heylun,  Puisne  Justices  of  the  Common  Pleat ; 
<  liengham  Chief  Justice,  and  Wynborne  and  Stapleton, 
Puisne  Justices  of  the  King's  Bench  t.  Sandwich  ap- 
pears to  have  been  Keeper  of  the  Wardrobe  49  Hen.  Ill, 
and  possibly  retained  that  office;  in  the  18th  Edw.  I.  he 
was  Constable  of  the  Tower  of  London  §.  The  remain- 
ing  seven,  viz.  Bek,  Scardeburgb,  Aspale,  Holebroke, 

•  In  the  Samttofises  of  the  llth  Edward  III.  thirteen  Barons 
were  omitted,  because  they  were  in  Scotland,  or  beyond  seas.  In 
46  Edw.  III.  and  in  divers  years  of  King  Henry  V.  few  Earls  and 
Barons  were  summoned,  the  Kins  being  then,  making  war  in 
France ;  and  snch  omissions  were  thought  to  be  no  disparage- 
ment to  their  honour.    Cruise,  on  Dignities,  2d  Ed.  §  4S.  p.  97. 

In  the  Clans.  Roll  of  10  Edward  111.  m.  1.  dorso.  Is  a  me- 
morandum, that  the  Writs  of  Summons  directed  to  the  Earl  of 
Angus,  Robert  de  Morley,  Ralph  de  Stafford,  and  Anthony 
Lucy,  were  not  sent,  because  they  were  in  Scotland  in  obsequio 

t  Madox's  History  of  the  Exchequer,  vol.  11.  p.391, 

i  For  all  these  see  Dugd.  Orig.  Jud. 

i  Madox's  History  of  the  Exchequer,  vol.  I.  p.  70. 

VOL,  II,  D  D 

718  «ErB«BNCB$  XO  TUM^ 

Sudl^,  FiU-Otes,  and  de  Cadtureb  *,  are  not  sufficienUy 
Anno  I303.*-Vol.  I.  p.  1 59.  83  Edir.  I.    Taut  of  PcriTiOKt : 
Sire  Aymer  de  Valence. 

Anno  1304.— Vol.  II.  p.  367.  S3  Edw.  I.  Claus.  n.  13. 
dorso.  "  Ordinatio  facta  per  D'n'm  Re£;em  super  stabi- 
litate  terre  Scocie;"  reciting  that  the  King^  bad  made 
known  by  the  Bishop  of  Glagu»  the  Earl  of  Carrik,  and 
others,  that  the  Commonalty  of  Scotland  should  be 
assembled,  and  that  a  certain  number  of  persons  on  the 
part  of  Scotland  should  come  to  the  Parliament  which 
the  King  had  ordained  to  hold  at  Westminster,  in  Lent, 
within  three  weeks  of  the  Nativity  of  St.  John  the  Bap- 
tist then  next  ensuing,  and  which  was  held  after  two 
prorogations  on  the  feast  of  the  Nativity  of  Our  LadjJ ; 
that  certain  Bishops,  and  others  therein  named,  did  ap- 
pear at  the  said  Parliament  on  behalf  of  the  Commonalty 
of  Scotland,  and  that  certain  English  persons  therein 
mentioned,  were  appointed  to  treat  with  them,  &c. 
Amongst  those  persons  summoned  as  Barons  to  that  Par- 
liament, were  the  follow  ing,  vis. 

Mons'r  Hugh  le  Despens' 

Mons'r  Henry  de  Percy 

Mons'r  Johan  de  Hastinggs,  mes  il  ne  poiet 
yenir  p'  la  maladie 

Mons'r  Johan  Boteturt 

Mons'r  William  Martyn. 
Anno  1306.— Vol.  I.' p.  188.  35  Edw.  I.  A  List  of  Persons 
summoned  to  the  Parliament  held  at  Carlisle  in  the 
Ocuves  of  St.  Hilary*  touching  the  State  of  Scotland  and 
other  afifairs.  The  following  Barons  are  diatinguished  by 
the  word  hie  in  the  margin  as  present. 

Hugo  le  Despenser  Walt'us  de  Muney 

.    Hugo  de  Curtenay  Will's  de  Grandisono 

Rog'us  de  Mortuomari  Joh'es  de  Sudle 

Will's  de  Rithre  Waieus  de  Teye 

*  Query,  If  it  was  not  this  Patrick  de  Cadorcis,  or  Chaworth, 
who  is  mentioned  as  a  Baron  by  Tenure  in  p.  119,  and  whose 
dan.  and  heir  married  Henry  Plantsgenet  Earl  «£  Lancaster.  This 
Patrick  de  Cadurcis  died  in  1282,  thirteen  years  before  Wiita  of 
Summons  (excepting  that  of  49  Heo.  HI.}  appear  on  record. 

t  8  Sept,  1306. 


Two,  viz.  Philip  de  Kyme  and  Oeffry  de  Camdill,  are  said 
to  be  excased  by  the  Kingf ;  three,  Peter  de  Maaley, 
£dniand  Deyncort,  and  William  Martyri,  by  the  Judges ; 
one,  Simon  de  Montacute,  because  be  was  in  Scotland. 
A^inst  the  name  of  Robert  Fitz-Walter  is  entered, 
«« Veniet  cum  Card*,"  and  against  that  of  Reginald  de 
Grey,  "  Ven*  pro  Thorn'  de  Wytnesham  attorn*.'* 

Anno  1314.— Vol.  I.  p.  450,  8  Edw.  II.  Pat.  p.  1,  m.  36. 
A  Commission  from  the  King  under  the  Privy  Sea), 
**  W.  EaLoniensi  Episcopo,  Adomaro  de  Valencia,  Comiti 
Pembrok,  & 

Henrico  de  Bello  Monte," 

to  open  the  Parliament  to  be  held  oh  Monday,  the  Eve  of 
the  Nativity  of  the  Virgin. 

Ibid,  p.  359  \  8  Edw.  II.  In  a  record  of  the  proceed- 
ings between  the  Council  of  the  King  and  the  Delegates 
of  the  Earl  of  Flanders  on  the  discussion  of  certain  Diflfer- 
ences,  it  appears  that  in  the  Parliament  at  Westminster, 
it  was  agreed,  &c. 

And  afterwards  reciting  the  insurrection  of  the  Flem- 
ings against  the  King  of  France,  &c.  that  *'  prefati  Ar- 
naldus  $&  Thomas,  Attornati  Perrote  &  Job' is  predicor' 
coram  venerabilibus  Patribus  W.  Cant*  Archie'po,  &c. 
Thoma  Comite  Lane',  &c. 

Barth'o  de  Badlesm'e, 
&  aliis  Barombut  &  D*ni  Regis  Fidelibiis  apud  Westm' 
.  super  quibusdam  negotys  statum  D'ni  Regis  &  regni  tan- 
gentibus  tractandis  convocatia ;  supplicarunt,  quod  D'nus 
n'r  Rex,  &e. 

Anno  1315.— Vol.  L  p.  350,  9  Edw.  11^    Among  the  Tribrs 
ow  PBTinhNS  in  a  Parliament  held  at  Lincoln : 

Edwardus  *  Deyneourt 
Phillippus  de  Kyme  f. 

*  du.  IfnotEdmundns? 

t  His  name  does  not  occur  in  the  Summonses  after  7  Edw.  IT. 
W  he  lived  until  the  16tb. 



Anno  ji390.«-VoL  I.  p.  365.  14  Edward  II.    Amongst  the 
Peen  present  in  a  Parliament  held  at  Westminster  was, 

Edurando  de  Woodstok,  f 'ris  ipsiiis  D'oi  Regis*. 
Ibid.  Triers  of  Petitions  : 

Job'es  de  Som'ry 

Ric'us  de  Grey 

Hugo  de  Curteney 

Will'as  Martyn. 
Anno  1331.— Vol  U.  p.  61 1».  Art.  3,  S  Edw.  III.  In  the 
record  of  the  occurrences  of  this  Pariiament  held  at 
Westminster,  are  the  names  of  Nobles  appointed  by  the 
King  to  treat  with  oertain  Nobles  of  France.  Amongst 
them  are  the  following,  who  were  summoned  as  Barons 
to  this  Parliament : 

Mons'r  Henr*  de  Beaumont 

Mbns'r  Henr*  de  Percy 

Mons'r  Hugh  de  Courtenay. 
Anno  1331.*— Vol.  II.  p.  6lb.  Art.  7.  5  Edw.  III.     Amongst 
the  names  of  the  Mainpernors  of  Hugh  le  Despencer,  are 
those  of 

Mons'r  Eble  Lestrange 

Mons^rRauf  Basset 

Mons'r  Rauf  de  Neyill 

who  were  among  the  Barons  f  summoned  to  thb  Parlia** 

ment,  and  also 

John  deRoos,  who  was  Summ.  6,  7i  8,  and  until  18  Edw. 

Richard  Talbot,  Summ.  4,  6,  8,  Ac.  until  99  Edw.  III. 
Robert  de  Colevill,  Summ.  16  to  39  Edw.  III. 
John  de  Verdon,  Samm.  6,  7>  8,  9»  and  16  Edw.  HI. 
John  Darcy,  Suinm.  6,  7,  and  16  Edw.  III. 
Anno  1332 — ^Vol.  11.  p.  68.  Art.  S.  6  Edw.  HI.    Triers  of 
Petitions  in  a  Parliament  held  at  York  i 
Mons'r  Hugh  de  Courtenay 

^  Vide  p.  709. 

f*  A  John  de  Rythre  was  another  of  the  said  Mainpernors,  who 
was  probably  son  of  William  Baron  de  Rythre,  who  was  Sum- 
moned temp.  Edw.  I.  Vide  p.  540.  This  John  de  Rythre  was 
Go¥emor  of  Skypton  Castle,  but  was  never  Summoned  to  Pari. 
There  was  likewise  a  John  de  Rivers,  or  Ripariu,  living  at  that 

riod,  who  was  Sum.  to  Pari,  firom  6  to  9  Edw.  II.  but  of  whom 
htng  further  is  known.   Vide  p.  539. 


Mons'r  Will.  1*  Zouwb  de  Aasbeby 

Mons'r  Rauf  Basset  de  Drayton 

Mons'r  Richard  de  Grey— Parons. 
Aono  1S3«.— Vol.  II.  p.  69«>.  Art.  6.— And  in  the  sme 
Parliament  amongst  the  Lords  appointed  to  treat  of  tne 
affairs  of  Scotland  are, 

Le  Seign*  de  Percy 

Mons'r  Henri  de  Bekumont 

Mons'r  Hugh  de  Courteney,  and 

Mons'r  William  de  Clynton— Barons. 
Anno  1339.— Vol.  II.  p.  103K  13  Edw.  III.     Among  the 
Peers  who  grant  an  Aid  to  the  King  m  a  Parliament  at 
Westminster  are, 
Le  Seignur  de  Wake  Le  Seignur  de  Morle 

L.  de  Moubray  Le  Seignur  de  Bardolf 

Zm  de  Segrave^  De  Mons'r  Gilbert  Talebot 

de  Berkele  Mons'r  Robert  de  I'lsle. 

De  Mons'r  Hugh  leDespenser 
Anno  1340 —Vol.  II.  P-  H^^  14  Edw.IIL  Art.4.  contains 
a  list  of 'some  of  each  rank  present  the  second  day  of  the 
Parliament  held  at  Westminster,  and  among  them  four 

Barons,  viz. 

Le  Seign'  de  Wake 

. de  Wylughby 

Le  Baron  de  Stafford 

Mons'r  Rauf  Basset. 
Ibid.  p.  1 13b.  Art.  SI.     And  in  the  same  Parliament 
amongst  the  Triers  of  Petitions, 

Le  Seignur  de  Wake 

Le  Seign'r  de  Berkele 

Mons*r  Nicol  de  Cantelu 

Mons'r  Rauf  Basset  de  Drayton 

Mons'r  Roger  de  Grey 

Le  Seignur  de  Wylughby 

Mons'r  Antoigne  de  Lucy. 
IHd.  p.  1 18b.  Art.  10.    And  in  the  same  year,  upon 
granting  an  Aid  to  the  King,  the  following  Barons  were 
PRESENT  in  Parliament : 

Mons'r  leWak 

Mons'r  Raul  Basset  de  Drayton 
D  D  3 


MdQtV  Bertlemeu  de  BttEi^bastfa* 
MootV  Thomas  de  Berkele. 

Anno  1341.— VoI.II.  p.  126b.  Art.  3.  ISEdir.Iir.    Triers 
OF  Pbtitions  in  the  Parliament  held  at  Weitminater ; 
Le  Seign'  de  Wake 
MonsV  Thomas  de  Berkele 
MonsV  ilohan  de  Cberleton. 

Ibid.  Aft.  4.  The  foUowip;  Barons  *ai«  mentioned  as 
PRB8BNT  when  the  causes  of  calling  the  Parliament  were 
declared  t 

Le  Seignurs  de  Percy 

de  Wake 

Mons*r  Hugh  le  Despenser 

Mont'r  Nichol  de  Canteiou 

Le  Seign'  de  Segrave. 
Anno  1341.— Vol.  II.   p.  129.  Art  17.  15  Edw.  IIL    The 
King  appoints  four  Bishops,  four  Earls,  four  Barons,  and 
others  learned  In  the  law,  to  consider  of,  and  report  to 
him  concerning  certain  Petitions  ;  the  Barons  arcj, 

Le  Seignurs  de  Wake, 

'  de  Percy 

Monsieur  Rauf  de  Nevill  & 

Mons'r  Rauf  Basset  de  Drayton. 

Annol343.-VoLII.  p.  185 \  Art.  5.  17  Edw.  III.  Triers 
OF  Petitions  s 

Le  &  de  Percy  } 

Mons'r  Thomas  de  Berkele  J  ""  *'•"*  ^^  «"*• 
Mons'r  Rauf  de  Nevil 
Mons^r  Antoigne  de  Lucy. 
JHd.  Art.  6.  17  Edw.  III.    Barons  present  when  the 
causes  of  calling  the  Parliament  were  declared  t 
Le  Seign*  de  Percy 
Le  Seign*  de  Wak 
Mons'r  Rauf  de  Nevill 
Mons'r  Hugh  le  Despens'r 
Mons'r  Thomas  Berkele. 

•  It  if  worthy  of  obsenrtaion,  tluit  amoogit  the  Prelates  "& 
autret  Grautz  thenprewnt  was  "Mons'r  Kohett  d'Artoys,"  who 
^fo^all  th  *''«°;*y'»'^^«o»n*'yi  hU  name  occurs  imiedirtely 


Aono  1344.— VoL  U. p.  J46K  Art.  8.  18  Bdw.  Ill,    TRiBRf 
OF  Prtitiom  I 

Le  Sei^n'  de  Wake 

Le  Seicfii'  de  Percy 

Le  Seign'  de  Berkele 

Mone'r  Nicol  de  Cantelowe. 
Ibid.  p.  147.  Art.  6.  18  Edward  III.  Barons  pbesent 
when  the  causes  of  Sammoning  the  Parliament  were  de- 
dared  i 

Le  Seign'  de  Wake 
Le  Seign'  de  Percy 
Le  Seipi'  de  Berkele 
Mons'r  Hugh  le  Despenter 

Anno  1346.— Vol.  IL  p.  167^  Art.  3.  90Edw.III.   Triers 
OP  Petitions  : 

Le  Sei^'  de  Wake 
Mons'r  Thomas  de  Berkele. 

Anno  1347.— Vol.  If.  p.  164.  Art.  S.  31  Edw.  III.  Triers 
OF  Petitions  t 

Le  Seipn'  de  Wake 
Le  Seign'  de  Percy 
Le  Seign'  de  Berkeley 
Mons'r  Rauf  de  Nevill. 
lidd.  Art  3. 

Le  Baroun  de  Staflford 
Mons'r  Richard  Talebot 
Mons'r  Wauter  de  Manny. 

Anno  1348.— Vol.  II.  p.  158.  Art.  6.  SO  Edw.  III.  Letteis 
Patent  from  the  Kin^,  dated  near  Calais,  8  Sept.  Aiuie 
SOEdw.IlL  1348,  nominating 

Bartholomew  de  Burghersh, 

and  others  •  (not  Barons),  to  open  the  Parliament,  and 

*  One  of  these  G>mmissionerB  was  **  Mons'r  Johan  Darcy,  le 
Chaomberleyn,"  but  no  person  of  that  name  being  summoned  to 
that  Pariiament,  he  is  not  placed  among  the  Barons  in  the  list  in 
the  text ;  but  a  John  Darcy  was  summoned  to  Parliament  from 
6  Edw.  III.  1333,  to  7  Edw.  III.  1334,  and  again  in  the  16  Edw. 
III.  1343,  and  died  in  1347>  when  he  was  succeeded  by  his  son 

7J4  ,         REFERENCES  TO  THE 

declare  the  cauiet  of  its  being  summoned ;  who  accord- 
ingly tlo  so  in  tbe  presence  of  divert  Prelates^  &c.  and 
tbe  following  Barons  s 

Le  Seignur  de  Wake  * 
Le  Seignur  de  Segfave 
Le  Seignur  de  Berkele. 

In  tbe  22  Edw.  Ill,  there  were  ho  Triers  of  Petitions, 
nor  any  proof  of  sittings. 

Anno  135f-3.— Vol. II.  p.  S36.  Art.  3.  35  Edw.  III.    Triers 
OF  PExrrioNs  t 

Le  Seign'  de  Percy 
Mons'r  Richard  Talbot. 

Anno  1354.— Vol.  IL  p.  254  b.  Art.  6.  28  Edw.  IH.    Triers 
OF  Petitions  i 

Le  Seign'  de  Percy 
Mona'r  Rauf  de  Nevill. 

JHd.  Art.  7. 

Mons'r  Guy  de  Bryan. 

Anno  1355.— Vol.  II.  p.  264.   29  Edw.  III.    Tbe  causes  of 
calling  this  Parliament  were  declared  by 

Mons'r  Wauter  de  Manny ; 

but  there  is  no  list  of  Triers  of  Petitions,  nor  any  Barons 
named  as  present  on  tbe  occasion  f . 

Anno  1362.— Vol.  IL  p.  268  b.  Art,  4.  36  Edw.  III.    Triers 
OE  Petitions  i 

Le  Sire  de  Nevill. 

John  Darcy,  who  was  likewise  summoned  to  Parliament  from  tbe 
92  to  the  88  Edw.  III.  one  of  which  persons  was  probably  the 
Commissioner  on  this  occasion. 

*  Neither  the  names  of  Burgbersh  nor  Wake  appear  on  the 
Roll  as  beine  summoned  to  this  Parliament.  Vide  second  and  third 
Report  of  tne  Lords'  Committee  on  the  dignity  of  a  Peer  of  tbe 
Realm,  p.  318.  uid  Appendix  thereto.  No.  J.  p.  569. 

f  It  is  worthy  of  observation,  that  among  the  Earls  tbeu  present 
was  the  «  Count  de  Ormount,"  the  names  of  all  the  o^r  Earis 
mentioned  occur  in  the  Writs  of  Summonses  issued  in  that  jesT; 
but  Ormond  was  an  Irish  Earldom. 


Anno  1363.— Vol.  IL  p.  268t>.  Art  5.  36  Edw.  HI.    Triers 


Le  Sire  de  Mannjr 
MoDft'r  Henry  le  Scrop'  • 
Mons'r  Joban  Moubray. 

Addo  1363.— Vol.  II.  p.  975b.  Art  5.  37  Edw.  IIL    Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Moabray 
Le  Sire  de  Percy 
Le  Sire  de  Beaumont 
Le  Sire  de  Clifford 
Mons'r  Raufde  NeviU 
Mons'r  Goy  Brian. 
iUd,  Art  6. 

Le  Sire  le  Despensert 
Le  Sire  de  Roos 
Mons'r  Waut*r  de  Manny 
Mons'r  Henri  le  Scrop'* 
Mons'r  Rog^'r  de  Beaachamp. 
Mons'r  Johan  Moubray. 

Anno  1364-5.— Vol.  IL  p.  888  »>.    Art.  5.    38  Edw.  III. 
Triers  of  Petitions  s 

.    Le  Sire  de  Per^ 
Mons'r  Rauf  de  Nevill 
Mons'r  Guy  de  Brian. 

JM.  Arte. 

Le  Sire  le  Despenser 
Mons'r  Waut'r  de  Manny 
Mons'r  Henri  le  Scrop  X 

*  Hia  name  does  aot  appear  in  the  Lists  of  Summons  lately 
printed  by  the  House  of  Lords  among  the  Barons  summoned  to 
this  Parliament,  though  he  was  summoned  to  the  preceding  Par- 
liament, viz.  34  Edw.  III.  as  well  as  to  several  before  and  sub- 
sequent to  it 

f  His  name  is  not  in  the  Lost  of  Summonses  before  cited  to 
this  Parliament,  but  he  was  summoned  in  the  31,  34>  38,  39, 
and  46  Edw.  lU. 

t  He  is  not  included  in  the  Lists  of  Summons  to  either  of 
these  Parliaments. 


Mons*r  Rog'r  de  Beaochainp 
Mons'r  Joban  Moubray. 

Anno  1366.— VoL  II.  p.  989^.  Art.  5.  40  Edw.  III.    Triers 
OF  Petitions  i 

Le  Sire  de  Percy 
Mons'r  Rauf  de  Nevill 
Mons'r  Guy  Brian. 

Ihid.  Art.  6. 

Le  Sire  le  I>es|»enser 
Mons'r  Wauter  de  Manny 
Mons'r  Roger  de  Beaucbamp 
Mons'r  Joban  >loubray. 

Anno  1366.— Vol.  II.  p,994\  Art.  5.  42  Edw.  Iff.    Tkiirs 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Percy 
Mons'r  Rauf  dcNevill* 
Mons'r  Guy  Brian. 

Ibid.  Art.  6. 

Mons'r  Wauter  de  Manny 
Mons'r  Roger  de  Beaucbamp 
Mons'r  Joban  Moubray. 
Anno  1369.— Vol.  II.  p.  399  ^  Art.  6.  43  Edw.  III.    Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Percy 
Mons'r  Joban  de  Nevill 
Mons'r  Guy  Brian. 

IbUi,  p.  300.  Art.  7. 

Mons'r  Roger  de  Beaucbamp 
Mons'r  Joban  de  Moubray. 

Anno  1371.— Vol.  n.  p.  303  b.  Art.  4.  45  Edw.  III.    Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Latynier 
Mons'r  Jobn  de  Neyill 
Mons'r  Guy  Brian 
Mons'r  Roger  Beaucbamp. 

*  There  appears  to  be  an  error  here  in  the  christian  name» 
Ralph  Nevill  of  Raby  having  died  in  the  precedii^  year,  as  ap- 
pears by  the  Esc.  41  Edw.  ftl.  No,  47  i  his  son  John  was  inm- 
toned  to  this  Parliament. 


Anno  1371.— Vol.  II.  p.  303t>.  Art.  5.  45  Ed«r«  III.    TRiERf 
OF  Petitions  : 

Mons'r.  Wauter  de  Manny 
Mons*r  Rauf  Basset  de  Drayton. 
Mons'r  Job'n  de  Moubray. 

Anno  1372.— Vol.  II.  p.  309<>.  Art.  5.  46  Edw.  111.    Triers 
OF  Petitions  . 

Le  S'r  Despenser 
Le  S'r  de  Rpos 
Mons*r  Guy  de  Briane. 

md.  Art.  6. 

Mons^r  Johan  de  Charleton  de  Powys 
Mons*r  Rauf  Basset  de  Drayton 
Mons*r  Job'n  Moubray. 

Anno  1373.— Vol.  II.  p.  317.  Art.  10.  47  Edw.  III.    Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Mons*r  William  la  Zouebe  de  Haryngwortb 
Mons*r  Guy  de  Brian 
Mons^r  Henry  le  Scrop. 

Ibid.  Art.  11. 

Le  S*r  de  Clyfford 

Mons^r  Amary  Seint  Amand 

Mons'r  Ricbard  de  Stafford. 

Anno  1376.— Vol.  If.  p.  321.  Art.  6.  50  Edw.  III.    Triers 
or  Petitions  s 

LeSVde  Percy 

Le  S*r  de  Roos 

Le  S*r  de  la  Zouebe  de  Haryngwortb 

Mons>  Guy  de  Bryan. 

Ibid.  p.  322.  Art.  7. 

Le  S'r  de  Basset  de  Drayton  * 
Le  S>  de  Bardolf 

*  Lord  Basset  of  Drayton  does  not  appear  to  have  been  sum- 
moned to  Parliament  between  the  46ȣdw.  |II.  and  1  R.  II.  In 
the  List  of  the  Mainpernors,  vol.  II.  p.  326  of  the  Lord  Latymer 
in  tills  jeajr,  bis  name  again  occurs,  with  that  of  three  Earls  and 
twelve  iiaroos,  who  were  summoned  to  this  Parliament  (Vide 
Jnfrqjy  as  well  as  several  others^  who^   though    undoubtedly 

728  feftriftfiNCES  TO  lltt 

Le  SV  de  aiflbnl 
Mont*r  Guy  de  Bryene 
Mon8'*r  Amory  de  Seint  Amande 
Mon8*r  Henry  le  Scrop 
MonsV  Richard  de  Stafford* 
Anno  1376.-*Vo].  II.  p.  336 b.  Art.  39.  50  Edw.  III.    MaiH' 
PERNORS  of  Le  SV  de  Latyner  * : 

Le  Sire  de  Darey  Le  Sire  de  Bardolf,  s'il  pkst 
Le  Sire  de  Nevill  au  Roi 

Le  Sire  de  Root  Le  Sire  de  Bnttetoart 

Le  Sire  de  Basiet  Mons'r  Joban  d^Arundell 

Le  Sire  de  Clifford,  I'il  pleit  Mont*r  Johan  de  Montaj^ 

au  Roi  «  MonsV  Robert  de  Ferrers 

Le  Sire  la  Zooicbey  por  atant  MonsV  Joban  Lorell 

come  sa  terre  raut  pur  uo  Moni*r  Rauf  Crumwell 

an  Le  Sire  de  Berkelo 

Le  Sire  Fils  Wauter  MousV  M icbell  de  la  Pole. 
Le  Sire  L'Eitrange 

Anno  1376-7.^Vol.  II.  p.  363 1".  Art.  16. 51  Edw.  III.  Triers 
OF  Petitions  i 

Le  Seipn*r  de  Percy 
Le  Seign^r  de  Latynier 
Le  Seifcn*r  de  Nevill 
Le  Seign'r  de  Fita  Wauter 
Mon8*r  Guy  de  Brysne. 

Jbid.  Art.  17. 

Le  Sei^*  de  Root 

Le  Sei^*  de  Basset  de  Drayton  f 

Barons,  and  fummoned  as  such  in  other  years,  do  not  appear  in 
the  list  of  persons  summoned  to  this  Parliament,  vir.  Le  Sire 
L'Estnmge,  Le  Sire  de  Darcy,  Mons'r  Joban  Montagu,  Mons'r 
Johan  Arundel,  and  le  Sire  de  Berkele. 

*  In  this  List  the  following  persons  are  also  included,  but 
neither  of  whom  were  ever  summoned  to  Parliament  as  Barons, 
viz.  Moos*r  William  Beauchamp,  Moos*r  William  de  NeriU, 
Mons'r  Rauf  de  Ferrers,  Mons'r  J  ohan  de  Burele,  Mons'r  Johan 
ClanTOwe,  Le  Sire  de  Gomerriz,  MoDS*r  Thomas  Morrienz,  and 
Mons'r  Philip  de  la  Vache ;  and  of  those  inserted  in  the  text 
five  were  not  summoned  the  50  of  Edw.  III.— Vide  the  preceding 

t  See  Note  on  the  Triers  of  Petitions,  Anno  1376,  50  Edw.IIL 


LeSVde  Clifford 
Mons'r  Joban  tie  Montaf^u  * 
Mons'r  Henr'  Le  Scrop 
Mons*r  Richard  de  Stafford. 

Anno  1377.— Vol.  HI.  p.  4\  Art.  9.  I  Ric.  II.    Triers  op 
Pbtitions  ! 

Le  S'r  de  Latymer 
Le  S*r  de  Cobb  am 
Le  S'r  de  Fits  Waaler 
MonsV  Roj^er  Beauchamp. 

Ibid.  Art.  10. 

Le  Sire  de  Roos 
Le  Sire  de  Basset 
Le  Sire  de  Clifford 
Le  Sire  de  Bardolf 
Mons'r  Richard  de  Stafford. 

Ibid,  p.  5.  Art.  IS.  1  Ric.  II.  C*est  atsavoir  le  Roy  de 
Castell  &.  de  Leon  Due  de  Lancastre,  TEvesq'  de  Lon- 
dres,  I'Evesq*  d'£ly,  TEvesq'  de  Roucestre>  TEvesq*  Kar- 
duilly  le  Conte  de  la  Marche,  le  Conte  d'Arondell,  le 
Conte  de  Warrewyk,  le  Conte  de  Aogos,  & 

Le  S*r  de  Nevill 
Mons^r  Henr'  le  Scrop 
Mous'r  Ric'  le  Scrop,  & 
Mons'r  Ric'  le  Stafford ; 
et  ce  lour  estoit  grantez  de  par  le  Roy  en  Parlbmbnt. 

Anno  1378.— Vol.  IIL  p.  34.  Art.  13,  3  Ric.  II.    Tribrs  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Latymer 
Le  S*r  de  Cobbam 
MonsV  Henry  le  Scrop 
Mons'r  Roarer  Beauchamp 
MonsM  Ric^  de  Stafford. 

•  He  was  not  summoned  to  Parliament  between  50  Edw.  III. 
and  5  R.  IL  though  he  was  so  on  several  occasions  both  before, 
and  after  that  priod. 

VOL.  II.  E  E 

730  RBrfiRBNCES  T9  THB 

Anno  1378.— Vol.  III.  p.  34.  Art.  14.  S  Ric.  11. 

Le  S>  Lestraunge  de  Knokyn 

Le  S'r  Fitz-Wauter 

MonsV  Johan  Montagu* 

Mons'r  Joban  d'Arondell,  Mareschal  d'Eogl'. 

Anno  1379.— Vol.  lil.  p.  56  \  Art.  10.  3  Ric.  II.    Trieks  of 
Petitions  i 

Le  S'r  de  Latyoier 

Mons'r  Johan  d'Arondell,  Mareschal  d^Eogl* 

Le  S'r  de  Cobbam 

Mons'r.  Roger  Beaocbamp 

Mons'r  Ric'  de  Staff'. 

.     Ibid.  p.  57.  Art.  11. 

Le  S'r  Lestrange  de  Knoykn 
Le  S'r  de  Bardolf 
Mons'r  Joban  Montagu. 

Anno  1379-80.— Vol.  111.  p.  73.  Art.  8.  3  Ric.  II  f.    Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Latymer 
Le  S'r  de  Cobbam 
Mons'r  Ricbard  Staff'. 

Ibid.p,72\  Art. 9. 

Le  S'r  Lestrange  de  Knokyn 
Le  S'r  de  Bardolf 
Mons'r  Joban  Montagu. 

Anno  1380.— Vol.111,  p.  89.  Art.  7.  4Ric.IL     faiERs  or 
Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  la  Zoucbe 
Le  S'r  de  Bardolf. 

*  Vide  note  to  the  last  page. 

f  Anno  1 379-80.— Vol.  I II.  p.  78  \  Art.  15.3  Ric.  II.  Amon^ 
the  Comitoissioners  appointed  by  the  King  "  ad  scrutiniu*  &ciend' 
in  Hospic'  &  Cur'  Reg'."  are, 

WlU'o  de  Latynaer 
Guydoni  de  Briene,  & 
Jon'  de  Monte-acutOy  Banerett'is. 
But  it  is  doubtful  whether  this  record  be  a  proof  of  sittlog  in 


Anno  1^0.— Vol.  Hi.  p.  8d.  Art.  8.4  Ric.  11. 

Le  S*r  Lestrange  de  Knokyn 
Le  S*r  de  Scales 
MoD8*r  Guy  de  Bryen 
Mon8*r  Joban  Montagu. 

Anno  1381.— Vol.  IIL  p.  99.  Art.  5.  5  Ric  II.  Pt  1.    Taibks 

OP  Pbtitioms  : 

Mont*r  Johan  Cobbam 
Mons^r  Ricbard  le  Scrop 
Mons'r  Gay  de  Bryen. 

Jbid.  Art.  6. 

Le  S*r  la  Soucb 
Le  SV  Fitz-Wautier 
Mons'r  Henry  le  Scrop 
Le  S*r  de  Wilugbby. 

Anno  1381.— Vol.  III.  p.  100.  Art.  14.  5  Ric.  U.   Among  tbe 
Lords  appointed  to  confer  with  the  Commons  were, 

Le  S'r  de  NeviU  Le  SV  de  WilAghby 

Le  S'r  de  Clifford  Joban  de  Cobbam 

Le  S>  Fitz-Wauter  Ricbard  le  Scrop 

Le  S*r  la  Zoucfae  de  Haryng-  Guy  de  Bryan,  Banerettz. 

Anno  1382.— Vol.  III.  p.  133.  Art.  7.  5  Rie.  II.    Triers  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  S*r  de  NeviU 
Mons^r  Joban  Cobbam 
Mons*r  Guy  de  Bryen. 

Ibid.  Art.  8. 

Le  S'r  Fitz-Wautier 
Le  S'r  de  Wilugbby. 

Anno  1383.— Vol.  III.  p.  133.  Art.  6.  6  Ric.  II.    Triers  of 
Petitions  t 

Le  S'r  de  NeviU 
Mons'r  Joban  Cobbam 
Mons'r  Guy  de  Bryene. 

Ibid.  Art.  7. 

Le  S'r  de  Fitz  Wauter 
Le  S'r  de  Wylugbby. 

E  £  2 


Anno  1382.— VoL  III.  p.  145.  Art  6.  6  Ric.  II.    Twbm  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  S*r  de  NeTiU 
Mons^r  Guy  de  Bryeat* 

Ibid.  Art.  7. 

Le  S'r  Fit«-Wauter 
Monger  Richard  Le  Scrop. 
MoDs'r  Joban  de  Cobham  de  Kent. 

Anno  1383.— VoL  HI.  p,  151.  Art  9.  7  Ric  IL    Triers  or 
Pettfions  t 

Le  S'r  de  NeYill 
Mons'r  Ric'  le  Scrop 
Mons'r  Guy  de  Bryen. 

IM.  Art.  10. 

Le  S'r  Fitz  Wanter 

Mons'r  Joban  d«  Cobbam  deKent 

Anno  1384.— Vol;  HI.  p.  167.  Art.  7.  7  Ric.  II.     Taiaai  or 

PlTITIONt  :  ^  ~-v„,^ 

Le  S'r  de  NeviTK 
Mons'r  Guy  Bryen!^ 
Ihid,  Art.  8.  ^*^ 

Le  S'r  de  Cobbam.  V 

Anno  1384.— Vol.  III.  p.  186.  Art  8.  8rH*  "*     '^'""  ®' 
Petitions  :  > 

Le  S'r  de  NeviU  ^ 

Mons'r  Richard  le  Scrop  i 

Mon/r  Guy  de  Brien.  | 

Jbid.  Art.  9. 

Le  S'r  Fitz  Wauter 

Mons'r  Joban  de  Cobbam  de  Kf  ^^ 

Anno  1385.-Vol.  III.  p.  204.  Art.  8.  9  Ric.  f*-    TwERi  or 


Le  Sire  de  Nevill 
Mont.  Richard  le  Serop 
Mons'r  Guy  de  Brien* 


Anno  1385.— Vol.  HI.  p.  204.  Art9.  9  Ric.  11. 

Ls  S'r  Fit8-Waut«r 

Mons'r  John  de  Cobbam  de  Kent. 

Anno  1385.— Vol.  III.  p.  205  b.  206  ^  207  ^  Art.  14,  15, 
and  16.  9  Ric.  II.  Witnesses  to  tbe  creations  of  tbe 
Duke  of  York,  tbe  Duke  of  Gloucester,  and  tbe  Earl  of 
Suffolk  in  full  Parliament : 

Job'e  de  NeviU  de  Raby 

Joh'e  Lovell 

Waltero  Fitz  Wauter 

Hugones  Segrave  *,  Tbesaurario  n'ro 

Job'e  de  Monte- Acuto,  SenescaUo  Hospicii  n'ri. 
Anno  1385.— Vol.  III.  p.  399-  No.  26. 9  Ric  II.     Barons  ap- 
pointed  by  tbe  King  to  bear  tbe  auit  of  Thomas  Lovell : 


Job'ni  de  Nevyll  de  Raby 

Job-ni  de  Cobebam 

Walto'  fitz  Wautier  & 

Ric'o  le  Scrop. 
Anno  1386.— Vol.  III.  p.  215  \  Art.  4.  10  Ric.  II.    Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  NeviU 

Mons'r  Ricbard  le  Scrop 

Mons'r  Guy  de  Brien. 

Ihid,  p.  216.  Art.  5. 

Mons'r  Joban  de  Cobebam  de  Kent. 
Anno  1387-8.— Vol.  in.  p.  228.  Art.  4.  II  Ric.  IL    Triers 


Le  Sire  de  NeviU 
Mons'r  Ricbard  le  Scrop. 

♦  It  docs  not  appear  tbat  tbis  Hugb  de  Scgravc  was  ever  sum- 
moned to  Parliament.  .    , . 

t  Tbere  is  probably  an  error  in  tbe  Christian  name  of  this 
Baron;  as  in  tbe  Summonses  for  this  year  a  TAomos  de  Morley 
appears,  but  no  miliam.  WiUiam  de  Morley,  who  was  sum- 
moned from  36  Edw.  III.  tUl  2  R.1I.  died  in  the  latter  year 
(Esc  2  R.  H.  No.  34.),  and  was  succeeded  by  his  son,  Thomas 
Morley,  who  was  summoned  from  5  R.  II.  until  his  death,  4 

E  fi  3 

784  mmKBNCBS  TO  TBS 

Anno  1387-8.-~Vo].  III.  p.  289,  Art.  5.  14  Rie  .II. 
MoDt*r  Johan  de  Cobeham  de  Kent. 

Anno  1389.— Vol.  HI.  p.  857  \  Art.  4.  |3  R.  U.    Taius  or 

Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Wilughby 
Mons'r  Richard  le  Scrop« 
Jbid.  p.  358.  Art.  5. 

Le  SV  de  Lovell 

Mons'r  Johan  de  Cobeham  de  Kent 

Anno  1389.-P.  361.  Art.  16.  13  Ric.  II.    Mainpernors  of 
John  De  Aske : 

Johan  S'r  deNeriUft 

Mons'r  Johan  Lovell,  «  jpresbntz  en  Par- 

Anno  1390.--V0I.  III.  p.  3T7 «».  Art.  4. 14  Rie.  II.    Tribes  of 

Le  S'r  de  Wyloghby 
Mons'r  Richard  le  Scrap. 
Ibidp  .  278.  Art.  5. 

Le  Sire  de  Lovell 

Mons'r  Johan  de  Cobeham  de  Kent. 

Anno  1391. -Vol.  III.  p.  284  K  Art.  5.  15  Ric.  U.    TaizR. 
OP  Petitions  .• 

Mons'r  Richard  le  Scrap. 
Jbid.  p.  285.  Art.  6. 

Mons'r  Johan  Lovell. 

^"A«'T?o^7i^''''  "'*  ^'  ^^^^*  ^"*  ^'  ^^  ^''''  "•  ^""^  ®' 

Le  S'r  de  Willughby 
Mons'r  Richard  le  Scrop 
Mons'r  Philipp  Spenser. 
iM  Art.  5. 

Le  S!r  de  Grey  de  Ruthyii 
MonsV  Johan  LoveJI. 


Anno  1394.— Vol  IlL  p.  309  N  Art.  4,  17  Rie.  IL    Tkubi 
or  Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Wilaghby  . 
Mons'r  Richard  le  Scrop 
Mons'r  Philipp  Spenser. 

ifru7.  p.  310.  Art.  5. 

Le  S'r  de  Grey  de  Rothyn 
Le  SV  de  Cobbeham, 

Anno  1395.— Vol.111,  p.  339  ^.  Art.  4.  18  Ric.  If.  TaiBas  or 
PaTiTioMS  : 

Le  S'r  de  Wilughby 
Mons'r  Richard  le  Scrop 
Mons'r  Philipp  Spenser. 

Ibid.  p.  330.  Art.  5. 

Le  S'r  de  Zoucfae 
Le  S*r  de  Cobehaoo. 
Anno  1 397.— Vol.  HL  p.  337  K  Art.  5.  20  Ric.  U.    Tribm  or 
Pbtitioms  s 

Le  Sire  de  Nerill. 
Mons'r  Richard  le  Scrop 
Mons'r  Philipp  Spenser. 

Jbid.  p.  338.  Art.  6. 

Le  Sire  Despenser 
Le  Sire  de  Grey  de  Ruthyn. 
Anno  1397.— Vol.  IIL  p.  343  \  and  344  K  Art.  33,  and  33. 
SO  Ric.  II.    Witnesses  to  the  creation  of  the  Earl  of  So- 
merset, "  per  ipsum  Regem  in  Parlianiento,"  and  to  a 
.charter  granting  the  office  of  Earl  Marshal  of  England  to 
the  Earl  of  Nottingham ; 

Reginaldo  de  Grey 
Radulpho  de  Nevill 
Jobe  de  LoYell>  Militibus. 
Anno  1397.— Vol.  III.  p.  348.  Art.  6.  31  Ric.  II.    Triers  of 
Prtjtions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Nevill 

Le  Sire  de  Grey  de  Codnore 

Le  Sire  de  Lovell. 


Anno  1397.— Vol.  III.  p.  848.  b.  Art.  7. 
^     Le  Sire  le  Dispenser 

Le  Sire  de  Grey  de  Rutbyn. 

Anno  1397.— Vol.  III.  p.  356.  Art.  39.  SI  RicII.  Barons 
who  iwore  to  observe  and  keep  the  statutes  made  in  this 
Parliament  *<  en  presence  du  Roy  s" 

Le  Sire  de  Camoys  Le  Sire  de  Seint  Amand 

Le  Sire  de  Burghchier  Le  Sire  de  Farnyyall  * 

Le  Sire  de  Powys  Le  Sire  de  Ferrers 

Le  Sire  Fits  Wauter  Le  Sire  de  Seyraonr 

Le  Sire  de  Roos  Le  Sire  de  Lovell 

Le  Sire  de  Harynp^n  Le  Sire  de  Bardolf 

Le  Sire  de  Burnell  Le  Sire  de  Morley 

Le  Sire  de  Berkelee  William  Beauchamp^  S'r  de 

Le  Sire  de  Darcy  Bergeveny 

Le  Sire  de  Wilugbby  Rauf  de  Cromwell 

Le  Sire  de  Grey  de  Codnoro     Rauf  de  Lomley 

Le  Sire  de  Grey  de  Rutbyn       Pbelipp  le  Despenser 

Le  Sire  de  Scales 

Anno  1398.— Vol.  lU.  p.  373  \  Art.  89.  21  Ric.  II.  Barons 
sworn  at  the  Cross  at  Canterbury  in  the  presence  of  the 
King,  18  March,  Anna  21  R.  U.  1398,  to  obserre  the 
statutes  made  in  that  Parliament : 

Le  Sire  de  Grey  de  Rutbyn 
Le  Sire  de  Ferrers  de  Groby 
Le  Sire  de  Lovell' 
Le  Sire  de  Camoys. 

Anno  1399^Vol.  III.  p.  416.  ArL  8. 1  Hen.  IV.  Thiers  op 
Petit  lovss 

Le  Sire  de  Roos 
Le  Sire  de  Cobham. 

JDnd,  Art.  9. 

Le  Sire  de  Berkeley • 
Le  Sire  de  Wilugbby, 

*  This  personage  was  Thomas  NeviU  Baron  FumivaU,  jure 
uxoris,    though   he   is  uniformly  called  ''  Thomas  Nevyll  de 
Halumshire,"  in  the  Write :  he  was  summoned  fifom  7  R.  II. 
14  H.  IV.  Vide  "  FuRNiVALL,"  p.  259. 


Anno  1399.— Vol.  lit  p.  487.  Art.  74.  On  the  question  re- 
lating  to  the  safe  custody  of  the  late  Kiog  (Richard  II.) 
Tharsday,  23  Oct.  1399.  *'  les  nouns  de»  Seign'rs  demanded 
&  assentuz  sur  la  queition  suis  dite  cy  ensuent  c'est  as- 
savoir :" 

Le  S*r  de  Roos  Le  S'r  de  Barnell 
Le  S'r  de  Grey  de  Ruthyn         Le  SV  de  Loyell 

Le  S'r  de  Cberlton  Le  S'r  de  Camoys 

Le  S'r  de  Bardolf  Le  S'r  de  Seymour 

Le  SY  de  Wilttghby  Le  S'r  de  CrombireU 

Le  S'r  de  Fumyvali  Le  S'r  de  Cobham 

Le  S'r  de  Ferrers  Mons'r  Henry  Percy  J 

Lie  S'r  de  Beaumont  *  Mons'r  Richard  Scrop 

Le  S'r  de  Berkeley  Le  S'r  Fitz  Hu^b 

Le  S'r  Fits  Wautler  Le  S'r  de  Bergeveny 

Le  S'r  de  Manley  f  Le  S'r  de  Lomley 

Le  S'r  de  Scales  Le  Baron  de  Greystok 

Le  S'r  de  Moriey  Le  Baron  de  Hilton. 

Anno  1401.— Vol.  III.  p.  455.  Art.  6.  3  Hen.  IV.  Tribu 
or  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Roos 
Le  Sire  de  Cobham. 

Ibid.  Art.  7. 

Le  Sire  de  Berkeley 
Le  Sire  de  Witughby. 

*  Apparently  Henry  Lord  Beaumont,  though  his  name  does  not 
appear  in  the  Lists  of  Summons  in  this  year.  John,  his  fa- 
ther, was  summoned  from  7  to  17  Ric.  II.  and  died  in  1S96 ;  but 
this  Henry  is  not  recorded  to  have  been  summoned  until  the  5th 
Hen.  IV.    Vide  Beaumont,  p.  54. 

't*  Evidently  a  misprint  for  Mauley. 

X  The  renowned  **  Hotspur,"  eldest  son  of  Henry  Earl  of 
Northumberland ;  it  does  not  appear  that  he  was  ever  summoned 
to  Parliament,  but  it  is  evident  from  the  above  record,  that 
he  was  present  in  Parliament,  and  ranked  as  a  Baron  of  the 


Anno  1401.— Vol.  III.  pu  459  ^  Art.  31.  S  Hen.  IV.  Barons 
PRESENT  at  the  declaration  made  in  Parliament  relative  to 
the  Forfeiture  of  Thomas  Holland  Earl  of  Kent«  and  others: 

Richard  Sire  de  Grey  de  Co-  Johan  Sire  de  Beaumond 

denore  William  Sire  de  Wilughby 

Thomas  Sire  de  Berkeley  Hugh  Sire  de  Bumell 

Johan  Sire  de  Cbarieton  William  Sire  de  Ferrers  de 

Reynald  Sire  de  Grey  de  Ru-        Groby 

thyn  William  Sire  de  Bergeveny 

Thomas  Sire  de  Camoys  Johan  Sire  de  LotoIT 

Thomas  Sire  de  Fumyvall  Roberd  Sire  de  Haiyngton. 

Roberd  Sire  de  Scales  ^^^^^  ^e  Scrop. 

Anno  1403.— Vol.  HI.  p.  486.  Art.  7.  4  Hen.  IV  *•  Tsiers 
OF  Fbtitiovs  : 

Le  Sire  de  Roos 
Le  Sire  de  Lovell. 

Bid.  Art.  8. 

Le  Sire  de  Berkeley 
Le  Sire  de  Wilughby. 

Ibid,  p.  486 1>.  Art.  10.    Barons  appointed  to  confer 
with  the  Commons,  Tuesday*  10  Oct.: 
Le  S'r  de  Roos 
Le  S'r  de  Berkeley 
Le  S'r  de  Bergeveny 
Le  Sire  de  Lovell. 

Anno  1404.— Vol.  HI.  p.  5S3.  Art.  6.  5  Hen.  IV.  Triebs 

Le  Sire  de  Bumell 
Le  Sire  de  Lovell. 

Jlnd  Art.  7- 

Le  Sire  de  Berkeley 
Le  Sire  de  Wiiughby. 

*  The  Writs  for  this  Parliament  are  dated  13  Aug.  3  Hen.  IV. 


Anoo  1404.— Vol.  III.  p.  545  b.  Art.  6.  6  Hen.  IV  *.  Trjbrs 
OF  Petitiona : 

Le  Sire  de  Barnell 
Le  Sire  de  LoTelK 

Jbid.  p.  546.  Art.  7. 

Le  Sire  de  Berkeley 
Le  Sire  de  Wylughby. 

Anno  1405-6.— Vol.  III.  p.  567  *»  7  &  8  Hen.  IV.  Triers  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Burnell 
Le  Sire  de  Lovell. 

Ibid  p.  568.  Art.  7. 

Le  Sire  de  Aoos 
Le  Sire  de  Berkeley. 

Anno  1406.— Vol.  II!.  p.  58S.  and  p.  583.  Art.  60.  8  Hen. 
IV. — Among  the  witnesses  PRESBNTin  Parliament  to  two 
Patents  for  the  Settlement  of  the  Crown»  dated  33  Dec. 
8  Hen.  IV.  1406^  are  the  following  Barons  : 

Will'mi  Domini  de  Roos  Reginald!  Domini  de  Grey 

Ric'i  Domini  de  Grey  de  Co-  de  Rutbyn 

denore  Will'mi  Domini  de  Ferrers 

Hen'  Domini  de  Beatimont  Thome  Domini  de  Furnyrale 

*  Anno  1404. — ^Vol.  III.  p.  530.  Art.  37.     Among  the  Lords 

and  others  named  by  the  lung  in  Parliament  to,  be  <<  de  son 

giant  &  continuel  Conseil/*  are  the  following  Barons ;  but  it  is 

somewhat  doubtfUl  if  thb  record  be  a  proof  of  sitting  in  Farlia- 

.  ment. 

Le  Sire  de  Roos,  Tresorer  d'Engletene 
Le  Gardein  du  Prive  Seal 
Le  Sire  de  Berlteley 
Le  Sire  de  Wilughby 
I         Le  Sire  de  Furny  val 
Le  Sire  de  Lovell. 
On  Friday^  the  last  day  of  this  Parliament  (Vol.  III.  p.  5Si\ 
Art,  32.)>  the  Earl  of  Anmdell  &  "  les  Sires  de  Powys  &  de 
Fomyvall,"  were  appointed  to  observe  a  certain  ordinance ;  but 
as  it  U  not  certain  that  this  record  can  be  deemed  a  proof  of 
sitting)  it  is  not  placed  in  the  text. 

740  .  ftBhSRBNCBi  TO  TBft 

Vritrmi  Domini  deWylofbby  Joh'ti  Cobbam 

Hugonis  Domini  de  Burnell  Petri  de  Malolacu 

Wiil* mi  Domini  de  Clynton  Juh'is  de  Latymer 

Thome  Domini  de  Morley  Edwardi  de    Charleton  de 

Joh'it  Domini  de  Darcy  Powys 

Joh'is  Domini  de  Lovell  Mag'ri  Thome  de  la  Warre 

Bartholomei  Domini   de  Thome  Berkeley  de  Berkeley 

Borf^fachier  Rad'i  de  Cnimweii 

Gilb'ti  Domini  de  Talbot  Rad'i  de  Greistok 

Wili'mi  Domini  la  Zouche  Will'mi  Beauchamp  de  Berge- 
Thome  Domini  de  Camoyt         venny 

Ric'  Domini  de  Seymour  Joh'is  Tochet 

Henrici  Fitz-Hugh  Rob'ti  Ponynges 

Henrici  le  Scrop  de  Masbam  Joh'it  de  Haryngton  *,  & 

Joh'is  de  Welles  Ric'i  Lestrange 

Anno  1407.— Vol.  III.  p.  609.  Art.  10.  9  Hep.  IV.    Trieis 

Le  Sire  de  Burnell 

Ibid.  Art.  II. 

Le  Sire  de  Roos 
Le  Sire  de  Berkeley. 

Anno  1410.— Vol.  IH.  p. 633. Art.  8.  II  Hen.  IV.    Tsisis 
OF  Pbtitioms  t 

I^  S'r  de  Burnell 
Le  Sire  de  Morley. 

IM.  Art.  9. 

Le  S'r  de  Roos 
I^  S'r  de  Berkeley. 

AnnoMlK— Vol.  III.p.648.  Art.7.  13  Hen.  IV.    Triers 
OP  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Burnell 
Le  Sire  de  Morley. 

*  He 'appears  to  have  been  constantly  snmmoned  bj  the  laaine 
of  Robert,  but  his  real  name  was,  as  is  stated  in  tne  Rolls  of 
Parliament,  John,  His  fiither,  Robert  de  Harynfftooj  died  i 
7  Hen.  IV. 


Anno  141 1 — Vol.  III.  p.  648.  Art.  8. 
Le  Sire  de  Root 
Le  Sire  de  Berkeley. 

Anno  1413*— Vol.  IV.  p.  4.  Art.  5.  I  Hen.  V.    Triers  of 

Le  S're  de  Ferrerys. 
Ibid,  Art.  6. 

Le  S're  de  Roos 
Le  S're  de  Berkeley. 

Anno  1414.— Vol.  IV.  p.  16.  Art.  4.  8  Hen;  V.     Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Roos 
Le  Sire  de  Berkeleye* 
/6W.  p.  l6b.Art.5. 

Le  Sire  de  Clifford 
Le  Sire  deMaule*. 

Anno  1414.— Vol.  IV.  p.  35.  Art.  8. 2  Hen.  V.    Triers  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Berkeley 
Le  S'r  de  Morley 
Ibid.  Art.  9. 

Le  S'r  de  Grey  de  Ruthyn 

Le  S'r  Lescrop 

Le  S'r  de  Haryngton. 

Anno  1415.— Vol.  IV.  p.  63.  Art.  3.  3  Hen.  V.     Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Grey  de  Rutbyn 
Le  Sire  de  Powys 

Le  Sire  de  Talbot 
Le  Sire  de  Ponyiiges. 

•  Apparently  Peter  Baron  Mauley. 
f  Edward  4e  Cherleton.    Vide  p.  122. 

VOLt  ZI.  F  F 


Anno  1415.— Vol.  IV.  p.  71.  Art.  7.  3  Hen.  V..  TftiiHf 
or  Petitionb  : 

Le  S^r  de  Gr«y  de  Ruthyn 
ht  S'r  de  Berkeley. 

Ibid.  Art.  8. 

Le  S'r  de  Ponyngei. 

Anno  1416.— Vol.  IV.  p.  95.  Art.  6.  4  Hen.  V.     Triers 


Le  Stre  de  Gray  de  Rutbyn 
Le  Sire  de  Berkeley. 

JM.  Art.  7. 

tie  Sire  de  Ponynges. 

Ibid,  p.  96,  Art.  11.4  Hen.  V.  The  King,  several  Spi- 
ritual Peersy  Dukes,  and  Earls,  and  the  fallowing  Barons 
PRESENT  in  Parliament : 

Le  S'r  de  Grey  de  Rutbyn 
Le  S'r  de  Bourcer  * 
Le  S'r  de  Haryngton 
Le  S'r  de  Clynton 
Le  S'r  de  Camoyt 
Le  S'r  de  Ponynges 
Le  S'r  Fitz-Hugb. 

Anno  1417— Vol.  IV.  p.  107.  Art.  6.  5  Hen.  V,     Triers 
OP  Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Gray  de  Rutbyn. 

Ibid.  Art  7. 

Le  S'r  de  Ponynges. 

*  Apparently  Hugh  Stafford,  who  was  summoned  to  Parlla- 
ment  in  right  of  his  wife,  Elizabeth,  daxighter  and  heir  of  Bar- 
tliolomew  Lord  Bourchier,  anno  12  and  14  Henry  IV.  and  1  Hen. 
V.  He  lived  till  the  9th  Hen.  V. ;  but  his  name  does  not  ap 
pear  in  the  Lists  of  Summons  after  the  Ist  Henry  V.  Under 
*<  Bourchier,"  p.  77,  he.  is  erroneously  sMd  to  liave  been  sum- 
moned in  the  3d  Hen.  V. 


Anno  1419— Vol.  IV.  p.  U6K  Art.  5.  7  Hen.  V.    Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Camoys. 
Hid.  p.  117.  Art.  6. 

Le  Sire  de  Ponynges. 

Anno  1419.— Yol.  IV.  p.  118.  Art.  10.  7  Hen.  V.    The  fol- 
lowing  Efaroos  were  present  in  Parliament : 
Le  Sire  de  Grey  de  Ruthyn 
Le  Sire  de  Ferreres  de  Groby 
Le  Sire  de  Camoys 
Le  Sire  de  Clynton  • 
Le  Sire  de  Ponynges 

Anno  1420.— Vol.  iV.  p.  123K  Art.  4.  8  Hen.V.  Trier*  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Gray  de  Rutbyn. 
Ibid,  Art.  5. 

Le  Sire  d9  Ponyn^ep. 

Anno  1421.— Vol.  IV.  p.  129.  Art.  4.  9  Hen.V.  Triers  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Gray  de  Rutbyn. 
Ibid.  p.  130.  Art.  5. 

Le  S*r  de  Ponyns^eji. 

Anno  1421.— Vol.  IV.  p.  ISOb.  Art.  7. 9  Hen.  V.    Triers  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Gray  du  Rutbyn. 
Ibid,  p.  151.  Art.  8. 

Le  Sire  de  Glynton. 

*  His  name  does  sot  appear  in  the  List  of  Summonsies  in  this 
jear,  though  he  was  summoned  in  the  5th  of  Henry  V.  and 
again  in  the  8th  of  Henry  V.  It  is  ^o  he  remarlcedy  that  accord- 
ing to  the  Lists  lately  printed  by  tiie  House  of  Lords,  only  IS 
Barons  were  summoned  this  year,  and  13  the  next;  but  all  the 
Barons  mentioned  as  present  in  the  7th  of  Henry  V.  are  recorded 
to  have  been  summoned  in  that  year,  excepting  Lord  CJinton. 



Anno  143«.-VoHV.p.  170.  Art.  10. 1  Hen.  VI.   Tiaul 
Petitions  ; 

Le  Sire  de  CrambeweU 
Le  Sire  de  Ponyof^es. 

Ibid.    p.  170l>.  Art.  13.  1  Hen.  VI.  Amonf:  tbePee 
in  whose  presence  in  Parliament  the  Bishop  of  Durl 
Lord  High  Chancellor  to  King  Henry  V.  delivered  op  i 
Great  Seal  and  received  it  a|^n,are  the  following  P 

Jobanne  D'no  de  Talbot  &  de  FumyTale 
Willielmo  D'no  de  Clynton 
Roberto  D'no  de  Ponyn^s. 

Anno  1499— Vol.  IV.  p.  175 1».  Art.  96. 1  Hen.  VI. 
the  **  Personet  d'  estate,"  appointed  to  be  of  the  Coon 
to    Humphry  Duke  of  Gloucester  are   the    foUowi 
Baroni :  **  les  nons  des  queux  persones  escripts  en  untj 
petit  Cedule  lueez  overtement  en  ceste  Parlement  cr| 

Mont'r  Rauf  Crumbwell 
Mons'r  Waoter  Hungerford  * 
Mons'r  John  Tiptoft  •. 

*  Neither  of  these  names  appear  in  the  Lists  of  Smtamooi 
,  printed  by  order  of  the  House  of  Lords  until  the  4  Henry  VI. ; 

I  although  they  are  noticed  in  the  Rolls  at  present  in  Parliament 

in  the  Sd  and  Sd  years  of  that  reign.  (Vide  vi^ra.}  AfUr  the 
name  of  Mons'r  John  Tiptoft  that  of  «  Mons'r  Wanter  Beta- 
champ"  occurs ;  but  he  does  not  appear  ever  to  have  been  sum- 
moned to  Parliament.  It  should  be  particularly  observed,  that  the 
Juts  of  persons  summoned  in  the  latter  years  of  Henry  V.  and 
the  1st,  «d,  and  8d  of  Henry  VI.  contain,  comparatively  with 
other  years,  veir  few  names,  and  certainly  do  not  comprise  the 
whole  of  the  then  existing  Peerage.  Ine  following  is  an  ah- 
atract  from  the  1st  Henry  V.  to  4  Henry  VI. : 

Anno  1  Hen.  V.  By  Writs  tested  22  March,  G  Earls,  32  Ba- 
rons ;  by  Writs  tested  1  Dec.  2  Dukes^ 
9  Earls,  29  Barons ;  by  Writs  tested  24  Dec/. 
2  Dukes,  9  Earls,  29  Barons. 

%  Hen.  V.    4  Dukes,  U  Earls,  28  Barons. 

3  Hen.  V.  By  Writs  tested  12  Aug.  2  Earls,  17  Barons ; 
by  Write  tested  29  Sept.  S  Earls,  16  Barons ; 


fleaWaio  1423.— Vol.  IV.  p.  I98.  Art-  6,  3  Hen.  VI.     Triers 


Le  Sire  de  Grey. 
Ibid.  Art.  7. 

BisbopK'  ^  ^^^  ^^  CrumwelJ. 

V.  (fcliwiino  1423.— Vol.  IV.  p.  201.  Art.  15.  3  Hen.  VI.  Among 
/bJioffiV  the  Council  appointed  by  the  Pariiament  to  assist  the 
e  FvBf-  ^"^'  ^^  Gloucester  are  the  following  Barons : 

Le  Sire  de  Crumwell 

Le  Sire  Fitz  Hugh 
y^  11  Le  Sire  de  Bourghcbier* 

;™'^l  LeSiredeScrop* 

.L^^  Mons'r  Walter  Hungrefordt 

^,  Mons'r  John  Tiptoft  f. 

J^jtf u^ 

by  Writs  tested  21  Jan.  S  Dukes^  6  Earls> 
19  Barons. 

4  Hen.  V.    3  Dukes,  9  Earls,  24  Barons. 

5  Hen.  V.     1  Duke,  3  Barls,  14  Barons. 

6  Hen.  V.     NuUae  Summonitiones  apparent. 

7  Hen.  V.    3  Earls,  13  Barons. 

8  Hen.  V.    By  Writs  tested  21  Oct.  3  Earb,  13  Barons 
by  Writs  tested  S6  Feb.  2  Dukes,  6  Earls,  20 

9  Hen.  V.    3  Earls,  12  Barons. 
1 0  Hen.  V.    Nttllse  Summonitiones  apparent. 

1  Hen.  VI.  2  Dukes,  5  Earls,  16  Barons. 

2  Hen.  VI.  2  Dukes,  6  Earls,  19  Barons. 

3  Hen.  VI.  2  Dukes,  5  Earls,  18  Barons. 

4  Hen.  VI.  4  Dukes,  2  Earls,  23  Barons. 

*  Neitfier  of  these  Barons  was  summoned  to  Parliament  in 
the  2d  of  Hen.  VI.  but  Sir  Lewis  Aobsert,  K.  G.  was  summoned 
to  Parliament,  jure  uxoris,  as  Baron  Bourchier  in  the  following 
year,  an4  imtil  the  7  Henry  VI.  The  Sire  de  Scrop  was  probably 
John  4th  Lord  Scrope  pf  M asham,  brother  and  heir  of  Henry 
Lord  Scrope  of  Masham,  who  was  attainted  in  1415  :  the  said 
John  appears  to  have  been  restored  to  his  brother's  honors  and 
inheritance  in  1421,  although  he  is  not  recorded  to  have  been 
summoned  to  Parliament  until  the  4th  Henry  VI. 

t  Vide  a  Note  in  the  last  page  relative  to  these  Barons. 

F  f3 

74ff  ftBnsRENces  to  thk 

Anno  1425.— V<4.  IV.  p.  861.  b.  Art.  7.  3  Hen.  VL  TaiBtl 
OF  Pbtitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Crumwell. 

Ibid.  p.  263.  Art.  8. 

.  Le  Sire  de  Bour|;fachier 
Le  Sire  de  Scrope  *• 

Anno  1425.— Vol.  IV.  p.  862  \  Art.  10.  3  Hen.  VL  Amoof 
the  Peers  present  in  Parliament  on  the  14th  May»  are 
the  foUuwing  Barons  : 

Johanne  de  Grey  WiU'c  de  Botreaux 

Will'o  de  Ferrariis  de  Groby  WiU'o  de  Haryngton>  & 

Jaeobo  de  Audeley  Job'e  de  Dacre  X*  ac 

Lodovico  de  Buurfhebier  Joh'e  de  Roos  §,  infra  statem 
Radulpbo  de  Crumwell  existen'. 

Johanne  Lecrop  f  Waltro  Hungerford  |1 

Willielmo  de  Clyntoa  Jofaaone  Tiptoft  H 
Robert  de  Ponynges 

Anno  I486.— Vol.  IV.  p.  395  \  Art.  6. 4  Hen.  VL    Trieu      i 
or  Petitions  :  I 

Le  S'r  de  Cramwell  , 

Le  S'r  de  Scrop. 

THd.  p.296.Art.7. 

Le  Sire  de  Bourchier  i 

Le  Sire  de  Ferrers  de  Groby. 

*  Vide  Note  *  in  preceding  page.  > 

f  The  name  of  John  le  Scrope  was  originally  inserted  in  the 
Writ  to  this  Parliament ;  but  according  to  the  copy  printed  by      i 
order  of  the  House  of  Lords,  it  was  afterwards  erssed.    Vide 
Appendix  to  Report  1.  and  II.  p.  861.  I 

X  The  Christian  name  of  Baron  Dacre  was  Thomas;  he  wss      | 
summoned  to  the  Parliament  then  sitting  as  *'  Thome  de  Dscfs 
de  GyUeskad,  Chivaler." 

§  This  Baron  was  not  summoned  in  the  Sd  Hen.  VI.;  aad  ss  he 
was  under  sge  the  cause  of  his  being  omitted  Is  satisfsctorily 
accounted  for. 

If  Vide  Note  •  to  p.  744.^ 


Anno  1426.— Vol.  IV.  p.  297.  Art.  12.  4  Hen.  VI.  Among 
the  personages  appointed  in  Parliament,  Tuesday,  12th 
March,  to  act  as  Arbitrators  of  the  disputes  between  the 
Duke  of  Gloucester  and  the  Bishop  of  Winchester 

Ralph  de  Cromewell. 

Anno  1427.— Vol.  IV.  p.3l6b.  Art.  8.  6  Hen.  VI.  ^Triers 
OF  Petitions: 

Le  Sire  de  Boorchier 
Le  Sire  de  Tiptoft. 

Ibid.  p.  317.  Art.  9. 

Le  Sire  de  Crumwell. 

Anno  1428.— Vol.  IV.  p.327i>.  Art.  27- 6  Hen.  VI.  Among 
the  **  Lordes  Spirituell  and  Temporell,  assembled  by  the 
commantlement  of  the  Kyng  Olire  soverain  Lord  in  yis  his 
present  Parlement"  who  signed  a  Declaration  and  Answer 
relative  to  the  Powers  of  the  Protector,  the  Barons 
Jacobus  de  Audcley  Waltenis  Hungerford  The- 

Lodowicus  de  Bourghchier  saurarius  Anglie 

Reginaldus  le  Warr*  Johannes  de  Tiptost 

Johannes  TEscrop  Robertus  de  Ponynges. 

Radulphus  de  Cromwell 

Annir  1429.— Vol.  IV.  p.  336.  Art.  7.  8  Hen.  VI.  Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Cromwell 
Le  Sire  de  Tiptoft. 

Ibid,  Art.  8. 

Le  Sire  de  Roos 
Le  Sire  le  Scrop. 

Anno  1430.— Vol.  IV.  p.  344 1>.  Art.  28.  8  Hen.  VI.  Among 
the  Lords  who  "  in  pl»no  Parliament©"  subscribed  a 
Schedule  of  Ordinances  for  the  observance  of  the  Dukes 


of  Gloaoeiter  and  Bedford^  aod  other  L^rds  of  the  Kiog^s 
Council,  were, 

Lodowicas  Robeigart 

Radulphus  Cromwell 

Johannes  le  Scrop 

Walterus  Hungreford  Thesaurf  rias  Anglie 

Johannes  Tiptoft. 

Anno  1431.— Vol.  IV.  p.  368.  Art.  8.  9  Hen.  VI.    Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Mons'r  John  Tiptoft. 
Ibid»  Art.  9* 

Le  Sire  de  Scrop 
Le  Sire  de  Ponyng^es. 

Anno  1432.— Vol.  IV.  p.  388^  Art.  7-  10  Hen.  VI.    Triers 
op  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Beaumont 
Le  Sire  de  Hungerfurd. 

Ihid.  p.  389.  Art.  8. 

Le  Sire  de  Ponynges. 

Anno  1433.— Vol.  IV.  p.  419^  Art.  7.  1 1  Hen.  Vf.    Triers 
OP  Petitions  : 

Le  Sir  de  Cromwell 
Le  Sir  de  Hungreford. 

Ibid.  p.  420.  AH.  8. 

Le  Sir  de  Lovell 
Le  Sir  de  Tiptoft. 

Ibid.  p.  438 b.  Art.  15.  11  Hen.  VL  Among  the  Peers 
who  swore  to  observe  certain  articles  agreed  on  in  this 
Parliament  against  Riots,  Treasons,  &care  the  following 
Barons : 

de  Beaumont,  Chiyaler* 
IVillielmus  de  Ferrariis  de  GrOby,  Chivaler 

*  John  de  Beaumont,  by  which  name  he  was  summoned  to 
this  Parliament. 


Willielmui  le  2ouch,  Cbivaler 

Thomas  de  Morley,  Cbivaler 

RadulphuB  Cromwell,  Tbesaurariae  Anglie 

Jacobus  de  Berkeley,  Cbivaler 

Henricus  de  Grey  de  Codenore,  Cbivaler 

IJenricus  le  Bourcbier,  Cbivaler  * 

Johannes  de  Latymer,  Cbivaler  t 

Robertus  de  Ponyng^s,  Cbivaler 

Thomas  de  Dacre,  Cbivaler 

Johannes  de  Welles,  Cbivaler^ 
de  Paaeonberg,  Cbivaler  § 

Willielmus  de  Lovell,  Cbivaler 

Walterus  flun^rford,  Cbivaler 

Johannes  de  Tiptoft,  Cbivaler 
H.  Johannes  Cornewayll  de  Faunhope^  Cbivaler 

Johannes  le  Scrop  de  Masham,  Cbivaler,  pro- 
misit  in  Camera  sua  propria,  quia  infirmus,  in 
manus  Cancellar'  Qututo  die  Deoembris." 

Anno  1435.— Vol.  IV.  p.  48S.  Art.  6. 14  Hen.  VI.    Triers 
or  Petitions  : 

Le  Sir  de  Tiptoft 
1^.  Le  Sir  de  Faunbope. 

md.  Vol.  IV.  p.  483.  Art.  7.  14  Heh.  VI.     Triers  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Ponynges. 

*  His  name  does  not  occur  in  the  Summonses  for  this  year; 
but  it  is  possible  that  he  was  summoned  subsequent  to  the  gene- 
ral Summonses  which  were  dated  34th  May,  as  he  did  not  succeed 
to  the  Barony  until  1st  of  July  following,  but  of  which  no  record 

1*  There  appears  to  be  an  error  in  the  Christian  name  of  this 
Baron  in  the  Kolls  of  Parliament.  John  Nevill  Lord  Latimer 
died  in  the  9th  Hen.  VI.  and  was  succeeded  by  his  son  George, 
who  was  summoned  from  1 0  Henry  VI.  to  9  £dw.  VI. ;  in  the 
Writs  his  name  properly  stands  George. 

t  There  appears  to  be  an  error  in  the  Christian  name  of  this 
Baron  also.  John  de  Welles  died  in  the  9th  Hen.  VI.  and  was 
succeeded  by  his  grandson  Leo  de  Welles,  who  was  summoned 
from  10  to  88  Hen.  VI.  by  Writs  directed  «  Leoui  Wellis,  Ch'r." 

§  William  de  Nevill,  who  was  summoned  to  this  Parliament, 
though  not  with  the  designation  of  Lord  FauConberg.  Vide  p. 

750  RBF£RBMCE8  TO  TH|» 

Anno  1435.— Vol.  IV.  p.  484i>.  |4  H^nry  VI.    Among  the 
Peers  present  in  ParliRnient  were, 

Dominie  de  Audeley  Dominie  de  Cramwelly  Thes' 

Ponyngee  Hungerford 

Fauconberge*  Tiptoft  & 

Fitz-Hugh  1^.  de  Faunhope. 

Anno  1436— Vol.  IV.  p.  496.  Art.  8.  15  Hen.  VI.     Trieks 
OF  Petitions:      ' 

Le  Sire  de  Tiptot. 
Jm,  Art.  9. 

Le  Sire  de  Serop 
Le  Sire  de  Ponyngef. 

Anno  1439.— Vol.  V.  p.  4.  Art. 7.  18  Hen.  VI.    •Triersof 
Petitions  : 

Le  $'r  de  Beaumont 
Le  S'r  de  Audeley. 

Ibid.  Art.  8. 

Le  S'r  de  Berkeley 
Le  S'r  de  Scroop 
1^.  Le  S'r  de  Fa.unhope. 

Anno  1442.—Vol.  V.  p.  36b.  Art.  3.  20  Hen.  VI.    Triers 
OP  Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  Gray  de  Rutby^ 
Le  S'r  Scrop  de  Bolton 
Le  S'r  de  Hungerford 
9.  Le  S'r  de  Faunhope 
Le  S'r  de  Dudley 

Le  S'r  de  Morley 

he  S'r  de  Scroop  de  Masbam. 

Anno  1444.— Vol.  V.  p.  66  b.  Art.  6.  23  Hen.  VI.     Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  Grey  de  Rutliyn 

Le  Sire  de  Dudley 

Le  Sire  de  Fauconberge. 

*  Vide  Note  §  to  the  last  page. 

R01X8  OF  PARUAMBNT.  75 1 

Anno  1444.— Vol.  V.  p.  67.  Art.  7.  33  Hen.  VJ.  Triers  of 

Le  Sire  de  Cromwell 
ht  Site  de  Latymer. 

Anno  1447.— Vol.  V.  p.  129.  Art  7.  25  Hen.  VI.  Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  Sire  de  Scrope  de  Masham 
Le  Sire  de  Dudley. 

JMd,  Art.  8. 

Le  Sire  de  Cromwell 
9.*  Le  Sire  de  Sudley. 

Anno  1449.— Vol.  V.  p.  141  \  Art.  4.  27  Hen.  VI.  Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

^    Le  S'r  de  CromWell 
Le  S*r  de  Moleyns 
Le  S'r  de  Grey. 

Ibid,  Art.  5. 

Le  S'r  de  Dudley 
1^.  Le  S'r  de  Sudeley; 

Anno  1449.— Vol.  V.  p.  171  ^  Art.  4.  28  Hen.  VI.  Triers 
OF  Petitions  : 

^.  LeS'rde  Lisle 

Le  S'r  de  Fitz-Hugh 
9.  Le  S'r  de  Sudeley. 

Ibid.  Art.  5. 

Le  S'r  de  Cromwell 

Anno  1450.— Vol.  V.  p.  182.  Art.  50.  28  Hen.  VI.  "  Me- 
morand'^  that  on  Tuesday  tbe  xviith  day  of  Marcbe,  the 
Kyng  sent  for  all  bis  Lordes  botb  Spirituell  and  Tem- 
porell  thenne  beyng  in  towne,  that  is  for  to  sey  :  (after 
Bishops,  Earls,  and  Abbots), 

Barons  Roos  ,  Barons  Wellyg 

Grey  de  Rutbyn  Scales 

*  Those  Barons  to  whosi  names  this  letter  is  prefixed,  derived 
their  dignities  vmder  a  Patent,  "  Le  Sire  de  Sudley"  mw  Ralph 
Boteler,  who  was  created  by  Patent  10  Sept.  1441,  Bafon  Sudley 
of  Sudley,  co.  Gloucester,  under  which  title  the  article  in  p.  73 
ought  perliaps  to  have  been  placed. 


Baront  Cromwell  Baront  Saj 

l^.  Lisle  SeintAmond 

Ferren  de  Gioby  |^.  Hastynget  * 

Cobham  Moleyns 

Dudley  1^.  Stourton 

1^.  Sudeley  9.  Ryvers  and 

|b.  Beaucbamp  #.  Veisy, 

into  bis  innest  chambre,  witb  a  gavill  wyndowe  over  a 
cloystery  witbin  bia  paley«  of  Westm. ;  and  wbenae 
tbey  were  all  assembled/'  &c. 

Anno  1450.— Vol.  V.  p.  SIO  b.  Art.  4.  S9  H.  VL   Thiers  or 

Le  S*r  de  Cromwell 

Le  S*r  de  Ferrers  de  Groby. 

JHd.  Art.  5. 

LeS'rde  Welles 
Le  SV  de  Roos 
Le  SV  de  Lisle. 

Anno  1453.— Vol.  V.  p.  S27  *».  Art.  4.  31  H.  VI.    Triers  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Grey  de  Rutbyn 
Le  S*r  de  Graystolc 
LeS*r  FitaHug^bf, 

*  No  Beion  was  ioclinled  in  tbe  List  of  Summonses  of  tbis 
year  by  the  name  of  Hastinga ;  but  it  waa  probably  Thomas  Lord 
Hoc  and  Hastings,  so  created  by  Patent  S6  Henry  VI.  and  who 
was  summoned  to  this  Parliament  by  the  title  of  «  Thomas  Hoo, 
Chivaler;"  he  died  in  1453|  and  the  Lord  Hastings  mentioned 
on  the  Rolls  after  1  Edw.  IV.  was  William  Baron  Hastings  of 
Ashby  de  la  Zouch.    Vide  p.  309. 

•f*  Lord  Fitz  Hneh  was  not  summoned  to  Psriiameni  In  the 
81st  Hen.  VI.  William  IV.-19th  Lord  Fitz-Hngh  was  sum- 
moned from  7  to  S9  Hen.  VI.  and  died  in  the  Slst  of  that  reign. 
Henry  his  son  was  not  summoned  until  26  May,  33  Hen.  VI. 
1455  (erroneously  printed  in  p.  341,  "36  May,  twenty-thM 
Hen.  VI  1455)."  In  the  dOth  Hen.  VI.  no  Writs  of  Summons 
appear  to  hare  been  issued. 

moLLt  ov  PARLtAMurr.  753 

Addo  1453.— Vol.  V.  p.  S«7  «>.  Art.  5. 

Le  S*r  de  Cromwell 
Le  S'r  de  Duddeley 
Le  S*r  de  Seint  Amond. 

Anno  1454.— Vol.  V.  p.  249^  Art.  48.  39  Hen.  Vf.    Amonf^ 
the  Peers  prbsbnt  in  Parliament  15  March,  12  Hen.  VI. 
1454,  when  the  Kin|r  created  Prince  Edward,  Prince  of 
Wales  and  Earl  of  Chester,  were  the  following  Barons : 
Wyllugbby    (•  Militet. 
9.Stourton        3 

Anno  1455.— Vol.  V.  p.378  \  Art.  5.  33  Hen.  VI.  Triers  of. 
Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Faukenbrigge 
Le  S*r  de  Cromwell 

IbitL  p.  Si9.  Art.  6. 

Le  S'r  de  Bonvyle 
Le  S'r  de  Berners. 

Anno  1455.— Vol.  V.  p.  279^.  Art.  16.  33  Hen.  VI.  On 
Thursday  the  second  day  of  the  Parliament,  after  the 
Chancellor,  by  command  of  the  King,  had  declared  the 
causes  for  which  they  were  assembled,  '*  prefati  Domini 
inter  se  concordarunt,"  on  the  articles  then  exhibited, 
certain  Lords  as  well  Spiritual  as  Temporal  were-  ap- 
pointed to  consider  and  treat  of  the  said  matters,  among 
whom  were  the  following  Barons : 
Dominus  de  Cromwell 
1^.  Dominus  de  Sudeley . 

Dominus  de  Faucomberge 
1^.  Dominus  de  Stourton. 

Dominus  de  Scales 
Dominus  Fitzwareyn 
Dominus  de  Bonevyle. 

Anno  1453.— Vol.  V.  p.  282b.  &  283.  Art.  25.  33  Hen.  VL 
«•  The  xxui  day  of  July,  the  xxxiii^i  yere  ^f  our  Sove- 
raine  Lord  Kyng  Henry  the  Vh«.  at  Westm'  in  the  grete 
Counsaill  Chambre,  tyme  of  Parlement,  in  the  presence 
of  oure  said  Soveraine  Lord,  the  Lords  Spirituell  and 

VOL.  IE.  6  G 


Temporelly  in  sbewing  theire  troathj^  fettb,  and  love  that 
they  have  and  here  to  bis  Higbnesse,  every  Lord  Spirituell 
leiyng  his  bond  uppon  bis  brest,  and  every  Teoaporell 
Lord  takying  oure  saide  Soveraine  Lord  by  the  hande, 
frely  sware  and  promkted  in  manere  and  forme  that 
folowitb.  r*  itc^-Among  the  names  of  the  said  Peers 
arc  the  following  Barons : 

DominusdeGraydeRotbyn'   Dominus  Ciynton 
Dominus  de  Faukenberge     Dominus  Say 
Dominus  de  Scales  Dominus  Fitz  Wareyn 

Dominus  de  Cromwell  .         Dominus  Bonvyle 
Dominus  Ferrers  de  Groby    Dominus    de   Ruggemond 
O.Dominusde  Sudeley  Gray 

I^.Oominus  de  Beaucbamp        Dominus  de  Bemers 

Dominus  de  Scrop  de  Bolton  Dominus  de  Clifford  * 
1^.  Dominus  Stourton  Dominus  de  Poites  f . 

Anno  l459.^VoL  V.  p.  345  \  Art.  4. 38  Hen.  VI.   Triers  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Clyfford 
Le  S'r  Fitz  Hugh 
Le  S*r  de  Lovell, 

Ibid.  Art.  5. 

Le  S'r  de  Dacre  de  Gilleslond 
Le  S'r  de  Dudley. 
1^.  Le  S'r  de  Beauchamp 
Le  S>  de  Berners. 

Anno  1459.— Vol.  V.  p.  351  b,  &  p.  352.  Art.  26. 38  Hen.  VI. 
Among  the  Peers  who  took  the  oath  of  allegiance  to  the 

*  Lord  Clifford  was  not  summoned  to  this  Parliament ;  no 
Writs  of  Summons  appear  on  record  between  the  3l8t  and  3  8th 
Hen.  VI.  (to  both  of  which  Parliaments  he  was  summoned), 
excepting  in  the  33  Hen.  VI.  the  Parliament  referred  to  in  the 
text,  in  which  he  was  present. 

f  Vide  p.  S84,  relative  to  the  presence  of  this  Baron  in  Par- 
liament. He  is  there  presumed  to  have  been  Richard  de  Grey, 
father  of  John  Ist  Lord  Grey  of  Powis,  but  which  Richard  was 
never  summoned  to  Parliament. 


King,  in  the  Parliament  Chfimber  at  Coventry,  11  Dec. 
this  year,  were  t^e  following  Barons : 

Dominus  Clyfford  |^.  Dominas  Sadeley 

Dominus  Grey  de  Rutbyn  |^.  Dominus  fieauchamp 
Dominus  Grey  Dominus  Rugemond  Grey 

Dominus  Wellys  Dominus  Bonvyle 

Dominus  Greystok  Dominus  Scroupe  de  Ma- 

Dominus  Fitz  Hugh  sham 

Dominus  Dacre  !p.  Dominus  Stourton 

Dominus  Dacre  de  Gyl-  1^.  Dominus  fegremond' 

leslond  Dominus  Berners 

Dominus  Scales  Dominus  Wyllughby 

Dominus  Bergavenoy  Dominus  Stanley 

Dominus  Dudley  Dominus  Nevill. 

Anno  1 460.— Vol.  V.  p. 3T3  b.  Art.  4.  S9  Hen.  VI.    Triers  of 
Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  Grey  de  Rutbyn 
Le  S'r  de  Dacre  ' 
Le  S'r  Fitz  Waryn. 

Ibid.  Art.  5. 

Le  S'r  de  Scrop'  * 

Le  S*r  de  Bonevyle 

Le  S'r  de  Berners 

Le  S'r  de  Rugemond  Grey. 

Anno  1461.— Vol.  V.  p.,461  \  Art.  4.  1  Edw.  IV.    Triers  of 
Petitions  ; 

Le  S'r  de  Audeley  Le  S'r  de  Scrop* 

Le  S'r  de  Grey  Rutbyn  |^.  Le  S'r  de  Stourton 
Le  S'r  de  Greystok  Le  S'r  de  Hastynges 

Le  S'r  de  Clynton  Le  S'r  de  Sutbwyk  f. 

*  Thomas  Lord  Scrope  of  Masham,  and  John  Lord  Scrope  of 
Bolton,  were  both  summoned  this  year,  and  it  is  consequently 
difficult  to  decide  which  Baron  was  the  person  appointed  a  Trier 
of  Petitions  on  the  above  occasion. 

t  Evidently  Humphry  Stafford,  who  was  summoned  to  Pari. 
as  "  Humphrido  Stafford  de  Suthwyck  Chev'r,"  from  26  July, 
1  Edw.  IV.  to  28  Feb.  2  Edw.  IV.  He  was  created  Lord  Staf- 
ford of  Suthwyck  by  Patent,  24  April,  1464,  and  subsequently 
Earl  of  Devon.     Vide  p.  605. 

6  g2 


Anno.  146).— Vol.  V.  p.  462.  Art.  5. 

Le  S'r  Fits  Hugh 
Le  8*r  de  Scrop  de  Upiale 
Le  S*r  de  Cobham  * 
Le  S*r  de  Dacre. 

Anno  1463.— Vol.  V.  p.  49SK  Art.  4. 3  Edw.  IV.    Tiibis  of 


Le  S*r  de  Bernera 
Le  S*r  de  Audeley 
Le  S'r  de  Hastyngec 
Le  S'r  de  Wenlok 
Le  S*r  de  Suthwyk. 

IM.  Art.  5. 

Le  S'r  de  Wyllaghby 
Le  S'r  de  Mount  egue 
Le  S'r  de  Herberd 
Le  S'r  de  Dacre. 

Anno  1467.— Vol.  V.  p.  571 K  Art  4.  T  Edir.  IV.  t    Tiikm 

of  Pbtitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Bernera 
Le  S'r  de  Audeley 
Le  S'r  de  Hastynges. 

llnd.  Art.  5. 

Le  S'r  de  Scales 
Le  S'r  de  Dudeley 
Le  S'r  de  Dacres. 

*  On  the  authority  of  Dugdale's  *' Index  Baronum  SummoDi' 
tlonibus/'  Edward  Broke  Lord  Cobham,  is  stated,  in  p.  148,  only 
to  have  been  summoned  to  Parliament  to  the  38  Hen.  VI.  but  oa 
referring  to  the  Lists  lately  printed  by  order  of  the  House  of  Lords, 
it  appears  that  he  was  also  summoned  2S  May,  and  13  June,  I 
Edw.  IV.  1461,  the  S3  Pec.  S  Edw.  IV.  1462,  and  on  the  S8 
Feb.  S  Edw.  IV.  1463. 

f  The  Summonses  for  this  Parliament  were  issued  anno  6  £dv. 
IV.  to  meet  at  Westmmster  on  the  8d  of  June  following, 
which  day  was  in  the  7th  of  Edw.  IV.  No  Writs  of  Summotf 
are  on  record  for  the  8d,  4th,  7th,  or  8th  Edw.  IV. 


Anno  1471.— Vol.  VI.  p.  334*.  11  Edw.  IV.  Among  the 
Peera  who  took  the  oath  of  alle^ance  to  Edward  Prince 
of  Wales,  as  son  and  heir  apparent  ^f  Edward  IV.  at 
Westminster  «*  in  Camera  Parliamenti/'  3  July,  1 1  Edw. 
IV.  1471,  were, 

£.  Arundell  Mautravers  *      I^.Mountejoye 

A.  Grey  ^  Dynbam 

J.  Doddeley  Howard 

J.  Audeley  Dura9  f 

Dacre  J.  Fenys 

Ed.  Bergevenny  |^.R.  Beaochamp 

J.  Straunge  Sir  Rob*  Fenys 

J.  Scrop  Bourgcbier 

W.Ferrers  T.  Bourgcbier,  and  several 

Berners  Knights. 


Anno  1472.— Vol.  VI.  p.  3^  Art.  4.  l^Edw.  IV.  Triers  of 
Petitions  : 

)&.  Le  S*r  de  Stourton 

Le  S'r  de  Hasty nges 
1^.  Le  S'r  de  Muuntjuye. 
Ibid  Art.  5. 

Le  S'rde  Strauoge 
Le  S'r  de  Dacre. 

*  It  would  appear  that  this  Baron  was  Thoinss  Fitz  Alan,  alias 
Anmdel,  the  eldest  sou  of  WilUam  Fitz  Alan  XVllI.-lSth  Earl 
of  Arundel  and  Baron  Maltravers,  but  no  record  exists  of  the  said 
Thomas  having  been  summoned  to  any  Parliament  as  a  Baron. 
Tlie  initial  of  the  christian  name  is  probably  an  error,  for  the 
baptismal  name  of  no  person  who  could  possibly  use  the  title  of 
**  Maltravers,"  ever  commenced  with  the  letter  £. 

•f-  Although  ^his  and  the  following  names  are  inserted  above,  it 
does  not  appear  that  either  of  them  were  Barons  of  the  realm, 
excepting  the  signature  of  <<  Bourgcbier,"  who  was  probably 
Fulk  Lord  Fitz  Waryn ,  no  Writ  of  Summons  to  a  Temporal 
Peers  is  on  record  either  in  the  10  or  11  Edw.  IV.  <<R.  Qeau- 
champ,"  might  be  an  error  for  John  Lord  Beauchamp  of  Powykv 
who  was  summoned  in  the  12  Edward  IV. 

G  63 


Anno  !47«.-Vol  VI.  p.  1G7K  Art.6.  ITEdir.  IV*.    Them 
OF  Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Stanley. 
Le  S'r  de  Hastynges 
Le  S'r  de  Dynham. 

Ibid  Art.  7. 

9.  Le  SVde  Beauchamp 
Le  S'r  de  Ferrers. 

Anno  1483.— Vol.  VI.  p.  196  b.  Art  4.  22  Edir.  IV.    Teiem 

or  Petitions  : 

Le  S'r  de  Stanley 

Le  S'r  Hasty nges  * 

Le  b'r  de  Dacre. 

IHd.  Art.  5. 

Le  S'r  de  Dudley 
Le  S'r  de  Fits  Hu|[h 
Le  S'r  de  Scrope. 

Anno  l484.-.Vol.  VI.  p.  S38.  Art.  1.  1  Ric.  IIL     Trieii  or 

Petitioms  : 

Le  S'r  de  Grey  t 
Le  S'r  de  Awdetey 

Anno  1485.— Vol.  VL  p.  268.  1  Hen.  VII.    Triers  or  Pe- 
titions : 

Le  S*r  de  Bergevenny 

*  No  Writs  of  Summons  to  Parliament  appear  on  record  be- 
tween 12  &  S3  £dw.  IV.  £aoh  of  these  five  Barons  was  som- 
mpned  18  £dw.  IV.  and  likewise  in  22  £dw.  IV.  excepting  Lord 
Beauchamp,  who  died  in  1475,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  son 
Richard,  who  was  summoned  22  £dw.  IV. 

f  Three  Barons  Orer  were  summoned  to  this  Parliament,  viz. 
Reginald  Grey  de  Wilton,  "HeniyGrey,  Ch'r;"  and  ««Joha 
Grey  de  Powes ;"  but  there  are  no  means  of  ascertaining  wluch 
of  them  was  the  Trier  of  Petitions  on  the  above  occasion. 

t  Richard  Lord  Beauchamp  of  Powyck. 


Le  S'r  de  Cobbam 
1^.  Le  S'r  de  Beaucbamp. 
Le  S'r  Fitzwater 
Le  S'r  de  Dudley. 

Anno  1485.— Vol.  VI.  p.  288.  Art.  15.  1  Hen.  VII.  Among 
the  Peers  »hotook  an  oath  in  Parliament  against  abetting 
treason,  felonies,  &c.  were  the  following  Barons,  viz. 




Fitz  waiter 

Grey  de  Wylton 
1^.  Beaucbamp,  & 

Hastings  *. 

Anno  1487.— Vol.  VI.  p.  386.  3  Hen.  Vll.    Triers  of  Pi- 


Le  S'r  de  Aodely  f 
Le  S'r  de  Bergevenny 
Le  S'r  Gray. 

Le  Sire  Fitzwater 
Le  Sire  Strauuge. 

Anno  1488.— Vol.  VL  p.  410.  4  H.  VII.     Triers  of  Pe- 
titions : 

Le  Sire  de  Bergevenny 
LeSired' Audeley]: 
Le  Sire  d'  Ormond  §. 

*  In  the  List  of  Siunmonses  to  this  Parliament,  the  names  of 
Hlcbard  de  Welles  and  of  Edward  Hastings  de  Hungerford  are 
fncladed;  the  latter  was  likewise  Baron  Hastbgs  of  Ashby  de  la 
Zouche#  Hence  it  is  difficult  to  determine  which  of  these  iodi- 
^duals  was  the  Baron  then  present  in  Parliament. 

-f*  Apparentlj  John  Touchet  VI.-18th  Baron  Audley,  who  is 
recorded  to  have  been  sommoned  to  Parliament  from  1  £dw.  IV. 
<Ce  1  Ric.  III.  and  to  have  died  in  1491,  but  although  his  name  does 
not  occur  in  the  Lilts  of  Summons  published  bj  Uugdale,  of  the 
^  &  4  Hen*  VII.  it  is  evident  he  was  present  in  Parliament  in 
those  years. 

}  Vide  the  preceding  note. 

§  The  earliest  notice  of  an  iSnglLih  Baron  of  this  title  is  the 
14  October,  11  Hen.  Vll.  1495,  when  Thomas  Butler,  7th 


Le  S'r  Dynham 
Le  Sy'r  de  )a  Warre 

Anno  1491.— Vol.  VI.  p.  441.  Art.  1.7  Hen.  VII.    Thiers  op 


D'flus  DyDham,  Miles 

D'nus  Scrop  de  Bolton 
D'nus  Audeley*. 

Anno  1495.— Vol.  Vi.  p.  458  b.  1 1  H.  VII.      Triers  of  Pe- 


D'nas  de  Orroond 
D'nus  de  la  Warre 
D'nus  Dudley 
0.  D*nu8  Daabeney. 

D'nus  Bergevenny 
D'nus  Straunge 
D*nu9  Audeley. 

Anno  1496.— Vol.  VI.  p.  509*.   12  H.  Vfl.     Triers  op  Pe- 
titions s 

Le  Sn'r  Beauchamp 
1^.  Le  Sn'r  Daubeney 
Le  Sn'r  Broke. 

Ibid,  p.  510. 

Le  Sn'r  Dynham 
Le  Sn'r  Hastynf^es. 

Earl  of  Onnond  in  Ireland  was  summoned  to  Parliament  fay  the 
style  of  "  ThomaB  Ormond  de  Roehfbrd>  €hev'.*'  From  tbe 
aboTe  record  it  is  evident,  however,  that  he  aat  in  Pariiament 
about  seven  years  before  he  was  sommoniBdy  unless,  as  it  is  not 
Improbable,  the  Lists  published  by  Dugdale  are  imperfect ; 
those  printed  by  order  of  the  House  of  Lonls  terminate  with  the 

*  James  Touchet  Lord  Audley,  son  and  heir  of  John  Lord 
Audley  noticed  in  the  note  to  the  last  page  ;  he  was  summoned 
from  12  August  in  this  yeaf  to  18  ilen.  VIC. 


Anno  1503.— Vol.  VI.  p.  521.  19  H.  VII.    Triers  of  Pe- 


1^  Le  SV  Daubeney 
Le  S'r  Hastinges 
Le  S'r  Herberd 
Le  S'r  Burgavenney 
Le  S'r  Dacre  de  Dacre 
9.  Le  S'r  Mountjoye. 

The  preceding;  proofs  of  Barons'  Sitting^s  in  Parliament 
hare  been  extracted  solely  from  the  Rolls  of  Parliament  t 
but  the  following  copy  of  the  celebrated  Letter  from  the 
BaroQS  assembled  m  the  Parliament  held  at  Lincoln  in  Fe- 
bruary, 89  Edw.  I.  anno  1301,  to  Pope  Boniface  VI H.  on 
behalf  of  themselves  and  the  whole  community  of  Engrland, 
would  have  been  inserted  in  its  proper  place  accordini^  to 
chronological  order,  as  an  unquestionable  proof  that  those 
Peers  whose  names  occur  therein  sat  in  Parliament  ou 
that  occasion,  had  not  the  Editor  been  aware  that  some 
doubt  exists  in  the  minds  of  many  individuals  who  are 
highly  competent  to  judge  of  the  subject,  as  to  the  authen- 
ticity of  the  document  itself  *.  Under  these  circumstances, 
he  has  thought  it  advisable  to  place  the  letter  after  the  ex- 
tracts from  the  Rolls  of  Parliament,  and  also  to  enter,  at 
some  length,  into  the  consideration  of  the  question.  With 
this  object,  first,  notes  are  added  to  the  name  of  each  per- 
son who  was  not  included  in  the- Writ  to  the  Parliament 
ordered  to  be  held  at  Lincoln,  containing  such  facts  as  are 
recorded  of  him,  in  order  that  some  judgment  may  be  formed 
of  the  cause  of  his  then  acting  as  a  Baron  of  Parliament ;  2dly, 
correct  lists  are  inserted  of  the  Barons  who' were  summoned 
to  the  said  Parliament,  but  whose  names  do  not  occur  in 
the  /eiter;  of  such  Barons  whose  names  are  inserted  in 
the  jetter,  bivt  who  were  not  summoned  to  that  Parlia- 
m^t,  distinguishing  those  who  bad  been  summoned  to 
pevious  Parliaments  (and  particularly  marking  such  as  re- 
ceived Writs  to  the  Parliament  tjMm«<fta/«/y  preceding,  and 

o  Cruise's  Treatise  on  Dignities,  9d  edit,  and  I.  and  II.  Re- 
iDiOTt  of  the  Lords'  Committee  on  the  Dignity  of  a  Peer  of  the 
flealm,  p.  240,  et  seq.  cited  hereafter. 


7^2  BABOm'   UTTKR 

iuch  at  were  only  6umiiione4  on  the  doubtful  oceasionsof 
the  2?d  and  25th  Edw.  1.)  from  those  who  were  eitbernot 
summoned  for  several  years  afterwards,  and  the  latter, 
from  those  to  whom  no  Writs  of  Summons  to  Parliament  are 
recorded  ever  to  have  been  issued  j  and,  lastly,  such  obser 
vatioDS  in  support  of  the  authenticity  of  the  letter  are  snb- 
mitted,  as  an  attentive  examination  of  the  subject  has 

The  importance  of  the  document,  not  merely  in  an  nn- 
torical  point  of  view,  for  as  such  its  discussion  would  not 
belong  to  this  work,  but  as  evidence  of  many  Barons  hariDg 
sat  in  Parliament  under  the  WriU  directed  to  them  at  a 
period  when  such  proofii  of  the  fact  cannot,  from  the  la- 
mentable deBciency  of  parliamentary  records,  otherwise  be 
found,  and  consequently  establishing  t\je  existence  of  many 
Baronies  in  their  descendants,  which^  if  this  evidence  be 
rejected,  must  be  deemed  extinct,  will,  it  is  hoped,  apolo- 
gize for  the  space  appropriated  to  its  consideration.  It  is, 
the  Editor  trusts,  needless  for  him  to  assert  that  bis  re- 
marks are  offered  with  unfeigned  diffidence;  and  as  the 
question,  in  itself  one  of  great  difficulty,  is  rendered  ex- 
tremely embarrassing,  from  his  having  tu  contend  against 
an  opinion,  the  reasons  for  which  have  never,  he  believes, 
been  publicly  expressed,  he  is  confident  he  may  rely  on  that 
indulgence,  which  the  consideration,  for  the  first  time  of  a 
subject  no  less  obscure  than  important,  so  obviously  requires. 

S'c'issimo  in  Xp'o  p'ri  D'no  B.  divinj^p'videncia  SVe  Ro- 
roane  ac  univ*salis  eccl'ie  sum*o  pontifici«y  devoti  filii. 

^  Joh'es,  Com'  Warenn*  * 

^  Thorn'  Com'  Lancastrie  \ 

i  Rad'us  de  Monte  H'meri,  Com'  Glouc*  &  Herf  X 

%  Those  persons  to  whose  names  this  mark  is  prefixed^' 
duly  summoned  to  the  Parliament  in  which  this  letter  was  sew 

•  Earl  of  Surrey,  by  which  title  he  was  summoned  to^ 
Parliament.  \ 

f  Earl  of  Hertford  and  Gloucester,  jure  uxoris,  froxn  27  1?  ] 
I.  1«99,  to  her  death  in  1307,  after  which  he  was  summoned \ 
Parliament  as  a  Baron  only.  •* 



TO  THK   POPE,  ANilO    IsSOl.  763 

%  Humfr'  da  Bohun»  Com'  Hereford  et  Efff  ex>  &  Contab' 

t  Roe's  Bigod,  Com'  NorP  &  Maresch*  Angl 
If  Gttido,  Com'  Warr' 
i  R\e\  Com'  Arundell' 
If  Adomar*  de  ValenC,  D'n's  de  Montiniaeof 
i  Henr*  de  Lancastr*,  D'n's  de  Muoemue 
^  Job'eB  de  Haftyng%  D'nus  de  Bergeveny  % 
If  Henr*  de  Percy,  D*n'ut  de  Topclive  § 
i  Edmu'dus  de  Mortuo  Mari,  D'li't  de  Wigemor' 
^  Rob'tuB,  fir  Walteri,  D'n's  de  Wodeham 
Joh'es  de  S'c'o  Job'e,  D'n'us  de  Hannak  || 

*  It  is  a  £ftct  worth  stating,  in  this  place,  though  not  imme- 
diately  connected  with  the  object  of  the  insertion  of  this  letter, 
that  on  each  side  of  the  arms  of  Bohun,  on  the  seal  of  this  Earl, 
b  a  shield,  suspended  from  what  would  appear  to  be  a  trefoil, 
chaiged  with  the  arms  of  Fitz-Fiers,  Earls  of  Essex,  which 
Earldom  was  acquired  by  the  Bohuns  in  conseouence  of  the 
marriage  of  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  Earl  of  Hereford,  (the 
grandfiither  of  the  Esrl  whose  seal  is  aflSxed  to  this  do- 
cnment,)  with  Maud,  sister  and  heir  of  William  Fitz-Piers,  the 
last  Earl  of  Essex  of  that  family.  This  is  perhaps  the  earliest 
instance  of  any  approach  to  the  sjstem  of  quartering  arms,  which 
was  not  regularly  adopted  in  this  country,  though  examples 
somei^t  earlier  are  to  be  found  on  the  continent,  until  the  reign 


t  He  succeeded  his  fiither  as  Earl  of  Pembroke  in  1996,  though 
he  never  used  that  title  until  1  Edw.  H.  1308,  when  he  was  sum- 
mooed  to  Parlisment  by  that  appellation. 

X  The  arms  of  the  family  of  Hastings,  of  Bergavenny,  afi;er- 

wards  Earls  of  Pembroke,  are  always  described  as.  Or,  a  maunch 

'^des ;  but  those  on  the  seal  of  this  Baron  differ  materially  there- 

m,  as,  on  the  one  side  is  a  cross  between  four  fleurs  de  lis, 

'^''kgedwith  five  fleurs  de  lis,  and  on  the  other  side  a  cross 

^^J^god  with  five  fleur  de  lis,  between,  in  the  first  and  fourth 

|irs,  a  lion  passant  gardant>  and  in  the  Sd  and  Sd  quarters  a 


was  seVenry  Percy,  sealed  with  the  arms  of  Brabant  solely. 

aed  to  iissibly  the  same  person  who  was  summoned  to  this  Par- 

i  as  "  John  de  St.  John  de  Lageham ;"  but  his  designa- 

»in  27  ^i  Lord  of  Hannak,  would  rather  admit  the  inference  that  it 

010)00^  im  de  St.  John  (son  and  heir  apparent  of  John  de  St. 

■  Basing),  who  was  not  summoned  to  the  Parliament  at 

i,  but  was  summoned  to  the  previous  parliament  by  Writ 

764  lAiioRs'  UTnit 

^  Hog*  Ae  Veer*  0'n'i  de  Swanseehaunpi# 
^  Will's  de  Breouse,  D'n*s  de  Gower 
%  Rob'tns  de  Monte  Alto,  D'n's  Hawardyn 
%  Rob'tu9  de  Tatteshale,  D'n's  de  Bokehanr 
^  Reginaldas  de  Grey,  D'n's  de  Rutbyn 

Henr*  de  Grey,  D'n*s  de  Codenore* 
%  Hugo  de  Bardolf,  D'n'a  de  Wirmejceye 
%  Rob'tus  de  Tony,  D'n's  de  eattro  Matiil* 

Will'  de  Ros,  D'n's  de  Haidelak  f 
Y  Rob'tus  de  Cliffuid,  castellanus  de  Appelb^ 

Petr*  de  Malo  Lacu,  D'n's  de  Mulgreve  I 
%  Pb's,  D'n's  de  Kyme 
^  Rob'tus,  fir  Rog'i,  D'n's  de  Clav'yng' 
^  Joh'es  de  Mobun,  D'n's  de  Dunsterre 
%  Almaricus  de  S'e*o  Amando,  D'n's  de  Wydebay 
^  Alanus  la  Zoucb,  D'n's  de  Assbeby 
if  Will'  de  Ferar',  D'n's  de  Groby 

Theobald  de  Verdun,  D'n's  de  Webbele$ 

tested  at  Berwick,  December,  88,  1S99,  and  directed  *'  Job'» 
de  S'c'o  Job'i,  jnoiori,"  from  tbe  circumstance  that  the  St. 
John's  of  Basing  possessed  tbe  manor  of  HalnaCf  afterwaid» 
Halnakerd,  in  Sussex ;  and  no  place  at  all  similar  in  name  appears 
among  the  possessions  of  which  John  St.  John  of  LagehuD,  or 
any  of  his  family,  died  seized.  The  arms  on  his  seal,  viz.  oa  a 
chief  two  mullets,  allow  of  no  conclusion,  as  both  the  &miUes  of 
St.  John  alluded  to  bore  nearly  the  same  coat. — ^Vlde  Dugdalei 
vol.  II.  p.  9  i  and  vol.  I.  p  464. 

*  He  was  not  summoned  to  this  Parliament,  althoi^b  be  wss 
summoned  on  tbe  9Sd,  and  twice  in  the  97th  £dw.  1.  but  not 
again,  for  nearly  nine  years,  viz.  in  the  Ist  and  9d  £dw.  11.  sod 
died  in  the  year  last  mentioned. 

t  This  Baron  likewise  was  not  summoned  to  this  Pariiament) 
though  he  was  summoned  in  the  2Sd,  87th,  and  80th  £dw.  1. 
and  from  tbe  1st  to  the  9th  £dw.  II. 

X  Though  not  summoned  to  this  Parliament,  be  was  summooed 
to  the  Parliament  immediately  preceding,  viz.  on  tbe  89tb  Dec.; 
and  also  from  the  3Sd  £dw.  I.  to  3d  £dw.  II. 

§  Theobald  de  Verdon  was  summoned  to  the  Parliament  imme* 
Jiately  preceding,  viz.  on  the  89th  Dec.  88  £dw.  I.  as  well  as  to 
several  Parliaments  both  before  and  after,  but  his  name  does  not 
appear  in  the  Writs  of  Summons  to  this  Parliament.  There  is 
some  difficulty  in  deciding  whether  the  Theobald  de  Verdon  pre' 
sent  on  this  occasion  was  the  person  usually  summoned  as  Theo* 

TO  TUB  P0f«9  ANNO  J301.  ^$^ 

f  Thorn' lie  Fumivallv  IPb's  deSbeflbld 

%  Thorn'  de  MoltoB%  D'n's  de  Egremont 

^  Will's  le  Latim',  D'n'e  de  Corby 

^  Thorn'  D'n's  de  Berkely 

f  Fulco  fil'  Warini,  D'n's  de  Whitington 

^  Job's  DVsdeSeg'ave 

^  Edai'os  de  Eyncourt,  D'n's  de  ThurgeHton 

f  Pet'r  Corbet,  D'n's  de  Cati« 

^  Will's  de  CantilupS  D'n's  de  Ravenesthorp' 

^  Job's  de  Bellocampoy  D'n's  de  Haoche 

%  Rog'us  de  Mortuo  Man,  D'n's  de  Pentkellyn 

f  Job's  fil'  Regin',  D'n's  de  Bleksneny 

Ranulphus  de  Nevill'^  D'n's  de  Raby  * 
f  Brianus  fil  Alani,  D'n's  de  Bedale 

WilTtti  Mareschalt,  D'n's  de  Hengh'am  f 

bald  de  Verdon,  senior^  or  bis  son,  who  was  desigoated  in  the 
Writs  of  SoDunons  as  Theobald  de  Verdon,  junior;  for  both  were 
summoned  to,j^he  Parliament  immediately  preceding.  The  Castle 
of  WebbeleTy  in  the  county  of  Hereford,  was  acquired  by  the 
marriage  of  John  de  Verdon  (fittber  of  Theobald  de  Verdon,  senior) 
with  bis  first  wife,  Mugery,  dau.  of  Gilbert  de  Laci,  and  might 
have  been  assigned  to  Ineobald  de  Verdon,j]mtor,  by  his  fiither, 
for  his  residence  and  support. 

*  He  was  regularly  summoned  to  Parliament  from  83  to  S7 
£dw.  I.  hot  not  agun  until  the  5tH  £dw  II. ;  nor  is  his  name  to 
be  f<yund  in  the  Writs  of  service  within  that  period.  It  would  be 
diffieult,  if  not  impossible,  to  account  for  this  louf  interruption, 
unless  be  was  absent  from  the  kingdom  on  the  King's  service: 
from  the  5tb  £dw.  II.  he  was  summoned  until  the  6tb  £dw.  III. 
in  whicb  year  he  died. 

f  This  Baron  does  not  appear  to  have  been  summoned  to  Par- 
liament until  the  3d  £dw.  II.  (and  from  thence  to  the  7tb  £dw. 
II.  and  died  in  the  following  year)  though,  in  1284,  he  sue- 
oeeded  bis  father  John  Marshall,  who  was  a  Baron  bv  Tenure. 
His  seal  contams  two  batons,  pne  on  each  side  of  nis  arms, 
which  were  probably  indicative  of  bis  hereditary  office  of  Mar- 

VOL.  II.  H  H 

661  barons'  LBrrER 

^  Walt'as  D'n's  de  Hant'cumbe 
^  Will'ufi  Martin,  D'd's  de  CamcUo 
f  Henr*  de  1  yes  D'n'a  de  Chiiton 
^  Rof,*u»  le  Ware,  D'n's  de  Isefeld 
^  Job's  de  Ripar',  D'n's  de  Atigre 
^  Job's  de  Lancastr*,  D'n's  de  Grisdale 
^  l^ob's  fil'  Pagan  i,  D'a's  de  Lammer 

Henr'  Tregoz,  D'n's  de  Garingea  * 
.  i|f  Rad's  Pipard,  D'n's  de  Linford 
^  Walt'us  D'n's  de  Faueumb'ge 

Rog'us  le  Estr'ange  de  Ellesm'e  f 
f  Jobannes  Lestr^ange  de  Cknokyn 

Thom'  de  Chaurces,  D'n's  de  Norton  X 

sball  of  Ireland,  which  vras  granted  in  fee  to  John  Manhall  his 

freat  great  grandfather,  bj  King  John.  At  the  time  when  this 
arliament  assembled  he  was  barely  of  age,  as  be  was  but  five 
years  old  at  the  death  of  his  father  in  1284;  and  though  possible 
just  twenty-one  when  the  Writs  for  it  were  issued,  yet  as  he  could 
scarcely  have  had  time  to  obtain  livery  of  his  -mheritance,  his 
not  having  been  summoned  to  this  or  to  previous  Parliaments  is 
accounted- for.  His  attendance,  however,  may  be  attributed  to  his 
official  situation ;  and  possibly  in  the  interval  between  the  issubg 
of  the  Writs,  26  Sept.  1300,  and  the  Februarv  following,  whra 
the  Parliament  met,  he  might  have  done  his  homage,  and  been 
admitted  to  his  lands. 

*  Henry  de  Tregoz  was  not  summoned  to  Parliament  until  the 
S3d  £dw.  I.  though  he  was  summoned  in  the  32d  £dw.  1.  to  a 
council  (on  which  Writ  see  some  observations  under /*Clt- 
VEDON,"  p.  141).  In  the  same  year  in  which  he  was  present  tt 
this  Parliament  he  obtained  the  King's  license  for  a  market  ind 
fair  at  Gatinges,  in  Sussex :  from  the  d3d  he  was  summoned  ontii 
the  15th  Edw.  II. ;  after  which  period  nothing  is  known  of  bin. 
•f*  This  Baron  is  recorded  to  have  been  three  times  sumroooed 
to  Parliament  in  the  2Sd  Edw.  I.  and  again  in  the  24th  and  35th 
of  that  reign,  but  never  afterwards,  though  it  is  certain  that  he 
lived  until  the  3 1st  Edw.  I.  130S. 

X  Thomas  de  Chaworth  was  summoned  to  Parliament  22d  sod 
25th  and  27th  Edw.  I.  but  never  afterwards,  nor  were  any  ef 
his  posterity. 

TO  THE  POPE,  AYiNO  1301.  767 

WaU'us  de  Bellocanpot  D'n's  Alecestr*  * 
Ri'euB  Talebot,  D'ii*s  de  Ekleswellf 
Joh'es  Bettetourte,  D*n*8  de  Mendesham  t 

*  No  person  of  this  family  is  recorded  to  have  been  summoned 
to  Parliament  until  his  descendant,  John  Beauchamp,  was  created, 
bj  Patent,  Baron  Beauchamp  of  Powyck,  in  1447*  This  Walter 
de  Beauchamp  was,,  in  the  24  Edw.  I.  Steward  of  the  King's 
household,  and  attended  him  into  Flanders  in  the  25th,  and  into 
Scotland  in  the  S6th  year  of  his  reign :  in  the  S8th  £dw.  I.  he 
obtained  a  grant  of  free  warren  in  all  his  demesne  lands  at  Alcester, 
in  the  county  of  Warwick,  as  also  at  Powyck,  and  other  places  in 
Gloucestershire.  From  three  documents  printed  in  the  edition 
of  the  Fcedera^  published  by  order  of  the  Record  Commission  in 
1816  (Vol.  1.  Part  II.  p.  944,  et  ante,)  the  first  dated  SO  Oct.  28 
£dw.  I.  the  second  13  July,  SO  £dw.  I.  and  the  .third  8  Oct.  SO 
£dw.  I«  it  is  certain  that  he  was  Seneschal  to  the  King  in  those 
years,  and,  as  it  has  just  been  observed,  on  the  authority  of 
Dugdale,  that  he  held  that  office  in  the  34th  £dw.  I.  it  can 
'scarcely  be  doubted  that  he  was  possessed  of  it  when  the  Parlia- 
ment met  at  Lincoln,  the  importance  of  which  satisfactorily 
explains  the  cause  of  his  being  present  in  Parliaitient,  and  being 
considered  as  a  Baron  of  the  realm.  In  the  Writ  of  Service, 
tested  Stayvinagg,  26  Sept.  26  £dw.  I.  the  names  of  the  persons 
summoned  are  divided  into  two  classes ;  against  the  first  division 
the  word  **  Comit* "  occurs,  and  opposite  to  the  second  class  is 
the  word  <*  Baron'  ;'*  and  in  the  latter  list  Walter  de  Beauchamp's 
name  is  inserted.  This  circumstance  is  deserving  of  some  atten- 
tion; for,  with  the  exception  of  the  «Coute  Patrik,"  this  Walter 
de  Beauchamp,  John  Hoddelston  (who,  as  it  will  be  noticed 
hereafter,  wasdiso  present  in  the  Parliament  at  Lincoln),  John 
de  Cantilupe,  Simon  Fresel,  and  Richard  Syward,  every  person, 
amounting  altogether  to  one  hundred  and  eighteen,  whose  name 
IS  inserted  in  that  list,  Was  regularly  summoned  to  Parliament 
some  time  in  that  reign. 

'f*  Notwithstanding  that  he  succeeded  in  1374  to  a  Barony 
by  Tenure,  and  was  evidently  a  personage  of  considerable  im- 
portance, he  is  not  recorded  to  have  been  summoned  to  Parlia- 
ment. He  died  inlS06,  leaving  Gilbert  his  son  and  heir,  who 
was  summoned  to  Pari,  from  4  to  17  Edw.  III. 

X  This  Baron  is  not  stated  to  have  been  summoned  to  Parlia- 
ment until  the  Ist  £dw.  II.  but  during  the  greatest  part  of  the 


^  Joh's  Engayn,  D'n's  dc  Cohnnb 
^  Hugo  Points,  D'n's  de  Corim&let 
^  Ad' D Vide  Welle 
^  Simon  D'n's  de  Monte  Acuto 
5f  Joh'es  D'n's  de  SuUeye 

Joh'o  de  Moeles,  D'n's  de  Caudebir'  * 
^  Edm'us  Baro  Staff 
^  Job's  Lovel,  D'n's  de  Dakkynip  f 
^  Edmu's  de  Hasting^  D'n's  de  Enchimeholmok 
%  Rad's  fil'  WiU'i,  D'n's  de  Grinthorp 
^  Rob'tus  de  Skales,  D'n's  de  Neuseles 
^  Will'us  Tbouchety  D'n's  de  Lerenbales 
^  Job's  ab  Adam,  D'n's  de  Bev'tston 

Job's  de  Hav'inggeSf  D'n's  de  Grafton  % 

reign  of  £dw.  I.  be  beld  some  distinguisbed  office  :  in  1S94  be 
WM  Admiral  of  the  King's  Fleet,  and  attended  tbat  monarch  into 
Gascoien,  and  into  Scotland  in  1397»  1S98,  1299,  and  1804. 
From  the  Ist  he  was  regularly  summoned  to  the  18tb  of  Edw.  II. 
in  which  year  he  died. 

*  John  de  Moels  was  summoned  to  Parliament  the  25th  and 
S7th  of  £dw.  I.  and  3d,  Sd,  and  4th  Edw.  11.  though  omitted 
in  the  28th  of  Edw.  I.  j  like  nearly  every  other  Baron  who  wu 
in  the  Parliament  at  Lincoln,  he  was  summoned  to  be  at  CSr- 
lisle,  with  horse  and  arms,  on  24  June,  28  Edw.  I. ;  and  if  be 
obeyed  the  Writ,  he  was  probably  out  of  the  kingdom  when 
tbe  Writs  for  the  Parliament  to  be  held  at  Lincoln  were  issued; 
but  as  this  observation  applies  to  the  majority  of  those  in- 
cluded in  tbat  Writ  of  Service*  no  deduction  can  be  made  there- 
from, unless  It  be  presumed  either  that  few  actually  assembled  st 
Carlisle  on  the  day  appointed,  and  that  they  who  did  so  were 
those  whose  names  were  omitted ;  or  that  all,  excepting  tbe  per- 
sons not  summoned  on  the  26  Sept.  28  Edw.  I.  returned  befon 
the  issuing  of  the  said  Writs. 

i*  He  was  summoned  to  this  Parliament  as  John  l4>vel  of 
Tichmersh;  but  Dugdale  states  that  he  died  seized  of  certain 
lands  in  Docking,  in  Norfolk,  which  probably  were  those  of 
which  he  described  himself  as  Lord. 

X  There  is  considerable  difficulty  In  identifying  this  Baron.  In 
the  37th  of  Edw.  I.  two  Writs  of  Summons  to  Parliament  were 
issued  to  a  John  (k  HavHng*,  and  to  this  very  Parliament,  as  well 
as  to  that  immediately  preceding,  it  appears  that  among  the  Judges 

TO  THE  POPE,.  ANNO  1301.  769 

^  Rob'tuB  la  Warde»  D'n*s  de  Alba  Aula 
^  Nich's  de  Seg'ave,  D'n's  de  Stowe  * 

uidClerlcs  of  theCouQcil>  a  "  John  de  Hav'ing','*  who  Is  described 
M   Joh'i   de    Hav'ing,  Justic'  Northwal],"    was  satnmoned. — 
Among  the  Barons  to  whom  Writs  were  issued  on  this  occasion, 
was  a  t/ohn  de  Clavering,  but  who  was  not  present  at  Lincoln, 
and  some  writers  have  considered  that  the  name  of  Havering  was 
erroneously  placed  cm  the  Rolls  of  27  £dw.  I.  for  Qavering, 
from  the   circumstance   of  a   John  de    Clavenag  having  been 
summoned  from  10  April,  28  £dw.  I.  to  5  April,  6£dw.  III. 
In  two  records  printed  In  the  Fcedera,  the  name  of  John  de 
Havering  occurs;  the  first  is  dated  in  the  25th  £dw.  J.  in  which 
he  was  appointed,  among  others  Knights  and  Sheriffs,  to  Inquire 
into  the  cause  of  certain  disturltances,  and  the  department  as- 
signed him  was  "  Norwales ;"  and  in  the  second  document  alluded 
to,  dated  J  4  Dec.  S6  £dw..  I.  he  is  addressed  as  Justice  of  North 
Wales.    The  arms  on  the  seal  of  this  Baron,  as  affixed  to  the 
letter  to  the  Pope,   are  decidedly  different  from  those  of  the 
fitmlly  of  Clavering,  the  former  being  a  lion  rampant,   double 
'quev^,  and  the  latter  quarterly.  Or  and  Gules,  over  all  a  bend 
Sajjle ;  and  which,  fact  confirms  the  opinion  that  the  *'  John  de 
Havering,  thminus  de  Graftoni*  was  a  distinct  person  from  John 
de  Clavering  above  mentioned;    but  the  next  questions  which 
present  themselves  are,  was  the  Individual  sv^mmoned  In  the  27 
£4w.  I.  and  who,  in  the  28  Edw.  I.  was  described   as  <'  Justic' 
Northwall,"  and  who  unquestionably  was  the  individual  named  in 
the  records  just  cited  from  the  Foedera,  the  same  person  ?    a^d  if 
not,  which  of  them  was  the  one. who  sat  in  the  Parliament  at 
Lincoln  ?     These  points  it  is  almost  Impossible  to  decide,  but 
the  facts  just  stated  afford  a  sufficient  explanation  of  the  name  of 
a  John  de  Havering  appearing  among  the  persons  then  present. 
In  the  Rolls  of  the  Parliament  held  at  Westminster  30  £dw  I.  (vol. 
I.  p.  150.)  a  John  de  Havering,  with  William  Inge,  one  of  the 
Judges,  and  others,  are  noticed  In. some  proceedings  relative  to 
William  de  Braosj  and  in  the  33  Edw.  I.  a  <<  Sire  Johan  de 
Haycryng"  was  appointed,  with  the  Bishop  of  Chester,  the  Earl 
of  Lincoln,  and  some  other  nobles,  a  trier  of  Petitions,  and  it  is 
highly  probable  that  it  was  this  John  de  Havering,  who  sat  in 
the  Parliament  at  Lincoln. 

*  Though  summoned  to  this  Parliament,  and  a  party  to  the 
letter,  his  seal  was  not  affixed. 

H  h3 


WalCus  de  Teye»  D'n's  de  Stangreve  * 
^  Joh'es  de  Lisle,  D'n's  de  Wodeton' 
%  EuBtacbius  D'lt's  de  Hacch' 
%  Gilb'tus  de  Pecche,  D'n's  de  Corby 

Will's  Paynel,  D'n's  de  Fracyng^ou  f 
^  Bugo  lie  Knovill,  D'n's  de  Albo  Moniast'io 

Fulco  Lestrange,  D'n's  de  Conh'm  t 

Henr*  de  Pinkeny,  D'n's  de  Wedon  § 

*  He  WM  Bummooed  to  Parliament  from  97th  JSdw.  I.  to  IH 
£dir.  II.  and  thoagh  not  summoned  to  this  Parliament,  he  waa 
so  to  that  immediately  preceding  it,  viz.  on  the  S9th  The  S8 
£dw.  I.  from  which  time  he  was  not  summoned  to  Parlianeot 
until  the  S9d  Edw.  I.  Dugdale  does  not  mention  his  haviiig 
been  so  summoned,  but  states,  that  in  the  97th,  98th,  aist,  and 
84 th  Edw.  I.  he  was  in  the  wars  of  Scotland,  and  died  in  IS 

t  This  Baron  is  not  recorded  to  have  been  sommooed  to 
Parliament  until  the  89d  Edw.  I.. from  which  time  he  centiMed 
to  be  summoned  until  the  9th  Edw.  11.  and  died  in  the  fol- 
lowing year.  In  the  Rolls  of  Parliament,  Vol.  I.  p.  146,  this 
William  Paynell  and  Elizabeth  his  wife  presented  a  petition  ia 
Parliament  for  certidn  lands  which  belonged  to  her  first  hat- 
band ;  and  in  the  proceedings  on  which  is  the  following  proof 
that  he  was  present  ia  this  Parliament :  "  Postea  ad  pfoximam 
Parliamentum  aequens,  videlicet,  ad  Parliamentum  ipeius  Domhii 
Regis  apud  Line',  in  octab'  San'ti  IDllar',  anno  regni  aui  viessimo 
nono,  'oenit  predictus  ffiiVsy  et  Maigareta  per  attomatum  saum 
venit,  &c/' 

'  t  Folk  le  Stnnge,  here  described  as  Lord  c^Corsham,  was  sum- 
moned to  Parliament  firom  the  9d  to  1 8th  Edw.  IL  In  the  96Ui, 
99th,  and  84th  Edw.  I.  he  appears  to  have  been  ia  the  wan  of 
Scotland ;  and  though  not  summoned  to  this  or  to  any  previous. 
Parliament,  he  was  evidently  a  personage  of  importance. 

§  He  was  summoned  to  Parliament  the  96th  and  97di  Edw.  J. 
and  to  the  Parliament  immediately  preceding  that  which  was  held 
at  Lincoln,  to  which  however  he  was  not  summoned :  seveo 
months  afber  he  waa  present  in  that  assembly  he  surrendered 
his  lands  to  the  King,  after  which  surrender  he  was  never  svid- 
rooned  to  Parliament,  nor  is  there  any  thmg  farther  recorded  of 
him  by  Dugdale. 

TO  THB  POPB^  Annq  1301.  77 1 

Job's  de  Hodelteston»  D'n's  de  Anfys  * 
Rog'as  de  Huntingfeldy  IVn's  de  Bradinb«mf 
Huffo  fil.  Henr*,  D*n*»  de  RaYenewath  X 
Job's  le  Breton,  D'n's  de  Sporle  § 

*  That  this  John  de  Hodelleston,  though  never  summoned  ta 
Farliamenty  ranked  among  the  Barons  of  his  time»  is  manifest 
from  his  having  been  so  described  in  the  Writ  of  Service  tested 
36  Edw.  I.  and  which  is  cited  In  a  note  to  p.  7^7.  Mr.  Banks,  in  his 
Stemmata  Anslicana,  asserts  that  he  was  Lord  of  Aneys  in  Cum<- 
herland,  and  that  he  died  unmarried. 

•f  He  was  a  Barou  by  tenure,  and  was  summoned  In  the  92d 
and  25  th  Edw.  I.  but  it  is  somewhat  doubtful  if  either  of  these 
assemblies  was  a  regular  Parliament.  Vide  notes  under  Clyve- 
DON  and  FiTz-JoHN,  pp.  141  &  242.  No  other  Summons  to  Par- 
liament appears  to  have  been  issued  to  him,  and  he  (fied  in  1801  • 

X  Hugh  Fitz-Henry  was  a  Baron  by  Tenure,  and  the  father  of 
Henry  1st  Baron  Fitz-Hugh.  He  appears  to  have  been  summon- 
ed in  the  22  Edw.  I.  to  the  Council  noticed  under  **  Clyvedon;" 
but  on  no  other  occasion  was  he  ever  summoned  to  Parliament. 

§  Lord  of  Sporle  in  Norfolk;  of  this  name  was  John  le  Breton, 
who  was  appointed  a  Puisne  Judg^  of  the  Common  Fleas  in  1269, 
and  was  removed  to  the  same  situation  in  the  Court  of  King'e 
Bench  in  November  in  the  same  year ;  and  John  Breton,  who  was 
consecrated  Bishop  of  Hereford  3  June,  1269,  and  died  in  1275. 
The  Foedera  contains  an  Ordinance,  dated  in  the  80th  of  Edw.  I. 
by  which  a  John  le  Breton  and  the  Sheriff  of  Norfolk  were  ap- 
pointed to  levy  the  aid  for  the  marriage  of  the  King's  eldest  daugh- 
ter in  that  county;  and  in  the  Rolls  of  Pari  lament  vol.  L  p.  218,  is 
another  Ordinance  of  the  Kiug,  dated  1 8  Feb.  35  Edw.  L  1807, 
appointing  a  John  le  Breton,  with  a  Judge,  and  three  other  per- 
sons, on  a  judicial  commission  in  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and 
Surrey.  As  two  of  these  persons,  if  not  the  third,  were  consider- 
able landholders  in  those  counties,  it  is  extremely  probable  that 
this  John  le'  Breton  was  the  same  person  who  was  appointed  to 
levy  the  aid  in  the  30  Edw.  L,  and  tnat  he  styled  himself  <^  Do- 
minus  de  Sporle"  in  the  letter  to  the  Pope.  In  the  1  st  of  Edw.  IL 
the  name  of  John  leBretton,  and  who  apparently  was  the  same  in- 
dividual, occurs  amoug  the  Judges  and  Clerks  or  the  Council  sum* 
rooned  to  Parliament  in  that  year,  and  on  this  authority  Bishop 
Nicholson  not  only  considers  him  to  have  been  a  Judge,  but  the 
author  of  the  well  known  legal  treatise  entided  *'  Brettttn."  la 
the  List  of  Judges,  &c.  in  Chronica  Juridicialia,  only  one  John 

77^  BAR0N6'  LfiTTfill 

Nicb's  de  Carru  D^nus  de  Muleford  * 
^  ThoBoe  D'n's  dc  la  Rocbe 
^  Walt'us  de  Money,  D'n's  de  Thornton 

Job's  fil'  Mermeduci,  D'n's  de  Hordenef 

le  Breton  occora,  who  certainly  might  be  living  in  1308 ;  for 
allowing  him  to  hare  been  thirty  when  appointed  in  1269,  be 
would  not  then  have  been  above  seventy  years  of  age.  If,  how. 
ever,  John  le  Breton,  who  was  so  appointed  in  1 369,  lived  nntil 
1303,  It  is  very  singular  that  his  name  is  not  to  be  found  in  any 
Writ  b^bn  that  year ;  he  was  only  so  summoned  in  the  four 
fnllowiog  Writs,  the  last  of  which  was  tested  10  Alarch,  2  £dw. 
II.  1809.  The  arms  with  which  John  le  Breton,  Dominus  de 
Sporle,  sealed,  were,  quarterly,  within  a  bordure;  but  it  is 
somewhat  doubtful  whetoer  he  was  the  same  personage  who  was 
•ummoned  in  the  1st  and  2d  of  Edw.  II.  among  the  Judges,  &e.  and 
still  more  so  whether  he  was  the  individual  who  was  appointed  a 
Justice  of  the  Common  Pleas  in  1269,  and  who  was  shortly  after- 
wards removed  to  the  King's  Bench.  It  should  also  be  noticed, 
that  a  '^  John  le  Bretun,"  or  le  Breton,  was  Mayor  of  London 
in  the  25th  Edw.  I. ;  though  it  is  scarcely  possible  that  he  could 
have  been  the  individual  in  question. 

*  Nicholas  de  Carew  was  never  summoned  to  Parliament, 
thoi:^h  frequently  included  in  Writs  of  Service  after  this  period. 
He  was  unquestionably  a  person  of  much  consequence,  and  died  in 
1308,  leaving  issue;  but  none  of  his  descendants  enjoyed  the 
dignity  of  the  Peerage,  untif  George  Carew  was  created  Baron 
Carew  of  Clopton,  in  1625.  There  does  not  appear  .to  be  any 
cause  to  which  his  being  present  in  this  Parliament  can  be  at- 
tributed, unless  he  was  then  a  Knigbt  of  the  Shire. 

i*  This  personage,  from  the  local  description  added  to  his 
name,  as  well  as  from  the  arms  on  his  seal,  was  evidently  M&rni»- 
duke  de  Thweng.  Dugdale  states,  that  hu  father y  Marmaduke 
de  Thwene,  was  summoned  in  the  22  Edw.  I.  and  that  he  left  two 
sons,  viz.  Robert  the  eldest,  who  died  s.  p.  m.  and  this  Baron* 
He  was  summoned  to  Parliament  from  the  S5th  Edw.  I.  to  the 
18th  Edw.  II. :  in  the  25th,  29th,  and  32d  Edw.  I.  he  was  in 
the  wars  of  Scotland,  and  particularly  distinguished  himself  at 
the  battle  of  Strivelyn.  On  his  death,  in  1823,  he  was  succeeded 
by  his  son  William,  who  was  summoned  to  Parliament  1 8  Edw.  II. 
but  nevf  r  afterwards,  and  died  8.  ?• 

TO  TH»  POPB>  AMMO  1301.  77^ 

Job*ft  D'n's  Kjri}g«st0n  * 

Rob'tu  HasUng^  0Vs  de  la  Desire^  f 

Radulpbus  D'n's  de  Grendon  t 

Will's  D'nas  de  Leyburne 

Job's  de  Greystok»  D'n's  Morpath  § 

*  Banks,  in  bis  Stemmsta  AnglicaoA,  coajecturesy  wltb  muoh 
probability^  that  this  ^aron  was  the  same  person  as  the  John  4e 
Kingeston,  who,  as  §f  Knight  Banneret^  had  an  allowance  for 
Robea  in  the  98th  Edw.  I.  and  who  in  the  88  £dw.  I.  was  i^ 
pointed  one  oi  the  Custodes  of  the  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  and 
who,  according  to  the  Rolls  of  Parliament  in  that  yesf,  vol.  I. 
p.  968,  was  constituted  Constable  and  Keeper  of  the  Castle  of 
Ediabitfgh }  but  it  appeafs  that  he  filled  that  situation  some  tint 
before  s  for  in  a  letter  prbted  in  the  bst  edition  of  the  Foedeia* 
vol.  I.  part  II.  p.  934,  dated  IS  May,  99  £dw.  I,  laoi,  he  wa* 
thea  addressed  as  Constoble  of  the  Castle  of  Edinbuiffh.  These  cif* 
eomataaces  prove  him  to  have  been  of  considnralje  importaiMe* 
and  Ilia  presence  at  the  Parliament  at  Uacoln  possibly  arose  firom 
hie  official  situation* 

•  -f*  The  only  Writ  of  Summons  to  Parliameat  «hi<A  ia  o» 
record  as  having  been  issued  to  this  Baron,  is  tested  19  Deo.  $ 
Edw.  [I«  .Dugdale's  account  of  him  is  very  unsatisfiMstoiyi 
for  he  meraly  informs  us,  that  his  father,  Robert  Hastang,  waa 
liviag  in  the  49th  Hen.  III. ;  that  this  Robert  was  his  sueceseer 
(but  he  does  not  state  in  what  yaar),  and  that  he  was  summoned 
to  Parliament  in  the  Sth  £dw.  II.  Banks  repeats  this  statemeatj 
but  adds,  that  in  the  9d  Edw.  I.  he  was  one  of  the  Justices  twf 
Goal  Delivery  at  Warwick. 

t  This  Baron,  though  not  summoned  to  the  Parliament  i^ 
Lincoln,  was  however  (for  the  first  time)  summoned  to  the  Par- 
liaasent  which  immediately  preeeeded  It,  vis.  on  the  99th  Dee. 
98  JSdw.  1, 1999 ;  he  was  not  again  summoned  till  the  89d£dw. 
I.  and  notwithstanding  that  he  lived  until  the  year  1881,  he  wat 
never  afterwards  summoned  to  Parilament. 

§  John  de  Grey  stock  was  summoned  to  most  Parliaments 
between  the  94th  and  38d  Edw.  I.  and  although  he  waa  omitted 
in  the  Writ  to  the  Parliament  at  lincoln,  he  was  included  in  tbaft 
to  the  previous  Parliament  which  assembled  in  London.  He 
waa  not  summoned  in-  the  80th  or  81st|  but  his  name  again 
occurs  in  the  Writs  of  the  d9d  of  Edw.  I. 

774  BAftONs*  urreii 

Matl*s  6L  Joh'is,  D'n's  de  Stokeh»m  * 
Nicb's  de  Meynhyl,  D'n's  de  Wherleton  f ,  & 
%  Job's  Paynel,  D'n's  de  Oiteleye. 

devota  pedu*  oscula  beator*.  S'c'a  Roniana  Mat'  Ecc*«, 
p*  cuj'  minist'ium  fides  catbolica  gub'natur  in  suis  ae('>  *, 
eiim  ea,  glcat  firmit'  credim'  et  tenem*.  mat'ttate  p'-*  d '. 
q'd  nulli  p'judieare  s*,  sin^lo'  jura  non  minus  in  dim 
q'  in  se  ip'a  tanq'  mat'  alma  cons'vari  velit  illesa,  tace 
co'vocato  nup*  p*  serenissimu'  d'n'm  n'r'm  Edwardum  Pri 

*  Tbe  only  Writ  on  record  to  tbis  Baron  wbieh  ctn  t*e 
deemed  a  Writ  of  Sommons  to  Parliament,  is  that  of  th^ddth. 
Edw.  I.  on  wbicb  some  remarks  are  submitted  in  p.  S49,  et  Kq. 
Dugdale,  vol.1,  p.  695,  states^  tbat  in  tbe  16  Edw.  I.  W  wu 
Ooiremor  of  tbe  Castle  of  Exeter,  and  in  tbatyear,  as  well  as'ssd 
Edw.  I.  Sheriff  of  Devonsbiie.  In  tbe  29tb  Edw.  I.  tbe  custody 
of  the  Forests  of  Melkesbam  and  Cblppebam,  wbicb  had  been 
sailed  into  tbe  Kin^s  bands,  were  restored  to  him,  he  having 
been  Warden  of  them  as  pertaining  to  tbe  Castle  of  Devizes  ,* 
from  wbicb  it  appears,  tbat  about  the  period  in  question  he  wss 
Governor  of  that  place.  From  these  facts  it  is  evident,  tbat  in 
the  very  year  in  wbicb  he  was  present  in  the  Parliament  at  Lin- 
coln, be  was  possessed  of  tbe  King's  fitvoar,  and  was  in  tbe 
ekercise  of  an  office  of  great  trust  and  importance  {  circum- 
itanoes  which,  when  tbe  uncertainty  of  proof  as  to  what  at  that 
time  constituted  a  right  to  a  seat  in  Parliament  be  considered, 
may  be  deemed  as  sufficiently  explanatory  of  his  presence  on  thst 

t  Tbis  Nicholas  de  Meynill  appears  to  bave  been  the  natund 
•on  of  a  Baron  of  tbe  same  name,  who  was  summoned  to  Parlia- 
ment firom  tbe  93d  to  97tb  Edw.  I.  and  died  in  tbat  year  s.  p.  l. 
Tbe  Nicholas  de  Meynill  who  was  present  at  tbe  Parlisment  at 
Idncoln,  succeeded,  in  consequence  of  a  settlement,  to  divers 
lands  of  his  putative  father,  of  which  the  manor  of  Wherleton  or 
Quereleton,  in  tbe  county  of  York,  formed  part.  In  tbe  98tb 
Edw.  I.  be  was  in  the  wars  of  Scotland,  and  again  in  the  84th  Edw. 
I.  and  4  Edw.  II.  and  was  not  summoned  to  Parliament  until  the 
6th  Edw.  II.  from  wbicb  year  be  continued  to  be  sommu&ed  until 
the  iMh  of  that  reign,  when  be  died  s.  p.  No  cause  presents 
itself  to  which  his  iMiag  present  as  a  Baron  in  this  Psriiament 
can  be  attributed. 

TO  THB  FOPB»  AMMO  130L  775 

p'a  regem  An%V  illiutrem  p*liaiiiento'apud  Llnooln*  fi'n'alty 
item  D'n's  n'r  qaasdkm  i'ras  ap'licas  quas  sup'  c'tia 
negociis  condie'onem  &  dtatum  regni  Scoc'  tangent'  ex 
p'te  %*ra  recep'at,  in  medio  exhiberi  et  teriose  fecit  nob' 
exponi  $  quibus  auditis  &  diligencius  intellectis  tarn  n'ris 
sensib' admirandaq' faaeten'  inaudita  in  eisdem  audiVtm' 
contiu'i.  Scim'  eni'  pal'  s'c'issima  et  notorium  est  in 
p'tib*  Angl'  &  nonuuilis  aliis  non  ignotum  q'd  a 
prima  insti'c'oe  regni  Angl'>  reges  ej'd'  regni  tam 
temp'ib'  Brettonu'  q'  Anglo'  sup'ius  &  directum  d'nium 
regni  Scoc'  h'uerunt  &  in  possessiotiem  vei  q'si  sup'io- 
ritatis  &  direct!  d*iiii  ip'ius  regni  Scoc'  aoccessivis  tem- 
p'ib's  extit'unt.  Nee  lillis  temp'ib's  ip'm  regnu'  in  tern- 
p'ib's  p'tinuit  v'l  p'tinet  quovis  jure  ad  ec&'m  sup'd'c'am^ 
quinimo  idem  regnum  Scoc'  p'genitorib'  p'd'ci  d'm'ni 
n'ri  regib'  Angl'  atq'  sibi  feodale  extit't  ab  antiquo^ 
Nee  ectam  reges  Scoto*  •  et  regnum  alii'  q'  regib'  Angl' 
s'bfuerunt  vei  subj'ci  consuev'unt;  neq'  reges  Angl'  sup' 
jurib'  suis  in  regno  p'd'c'o  aut  aliis  suis  temp'  alib'  cor' 
aliquo  judice  ecc'astico  v'l  secularly  ex  lib'ra  p'mioencia 
status  sue  regie  &  dignitatis  &  consuetudinis  cunctis 
temp'ib'  irrefgabirr  obs'vate,  responderunt  aut  respondere 
debebant.  Unde,  h'ito  t'actatu  &  delib'ac'one  diligent! 
sop'  contentis  in  v'ris  li'ris  memoratis,  is  concors  & 
unanimis  o'nium  n'r'm  &  singulor'  consensus  fuit  est  &  erit 
iuconcusse  Deo  p'pitio  in  foturum  q'd  p'fatus  d*n's  n'r 
rex  sup*  Jurib'  regni  sui  Scoc'  aut  aliis  suis  temp'alib' 
nuilateu'  judicialit'  respondeat  coram  Yob'  nee  jud'm 
subeat  quoquomodo  aut  jura  sua  p'd'c'a  in  dubiu'  ip'ius 
deducat  nee  ad  p'sent'  v'ram  p'cur*  aut  nunc'  ad  boc 
mittat.  Precipue  cum  p'missa  cederent  manifeste  in 
exh'ed'ae'om  juris  coroue  regni  Angl'  &  regie  dignitatis 
ac  subv'sione'  status  ejusdem  regni  notoriam  n'non  in 
p'judicium  llb'tatum  consuetudinu*  &  legum  pat'na'  ad 
qua'  obs'yac'onem  &  defenstonem  ex  debito  p'stiti  jura- 
menti  astringimur  &•  que  manutenebim'  toto  posse 
totisq'  virib*  cum  Dei  auxilio  defendem*.  Nee  etiam 
p'mittim'  aut  aliq'ten'  p'mittem'  sicut  nee  possum'  nee 
debem'  p'missa  taro  insoiita  indebita  p'judicialia  &  alias 
inaudita  p'libatu'  d'm^m  n*r*m  regem  eciam  si  vellet  fac'e 
sen  quomodolibet  attemptare.  Quocirca  sanctitati  v'r' 
rcTc'nt*   &    humilit'    juppliuam^    q'ten'    eund'm    d*u'm 

T76  MftOMi'  LBTTEIl 

jiVm  i^em  ^ul  iiit*aliot  p*clf>et  erbi«t*re  6a^c(licu'  se 
exliib«t  A  ecc*e  Romtine  derotu*  Jaim  sua  lib*tatet  con- 
•iietiidret  &  legct  p'd'ea'  abiq*  diminuc^one  &  inqvietu- 
din«  paci&ce  posMdere  &  ea  illibata  p^sisOe  benisne 
p*lliittat\  In  cujiia  rei  testiinoiiitt'  tigilta  n'ra  tam  p' 
nab*  q*  p*  tola  cMi'snitate  pM*cM  regni  A,n^'  p*sentib' 
•unt  appensa.  Dai'  apud  Lincoln'  xii  die  Febr*  aano  d*ni 

The  following  Peers  were  summoned  to  the  Parliament 
"which  met  at  Lincoln,  but  their  names  do  not  occur  among 
the  persons  mentioned  in  the  preceding  Letterf. 

Robert  de  Vere,  Earl  i>f  Ox-       John  de  Ferrers 
ford  John  de  la  Mare 

Gilbert,  Earl  of  Angos  Hugh  de  Courtenaf 

•  lSOO-1,  saEdnr.  1,  This  copy  is  taken  from  that  printed 
in  the  Appendix  to  the  first  Report  of  the  Lords'  Cammittees 
on  the  dimity  of  a  Peer  of  the  Realm. 

f  A  List  of  the  Barons  who  were  smnmoned  to  this  Parlisp 
ment,  hut  who  did  not  attend,  as  well  as  of  those  whose  seals 
are  affixed  to  the  preceding  Letter,  but  who  were  not  aummoned 
on  that  occasion,  is  <giveu  in  Dugdale's  List  of  Summonses,  and 
reprmted  in  the  Appendix  to  the  first  Report  of  the  Lords' 
Committees  on  the  mgnity  of  a  Peer  of  the  Realm,  with  the  ob- 
'  servation,  that  '<  the  original  is  not  now  to  be  found."  The  Dsts 
jn  the  text  have  been  made  from  a  careful  collation  of  the  Writs, 
with  the  signatures  given  to  the  Letter,  as  printed  in  the  said 
At)Dendix ,  for,  as  the  Committees  have  remarked,  in  p.  1 27  of 
their  first  and  second  report,  Dugdale'^  lists  are  very  erroneous. 
For  the  following  reason  it  appears,  however,  that  he  compiled  them, 
and  consequently  that  no  original  besides  his  own  manuscript  ever 
existed :  in  the  list  of  the  names  of  Barons  who  sealed  the  Letter, 
as  given  by  Dugdale,  that  of  Roger  Bigod,  Earl  of  Norfolk  and 
Earl  Marsnal,  is  omitted  j  and  we  accordingly  find,  that  in  his 
list  of  persons  summoned,  but  who  did  not  seal  is  the  name  bf 
that  Earl.    It  is  presumed^  from  Dugdale's  citing  the  origimil 

TO  TIM  POTE,  MHO  1301.  977 

Mtm  lie  81  Joim  da  Ugv  WiUiam  de  GiMidisoii 

haiD  *  Phitip  Davcy 

.  Peter  dttCluMapvent  Thomas  le  Lttimer 

Ralph  Basset,  of  Drayton  William  le  Vavasour 

Alexander  de  Baliol  Elias  Dauben^ 

William  de  Ry tber  Andrew  de  Astley. 
John  de  Clavering 

The  ireals  of  the  foUowhig  persons  are  affixed  to  the  said 
(«tter»  hut  neither  of  them  were  summoned  to  that  Par- 

Henry  de  Grey  of  Codnor  John  de  HaVeringes, 

William  de  Root  ff^alter  de  Teyeg 

Peter  de  MahtUtcu  Henry  de  Pinhney 

ThenbaXd  de  Verdon  |t  §  Roger  de  Huntingfield 

Jokk  de  St,  JdhH  II  Hugh  Fitjs  Henry 

Ralph  de  NeviU  Ralph  de  Grenden 

Roger  le  Strange  Jdhn  de  Greystock 

Thomas  de  Chaworth  $  Matthew  Fits  John. 
John  de  Moeles 

All  of  the  above  Barons,  though  there  is  no  record  of 
either  of  them  having  been  summoned  to  the  Parliament  at 
Lincoln,  were  summoned  to  previous,  and  the  greatest  part 
of  them  also  to  subsequent  Parliaments.  Those  whose 
names  are  printed  in  Italics,  were  summoned  to  the 
Parliament  immet^aiefy  preceding,  and  to  whom,  if  the 
Parliament  at  Lincoln  was  an  a^oumed  Parliament,  it 
was  not  necessary  that  Writs  should  have  been  issued  to 
enable  them  to  attend  on  that  occasion.  The  only  Writ  on 
record  to  the  Barons  with  this  mark  ||,  is  the  doubtful  one 
of  the  Sid  Edw.  I.  and  to  those  thus  marked  §,  that  of 
tlie  dSth  fidw.  I.  Vide  "  Clyvbdon"  and  «  Fitz-John,"  pp. 
141  and  243, 

hi  tbe  CSuqpter  House,  that  his  copy  was  taken  therefrom ;  if  tOf 
the  error  in  the  omission  of  the  Earl  of  Norfolk,  as  well  as  seve* 
til  mistakes  in  the  Letter  itself,  arose  either  from  the  carelessness 
of  th«  transcriber  or  compositor. 

*  There  is,  however,  some  doubt  whether  this  John  de  St. 
John  was  summoned  to  this  Parliament  or  not.  Vide  note  .||, 
p.  763  y  buty  in  the  following  list,  he  is  considered  not  to  have 
Men  80« 

VOL.  II.  I  I 

778  BAftOMS^  LBTTW 

'  Tbew  ii  no  record  of  either  of  the  lbUoivfai|f  penea* 
ages  heving  been  summoned  to  Parliament,  until  somt 
yean  after,  they  were  present  in  the  Parliament  at  Lineolny 

WilUam  Marshall  Folk  le  Strange 

Henry  Tregoz  John  Fitz  Marmadoke 

John  Botetourt  Robert  Hastang 

WiUiam  Paynel  Nicholas  de  MeynilU 

It  does  not  appear  that  either  of  the  following  persons 
were  ever  summoned  to  Parliament  as  a  Peer  of  the  realm. 
Walter  de  Beauchamp  John  fe  Breton 

Richard  Talbot  N  icholas  Carew 

John  de  Hodeleston  John  de  Kingeston. 

The  Seals  of  the  following  Barons  were  not  afl&xed  to  the 
,  Letter  when  the  copy  of  it  was  taken  by  command  of  Tbo- 
mas  Earl  of  Arundel  in   1639,  though  they  are  named  as 
parties  to  it,  and  all  of  them  were  summoned  to  the  Par- 
liament at  Lincoln. 

Robert  Fitz  Roger  John  Engagne 

Roger  la  Warre  John  ap  Adam 

John  de  Ripariis  Nicholas  de  Segrare 

Ralph  Pipard  John  de  I'lsle. 

Although  the  battle  of  Falkirk  had  nearly  subjected  Scot- 
land to  the  power  of  King  Edward  the  First,  the  native 
courage  of  its  inhabitants  was  far  from  subdued  ;  but,  sen- 
sible of  the  weakness  of  their  own  forces,  they  sought 
for  assistance  from  foreign  courts.  Their  applications  were, 
however,  little  attended  to  by  any  other  sovereign  than  the 
reigning  Pontiff,  Pope  Boniface  the  Eighth,  who  eagerly 
embraced  that  opportunity  to  exert  his  authority ;  and  on  the 
5th  of  the  Kalends  of  June,  in  the  fifth  year  of  his  pontificate, 
he  issued  a  Bull,  directed  to  Edward,  in  which,  after  stating 
numerous  arguments  against  the  claim  which  that  Monarch 
had  urged  to  Scotland,  he  concluded  by  asserting  that  he 
himself  was  the  liege  lord  of  that  kingdom !  * 

*  Printed  m  the  Foedera,  Edit.  1816,  vol.  I.  part  IL  p.  907-8. 

TO  THE  POPB,  ANNO  1301.  779 

"tlifis  cUiniy  tiMUgb  never  before  beard  of,  wai  urged  in  too 
^Mmfident  a  manner  not  to  receive  the  utmost  attention  : 
Jlldward  consequently  summoned  a  Parliament  to  meet  at 
liincoln^  for  the  consideration  of  the  question,  and  in  which 
tlie  letter  which  is  the  subject  of  these  remarlcs,  is  said  to 
have  been  written.  In  order  the  more  satisfactorily  to  in« 
vestigate  the  point,  it  is  necessaryi  in  the  first  instance,  to 
examine  what  positive  evidence  is  extant  that  the  Parliament 
ih.wbicb  the  letter  is  said  to  have  been  dated  was  then  assem- 
bled, and  stiit  more,  what  proof  exists  that  one  of  the  objects, 
if  not  the  sole  object,  for  which  it  was  convened,  was  the  dis- 
vostion  of  the  pretensions  urged  by  Boniface  to  the  Icingdom 
^C Scotland.  On  this  point  the  evidence  which  will  be  cited 
i%  it  Is  confidently  presumed,  comjplete,  and  such  as,  from 
the  remoteness  of  the  period  whentbe  transaction  took  plaee, 
'conld  scarcely  have  been  expected.  As  Pope  Boniface's  Bull 
nvas  dated  5th  of  the  Kalends  June  (98  May),  in  the  Vthyear 
of  bis  Pontificate,  and  as  he  is  generally  stated  to  have 
Attained  that  dignity  on  the  34th  Decemberi  1S94,  it 
would  appear^  according  to  the  calculation  adopted  rela- 
tive to  the  years  of  the  reigns  of  the  Kings  of  England, 
that  the  5th  year  of  his  Pontificate  was  in  1899 ;  thougb 
liord  Hailes  *  expressly  states  that  Rymer^  in  assigning  that 
^earas  the  date  of  the  Bull,  had  committed  a  mistake.  If 
the  Bull  was  dated  on  the  S8  May,  1299y  it  can  scarcely  be 
explained  why  Edward  deferred  summoning  a  Parliament 
•to  take  it  Into  consideration  until  the  86th  of  September  In 
-tho/b//oic;tii^year:  this  circumstance,  therefore,  strength- 
ens the  observation  of  Lord  Hailes  ;  and  the  actual  date  of 
the  Bull  was,  in  all  probability,  the  S8  May,  1300,  which 
would  allow  three  months  for  its  dispatch  from  Rome,  and 
for  the  discussion  by  the  King  and  bis  council,  as  to  the 
measures  to  be  adopted  in  consequence  of  its  receipt ;  and 
which  appear  to  have  terminated  in  a  resolution  to  submit 
the  important  document  to  the  legislative  assembly  of  the 

On  the  86th  of  September,  1300,  88  Edw.  I.  we  accord^ 

*  AnnaU  of  Scotland,  cited  .by  Dr.  Langaid  In  his  valuable 
History  of  the  Reign  of  £dw.  I* 


180  BAMMft*  URTHI 

Uigly  fia4  tUt  Writt  were  ittocd  to  the  Sfrfittul  tM 
Temponl  Pten  nBiitUy  soienomdy  to  atund  a  Pailwsefli 
at  Uneoln  ie  tiM  OctsTet  of  fit.  Hilhury  neat  ooHflOi^ 
TbeM  Write  were  tested  at  «  La  Rom  |'*  and  aHheagfc 
no  oTidenoe  is  to  be  found  ia  tbem  beatiaf  on  the  «»;- 
jeet  of  the  Ptetir s  BnU»  a  oopy  of  them  U  pesbafft  neceaoMy 

in  thb  plaee. 

«  R/  ¥en'abUi    in   zp*o    R.'   eadfm   gr^a  an^aspV 
Cantoai^  tocius  AqcI'  primatl  salVm.     Com  nup'  f  '  oo^ 
ntiliute  pop*ti  regni  n'ri  coneesserim'  %'d  carta  de  fo^^^M 
in  sing'lis    sois    articMis   finnit'  obscnracet^r    MsifWl»*jg 
quosdam  (|e  fidelib'  n'ris  in  siof^Us  com'  ejosdam  ^ifip 
|n    quib'    foreste    n*re   extstunt   ad   p'ambnlaoo'ein    itt 
eisdem  forestis  faciendan.     Ita  q'd  p'^rnibulaoo'em  mam 
distinete  &  ap'tc  foam  ad  oos  anteqV  aliqua  e»ee^rie 
wei   aUquid    alittd   indes^ret    lep'tarent  et   qd    j«fOr 
mentu'    n'r'm  jus   coroneNAngr   ro'nes    tf.   ^^^^.ST 
n're  ncc  jus  ro'nes  &  calumpM  alio*  om'i"  salva  tanm^ 
Nos,  Ucet  d'ci  fideles  n'rifnu'cVmo  ad  oos  <^v^;^ 
quod  fecern't  in  neg^ocio  memorsW  <!»;»  tamen  ^•J^^ 
comitesy  barones,  ^  cet'i  mssnatlL^'oi  repi  i»  *g^ 
p'sentia  n'rw  &  alior'  p'poni  &  audiVo*»«^  *?* '^LiJuS 
quo'  consjlio  In  oodem  negocio  p'qt  aiiJ^^*''**   '**^''^^!Ii 
op'ari»    maiime  cu*  ip'i  ad  obsetvaod'w^W^^W^*^!? 
jura  regnj  &  corone  p'd'ce  una  tkob'9nvSj^^^,J^^ 
<9uW  sint  iwfcti  ju»ta  latus  n'r'm  tw'c  tompoF  ?*«!  an»^ 
ac  p'  eo  simiUt'  q'd  iUi  qui  su^s  r'oae^  ^*®C«       »  ^»SI 
gocitt'  eos  tanpt  p'pon'e  h'ebant  inde  P'WMiKJS'jf,^*'^^ 
eid«ip    neg^ocio    sine   ip'o'    eonailio    f^qem  if **^''  * 
potuim'    bono    modo :    et  quia    necQciu'    ill^ 
possum'  cupim*  maturariy   itji  q'd  p'  nos  no' q^***  .^Jf* 
absq'  ult'ioris  diroois  incom'odu  efTo'm  debiuj'*''****  J 
volentes    cu'    prclatis,  comitib'^    baronib'*   &    [j?*'**-k'L 
sup'd'cis,  9fi  aliis  de  cp'itate  d'ci  reg^i  sup'  h.<Q^^  fl'J*"  " 
dam  aliis  arduis   negociis,  nos  &  statu'  regni   FiJ  *\.  5*^5! 
Centib'  b'ert  coiloquiu' &  t'actatn';  vob*  mandaoaf******  ?^ 
dilecc'o'e  quib's  nob' tenemini  firmit'  injungentrf^^  7  JlH? 
ad  nos  ad  p^liamentu'  n'r'm  apud  Lincoln'  in  ct^^    ^  *  * 
HiUar'  p'ai'o  fntor',  nob'um  ibidem  nn&  cu'  e^^«*»  V^ 
latis  &  p'cerib'  p'd'c'is  sup'  p'missis  t'ctatori  ia****^,5*r 
siUu'  impensuri*    Et  hoc  sieut  nos  &  co'modu'  rVC™  p  d  c  1 

TO  TUB  POFtt^  ANNO  1301.  7^1 

'  lAiiig^tii  nolUten'  omittatit*    Tv  R*.  apod  la  Aose,  xxvi  die 
Septembr'^.  . 

**  Consimiles  Tre  diripunt'r  T.  Archiep'o  Ebor*  Ancl*. 
primati,  &  «p'U  &  abbatib'  subtc'ptiiy  videl't :  &c. 

To  the  Earls  and  Barons  cbe  following:  Writ  was  issued. 

f<  R.  dSl'co  &  fideli  suo  Joh'i  de  Warenna  comiti  Surr* 
sart*iD.  Cum  nop'  p'  c'oi  utilitate  &.c.  (ut  sop'a  usq'  ibi'.) 
Vob  roandam'  in  fide  &  homaf^io  quib'  nob'  tenemini  firmii' 
injungentesy  q'd  sitis  ad  noa  ad  p'liamentu'  nVm  apud 
Lincoln'  in  octab'  S'c'i  Hiliar'  p'xi'o  futur'  nob'cum  ibi- 
dem una  cu'  prelatis  &  p'cerib'  p'd'cis  sup'  p'missis  trac- 
taturi  v'r'mq'  consiliu'  impensuri.  Et  hoc  sieut  nos  & 
co'fDodu'  regni  p'd'c'i  dtli<;itis  uullaten'  omiltatis.  T.R.  apud 
la  Rose  xxvi  die  Septenibr*. 

*'  Consimiles  I're  diri^unt'r  comitib%  baronib',  &  miU- 
tib'  subsc'iptisy  Tidel't/'  &o.  f 

Writs  of  a  similar  tendency  were  likewise  issued  to  the 
the  Bishops,  and  Abbots;  to  nine  Earls,  andeijchty  Barons, 
to  the  Sheriflfs  of  Cumberland  and  of  thirty-five  other 
counties,  commanding^  each  Sheriff  to  return  the  same 
Knights  from  each  county,  the  same  citizens  from  each  city, 
and  from  each  borough  the  tame  burgesses,  <<qui  ad  p'd'c'm 
p'liamentu'  n'r'm  alias  sic  venerunt,"  to  the  Parliament  to 
be  held  at  the  same  time  and  place  X» 

In  these  Writs  no  mention  is  made  of  the  subject  of  Pope 
Boniface's  Bull,  nor  is  any  inference  to  be  drawn  there- 
from that  it  was  to  form  the  subject  of  deliberation  by  the 
Parliament  which  they  were  commanded  to  attend :  but 
the  following  Writs  roost  clearly  establish  that  that  Parlia" 
ment  was  summoned  for  the  express  purpose  of  canvassing 
the  question.  The  first  here  cited  is  to  the  Clerks  of  the 
Council,  who  on  former  occasions  were  summoned  by  Writs 
similar  to  those  issued  to  the  Judges. 

*f  R.  dil'oo  d'ico  suo  mag'ro  Reginaldo  de  Braundon  sart'm* 
Quia  sup'  Jure  &  d'nio  que  nob'  in  regno  Scocie  com* 
petu't  &  que  antecessores  n'ri  reges  Angl'  in  eodero  regno 
Scocie  h'uerunt  temporib'  retroactis  cu'  jurisp'itis  & 
eet'is  de  consilio  n'ro  sp'ale  colloquiu'  h'ere  volum'  & 
t'aetatu' ;  vob'  mandam'  firmit'  injungentes  q'd  modis  oni« 
nib'  sitis  ad  nos    apud  Lincoln'    in  Octab'  S'ci   Hiliar* 

*  Appendix  to  I.  &  II.  Peerage  Reports,  p.  1S8. 
t  Ibid.  p.  123.  t  Ibid. 


p'zimo  fatof^  nob'eimi  A  co'  «et'i0  de  oomilto  n^ro  loi^ 
p'missis  t'acUturi  vVmq'  contilia'  impentari.  .£t  bac^tient 
tios  &  bonore'  ftc  co'inodu'  reffiii  n'ri  dilif^ida,   nuMaten' 
omittatig.    T.  R.  apud  la  Rote  xxvi  die  Septembr*. 
Consimiles  Tre  dir'  subtcriptis,  videl't, 

Tba  Dean  of  Cbicbestcr,  tbe  Dean  of  8t.  Paol't,  M af'ro 
dc  Saodene,  offio'  Cantuar^,  tbe  Archdeacon  of  Cbettcr»  the 
Dean  of  WeUs,  the  Dean  of  LitchBeld,  tbe  Arebdeacoa  of 
tbe  East  Riding^  of  Yorkshire,  Magistro  Pbo'  Martelt 
M ag'ro  Will'o  de  Pykerini^y  and  to  sis  other  penooa  simi- 
larly described  *. 

The  Writs  to  tbe  Judges  were  in  the  usual  words :  but  at 
a  proof  of  tbe  care  taken  to  have  tbe  attendance  noC  onlf 
of  learned  men  at  tbe  deliberation,  but  also  that  eveiy 
document  in  tbe  kingdom  likely  to  contain  information  on 
tbe  subject  to  be  there  discussed,  should  be  produced. 
Writs  bearing  tbe  same  test,  of  which  copies  are  siibjolaed, 
were  likewise  issued  to  each  Unirersity,  commanding 
them  to  send  from  two  to  five  persons  **  de  discretorib*  i 
in  jure  scripto  magis  exp'tis  univ'sitatis  p'd'ce,"  tp  the 
Parliament  at  Lincoln ;  and  to  all  the  Abbeya  and  Con- 
vents, and  other  repositories  of  manuscripts  in  tbe  realoi^ 
commanding  that  all  chronicles  and  archives  which  in  unjf 
degree  related  to  the  kingdom  of  Scotland,  should  be.sei^ 
to  tbe  parliament  at  Lincoln  in  tbe  octaves  of  St.  Hillary. 

Tbe  following  is  a  copy  of  tbe  Writ  to  tbe  Chancellor 
and  University  of  Oxford:— 

'*  Rex  dilectis  sibi  in  Christo  Canoellario  &  Universitati 
Oxon'  salutem. 

**  Quia  super  Jure  &  dominio  que  nobis  in  Regno  Seoci^ 
competunt ,  ft  que  antecestores  nostri  Reges  Anglic  in 
eodem  regni  Seocie  habuerunt  temporibus  retroactis,  com 
jurisperitis  ft  ceteris  de  consilio  nostro  speeiale  colloquium 
habere  volumus  ft  tractatum;  Vobis  mandamus  firmiter 
in|ungentes,  quod  quatuor  vel  quinque  de  4iscretoribai 
ft  in  jure  scripto  magis  expertis  universitatis  predicte,  ad 
Parliamentum  nostrum  apud  Lincoln'  mittatis ;  ita  quod 
sint  ibidem  in  octabis  Sancti  Hillarii  proximb  futuris  ad 
ultimum,  nobiseum  ft  cum  ceteris  de  consilio  nostro  super 
premissis  tractaturi,  suumque  consilium  impensuri*  £t 
hoc,  sicut  iit)8  ft  honorem  ac  commodum  regni  nostri  dil^- 

♦  Appendix  to  I.  ft  11.  Peerage  Reports,  p.  1«4. 

TO  THB  ftfEi   ANNQf  1301.  788 

eitit,  nullntcnttt  ooiktatit.    T.  R*.  apod  la  Rom  xxtI  die 

The  Writ  of  tbe  sane  date,  to  the  Chancellor  and  Uni- 
versity of  Cambridp,  eomitianded  them«  in  similar  terms, 
to  SQpd  to  the  said  Parliament  *^  duos  vol  tres  de  dii- 
ereciorAhm  &  magis  in  Jure  aeripto  expertia  ^." 

Tbe  Writs  to  the  different  Cunventa  and  Abbey  «fere  in 
tha  following  words: 

«<  Rex  dilectis  sibi  in  Cbristo  AbbaCi  &  Conventui 
Westm'  salatem. 

<<  Quia  super  Jure  &  dominio  que  nobis  in  regno  Scode 
competunt,  &  que  antecessores  postri  Reges  Anglie  in 
eodem  regno  Seocie  habo^runt  temporious  retroactls,  cum 
jorisperttis  ft  ceteris  de  concilio  nostro,  speciale  colloquium 
habere  volumus  &  tractatum ;  Vobis  mandamus  firroiter 
uijiingentefty  quod  icrutatb  diligenter  omnibus  eronicist 
archivisy  &  seeretis  dom(ks  vestre,  quicqoid  in  venire  pote- 
ritia,  qood  tangat  dictum  regtium  Seocie  quoquo  roodo; 
nobia  ad  Parliamentum  apud  Lincoln'  in  octabis  Saneti 
Hillarii  proximo  futuris,  per  aliquem  de  vestris,  de  quo 
coofidenciam  habueritis,  &  qui  in  hujuspiodi  negocio  ma- 
jorem  notif  iam  habuerit,  transroittatis.  £t  hoe,  sicut  noa 
Sl  bonorem  ac  cummodum  regni  nostri  diligitis,  nuHatenua 
omittatis.    T.  R.  apud  la  Rose,  xxvi  die  Scptembrisf." 

-  jkimilar  letters  were  sent  to, 

Tbe  Abbot  of  Walt  bam  Abbot  of  9ardenaye 

-  St.  Augustine*6)    ■     ■    ■  ^—  Barlings 

Canterbury  — < St.  Peter  of  Gloa- 

The  Prior  &  Convent  of  the        cester 

Church  of  Christ's  Church  ■  Furneys 

Tbe  Abbot  of  St.  Edmond's  ^ Holcncoltram 

■  St.  Alban's  ■  Cirencester 

— ^— .—  Evesham  Jervanlt 

— — —  St.Wergburge,  Fontibus 

Chester  '-  Reading 

Prior  &  Convent,  Durham Glastonbury 

. Carlisle Wynchecumbe 

^bbot  of  Malmesbury  Ramesey 

Prior  &  Convent  of  Rochester  St.  Mary  of  York 

•  Foedera,  tdition  1816,  vol.  I.  part  II.  p.  924,  and  Appendix 
to  I.  &  11.  Peerage  Report,  p.  1S5,  from  rot.  claus.  28  £dw.  I. 
t  Foedera,  Edition  1816,  vol.  I.  part  II. 


Abbot   of   St.  Peter  Abbot  of  Thorney 

St.  Augo<tine*ff    Prior   &    GoDTent  of   St 
Bristol  Switbiiiy  Winohester. 

Alio  to  the 
Dean  and  Chapter  of  the  Church  oY  St«  Paul,  London 

■—  St.  Mary,  Samm 


I>ean  &  Bishop  of  Exeter  Prior  &.  Convent  of  Norwich 

Wells  Dean  and  Chapter  of  York 

Prior  &  Convent  of  Bath  Abbot  &  Convent  of  Oseneie 

Dean  &  Chapter  of  Hereford  '  of  Abing- 

Prior  &  Convent  of  Coventry        don 
Dean  &  Chapter  of  Litchfield  Alnwyck 

— ^^— —  Lincoln         ■  New  Min- 

Prior  &  Convent  of  Ely  ster. 

These  Writs  must,  it  is  presumed,  be  deemed  satislaetoiy 
evidence  that  the  Pope's  pretensions  to  Scotland,  was  to 
form  the  chief  object  for  which  the  Parliament  at  Lincoln 
was  to  be  assembled ;  and  from  the  onusual,  and  as  far 
as  records  are  extant,  unprecedented  Writs  to  the  Abbeys 
and  Universities,  it  is  no  le^s  manifest  that  extraordinary 
pains  were  taken  that  the  subject  should  be  investigated 
with  the  aid  of  all  the  muniments  and  learning  which  the 
kingdom  afforded. 

From  the  defective  state  of  the  Rolls  of  Parliament  no 
account  is  preserved  of  the  proceedings  in  Parliament  on 
this  affair,  for,  excepting  a  notice  *  of  two  proceedings  in 
the  Parliament  held  at  Lincoln  in  the  octaves  of  St.  Hil- 
lary, 29  Edw.  I.  no  other  record  of  this  Parliament  is  to  be 
found  on  the  Rolls.  These  notices,  however,  are  additional 
proofs  that  the  Parliament  summoned  by  the  Writs  tested 
26  Sept.  28  Edw.  I.  actually  assembled  j  but  the  only  evi- 
dence of  the  resuU  of  its  deliberations  relative  to  Boniface*s 
daim,  is  the  letter  from  the  Barons  to  that  Pontiff,  which 
is  the  subject  of  these  remarks :  and  however  extraordi- 
nary this  fact  may  appear,  when  contrasted  with  the  man- 
ner in  which  the  proceedings  of  some  subsequent  Parlia- 
ments are  recorded,  other  instances  may  be  adduced  to 
prove  that  this  omission  is  by  no  means  a  solitaiy  one.    It 

*Rot.Parl.  vol.  Lp.  145. 

TO  THE  feVB>  ANNO  1301.  786 

is  ImpOBBible  to  Imagine  that  the  Filament  ^bidl  sat  at 
UiMeln  trantacted  no  other  business  than  what  is  netieed 
on  the  Rolls  in  that  year;  and  it  is  no  less  ineredible  that 
the  important  and  extensive  preparations  made  in  Sep- 
tember^ to  be  discussed  by  the  Parliament  at  Lincoln  early  in 
the  February  foliowinr,  were  totally  abandoned  when  that 
Parliament  assembled.  But  these  inferences  must  be 
drawn,  if  no  other  evidence  is  admitted  of  the  proceedings 
of  that  Parliament,  than  the  Imperfect  record  on  the 

It  may  here  be  observed,  that  biesides  the  answer  returned 
to  Pope  Boni&ce's  claim  by  the  Barons>  King  Rdward  him- 
self,  shortly  after  the  date  of  that  documenti  addressed  hh 
HoHness  in  a  very  long  letter,  a  copy  of  which  is  also 
printed  in  the  Fcedera,  in  which  he  entered  more  fully  into 
the  qaestion  at  issue  between  them ;  and  from  which,  as  a 
judickNM  historian*  has  well  remarked,  it  would  ap- 
pear, that  though,  as  a  judge,  neither  he  nor  the  nation 
would  admit  of  his  interference  in  any  transaction  relating 
to  this  Itingdom,  yet  as  a  friend  he  willingly  offered  hitt 
every  possible  explanation. 

Having  stated  what  evidence  Is  extant  that  the  Parlia- 
ment, In  which  the  letter  of  the  Barons  is  supposed  to  hav« 
been  written,  was  duly  summoned,  as  well  as  what  preofe 
ean  be  adduced  that  the  subject  oO  which  that  letter 
treats,  formed  part  of  the  deliberations  on  that  occasion  ; 
And  having,  it  is  hoped,  established  the  fact,  that  the  Pa»- 
liament  was  expressly  summoned  for  the  discussion  of  that 
very  suhfect,  it  is  now  necessary  to  allude  to  the  contents 
of  the  letter  Itself,  the  persons  by  whom  it  was  signed, 
and^  In  short,  to  inquire  what  internal  evidence  of  aU- 
tbentfeit^  it  contains.  The  internal  evidence  of  the  do- 
cument which  will  he  noticed  In  this  part  of  these  re- 
marks j  are,  the  contents  of  the  letter,  and  the  names  M 
the  persons  whose  seals  -  were  attached  to  it.  The  letter  fo 
dated  at  Lincoln,  on  the  ISth  of  February,  1300  f,  and  tire 
Parlmment  was  ordered  to  assemble  in  the  octaves  of  St. 
Hillary,  next  ensuing  to  the  S6  September,  28  Edw.  I.  that 
ia  to  say,  within  eight  days  after  the  feast  of  St.  Hillary, 

*  Dr.  TUngard..  f  13Q0-1. 


tlie  Utk  oT  <h«  MIttwiite  Janoarf.    If  the  ParlUuent  »«t 
«a  tbe  first  day  of  the  tight  wiibin  which  it  was  GoaiflMai4e4 
to  anemUe,  twenty-eight  days  elapsed  before  tbe  letter 
was  written ;  but  if,  as  is  more  likely,  it  did  not  commence 
business  until  tbe  last  day  of  the  octaves  of  St.  Hillaiy^ 
only  twenty-one  days  elapsed  before  the  Barons  express^ 
tbe  result  of  their  deliberation  on  .  Boniface's  pretensioDS, 
in  tbe  letter  addressed  to  him.    Either  of  these  periods  is 
what  would  probably  occur  before  the  subject  could  be 
determined;  hence  tbe  date  of  the  letter  strongly  corro- 
borates Its  authenticity.      The  Barons  express    in    firm 
Jaoguage  the  validity  of  Edward's  claim»  and  consequently 
the  fallacy  of  that  urged  by  Boniface;  and  wbiliA  tbcy 
adduce  arguments  in  support  of  their  Sovereign's  right, 
they  take  care  to  aMure  the  Pontiff  that  they  did  not  mesa 
thereby  to  acknowledge  him  as  their  judge  (  and  conclude 
by  asserting  that  the  crown  of  England  was  free  and  sove- 
reign ;  that  they  had  sworn  to  maintain  its  prerofl^tlves; 
and  that  they  would  not  consent  that  the  King  himself, 
were  be  willing^  should  relinquish  its  independency.    These 
sentiments  are  such  as  the  historians  of  the  times  have  on 
nnaeroos    occukma    imputed  to  the  Baronage  of   this 
country,  and  several  instances  might  be  cited  In  which 
their  conduct  was  strictly  in  unison  with  the  resolutions 
contained  in  their  letter  on  that  occasion.     It  is  thus 
certain,  that  no  inference  against  tbe  authenticity  of  the 
letter  is  to  be  drawn  from  its  contents,  whilst  a  very  strong 
one  In  support  of  it  is  supplied  by  the  fact  that  not  one  rf 
the  Spiritual  Peers,  all  of  whom  were  summoned  to  tbe 
Parliament  at  Lincoln,  appear  as  parties  to  it    This  cir- 
cumstance may,  without  hesitation,    be  Imputed  to  tbe 
determination  so  strongly  expressed  by  the  Barons  to  keep 
the  kingdom  entirely  independent  of  tbe  Holy  See  In  sa- 
cnlar  affairs ;  for  though  tbe  letter  is  couched  in  language 
consonant  to  the  respect  which,  as  faithful  sons  of  the 
church,  they  owed,  and  probably  felt,  to  tbe  Pontiff,  still 
.  the  general  tenor  of  its  contents  was  too  rebellious  to  his 
will  for  it  to  obtain  the  avowed  approbation  of  any  mem- 
ber of  the  clerical  body.     The  letter  is  therefore  sealed 
only  by  the  Temporal  Peers  who  were  then  present  in 
Parliament,  not  onlv  as  their  sentiments,  but  likewise  as 
tbe  sentiments  of  the  whole  community  of  England ;  and 
it  now  becomes  requisite  to  Inquire  by  what  right  the  per- 

Ta  TUB  T^fB,  AHNO  TSOl.  783^. 

sons  who  appear  aa  parties  to  that  intti ument,  tat  ia  the 
Parliament  in  which  the  aflfkir  was  transacted.  It  has  been 
already  observed  that  nine  Earls  and  eighty  Barons  were, 
by  Che  Writs  tested  on  the  S6th  of  September,  S8  Edw.  !• 
ISOOg  commanded  to  attend  a  Parliament  to  be  held  at 
L.ifi€M>in  in  the  octaves  of  the  feast  of  St.  Hillary  next 
enstttng.  althoug^h  seven  Earls  and  nmety-six  Barons  (or 
rather  ninety^nx  to  whose  names  the  word  "  Demimuf  is 
appended,)  are  recorded  as  parties  to  the  letter  to  the 
Pope.  Of  the  mne  Earls  and  eighty  Barons  summoned,  it 
appears  either  that  two  Earls  and  fifteen  Barons  declined 
becoming  parties  to  that  document,  or»  which  is  mueh 
more  likely,  that  they  did  not  attend  that  Parliament: 
thus  the  letter  appears  as  the  act  of  only  seven  of  the  Earls 
and  sixty-five  of  the  Barons  who  were  duly  summoned  to 
the  Parliament  at  Lincoln.  7*Atrfy-0fie  persons,  therefore, 
were  parties  to  the  letter  who  are  not  recorded  to  have 
been  duly  authorised  to  be  present  on  that  occasion :  of 
this  number  eighteen  had  been  summoned  to  former,  and 
many  of  them  likewise  to  subsequent  Parliaments ;  eighi 
are  not  recorded  to  have  been  summoned  to  Parliament' 
until  some  years  after  the  date  of  the  letter  to  the  Pope  ; 
and  eix  do  not  appear  ever  to  have  received  a  Writ  of 
Summons  to  Parliament.  On  these  sir  some  remarks  will 
be  offered^  but  it  must  first  be  observed,  that  the  eighteen 

Esrsons  who,  tboug^h  not  summoned  to  the  Parliament  at 
ineoln,  bad  on  former  occasions  received  Writs  to  Par- 
liament, were,  at  the  time  when  the  letter  was  written, 
undoubtedly,  even  according  to  the  acceptation  of  the  word 
at  the  present  day.  Barons  of  the  realm.  The  cause  of 
their  names  not  appearing  in  the  Wriu  tested  36  September 
cannot  satisfactorily  be  explained,  but  it  is  obvious  that 
omissions  of  this  sort  were  by  no  means  uncommon  s  and 
three  reasons  may  be  submitted  why  names  which  occor  in 
Writs  to  Parliament  are  not  to  be  found  in  subsequent 
Writs,  or  if  they  are  to  be  found  in  some  subsequent  Writ, 
why  an  interval  of  greater  or  less  time  occored  in  the 
issuing  of  such  Writs ;  though  in  the  case  in  question  the 
omission  may  be  imputed  to  a  different  cause,  and  which 
nill  afterwards  be  stated. 

The  first  cause  to  which  omissions  of  this  nature  may  be 
imputed,  is  the  defective  state  of  records ;  for  although  most 
of  the  names  of  persons  to  whom  Writs  were  directed  at  the 

709  .     mmmn^jjmnm      r 

Cf«enlM«»(9g«ls«Mii  Write  A^gr  b«  reooidM,  ttill:  WtiU 
t^  iiidlvi4o«U  iMir  Aft«rw«riU  have  beeo  sent,  ««d  of  wbWh 
either  bo  reford  was  nadoi  or  each  record,  from  its  hcioc 
<l^4  voreisoleted  neture,  and  Ims  Ukely  to  have  bm  pre- 
served, may  oot  now  be  exti^it*. 

,  SeeondW,.  persons  who,  thoosh  indobitaUy  entitled  to 
Writs  to rarliament,  may. at  the  time  when  the  general 
Writs  were  issued,  have  been  absent  from  tbe  kiogdomi 
and  it  is  in  this  case,  or  in  cases  of  Summonses  for  tlm  lint 
time  (now  termed  a  new  creation],  that  Writs  to  inififi«> 
doals  are  suppesed  to  have  been  issued  between  tbe  time 
wiien  the  Write  were  generally  issued  and  the  meetings  of 

Thirdly,  the  Will  of  the  Sovereign  i  for  it  cannot  be  doabted 
that  Writs  of  Summons,  in  the  reign  of  JSdward  the  First, 
and  indeed  in  a  few  sueeesslye  reigns,  depended  on  the 
pleasure  of  the  Crown,  which,  in  numerous  cases,  suspended 
the  issuing  of  Writs  to  persons  summoned  to  former  Par- 
liaments i  and  in  many  instances  Writs,  though  issued  to 
a  person  for  several  ycarsy  were  never  again  issued  to  him 
or  to  his  posterity. 

If  either  of  these  causes  apply  to  the  eighteen  Barons 
here  aUuded  to,  the  first  is  the  most  probable  one;  bat  it 
le  neocMa^  to  advert  to  Writs  of  Service  tested  oa  the 

*  In  niustratiion  of  this  asseition,  the  ibUowii:^  instance  it 
given : — 

The  general  Writs  to  the  Parliamekit  of  It  Henry  VI.  were 
tested  on  the  34th  May  iJn  that  year,  viz.  14S3.  At  that  time 
the  Barony  of  Bourchier  was  vested  in  EUkabeth,  widow  <^  Sir 
tiewts  Rohsert,  K.  G.  who  ini  summoned  to  and  sat  in  Parlia" 
ment  as  Baron  Bo^ehier,  jure  tutorit.  The  said  lady  Boor* 
thier  died.Ott  the  Istof  JcdV,  1433,  leaving  hercOtistn  Heniy 
Bourchier,  £arl  of  £we  m  Normandy,  her  next  heir,  and  who 
^as  also  heir  to  tlie  Bsrony  of  Bourcoier.  The  earliest  Wtit  of 
Summons  to  Parliament  recorded  to  have  beeu  issued  to  this 
Hehry  Bourchiet,  was  dated  5th  July,  IS  Hen.  VI.  1435  ;  but 
lirom  the  Rolls  of  Fuliament  it  appears  that  he  was  present  in 
Parliament  on  the  3d  November,  1433,  four  months  after  he 
succeeded  hts  cousin  in  the  Barony  of  Bourchier,  and  above  nine* 
teen  months  before  anv  notice  of  a  Writ  of  Summons  having 
been  issued  to  him  is  to  be  found.  It  must  therefore  be  mfened, 
that  a  spedal  Writ  was  directed  to  him,  dtongh  no  record  of  it 
has  been  preserved.    Vide  p.  77  and  749. 

TOTHVinrSkMiioltOK  7181 

90  Dee»  9%  Mm.  1. 198»,  eottmaadins  tlMse  tto  whdn  tlity. 
were  aiddrMS«d  to  b#  at  Carliile  on  ike  ff  nt  of  the  Nativity 
ui  St*  JobD  tlie  Baptist,  iAtbe  224th  June  imt  onauiny.' 
Br  Ibeaa  WriU  a//  tboae  who  by  WriU  tested  on  the  86th  df 
the  foUowiDg;  Se|>teniiber  were  aomoloiied  to  the  Parlia* 
mettt   at  Liacolo*   tvere  inelttdcd,  thoofh  the  Writi  •f 
Service  only  incladed  four  *  of  thoia  wlro  wete  not  8aBi« 
moned  to  that  Parliament  t   this  fact  is  material^  as  ife- 
aUovrs  the  inference,  that  of  those,  eighteen  Ban>ns»  all,  ez« 
oepting  the  four  just  alluded  to  werA  not  in  the  kingdom 
in  the  S8th  Edward  I.  or  that  they  were  otherwise  engaged 
on  the  King's  service,  which  would  equally  aeeoont  for  his 
not  requiring  their  attendance  in  Parliament;  for  notwith- 
standing the  omission  of  their  names  in  the  Writ  of  Sum- 
mons to  Parliament  tested  the  S6  Septw  1800  might  |Mm6/jf 
have  arisen  from  the  King's  intention  to  divest  them  of 
Baronial  rank,  their  not  lieiag  included  in  the  Writ  of 
Service  can  only  be  attributed  to  their  being  otherwise 
employed,  as  however  much  the  intention  was  to  degrade 
them,  the  Crown  was  net  lik^^  to  lose  tha  anlitary  service 
which  ibepr  owed  it« 

Thus  of  eighteen  of  these  personages,  out  of  thirty-one 
whose  attendance  in  Parliament  cannot  be  traced  to  Writs 
of  Summons^  it  is  presumed  that  their  presetice  on  tbac 
ooeasion  may  be  rationally  accounted  for,  as  we  have 
decided  proof. that  they  were  at  that  time  BABoMtof  the 
lealm  i  only  one  remark  therefore  on  the  subject  of  any 
part  of  this  aiimber  remains  to  be  offered.  From  the 
Flacita  it  migr  be  doubted  whether  such  of  the  Barons 
as  were  summoned  to  the  Parliament  at  Westminster 
imnaediately  preceding  that  at  Linesln,  HBquired  (even 
aecording  to  existing  practice)  to  have  been  summon- 
ed to  the  latter  t  for  it  appears  that  some  of  the  pro* 
eeefUngs  in  the  former  were  atffcumid  to  the  neat  Parlia- 
ment, and  it  migbt  perhaps  be  argued  that  this  fact  (not* 
withstanding  the  Writs  of  the  86th  Sept.)  rendered  the 
Parliament  which  met  at  Lincoln  an  adjourned  Parliament, 
that  Parliaamnt  baing  the  ntss^  to  the  one  in  i^hicfa  the  pro- 
eeedings  were  so  adjourned  t   in  which  case  the  Barons 

*  VerdoD,  Plnkney,  Tejes,  end  Mauley. 
VOL.  II.  &  H 

t90  BAMMUfUntBR 

ladadMl  io  tbe  Writ  to  the  Paittament  U  Wctteluter 
would  bftTe  had  a  right  to  attend  the  Parliament  at  lincolo, 
though  not  spedaliy  summooed  theieto.  *  In  corroboratioa 
of  the  opinion  that  the  Parliament  which  met  at  Lincola 
was  an  atfjmamed  Parliament,  it  must  also  be  observed^  that 
tbe  Writs  to  the  Sherifis  commanded  them  to  return  to  that 
Parliament  ike  tame  Knights,  Citisens,  and  Burgesses  ss 
were  returned  to  the  last  Parliament. 

No  record,  as  bas  before  been  noticed,  is  to  be  found  of 
a  Writ  of  Summons  to  Parliament  haTingCTcr  been  issued  to 
tight  of  the  Barons  whose  seals  are  afilxed  to  the  letter  to  tbe 
Pope,  antecedent  to  tbe  meeting  of  the  Pariiament  at  Lin- 
coln, though  they  were  summoned  to  several  subseqeent 
Parliaments.  Hence«  according  to  present  opinions,  tfaejr 
were  not  at  that  time  entitled  to  be  considered  as  Barons  of 
tbe  realm.  Whether  either  or  all  of  them  had  received  Writs 
to  that  or  to  previous  Pariiaments,  though  no  record  of 
them  is  to  be  found,  can  only  be  conjeetured;  but  it  is 
proper  to  remark,  that  one  of  tbem  was  not  only  a  Baron 
by  Tenure,  but  he  was  at  that  very  moment  Marshal  of 
Irelandf,  another  was  Admiral  of  the  King^s  Fleet^ ,  and  tbst 
the  father  of  a  third  §,  and  tbe  putative  father  of  tbe 
fourth  II,  whom  he  succeeded  in  bis  lands,  had  been  sum- 
moned to  Parliament.  It  is  thus  certain,  that  notwith- 
standing neither  of  these  persons  are  ever  recorded  to  have 
been  summoned  to  Parliament  when  they  sat  in  tbe  Par- 
liament at  Lincoln,  tbe  majority  of  tbem  were  persons  of 
high  rank,  that  two  of  tbem  then  held  important  offices,  and 
that  each  was  on  subsequent  occasions  regularly  summoned 
to  Parliament  among  the  other  Barons  of  the  kingdom, 
though  it  must  be  i^mittedHhat  we  have  no  evidence  of 
their  possessing  that  dignity  at  the  period  in  question.  Of 
tbe  personages  whose  seals  appear  to  the  letter  to  the 
Pope  six  still  remain  to  be  accounted  for,  and  as  only  one  of 
tbem,  vix.  Richard  Talbot,  who,  having  succeeded  to  his 

*  Vide  also  I.  sad  II.  Report  of  the  Lords'  Committees,  p.  24i . 
t  Wiilism  Msnhall,  vide  note  $,  p.  765. 
t  John  de'Botetoiirt,  t6uf.  note  f,  p.  767., 
§  John  Fitz  Marmaduke,  ibid,  note  f,  p.  772. 
H  Nicholas  de  Mejnill,  ibid,  note  f,  p.  774. 

TO  THB  POPS,  Amco  130 1«  791 

ffitfaef's  lands'  in  IS74,  was  nnquestionabty  a  Baron:  by 
Tenure,  appears  to  bare  been  possessed  of  Baronial  rank> 
it  is  almost  impossible  satisfactorily  (unless  a  conjecture 
wbicb  will  presently  be  submitted  be  correct),  to  explain 
tbe  cause  of  tbeir  presence  in  Parliament.  Walter  de  Beao^ 
champ,  boweyer,  wbo  was  one  of  the  six,  was  at  tbst  time 
Steward  of  tbe  King's  Hooseliold,  and  bis  official  situation 
may  explain  the  reason  of  his  attendance ;  and  there  is  some 
doubt  whether  John  le  Breton,  another  of  that  number, 
was  not,-  in  some  define  at  least,  present  in  a  judicial 
character,  though  his  deseription  in  the  letter  to  the 
Pope  is  similar  to  that  of  the  Barons.  Nicholas  de 
Carew,  John  de  Kyngeston,  and  John  de  Hodelestone, 
whose  names  complete  the  six  here  stated  never  to  have 
been  summoned  to  Parliament,  were  persons  of  eonsider- 
able  landed  property  and  local  consequence,  but  had 
no  pretensions  to  rank  among  the  Barons  of  the  Realm. 
In  one  Writ  of  Serrice,  however,  in  winch  the  names  are 
divided  into  *^Comites"  and  **  Barones,'*  Hodelstone*8  name 
is  inserted  among  tbe  latter.  Many  other  circumstances 
tending  in  some  degree  to  account  for  the  names  of  each 
of  the  persons  not  recorded  to  have  been  summoned  to  the 
Parliament  at  Lincoln,  being  parties  to  the  letter  to  the 
Pope,  will  be  found  in  the  notes  added  to  their  names  in 
the  copy  of  the  letter  inserted  in  this  Work,  and  to  which 
it  is  only  necessary  in  this  place  to  refer. 

As  Writs  are  extant  for  the  attendance  of  Knights  of  tha 
shires  and  Burgesses  to  this  Parliament,  and  as  the  letter 
expressly  states,  that  it  was  sealed  by  the  persons  whose 
names  are  recited  in  tbe  body  of  it,  on  the  behalf  of  the  whole 
community  of  England,  *'  tam  p*  nob*  q'  p*  tot&  com'uni- 
cate  p'd'ci  regni  Aogl*,*'  it  is  worthy  of  consideration  whether 
many  of  the  persons  who  were  not  at  that  time  Barons  of 
the  realm,  nor  held  any  high  official  situation,  whose 
names  occur  as  parties  to  the  document,  were  Knights  of 
Shires  :  for  if  this  suggestion  be  well  founded  it  would  ac- 
count for  the  words  just  quoted,  as  such  of  them  as  affixed 
tbeir  seals  to  the  letter  may  have  been  deputed  by  the  rest 
of  the  commons,  or,  which  is  more  probable,  that  even  so 
small  a  part  of  that  body  doing  so,  may  have  been  deemed 
sufficient  to  evince  the  consent  of  the  whole. 


70  BAMM'  LBffTlft 

The  illiawf  Of  partiet  appearing  U  thii  lett€r»  1 
taoce  ia  ParUameBt  cannot  ba  attribntcd  to  a  Writ  of 
SmnmonSy  evaa  if  no  other  cantea  ean  at  thia  ditCaace 
•f  time  be  aMtgned  for  it,  eaanot  hoareTar  invalidate  the 
•aitthenticity  of  that  instromenty  without  the  tame  argoineat 
being  applied  againft  the  antboritjr  of  the  Rolla  thea- 
aelvei ;  for  nnmerooa  inatanoea  oeenr  where  Banina  aie 
atated  to  have  been  preaent  in  Pariiaaient  who  are  net 
recorded  to  have  been  siunatoaed  to  ikai  particnlar  Par- 
liaaMnt*;  and  aapra  than  onoy  where  indindnab  are 
atated  to  have  been  preient»  who  ara  nemr  once  recorded 
to  have  been  soaiaioned  to  Parliament  f.  If  tfala  then  wm 
the  Ibet  at  comparatlTely  modem  period*^  when  the  ra- 
cordt  of  Parliament  are  infinitely  aM>re  periscty  how 
flMich  more  strong  does  the  aifument  apply  to  n  po- 
ffiod  of  ParlianienCary  Hiftoiy  of  whiob  but  little  cer- 
tain ia  known :  and  thongh  to  the  inveatigatloa  of  H  ^ 
talent,  roMarch,  and  aeal  of  the  Lords'  Commltteca  waa  da- 
voted,  no  aatiifaotdry  aeoount  oaold  be  given.  Nor  ii  it  too 
oittob  to  contend,  in  the  absence  of  a  canto  which,  aecord- 
ing  to  oor  slight  knowledge  of  the  oonstitotion  of  the  leglo- 
lative  assembliea  of  that  period,  would  captain  the  piroomr 
atance  of  penons  sitting  aa  Parona  of  the  Realm  who  aiw  not 
reeovded  to  hive  been  auramoned  as  such,  that  onoh  of  the 
ladividoals  in  question  had  a  legal  right  to  that  dijgttity, 
notwithstanding  the  source  in  which  the  dignity  originated 
cannot  now  be  traeed. 

These  observations  are  far  from  intended  to  soppovt  the 
opinion,  that  the  proof  afforded  by  this  letter  of  the  pwwanpce 
of  persons  aa  Barons  to  whom  Writs  of  Summons  to  Faiiia- 
ment  had  not  previously  been  issued,  should  estaUiah  an 
hereditary  dignity ;  but  it  is  submitted,  that  with  rmpoet  to 
such  penons  as  are  reoorded  to  have  been  summoned  to 
that  Parliament  (if  net  to  any  previous  Parliament),  the 
proof  which  this  letter  affords  of  their  presence  on  that  oo- 
oasion,  is  the  most  satisfactory  evidence  which  ia  eatant  off  a 
proof  of  a  sitting  in  Parliament 

•  Vide  notes  to  p.  719,  724,  725,  ter.  722,  729,  7S0,  737, 
742,  743,  744,  746,  746,  749,  762,  764,  768,759. 
t  Vide  notes,  p.  722,  724, 78a,  787,  764,  767,  769. 

TO  THB  POPE,'  AWIO  1301.  :793 

-  H«vioiip  thus  stated  nicb  arfoments  in  support  of  the  evi- 
dence which  the  letter  would  establisby  and  alluded  to 
points  which  might  be  objected  against  it,  it  is  necessary  in 
the  next  place  to  notice  the  important  fact,  that  a  docu- 
ment, supposed  to  he  either  the  original  letter,  or  a  duplicate 
of  it  made  at  the  same  time  and  sealed  by  each  of  th^BaronSy 
is  preaerved  in  the  Chapter  House  at  Westminster;  and  it 
is  essential  to  inquire,  whether  thai  doeumeni  would  be 
received  as  an  authentic  instrument ;  for  as  the  original 
letter  was  addressed  to  the  Pope,  it  may  fairly  be  supposed, 
that  any  similar  document  not  foiind  in  the  archives  of  the 
Holy.  See,  or  which  could  not  be  positively  traced  once  to 
Itave  been  deposited  in  those  archives,  would  not  be  deemed 
the  origimal,  Wbetber  the  original  document  does  or  does 
not  exist  among  the  records  of  that  State,  has  not,  it  is  pre- 
•nmed  been  ascertained;  but  if  it  be  clearly  established, 
that  no  such  letter  is  extant,  and  that  no  record  of  its 
ever  having  been  deposiud  there  is  to  be  found,  it  will  then 
become  a  question  whether^ the  letter  was  ever  forwarded, 
nnd  consequently  whether  the.  document  at  the  Chapter 
House  is  not  the  original.  That  it  is  a  MS.  of  that  period 
the  most  competent  judges  admit,  and  from  the  seals  and 
other  marl(s  of  authenticity,  a  rational  doubt  can  scarcely 
beentertained,  that  if  it  be  not  the  original  lbtter,  it  is  an 
<iFFiciAL  DUPLICATE  of  it  Nor  cau  it  possibly  be  a  matter 
jof  surprise  that  a  duplicate  of  so  important  an  instrument, 
expressing  as  it  did  the  opinion  of  the  legislative  assembly 
of  the  kingdom  on  a  subject  of  the  highest  political  interest, 
should  have  been  made. 

Excepting  as  a  point  of  historical  curiosity,  the  only  ob- 
ject for  inquiring  whether  the  document  in  the  Chapter 
House  at  Westminster  is  the  original  or  a  duplicate,  is  the 
possibility  of  its  being  oflfered  as  evidence  of  a  sitting  in  Par- 
liament. The  Cutiot  is  therefore  necessarily  an  object  of  atten- 
tion; but  as  it  is  impossible  to  enter  properly  into  a  question 
which  could  only  be  discussed  with  advantage  after  an  in- 
vestigation into  the  nature  of  the  records  contained  in 
the  Chapter  House,  a  point  which  the  Editor  has  not  the 
means  of  ascertaining  in  a  manner  satisfactory  to  him- 
self, this  subject  must  be  dismissed  with  merely  allud- 
ing to  a  circumstance  which  will  be  more  fully  noticed, 

KK  3 

794  BAROtm*  tlTTBB 

that  there  l«  |iroof  that  the  deenmeiit  was  amoiiif  the 
archives  of  the  Treasury  of  the  Receipt  of  the  Eseheqiief  fai 
the  reifii  of  James  the  First :  and  with  observingy  mat  if 
the  moit  competent  persons  were  to  be  examined  as  to 
which  they  would  deem  the  proper  deposftory  for  a  record 
written  and  sealed  in  a  Parliament  held  in  the  89th 
Edw.  I.  to  be  discovered  In,  it  is  presumed,  from  the  state  of 
the  records  in  this  country,  that  considerable  difibrenee  of 
opinion  would  be  found  to  exist  i  and  if  the  letter  in 
the  Chapter  House  be  deemed,  as  it  is  here  strenooiisly 
contended,  a  duplicate  of  the  orioinal,  made  for  the  war^ 
pose  of  being  preserved  amonfp  the  public  muniments  or  the 
kingdom,  it  would  perhaps  be  diflleult  to  assign  to  it  a  uore 
proper  Cuiiot  than  that  in  which  It  is  now,  and  for  above 
two  centuries  at  least,  has  been  preserved. 

At  the  commencement  of  these  remarks  it  was  atatcd, 
that  no  reason  has  ever  been  publicly  assigned  agidnet  the 
authenticity  of  the  document  preserved  among  the  records 
in  the  Treasury  of  the  Receipt  of  the  Exchequer ;  and  it  is 
now  proper  that  referencse  shonld  be  made  to  the  oelv 
notice  oSf  it  which  the  Editor  believes  has  been  priBled. 
The  lint  copies  printed  were  those  Inserted  la  '  tfM 
early  editions  of  the  Fcsdera  i  the  next,  that  published  in 
Dogdale's  '*  Gopy  of  all  Summons  of  the  Nobility  to  the 
Great  Councils  and  Parliaments  of  this  Realm,  fMm  tbt 
XLix  of  King  Henry  III.  until  these  present  Times,**  Lon- 
don, 1686 :  on  both  these  copies  some  observatimw  will  be 
made.  In  I7S9  the  Society  of  Antiquaries  published  in  tbe 
first  volume  of  the  Vetosta  Monumenta^  engravings  €i#  the 
seals  attached  to  the  letter,  and  of  the  letter  ttaelf  (tiioiich 
it  is  to  be  regretted,  that  the  engraving  of  the  tetter  was 
not  a  fac  simile  of  the  MS.  of  the  document  in  the  Chapter 
House),  taken  from  a  transcript  and  drawing  nuMfo  In 
1694  by  Augustine  Vincent,  Windsor  Herald,  by  comasand 
of  the  Earl  Marshal  t  to  which  is  attadied  a  certificate*  tliat 
it  had  been  carefully  collated  **  cum  er^^ftnitli  /MfmiMenle 
in  Thesauro  D*ni  Regis  Caroli  Westmonasterij  remanente  s 
verbatim  eoncordare  vidit  Joh'es  Bradshaw  In  eodem  The- 
sauro Procamerarius;  omniaq*  pralibata  siglUa,  prontin  an- 
tograpbo  se  conspicienda  prasbent,  exactd  delineari  curavlt 
idem  Job'es,  Windsor  Heraldus,  meuse  Novembris,  1689." 
From  this  transcript  two  conclusions  of  importanoa  may 

TO  THE  rOPBy  AMVQ  130i;  795 

hm  dmwm  the  one,  that  above  two  eenturies  ago  the 
dofrnment  now  preserved  io  the  Chapter  House  wu  ia 
that  repoftitory ;  aiyd  the  other,  that  it  wa«  then  considered 
the  OBiOtNAL  ifiTTEB.  Upon  the  word  or^gtaol,  as 
applied  to  the  record  in  qoestion,  it  must  be  remarked, 
that  it  was  in  all  probability  meant  to  express  that  it  was 
written  and  sealed  in  the  Parliament  at  Lanooln ;  but  whe- 
ther a  duplicate  made  for  the  purpose  of  beinp  presenred 
amooff  the  muniments  of  this  kingdom,  or  the  doeument 
executed  for  the  purpose  of  being  forwarded  to  Rome,  was 
not  a  point  which  ^  the  words  '*  Original  Instrument" 
was  intended  to  be  determined.  On  two  other  occasiono 
oi|ly  has  this  document  been  noticed,  by  Mr.  Cruise  in  hie 
Treatise  on  Dignities,  and  by  the  Lords*  Committees  ap- 
pointed to  Search  the  Journals  of  the  House,  Rolls  of  Par* 
Ijaoient,  and  otb^r  records  find  docuoMnts  for  all  matters 
touching  the  dif^nity  of  a  Peer  of  the  Realm.  The  manner 
in  whieh  the  document  is  alluded  to  by  the  Lords'  Com* 
nsittees  desa^nds  the  utmost  attcatieii »  but  as  in  the  eom« 
ments  whidi  wiU  be  offsrcd  on  the  Committees*  observa- 
tions, the  copy  in  the  Fadera»  as  weU  as  that  given  by 
Dogdalt,  will  be  notieed,  and  as  the  remarks  of  Mr,  Cniiae 
on  the  Bulijeot  *are  unoonneeted,  they  will  first  be  quoted* 
In  the  firtt  edition,  1810,  of  his  valuable  treatise  on 
Hignities,  the  Letter  to  the  Pope  is  thus  spoken  of  :-*- 

**  The  most  ancient  pioof  of  a  sitting  in  Parliament  is  the 
letter  Written  by  the  Nobles  in  Parliament  in  99  Edw.  L  to 
the  Pope,  respeeting  the  sovereignty  of  Seotland,"  p.  SSp. 
But  in  the  second  and  last  edition,  published  in  1833,  tl^ 
opinion  is  most  materially  changed  $  for  be  observes, 

*<  It  is  sai4  that  the  most  andent  proof  of  a  sitting  ia 
Pailianent  extant,  is  the  letter  written  by  the  Nobles  in 
Parliament  in  S9  £dw.  I.  to  the  Ptope,  respecting  the  sovo* 
reignty  he  claimed  in  Scotland;  which  may  be  seen  in 
Rymers  Fcadera,  under  that  year  i  and  idso  in  Dugdale'a 
Summonses  to  Parliament.  But  this  is  a  mistake;  for  there 
are  two  records  of  a  prior  date  to  that  letter  published  in 
the  RoUs  of  Parliament,  vol.  I.  p.  35,  No.  15,  and  p«  824, 
No.  8,  in  which  the  names  of  several  persons  who  then  sat 
in  Parliament  are  mentioned  $  o»^  ihg  lelUr  to  the  Pope  it 
not  now  held  to  be  authentic**    P.  363. 

On  these  extracts  it  must  be  observed,  that  the  words. 

7S!6  •        BJouKHS*  Lvrrsft  ^ 

«*  it  b  said,*'  can  only  apply  to  what  Mr.  Cruise  fdm$df 
said  in  the  first  edition  of  his  work,  and  some  reasoa  for  tbe 
cluuige  in  the  opinion  which  be  (ben  expressed  in  so  anqna- 
lified  a  manner^  might  perhaps  have  been  expected:  none 
however  is  assignedy  and  consequently  it  is  merely  necessaiy 
tQ  state*  lest  tbe  words  of  that  distin^ished  writer  should 
•be  misunderstood,  that  not  only  has  no  judicial  decision 
been  pronounced  on  the  document  in  questiooy  but  that  it 
has  never  been  tendered  in  Evidence. 
.  To  the  observations  of  tbe  Lords'  Committees,  the 
greatest  deference  is  due;  and  much  diflidence  is  conse- 
quently felt  in  contending  against  the  impresaon  which  the 
alight  uotice.taken  of  tbe  record  in  the  Chapter  Hoiiae,  in 
•their' first  and  second  Report,  is  calculated  to  produce. 
-  Tbe  Committees  commence  their  remarks  in  a  nsanncr 
which  at  onee  proves  tbe  opinion  they  entertain  of  tbe 
•document  in  the  Chapter  House: 

.  «•  There  is,"  the  report  states, "  in  tbe  treasury  of  the 
receipt  of  tbe  Exchequer,  a  e^^  of  a  letter  suppa§ed  to  have 
'been  addressed  by  tbe  Earls  and  Barons  assembled  in  this 
Parliament  to  the  Pope,  in-consequenoe  of  a  Papal  Bull,  in 
« which  it  was  asserted  that  Scotland  was  a  fee  of  the  Romish 
.Chureb.  Jytkis  cop^  eau  ke  comtuiered  at  evidence  ef  ike 
MXiHence  ^  eueh  an  insirumenit  perhaps  the  concents  may 
be  deemed  material  to  tbe  subject  of  the  enquiries  of  the 
Committee,  In  many  pointo  of  view  V 
t  U  is  evident,  from  this  passage,  not  only  that  .tbe  Cma- 
•mi^tees  consider  the  document  allnded  to  ti-eepy,  bat 
tbiit  they  have  some  doubt  whether- such  a  letter  ever 
was  written.  That  question  has  however  been  already  ne- 
ti<;f d ;  but  as  not  one  cause  fur  the  opinion  is  expressed,  it 
would  be  useless  to  contend  against  mere  conjecture,  how- 
ever exalted  iu  talent  and  reputation  the  persons  may  be 
from  whom  it  emanates ;  especially  when  arguments,  whicb, 
from  the  evidence  on  which  they  are  founded,  must  be  ad- 
mitted to  be  of  considerable  weight,  "have  been  used  in 
favour  of  a  concluiion  immediately  opposed  to  tbe  hypo- 
thesis which  the  words  of  the  Committees  tend  to  establish. 
Tbe  next  paragraph  is,  however,  more  important  <— ^  . 
.     *<  Some  of  the.  persons  whose  names  are  inserted  in  tbe 

*,Fir8t  and  Second  Report,  p.  S40. 

TO  Ttt  FOFB,  AMSO  1301.  9«7 

letter  do  net  wffwtf  by  the  Roll,  to  Inve  been  i 
to  the  PttUament  at  LiQeoln»  end  Bome  pcnoas  whole 
Bamee  are  net  in  the  letter  were  rammoned.  But  perha|»t 
the  mott  impoitant  ctrDonistanoet  io  this  transaction  are, 
that  the  ParUaonent  assembled  at  Lineoln  Is  called  in  the 
letter  a  General  Parliattent,  and  that  those  whose  names 
fsere  inserted  in>  and  seals  affixed  to  the  letter,  assomed 
the  power  to  address  the  Pope  for  themselves  and  the  whole 
eommnni ty  of  the  kingdom,  without  any  appsfent  ant^rity 
from  the  koightSy  citisens,  and  burfesses,  if  thay  ettendcd 
that  Parliament*.*' 

On  the  first  part  of  this  extract,  it  is  not  requtelte  to 
make  a|iy  obsenration,  beeaose  the  snbject  has  already  been 
noticed  at  considerable  length ;  hot,  with  relation  to  the  latter 
part,  that  thoogh  expressly  eaHed  a  <3«iibral  Parliament* 
the  parties  to  the  letter  had  no  i^partni  authority  from  the 
Knights,  Citizens,  and  Burgesses,  to  assert  that  it  wai  writtea 
on  the  behalf  of  the  whole  community  of  the  Kingdom, 
it  is- necessary  to  refer  to  a  coijeeture  basarded  in  a  former 
part  of  these  ofaaerrations,  that  some,  iC  not  the  majority, 
of  the  penons  whose  names  appear  in  the  letter,  and  who 
leere  not  Summoned  to  thai  Parliament,  or  to  frmdaau  Par- 
liaments, as  Barons,  Were  Knii^ts  of  tlia  Shires,  returned 
under  tho  Wriu  commanding  their  eleet»n»  which  Writs 
have  befi|  before  pited ;  and  though  the  Editor  had  not  the 
means  of  ascert]^ning  who  were  %\k€  persons  returned  under 
those  Wriu  to  the  Parliament  at  lincoln,  the  Lords'  Com- 
mittee l^are  dou^less  access  to  ve^iords  which  would  supply 
that  information.  If,  however,  it  could  be  established,  that 
not  a  single  individual  whose  name  is  recited  in  that  letter 
was  either  a  Knight  of  the  Sbirci  Citieen,  or  Burgess  of 
Parliament,  it  may  be  confidently  asked^  is  it  any  argu- 
ment against  the  authenticity  of  the  document,  that  no  appa^ 
rent  authority  exists  by  which  the  persons  who  were  parties 
to  the  instrument  stated,  that  they  did  so  in  a  General  Par- 
liament, and  on  the  behalf  of  the  whole  commnnity  of  the 
realm,  when  not  only  individuals,  but  even  the  Caromittees 
themselves,  have  candidly  recorded,  tbiit  no  satisfactory 
conclusion  can  he  drawn  as  to  the  forms  and  customs  of  the 
Parliaments  of  that  period  ?    The  words  **  General  Par* 

*  First  and  Second  Report,  p.  mi. 

^9i  BARONS*  UPmXL 

LtAMBirr"  probably  meant  either  a  Parliament  consiatins  of 
the  three  estates  of  the  kin^om,  or  of  persons  not  always 
summoned,  but  whose  presence  was  necessary  to  render  the 
assembly  what  was  deemed  a  General  Parliament.  We 
have  evidence  that  each  estate  was  duly  summoned  to  be 
present  at  the  Parliament  which  met  at  Lincoln,  and 
from  the  follow  ing>  abstract  of  the  number  of  persons  re- 
corded to  have  been  summoned  to  Parliament,  from  the 
83d  Edw.  I.  to  the  5  Edw.  II.  inclusirc,  it  is  positive  that 
the  numbjer  named  in  the  letter  to  the  Pope  consider- 
ably exceeded  the  usual  number  summoned  to  Parliament 
as  Barons ;  the  presence  of  which  additional  number  in 
that  Parliament  may  possibly  account  for  the  expression 
«'  General  Parliament,"  and  the  sUtement  that  the  letter 
was  attested  by  those  whose  names  appear  in  it,  **Tam 
pro  nobis  qoltm  pro  tot4  communitate  predict!  Regni 


33  Edw.  I.  84  June^  1895  11  53 
1  Oct.  1895  9  41 

U  Nov.  1895  8  38 

'  84  Edw.  I.  86  Aufi;.  1996  6  37 

85  Edw.  I.        86  Jan.  1897  6  75. 

Edw.  I.  6  Feb.  1899  10  80 
10  April,  1899  10  47 

21  Sept.  1299  4  5 

28  Edw.  I.  29  Dec.  1299  11  99 

26  Sept.  1300  •  9  80 

30  Edw.  I.         2  June,  1308        10  88 

24  July,  1302         10  82 

. 13  Sept.  1302         10    .      73 

32  Edw.  I.        12  Nov.  1304  9  94 

33  Edw.  I.        22  Jan.  1305  8  93 

13  July,  1305  6  8 

34  Edw.  I.  3  Nor.  1306  18  86 
lEdw.  ir.        86  Aug.  1307            d  71 

18Jan.  1308t        11  60 

*  The  Parliament  which  met  at  Xincbln. 
t  To  att«9d  the  King's  CorqaaVipn. 

TO  THE  roPKf  AMMO  1301.  TJM 


— -  19  Jan.  1308  11  46 
10  March,  1308      10          47 

SEdw.II.  16  Aug:.  1308  9  57 

8  Jan.  1309  9  42 

4  March,  1309  9  81 

1 1  June,  1309  8  69 

3  Edw.  ir.  26  Oct.  1309  12  84 

12  Dec.  1309  12  68 

5  Edw.  II.           8  Oct.  131  i  7  38 

19  Dec.  1311  8  60 

At  York  9  42 

This  abstract  also  proves,  that  on  no  occasion,  from 
the  23d  Edw.  1.  to  the  5th  Edw.  II.  both  years  inclusive, 
were  so  many  persons  summoned  to  Parliament  as  to  the 
Parliament  immediately  preceding  that  at  Lincoln ;  and 
if,  as  has  been  supposed  *,  the  Parliament  which  met  at 
Lincoln  was  an  adjourned  Parliament,  all  the  persons  who 
were  summoned  to  attend  the  previous  Parliament  would 
have  had  a  right  to  attend  it,  and  the  extraordinary  num- 
ber of  Writs  then  issued  may  have  caused  the  Parliament 
that  assembled  at  Lincoln  to  have  been  considered  a  Gene- 
ral Parliament.  The  number  of  Barons  generally  sum- 
moned, it  appears,  was  from  seventy  to  eighty- five;  and, 
on  two  occasions,  they  amounted  to  ninety-three  or  ninety- 
four,  but  they  sometimes  did  not  exceed  fifty.  It  is  there- 
fore far  from  unlikely,  though  perhaps  it  would  be  difficult 
to  establish  the  fact,  that  both  the  Parliaments  to  which 
the  unusual  number  of  ninety-three  Barons  were  sum- 
moned, were  likewise  styled  General  Parliaments,  of  the 
precise  meaning  of  which  term  we  bave^  as  has  been 
before  remarked,  no  precise  information. 

The  Committees,  however,  admk  that 

'*  It  seems  probable,  from  the  existence  of  the  document 
in  the  Exchequer,  that  a  letter  to  the  same  effect,  was  writ- 
ten to  the  Pope  J "  i^nd  the  Report  proceeds  to  observe  : — 

'""In  the  copy  given  in  the  Fcedera,  the  name  of  **  Wil- 
lelmus,  Domious  de  Molyns  is  inserted,  which  is  not  in  the 

•  Pages  789,  790.  • 

lAMMt' nfftftfl 

Rteoid  In  ihm  Etcto|mr.  la  tilt  ^ofy  ft^tn  by- Diigdi^ 
there  it  tidded  a  note.  Hi  whieh  it  is  slated  tlMt  t^itijd- 
peiBODS  named,  t#eD^«eislit  in  nilmber#.«rtrase-8esiaviie. 
affixed  to  Uie  lettcry  were  not  summoned  totlM?  I'^Uamentf 
&c.  A  list  is  added  of  fifteen  persons,  wlidse  sdids  were  not 
affixed  to  the  letter,  and  mho  are, represented  in^t^e  same  ; 
note  as  having  been  summoned;  lyit,  on  examination  of 
the  Roll,  neither  of  tbesHjusts  appear  to  l|ii^  Jieeii -correct. 
It  u  therefore  difl^ult  t^  conceive  Irom  Wbleb  document 
the  copy  in  Du£daie  was  transcribed,  or  /rem  what  docu- 
ment the  name  of  Lord  Malyns  wak  introduced  'in  the  copy 
given  in  the  Foedfera,"^  -         * 

With  respect  to  the  copy'in  the^ast  edittonof-theTce- 
dera,  to  that  given  by  Du^ale,  and  to  the  copies  in  earlier 
editlpns  of  the  ^'osd^rf,  •f'nc) 'aathority  qi^,-  if  named  as  that 
from  which  the  co|^  in  each  of  these  works  waS  taken,  Tia* 
the  document  in  the  Chapter  House  at  Westminster.  Hence 
it  may  be  inferred,  that  any  deviation  from,  that^doc^ 
meat  must  be  considered  as  the  error  of  the  transcriber; 
All  these  copies  have  been  collated  with  f  ^h^  otJier»  and 
with  the  copy  lately  printed  by  the  Lords  Committees,  in 
the  Appendix  to  their  first  and  second  Report,,  the  latter 
being  considered  the  verbatim  et  literstini  |jiraqscr^it  from 
the  document  itself.  The  result  of  this  exainanation  was^ 
that  the  Copy  inserted  in  the  last  edition  of  the  Foe- 
dera  proved  to  be  a  verbatim  copy  irom  that  li^  former 
editions  of  that  work,  and  thi^t  thos^  cop^e^  nOt  bnljr  'differ 
from  that  printed,  by  the*  IfQr4s.'  Qomlni^tees,  in  having  the 
name  of  **  Willielmus  Domipus  Aloiynff/'-^t  that  snany 
other  variations  exist  between  them^  the  most  material  of 
which  are  inserted  in  the  note  below  K  Dugdale's  copy  of 

*  In  the  list  of  Baross  in  the  cc^  m  the  Foedc^ra,  edit.  1705, 
London,  and  edit.  1737,  Hague,  and  also  in  the  edition,  pub- 
lished by  order  of  the  Commission  for  the  preservation  of  the 
Records  m  1816  the  Earl  of  Norfolk  is  mer^y  styled  **  Comes 
Norfolk,"  whilst,  in  the  original*  lihe  words  J*  et  Maresch 
Aogl'  **  are  added  to  his  name* 

John  Level  is  called  **  Pommus  de  Berekmggp  instead  of 
"  Dakkyng." 

«<  Robertus  2aWarde"  stands  as  '^^Robertus  </e  Waide." 
«  Nich's  de  Meynhull,"  as  •«  Nich's  Mcynhyll." 
<*  Joh'es  de  lAsle,  D'n's  de  Wodeton^  as  John  de  Insula,  D'n's 

TO  THS   POVEy  AKNO   1301.  JOI 

tbe  Letter  itself»  Tsries  in  a  slight  degree  both  from  the 
copy  printed  by  the  Lords'  CooiiDittees,  and  from  that  pub- 
lished in  the  different  editions  of  the  Fcedera  just  cited  i  and 

"  Gilbertus  de  Peccbe,  m  **  Gilbertus  Peccha" 

«<  Rob*tiu  Hftstang,  D  u's  de  la  D6ir^>"  as  D'n's  deD^ir^e. 

*«  Will's  Paynel,  D'n's  de  Fracyngton"  as  "  D'n*s  de  Tra- 

"  Fulco  le  Strange,  D'ni's  de  Corsh  m,"  as  "  D'ii*s  do 

«  John'  de  Hodellestorit'  as  ''Johannes  de  Hudlesim," 

"  John'  de  Greystok,  DVsMwyo^A,"  as  "D'n'us  (/cMorpath/* 

la  the  Letter  itself  the  following  aie  the  chief  Tariatious  between 
the  copies  in  the  Foedera  and  that  printed  by  the  Lords*  Com- 

In  the  first  line,  instead  of 

**  p'videncia  S'c'e  Romane  ae  utiiv'saUs  eooi'ie  sttm'o/'  &c. 
the  copies  in' the  Feeders  stand,  • 

**  p'icidencia  S*c*e  Romane  eecFiep  rarn'o,"  ^c* 

Lbe  $t  p.  774,  '<  velit  illesa  sane  co'vocatomtp'  p'  serenissimo/' 
&c.  stands  in  the  Foedera, 

<'  velit  illesa  sane  eonvocato  per  serenissimo,"  &c. 

Line  «6,  p.776,  **  et  nnanimis  o'niam  n'r^m  8t  singulor*,"  &c. 

In  the  copies  in  the  Foedera  the  word  nostrorum  is  omitted. 

Line  30,  Rnd.  **  in  dubiu'  ipsius  denicat,"  ipsius  Is  omitted  in 
tbe  Foedera. 

■  Line  3,  p.  776,  **  &  leges  p*d*cte  absq'  dim'uc'one,  &c.  in  the 
Foedera,  the  word  predicUe  is  omitted. 

The  date  assigned  to  the  letter  in  the  Foedera  is  M,CCCT. 
whilst  that  given  in  the  copy  publiahed  by  the  Lords'  Committees 
is  M.CCC.  The  year  was,  in  iiict,  1300-1 ;  and  in  the  original 
record  the  date,  1300,  is  written  in  words  at  length. 
•  These  variations  and  omissions,  thoach  not  otherwise  of  mo- 
ment, are  nevertheless  important,  as  they  prove  that  the  copies 
printed  in  the  editions  *of  the  Foedera  here  cited,  were  not,  as 
they  profess  to  be,  copied  ffom  the  original,  and  hence  are  un- 
deserving of  any  notice  which  can  at  all  militate  against  the  do- 
cument from  which  they  are  said  to  have  been  taken. 

The  chief  difference  between  Dagdale's  copy  and  that  printed 
by  the  Lords'  sCommittees,  besides  the  omission  of  the  Earl  of  Nor- 
folk's name,  and  many,  though  not  all  the  variations  which  distin- 
guish the  copies  in  the  Foedera,  consists  in  the  omission  of  the 
words :  *'  Angl,  Sf  regie  dignitatis  ac  mWsUme  status  fQusdevk 
r<5gwt,"  in  line  32,  p;775, 

.VOL.  II.  L  I. 

80*  B4II0IIS    tETTZa 

though  the  list  of  nimes  iiv  Ilugdale't  transeript  does  not* 
contaia  that  of  Lord  Molinet^  ii  omits  that  of  '*  Roger  Bi- 
got»  Earl  of  Norfolk  and  Earl  Marshal/'  Tfaas  the  nunher 
of  persons^  parties  to  the  Letter,  are  stated  in  the  Fcedera 
to  have  been  104,  in  Dugdale  to  have  been  102,  and  in  the 
copy  inserted  in  the  Appendix  to  the  Report  of  the  Lords' 
Committees,  to  hame  been  103 ;  the  latter  of  whieh  is  correct. 
The  difficulty,  therefore,  which  the  Report  expresses  of 
conceiving  from  what  document  the  copy  in  Dugdale  was 
transcribed,  may  perhaps  be  entirely  removed,  by  attrl-' 
buting  it  to  the  Fsedera ;  and  that  writer  appears  to  have 
omitted  the  name  of  Lord  Molines  because  he  was  aware, 
from  having  previously  compiled  the  account  of  that  ^• 
mily,  which  is  inserted  vn  bis  Baronage*,  that  no'*  Wil- 
liam Lord  Molines"  existed  at  the  period  when  .the  Let- 
ter was  written;  a  fact  which  will  be  more  fully  com- 
mented upon.  The  omission  uf  the  name  of  the  Earl 
of  Norfollc  cannot  be  imputed  to  that  cause,  and  must 
be  attrilmted  to  precisely  the  same  cause  as  that  to 
whieh  the  introduction  of  the  same  of  Lord  Molinef,  in  the 
early  editions  of  the  Fosdera,  may  be  assigned,  namely,  the 
carelessneas  of  the  person  ayrpotnted  to  transcribe  the  copy 
from  the  document  in  the  Chapter  Houst.  Tbafr  this  error 
should  not  have  been  detected  by  those  to  whose  care  the 
new  edition  of  the  Fcedera  was  entrusted,  may  excite  surprise, 
so  far  as  regards  its  learned  Editors;  but  surely  it  can  create, 
no  prejudice  against  the  authenticity  of  a  document  whieh 
is  cited  as  the  authority  for  every  copy  which  is  known  to 
exist,  however  much  those  copies  may  vary  from. the  original, 
or  from  each  other. 

That  no  William  Lord  Molines  could  have  been  a  party 
to  the  letter  to  the  Pope  in  S9Edw»l.  may  be  inferred  from, 
if  it  k>e  not  decidedly  proved  by,  the  following  circumstances. 
The  family  of  Molines  did  not  attain  to  any  rank  or  imuort- 
ance  in  this  country  until  the  reign  of  Edw.Ill.  In  Dug- 
It  is  consequeutly  maoifest  that  the  copy  in  the  three  editions 
of  the  Foeodera  jnst  cited,  as  well  as  that  given  hj  Dugdale,  were 
not  correctly  copied  from  the  record  to  whicK  references  are  made, 
as  the  authority  for  their  insertiou  In  those  works. 

*  The  second  volume  of  Dogdale's  Baronage,  in  which  his 
account  of  the  Molines'  family  is  slven,  was  printed  in  1 676 ; 
and  his  Lists  of  Summons,  in  which  the  copy  of  the  Barons' 
Letter  is  inserted,  in  1685. 

TO  TUB  rOPBy  ANNO  1 30 1 .  803 

-dale's  liiatory  of  that  fnaity  be  says  •  :  "  That  ibis  family 
of  MblHn,  whereof  I  am  now  to  speak,  was  originally  of 
Freneh  extraction,  from  tbat  town  in  Bourbonnols  so  called, 
is  not  at  all  to  be  deabted :  bowbeit,  until  the  beginning  of 
King  Edward  the  Third's  reign,  that  John  de  Molins  became 
a  person  not  a  little  eminenf,  as  well  for  his  esteem  with 
that  King,  as  his  large  possessions  in  several  connties,  espe- 
cially Boekinghamshire,  /  haw  n&i  teen  awf  thing  rfnote 
thereof  from  our  public  records."  The  concluding  part  of 
this  stateiiient  is  corroborated  by  there  not  being  even  a 
solitary  reference  to  the  name  In  the  Index  to  that  part  of 
tbe  last  edition  of  the  Fmdera,  which  contains  documents 
contemporary  with  tbe  period  when  this  William,  Lord  Mo- 
HneS,  must  baye  lived;  nor  do  there  appear  to  be  any 
Inquiaitions  Post' Mortem  of  any  person  of  the  name  of  Mo- 
llnes  until  the  reign  of  Edw.  III.  One  fact  on  tbe  subject, 
but  which  is  of  a  convincing  nature,  only  remains  to  be 
stated :  in  tbe  most  authentic  pedigrees  of  Molines  recorded 
in  tlie  College  of  Arms,  amon^  Vincent's  collections,  no 
^'  ffUham  de  Molines"  oocars,  until  a  William  de  Molines, 
who  is  styled  *«  Chevalier  Valeetus  Regis,"  temp.  Edw.  IIL 
and  who  was  tbe  son  of  John  de  Molines,  the  first  baron  of 
tlic  family  %  which  John,  Baron  Molines,  died  in  the  45th 
Bdw.  ill.  137 19  and  tbe  said  William,  hb  son,  appears  to 
have  deceased  in  1380! 

The  important  question,  whether  the  document  preserved 
in  tbe  Chapter  House  at  Westminster  is  tbe  original,  or  a 
duplicate  of  the  original,  made  at  the  same  time  and  place, 
OMist  chiefly  depend  upon  the  existence  of  a  document  of 
the  same  nature  In  the  archives  of  the  Holy  See.  If  snch  a 
document  be  deposited  In  those  archives,  the  one  in 
question  may,  it  is  confidently  concluded,  be  deefied  a 
duplicate,  and  which  it  wonld  be  desirable  should  be 
collated  with  tbat  which  is  supposed  to  exist  at  Rome.  If, 
liowever,  no  such  instrument  be  extant  among  the  pontifical 
records,  this  document  may  possibly  be  the  original,  wbich, 
for  various  political  reasons,  was  not  forwarded  to  the  per- 
sonage to  whom  it  is  addressed. 

Whatever  may  be  the  decision  on  the  question  as  to 
whether  it   is  the  ori^nal  or  a  duplicate,  cannot,  it  is 

*  Tome  IT;  p.  145  • 
L  L  9 


contended,  affect  itt  charaeier  at  evidence  that  the  per* 
sonB  whose  teaU  are  affixed  to  it  were  then  present  in 
Parliament.  Lord  Coke's  dictum,  which  has  Hnifonnly  been 
acted  upon  by  the  House  of  Lords,  that  **  the  proofs  of  a 
sitiin^f  in  Parliament,  by  virtue  of  a  Writ  of  Summons, 
must  be  by  the  records  of  Parliament,"  strongly  areues  for 
the  admission  of  this  document.  Nothing,  until  the  com- 
mencement of  the  Journals  in  1509,  but  the  Rolls  of  Par- 
liament, is  extant,  which  can  be  deemed  the  Records 
of  Parliament  s  and  the  latter  have  been  received  as  proof 
that  Peers  mentioned  therein  as  having  been  appointed 
Triers  of  Petitions,  or  Witnesses  to  certain  transactions  in 
Parliament,  were  then  present  * ;  the  correctness  of  which 
notices  must,  of  course,  depend  upon  others  than  the  Peers 
themselves.  Is  it  possible,  then,  to  imagine  that  a  docu- 
ment containing  the  solemn  decision  of  the  tiegislatiye  As- 
sembly of  the  Realm  upon  a  subject  which,  it  is  indisputably 
proved,  that  assembly  was  specially  convened  to  discuss, 
and  to  which  each  Baron  placed  his  own  seal,  will  not 
be  received  as  part  of  the  Records  of  Parliament,  because 
from  the  imperfect  state  of  the  Rolls  of  the  period  when  it 
was  written,  it  is  not,  as  it  nndoubiedly  ought,  to  be  found 
thereon  ?  Were  the  ordinary  records  of  Parliament  of  that 
period  as  perfect  and  minute  as  it  is  notorious  they  are 
scanty  and  incomplete,  and  no  notice  of  the  affair  alluded  to 
in  the  Letter  was  to  be  found  on  them,  there  might  be  some 
ground  for  suspicion  ;  but  when  a  page  contains  all  the  a<^ 
count  recorded  of  the  proceedings  of  a  Parliament  for  which 
more  than  ordinary  preparations  for  business  were  made,  it 
is  impossible  to  anticipate,  whenever  the  Letter  may  be  ten- 
dered as  a  proof  of  sitting  in  Parliament  of  those  Barons  . 
who  were  summoned  to  the  Parliament  in  which  that  docu- 
ment was  written,  and  who  are  named  as  parties  to  it,  that  it 
will  not  be  received  as  incontrovertible  evidence  of  the  fact 
which  it  would  be  produced  to  establish. 

*  The  first  instance  in  which  the  Rolls  of  Parliament  are  po- 
sitively known  to  have  been  received  as  proofs  of  Sitting  in  Par* 
liement,  Was  in  the  case  of  the  Barony  of  Botetourt,  in  1764, 
when  the  following  records  were  cited  to  prove  that  the  Barons  of 
Botetourt  were  present  in  Parliament.  To  shew  that  John  Bote- 
tourt, the  £rst  Baron,  sat  in  Parliament,  the  Rolls  of  Parlia- 
vient  in  the  SSd  Edw,  I.  {Fide  p.  718.)  were  adduced ;  and  the 
sitting  of  John  de  Botetourt,  his^  grandson,  the  second  Baron, 
was  proved  by  his  liaving  been  one  of  the  Mainpernors  of  Lord 

TO  TiHB  POPB»  ANNO  1301.  805 

If  the  Letter  be  received  a^  evidence  of  the  sitting:  >n  P&^ 
liainent  of  the«e  penona  wbo  were  gammoned  to  that  Par- 
liameiit^  and  whose  names  occur  as  parties  to  it»  it  would  still 

Latymer,  in  tbe  50th  £dw.  III.  {Fide  p.  728.)  In  the  case  of 
the  Barony  of  Zonche,  on  which  the  Hoose  of  Lords  repor^d  in 
ISOTy  Mr.  Crnise  states,  in  p.  267  of  his  Treatise  on  Dignities^ 
*'  That  sereral  proofs  of  Sitting  in  Parliannent,  firosa  the  printed 
Rolls  were  produced,  and  which  were  admitted  as  evidence ;"  and 
moreover,  the  Baronies  of  Grey  of  Ruthyn  in  1640,  Mowbray  in 
1689,  Le  Despencer  in  1608  Snd  1763,  as  well  as  that  of  Percy 
in  1729,  were  allowed,  though  no  proof  of  Sitting,  in  either  case, 
could  be  proved  after  the  year  1509,  when  the  Journals  of  ^e 
House  of  Lords  commenced,  and  which  proofs  could  consequently 
only  he  found  on  the  Rolls  of  Parliament.    Ibid.  p.  966. 

The  proofr  of  Sitting  which -were  read,  in  the  Zouche  caae» 
were  those  which  are  referred  to  in  pp.  737,  798,  730, 7319  739, 
735,  740,  sod  749,  of  this  work. 

-  It  is  also  to  he  observed^  that  in  the  case  of  the  Barony  of 
Botetourt,  a  proof  of  John  de  Botetourt,  the  first  Baron,  having 
sat  in  Psflisment,  was  cited  from  the  Close  Roll,  on  which 
his  name  occurs  among  several  Barons  who  were  i^)potnted 
in  that  Parliament  to  make  certain  ordinances  for  the  better 
regidatioa  of  the  King's  household,  but  of  which  circum- 
stance not  the  slightest  notice  is  to  be  found  in  the  printed 
Rolls  of  Parliameat;  nor  is  any  account  there  given  of  a  Parlia- 
ment having  been  bekL  between,  the  2d  and  5th  £dw.  II.  though 
a  Parliament  certainly  met  at  Stamford  in  the  Sd  Edw.  II.  In 
the  Botetourt  casCy  however,  the  Lords*  Committee  refused  to 
allow  the  extnct  from  the  Rolls  of  Parliament  of  the  83  Edw.  !• 
{Ftde  p.  718.)  to  be  read  in  evidence,  it  not  being  written  upon 
the  Clause  RoU,  but  aiBxed  or  tacked  to  it,  and  from  its  being 
in  n  different  hand-writing  from  that  of  the  RoU ;  it  was  there- 
fore -decided  that  the  record  in  question  was  not  a  record  of  Par- 
liament- in  such  a  eense  of  the  term  as  would  entitle  it  to  be  read 
in  evidence ;  nor  was  the  extract  from  the  Clause  RoU  of  the 
8  Edw.  II.  read  in  evidence,  as  Mr.  York,  the  counsel  for  the 
claimant,  contented  himself  with  proving  the  sitting  of  John  the 
iast  Bsson,  by  the  Rolls  of  Parliament  of  the  50  Edw.  III.  {Fide 
p,  728.)  which  record  was  admitted  as  evidence.  The  question 
of  the  admissibility  of  the  extract  from  the  Clause  Roll  of  the 
8  Edw.  II.  was  consequently  not  decided. 

Notwithstanding  that  John  de  Botetourt,  the  first  Baron,  was  a 
I.  L  3. 

906  BAKONS>  LBTTBft 

be  a  f  ttb]ect  for  decision,  how  far  it  was  a  proof  of  tlttini;  of 
such  Barons,,  who,  tboagh  parties  to  the  Letter*  were  not 
summoned  to  that  Parliament,  though  frequently  summoned 
to  previous  Partiaments.  In  the  present  state  of  the  i|ues- 
tion,  however,  any  discussion  on  the  point  would  be  useless. 
Since  the  preceding  remarlu  on  the  Letter  to  Pope  Boni- 
face VUI.  were  written,  the  Editor  has  been  enabled,  through 
the  kindness  of  John  Caley,  Esq.  F.  R.  S.  F.  S.  A.  the  Keeper 
of  the  Records  in  the  Chapter  House,  to  examine  the  docu- 
ment which  it  there  preserved ;  and  the  result  of  an  attentive 
examination  of  it  has  not  only  tended  pKOwerfuUy  to  confirm 
his  previous  opinion  of  its  authenticity,  but  some  facu 
have  been  ascertained  which  it  is  material  to  the  proper 
consideration  of  the  question  should  be  stated.  It  has 
already  been  said,  that  in  1684,  Augustine  Vincent,  Wind- 
sor Herald,  made  a  transcript  of  the  letter  and  drawings  of 
the  seals  attached  to  it,  which  copy  and  drawings  were, 
in  1629,  collated  by  John  Bradshaw,  Windsor  Herald,  and 
from  which  the  plates  engraved  by  the  Society  of  Antiqua- 
ries in  1799,  were  taken.  These  plates,  as  Vincent's  tran- 
script has  been  lost,  it  was  important  should  be  compared 
with  the  original,  because  they  may  fairly  be  deemed  to  be 
evidence  of  the  state  of  the  document  when  seen  by  Brad- 
shaw in  1699.  The  triflmg  variations  which  on  this  colla- 
tion were  found  to  exist  between  the  drawinp  and  the  seala 
it  is  not  material  to  point  out ;  but  the  state  of  the  record 
at  this  moment  necessarily  merits  a  particular  notice.  If 
the  certificate  of  Vincent  and  Bradshaw  be  correct,  It  is  a 
lamentable  fact,  that  in  the  last  two  centuries  the  record  has 
received  more  injury  than  In  the  three  preeedrng  ones,  not 
only  in  those  parts  which  unavoidably  would  be  affected  by 
time,  but  proof  exists  of  wilful  spoliation.  The  engraving 
affords  us  evidence  that  in  1639  there  were  mnei^-Jhe  seals 
attached  to  the  letter,  and  Vincent  informs  us,  that  **  all 
these  seals  were  fastened  to  the  said  charter  or  letter  with 
silk  strings,  with  divers  seals  upon  one  string;  and  upon 
the  back  of  the  writing,  right  over  against  every  label  or 
string  were  written  the  names  of  those  whose  seals  de- 
pended  tbereapon."    At  this  moment,  independent  of  three 

party  to  the  letter  to  the  Pope,  that  circumstance  does  not  appear 
to  have  been  cited  as  a  proof  of  Sitting  in  Parliament,  probably  be- 
cause no  record  is  extant  of  his  having  been  summoned  to  I^liament 
until  three  years  afterwards,  viz.  on  13th  July,  38  Edw.  I.  1805. 

TO  THB  FOPB,  ANMO  J30t.  807 

daplieateft  wbicb  wtU  be  again  alluded  to»  only  biohty-two 
8«*ale  are  to  be  found,  neither  of  which. is  now  attached  to 
the  letterf*and  though  from  two  to  six  seals  occur  on  the 
same  string,  not  the  slightest  remains  exist  of  the  labels  or 
names  notified  by  Vincent.  It  is  thus  certain,  that  thirtee^i 
seats*  have  been  lost,  and  it  is  no  less  positive,  that  many 
of  those  which  are  extant  have  been  much  mutilated  since 
the  drawings  of  them  were  taken.  In  a  former  part  of 
these  observations  it  has  been  presumed,  that  the  copy  of 
the  letter  published  in  the  Appendix  to  the  I.  and  II« 
Peerage  Report  was  a  verbatim  et  literatim  copy  from  the 
original  in  the  Chapter  House ;  such  however  is  not  the  case, 
for  although  the  sense  appears  to  have  been  strictly  pre- 
served, several  words  are  abbreviated  which  in  the  original 
are  written  at  length,  and  in  a  few  instances  the  names 
both  of  persons  and  places  are  differently  spelt.  Moreover 
it  is  impossible  to  give  so  perfect*a  copy  as  is  there  printed, 
for  many  parts  of  the  letter  are  so  much  torn,  that  an  hiatus 
in  several  places,  especially  towards  the  end,  would  be  una- 
voidable* This  fact  is  not  otherwise  important  than  as  it 
lends  to  prove,  that  Jio  verbatim  et  literatim  copy  of  the 
original  has  as  yet  been  published.  Why  the  variations 
which  are  to  be  found  in  the  copy  printed  in  the  Appendix 
to  the  Peerage  Report  were  made,  it  would  be  useless  to 
inquire,  nor  can  the  object  even  be  guessed  at  which  pro- 

*  The -thirteen  seals  which  are  not  now  to  be  found,  are  those 
•of  Humphrey  de  Bohun,  Earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex  {  Ralph  de 
'Montheraier»  Earl  of  Gloucester  and  Hertford ;  Henry  of  Imot 
■caster,  William  de  Roos,  Henry  de  Grey,  Henry  de  Percy,  Ed- 
mond  de  Mortimer,  R4>bert  Fitz-Payne,  John  Fitz-Reglnald, 
Fulk  FitzrWarine,  Ralph  Fitz-WUliam,  Nicholas  de  Meynblll, 
and  Walter  de  Mouncy.  Wbislt  this,  loss,  together  with  the 
manifest  injury  which  the  record  has  sustained  since  1624,  can- 
not be  too  much  regretted,  it  is  at  the  same  time  very  satisfactory 
to  reflect,  that  the  zeal  of  the  gentlemen  to  whose  custody  tlui 
document  is  now  so  judiciously  entrusted,  no  less  than  the  exerr 
tions  of  the  Commission  for  the  Preservation  of  the  Public  Re- 
cords, may  be  confidently  relied  on  to  prevent  any  further  dete- 
rioration in  a  muniment  of  so  interesting  and  important  a  nature ; 
and  hence  it  cannot  be  doubted,  that  such  measures  will  speedily 
be  adopted  as  must  ensure  its  better  preservation.  For  many  reasons 
an  accurate  transcript  of  the  document  in  its  present  state,  by  the 
authority  of  the  Commission,  would  be  highly  desirable. 

8e8  BAMom*  xsffm 

diioed  fcbbftvlirtloiift  and  eontnetioM  is  a  etpif  wJbMh  do 
li6t  exitt  in  tin  •rigkwL  Vinceot  expnitly  asMtiCy  that 
ei^ht  Baronty  whosa  namaa  will  be  fouiid  io  p/778  ttever 
affixed  tbeir  seals  to  the  letter,  and  the  state  in  wbich  be 
deteribes  tbe  docoment  in  I8S4  perbape  rendered  it  poai- 
tive  tbat  tbey  did  not  do  tot  but  at  this  moawat  it  woiUd 
be  impossible  to  cay»  wbetber  tbose  wbose  seals  are  not  to 
be  found  erer  sealed,  or  wbetber  tbe  seals  of  the  Barona  in 
question  have  been  leet  t  bowenrery  as  we  have  proof  tbat  tbir* 
teen  seale  existed  in  that  year,  of  which  no  vestige  is  now 
to  be  found,  tbe  eonelosion  froaa  the  existing  state  of  tbe 
record  would  be,  tbat  they  were  originally  affixed  to  it*  but 
that  they  have  since  been  destrejped  or  taken  away.  It  has 
been  just  noticed,  that  duplieates  of  three  seals  are  bow 
extant,  namely,  those  of  tbe  Earl  of  Arondel,  of  Aymer  de 
Valence,  and  of  Willioin  de  Leybume.  To  what  cause  thia 
curious  fact  is  to  be  attAboted  we  have  no  evidence  by 
which  to  decide ;  eonje^uee  may  therefore  be  offered,  and 
the  most  natural  so^estion  appears  to  be«  if  Vineeat's  atate- 
ment  is  correct  tbat  etgfat  fiarons  named  as  parties  to  the 
letter  never  affixed  tbeir  seals  to  it^  tbat  one  of  them  was 
represented  by  th^  Earl  of  Arundel,  and  two  otbeis  by 
Valence  and  Leyburne,  who  consequently  were  tbeir  pfoxiesi 
tior  is  it  improbable  that  tbe  remaiaio|f  five  who  .did  n«»t 
seal,  were  represented  by  five  other  Barons  in  a,sioiilar 
manner ;  for  notwitbstapdiog  tbat  no  other  duplicates  are 
to  be  found,  they  might  not  only  have  been  originally 
attached  to  tbe  letter,  but  even  have  existed,  when  Vincent 
copied  the  record,  for  be  takes  no  notice  of  tbe  duplicate 
seals  above  mentioned.  This  is  however  an  hvpothesis 
which  has  no  other  foundation  that  tbe  absenee  of  a  mone 
satisfactorv  cause,  and  tbe  circumstance  of  there  bein^ 
nothing  which  can  be  urged  in  contradiction  to  it. 

Before  these  observations  are  coneludedi  a  reeord  which 
18  printed  in  tbe  Foedera  *,  and  alluded  to  in  tbe  1st  and  Sd 
Report  t  of  the  Lords'  Committees,  before  cited,  requires  a 
slight  notice.  It  appears  tbat  in  tlie  2d  of  Edw.  11.  Writs 
tested  at  Westminster  on  the  21tb  of  June  were  isssBod  to 
the  Bishops  and  Abbots,  to  eight  Earls,  and  69  Barons,  and 
to  the  Judges^  commanding'  them  to  meet  at  Stamlord,  oa 

•  Edition  1816,  tome  11.  p.  84.  f  P.  268* 

TO  THE  POPEi  ANNO  130K  809 

the  Sanday  next  after  the  feait  of  St.  Jamet  the  Apostle  *» 
*  *  traetata*&  coHoq'ium  v'ituri  noVmqae  eo'silio'  impe'su'ri.** 
But,  la  the  margin,  the  word  Parliament  does  not  occur»  as 
it  is  only  noted,  *'  Summonitio  de  veniendo  ad  tractandum 
cum  reg^e.**  It  is  doubtful,  the  Report  observes,  ^'  whether 
this  meeting  was  properly  a  Coqimon  Council  of  the  Reatm 
assembled  in  Parliament,  or  only  a  g^reat  Council ;"  but  as, 
in  subsequent  writs  the  meeting  is  expressly  styled  a  Par- 
liament, as  the  Writs  b^^r  which  the  Nobility  were  sum* 
moned  are  similar  to  former  writs,  marked  in  the  margin  as 
Summonses  to  Parliaments,  and  still  more  as  a  statute 
called  the  Statute  of  Stamford,  appears  in  the  authorised 
Collection  of  the  Statutes  of  the  Realm,  it  is  presumed  that 
that  meeting  was  a  regular  Paiiiament,  At  this  assembly 
a  Letter  was  agreed  to  be  sent  to  the  Pope  for  remedy  of  the 
grievances  and  oppressions  to  which  the  kingdom  was  sub- 
ject ;  and  to  this  Letter,  the  King  issued  a  Writ  f ,  tested  on 
the  6th  of  August,  3  Edw.  IL  1309,  fourteen  days  after  that 
4>n  which  the  Peers  were  ordered  to  meet  at  Stamford,  com- 
manding the  Earls  (Md  Barona  to  affia  their  eeaU, 

The  cause  of  this  notice  being  taken  of  the  cireomstaneo 
is  the  impression  created  in  the  Editor's  mind,  that  tbia 
Letter,  of  which  not  even  a  copy  appears  to  be  extant  m 
this  country,  is  probably  preserved  •  among  the  records  of 
the  Holy  $ee  ;  in  which  case  it  would  perhaps  be  worthy  of 
inquirer  whether  the  seals  of  the  Barons  who  were  sum- 
moned, by  Writs  tested  on  the  11th  June  were  affixed  to 
that  document;  and  if  so,  whether  that  circumstance  w 
not  evidence  of  their  having  on  that  occasion  #a#  in  Par* 

No  notice  of  the  Meeting  at  Stamford  occurs  on  the 
RoUa  of  Parliament,  nor  are  any  Writs  extant  to  the  Com- 
mona ;  but  notwithstanding  these  facts,  it  is  submitted  that 
the  express  designation  of  the  assembly  as  a  Parliament  in 
the  Writ  just  alluded  to,  as  well  as  in  another  Writ  cited  in 
the  Report  from  the  Close  Roll  of  the  3d  Edw.  II.  m.  1 
dersotf  together  with  the  circumstance  of  a  Statute  having 
been  -enacted  by  that  assembly,  would  tend  to  establish  that 
the  meeting  at  Stamford  in  the  3d  Edw.  II.  and  in  which  the 
Letter  alluded  to  is  said*  to  have  been  written,  was  a  regular 

•  27  July,  1S09,  tJiird  Edir.  tt. 

t  Foedera.  11.  p.  84*  t  Vide  note  to  p.  805. 




%4^  Tht  Nmmt  priated  in  Italics  ocenr  09  die  Rolb  of  Psr- 
■rMmjint  bflfon  Wnii  of  SumnontMB  f ccorM  (with  tbe  exoeptioA 
of  liiM  of  ^  ]19  HcD.  lU.)  to  Iwve  he^  iisved ;  ana  tboM  in 
'^tm  RoM«t|rpe  ire  only  to  befoondia  the  Bmkum'  JUettw  to  tb« 
Popi^  MM  S9  £dw.  1. 1»01. 

Artois»  Rommt  BiKi  788  note 

AliuMwux,  788, 780  lii. 


AvmMt,  746,  747,   750  £if. 

7&5,   7^6   to.   7(7,   7»8» 

769  kii.  7eo  tit, 


Baaoolf,  78;,  737,788, 7£9» 

Bardolf,  764 

Bassist,  78O,  781,788,  780 
Basset  of  DgAvroN,    781 

ter.  788,  787  ter.  788 
Bqaughamp,  785,  786  s^epe* 

789  W#.730,  758,  754  Wf, 

755, 758,  759  to.  760 
Bbauchampdc  Bkrqevekny, 


BBAU€BABnp,     WALTSIt     DB, 

Beauchamp  of  Hacche,  765 
.Beaachamp  of  Alcester,  767 
Beaumont,  719,   780,  781, 

785, 737, 738,  738,  748  to. 

750  • 
JBek,  715 
Bbeqevenhy,  737,  738  to. 

755,  757,  758,    759    Ur. 

760,  761 
BBEKEI.EY,  781  to.  788  Ur. 

ISSqwHer,  784,  788,  736, 

737  5m.  738  ter.  739  ier. 

note,  740  ter.  741  qutOer. 

Berkeley,  765 
ButNERS,  753,  754  to.  755 

to.  756  to.  757 
B011VIU.B,  753  to.  754,  755 

BOTBTOUBT,  718  ♦,  788 
Botetourt,  767 
BOURCBIBB,  736,  740,  742, 

745,  746  ier.  747  to.  749, 

BoTBBAu:;^,  743,  746 
Braose,  764 
Breton,  771 
Brettfose^  716 

•  Vide  a  note  to  p.  805. 

PROOFS  «r  BAiiom*  ifrriNGS. 


Broke,  760 

Brampton,  715 

Bryan,  734,    725  bU.    726 

quaier.  727  ter.   728  bU. 

730  note,  731  Aqww  732 

BuROHERSH,  722,  723 
BuRNELL,  736,  737,  738  Ms, 

739  bis.  740  quaUr.  741 
Butler,  Thomas,  759,  note 

Cadurcis,  715 

CAMOY8,  736  bU.  737,  738, 

740,  742,  743  bis, 
Cantilupe,  721,  722, 723 
Cantilupe,  765 
Carew,  773 
Cbawortb,  766 
Chbrleton,  723,  737,  737, 

738, 740 
Cherleton,  Vide  PowYf 
Clifford,  735,  727, 728  bis. 

729  6W.731,  741,  754ftw. 

CIHFord,  764 
Clinton,  721, 740,  742,  743 

bis.  744,  746,  754,  755 
CoBHAM,  739  bis.  730,  731 

qwUer.    732    q[UtUer.  733 

<«r.  734  ier.  735  6w.  736, 

737  6m.  740,  762,756,759 


Corbet,  765 

Courtenay,718,  72a*«r.721 
Cromwell,  728,  736,  737, 

740,  744  W«.  745  Wf.  746, 

ter.  747    quaier.   748  bis. 

749,  750,  751  jualer.  752 

bis.  753  ter.  754j 

Dacre,  746,   749,    755  Us. 
756#<?r.  757  Us.  758,761 

Paces  of  Gillbsland,  754, 

Darcy,  723,  note,  720,  728, 

736,  740 
Daubeny,  760, 761 


DeincQurt,  765 

De  la  Pole,  728 

Pe  la  Wahr,  740,  747,  760, 
also  Vide  La  Warr 

Despenser,  718*  Us.  731, 
729  Us,  723,  725  Us.  7S6, 
727,734, 735  fiMrf«r-736«** 

Dudley,  750  Us.  751  Us. 
752,  753,  754,  755,  756, 
757,  758,  759, 760  Us. 

Dynham,  757, 758,  760  Ur. 

£ngayD,  768 

Fanhope  749  Wt.  760  <€r. 
Faucombbrgb,  749,  750  Us* 

753  ter.  754. 
Fauconbergb,  766 
FerrBrS,  728,  736, 737,  739/ 

Fbrrerb  of  Groby,786,  738, 

743,  746  5m.  Tf48,  752  Us. 

Ferrers  of  Groby,  764 
Fii2-Henry,  771 
Fitz-Hugh  737,  740,  742, 

744,  745,  750,  751,  752, 
754,  755,  756, 758 

Fitz-Jobn,  774 
Fitz-Marmaduke,  772 
Fitz-Pain,  766 
Fitz-Reginald,  765 
FItz-Rbger,  764  • 

FiTZ- Walter,  738  Us.  739, 

♦  Vide  a  note  to  p.  806. 



ZaO*  731  guaier,  733  <m 

733    ler.   736,  737,  759, 

FiU- Walter,  7C3 
FitzWarine,  753,  754  hit. 

757  note 
Fitz-Warine,  765 
Fitj-Willlam,  768 
FuRNiVAL,    736,    737>    738, 

739  bis,  note 
FuRNivAL,  Vide  Talbot 
Furnivall,  765 

Gravoison,  718  . 

Grendon,  773 

Gwy,  716 

Grby,    720,    721    hu.  735, 

745,  746,  761,  755,  767, 

758,  759  bis. 
Grey  of  Codnor,  735,  736, 

738,  739,  749 
Grey  of  Codnor,  764 
Grby  of  Rugbmond,   754, 

755  bis, 
Greyde  Ruthyn,  734,  735 

*M.  763  *tfr.  737.  738,739, 

741  bis.    742  pitUer.    743 

guaier.  751,  753,  754,  755 

Grey  de  Rutbyn,  764 
Grey  de  Wilton,  769 
Grbystock,  737,  740,  753, 

755  6if. 
Greystock,  773 

Hacche,  770 

Harington,  736,  738,  740, 

741,  744,  746 
Hastanp,  773 
Hastings,  718  *,  753,  755, 

756  bis.  757  bis.   758   bis. 
759  6u.not«,  760 

Hasting^,  763 
Hastings,  768 
Haveringes,  768 
Hefyun,  715 
Hengham,  715 
Herbert,  756,  761 
Hilton,  737 
Hoiebroke,  715 
Hopiou,  715 
Howard,  757 

HuNGBRFORD,  744,  745,746, 
747,  748  ter.  749,  750  bis. 
Huntingfield,  771 
Huntercumbe,  716 
Hantercumbe,  766 

Kingeston,  773 

KnuYill,  770 


Kyme,  764 

Lancaster,  763 

Iiancaster,  766 

Latimer,  716 

Latimer,  726,  728,  729  to. 

730<«-.740,  749,751 
Latimer,  765 
Leyburn,  773  / 

Lisle,  731, 751, 752  bis. 
Lisle,  770 
LovELL,  728, 738,  734  sepe. 

735  bis.  736  bis,  737, 738 

guater.  739  ier.  note,  740 

bis.  748.  749, 754 
Lovell,  768 
Itovetoi,  715 
Lucv,  721,  722 
LUMLEY,  736,  737 

Maltravers,  757 

Manny,  723,  734,  725,  ter. 

726  bis.  737 
Marshall,  765 
Martin,  718*,  720 

*  Vide  a  note  to  p,  806, 

l^EOOVS  Of  BAB0M8*  SltTlMGf . 



Mauley,  764 

MeynbiU,  774 

Afoek,  768 

Bfohun, 764 

AI0LINE8,  751,  759 

Molton,  765 

BfoRLEY»731,  733.  736,  737, 

740  #er.  741, 749,  75a 
AfoNTAgu,728>  739, 730  sape, 

note,  731,733,  756 
Montacute,  768 
Mortimer,  718 
Mortimer,  763 
Mortiner,  765 
Monncy,  772 
Mount  Alt,  764 
MouNTJOY,  757  his,  761 
Mowbray,  781 » 785  ter.  780 

guater.  787  hit* 


Nevill,  780,  732  ter.  783  his. 

784  ter.  725,  736  guater. 

738,  <er.789,  731  <er.  733 

sape,  733  quaUr.  734,  735 

Mevilli  765 

Orbiond,  759f760 
Ormoumt,  Count  db,  (note) 


Paganel,  767 

Paganel,  770 

Peccbe,  774 

Percy,  718  •,  720,  721,  728 

gvater.  788  ter,  724  Me, 

725  K*.  726  ter,  737,  788 

Percy,  763 
Pinkuey,  770 
Pipard,  766 
Pointz,  768 
PoWYCK,  758 
PowY8,  736,  739  note,  741 

PowYS,  Vide  Cbbrlbton 
PoYitiNGS,  740,  741  j743y«tf- 

ter,    743  guaier.  744   bis, 
■  746,  747,  748  bis.  749  bis, 

750  bis. 

RiTHRB,  718 

RiYers,  766 

RoBSEST,  745  note,  748 

Roche,  778 

Roos,  780,  725,  787  6m.  728 
bis.  736  bis.  737  bis.  738 
Hs.  739  ter.  note,  740  bis. 
741  ter.  746,  747,  751,  753 

Roos,  764 

Ryvbrs,  758 

St.  Amand,  737,  738,  736, 

753,  753 
St.  Amand,  764 
St.  John,  lis 
St.  John,  763 
St.  Maur,  736,  737, 740 
Sandwico,  715 
Say,  752,  754 
Say&Sele,  751 
Scales,  731,  736,  737,  738, 

Scales,  768 
ScROPE,  725  ler.  727,  728, 

VOL,  II. 

*  Vide  a  note  to  p.  805. 

8i4         INDEX  TO  TUB  PBO«FS  QW  BAB*M*  SITTUIGfl. 

789  fmUer.  7U  iir.  78S 
Mfi.  734fiMtf0r.  i3Ster. 
73T,  7^3^,  740,  741,  745, 
746  ter.  747  Kf.  74S  Us, 
749,lbOquat^.7h\,  754« 
75&  Ur.  756,  757»  758,  760 


Sboravb,  731 « 799, 794, 733, 

SeBrave,  765 


Sbtmoub,  Yide  St.  Mavb 

SOMERY,  790 

Stafford,  79 1 ,  723, 797,  798, 

799  quaUr.  730  his. 
Stafford,  Hugh,  749  note 
Stafford,  vide  SfrrawYCK 
Stmflford,  768 
Stanuby,  755, 758  bi§, 
Stourton,  759^  753  bit.  754, 

Strangb,  790,  798,  730  <fr. 

Strange  ot  Corsbam,  770 
Strange  of  EUetmere,  766 
Strange  of  Knokyn,  766 
Sudlry,  718,  751  t€r.  759, 

763, 754,  755 

Sulleye,  768 
Suthwyck,  755 


Talbot,  790,  791,  733,  724,- 

740,  741 
Talbot  St  Furmival,  744 
Talbot,  767 
Tattesball,  764 
Teye,  770 
TiPTOFT,  744,  745,  746,  747 

«er.  748  fm  749  Kfc  7m 

Tony,  764 
TOUCHBT,  740 
Touchet,  768 
Tregoz,  766 
Tyes,  766 

ValbncE) 718 

Valence,  763 
VerdoD,  764 
Perdun,  .  16 
VE88T,  759 

Wake,  791  quaier.  799  fM- 

ter.  793  quater.  794 
La  Warde,  769 
La  Warr,  766 
Wbllb8>  740,  749,  761^759,' 

Welles,  Richard  ob,  759^ 

Welles,  768 
Wbnlok,  756 
WitLOUGHBY,  791,  799,  731 

quaier,   734    quaier.    735 

bis.  736  bis.  737   bis,  738 

ter,  739   bis,    note,   740,- 

753,  755,  756 

WlLLOUGHBY      DE      BR0KB> 

Vide  Broke 

ffjfnbeui'ne,  715         * 

ZoucHB«  797  bis,  798,730 it«. 

ZovcH^  OF  Afiiwv^  731 
Zouche,  764 






M  m2 








1059  Stigand,  Bishop  of  Winchester,  is  generally  considered 
to  have  SDcceeded  Robert  .GemetieensU  in  this  see 
in  1053,  but  be  wm  never  constituted  so  by  any 
authority.  He  did  not  resig^n  his  Bishoprick  of 
Winchester,  but  iu  1069  was  deprived  of  it,  as  well 
as  of  this  See. 

1070  St.  Lanfranc,  Abbot  of  Caen,  an  Italian.  Consecrated 
S9  Aug.  1070 ;  ob.  4  June,  10B9. 


1093  St.  Anpelm,   Abbot  of  Becco.    Consecrated  4  Dec, 
*      1093;  ob.  21  April,  1109,  set  7b'. 


1114  Ralph,  or  Rodolphus.  Translated  from  Rochester* 
Elected  S6  April,  1114  ;  ob.  SO  Oct.  1129. 

J 122  William  Corbois,  or  Corbyl.  Obtained  this  Soe  froRi 
the  King  2  Feb.  1123 1  ob.  21  Nov.  1136. 

M   M  3 



1138  Theobald^  Abbot  of  Beooo.    Elected  in  Dec«  1138; 
ob.  1160. 


1163  Tbomas  &  Bccket.  Consecrated  97  May,  1163.  Mur- 
dered 28  Dec.  1170. 

1171  Richard.  Succeeded  in  U7I9  and  died  16  Feb.  1183, 
or  17  Feb.  1184. 

II 84  Baldwin.  Translated  from  Worcester  towards  the  end 
of  1184;  died  at  Acre,  in  Palestine,  circa  1191. 

1191  Reginald  Fits  Joceline.  Translated  from  Wells  in 
1191;  ob.2&Dec.  1191. 


1193  Hubert  Walter.  Succeeded  1193;  Lord  Chancellor; 
ob.  89  June,  1205. 

Reginald,  tbe  Sub  Prtor,  was  chosen  by  the 
monks  ;  but  afterwards,  at  their  own  request 
set  aside  by  the  King.     They  then  chose 

John  Grey,  Bishop  of  Norwich,  but  the  Pope  . 
set  bim  aside  in  £svour  of 

1306  Stephen  Langton.  Consecrated  17  June»  1206  or 
1207.    A  Cardinal;  ob.  9July,  1228. 

Walter  de  Hempsharo  was  then  elected,  but 
set  aside  both  by  the  King  and  Pope. 

1229  Richard  Weathershed.  Consecrated  10  June,  1S89} 
ob.  circa  1231.  f 

Ralph  NcYil,  Bishop  of  Chichester,  was  elected 

and  approved  by  the  King,  but  set  asfde  by 

tbe  Pope,  when 
John,  tbe  Sub  Prior,  was  elected,  but  set  aside 

by  the  Pope,  after  which 
Richard  Blund^  was  elected,  but  be  was  abo  set 

aside  by  the  Pope. 

1334  Edmund.     Consecrated  2  April,  1934|  ob.  16  Nov. 

1244.    Boniface  of  Savoy.    Consecrated  15  Jan.  1844 ;  ob. 

18  July,  1370. 

CANHSRfiURy. «  ei» 


William  Chillenden  elected,  tut  set  aiide  by 
the  Pope. 

1S78  Robert  Kilwarby.  Congecrated  86  Feb.  1878.  Wai 
made  a  Cardinal  io  1878,  wben  be  resigned  ibis  See. 

Robert  Bumel,  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Well^, 
elected,  but  set  aside  by  the  Pope. 

1278  John  Peckbam.    Consecrated  6  March,   1878;  ob.  0 

Dec.  1293. 
1893  Robert  Wincbelsey.  Elected  13  Feb.  1293;  conarmed 

4 Sept.  1294  ;  oh.  II  May,  1313. 

Thomas  Cobham,  Precentor  of  York»  elected, 
but  never  confirmed  by  the  Popet 

1S19  Walter  Reynolds.    Translated  from  Winchester  1  Oct« 

1313,  Lord  Chancellor  and  Lord  Treasurer;  ob.  16 

No¥.  1387. 
1387  Simon  Mepbam.     Elected  11  Dec.  1387;  ob.  18  Oct. 

1383  John  Stratford.    Translated  from  Winchester  3  Nor. 

1333 ;  Lord  Chancellor  ;  ob.  83  Aug.  1348. 

1348  John  de  UfFord,  Dean  of  Lincoln,  nominated  to  this 

See  by  Bnll.  dated  84  Sept.  1348,  ob.  June  7,  13499 
before  he  was  consecrated,  or  received  the  Pall, 
for  which  reason  Godwin  does  not  include  him  in 
succession.    Lord  Chancellor. 

1349  Thomas  Bredewardin.     Nominated  by   Bull,   dated 

19  June,  1349 ;  ob.  86  Aug.  1349.  * 

1349  Simon  Islip.  Nominated  by  Bull  dated  7  Oct.  1349  s 
ob.  86  April,  1366. 

William  Edington,  Bishop  of  Winchester,  was 
elected  to  this  See  10  May,  1366,  but  he  re* 
fused  to  accept  the  dignity. 

1366  Simon  Langham.  Translated  from  Ely  by  Bull  dated 
83  July,  1366.  Lord  Chancellor.  Made  a  Cardinal 
88  Sept.  1368,  and  resigned  this  See  87  Nov.  1368  j 
ob.  88  July,  1376. 

1369  William  Whittlesey.  Translated  from  Worcester  15 
Jan.  1369;  ob.  SJune,  1374. 

A  Cardinal  of  Rome  was  elected,  whoy  accord- 
ing to  the  Canterbury  Register,  was  Simon 
Langham,  apparently  the  same   personage 


idio  fMiffiied  ihU  See  in  1368  ;  but  Godwin 

itatet  that  bis  name  ^rw  K^nm  Eaiton.    Tbe 

elemlpn  wm»  bovctver,  vet  amie  by  thiB  Pope 

in  foror  of 

J  375  6i»on  Sudbury,  9}i9»  Tiboldy  wbo  ww  tflanilated  from 

London  96  May  137^    Lord  Chanmllor.   Bebeaded 

by  tbe  rebels  14  June,  1381. 

2381  William  Courtenay,  translated  Trom  LiondoB  83  Oct. 

1381s  ob.  81  Jnly^  1396. 
1396  Tbomas  Fits-Alan,  alias  ArundeL  Translated  from 
tbe  Arebbisboprick  of  York  85  Sept.  1396.  Lord 
Obancellotr.  In  1898  be  wss  ^charged  witb  brgfa- 
treason  i  and  baving  left  tbe  kingdom^  Roger  Wal« 
d^n^  Dm  of  York«  was  eonseerated,  and  e^e^cisefl 
tbe  Arehiepiseopal  functions ;  but  on  tb«  nccession 
of  Henry  IV.  in  1399i  tbis  Roger  being  pronounced 
an  intruder,  Tbomas  Arundel  was  restored  ti^-tite 
possession  of  tbis  dignity ;  ob*  19  or  90  Feb.  1413. 
1414  Henry  Cbicbeley.     Translatfd  from  St.  Parid!*  4 

Marcb  1413 ;  ob.  13  April,  1443. 
1443  Jobn  Stafford.    Translated  ifom  Batb  And  W^ lis  by 
Bull  dated  15  May,  1443.     Cardinal  and  Lord 
CbanceUor;  ob.  May  SS,  or  July  6»  1459. 
1458  Jobn  Kemp.    Translated  from  tbe  Arebbisboprick  of 
York  by  Bull,  dated  at  Rome  81  July  1453.    Car- 
IHITAL  and  Lord  ChaneeUor  i  ob.  88  Marcb  1454. 
1454  Tbomas  Bourebier.    Translated  from  Ely  88  April 
1454.     Cardinal  and  Lord  CbanceUor;   ob.  99 
I486  Jobn  Morton.    Translated  from  Ely  13  June,  1486. 
Cardinal  and  Lord  CbanceUor;  ob.  15  Sept.  1500. 
Tbomas  Langton,  Bisbop  of  Wincbester,  was 
elected  to  this  See  83  Jan.  1501,  but  died  on 
tbeSTtb  of  tbat  month,  before  bis  translation 
could  be  perfected. 

1501  Henry  Deane.    Translated  from  SaUsbury  86  April, 

1501 ;  ob.  15  or  16  Feb.  1502. 
1504  William  Warbam.    Translated  from  London  89  Nor. 

1504  *.    Lord  CbanceUor ;  ob.  83  Aug.  1538. 

*  If  this  date  be  correct  the  See  must  have  been  vacant  abore 
two  years,  but  which  is  not  noticed  by  Le  Neve  or  Heylyn. 



1533  Thomas  Cranmer.   Nominated  by  Bull  dated  SS  Feb. 

1533.    Burnt  SI  Marcb,  1555. 
1555  Reginald  Pole.    Conieerat£d  S3  Marcb,  1555.    Car- 
dinal ;  ofau  17  Nov.  1 558*  at.  58. 
1559  Matthew  Parker.    Elected  1  Aug.  15591  oh.  17  May, 

1575  Edmond  Grinda).  Translated  from  York  10  Jan.  1576; 

ob.  6  July,  1583»  mU  63. 
1583  John  Wbitgift.    Translated  from  Woreester  14  Aug. 

1583;  ob.S9Feb.  1604. 
1604  Richard  Bancroft.  Translatedfrom  London  9  Oct.l  604 1 

ob.  SNov.  1610,  ct.  67. 
161 1  George  Abbot.  Traoalated  from  London  4  March,  161 1; 

ob.4Aug.  1633,  «t.71. 
1633  WiUiam  Land.    Translated  from  London  6  Aug.  1633$ 

beheaded  10  Jan«  1644. 


1660  William  Juxod.  Translated  from  London  3  Septl660| 
ob.  4  June  1663. 

1663  Gilbert  Sheldon*  Translated  from  London  14  July» 
1663  ;  ob.  9  Nor.  1677. 

1678  William  Sancroft.  Consecrated  87  Jan.  1678.  De- 
prived 1  Feb.  1691 ;  ob.  S4  Nov.  1693,  ct.  77. 

1691  John  Tillotson.  Nominated  S3  April,  1691 1  ob.SS 
Nov.  1694. 

1694  Thomas  Tenison.  Translated  from  Lincoln,  6  Dec. 
1694;  ob.  1715. 

1715  WiUiam  Wake.  Translated  from  Lincoln  1715 1  ob. 

1737  John  Potter.   Translated  from  Oxford  1737  $  ob.  1747. 

1747  Thomasllerring.  Translated  from  York  1747;  ob.l757. 

1757  Matthew  Hutton.    Translated  from  York  1757 1  ob. 


1758  Thomas  Seeker.    Translated  from  Oxford  1758  ;  ob. 

1768  Honourable  Frederick  Comwallis.     Translated  from 

Litchfield  and  Coventry  I768  i  ob.  1783. 
1783  John  Moore.  Translated  from  B&ngor  1783;  ob.  1805. 
1804  Charles  Manners  Suttou.    Translated  from  Norwich 

in  1805.    Present  Lord  Archbishop  of  Canterbury, 

and  Primate  of  All  England. 

999  BiBlIOrS  OF  '^ 



.1143  XSabtrtm. 

li5S  Geoffrey  of  Monmontli.  Consecrated  94  ^b.  1153; 
«b.  I1S4. 

1154  Richard,  presamed  tobave^bectt «oi«MraCed  in  1154, 

and  to  have  died  in  1 165. 

1 1 55  Godfrey.    Quitted  this  See  in  U  Tfi. 

J175  Adam,  a  Walehman,  Canon  of  Plaits.    Conseesntod  18 

Oct.  1175s  ob.ll81. 
«I89  J^nLGonseeMtod95  Jime^ll8SfoK«hr«atM6: 
1 186  Reyner.  Consecrated  1186  i  ob.  W34b 
«S35  Abfabam.  Conseeraced  t995 ;  ob.l9M. 
1835  Hugh.  Consecrated  nimmglUSi  oh.iS4«. 
1840  Howel  ap  Edneyet.  Consecrated  Aug.  or  Sept.  1840 ; 


.1849  ^Uii»  Off  i;nHP  J.  ;C«99ecr8|3ed  N|>y.  J8^r  ^ 
Sept.  1866. 

J867  John  II.    ConsfmiM  1867« 

1368  ADian  II.  Cons^iiited  81  Oct  4363;  pW  5  Feb.  1 893. 

#893  LeoUne  de  Brontfeld,  Canoi>  of  ^U  Altvb*  £l9cted 
6  April,  1898;  ob.  1313. 

.Ulf  Payjd  ap  BieU»in  L    CofKWvated  18  J^xu  131^. 

1358  John  Treyour  I.  Consecrated  84  M4rcb»  1358  ;_ob. 

1357  Leoline  ap  Madoe,  Dean  of  St.  Asaph.  .Appointed  19 
Aug.  1357 ;  ob.  1375. 

1376  WilUamdeSpriQgUiigtQn,I^anofSCAfapl|.  Appoint- 
ed 4  Feb.  1376 ;  ob.  9  April  1388. 

1383  Lawrence  Child.  Nominated  18  June,  1388;  ob.  37 
Oec.  1389  •. 

1390  Alexander  Bacbe.    Appointed  88  Feb.  1390  j  ob.  1395. 

1395  John  Trevuur  I|.  Prebendavy  of  Hereford.  Ap- 
pointed 6  July  1395.  Peprhred  in  1408,  but  living 
Mayl6,  14Q9. 

♦  Le  Neve  here  inaeits  ihe  following  query,  *«  Who  was  that 
It?  I!*w  ''y'®^  '  ^-  Episctopus  Assaven.  30  Oct.  1384  ?'  Rymer, 
Vol.  VII.  p.  445/'  ' 


,  140S  Darid  II.  laid  4o  kave  f  ucceeded  in  140%  and  to  luiTe 

enjoyed  this  Sm  until  Hll^^Sed  Quer^  de  A«c.    Le 

1411  Robert  de  Lancaster*    Consecrated  S8  Jnne^  1411  r 

ob*  1433. 
1433  John  Lowe.    Af^winted  17  Aug.  1433  i  translated  to 

Rochester  in  1444^ 
1444  BeJsiiDald  Peveoek.    Appointed  S^  Aprilj  1444)  trans* 

lated  to  Cbicbester  83  March,  1449. 
1450  TfaoBsasl.    Succeeded  87  Jan.  1450;  ob.  circa  146L 
1461  Thomas  Ii:;  ob.  in  1471. 
1471  lUehafid  Redman*    Consecrated  about  the  middle  of- 

l,47Sy  trsfnslaced  to  Exeter  in  1495. 
1405  Michael  Dyacon.    Consecrated  Jan.  14di> ;  ob.  1 500. 
1499  Dafidlll.    Consecrated '86 'April,  1500)  ob.  1503. 
1503  David  apOweD,Abbot  of  Conway.  Appointed  18  Dec. 

1503  Si  ob.  1 1  or  18  Feb^  1518. 
1513  Edqwod  Birkbead.    Appointed  15  April,  1513;  ob. 

April  U18. 
1518  Henry  Stondish*    Consecrated  11  Jnly»  1518;  ob.  9' 

July,  1535. 
15961  William  Barker,  Prior  ef  BUham.    £lected  16  Jan. 

1535 1  translate^  to  St.  David's  in  the  same  year. 
19^36  Robert  Warton  or  Farfew,   Abbot  of  Bermondsey. 

Elected  8  June,  1536  f  translated  to  Hereford  1554. 
1555  'Riomas'GoklwelU    Appointed  1%  May  1555,  and  was 

intended  to  have  been  translated  to  Oxford ;  but  on 

Queen  Eliaabeth's  accession  he  went  into  voluntary, 

1 559  Richard  Davies.  Consecrated  81  Jan.  1559  s  translated 

to  St*  Davki's  81  May,  1561. 
1568  Thomas  Davies,    Appointed  8  April  1568}  ob.  Sept. 

1573  WiUiam  Hughes.^   Appointed  II  Dec  1573|  ob.  18 

Nov.  1600. 
1601  William  Morgan.    Translated  from  Landaff  17  Sept. 

l6fM  ote  10  Sept.  1604. 
1608  Richard  Parry,  Dean  of  Bangon   Consecrated  30  Dec* 

1604;  ob.  86  Sept,  1683. 
1634  Juhn  Hanroer,  Prebendary  of  Worcester.    Elected  30 

Jan.  I084rob;  83  July,  1689« 
1689  John  Owen,  Archdeacon  of  St.  Asaph.  Consecrated  80 

Sept.  1689 ;  ob.  15  Oct.  1651. 


8^4  BidHOPS  OP 


1060  George  GrlAth,  ArcbdeacoD  of  St.  Asapb.  Conieonled 

88  Oct.  1660 ;  ob.  88  Nov.  1666. 
1667  Henry  Glenhain,  Dean  of  BristoL    Consecrated  13 

Oct.  1667  ;  ob.  17  Jan.  1669. 
1669  Isaac  Barrow.    Translated  from  Sodor  and  Man,  81 

Marcb,  1669;  ob.  84  June,  1680. 
1680  William  Lloyd,   Dean  of  Bangor.      Consecrated  3 

Oct.  1680;    translated  to  Litchfield  and  Coventfy 

in  1698. 
1698  Edward  Jones.    Translated  from  Clojne,  in  Ireland, 

13  Dec.  1698;  ob.  May,  1703. 

1703  George  Hooper,  Dean  of  Canterbury.    Conteerated 

31  Oct.  1703 ',   translated  to  Bath  and  Wells  in 

1704  William  BeveridgCi  Archdeacon  of  Colchester^    Con- 

secrated 16  July,  1704 ;  ob.  5  March,  1708. 
1708  William  Fleetwood,  Canon  of  Windsor.    Elected  13 

Mayi  1708 ;  translated  to  Ely  in  Nov.  1714. 
1714  John  Wynne,   Principal   of   Jesus  College,  Oxford. 

Elected  1 1  Jan.  17 14 ;  tranalated  to  Bath  and  Welk 

In  1787. 

1788  Francis  Hare,  Dean  of  Worcester,  and  Dean  of  St 

Paul's.  Translated  to  Chichester  in  1731. 
1731  Thomas  Tanner,  Canon  of  Christ  Cbaicb»  Oslwd. 

Elected  1731  $  ob.  1735. 
1736  Isaac  Maddox,  Dean  of  Wellt.    Translated  to- Wor- 
cester in  1743. 
1743  John  Thomas,  Dean  of  Peterboroogfa.    Elected  1743, 

but  not  consecrated ;  translated  to  Lincoln  in  the 

same  year. 
1743  Samuel  Lisle,  Archdeacon  of  Canterbary*     Elected 

1743;  translated  to  Norwich  in  1748. 
1748  Robert  H.  Drommond,  Prebendary  of  Westminster. 

Elected  1748}  translated  to  Salisbury  In  1761. 
1761  Richard   Neweombe.     Translated  from   Landaflf  in 

1761 ;  ob.  1769. 
1769  Jonathan  Shipley.    Translated  from  Landaff  m  1769; 

ob.  1788. 

1789  Samuel  Halifax.  Translated  from  Gloucester  in  1789; 

ob.  1790. 

1790  Lewis  Bagot.    Translated  from  Norwich  in  1790;  ob. 


BANGCm.  895 


IMS  Saiuael  Horsey,  translated  ffom  Rochester  In  1803} 

ob.  1806. 
1806  Williain  Cleaver.    Elected  1806;  ob.  1815. 
1815  John  Luxmore.   Elected  1815.  Present  Lord  Bishop 

of  St«  Asaph* 

1105  Hervey.    Translated  to  Ely  in  1109. 


USD  David,  a  Scot.    Consecrated  about  1 1 20. 

1139  Mauritius,  orMeoric.    Succeeded  in  1139;  ob.  1161. 

« •  •  •  William,  Prior  of  St.  Austin^s,  in  Bristol.    No  date  of 

his  election  or  death  is  recorded. 
1177  Guy,  or  Guianus.    Consecrated  39  May^  1177]  ob« 

circa  1190. 


119$'  Alban,  Prior  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem.    Consecrated 

16  April,  1195;  ob.  1196. 
11 97  Robert  de  Shrewsbury.    Consecrated  17  March^  1197  i 

ob.  1213. 
1915  Martin,  apparently  consecrated  16  July,  1215.    He  is 

omitted  by  Godwin  $  andy  if  he  was  ever  possessed 

of  this  See,  he  held  it  a  short  time  j  for,  in  the 

same  year,  1215,  Caducan  I.  Was  consecrated.,  He 

quitted  his  Bishoprick  some  years  before  his  death» 

which  occurred  11  April,  1241. 
1236  Howel  I.    Consecrated  1236. 
1240  Richard.  Consecrated,  according^  to  Godwin,  in  1240; 

but  other  authorities  assert^  in  1241  ;  ob.  1268. 
1867  Anian,  Archdeacon  of  Anglesey.   Appointed  12  Dec. 

1268;   ob.  circa  1300. 
1303  Caducan  II.    Succeeded  in  1303  or  1306. 
1 806  Griffith,  or  Griffin  ap  Yerward.  Consecrated  26  Marcb» 

1307  i  ob. 1309. 
1309  Anian  Seys.    Consecrated  9  Nov.  1309  i  ob.  26  flaa» 

VOL.11.  N  sr 



1387  MaltlMw  de  Eosiofeld*.   Hlfcted  85  FeKiaSli  ^ 

85  April.  1357. 
1357  Thomat  dt  RinpUdt.    Sttooeedcd  IS  Dae  1357;  ob. 

8  Jan.  1365. 
1366  Gervase  de  Castro.    Appointed  17  Fob.  1366|    ob. 

Sept.  1370. 

1370  Howel  II.    Succeeded  in  Jan.  1370 ;  ob.  Feb.  1371. 

1371  John  Gilbert.    Appointed  16  Not.  1378  i  translated 

to  Hereford  13  Sept.  1375. 

1376  JobnSwaflFbamf,  Bishop  of  Clogberiii  Ireland.  Trans- 
lated to  this  See  88  Oct.  1376. 

1400  Richard  Young.  Appointed  30  Majr^  1400$  tfaoAlated 
to  Rochester  in  1404. 

•  •••  Lewi»  1ft- Che  next  menti6ned  by' G0d#iii' and  other 
writers,  but  Le  Neve  observes  there  is  great  uncer- 
tainty on  the  subject. 

1400  BenediM  Nichols.  Appointed  38  JiilV*  1408  s  trans- 
lated to  St.  David's  in  1417. 

1418  William  Barrow^  Canon  of  Lincoln.  Appointed  16 
April.  14181  trAndated  tO'Cariisle  in  1433: 

1434  John  Clederow.  Appointed  30  March,  14^5 ;  ob. 
1435.  Will  proved  83  Dec  in  that  year. 

1436  Thomas  Cheryton.    Appointed  6  Feb.  1436. 

1448  John  Stanbeiy,  Confessor  to  King  Henry  VI.  the  first 
Provost  of  Eton.  Appointed  4  May,  1448.  llnuis- 
lated  to  Hereford  in  1458. 

1454  James  Blakedon,  Bishop  of  •:-*—,  in  Ireland.  Trans- 
lated to  this  See  96  March,  1453;  ob.  Sept.  1464$. 

*  ^deaUon  and  Hejlvn  mske  Lewis  I.'  to  have  socceeded  Bishop 
OriMth  in  1820,  but  he  is  omitted  by  I^  Neve ;  wkilsti  on  the 
other  hand,  the  two  writers  above  cited  tske  no  notice  of  Bidiop 
Seys.  4 

^  t  Beateon  and  Reylyn  eallJo»  QoveasM  Suiisiga^  to  the  Aieb- 
bishoD  of  Cashell^  Uie  successor  of  Bishop  Gilbert,  and  state 
that  ne.was  succeeded  by  Bishop  Swaffham  in  1888,  Le  Neve 
has,  however,  been  followed  in  the  teat. 

X  Hejlyn  says  he  was  Bishop  of  Achad-Fobhair,  in  Ire** 
land;  an  andeot  Bishoprick,  now  only  a  parish-church,  waA 
head  of  a  rural  deanery,  in  the  diocese  of  Tuam  and  county  of 

B4NQOIL  897 


1464  l?liomM  EdhfAD,  idiaB  Riebkrd  Evymden.  Appointed 
18  March,  1464 ;  livings  >405. 

1496  H«iii>y  Deane,  Mor  of  St.  LMitbony,  and  Lord  Ghan- 
•eltor  of  Ireland.  Appointed  6  Get.  1496.  Traqa- 
lated  to  ^Salisbury  in  1 500. 

1500  Thomas  Pigot.    Succeeded  in  1500;  ob.  15  Aug.  1504. 
*1M)4  John  Fenny.    ^Bucceeded  in  1504 ;  translated  to  Car- 
lisle in  1509. 

1609  i^obn  Skeffington,  Abbot  of  Wavetley.    Consecrated 

17  June,  1509 ;  ob.  Jane, 1533. 
•Ii34  John  l^alcot,  alias  Capon,  Abbot  of  Hyde.    Conse- 
crated 19  April,  1534 1  translated  to  Salisbniy  14 
Aug.  1539. 

1539  John  Bird  (the  last  provincial  df  the  Carmelites), 
fileeted  94  July,  1539;  translated  to  Chester  in 

1541  Arthur  Bufkeley.  Consecrated  19  ?eb.  1541 }  ob.  14 
March,  1552. 


L555  William  Glynn,  Master  of  Queen's  Colle|;e»  Cam- 
bridge. Consecrated  8  Sept.  1555  :  ob.  SI  May  1558. 

1559  Rowland  Merrick,  Cbancellor  and  Residentiaigr  pf  S^. 
David's.  Consecrated  21  Dec.  1559 ;  ob.  24  Jan; 

1566  Nicholas  Robinson.  Consecrated  Oct.  20, 1566;  ob. 
13  Feb.  1584. 

1585  Hugh  Bellot.  Consecrated  25  Jan.  1585;  translated 
to  Chester  in  1595. 

1595  Richard  Vaughan,  Archdeacon  of  Middlesex.  Elected 
22  No7. 1595 :  translated  to  Chester  in  1597* 

1598  Henry  Rowlands.  Elected  16  Sept.  1598 ;  ob.  6  July 

1616  Lewis  Baily.    Elected  28  Aug.  1616;  ob  Opt.  163J. 

1 632  David  Dolben,  Vicaf  of  Hackney.    Elected  18  Nov. 

1631;  ob.27  Nov.  1633. 

1633  Edmund  Griffith,  Dean  of  Bangor.    Elected  31  Dec. 

1633 ;  ob.  26  May,  1637. 
1637  William  Roberts,  Sub-dean  of  Wells.    Appointed  24 

Sept.  1637 ;  ob.  1665. 
1666  Robert  Morgan,  Archdeacon  of  Merioneth.  Elected  8 

June,  1666 1  ob.  1  Sept.  1673,  set  65. 


1673  Homphicy  Lloyd»  Deanol  St  Afaph.    Eleeted  II  Oet. 

1673  i  ob.  18  J«D.  1688,  «t.  78. 
1689  Humpbrty  H«mpbreyt«  Demo  of  Biuigor*  Consecrated 

30  JuDe,  168$ ;  traiisUted  to  Hereford  in  1701. 
1701  Jobn  Evans.    Consecrated  4  Jan.  1701  $  translated  to 

Meatb,  in  Ireland,  in  1715. 
1715  Bei\janiin  Hoadley.   Elected  1715j  translated  to  Here- 
ford in  1781. 
1781  Richard  Reynolds,  Dean  of  Peterborou|^h.    Elected 

1781 ;  translated  to  Lincoln  in  1783. 
1783  William  Baker,  Warden  of  Wadbam  CoUefe,  Oxford. 

Elected  in  1783  s  translated  to  Norwich  in  1788. 
1788  Thomas  Sherlock,  Dean  of  Chichester.    Elected  is 

1788;  translated  to  Salisbury  in  1734. 
1734  Charles  Cecil.    Translated  from.  Bristol  in  1734;  ob. 

1737  Thomas  Herrinf;,  Dean  of  Roqbetter.    Elected  1737; 

translated  to  York  in  1743. 
1743  MattbeirHntton.   Elected  1743}  translated  to  York 

in  1748. 
1748  Zachariah'  Pearce,  Dean  of  Winchester.    Elected  in 

1748  i  translated  to  Rochester  in  1756. 
1756  Jobn  Egerton,  Dean  of  Hereford.    Elected  in  1756; 

translated  to  Litchfield  and  Coventiy  in  1769. 
17^9  John  Ewer.    Translated  from  Landaff  in  1769  ;  oh. 

1774  John  Moore,  Dean  of  Canterbury.     Elected  1774; 

translated  to  Canterbury  in  1 783. 
1783  John  Warden.    Translated  from  St.  David's  in  1783; 

ob.  1800. 
1800  WUIiam  Clearer.    Translated  from  Chester  in  1800; 

translated  to  St.  Asaph  in  1807. 
1807  John  Randolph.    Translated  from  Oxford  in  1807; 

translated  to  London  in  1809* 
I8Q9  Henry  William  Majendie..  Translated  from  Chester  in 

1809.    Pbbsbnt  Lord  Bishop  of  Bangor* 




1088  John  de  Villula,  •  Frenchman.    Succeeded  in  1088; 

ob.  S9Dec.  1122. 
1 123  Godfrey  Chancellor  to  the  Qaeen.     Consecrated  S$ 

Aug.  1123;  ob.  16  Aug.  1135. 
1136  Robert,  Monk  of  Lewes,  in  Sussex.    Succeeded  ia 

1135,ur  1136;  ob.  UaS. 


1174  Reginald  FitcJoceline.  Consecrated  In  1174.  Trans- 
lated fo  Canterbury  in  1191|  but  died  before  bis 
translation  could  be  perfected. 

1.192  Savaricusy  Archdeacon  of  Northampton,  and  Abbot  of 
Glastonbury;  whither  he  removed  the  Bishoprick. 
Consecrated  29  Sept  1192 ;  ob.  8  Aug.  1205. 

1205  Josceline,  Canon  of  Wells,  called  Josceline  de  WeU«iB^ 
Consecrated  28  May^  1206;  ob.  J9  Nov.  1242. 


1244  Roger,  Chaunter  of  Salisbury.    Consecrated  11  Sept. 

1244;  ob.  13  Jan.  1247. 
1247  William  Bitton,  or  Button  T.  Archdeacon  of  Wells. 

Elected  4  May,  1247 ;  ob.  1264. 
^264  Walter  Giffard,   Canon  of  WeUs,  Lord  Chancellor. 

Elected  22  May»    1264.     Translated  to  York  in 

1267  William  Bitton,  or  Button  II.  Archdeacon  of  Wells. 

Appointed  4  March,  1266;  ob.Nov.  1274. 
1274  Robert  Bfirnell,  Archdeacon  of  Yorl^,  Lord  Chancellor^ 

and  Lord  Treasurer.    Elected  23  Jan.  1274  ;  ob.  25 

Oct.  1292- 
1293  William  de  M^chia,  Dean  of  St. Martin's,  Lord  Trea- 

sucer.    Elected  30  Jan.  1^93  ;  ob.  June,  1302. 
)302  Walter  Haselshaw,  Dean  of  Wells.     Appointed  12 

^ept.  1302;  ob.  1309- 
1310  Jobn4.e  Drokenesfordj  Keeper  of  the  King's  Wardrobe, 

and  Deputy  to  the  Lord  Treasurer.    Appoint^  15 

May,  1309 ;  ob.  8  May,  1329. 
N   N   3 

ea»  B»HOP^  OF ; 


«iaS9  Ralpb  lie  Shrewtbaiy.    Elected  S  June,  1399 1  ob.  14 

Aagf.  1363. 
1363  Jobn  Barnet.    Translated  from  Worcester,  24  Nor. 

1363 ;  Lord  Treasurer.    Translated  to  Ely  in  1366. 
1366  Jobn  Hare  well.  Chancellor  of  Gascoi^ie,  Chaplain  to 

the  Black  Prince.    Consecrated  7  May,  IS66;  ob. 

July,  1386. 
1386  Waiter  Skirlaw.    Translated  from  Litchfield  and  Co- 
ventry in  1386 1  translated  to  Durham  in  1368. 
1388  Ralph  Ergham.    Translated  from  Salisboiy  14  Sept 

1388;  ob.  10  April,  1401. 
1401  Richard  Gilford,  was  elected  to  this  See,  but  before 

consecration  was  removed  to  Worcester. 
1408  Henry  Bo  wet.  Canon  of  Wells.    Appointed  19  Ao^ 

1401 ;  translated  to  York  I  Dec.  1407. 
1408  Nicholas  Bubbewith.     Translated  from  Salisbory  1 

April,  1408  {  ob.  97  Oct.  1434. 
1435  John  Stafford,  Dean  of  Wells,  Lord  Treasurer.    Ap- 
pointed 13  May^  1435 1  translated  to  Canterbaiy  83 

Au^.  1443. 
1443  Thomas  Beckyng^ton,  Warden  of  New  CoUefre,  Oxford, 

Keeper  of  the  Privy  Seal.    Appointed  84  Sept.  1443 ; 

ob.  14  Jan.  1464- 

Jo  Phreas  elected,  hot  died  before  eoniecration. 

1466  Robert  Stillinfton«  Archdeacon  of  Tannton,  Lord 
Chancellor.  Appointed  96  Jan.  1466;  ob.  May« 

1491  Richard  Fox.  Translated  from  Exeter  8  Feb.  1491s 
translated  to  Durham  in  1495. 

1495  Oliver  King;.  Translated  from 'Exeter  6  Nov.  1495  s 
ob.  Sept.  1503. 

1505  Adrian  de  Castello,  Cardinal.  Translated  firpm  He- 
reford 13  Oct.  1504.  Deposed  by  Pope  Leo  for  a 
conspiracy  in  1518. 

1518  Thomas  Wolsey,  Cardinal,  Archbishop  of  York.  No- 
minated 88  Aug.  1518,  but  was  never  consecrated  s 
he  appears  to  have  held  this  See  tii  e^mmendam; 
Lord  Chancellor;  resigned  this  Bisboprick  in  1528* 

1583  John  Clerk,  Master  of  the  Rolls,  Dean  of  Windsor. 
Nominated  8  May,  1533 ;  ob.  3  Jan.  1540. 

1541  William  Knight,  Secretary  of  State,  Prebendary  of  St 

BATH  AND  W£LLS.  831 

Paul's,  Consecrated  39  May,  154t ;  ob,  S9  Sept. 

1548  WiUiam  Barlow.  Translated  from  St.  David^s  3  Feb* 
1548;  deprived  by  Queen  Mary  in  1553.  Vide  Chi- 

1554  Gilbert  Bourn,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's,  Lord  Pre- 
sident of  Wales.  £lected  98  March,  1554;  ob.  iO 
Sept.  1560. 

1559  Gilbert  Berkeley.  Elected  29  Jan.  1560;  ob.  2  Nov. 


1584  Thomas  Godwin*  Dean  of  Canterbury,  Elected  10 
Aug.  1584;  ob.  19  Nov.  1590,  set.  73. 


1593  John  Still,  Master  of  Trinity  College,  Cambridge,  and 
Prebend  of  Westminster.  Elected  33  Jan.  1592; 
ob.  26  Feb.  1607.  ^  ^,  ^  ,  «. 

1608  James  Montague,  Dean  of  Worcester.  Elected  29 
March,  1608;  translated    to    Winchester  4   Oct. 

1616  Arthur'  Lake,  Dean  of  Worcester,  and  Master 
of  St.  Cross.    Elected  17  Oct.  16165  ob,  4  May^ 

1626  WilliamLaud.  Translated  from  St.Dayid's,  20  June, 
1626;  translated  to  London  >n  July,  1628. 

1628  Leonard  Mawe,  Master  of  Trinity  College,  Cambridge. 

Elected  24  July,  1628 ;  ob.  3  Sept.  1629.      ^^  ^    . 

1629  Walter  Curie.     Translated  from  Rochester  29  Oct. 

1630  J  translated  to  Winchester  in  1632. 
1632  William  Pierce.     Translated  from  Peterborougb  26 

Nov.  1632;  ob.  April,  1670.  «,    ,  j  ok  », 

1670  Robert  Creighton.  Dean  of  Wells.    Elected  25  May, 

1670;  ob.  21  Nov.  1672,  set.  79-  . 

1672  PeterMew,Deanof  Rochester.    Elected  19  Dec.  1672; 

translated  to  Winchester  22  Nov.  1684. 
1685  Thomas  Kenn,  Prebend  of  Winchester.    Consecrated 

25  Jan.  1685 ;  deprived  for  not  taking  the  oaths  to 

King  William  and  Queen  Mary,  1  Feb.  1691. 

899  BtSHOPS  OF 


1€91  WeliKrd  Kidder,  Dean  of  Peterborough,    Nominated 

18  Jane»  1691 ;  ob.  36  Nov.  1703. 
1703  George  Hooper.  Tranalated  from  St.  Asaph»  14  March, 

1703;  ob.  1727. 
17S7  John  Wynne.    Translated  from  St.  Aaapb,  1727;  ob. 

174S  Edward  Willes.    Translated  from  St.  David*t  in  1744 

ob.  1774. 
1774  Charies  Moss.    Thmslated  from  St.  David's,  1774 

ob.  180«. 
1803  Riehard  Beadon.    Translated  from  Gloucester,  1809 

ob;  1834. 
1834  George  Henry  Law.    Translated  from  Chester,  1834, 

PBESBirr  Lord  Kshop  of  Bath  and  Wells. 


This  Diocese  was  one  of  the  six  Sees  erected  by 
Henry  VIIL  out  of  the  spoils  of  the  Monasteries 
and  other  religions  houses  'which  that  monarch 


1543  Paul  Busfae,  Provincial  of  the  Bonhommes.  A)>- 
pointed  16  June,  1543  ;  resigned  the  See  on  the 
Accession  of  Mary  in  1553;  ob.  11  Oct.  15S8,  ct. 

1554  JobnHolyman,  Monk  of  Reading.  Elected  10  Nov. 
15543  ob.  30  Dec  1558. 


1563  Richard  Cheney,  Archdeacon  of  Hereford.  Appointed 
39  April,  1563.  He  held  the  See  of  Gloucester,  by 
dispensation,  with  this  See ;  ob.  1578. 


1581  John  BuUingham,  Prebendaiy  of  Worcester  and  St. 
Paul's,    Succeeded  to  this  See  and  that  of  Gluuces- 

BRISTOL.  833 


ter»  wbich  he  held  by  diipensatloni  in  1581  s  he 
resigned  the  See  of  Bristol  in  J  589. 
1589  Richard  Fletcher,  Dean  of  Peterboroug^h.    Elected  13 
^ov.  ]589j  translated  to  Worcester  in  1593. 


1603  John  Thomborough.  Translated  from  Limerick  in 
Ireland,  30  May,  1603 ;  translated  to  Worcester  8 
Dec.  I6ia 

l^IT  Nicholas  Felton,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paal's.  Elected.  4 
March,  1617s  translated  to  Ely  in  1618. 

1619  Rowland  Searcbfield,  Vicar  of  Charlbury  in  Oxford- 
shire.   Elected  18  March,  1619 ;  ob.  11  Oct.  1623. 

1638  Robert  Wright,  Canon  of  Wells^  Elected  98  Jan. 
1623;  translated  to  Litchfield  and  Cuventiy  in 

1633  George  Coke.  Elected  88  Nov.  1638;  translated  to 
Hereford  in  1636. 

1636  Robert  Skinner.  Elected  36  July,  1636 ;  translated 
to  Oxford  in  1641. 

1641  Thomas  Westfield,  Archdeacon  of  St  Albans.  Suc- 
ceeded in  1641 ;  ob.  38  Jane,  1644. 

1644  Thomas  Howell,  Canon  of  Windsor.  Nominated  in 
July,  1644;  ob.  1646. 



1660  Gilbert  Ironside,  Prebendary  of  York.     Elected  14 

Dec.  1660  ;  ob.  19  Sept.  1671. 
1671  Guy  Carletun,  Dean  of  Cariisle.     Elected  30  Dee* 

1671 ;  translated  to  Chichester  8  Jan.  1678. 
1 678  William  Gulston,  Reator  of  Symondsbury,  Dorsetshire. 
Elected  16  Jan.  1678;  ob.4  April,  1684. 

1684  John  Lake.     Translated  from  Sodor  and  Man,  13 

Aug:.  1684 ;  translated  to  Cbicbester  in  Oct.  1685. 

1685  Sir  Jonathan  TreUwny,  Bart.    Consecrated  8  Nov. 

1685 ;  translated  to  Exeter  13  April  1689. 
...-.-'        - "  '  .  .      .  ,    .f 

*  Ouere,  de  Samuele  Collim,  1651  ?     Vide  Fuller's  Worthlei, 
p.  137. 


TBAl.  .       . 

1689  CnibMt  Jrodtide,  Warden  of •WAdhftm  College,  Oifbrd. 

Confecmted  18  Oct.  1689)  trftmlaud  to  Hereford 

99  J«ily»  1691. 
1691  John  Hall,  MMter  of  Penbnike  College,  Oiford.  Con- 
secrated 30  Aug.  1691 ;  ob.4  Feb.  1709. 
1710  John  RobinftOB,  Dean  of  Wndsor,  Lord  Privy  Seal. 

Consecrated  19  Nov.  1710;  translated  to  London 

1714  George  SmaUriilgei  Dean  oi  Chriet  dmreb^  Oxford 

Consecrated  14  April,  1714 ;  ob.  1719. 
il7l9  Rttgb  Iftoulter,  Arcbdeacon  ofSnrrey.    Elected  lfl9> 

translated  to  Arnagti  m  IreHand,  1794 ;  ob.  174S. 
•17S4  William  Bradshaw,  Dean  of  Christ  Cbvreb,  Oi^ord. 

Elected  1724;  ob.  I7SS. 
.173S  Charles  Cecil.    Elected  IT38;  4raiitlatea  to  Bangor 

in  1734. 
1734  Thomas  Seeker,  Prebendary  of  Dorhaoi.      Elected 

1734 ;  translated  to  Oxford  >737. 

1737  Thomas  Goocb,  Prebendary  of  Gsntertnny*    Elected 

1737 }  translated  to  Norwich  in  1738. 

1738  Joseph  Butler,  Prebendary  of  lloebester.     Elected 

1738;  translated  to  ]>ai4iam  1750. 
1750  John  Coney  beare.  Dean  of  Christ  Chardiy  Oxford. 

Elected  17&0  ;  eb.  1758. 
1758  John  Hume,  Residentiary  of  St.  PaaPs.  Elected  1758 ; 

translated  to  Oxford  the  same  year. 
1758  Philip  YoQge,  Rettdantiafy  of  St.  Paafs.     Elected 

1758;  translated  to  Norwich  1761. 
1761  Thomas  Newton,  Prebendary  of  Westminster,  and 

Dean  of  St.  Paul's.    Elected  I76I ;  ob.  1782. 
1789  Lewis  Bagot,  Dean  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford.    Elected 

1782;  translated  to  Norwich  1785.     . 
1785  Christopher    Wilson,    Prebendaiy   of  Westmiiister. 

Elected  1785 ;  ob.  1792. 
1792  Spencer  Madan,  Canon  Residentiaiy  of  titehfidd. 

Elected  1792 ;  translated  to  Peterborough  1794. 
1794  Henry  Reginald  Courtenay,  Prebendary  of  Rocheater. 

Elected  1794;  translated  to  Exeter  in  1797. 
1797  Folliot  Herbert  Walker  Cornwall,  Dean  of  Canter- 
bury.   Elected  1797 ;  translated  to  Hereford  1802. 
1803  Hon.  George  Pelbam.    l^lected  ,1802;  tcaQslated  to 

Exeter  1807. 

CI«^HEST£R.  ^95 


1808  WilliMiiLortMansel.    Elected  1808;  ob«  18J>Q;. 
1820  John  iiayei    Elected  18SS0.     Present  Lord  Bishop  of 
BriftoU  [ 



1083  Stijcandfv'as  appointed  Bishop  of  SeUiey  by  William  the 
Conqcieror  S^3  May,  1670;  and  wks  translated  to 
the  See  of  Chichester  circa  1083 ;  ob.  1087. 

1087Go<ffrey,  by  sohile' improperly  ^called  Wiilikm.    Con-' 
tecrated  1087;  ob,  1068. 

1091  Ralph  became  Bishop  of  this  Set  id  lOdl;  ob. 

1135  Stffitidtis  I.  Abbot  of  Glastonbury.  Consecrilted  12 
April,  1125;  ob.ll50. 

11.,  Hilary^  It  is  uncertain  i»(ien  fa6  obtained  i\k\t  Sed, 
some  authorities  state  in  1133,  but  others  assert 
ikikt  h6  wks  consecrated  3  Aug.  1 147  i  if  either  be' 
cdirrect  tiis  predecessor' mast  hare  Ueen  deptived  or 
resigned;  ob.  1169. 


1173  John  de  Greenford,  Deaa  of  Chichester.     Elected 

•    11735  (ib,  1180. 
IIBO  Seffridus  11.    Consecrated  17  Oct.  1180;  db.  1204. 
1199  Simon  de  Welles.    Obtained  this  3ect  11  July,  1204; 

ob.  1207; 
1209  Nicholas  de  Aquthr.    Succeeded  in  1209;  ob.  or  re* 

signed  in  1315. 
1215  Richard  Poor,  Dean  Of  Saltibniy.     Consecrated  25 

«lan.  1215  j  translatied  to  Salisbury  ill  1217. 
1S17' Ralph  dfc  Warham;  Prior  of  Norwich.    Elected  17 

D6C.  1218  ;  ob.  14  Sept.  1222. 
1^3  RsaphKevHI,  Lord  Chancellor.    Elected  1  N6f.  1222; 

elected  to  Canterbury,  but  rfcjected  l^  the  Pope; 

ob.  I  Feb.  1244. 

Robert  Papelew  was  elected  next  Bishop,  but 
the  election  was  made  void. 
1245  St.  Richard,  sumamed  de  la  Wich.  Consecrated  1245  ; 

ob.  2  or  3  April  1253,  st.  56. 


1958  iobn  Clippio^»  Dea&  of  Chichester.  Conwenled 
1858 1  ob.  1861. 

1861  Stephen  de  Berksteed.  Appointed  20  Jane,  1861 ; 
ob.  81  Oct.  1887* 

1888  St.  Gilbert  de  Sancto  Leofardo,  Treasurer  of  Cbiches- 
,  ter ;  styled  **  father  to  orphans,  oomforter  to  wi- 
dows, visitor  to  the  sick,  and  refresher  to  the  poor." 
Elected  30  Jan.  1388 ;  ob.  18  Feb.  1305. 

1306  John  Langton,  Lord  Chancellor.  Elected  5  April» 
1305;  ob.l337. 

133d  Robert  Stratford,  Archdeacon  of  Caoterboiyy  Lord 
Chancellor,  and  Chancellor  of  Oaford*  Appointed 
81  Sept.  1337  i  ob.  9  April,  1368. 

1368  William  de  Lenne,  or  Lullimore.  Consecrated  about 
June  1368  j  Uanilated  to  Worcester  in  Oct.  1368. 

1869  William  Reade.    Appointed  11  Oct.  1369;  ob.  1385. 

1385  Thomas  Rushooke.  Translated  firom  Landaff  6  Dec^ 
1385  i  deprived  in  1388. 

1389  Richard  Mitford,  Lord  Treasurer  of  Ireland*  Ap- 
pointed 7  May,  1389  i  translated  to  Salisbniy  in 

1395  Robert  Waldby,  Archbishop  *  of  Dublin.    Translated 

to  this  See  in  1395 ;  removed  to  York  in  1396. 

1396  Robert  Reade.     Translated  from  Carlisle,  18  May, 

1396;  ob.  1417. 
1^7  Stephen  Partington.    Translated  from  St.  David's  in 

Dec.  1417,  but  died  before  his  translation  could  be 

1418  Henry  Ware,  Official  to  the  Archbishop  of  Canter- 
bury, and  Prebend  of  St.  Paul'st     Appointed  13 

May,  1418. 
1431  John  Kempi     Translated  from  Rochester  88  FeW 

1431 ;  translated  to  London  17  Nov.  following. 
1433  Thomas  Poldon,    Translated  from  Hereford  17  Nov. 

1431 }  translated  to  Worcester  in  March  1485. 
1486  John  Rickingale,  Chancellor  of  York.    Appointed  I 

May,  1436;  ob.  July,  1439. 
1430  John  Sidenham,  Dean  of  Salisbuiy.     Appointed  84 
Jan.  1430  ;  ob.  Feb.  1437. 

*  Heylin  and  Beatsou  call  him  Archdeacon  of  Dublin,  bul  as  i» 
the  ^t  in  Le  Neve. 



1430  lUehard  Pnty,  CbMioettor  of  Odbrd,     Appdli^ed  14 

July,  1438;  ob.  July,  1445. 
144$  Adaa  Molins,  Deao  of  Salitbiny,  Lord  Privy  Smilt. 

Appointed  3  Dec  1445 ;  mardered  at  Portsmouth 

9  June,  1449. 
1450  Reginald  Peacock.     Tranilated  from  St  Asaph  83 

March,  1450  j   deprived  for  opposing^  the  Romish 

tenets  in  1457. 
1459  John  Arundel,  Prebendaiy  of  St.  Panrs.    Appointed 

36  March,  1459. 
1478  Edward  Story.    Translated  from  CarKisle  97  March, 

1478 1  eb.  1503. 
1504  Richard  Flta- James.    Translated  ftrem  Rochester  89 

Ja0si504;  translated  to  Ix>ndon  in  1506. 
1508  Robert  Sherburn.     Trandated  from  St.  David's  18 

Sept.  1508;    resipied  this  See  *a  little  before  his 

d^th,  which  oeearred  8i  Atig.  1536,  «t.  96. 
1536  Richard  Sampson,  Dean  of  Litchfield  i  and  in  1536 

ai^poittted  Dean  of  St.  Paul's.     Consecnfted  9  June 

1536;    translated  to  Litchfield  and  €(»ventry  in 

March,  1543. 
154a  George  Day,  Provost  of  King's 'Oenege,  Cambridge. 

£leoted  94  AprH,  1543;  deprived  10  Oct.  1551,  and 

Imprtsoned;  restoned  by  Queen  Maiy  in  1553  $  ob. 

9  Aug.  1556^ 

1558  John  Scory.     Translated  from  Rochester  93  May, 

1559;  deprived  by  Haeen  Maiy  in  1553;  and  In 
1559  made  Bishop  of  Hereford  by  Queen  EKaabetb. 
1557  John  Christopberson,  Dean  of  Notwicb.  Consecrated 
91  Nov.  1557  ;  depitved  in  1558,  and  died  in  Dec« 
the  same  year. 

1559  William  Barlow,  the  deprived  Bishop  of  Bath  and 

Wdls.    Appointed  to  this  See  90  Dec.  1559 ;  obb 
Aug.  1568« 
1570  Richard  Curteys.     Confirmed  96  April,  1*570 ;    ob. 
JU«.  1589. 

tsi  iu  TACAifV  iwiR  tnaaa. 

1585  Thomas  Bidkley,  Warden  of  Merton  CcHk^  Oxford. 

Elected  30  Dec  1585 ;  ob.  30  April,  1596,  et.  90. 
1596  Anthony  Watson,  Dean  of  Bristol,  BIsbop  Almoner. 

Nominated  1  June,  1596 ;  ob.  10  Sept.  1605. 

VOL.  11.  o  o 


1606  Laoncelot  AndrawB,  Dean  of  Wettniintter.    EleeCed 

16  Oct.  1605  ;  translated  to  Ely  in  1609- 
1609  Sanioel  Harsnet,  Archdeacon  of  Essex,    Elected  13 

Not.  1609$  translated  to  Norwich  in  1619. 
1619  Geori^e  Carleton.    Translated  from  Laiidaff»  8  Sept. 

16191  ob.May,  1698. 
1688  Richard  Montague,  Canon  of  Windsor.     Elected  14 

July,  16S8  ;  translated  to  Norwich  in  1638. 
1638  Brian  Dappa,  Dean  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  Tutor 
to  the  Prince.    Appointed  12  June,   1638;  trans- 
lated to  Salisbury  in  1641. 
1641  Henry  King,  Dean  of  Rochester.     Consecrated  19 
Dee.  1641 ;  oh.  Sept.  or  Oct.  1669. 

1670  Peter  Gunning;,  Master  of  St.  John's  College,  Cam- 
bridge.   Elected  1?  Feb.  1670;  translated  to  Ely  4 
March,  1675. 
1675  Ralph  Brideoke.  Dean  of  Salisbory.    Elected  9  March, 
1675  ;  ob.  6  July,  1678,  set.  74. 

1679  Guy  Carleton.    Translated  from  Bristol  8  Jan.  1679 ; 
oh.  6  July,  1685. 

1685  John  Lake.    Translated  from  Bristol  19  Oct.  1685; 
deprived  for  not  taking  the  oaths;  ob.  Aug.  1689* 

1689  Simon  Patrick,  Dean  of  Peterborough.    Consecrated 
13  Oct.  1689;  translated  to  Ely  3  July,  1691. 

1691  Robert  Grove,  Archdeacon  of  Middlesex.    Consecrated 
30  Aug.  1691. 

1696  John  Williams,  Prebendary  of  Canterbuiy.    Conse- 
crated 13  Dee.  I696. 

1709  Thomas  Manningham,  Dean  of  Windsor.    Confirmed 
10  Nov.  1709;  ob.  1733. 

1 732  Thomas  Bowers,  Archdeacon  of  Canterbury.    Elected 
1733 ;  ob.  1724. 

1734  Edward  Waddington.    Elected  1734;  ob.  1731. 

1731  Francis  Hare.    Translated  from  St.  Asaph  1731  ,*  ob. 

1740  Matthias  Mawson.    Translated  from  Landaff  1740; 
translated  to  Ely  1754. 

1754  Sir  William  Ashburnham,  Bart.  Dean  of  Chichester. 
Elected  1754;  ob.  1797« 

1797  John  Buckner.    Elected  1797 ;  ob.  1834. 

1824  Robert  Jamea  Carr.     Elected  1834.     Present  Lord 
Bishop  of  Chichester. 

ST.  DAVID'S.  83^ 

COVENTRY.— Vide  Litchfield. 

TBAR.  ® 

1061  Bleithud,  or  Bledud ;  ob.  circa  1070. 

1070  Sulgb«yn.    He  resigned  in  1076. 

1076  Abrabam.    Slain  in  1078. 

1078  Sulgheyn  resumed  tbe  Bisboprick  in  1078,  and  again 

resigned  it  in  1085  ;  ob.  1088. 
1085  Rythmark,  or  Ritbrn^ch.    Succeeded  in  1085,  and 

died  in  1096  or  1 100. 
1 100  Wilfridus,  or  Griffry ;  ob.  1 115. 
1115  Bernard,  Cbancellor  to  Queen  Adeliza;  be  submited 

bimself.and  bis  cburcb  to  tbe  See  of  Canterbury* 

Consecrated  in  1115;  ob.  1147. 



1 147  David  Fits  Gerald,  Arcbdeacon  of  Cardigan.  Con- 
secrated 19  Dec.  1147;  ob.  May,  II76. 

1176  Peter  de  Leia,  Prior  of  Wenlock.  Consecrated  7 
Nov.  1 176  ;  ob.  16  July,  1198.     . 

1199  Giraldus  Cambrensis,  Alias  Bariy.  Elected  1199;  r«- 
siicned  10  Noy.  1203. 

15203  Geoffrey.    Elected  10  Nov.  1203;  ob.  1S14. 

1314  Gervase.     Consecrated  1214  ;  ob.  1229. 

1430  Ansel  on  le  Gros.  Consecrated  in  Marcb,  1230 ;  ob. 

1348  Tbomas  Wallensis.  Consecrated  26  July,  1248,  ac- 
cording to  Wikes,  and  25  July,  1259,  according  to 
Wbarton  ;  ob.  1 1  July,  1255. 

1256  Ricbard  de  Carew.  Consecrated  in  1256;  ob.  1  April, 

1280  Tbonas  Beck,  Arcbdeacon  of  Dorset.   Elected  3  June, , 

1280;  Lord  Treasurer ;  ob.  14  April,  1293. 

O  02 



JS93  DaWd  Martyn.  Elected  Jiioe»  1S9S;  ob.  9  Mut^, 

i328  Henry  Gower.    Elected  81  April,  1328  ;  ob.  1347. 

1347  Jobn  Tboretby.  Contecratod  83  Sept.  1347;  Lord 
Chancellor;  translated  to  Worcester  in  1349. 

1350  Reginald  Brian.  Appointed  18.  Jan.  1350;  trans- 
lated to  Worcester  in  1352. 

1353  Tbomas  FalstoflPe.  Appointed  89  Mareb,.  1353;  ob. 
Jane,  1361. 

1361  Adam  Houghton.  Appointed  80  Sept.  1361  ;  Loid 
ChaoeeUor;  ob.  13  Feb.  1380. 

Richard  Metford  was  Elected,  bat  set  aside  by 
the  Pope. 

1389  Jobn  Gilbert.  Translated  from  Heieibid,  6  May, 
1389 1  Lord  Ticasnnr  I  ob.88  Jnly,  1397* 

TBB  ill  iKAcaMT  roua  Tiaat. 

1401  Guy  de  Mona.  Appointed  9  Oct.  1401 ;  Lord  Trea- 
surer; ob.  31  Aug.  1407* 

1408  Henry  Cbicheley,  Archdeacon  of  Salisbury.  Appointed 
3  April,  1408 ;  translated  to  Cantefbury  in  1414. 

1414  Jobn  Kettericb,  alias  Catryk,  Archdeacon  of  Surrey. 

Appointed  87  April,  1414;  translated  to  Litchfield 
and  Coventry  1  Feb.  1415.* 

1415  Stephen  Patiynfton.  Appointed  6  April,  1415;  trani- 

lated  to  Chichester  in  1417. 
1417  Benedict  NicboUs.    Translated  firom  Bangor  15  Dec 

1417 ;  ob.  1433. 
1433  Tbomas  Rodebum.    Appointed  5  Oct.  1433 ;  ob.  area 

J448  William  Lynwood.    Appointed  14  Aug.  1448;  Leid 

Privy  Seal ;  ob.  81  Oct.  1446. 
1447  John  Langton,  Chancellor  of  Cambridge.    Appointed 

23  Jan.  1447;  ob.  May,  1447- 
1447  John  Delabere,  Dean  of  Wells.    Appointed  15  Sept. 

1447  ;  living  1460  •. 
1460  Robert  TuUy.    Appointed  80  Oct.  1460 ;  ob.  1481. 

*  Vide  a  nofee  in  Le  Neve's  Fasti  Ecdesue  AngUeanm,  rebtiwe 
to  this  prelate. 

Srr.  DAVID'S.  841 

YBAR.  ' 

1483  Richard  Martin,  Privy  Counsellor  to  Kingf  Edward  IV. 
Appointed  26  Aprils  1482  ;  oU  circa  1483. 

1483  Thomas  Laogton,  Prebendary  of  Wells,    Appointed 

31  May,  1483;  translated  to  Salisbury,  9  Feb. 
1485.  " 

1484  Andrew  ■        ■    ;  his  surname  does  not  appear,  nor 

is  he  noticed  by  Godwin,  Isaacson,  Heylyn,  or 
Beatson ;  Le  Neve,  however,  states  that  he  sub- 
scribed bis  name  as  a  witness  to  a  deed  given  iu 
Rymer,  dated  35  June,  1484. 

1485  Hugh  Pavy,  alias  Parry,  Archdeacon  of  Wilts.    Ap- 

pointed 19  Sept.  1485;  ob 

1496  Jc»hn  Morgan,  alias  Young,  Dean  of  Windsor.  Ap- 
pointed 33  Nov.  1496 ;  ob.  May  1504. 

1505  Robert  Sherborne,  Dean  of  St.  Paul.  Appointed  13 
April,  1505:  translated  to  Chichester  Id  Sept. 
1508.  ^ 

1509  Edward  Vaughan,  Treasurer  and  Prebendary  of  St. 
Paul's.    Appointed  13  June,  1509  ;  ob.  Nov.  1532. 

1523  Richard  Rawlins,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.  Appointed 
11  March,  1533 ;  ob.  18  Feb.  1536. 

1536  William  Barlow.  Translated  from  St.  Asaph  10 
April,  1536;  translated  to  Bath  and  Wells  3  Feb. 

1543  Robert  Ferrar.  Appointed  1  July,  1548;  deprived 
by  Queen  Mary  SO  March,  1554,  and  burnt  30 
March,  1555.  j  »»  n     f\ 

1553  Henry  Morgan,  Principal  of  St.  Edward  HaJI,  Ox- 
ford. Consecrated  1  April,  1553;  deprived  by 
Queen  Elizabeth  June,  1559.  „...,. 

1 559  Thomas  Young,  Chancellor  of  St.  David's.  Elected  6 
Dec.  1559 ;  translated  to  York  35  Feb.  1561. 

1561  Richard  Davies.  Translated  from  St.  Asaph  31  May, 
1561  ;  ob.  Oct- 1581,  set.  80.  „,       ,     . 

1583  Marmaduke  Middleton.  Translated  from  Waterford, 
in  Ireland,  6  Dec.  1582  ;  deprived  in  1590  for  pub- 
lishing a  forged  will ;  ob.  30  Nov.  1593. 


1 594  Anthony  Rudd,  Dean  of  Gloucester.   Elected  8  March, 
1594;  ob.  7  March,  1615. 
o  o  3 

848  BiSHOVS  OF 

1615  Biehard  MilbounM,  Dean  of  Riichetter.    Elected  90 

AiMril,  1615  ;  traoaUted  toCarlisli  in  Joae  1631. 
1691  William  Laody  Dean  of  Glooeceter.    Elected  10  Oct. 

1691 ;  tfansiatad  to  Bath  and  Wella  18  Sept.  1696. 
1697  Tbeopbiloi  Field.    Translated  from  Laadaff  19  Jiilj, 

1697 1  trandated  to  Heraldrd  in  1635. 
1636  Roger  ifan«arinf»  Duo  of  Wercailer,    Elected  19 

Jan.  1636;  ob.  J«lf  1>  1658. 


1660  WUliam  Lacy.  Elected  IL  Oct.  1660;  ob.  4  Oct. 

1677  WilliAm  Thomas*  Dean  of  Woieetter.  Elected  19 
Nov.  1677 1  translated  to  Woreester  in  I683. 

1683  Lawmnoe  Womaek,  Aicbdeaeon  of  SuliDlk.  Conse- 
crated 1 1  Nov.  1683 1  ob.  19  March,  1686,  ct.  73. 

1686  John  Lloyd,  Principal  of  Jesus  College,  Oxford.   Con- 

secrated 17  Oct.  1686  ;  ob.  13.  Feb.  1687- 

1687  Thomas  Watson.     Consecrated  96  Jane»  1687  t  de- 

prived for  Simony  and  other  crimes  3  Augnst,  1699* 


1705  George  Ball.  Archdeacon  of  Landaff.     Elected  93 

March,  1705;  ob.  18  Feb.  1710. 
1710  Philip  Bisse.    Consecrated  19  Nov.  1710  ;  translated 

to  Hereford  16  Feb.  1719. 
1719  Adam  Ottley,  Archdeacon  of  Salop,  and  PTebendary 

of  Hereford.    Elected  98  Feb.  1719;  ob.  1793. 
1793  Richard  Smalbroke,  Treasurer  of  LandafF.    Elected 

1793  i  translated  to  Litchfield  and  Coventry  1730. 

1730  Elias  Sydall,  Dean  of  Canterbury.    Elected   1730; 

translated  to  Gloucester  1731. 

1731  Nicholas  Clagett,  Dean  of  Rochesfefr   Elected  1731 ; 

translated  to  Exeter  1743. 

1743  Edward  Willes,  Dean  of  Lincoln.     Elected  1743; 

translated  to  Bath  and  Wells  1744. 

1744  Hon.  Richard  Trevor,  Canon  of  Windsor.     Elected 

1744 ;  translated  to  Durham  1759. 
1759  Anthony  Ellis,  Prebendary  of  Gloucester.     Elected 

1759;  ob.l761. 
1?61  Samuel  Squire,  Dean  of  Bristol.    Elected  1761  ;  ob. 


ST.  IHViD*S--ELY.  843 


1766  Robert  Lo«lb»  Prebendary  of    Durfaam ;    Elected 

1766  ;  translated  to  Oxford  the  same  year. 
1760  Charles  Most,  Arcbdeacoo  of  Colchester.     Elected 

1766 ;  translated  to  Bath  aod  Wells  1774. 
1774  Hon.  James  York,  Dean  of  Lincoln.     Elected  1774 ; 

translated  to  Gloucester  1779. 
177i  John  Warreot  Archdeacon    oC  Worcester.     Elected 

1779;  translated  to  Banc^or  1783. 
1783  Edward  Smallvell.    Elected  1783^  traosUted  to  ()&• 

ford  1788. 
1788  Samuel  Horsley,  Prebendary  of  Gloucester.    Elected 

1788  ;  translated  to  Rochester  1793. 
1793  Hon.  William  Stuart.    Elected  1793;   translated  to 

Amasb  18(HK 
1800  Lord  George  Murray.    Elected  1800;  ob.  1803. 
1803  Thomas  Burgess,  Prebendary  of  Durham.    Elected 

1803*    Prmbnt  Locd  Bisbop  of  St.  David's. 



1 109  Henrey,  translated  from  Bangor  In  1 109 ;  ob.  30  Ang. 


1133  Nigellus,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.  Consecrated  1 
Oct.  1 133 ;  Lord  Treasurers  ob.  3  June,  1169. 


1 174  Geoffrey  Ridel,  a  Baron  of  the  Excheqaer,  Lord  Trea- 
surer. Consecrated  6  Oct.  1174;  ob.  9\  Aug. 

1 1 89  William  Longcbamp,  Lord  Chancellor,  Legate.  Con- 
secrated 31  Dec.  1 189  i  ob.  3 1  Jan.  1 198. 

1198  Eustace,  Dean  of  Salisbury.  Consecrated  1  March, 
1 198 ',  Lord  Chancellor;  ob.  2  or  3  Feb.  1S15. 




ISSO  John  de  Fontibus,  Abbot  of  Fountains  in  Yorkkhire. 
Consecrated  8  March,  1320;  ob.6  May*  1^5. 

1235  Geoffrey  de  Bur{fh»  or  Burrou^b,  Arcbdeacon  of  Nor- 
wich. Consecrated  29  June,  1225  ;  ob.  17  May, 

1229  Has(b  Nurtbwold,  or  Norwold,  Abbot  of  St.  Edmundf- 
bury.  Consecrated  10  June«  1229 ;  ob.  6  Au^. 

1855  William  de  Kilkenny,  Arehdeaeon  of  Coventry.  Con- 
secrated 15  Aug.  1255;  Lord  Chancellor;  ob.  21 
Sept.  1256. 

1257  Hufi^h  Balsam,  Sub-Prior  of  Ely.  Consecrated  14 
Oct.  1257;  ob.June,  1286. 

1286  John  de  Kirkeby,  Canon  of  Wells  and  York.  Elect- 
ed 26  July«  1286;  Lord  Treasurer;  ob.  26  March, 

1290  William  de  Luda,  Archdeacon  of  Durham.  Elected  4 
May,  1290 1  Lord  Chancellor}  ob.  25  March,  1298. 

1299  Ralph  Walpole.  Translated  from  Norwich  15  July 
1299;  ob.  22  March,  1302. 

1302  Robert  Orford,  Prior  of  Ely.  Elected  14  April, 
1302;  ob.2t  Jan.  1310 

1310  John  de  Ketene  or  Keeton,  Almoner  of  Ely.  Elected 
10  July,  1310  ;  ob.  14  May,  1316. 

1316  John  Hotham,  Prebendary  of  York.  Appointed  20 
July  1316}  Lord  Chancellor  and  Lord  Treasurer ; 
ob.  25  Jan.  1337. 

1337  Simon  de  Moiitacute.  Translated  from  Worcester  in 
March,  1337  ;  ob.  20  June,  1344. 

1344  Thomas  Lisle  or  Lylde,  Prior  of  Winchester.  Con- 
secrated July,  1344;  died  in  exile  23  June,  1361. 

1362  Simon  Langbam,  Abbot  of  Westminster.  Appointed 
10  Jan.  1362 ;  Lord  Treasurer,  and  afterwards  Lord 
Chancellor;  translated  to  Canterbury  25  July,  1366. 

1366  John  Barnet.  Translated  from  Bath  and  Wells  15 
Dec.  1366;  Lord  Treasurer;  ob.  7  June.  1373. 

1374  Thomas  de  Arundel,  alias  Fita-Alan,  Archdeacon  of 
Taunton.  Appointed  9  April,  I374(  X^ord  Chan- 
cellor; translated  to  York  3  April,  1388. 

1388  John  Fordham.  Translated  from  Durham,  3  April, 
1388;  ob.  19  Nor.  1425. 

1426  Philip  Morgan.  Translated  from  Worcester  22  Aprils 
1426}  ob.  25  Oct.  1434. 

BLT.  845 


1438  Loiiif  4e  Laxemborgh,  eaUed  by  U  N^w,  Lewis 
Lushboroug^by  Archhisbop  of  RouQn  in  Prance^ 
ACAftDiNAL.  Appelated  3  April,  1438  ;  •b.  IB  S^pt. 

1448  Thomas  Bouvduer.  Traaalated  from  WocceitM  90 
Dee.  1443 }  translated  to  Caoterbaiy  in  1454. 

1454  William  Grey,  Archdeacon  of  Northampton.  Ap- 
pointed 6  Sept.  1454  J  LondTseaaoror;  ob.4Auc. 
1478.  * 

1498  John  Morton,  Preboidary  of  Salisbury,  Lincoln*  Se. 
Paul's,  and  York.  Elected  9  Ang.  1478  ;  Master  of 
the  Rolls,  Lord  Chancellor}  tnaslated  to  Canter- 
bury in  1485.  A  CaiUHiiaL. 
'  I486  iohn  Alcoek.  Translated  from  Worcestw  7  Ptc. 
1485;  Lord  Chancellor;  ob.  1  Oct.  1500, 

1501  Riobafd  Redman.  Tnuslatai  from  £zeter  t6  S^pt. 
1501;  ob.  35Au|;.  1505. 

1506  James  Stanley,  Warden  of  Manchester  and  Dean  ef 
St.  Martin's.  Appointed  5.  Mor«  1506;  qb.  8S  Mar. 

1515  Nicholas  West,  Dean  of  Windsor..  A|ipointed  18 
May«15I5{  ob.  April,  1533. 

1534  Thomas  Goodrich,  Canon  of  St.  Stephei^'s,,  Westmin- 
ster. Elected  17  March,  1534;  Lord  Chancellar  t 
ob.  10  May,  1554. 

1564  Thomas  Thiriby.  Translated  from  Norwich  15  Sept. 
1554;  deprived  1558;  ob.  S6  Auf.  157a 

1559  Richard  Cox,  Dean  of  Christ  Ghoreb,  Oaford.  Eisctad 
S8  July,  1559 ;  ob.  July,  15ab 


1599  Martin  Heton,  Dean  of  Winchester.    Elected  80  Dec. 

1599;  ob.  13  July,  1609. 
1609  Lancelot  Andrews.     Translated  from  Chichester  22 

Sept.  1609;  translated  to  Winchester,  March,  1619. 
1619  Nicholas  Felton.    Translated  from  Bristol  2  March, 

1619;  ob.  5  Oct.  1626. 
1628  John  Buckeridge.     Tranriated  from   Rochester  17 

April,  1628;  ob.23May,  1631. 
1631  Francis  White.    Translated  from  Norwich  15  Nov. 

1631;  ob.  Feb.  1638. 
1638  Matthew  Wren.    Trandated  from  Norwich  5  May, 

1638;  ob.  24  April,  1667. 



1667  Benjanin  Laney.    TraiMlated  from  Lincoln,  24  May, 

1667;  ob.34Jan.  1675. 
1676  Peter  Gunninip.    Translated  from  Chichetter,  13  Feb. 

1675 1  ob.  6  Jaly,  1684,  et.  71. 
1684  Francis  Turaer.    Translated  from  Rochester  S3  Aug. 

1684;  deprived  for  not  taking  the  oaths   I   Feb. 

1691  Simon  Patrick.    Transl&ted  from  Chichester  S3  April, 

1691;  ob.3lMay,  1707. 
1707  John  Moore.     Translated  from  Norwich  31  July, 

1707;  ob.  SlJnly,  1714. 
1714  William  Fleetwood.     Translated  from  St.  Asaph  IB 

Pec.  1714;  ob.  I7S3. 

1753  Thomas  Gfeen.     Translated  from  Norwich  17S3;  ob. 

1738  Robert  Butte.    Translated  from  Norwich  1738;  ob. 

1748  Sir  Thomas  Gooeh,  Bart.    Translated  from  Norwich 

1748;   ob.  1764. 

1754  Matthias  Mawsou.  Translated  from  Chichester  1764; 

ob.  1770. 
1770  Edmund  Keene,    Translated  from  Chester  1770;  ob, 

1781  Hon.  James  Yorke.  Translated  from  Gloucester  1781; 

ob.  1808. 
1808  Tbomas  Dampier.    Translated  from  Rochester  1808; 

ob.  1818. 
18 IS  Bowyer  Edward  Sparke.    Translated  from  Chester 

1 8 1 S.    Presbnt  Lord  Bishop  of  Ely. 



1050  Leofilc  Bishop  of  Devonshire  and  Cornwall.  Settled 
both  those  Sees  at  Exeter  anno  1050;  ob.  lo  Feb. 

1074  Osbert.  Consecrated  S8  May,  1074;  ob.  1103. 


1107  William  Warlewast     Said  by.  some  writers    to  have 

EXETER.  847 


been  Consecrated  in  1113,  and  to  have  died  in 
1 137  ;  but  according  to  otbers  be  was  Consecrated 
11  Angust,  1 107,  resigned  bis  See  in  1137,  and  died 
Ut  Oct.  1137. 

]  138  Robert  Chicbester.  Succeeded  in  1138  or  1138;  ob. 

1 150  Robert  Warlewast.    Succeeded  in  1150;  ob.  1 159. 

1161  Bartbolomew  Iscan.  Consecrated  in  1161  s  ob.  15 
Dec.  1184. 

1 185  Jobn.   Elected  in  1185)  ob.  1  June,  II9I. 


1193  Henry  Marsball.    Elected  in  1193$  ob.  Oct.  1306. 


1314  Simon  de  Apulia.  Consecrated  1  Oct.  1314;  ob. 
1333  or  1334. 

1 334  William  Brewer,  Privy  Counsellor  to  King  III.  Con- 
secrated 14  April,  1334 1  ob.  34  Oct.  1344. 

1345  Ricbard  Blondy.  Consecrated  83  Oct.  1345;  ob.36 
Dec.  1357. 

1358  Walter  Bronescombe,  Arcbdeacon  of  Surrey.  Elected 
35  Feb.  1358;  ob.  33  July,  1380. 

1380  Peter  Quiril,  Canon  of  Exeter.  Consecrated  1380; 
ob.  6  Oct.  1391. 

1393  Thomas  de  Button,  Dean  of  Wells.  Elected  30  Nov. 
1393 ;  ob.  Sept.  or  Oct.  1307. 

1307  Walter  Stapleton.  Elected  Nov.  1307  5  Lord  Trea- 
surer; beheaded  by  the  mob  in  London  15  Oct. 

1336  James  de  Berkeley.     Elected  13  Dec.  1336  ;   ob.  34 

June,  1337. 

Jobn  Godeleigb  was  Elected,  and  had  the 
Royal  assent  3 1  July,  1337;  but  before  Con- 
secration be  was  set  aside  by  the  Pope. 

1337  John  Grandison.    Appointed  38  Aug.  1337;  ob.  July, 

1 370  Thomas  Brentingbam,  Lord  Treasurer.   Appointed  4 
March,  1370;  ob.  3  Dec.  1394. 

846  BlMOPS  OF 


1S95  Ednrand  8tat<M6.     A)>|ralnted  IS  Jan.  1395  $  Lord 

Chancellor;  ob.Atig.  1419. 
1419  Joha  Ketterieh.    Tramlated  from  Lftehfidd  and  Co- 
ventry 30  Not.  1419 ;  ob.  1480. 

James  Cary»  Bitbop  of  Litchfield  and  CoTcntiy, 
is  eaUed  hy  Godwin  the  next  Bishop  of  this 
See ;  but  he  died  before  he  took  possesiion 
of  the  dignity. 

1490  Edmnnd  Lacy.  7>aAtlated  from  Heveford  3  My, 
1420;  ob.  18  Sept.  1455. 

John  Halts  was  next  oltSired  thb  See,  bnt  be 
refused  it. 

1456  George  KeTitl,  Prebendary  of  Xiincoln.  Appointed 
SI  March,  1456 1  Lord  Chancellor,  and  Chancellor 
of  Oxford  i  translated  to  York  15  March,  1465. 

1465  John  Booth,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.  Appointed  IS 
June  1465;  ob.  1  April,  147B. 

1478  Peter  Courtenay,  Archdeacon  of  Exeter.  Appointed 
5  Sept.  1478;  translated  to  Winchester  ^  Jan. 

1487  Richard  Fox,  Prebendary  of  Safisbuiy.  Appointed 
8  April,  1487  |  Lord  Privy  Seal  |  translated  torBath 
and  Wells  8  Feb.  1498. 

1493  Oliver  King,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.  Appointed  1 
Oct.  1498 ;  translated  to  Bath  and  Wells  in  1495. 

1496  Richard  Redman.  Translated  fh>m  St.  Asaph  7  Jan. 
1496 ;  translated  to  £ly  in  Sept.  1501. 

1508  John  Arundel.  Translated  from  Litchfield  and  Co- 
Tentiy  89  June,  1508;  ob.  1?  March,  1504. 

1504  Hugh  Oldhan,  Prebendary  of  York  aiid  Litchfield. 
Appointed  87  Nov.  1504;  ob.  85  June,  1519. 

1519  John  Voysey,  alias  Harman,  Dean  of  Windsor.  Ap- 
pointed 31  Aug.  1519.   He  resigned  this  See  in  1551. 

1551  Miles  Coverdale.  Appointed  14  Aue.  1551.  De- 
prived and  banished  by  Qaeen  Mary  in  1553; 
and,  after  her  death,  he  refuted  to  return  to  his 
Bjshoprick,  and  lived  privately  until  he  attained  the 
8  lit  year  of  his  age. 

1553  John  Voysey.  Restored  to  the  Bishc^rick  S8  Sept 
1553;  ob.83  0ct.  1554. 

1555  James Turberville.  Consecrated  8  SepU  1555;  de- 
prived in  Jan.  1560. 

BXSYBft.  84f 

IS60  WiUlin  AU^t  Ptebendarf  of  St.  Pml%    EUwted  80 

May,  1560;  ob.  April,  1570. 
lS7t  WiUfftin  Br«dbrii«e>  ]>eao  of  Sftliibiiyy.    Elected  I 

March,  1571 ;  ob.  87  June,  1578. 
1S7S  John  Woltoo,  Canon-residentiary  ojt  Exeter.    Elected 

8  July,  1579;  ob.  13  March,  1594. 
1594  Gervase  Babington.     Translated   ftom    Landaff,    4 

Feb.  1594;  translated  to  Worcester  4  Oct.  1597* 
1598  William  Cotton,  Canon-residentiary  of  St.  Paul's. 

Elected  6  Sept.  1598 ;  ob.  86  Aug.  1681. 
1681  Valentine  Carey,  Dean  of  St.  Paul's.     Elected  87 

Sept.  1681 ;  ob.  10  June,  1686. 
1627  Joseph  Hall,  Dean  of  Worcester.     Elected  5  Nor. 

1687 ;  translated  to  Norwich  in  1641. 
1|S48  Ralph  Broworigg,  Prebendary  of  Durham.  Elected  31 

March,  1642 }  ob.  7  Dec.  1659. 
1660  John  Gauden,  Master  of  the  Temple.    Elected  3  Nor. 

1660  ;  translated  to  Worcester  in  1661. 
1668  Setb  Ward,  Dean  of  Eketer.    Elected  8  July,  1668; 

translated  to  Sallsbfiry  in  1667. 
1667  Anthony  Sparfow,  Archdeacon  of  Sudbury.    Elected 

14  Oct.  1667  f  translated  to  Norwich  in  1676. 
1676  Thomas  Lamplugb,  Dean  of  Rochester.    Elected  3 

Oct.  1676  ;  translated  to  York,  8  Dec.  1688. 
1689  Sir  Jonathan  T«Uwney,  Bart.    Translated  from  Bris- 
tol 13  April,  1689;  translated  to  Winchester  m 

1707  O&pring  Blackball.    Elected  S3  Jan.  1707 ;  ob.1716. 
1716  Lancelot  Blackburn,  Dean  of  Exeter.    Elected  1716  j 

uanslated  to  York  1784. 
1784  Stephen  Westbn.    Elected  1784;  ob.  1743. 
1743  Nicholas  Clagget.  Translated  from  St.  DaTlffs  1743; 

1746  George  LaVington,  Canon-tcsidentmry  of  St.  Paul's. 

Elected  1746 ;  ob.  1768,  «t.  79.  «r_^-^ 

1763  Hon.  Frederick  Keppel,  Canon  and  Dean  of  Wmdsor. 

Elected  1763;  ob.in7.  ^  ^  •^  ,we  -.k 
1778  John  Ross,  Prebendary  of  Durbam.  Elected  1778;  ob. 

1793  William  Buller,  Dean  of  Canterbuty.  Elected  1798; 

1797  He°n^  Reg'inald  Courtenay.  Translated  from  Bristol 
1797;  ob.  1803. 

vol..  11.  '  ' 



1803  John  Fisber»  ArcAideaoon  of  Estter.    EUeted  1003$ 

traniUted  to  Salisbury  1807. 
1 807  Hon.  George  Pelbani.    Translated  from  Bristol  1807 ; 

translated  to  Uncoln  18S0. 
1880  William  Carey.  Elected  188a    Premnt  Lord  Bisbop 

of  Eieter. 


Tbis  See  was  one  of  the  six  erected  by  King:  Henry 
the  Eighth  in  the  year  1541,  and  was  formerly  part 
of  the  Diocese  of  Worcester. 


1541  John  Wakeman,  the  last  Abbot  of  Tewkesbury.  Con- 
secrated 80  Sept.  1541 ;  ob.  Dec.  1549. 

1550  John  Hooper.  Nominated  15  May,  1550;  depriredia 
1553;  and  burnt  9  Feb.  1555. 

1554  James  Brookes,  Master  of  Baliol  College,  Oxford. 
Consecrated  1  April,  1554}  ob.  7  Sept.  1558. 


1568  Richard  Cheyney,  also  Bishop  of  Bristol.  Consecrated 
19  April,  1568;  ob.85  April,  1579. 


1581  John  Bullingham,  also  Bishop  of  BristoL   Elected  15 

Aug.  1581 ;  ob.  80  May,  1598. 
1598  Godfrey    Goldsborough,    Prebendary    of   Worcester 

Elected  88  Aug.  1598 ;  ob.  36  May,  1604. 
1605  Thomas  Ravis,  Dean  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford.    Con- 
secrated 19  March,  1605 ;  translated  to  London  18 

May,  1607. 
1607  Henry  Parry,  Dean  of  Chester.    Consecrated  12  July, 

1607  ;  translated  to  Worcester  in  1610. 
1611  Giles  Thompson,  Dean  of  Windsor.    Elected  15  Mar. 

1611;  ob.  June  1618. 
1618  Miles  Smith,  Canon-residentiary  of  Hereford.  Elected 

15  July,  1618;  ob.  80  Oct.  1684. 
1684  Godfrey  Goodman,  Dean  of  Rochester.    Elected  S6 

Nov.   1684.     His  Bisboprick  was  sequestered  in 

1640,  and  he  died  16  Jan.  1655. 

GLOUCESTER—lllgREFORD.  *      851 



1660  William  NicholsQn,  Archdean  of  Brecknock.   Elected 

26  Nov,  1660  J  ob.  5  Feb.  1 672. 

1672  John  Pritcbet  or  Pritcbard,     Elected  10  Oct.  1672; 

ob.  IJan.  1680. 
1681  Robert  Frampton,  Dean  of  Gloucester.    Consecrated 

27  March,  1681  j  deprived  for  not  taking  the  oaths; 
1  Feb.  1691.  o  » 

1691  Edward  Fowler,  Prebendary  of  Gloucester.  Nominated 

23  April,  1691 ;  ob.  26  Aug.  1 7 14. 
1715  Richard  Willis,  Dean  of  Lincoln.    Appointed  15  Jan. 

1715  J  translated  to  Salisbui^,  1 72 1. 
1721  Joseph  Wilcocks,  Prebendary  of  Westminster.  Elected 

1721  ;  translated  to  Rochester  1731. 
1731  Ellas  SydaU.  Translated  from  St.  David's  1731;  ob. 

1734  Martin  Benson,    Prebendary  of  Durham.     Elected 

1734;  ob.  1752. 
1752  James  Johnson,    Canon-r^sldenti^ry  of   St.  Paul's. 

Elected  1752;  translated  to  Worcester  1760. 
1760  Willfam'Warburton,  Dean  of  Bristol,   Elected  1760; 

ob.  1779. 
1779'Hon.  James  Yorke.  Translated  from  St.  David's  1779} 

translated  to  Ely  1781. 
17«1  Samuel  Halifax.    Elected    1781;    translated  to  St. 

Asaph  1789. 
1789  Richard  Beadon,  Archdeacon  of  London.     Elected 

1789;  translated  to  Bath  and  Wells  1802.  . 
1802  George  Isaac  Huntingford,  Warden  of  Winchester. 

Elected  1802;  translated  to  Hereford  in  1815. 
1815  Hon.  Henry  Ryder.     Elected   1815  ;    translated  to 

Litchfield  and  Coventry  1824. 
1«24  Christopher  Bethell.    Elected  1824.     Present  I/ord 

Bishop  of  Gloucester. 



1060  Walter,  Chaplain  to  the  Queen.    Consecrated  1060  $ 

1079  Robert  Losing,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.   Consecrated 

29  Dec.  1079 ;  ob.  26  June,  1095. 
e  ?2 

W    »  BISHOPS  OP 


1095  Gervd»  ChuMllor  to  King  WiUiMi  IW  Coiiqiienr. 
Appointed  circa  1095;  translated  to  Toric  in  1100. 

Rogvry  nominated  by  tbe  King ;  but  died  be- 
fore Consecration. 

1 101  Rainelm,  Chancellor  to  the  Qnan.  Appointed  1 101 ; 

1115  Geoffrey  de  Cljrre,  Chaplain  to  the  King.    Conse- 
crated S6 Dec.  1115;  ob.  8  Feb.  1119. 
USD  aiebard  de  CappeUa,  Clerh  to  tbe  Seal.  Canscnildi 

IG  Jan.  USD;  ob.l5Aiif.  1187. 
liai  Robert  de  Bethnn,  Piior  of  Lantbony.    Cooseorated 

19  Jane»    1131»  or  80  Ua^,  1183;   ob.  April, 

1 148  Gabert  Feliot,  Abbot  of  Gloucester.    Consecrated  5 

Sept  1148 }  translated  to  London  In  lltt. 
1164  Robert  de  Melon,  Prior  of  Laothony.    Osnsecrated 

n  May,  U64i  oU  $7  Feb.  1166. 


1174  Robert  Foliot,  Archdeaeon  of  Oafiird.  Consf  crated 
6  Oct.  1 174 1  ob.  9  May,  1 186. 

1186  WiUian  de  Vere,  Prebendaiy  of  St.  Panl's.  CoMe- 
cratcd  10  Aug.  1186  ;  ob.  S4  Dec.  1199. 

1900  Giles  Brace,  alias  de  Braose.  ConaocnOed  94  Sept. 
1900 1  ob.  17  Nor.  1815. 

1916  Hnipb  de  Mapenore,  Dean  of  Hereford.  Conseorated 
6  Dec  1816 1  ob.  April,  1819. 

1919  Hugh  Foliot,  Archdeacon  of  Salop.  Conaecfutcd  1 
Nov.  1819;  ob.Joly,  1934. 

1884  Ralph  de  Msydenstune^  or  Maidstone,  Dean  of  Here- 
ford. Appointed  80  Sept.  1834 ;  he  resif^Qed  17 
Deekl839t  ob.lS44. 

1840  Peter  de  Egaeblank,  or  Eseblannchi  a  Savoyard. 
Elected  84  Aug.  1840;  ob.  87  Nov.  1868. 

1868  John  Breton.  Appointed  6.Dec«  1868}  ob.  April  or 
May,  1875. 

1875  Thomas  de  Cantilnpe,  Aiebdeaeon  of  Stafford.  Elect- 
ed 80  June,  1875 ;  Lord  Chancellor,  and  ChaiieeUor 
of  Oiford ;  ob.  85  Aug*  1988,  and  was  CAMomaBiK 

1888  Richard  de  Swinefrld.  Elected  1  Dec  1888  ;  ol».  15 
March,  1817. 


H£R£rORD.  853 


1317  Adam  de  Orleton.    Appointed  7  April,  1317;   Lord 

Treasurer  j  translated  to  Worcester  Oct.  1337. 
1337  Thomas  Charlton,  Canon  of  York.    Consecrated  18 

Oct.  I3S7  S  Lord  Chancellor  of  Ireland ;  ob.  1 1  Jan. 

1344  John  Trilleck.    Elected  33  Feb.  1344  ;   ob.  Jan.  or 

Feb.  1360. 
1361  Lewis  de  Cbarleton,  Canon  of  Hereford,  Chancellor 

of  Oxford.    Appointed  10  Sept.  1361 ;  ob.  33  May, 

1369  William  Courtenay,  Canon  of  York.    Appointed  17 

Au;.  1369 1  translated  to  London  13  Sept.  1375. 
1375  John  Gilbert.  Translated  from  Ban^r  13  Sept.  1 375; 

Lord  Treasurer;  translated  to  St.  David's  tn  1389. 
1389  John  Trevenanty  or  Treffnant,  Canon  of  St*  Asaph  and 

Lincoln.    Appointed  6  May,  1389 ;   or  March  or 

April,  1404. 
1404  Robert  Mascall,  Confessor  to  the  King.    Appointed  3 

July,  1404 ;  ob.  33  Dec.  1416. 
1417  Edmund  Lacy,  Canon  of  Windsor.    Consecrated  18 

April,  1417*    Translated  to  Exeter  in  14S0. 
1430  Thomas  Polton,  Dean  of  York.    Appointed  15  July, 

1430.    Translated  to  Chichester  in  1433. 
1433  Thomas  Spofford,  Abbot  of  St.  Mail's,  York,  Bishop 

elect  of  Rochester,  hut  was  removed  to  this  See 

before  Consecration,  17  Nov.  1433.    He  resigned  in 

1448  Richard  Beauchamp,  Archdeacon  of  Suffolk.  Appointed 

4  Dec.  1448;  translated  to  Salisbury  in  1450. 
1450  Reginald  Butler,  alias  Boulers,  Abbot  of  Gloucester. 

Appointed  33  Dec.   1450;  translated  to  Litchfield 

and  Coventry  3  April,  1453. 
1453  John  Stanbury.   Translated  from  Bangor  7  Feb.  1453; 

ob.  11  May,  1474. 
•1474  Thomas  Milliner,  Abbot  of  Westminster.    Appointed 

15  Aug.  1474;  ob.  1493. 
1493  Edmund  Audley.  Translated  from  Rochester  33  June, 

1493;  translatedtoSalisbury  in  1503. 

1503  Adrian  de  Castello,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.    Conse- 

crated 1503;  translated  to  Bath  and  Wells  in  1504. 

1504  Richard  May  hew,  or.  Mayo,  President  of  Magdalen 

College,  Oxford.    Appointed  9  Aug.  1504;  ob.  18 
Aprils  1516. 


8$4  BISBOPS  or 


I&16  Charits  Booth,  Prefaendarfof  Uncria    Appointed  SI 

July,  1516 1  ob.  5  May,  1535. 
1&S5  Edward  Fox,  Prorott  of  King's  CoUege,  CanbrUfi. 

Elected  3  Sept.  1535 ;  ob.  8  May,  1638. 
153ft  Edmuod  Bonner,  Arehdeaeon  of  Leicester.    Elected 

87, Nov.  1538i  bvt,  before  CoMeeratioB,  be  mm 

translated  to  Lincoln. 
1539  John  Skyp,  Afchdeacoa  of  DofMC    Elected  84  ae|. 

1539 }  ob.  30  March,  1558. 

1553  John  Harley,  Prebendary  of  Worcester.    Coaseerated 

8eBlay,1553.    I>eprived  in  1554. 

1554  RobeK  Warton,  alias  ParCew,  aliaa  P«rCoy»    Trans- 

lated frona  St.  Asaph  84AprU,  1554&  oh.  88  Sept 

Thoaias  Reynolds  was  nominated  fay  Queen 
Mary  i  but,  on  her  death,  he  was  set  aside 
by  her  successor.  * 

1559  John  Scoiy,  the  depriTed  Bishop  of  Chichesteiv  Elected 

15  July,  1559 1  ob.  86  June,  1585. 
1585  Herbert  Westffalior,  Canon  of  Windsor*  Kominated 

17  Not.  1585  i  ob.  1  March,  1608. 
1608  Robert  Bennet,  Dean  of  Windsor.    Nominated  7  Jan. 

1608;  ob.  85  Oct.  1617. 
1617  Francis  Godwin.    Translated  from  Landaff  10  Not* 
1617;  ob.  April,  1633. 

William  Joxon,  Dean  of  Worcester,  was  elect- 
ed, but  before  Consecration  be  was  translated 
to  London,  when 

Godfrey  Goodman,  Bishop  of  Gloucester,  was 
elected,  but  he  resided  his  pretensions. 

1634  Auffustin  tindsell,  translated  from  Peterboraaffb  7 
March,  1634  ;  ob.  6  Nov.  1634. 

1634  Matthew  Wren,  Dean  of  Windsor.    Elected  5  Bee. 

1634;  translated  to  Norwich  in  1635. 

1635  Theophilus  Field.    Translated  from  SL  Dand's  15 

Dec.  1635  ;  ob.  8  June,  1636. 

1636  George  Coke.  Translated  horn  Bristol  18  Juiie»  1636$ 

ob.  10  Dec.  1646. 


:660  Nicholas  Monk,  ProTost  of  Eton  College.    Elected  1 
Dec.  1660  i  ob.  17  Dec.  1661. 



l$6Sl  Herbart  C«oft,  Dean  of  HerefoiwI.    Elected  31  Jan. 

1662;  Ob.  18  May,  1691. 
HS^I  Qijben  lEonside.    Translated  from  Bristol  S7  Maj* 

1691 ;  ob.  27  Aug.  1701,  «t,  69. 
1701  Homphpey  HumpbreyB,    Tranelatad  from  BanfQor  S 

Dec.  1701 ;  ob.  SO  Nov.  1712,  St.  63. 
1713  Philip  Biase.  Translaied  froci  St.  Dfetrid'f  6  Feb.  1713  s 

ob.  1721. 
17S1  Benjamiii  Hoa<Uy.    Tranalated  from  Bangor  1721; 

translated  to  Salisbury  1723. 
I7S3  Hon.  Henry  Egertoiu    Eleeted  1723;  ob.  1746. 
1746  Lord  James  Beauclerk,  Canon  of  Windsor.    Elected 

1746  ;  o\h  1787,  «t.  8&. 

1787  Hon.  John  Harley,  Dean  of  Windsor.    Eleeted  1787; 

ob.  17adyast.6a 

1788  Jobn  Butler,  translated  from  Oxford  1788}  ob.  1802. 
1802  Folliot  Herbert  Walker  Come  wall.    Translated  from 

Bristol  1802;  translated  to  Worcester  1808. 

1806  John  Liixmore.  Translated  from  Bristol  1808  ;  trans- 
lated to  St.  Asaph  1815. 

1815  George  Isaac  Huntingford.  Translated  from  GIoRce»- 
ter  1815.    Present  Lord  Bishop  of  Hereford. 

1059  Herewald.    Consecrated  1059 ;  ob,  6  March,  1103. 


1108  Urban,  Archdeacon  of  Landaff.    Consecrated  10  Aug. 
1108;  ob.  1133. 


1 1 39  Uht red.    Consecrated  1 1 39 ;  ob.  1 1 48. 

1148  Galfrid;  ob.  1153. 

1153  Nicholas  ap  Gwrgant ;  ob.  1183. 




1  i%b  WilKam  dc  SaUo  Marisco,  or  SaUmanh.  Consecrated 

1185$  ob.  circa  1191* 
1 19  •  Henry,  Prior  of  Abergavenny.  Consecrated  ante  1 196 ; 

ob.  Not.  IS  18. 
1S19  William,  Prior  of  Goddiffe.    Consecrated  Oct.  1SI9; 

ob.  1839. 
1230  Elias  de  Radnor.    Elected  1230  $  ob.  13  May,  1240. 


1244  William  De  Burgh,  Chaplain  to  the  King.  Consecrated 

1244;  ob.  1253. 
1253  John  de  la  Warr.  Elected  26  July,  1253}  ob.  30  June, 

1256  William  de  Radnor.  Elected  30  July,  1256;  ob.  1265. 
1266  William  de  Braose,  Prebendary  of  Landaff.    Elected 

March,  1266 1  ob.  19  March,  1287. 

The  See  is  generally  considered  to  have  been  vacant  froBi 
1287  to  1296  s  but  Le  Neve,  on  the  authority  of 
Prynne,  states,  that 

1287  Philip  de  Staunton,  succeeded  in  ^pt.  1287* 
1296  John  de  Monmouth.     Nominated  March,   1295  j  con- 
secrated Feb.  1296;  ob.  8  April,  1323. 
1323  John  de  Eglesdiffe.     Translated  from  Connor,  in  Ire- 
land, in  Sept.  1323  :  ob.  2  Jan.  1346. 

John  Coventre  was  Elected,  but  set  aside  by  the 

1347  John  PaschalL  Appointed  3  June,  1347  $  ob.  11  Oct. 

J  36 1  Roger  Cradock.  Translated  from  Waterford,  in  Ire- 
land, 15  Dec.  1361  ;  ob.  1382. 

1383  Thomas  Rusbnoke,  Confessor  to  the  King.  Appointed 
16  Jan.  1383.    Translated  to  Chichester  in  1386. 

1386  William  de  Bottlesbara,  Titular  Bishop  of  Bethle- 
hem. Appointed  in  1386;  translated  to  Rochester 
in  1389. 

1389  Edmund  de  Brumfeld.  Appointed  17  Dec.  1389;  ob. 

1393  Tideman  de  Winchecomb,  Abbot  of  Beauly.  Ap- 
pointed 5  July,  1393 ;  translated  to  Worcester  in 


)395  AtidrewBimt.    Appointed  25  Aug.  1395;  ob.May, 

1396  John  BuriAUU  alias  BriRhiUat  Confewor  to  tba  King. 

Appointed  15  June,  1396;  translated  to  Litchfield 

and  Coventry  in  1^98* 
1398  Thomas  Peverel.    Translated  from  Ossory,  in  Ireland^ 

16  NoT'  1398 ;  translated  to  Worcester  in  1407. 
1408  John  la  Zoucbe.    Appointed  7  June,  1408 ;  oh. ...  • 

Lc  Neve  says^^<  S^sere,  de  Johanne  Fulford/* 

I4S5  John  Wells.    Appointed  9  July,  1425  {  ob.  1440. 
1441  Nicholas  Asbby,  Prior  of  Westmiutter*    Appointed  18 

Feb.  1441 ;  ob. 1458. 
1458  John  Hunden,  Prior  of  Kin{;'s  Laagley^  Hertfordsbtre . 

Appointed  25  Aug.   1458.      He  resigned  his  See 

some  time  before  hiB  death. 
1476  John  Smith*    Appointed  July  1476}  ob.  14*8. 
1478  John  Marshal*    Appointed  18  Sept.  1478;  ob...  •• 
1496  John  Ihgleby,  Prior  of  Sbene.  Appointed  2  Sept.  1496. 
1500  Miles  Sallcy»  or  Sawley.    Appointed  May  12,  1500) 

ob.  1516. 
1516  George  Athequa^  De  Attica,  or  Attien,  a  Spaqiardy 

he  was  Chaplain  to  Queen  Katherine  of  Arragoo, 

whom  he  attended  to  tbia  country.    Appointed  X 1 

Feb.  1517;  ob 

1537  Robert  Holgate,    Prior  of  Wotton,     Appointed  29 

March,  1537 ;  translated  to  York,  10  Jan.  1545. 
1545  Anthony  Kitehin,  or  Dunstan.     Elected  26  Mareh, 

1545 1  ob.310ct  1566. 
1567  Hogh  Jones,    Elected  17  AprU,  1567 1  ob.  Nor.  1574> 

set.  66. 
1575  William  Blethyn,  Prebendary  of  York.    Elected  13 

April,  1575 ;  ob.  15  Oct.  1590. 
1591  Gervase  Babington,  Prebendary  of  Hereford.    Elected 

7  Aug.  1591 ;  translated  to  Exeter  in  1595. 
1595  William  Morgan.    Elected  30  Juim,  1595  }  translated 

to  St.  Asaph  17  Sept.  1601. 
1601  Francis  Godwin,  Canon  of  Wells,     Elected  14  Oct, 

1601 ;  translated  to  Hereford  in  I6l7, 
1617  George  Carleton.  Elected  23  Dec.  1617;  translated  to 

Chichester  in  1619' 
1619  Tbeophilus  Field.    Elected  25  Sept.  1619 ;  translated 

to  St.  Dafid*s  in  1627. 



1697  WillUn  Mamy.    Trmntlated  from  KUfenera,  in  Ire- 
laud,  S8  Nov.  1697. 
1639  Mor^AD  Owen.    Elected  March,  1639 »  ob.  1645. 


1660  Hu^h  Lloyd,  Archdeacon  of  St.  David*i.    Elected  16 
Oct.  1660;  ob.  June  or  July,  1667. 

1667  Francis  Daviet,  Archdeacon  of  Landaff.    Elected  89 
July,  1667  ;  oh.  15  March,  1674. 

1675  William  Lloyd,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul*8.    Elected  6 
April,  1675;  translated  to  Peterborough  in  1679. 

1679  ^Viniam  Beaw.   Consecrated  99  June,  1679 ;  ob.  1707. 

1707  John  Tyler,  Dean  of  Hereford.    Elected  1707  >  ob. 

1794  Robert  Clavering:,  Canon  of  Christ  Church,  Osford. 
Elected  1794 ;  translated  to  Peterborough  in  1798. 

1798  John  Harris,    Prebendary  of   Canterbiyy.     Elected 
1798 ;  ob.  1738. 

1738  Matthias  Mawson.    Elected  1738 ;  translated  to  Chi- 
chester 1740. 

1740  John  Gilbert,  Oean  of  Exeter.    Elected  1740;  traus- 
lated  to  Salisbury  1748. 

1748  Edward  Cresset,  Dean  of  Hereford.    Elected  1748 ; 
ob.  1*53. 

1755  Richard  Newcome,  Canon  of  Windsor.   Elected  1755; 
translated  to  St.  Asaph  1761. 

1761  John  Ewer,  Canon  of  Windsor.   Elected  1761  f  trans- 
lated to  Bant^or  1769. 

1769  Jonathan  Shipley,  Dean  of  Winchester.  Elected  1769; 
translated  to  St.  Asaph  the  same  year. 

1769  Hon.  Shute  Barrington,  Canon  of  St.  Paul's.    Elected 
1769 ;  translated  to  Salisbury  1789. 

1789  Richard  Watson,  Archdeacon  of  Ely.     Elected  1789; 
oh.  1816. 

1816  Herbert  Marsh.    Elected  1816  ;  translated  to  Peter- 
borough 1819. 

4819  William  Van  Mildert    Elected  1819.    Preset  Loid 
Bishop  of  LandaiF. 

LINCOLN.  8&9 



1072  Remigias  de  Fescbamp.  Translated  from  Dorchester 
in  1072;  ob.  May,  109S;  Canonized. 

1093  Robert  Blovet.  Succeeded  in  1093;  Lord  Chancellory 
ob.  10  Jan.  1133. 

1133  Alexander,  Arobdeacon  of  Salisbury.  Nominated  15' 
April,  1123;  Lord  Chancellor  $  ob.  1147. 

1147  Robert  de  Querceto,  alias  de  Katiiieto,  alias  de  Che- 
ney.   Consecrated  Sept.  1147  ;  ob.  1166. 


1173  Geoffrey  Plantagenet.      Elected   1173;    resigned  in 

1183  Walter  de  Constantiis,  Archdeacon  of  Oxford.     Con- 
secrated 25  June,  1183)   Lo(d  Chancellor;    trans- 
lated to  Rouen,  1184. 


1186  Hugh,  Prior  of  the  Carthusians  at  Witham,  in  Somer- 
shire*.  Elected  10  Aug.  1186;  Ob.  1200.  Canon- 


1203  William  de  Blois,  or  Bleys,  Prebendaiy  of  Uucoln. 
Consecrated  24  Aug.  1203  ;  ob.  May,  1206. 


1209  Hugo  Wallys,  Archdeacon  of  Wells,  Lord  Chancellor* 
Consecrated  Dec  1209 ;  ob.  8  Feb.  1234. 

1334  Robert  Grosthead,  or  Grouthed,  Archdeacon  of  Lei- 
cester.   Elected  1234  ;  ob.  4  Oct.  1253. 

1253  Henry  Lexington,  Dean  of  Lincoln.  Elected  30  Dec 
1253;  ob.  8  Aug.  1258. 

•  Vide  Rapin,  Vol.1,  p.  354. 

8(60  BISHOPS  OF 


1358  Ricbftrd  Gravetend,  Dean  of  Linoolo.    Nomioated  84 

Aug.  1958}  ob.  18  Dee.  1979- 
1380  Oliver  Satton,  Deaa  of  Uneoln.    Elected  1  Maich, 

1880 1  ob.  UNov.  1899. 
1800  John  D*Aldreby.    Elected  90  Jan.  1300;  ob.  5  Jan. 

1319  Tbooiaa  Beke,  Chancellor  of  Lincoln.    Elected  87 

Jan.  1319;  ob. ... 
1380  Heniy  de  Burghertb.   Appointed  98  Ray,  1380 ;  Lord 

Chancellor  and  Lord  Treaturer ;  ob.  Dec.  1340. 

Thomas  le  Bek  is  called  the  next  Bishop, 
but  it  is  nncertain  when  he  succeeded ;  bis 
will  wu  proved  3  March,  1346. 

1351  John  Gynwell,  or  Gyndwelle,  but  called  bj  Beatson, 
Heylen,  and  laaacMNi,  StmoiHf  Affohdeacon  of  Hat- 
thamptott.  Confirmed  3  July,  1851 ;  ob.  5  Kug.  1368. 

1363  John  Bokyngham.  Appointed  6  April,  1863 1  Keeper 
of  the  Privy  %al|  ob.  10  March,  I89d. 

1398  Henry  Beaufort,  Dean  of  Wella,  Chancellor  of  Ox- 
ford. Appointed  19  July,  1398;  Lord  Chancellor; 
translated  to  Winchester  in  140i^ 

1404  Philip  de  Replngdon,  Abbot  of  Leicester,  and  Chan- 
cellor of  Oxford.  App«^nted  ifi  Nov.  1404;  be 
reslfned  18  May,  14fiO,  oii-befhg  made  a  Cabdinal. 

1480  Richard  Flemyini^,  Canon  of  Lincoln.  Appointed  83 
May,  1480;  ob.  85  Jan.  1431. 

1431  WiUiaoiGrey.  Translated  from  London  4  Aug.  1431 ; 
ob.  Feb.  1436. 

1436  William  Alnwick.  Tranatated from  Norwkds  9Sept. 
14361  oU  5  Dee.  1449. 

1450  Marmaduke  Luml«y,  Chancellor  of  Cambridge. 
Translated  f^om  Carlisle  88  Jan.  1450 1  ob.  1451. 

1458  John  Ched worth,  Archdeacon  of  Wells.  Appointed 
ltFeb.l45S;  ob.  1471. 

1478  Thomas  Rothcrham.  Translated  from  Rochester  10 
Marebf  I4TS ;  Keeper  of  the.  Privy  Senl,  Lord  Cban- 
cellor,  CbanccUor  of  Cambridge;  Translated  to 
York  in  1480. 

1480  John  Russell,  Archdeaoon  of  Becks,  Chancellor  of  Ox- 
ford. Translated  from  Rochester  9  Sept.  1480; 
Lord  Chancellor  }  ob.  30  Jan.  1495. 

1495  William  Smith.  Translated  from  Litchfield  and  Cof 

LINCOLN.  861 


ventty  6  Noyw  1405 ;  Chancellor  of  Oxford^  and  Pre- 
sident of  Wales  s  ob.  5  Jan.  1514. 
1514  Thomas  Wokey,  Bubop  of  Tournay,  Almoner,  Dean 

of  York.    Appointed  6  Feb.  1514;   Translated  to 

York  in  Sept.  tbe  same  year. 
1514  William  Atwater,  Dean  of  Salisbury.    Appointed  15 

Sept.  1514 1  ob,  9  Feb.  15S0. 
1520  John  LoDf^land,  Principal  of  Magdalen  Hall»  Oxford. 

Appointed  90  May,  ISSO;  ob.  7  May,  1547. 
1547  Henry  ilolbeach.       Translated  from    Roefaester  9 

AMig.  1547 1  ob.  2  Aug.  155L 

1559  John  Tailour,  Master  of  St.  John's  College,  Cam- 

bridge.  Elected  le  June^  155S}  deprived  80 March, 

1554  John  Wbyte,  Warden  of  Winchester.    Appointed  9 

May,  1554 1  translated  to  Winchester  in  1556. 
1557  Thomas  Watson,  Dean  of  Durham.    Appointed  84 

March,  1557 1  deprived  S5  June^  1559* 

1560  Nichidas  Bullingham,  Archdeacon  of  Lincoln.    £Ic€t- 

ed  13  Jan.  156io ;  translated  to  Worcester  96  Jan. 

1570  Thomas  Cowper,   Dean  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford. 

Elected  4  Feb.  1570  f  translated  to  Winchester,  3 

March,  1584. 
1584  William  Wickham,  Dean  of  Lincoln.     Elected  90 

Nov.  1584 1  translated  to  Winchester  99  Feb.  1595. 
1595  William  Chaderton.   Translated  from  Chester  5  April, 

1595;  ob.  11  April,  1608. 
1608  William  Barlow.  TranslatedfromRochester  91  May, 

1608;  oh.  7  Sept.  1613. 
1614  Richard  Neyle.    Translated  from  Litchfield  and  Co- 

ventiy  17  Jan.  1614;  translated  to  Durham  9  Oct.. 

1617  George  Mountain,  Dean  of  Westminster.    Elected  91 

Oct.  1617 ;  translated  to  London  90  July,  1691. 
1691  John  Williams,   Dean  of  Westminster.     Elected  3 

Aug.  1691}  Lord  Kpqper;  translaud  to  York  4  Dec, 

1641  Thomas  Winniffe,  Dean  of  St.  Paul's.    Nominated  in 

1641;  oh,  1654. 

TOL.  !!•  a  a 



1S60  Robert  SandenoDy  Prebeodaiy  of  Lincolo.    Elected 

17  Oct.  I<i60 ;  Ob.  S9  Jm.  1663,  »t.  76. 
1663  Beojamin  Luvty,    Translated  firvm  Peterborou^  I 

Marcb,  1663 ;  tranilaied  to  Ely  84  Ifaj,  1667. 
1667  WiUtam  Fuller.    Tramlatad  from  Limcriek,  in  Ire- 
land 17  Sept.  1667  ;  ob.  98  April,  1675. 
1675  Thomas  fiarlowe.    Elected  14  May,  1675;  ob.  B  Oct. 

1691  Tbonaa  Tenniion.  Elected  11  Dec.  1691s  translated 

to  Canterbury  16  Jan.  1694. 
1694  James  Gardiner,  Sub-dean  of  Lincoln.    Apfointed  10 

March,  1694;  ob.  1  Marcb,  1705. 
1705  WiUiara  Wake,  Dean  of  Eaeter.   Elected  4  Sept.  1705 ; 

translated  to  Canterbury,  16  Jan.  1716. 
1716  Edmund  Gibson,  Archdeacon  of  Surrey.    Nominated 

Jan.  17 16 ;  translated  to  London  1783. 
1783  Richard  Reynolds.    Translated  from  Bangor  1783; 

ob.  1743. 
1743  John  Thomas,  Bishop  elect  of  St.  Asaph.     Elected 

1743 ;  translated  to  Salisbury  1761. 
1761  John  Gretn,  Dean  of  Lincoln.    Elected  1761  s    oh. 

1779  Thomas  Thorlow,  Dean  of  Rochester,  and  in  1781 

Dean  of  St.  Paul's.    Elected  1779;    translated  to 

Durham  1787. 
1787  George  Prettyman    Tomline,    Dean    of    St.   Paul's. 

Elected  1787  ;  translated  to  Winchester  1880.  . 
1880  Hon.  George  Pelham.    Translated  from  Exeter  1880. 

Present  Lord  Bishop  of  Lincoln. 



1067  Peter.  Consecrated  1067 1  he  remoTed  the  See  to 
Chester :  ob  1085. 

1085  Robert  de  Limesey,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.  Nomi- 
nated 85  Dec.  1085.  He  removed  the  See  to  Co- 
ventry l8April  1103}  ob.30 Aug.  1117. 




1121  Robert  Peche,  Chaplain  to  King  Henry  L  Conse- 
crated ISMarcby  112J  ;  ob.  Aug.  11S7. 


1 139  Roger  de  Clinton,  Archdeacon  of  Buckingham.  Con- 
secrated 2S  Dec.  1129;  ob.  at  Aniioch,  16  April, 

1 149  Walter  Durdenty  Prior  of  Canterbury.  Consecrated 
S  Oct.  1 149 ;  ob.  7  Dec.  1 16 1 . 

1 162  Richard  Pecbe,  Archdeacon  of  Coventry.  Consecrated 
I16S;  ob.6  0Gt.  1183. 

1183  Gerard  la  Pucelle.  Consecrated  33  Sept.  1183;  ob. 
13  Jan.  1185. 

1185  Hugh  de  Novant,  or  Minant,  Prior  of  the  Carthu- 
sians.   Elected  1 1 85 ;  ob.  37  April,  1 198. 

1198  GeofTery  de  Muschamp,  Archdeacon  of  Cleyeland. 
Consecrated  31  June,  1198 ;  ob.  6  Oct.  1308. 

On  the  Death  of  Bishop  Muschamp  the  Monks 
chose  Josbert  their  Prior;  and  the  Canons 
of  Litchfield,  by  the  King's  command,  elected 
Walter  de  Grey,  who,  according  to  Godwin, 
held  this  See  until  1314,  when  be  was  trans- 
lated to  Worcester;  but  Wharton  asserts 
'  tbdt  Pandulph,  the  Pope's  Legate,  made 
void  the  election,  and  that  afterwards,  by 
consent  of  both  Chapters 

1315  William  de  ComhuU,  Archdeacon  of  Huntingdon, 
was  elected  and  consecrated  35  Jan.  1315;    ob. 
1334  Alexander  de  Stavenby.    Consecrated  14  April,  1334 ; 
ob.  36  Dec  1338. 

On  the  death  of  Bishop  Stavenby,  William  de 
Role,  or  Raleigh,  was  elected  by  both  Chap- 
ters, but  being  about  the  same  time  elect- 
ed Bishop  of  Norwich,  he  accepted  of  that 

ft  oS 



See.  Dispotet  then  arose  between  the  Chap- 
ter of  Litchfield  and  tb^  Chapter  of  Coventry, 
the  former  haviti|^  elected  William  tie  M«n- 
chestre  their  Dean,  anil  the  latter  Nicholas 
de  Famham.  After  much  controversy  both 
parties,  at  the  King's  persuuio%  af^need  in 
the  choice  of 

1839  Huch  de  Pateshul^  wbo  was  conBrmed  SSDec.  1S39; 
ob.  7  Dec.  1841. 

Rtchafd,  snmaned  Crassns,  was  then  elected, 

but  he  died  at  Rioia,  in  Gascon/,  8  Dec. 

184S    before  consecration,  when  Robert  de 

Monte  Pessnlano  was  elected,  but  finding 

his  appointment  disagreeable  to  the  King,  he 

fcsigned  the  See  Into  the  Pope*t  hands,  whn 


1S45  Roger  de  Wtseham,  Dean  of  Lincoln.    Consecrated 

1  Jan.  194«  I  he  resigned  the  See  4  Dec  1856,  and 

died  80  May,  1857. 

1857  Roger  de  Longespee,  or  de  Molend.    Elected  31  Jan. 

1857 1  ob.  16  Dec  1895. 
1896  Walter  de  Langton.    Elected  30  Feb.  1896 ;   Lord 

Treasurer,  and  Lord  Chancellor ;  ob.  Nov.  1331. 
1933  Roger  de  Northburgh,  Arehdeacon    of   Richmond. 
Appointed  18  AprU,  1383}  Lord  Keeper,  and  Lord 
Treasurer!  ob.  Nov.  or  Dee.  1359. 
1360  Robert  Stretton,'  Canon  of  Litchfield.    Elected  96 

Dee.  1360 ;  ob«  April,  1385. 
1306  Walter  Skirlawe,  Dean  of  Si.  Matin's.    Elected  7 
Jan.  }386 ;  translated  to  Bath  and  Wells  in  the  tame 
1386  Richard  Scrope.    Consecrated  19  Ang.  1386  ^  traof- 

lated  to  York  3  July,  1398. 
1398  John  Burghili.    Translated  from  Landaff  Sept.  1398 ; 

ob.  May,  1414. 
1415  John  Ketterich.    Translated  from  St-David'a  1  Feb. 
1415  ;  translated  to  Exeter  in  1419. 

jQiMiy,  James  Caiy,  Godwin,  p.  343. 
1419  William  Heywortb.    Appointed  80  Nov.  1419;  ob. 

1a  14».«k      \AA'9 

18  March,  1447. 



1447  WiUiaiD  Booth,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.  Appointed 
26  April,  1447  i  translated  to  York  21  July,  1452. 

1452  Nieliolas  Close.     Translated  from  Carlisle  30  Auf^. 

1452  ;  Chancellor  of  Cambridge ;  ob.  ante  1  Nov. 

1453  Re«:inald  Butler.     Translated  from  Hereford  7  Feb. 

1453  ;  ob.  circa  1459. 

1459  John  Halse,  or  Hales,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.  Ap- 
pointed 31  Oct.  1459  i  ob.  30  Sept.  1490. 

1492  William  Smith,  Archdeacon  of  Surrey.  Appointed 
29  Jan.  1492 ;  translated  to  Lincoln,  6  Nov.  1495. 

1496  John  Arundel,  Dean  of  Exeter.  Appointed  18  Sept. 
1496 ;  translated  to  Exeter  29  June,  1502. 

1503  Geoff ry  Blythe,  Dean  of  York.  Appointed  26  Dec. 
1503;  ob.1538. 

1534  Rowland  Lee,  Chancellor  and  Prebendary  of  Litcb- 
iieldy  and  Lord  President  of  Wales.  Elected  10 
Jan.  1534 ;  ob.  24  Jan.  1543. 

1543  Richard  Sampson.  Translated  from  Chichester  19 
Feb.  1543;  Lord  President  of  Wales;  ob.  25  Sept. 

1554  Ralph  Bayne.  Elected  10  Nov.  1554$  deprived  in 
1559>  and  died  soon  afterwards. 

1560  Thomas  Bentham.  Elected  15  Jan.  1560;  ob.  19 
Feb.  1579. 

1580  William  Overton,  Prebendary  of  Winchester  and  Sa- 
lisbury.    Elected  10  Sept.  1580:  ob.  April,  1609. 

1609  Georice  Abbot,  Dean  of  Winchester.     Elected  27  May, 

1609 ;  translated  to  London  20  Jan.  1610. 

1610  Richard  Neyle.    Translated  from  Rochester  12  Oct. 

1610;  translated  to  Lincoln  in  1613. 
1614  John  Overal,  Dean  of  St.  Paul's.    Elected  14  March, 

1614;  translated  to  Norwich  in  1618. 
1619  Thomas  Morton.    Translated  from  Chester  6  Marcb» 

1619 ;  translated  to  Durham  in  1632. 
1632  Robert  Wright.     Translated  from  Bristol  30  Oct. 

1632 ;  ob.  1642. 
1643  Accepted  Frewen,  Dean  of  Gloucester.    Nominated 

17  Au|^.  1643;  translated  to  York  22  Sept.  1660. 
1661  John  Hacket,  Residentiary  of  St.  Paul's.    Elected  6 

Dec.  1661 ;  ob.  28  Oct.  1670,  et.  79. 
1671  Thomas  Wood,  Dean  of  Litchaeld.    Elected  9  June, 

1671;  ob.  18  April,  169!^. 

t      866  BISHOPS  OP 


1698  WiUUm  Uogrd.    Trantlated  from  St.  AMph  90  Oct. 

169S ;  traodnted  to  Worcester  in  1699. 

1699  John  Hough.    Translated  ffom  Oxford  5  Aug*  1699 ; 

trmnslateid  to  Woroetter  in  1714. 
I7l4  Edward  Chandler,  Prebendary  of  Worcester.    Elected 

1741 ;  translated  to  Durham  1730. 
1730  Richard  Smalbrooke.      Translated  from  St.  David's 

1730;  oh.  1749,  «t.  76. 
1749  Hon.  Frederick  CornwalliSy  Canon  of  Windsor,  uid, 

in  1766,  Dean  of  St.  Paul's.    Elected  1749i  trana- 

lated  to  Canterhury  1768. 
1768  Hob.  John  Egerton.    Translated  from  Bognor  1768; 

translated  to  Durham  1771. 
1771  Brovnlow  North,  Dean  of  Canterbury*  Elected  1771; 

translated  to  Worcester  1774. 
1774  Richard  Hurd,  Master  of  the  Temple.    Elected  1774; 

translated  to  Worcester,  1781. 
1781  Hon.  James  Cornwallis.     Succeeded  his  brother  as 

Earl  Coniwallis  in  18S4s  Dean  of  Durham ;  elected 

1781 )  oh.  18S4. 
1824  Hon.  Henry  Ryder;  tn\n«1ated  from  Gloucester  1834. 

Priubnt  Lord  BUhop  of  Litchfield  and  Coventry. 



iqsi  William  the  Norman.  Consecrated  Sept.  1051,  Itvinff 

1075  Hugh  d^Orevalle,  or  pe  Orwell,  a  Nonmrn*  Appoint- 
ed 1075}  ob.13  Jan.  1084. 

1 086  Maurice.  Consecrated  S5  Dec  1086}  Lord  Chan- 
cellor  $  oh.  86  Sept.  1 107. 

1 108  Richard  de  Belmis,  or  Rufus  I.  Consecrated  86  JiUy, 
1108;  oh,  16  Jan.  1188. 

1138  GUhcrt*  spmamed  Universalis,  Canon  of  LgroBS.  Coor 
secrated  88  Jan.  1188 ;  oh.  Aug.  1 134. 


M41  Robert  de  Si^Uo,  Monk  of  Reading.  Cansecr«ted 
1141;  ob.  1150  or.  1151. 



1153  Ricbard  deBelmtB  II.  Archdeacon  of  Middlesex.  Coa- 
secrated  38  Sept.  1 1^3 ;  ob.  4  May,  1  ]  63. 

1 163  Robert  Foliot.  Translated  from  Hereford  34  Marchi 
1163;  ob.  l^Feb.  1187. 


1189  Richard  Fitz-Neale,  Dean  of  Lincoln.    Consecrated 

13  Dec  1 189  i  ob.  10  Sept.  1 198. 
1198  William   de    St.  Maria,  Frebeniiary    of   St.  Paul's. 

Elected  16  Sept.  1198;    resigned  26  Jan.  1231;  ob. 

1231  Eustace  de  Faaconberg.    Electied  25  Feb.  1221  $  Lord 

Treasurer;  ob.  1228. 
1239  Roger  Niger,  Archdeacon  of  Colchester.    Consecrated 

10  June,  1229  ;  oh.  29  Sept.  1241.    Canonized. 
1341  Fulk  Basset,  Dean  of  York.    Elected  Dec.  1241  ;  ob. 

May,  1259. 
1260  Henry  de  Wengham,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.    Con- 
secrated 15  Feb.  1260}  Lord  Chancellor;  ob.  13  July^ 

1262.      ' 
1263  Richard  Talbot,  Dean  of  St.  Paufs.    Elected  18  Aug. 

1262 ;  ob.  Oct.  1262. 
1363  Henry  de  Sandwich,  Prebendaiy  of  l^t.  Paul's.  Elected 

13  Nov.  1262;  ob.  16  Sept.  1273. 
1373  John  de  Cbishull,  Dean  of  St.  Paiil's.    Elected  7  Dec. 

1273  }  Lord  Chancellor  and  Lord  Treasurer  i  ob.  8 

Feb.  1280. 

Fulk  Lovell  was  then  electedi  but  be  refused 
the  dignity. 
1380  Richard  de  Gravesend,    Prebendary  of   St.  Paul's. 

Consecrated  11  Aug.  12^0 ;  ob.  9  Dec.  1303. 
1304  Ralph  de  Baldock,  or  Baudake,  Dean  oC  St  Paul's 

Elected  23  Feb.  1304  ;  ob.  34  July,  1313. 
1313  Gilbert  Segrave.    Elected  17  Aug.  1313;  ob.  18  Dec. 


1317  Richard  de  Newport,  Dean  of  St.  Paul's.    Electfsd  27 

Jan.  1317 ;  ob.  24  Aug.  1318. 

1318  Stephen  de  Gravesend,    Prebendary    of  St.  faults. 

Elected  11  Sept.  1318 ;  ob.  8  April,  1338. 
1 338  Richard  de   Went  worth,    Prebendary  of   St.   Paul's. 
Elected  4  May,  1338;  Lord  Chancellor ;  ok  8Dec. 



1340  Ralph  de  Stmtford,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's  and  Salis- 
bury.   Elected  S6  Jan.  1340 ;  ob,  April,  1334. 

1354  Mi(*hael  de  Nortbburg^,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's. 
Elected  April,  1354  ;  ob.  9  Sept.  1361. 

1361  Simon  de  Sudbury,  alias  Tybold,  Chaucellor  of  Salis- 
bury. Appointed  3S  Oct.  1361 ;  translated  to  Cau- 
terbury  May,  1375. 

1375  William  Courtenay.  Translated  from  Hereford  13 
Sept.  1375 ;  Lord  Chancellor,  Chancellor  of  Oxford ; 
translated  to  Canterbury  Jan.  1381. 

1381  Robert  de  Braybrooke,  Dean  of  Salisbury.  Ap- 
pointed 9  Sept.  1381 }  Lord  Chancellor ;  ob.  97  Ao^. 

1404  Ro^r  Walden,  Dean  of  York.  Appointed  10  Dec. 
1404;  Lord  Treasurer;  ob.  Jan.  1406. 

1406  Nicholas  Bubbewith,  Prebendary  of  Salisbury.    Ap- 

pointed 13  May,  1406;  Master  of  the  Rolls,  Keeper 
of  the  Privy  Seal,  and  Lord  Treasurer  i  traotlated 
to  Salisbury  June,  1407* 

1407  Richard  Clifford.     Translated  from  Worcester  13  Oct. 

1407;  ob.SOAos.  1431. 

14S1  John  Kemp.  Translated  from  Chichester  17  Nov. 
1431  $  translated  to  York  in  1426. 

1426  William  Grey,  Dean  of  York.  Consecrated  6  May, 
1426 ;  translated  to  Lincoln  in  1431. 

1431  Robert  Fitz-Hugh,  Archdeacon  of  Northampton, 
Chancellor  of  Cambridge.  Consecrated  16  Sept. 
1431 ;  ob.  15  Jan.  1436. 

1436  Robert  Gilbert,  Dean  of  York.  Appointed  SI  May, 
1436  ;  ob.  27  July,  1448. 

1448  Thomas  Ke'mp,  Archdeacon  of  Middlesex,  and  Chan- 
cellor of  York.  Appointed  21  Aug.  1448  ;  ob.  28 
March,  1489. 

1489  Richard  Hill,  Dean  of  the  Kin$r's  Chapel,  and  Pre- 
bendary of  Salisbury.  Elected  l9  Aug.  1489;  ob. 
20  Feb.  1496. 

1496  Thomas  Savage.  Translated  from  Rochester,  3  Aug. 
1496  ;  translated  to  York  in  April,  1501. 

1502  William  Warham,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.  Ap* 
pointed  ante  Oct.  1502  ;  Master  of  the  Rolls,  Lord 
Chancellor  ;  translated  to  Canterbury  in  1503. 

1504  William  Barons,  or  Barnes.    Appointed  ante  Novem- 

LONDOll.  869 


ber  1504 ;  Matter  of  tlie  RoUt;  ob.  9  or  10  Oct. 

1506  Richard  Fitz-Jamei.    Translated  frofn  Chichester  1 

Aug.  1506;  ob.  15  Jan.  1592. 
152S  Cvtbbert  Tanstall,  I>ean  of  Salisbury.    Appointed  5 

July,  1528 )  Master  of  the  Rolls ;  translated  to  Dur- 
ham in  1530. 
1530  John  Stoclcesley,  Arcbdeaeoa  of  I>ortet.    Appointed 

14  July,  1530;  oh.  8  Sept.  1539. 
1539  Edmund  Bonner»  iVrchdeacon  of  Leicester,  Bishop- 

eleetof  Hereford.    Elected  30  Oct.  1539;  deprhrod 

Sept.  1549. 
1550  Nicholas  Ridley.    Translafed  from  RodKstef  1  April, 

1550;  burnt  16  Oct.  1555. 
1553  Edmund  Boaoer  restored  in  1553  $  deprif«d  ag^aiii  30 

May,  1559;  ob.  5  Sept.  1569. 
)559  Edmund  Grindal),  Matter  of  Pembroke  Hal),  Cam- 

f|ri4se.    Elected  S6  July,  1559;  translated  to  York 

1570  Edwyn  Sandys.    Translated  from  Worcester  2  June, 

1570;  translated  to  York  1576. 
1577  John  Aylmer,  Archdeacon  of  Ltneoln.     Elected  18 

March,  1577 1  ob.  June,  1594. 
1594  Riehard  Fletcher.     Translated  from   Worcester  25 

Dee.  1594;  ob.  15  June,  1596. 
1597  Richard  Bancroft,  Prebendary  of  Westminster.   Elect- 
ed 81  April,  1597 1   translaled  to  Canterbury  in 

1604  Ricbttrd  Van|phan«    Tranalated  firom  Chester  34  Dee. 

1604;  ob.30  March  1607. 
1607  Thomas  Ravis.    Translated  from  Gloucester  18  May, 

1607;  ob.  14  Dec.  1609. 

1610  George  Abbot.    Translated  from  Litchfield  and  Co- 

ventry 80  Jan.  1610;     translated  to  Canterbury 

1611  John  King,  Dean  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford.    Ekcted 

7  Sept.  1611 ;  ob.  30  Mareh,  1631,  sit.63. 
1631  George  Montaigne.    Translated  from  Lincoln  80  July, 

1681  s  translated  to  Durham  in  1627. 
1638  William  Laud.    Translated  from  Batb  and  Wells  15 

July,  1638 ;   Chaneelfer  of  Oxford ;    translated  to 

Canterbury  19  Sept.  1633. 



1633  William  Juxon,    Tnntlated  from  Hereford,  83  Oct. 

1633;  Lord  Treasurer;   translated  to  Canterbury 

80  Se|iC.  1660. 
1660  Gilbert  Sheldon,  Prebendary  of  Gloucester.    Elected 

83  Oct.  1660 ;    translated  to  Canterbury  31  Aug. 

1663  Humphrey  Henchman.     Translated  from  Salisbury 

15  Sept.  1663  $  ob.  Oct.  1675. 
1675  Henry  Compton.     Translated  from  Oxford  18  Dec. 

1675;  Ob.  7  July,  1713. 
1713  John  Robinson.    Translated  from  Bristol,  13  March, 

1713;  ob.  1783. 
17S3  Edmund  Gibson.      Translated  from  Lincoln  1783 ; 

ob.  1748. 
1748  Thomas  Sherlock.    Translated  from  Salisbury  1748; 

ob.  1761. 

1761  Thomas  Hayter.     Translated   from  Norwich  1761; 

ob.  1768. 

1762  Thomas  Osbaldeston.  Translated  from  Carlisle  1768; 

ob.  1764. 
1764  Richard   Terrick.      Translated   from    Peterborough 

1764;  ob.l777. 
1777  Robert  Lowth.     Translated  from  Oxford  1777;  ob. 

1787  Beilby  Porteus.    Translated  from  Chester  1787  ;  ob. 

1809  John  Randolph.    Translated  from  Ban^r  I8O9 ;  ob. 

.1813  William  Howley.      Elected    1813.      Prbsbmt    Lord 

Bishop  of  London. 



1094  Herbert  Losing^a,  Abbot  cf  Ramsay,  Lord  Chancellor. 
Consecrated  Bishop  of  Thetford  in  109l>  and  April 
9«  1094,  removed  the  See  to  Norwich;  ob.  88  July, 

1181  Everard,  Archdeacon  of  Salisbury.  Consecrated  18 
June  1181;  deprived  1145;  ob.  15  Oct.  1149. 

1146  William  Turbiis,  a  Norman,  Prior  of  Norwich.  Con- 
secrated 1146;  ob.  16  Jan.  1174. 

NORWICH.  871 


1175  John  of  Ox'^ord,  Dean  of  Salisbury.  Elected  3(?  Nov. 
1175;  ob;  1200. 

1300  Jobn  de  Grey.  Consecrated  S4  Sept.  1900}  Lord 
Chief  Justice  $  elected  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  in 
I205y  but  set  aside  by  the  Pope;  ob.  18  Oct.  1814. 


1318  Pandulpb  Masca,  the  Pope's  Leg^ate  and  a  Cardinal. 

Elected  1318;  ob.  16  Aug.  1236. 
1336  Thomas  de  Blundeville,  Clerk    of   the    Exchequer. 

Elected  5  Nuv.  1336;  ob.  16  Aug.  1336. 
1236  Ralph.    Elected  38  Oct.  1336  ;  ob.  1337. 


1239  William  de  Raleigh.    Elected  l0Aprllyl339i  trans- 
lated to  Winchester  1  Sept.  1343. 
1243  Walter  de  Suthfield,  alias  Calthorp.     Elected  1343 ; 

ob.  18  May,  1357. 
1357  Simon  de  Wanton^  or  Walton,  one  of  the  King's 

Justices.      Confirmed  2  Aug.   1357  {    ob.  8  Jan. 

1265  Rogerde  Skerwyng,  or  Skerning,  Prior  of  Norwich. 

Elected  33  Feb.  1365  ;  ob.  33  Jan.  1378. 
1278  William  de  Middleton,   Archdeacon  of  Canterbury.  ' 

Elected  34  Feb.  1378 ;  ob.  1  Sept.  1388. 
1288  Ralph  Walpole,  Archdeacon  of  Ely.     Elected  11  Nov. 

1388;  translated  to  Ely  15  July,  1399. 
1399  John  Salmon,  Prior    of   Ely.       Appointed  15  July, 

1399  i  Lord  Chancellor;  ob.  2  July,  1335. 

'  Robert  de  Baldock,  Archdeacon  of  Middlesex. 
Elected  July  1335,  but  hearing  that  the  Pope 
had  reserved  the  presentation,  be  renounced 
the  election  3  Sept  following  )  liord  Chan- 
1325  William  Ayremyn.  Appointed  in  1335 ;  Lord  Trea« 
surer ;  ob.  37  March,  1336. 

Thomas  de  Hemenhale  wu  elected  6  April, 
1336,  bnt  before  consecration  wu  removed 
to  Worcester. 

1336  Anthony  de  Beck.  Appointed  in  1336 ;  ob.  19  Pec. 



1H4  WHMM»BftteiiMMiyAveMMConofNorwie!i.  Appointed 
S3  Jan.  1344 ;  ob.  6  Jan.  1354. 

135S  TlKNuas  Peny.  Bleeted  3  Jan.  13&8 ;  ub.  8  Aag. 

1370  Henry  Le  Spencer,  iamamed  the  Warlike.  Appointed 
3  April,  1370 ;  ob.  S3  Aug.  1406. 

1406  Alexander  Totington,  Prior  of  Norwicb.  Saected  14 
Sept.  1406  ;  ob.  1413. 

1413  lUcbard  Coartenay,  Dean  of  Wellsy  Chancellor  of 
Oxford.  Appointed  II  Sept.  1413  ;  be  died  at  ibe 
siege  of  Harflenr  14  Sept.  1415. 

1416  John  Wakering,  Archdeacon  of  Canterbary.  Con- 
firmed S7  May,  141 6 1  ob.  9  April,  1485; 

14f6  William  AlneWick,  Archdeacon  of  Salisbvry.  Ap- 
pointed S7  Feb.  14S6}  Keeper  of  the  Privy  Seal; 
translated  to  Lincolii  19  Sept.  14.16; 

1436  thomas  Brown.  Tmntlited  from  Rocbest^r  19  Sept. 
1436;  ob.  6  Dec.  1445; 

Jubn  Stanberry,  PrbvoSt  of  Eatoti,  was  nomi- 
nated by  the  King,  but  set  aftide  by  the 

1446  Walter  l^ybert,  aiUu  Hart^  Proirost  of  Ori«l  CoHrgr* 
Oxford.  Appointed  S4  Jan.  1446;  ob*  17  May, 

147S  James  Goldwelly  Pean  of  Salisbnrjr^  Appmnted  17 
July,  1472  $  ob.  15  Feb.  1499. 

1499  Thomas  Jane,  or  Jann^  Archdeacon  of  Easpz.  Ap- 
pointed SI  July,  1499 1  ob.  Sept.  1560. 

1501  Richard  Nikke,  or  Nygc,  Canon  of  Windsor,  and  Dean 
of  the  King^s  Chapel.  Confirmed  17  March,  1501 1 
eb.  14  Jan.  1536. 

1536  William  Rugge,  or  Repps,  Abbot  of  St  Benedict  in 
Huhne.    Bleeted  31  May  1536;  ob.  SI  Sept.  1550. 

1550  Thomas  Tfairleby.  Translated  from  Westminster  1 
April,  1550;  translated  to  Ely  In  1554. 

1554  John  fi(optoo.  Chaplain  to  Suooi  Maiy.  Elected  t 
Oct.  1554;  ob.  circa  1559. 

Richaid  Cox.    Elected  98  hme,  IS59»  but  be- 
fore consecration  be  «ras  MBMved  to  Ely. 

1560  John  Parkhurst.  Elected  13  April,  1560;  ob.  3  Feb. 
Ih7b,mu  63. 


NORWICH.  873 


1 575  Edmund  Freke.  Translated  fram  Rochester  13  July, 
1575  ;  translated  to  Worcester  in  1584. 

1585  Edmund  Scambler.  Translated  from  Peterborough  5 
Jan.  1585 ;  ob.  7  May,  1594,  St.  85. 

1594  William  R«dman,  Archdeacon  of  Canterbury.  Elect* 
ed  17  Dec.  1594;  ob.  25  Sept.  1602. 

1603  John  Jegon,  Dean  of  Norwich.  Elected  18  Jan.  1603; 
ob.  ISMarcby  1618. 

1618  John  Overall.     Translated  from  Litchfield  and  Co. 

ventry  81  May,  1618  ;  ob.  IS  May,  1619. 

1619  Samuel   Harnset.      Translated  from   Chichester   17 

June,  1619;  translated  to  York  26  Nov.  1628. 
1629  Francis  White.      Translated  from  Carlisle    23  Jan. 

1629;  translated  to  Ely  8  Dec.  1631. 
1632  Ricbard  Corbet.     Translated  from  Oxford  7  April, 

1632;  ob.  88  July,  1635. 
1635  Matthew  Wren.    Translated  from  Hereford  10  Nor. 

1635;  translated  to  Ely  1638. 
1638  Richard  Montague.     Translated  from  Chichester  4 

May,  1638  j  ob.  13  April,  1641. 
1641  Joseph  Hall.    Translated  from  Exeter  15  Nov.  1641  ; 

ob.eSept.  1656,  aet.82. 
1660  Edward  Reynolds,  Dean  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford. 

Elected  28  Nov.  1660 ;  ob.  29  July,  1676. 
1676  Anthony  Sparrow.    Translated  from  Exeter  19  Aug. 

1676  ;  ob.  19  May,  1685,  st.  74. 
1685  William  Lloyd.     Translated  from  Peterboroui^h  U 

June,  1685,  deprived  for  not  takings  the  oaths  1 

Feb.  1691. 
1691  John  Moore,  Prebendary  of  Norwich.    Nominated  23 

April  1691 1  translated  to  Ely  31  July,  1707* 
1708  Charles  Trimnell,  Prebendary  of  Norwich.     Elected 

23  Jan.  1708;  translated  to  Winchester  1721. 
1721  Thomas  Green,  Archdeacon  of  Canterbury.    Elected 

1721  ;  translated  to  Ely  1723. 
1723  JohnLen«:.    Elected  1723;  ob.  1727. 
1727  William  Baker.    Translated  from  Baagor  1727;  ob. 

1732  Robert  Butts,    Dean   of  Norwich.      Elected   1732; 

translated  to  Ely  1738. 
1738  Thomas  Gooch.  Translated  from  Bristol  1738;  trana- 
Uted  to  Ely  1748. 
VOL.  II.  R  R 



1748  Samuel  Lisle.    Translated  from  St.  Asaph  1748;  o&« 
,        1749. 

1749  Thomas  Hayter,  Prebendary  of  Westminster.  Elected 

1749  ;  translated  to  London  1761. 

1761  Philip  Yon^e,  translated  from  Bristul  1761 ;  ob.  1783. 

1783  Lewis  Baf^ot.  Translated  from  Bristol  1783  ;  trans- 
lated to  St.  Asaph,  1790. 

1790  George  Home,  Dean  of  Canterbury.  Elected  1790  ; 
ob.  1792. 

1792  Charles  Manners  Sutton,  Dean  of  Peterborough,  ap- 
pointed Dean  of  Windsor  in  1794.  Elected  1793 ; 
translated  to  Canterbury  1805. 

1805  Henry  Batburst,  Prebendary  of  Durham.  Elected 
1805.    Present  Lord  Bishop  of  Norwich. 


This  diocese  constituted  part  of  the  diocese  of  Lin- 
coin  until  1541,  when  King  Henry  VIII.  erected  it 
into  a  Bishoprick,  and  endowed  it  out  of  the  lands  of 
the  dissolved  Monasteries  of  Abingdon  and  Osney. 

1541  Robert  King,  the  last  Abbot  of  Osney.  Created  Bishop 
of  Oxford  on  the  erection  of  the  See ;  ob.  4  Dee. 

Thomas  Guldwell,  Bishop  of  St.  Asaph,  was 
designed  for  this  See,  but  Queen  Mary  died  before 
the  translation  could  be  perfected. 


1567  Hugh  Curwyn,  or  Coren,  Dean  of  Hereford.    Elected 
26  Sept.  1567 ;  ob.  Oct.  1568. 


1589  John  Underbill,  Chaplain  to  the  Queen.  Elected  8 
Dec.  1589;  ob.  May,  1592. 


1603  John  Bridges,  Dean  of  Salisbury «  Elected  4  Jaa.  1603; 
ob.  26  MsLTch,  1618« 

OXFORD.  875 

1618  John  HowBon.     Elected  12  Sept.  1618  ;  translated  to 

Durham  in  1628. 
16^8  Richard  Corbet,  Dean  of   Christ's  Church,  Oxford. 

Elected  S4  Sept.  1628 ;   translated  to  Norwich  in 

1632  John  Bancroft,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paurs.    Elected  12 

May,  1632;  ob.Feb.  1640. 
164U  Robert  Skinner.    Translated  from  Bristol  in  1640; 

translated  to  Worcester  1663. 
1663  William  Paul,  Dean  of  Litchfield.    Elected  14  Nov. 

1663;  ob.  24  May,  1665. 
1665  Walter  Blandford,  Prebendary  of  Gloucester.    Elected 

7  Nov.  1665  ;  translated  to  Worcester  2  June,  1671. 
1671  Nathaniel  Crew,  Dean   of  Chichester.     Elected    16 

June,  1671 ;  translated  to  Durham  22  Oct.  1674. 
1674  Henry  Compton,  Canon  of  Christ  Church,   Oxford. 

Elected  10  Nov.  1674;   translated  to  London  18 

Dec.  1675. 
1676  John  Fell,  Dean  of  Christ  Church.     Elected  8  Jan. 

1676;  ob.  July  1686. 
1686  Samuel  Parker*  Archdeacon  of  Canterbury.    Conse- 

craied  .17  Oct.  1686 ;  ob.  20  March,  1688. 
1688  Timothy  Hall,  Rector  of  Horsington,  in  Bucks.    Con- 
secrated 7  Oct.  1688;  ob.  10  April,  1690. 
16^0  John  Hough,  Prebendary  of  Worcester.     Consecrated 

11  May,  1690;  translated  to  Litchfield  and  Coventry 

5  Aug.  1699. 
1699  William  Talbot,  Dean  of  Worcester.    Consecrated  24 

Sept.  1699;  translated  to  Salisbury  in  1714. 
1715  John  Putter,  Canon  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford.   Elected 

9  May,  1715  s  translated  to  Canterbury  1737. 
1737  Thomas  Seeker.      Translated    from  Bristol   1737  j 

translated  to  Canterbury  1758. 
1758  John  Hume.    Translated  from  Bristol   1758;   trans- 
lated to  Salisbury  1766. 
1766  Robert  Lowth.    Translated  from  St.  David's  1766 ; 

translated  to  London  1777. 
1777  John  Butler,  Prebendary   of  Winchester,  and  Arch- 
deacon of  Surrey.     Elected    1777;    translated  to 

Hereford  1788. 
1788  Edward  Smallwell,  Canon  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford; 

translated  from  St.  David's  1788;  ob.  1799* 



1799  John  Rftndolpb,  Canon  of  Cbritt  Churcfa»  and  Regioi 
Profestor  of  Divinity,  Oxford.  Elected  1799}  trant- 
lated  to  London  1807. 

1807  Charles  Moss.    Elected  1807  ;  ob.  1811. 

1818  William  Jackson.    Elected  181S  ;  ob.  1815. 

1815  Edward  Legge.  Elected  1815.  Present  Lord  Bishop 
of  Oxford. 


Tbis  diocese  is  another  of  those  erected  by  Kin|; 
Henry  VIIL  and  was  wholly  taken  from  the  dio- 
eese  of  Lincoln. 


1541  John  Chambers,  the  last  Abbot  of  Peterboroagb,  was 
appointed  Bishop  of  this  See  on  its  creation  in  1541 ; 
ob.  1556. 

1557  David  Pole,  or  Poole,  Arebdeaeon  of  Derby.  Con- 
secrated 15  Aug.  1557 ;  deprived  in  1559>  by  Queen 
Elisabeth;  ob.  1568. 

1561  Edmund  Scambler,  Prebendary  of  Westminster  and 
York.  Elected  4  Feb.  1561  $  translated  to  Norwich 
,  in  1584. 

1584  Richard  Howland,  Master  of  St.  John's  College,  Cam- 
bridge. Consecrated  16  March,  1584;  ob.  June, 

1600  Thomas  Dove,  Dean  of  Norwich.  Suooeeded  in  1600; 
ob.  30  Aug.  1630,  set.  75. 

1630  William  Pierse,  Dean  of  Peterborough.  Elected  17 
Sept.  1630  i  translated  to  Bath  and  Wells  Dec. 

163S  Augustine  Lindsell,  Dean  of  Utebfield.  Elected  99 
Dec  1638;  translated  to  Hereford  March  1634. 

1634  Francis  Dee,  Dean  of  Chichester.  Elected  9  April, 
1634;  ob.  8  Oct.  1638. 

1638  John  Towers,  Dean  of  Peterborough.  Elected  Si 
Nov.  1638 ;  ob.  10  Jan.  1648. 




1660  Benjamin  Laney^  Dean  of  Rochester.      Elected. 20 

Nuv.  1660 ;  translated  to  Lincoln  Aprils  1663. 
1663  Joseph  Henshaw,  Dean  of  Chichester.     Elected  15 

April,  1663  $  ob.  9  March,  1679. 
1679  William  Lloyd.    Translated  from  Landaff  S8  March, 

1679;  translated  to  Norwich  July,  1685. 
1685  Thomas  White,  Archdeacon  of  Northampton.   Elected 

3  Sept.  1685  ;  deprived  for  not  taking  the  oaths  I 

Feb.  1691. 
1691  Richard  Cumberland.     Elected  20  May,  1691;   oh. 

1718  White  Kennet,  Dean  of  Peterborough.   Elected  17l8t 

oh.  1728. 
1728  Robert  Clayering.     Translated  from  Landaff  1728; 

ob.  1748. 
1748  John    Thomas,  Canon    Residentiary  of    St.  Paul's. 

Elected  1748  ;  translated  to  Salisbury  1757. 
1757  Richard  Terrick,  Qanpn  Residentiary  of  St.  Paul's. 

Elected  1757  t  translated  to  London  1764. 
1764  Robert  Lamb,  Dean  of  Peterborough.    Elected  1764 ; 

ob.  1794. 
1769  John  Hiuchcliflfe,   Master  of  Trinity  College,  Cam- 
bridge.   Elected  1769;  ob.  1794. 
1794  Spencer  Madan.    Translated  from  Bristol  1794  ;  ob. 

1813  John  Parsons.    Elected  1813;  ob.  1819. 
1819  Herbert  Marsh.   Translated  from  Landaif  1819'    PRE- 
SENT Lord  Bishop  of  Peterborough. 



1058  Siward,  Abbot  of  Abingdon.    Consecrated  1058;  ob. 

1076  Ernostus,  Monk  of  Becco,   in  Normandy.     Conse- 

crated 1076;  ob.  15  July  following. 

1077  Gundulph,  Monk  of  Becco.    Consecrated  19  March, 

1077;  ob.  8  March,  1108. 
1108  Ralph,  Abbot  of  Say,  in  Normandy.    Consecrated  9 
Aug.  1108  ;  translated  to  Canterbury  ill4. 

a  R  3 



1116  St.  Eaitittlpb,  Abbot  of  Pteterboron|^b.    Consecrated 

96  Dec.  1115  ;  ob.  15  Marcb,  11S4;  ct.  84. 
1185  Jobiiy  Arebdeacon  of  Canterbury.     Contecrated  34 

May,  1135}  ob.  30  June,  1137. 
1137  Jobn  II.    Consecrated  1137|  ob.  1143. 
11 4S  AteelHi,  a  Monk.    Succeeded  in  1148;  ob.  Januafy, 

1147  Walter*  Arebdeaeon  of  Canterbvry.    Eleeled  1147; 

ob.  36  July,  1183. 
1 183  Walleran*  Arebdeacon  of  Baion.    Sucpeeded  in  1 183  s 

ob.  1184. 
1185  Gilbert  Glanville»  Chief  Justice.     Elected  16  Julyi 

1185;  ob.  34  June,  1314. 
1814  Benedict  de  Santetun,  Precentor  of  St,  Paol's.   Elect- 
ed 13  Dec.  1314;  ob.  Dec.  1336. 
1336  Henry  de  Sanford,  Archdeacon  of  Canterbury.    Elect* 

ed  36  Dec.  1826 ;  ob.  84  Feb.  1335. 
1835  RKcbavd  de  Wendover.    Elected  36  March,  1335  ;  ob. 

13  Oct.  1350. 
1350  Lawrence  de  St.  Martin,  Cbaplain  and  Counsellor  to 

the  King:.    Elected  19  Oct.  1850  ;  ob.  June,  1374. 
1874  Walter  de  Merton.    Elected  July,  1374  ;  Lord  Chan* 

cellor;  ob.  37  Oct.  1877. 
1878  John  de  Bradfteld,  Monk  of  Rochester.    Oomecrated 

89  May,  1378 ;  ob.  33  April,  1383. 

John  de  Kirkeby,  Arebdeacon  of  Coventry,  was 
elected,  but  he  refused  the  dignity. 

1383  Thomas  de  Inglethorpe,  Dean  of  St.  Paul's.    Elected 

9  July,  1383  ;  ob.  May,  1391. 
1891  Thomas  de  Wuldbnm,  taiat  de  Suthflete,  Prior  of 

Rochester.    Elected,  but  refused  the  dignity ;  being 

again  elected  he,  however,   accepted  it,  and  was 

consecrated  6  Jan.  1391 ;  ob.  38  Feb.  1316. 
1316  Haymo  de  Hythe,  Confessor  to  the  King.    Elected  18 

March,  1316;  ob.4  May,  1353. 
1353  John  de  Shepey,  Prior  of  Rochester.    Appointed  83 

Oct.  1353;  Lord  Treasurer ;  ob.  19  Oct.  1360. 
1360  William  de   Witlesey,  Archdeacon  of   Huntingdon. 

Elected  33  Oct.  1360;  translated  to  Worcester  6 

March,  1363. 
^3  Thomas  Trilleck,  Dean  of  St.  Paul's.    Appointed  6 

March,  1363;  ob.  Dec.  1373. 

ROCHESTfiR.  879 


John  de  Hertley  was  elected,  Vut  be  was  sec 

aside  by  the  Pope* 

137S  Tbomas  de  Brintoni  Confessor  to  tbe  Kin^f.  Ap« 
poiBted  31  Jail.  1373  }  ob.  1389. 

John  Barnet  was  elected^  but  he  was  set  aside 
by  the  Pope. 

1389  WiUiam  de  Bottlesbam.  Translated  from  Landaff  S7 
Aug.  1389 1  ob.Feb.  140e. 

1400  John  de  Bottlesham,  Prebendary  of  York.  Conse- 
crated 4  July,  1400;  ob.  April,  1404. 

1404  Richard  Yoanjc*  Translated  from  Banf^or  $8  July, 
1404;  ob.Oct.  1418. 

1419  John  Kemp,  Archdeacon  of  Durham.  Elected  Jan. 
1419;  translated  to  Chichester  98  Feb.  14S1. 

Thomat  Spofibrd  was  then  elected,  but  before 
consecration  was  removed  td  Hereford. 

1491  John  Langrdon,  Monk  of  Canterbuiy.  Appointed  17 
Nov.  14S1 ;  ob.  30  Sept.  1434. 

1435  Tbomas  Browne,  Dean  of  Salisbury.      Consecrated 

1  May,  1435  i  translated  to  Norwich  10  September, 

1436  WiUiam  Wells,  Abbot  of  York,  afterwards  Provost  of 

Beverley,  Keeper  of  the  Privy  Seal.    Consecrated 

1  April,  1436;  ob.  1443. 
1444  John  Lowe.     Translated  from  St.  Asaph  S9  April, 

1444;  ob.  1467. 
1468  Thomas  Scot,  surnamed  Rotheram,  Provost  of  Be- 

verley.    Ap()ointed  £7  March,  1468  i  translated  to 

Lincoln  in  1471. 
1473  John  Alcock,   Dean  of  St.  Stephen's,  Westminster, 

Master  of  the  Rolls.    Appointed  17  March,  1478; 

translated  to  Worcester  in  1476. 
1476  John  Russell,  Archdeacon  of  Bucks,    Appointed  90 

Sept.  1476  ;  translated  to  Lincoln  in  1480. 
1480  Edmund  Audley,  Prebendary  of  York.    Appointed  18 

Sept.  1480 ;  translated  to  Hereford  in  1492. 
1499  Thomas  Savage,  Canon  of  York,  and  Dean  of  the 

Knfg'i  Chapel.    Appointed  3  Dec.  149S ;  translated 

to  London  S7  Oct.  1496. 


1497  Richard  Fiti-Jameg,  Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's.  Ap- 
pointed 17  May*  1497;  translated  to  Chichester 

1504  John  Fisher,  Chancellor  of  Cambridge,  and  Master  of 
Queen's  College,  Cardinal.  Appointed  14  Oct. 
1504.    Beheaded  99  June,  1535. 

1535  John  Hilsey,  Prior  of  Dominican  Friars  in  London. 
Appotnied  4  Oct.  1535  ;  ob.  1538. 

1540  Nicholas  Heath,  Archdeacon  of  Stafford,  Almoner. 
Elected  96  March,  1540  ;  translated  to  Worcester 

1544  Henry  Holbeach^  Dean  of  Worcester,  Suffragan  Bishop 
of  Bristol.  Elected  3  May,  1544;  translated  to 
Lincoln  in  1547. 

1547  Nicholas  Ridley,  Master  of  Pembroke  Hall,  Cam- 
bridge. Consecrated  5  Sept.  1547;  translated  to 
London  1  April  1550. 

1550  John  Foynet,  Prebendary  of  Canterbury.    Consecrated 

89  June  1550  ;  translated  to  Winchester  23  March 

1551  John  Scory.    Consecrated  30  Aug.  1551 ;  translated 

to  Chichester  May  15 5i. 


1554  Maurice  GrifBn,  Archdeacon  of  Rochester*  Conse- 
crated 1  April,  1554;  ob.  SO  Nov.  1558. 

1559  Edmund  Gbeast,  Archdeacon  of  Canterbury.  Elected 
99  Jan.  1559;  translated  to  Salisbury  in  1571. 

1571  Edmund  Freake,  Dean  of  Salisbury.  Elected  26  Feb. 
1571  ;  translated  to  Norwich  1575. 

1576  John  Piers,  Dean  of  Salisbury  and  (Christ  Church, 
Oaford,  Almoner.  Elected  10  April,  1576 ;  trans- 
lated to  Salisbury  in  1577. 

1578  John  Young,  Pre